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Bail 15 ngi va mau cau dinh hinh bé cuc bai nghi luan 1, Visao ban can sti dung 15 ngi va mau cau mau? Day [a abing ngit va mau cau duoc thiét ké dua theo céc yéu céu cla tiéu chi ti 7 diém tré lén. Cac nget va mau cau 06 dinh nay thyc chat la b6 khung dinh hinh b6 cuc bai Juan. Tuy bam sat theo khuén méu nhung thi sinh hodn toan cé thé trinh bay ¥ kin ctia minh mét céch tudo. Uu diém cia 15 ngit va miu cu miu nay la dim bio tinh logic cho bai viét, givp thi sinh suy nghi nhanh hon va viét ludn & dang hon, ons nha 1 Nowadays, an in x number ‘Boga dit abi re ce Gidi thieu béi cinh (néuchi'dd of people are concerned about.» 0" . 2, However, whether .. is a cont anit pita eOOee" Neu eh dé tran lugn chobiét quan yersial issue. diém cd nhén) 5. sy view is that .. Trinh bay quan diém c4 nhan 4, Firs, iris obvious that Nguyén nhda thi nbét, cau trong tam Trinh bay cu thé hon nguyén nhan oan thithat 5. This means that... ee Boe (neu iy) nes Quan diém ngudi viét dita ra la 6 6. 80, co 88, 7. Moreover, Nguyén nin tht hai, eu trong tam Beenie 3, Bor ecsinple, Néu vi dy (cing cy thé eang tot) (neu vid) 53 Giai thich vi ay hong phi di 10, That is nor ro say that... nor... ‘Shéné phildinh hodn ton quan. idm 461 ap eae ltlaeae Thita nhan rang quan aiém di 1¢p ts 4 IC, : Biogh c6 Khia canh hap ly ie Chi ra rang quan diém déi lap cé: ies Khia canh bat hop ly 13. In sum, « Nhée lai quan diém da trinh bay Déing thoi cling Khong nén xem nhe 14. Meanwhile, ... é Doan thei nam we quan diém 461 lap (két un) i doing so, ake sure 15. By doing so, we can m deja that... $54_~ Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing Hay suy nghi céc cau hoi dudi day: * Thisinh khong néu tryc tiép quan diém cé nhan trong cu cuéi ciing cla doan thi nhét 06 dugc khéng? * Tai sao thf sinh phii néu vi dy 6 doan thet ba? Bai vigt sé nhw thé nao néu thf sinh khong tim duge vi du phi hop? © ‘Thf sinh khéng viet doan thié tu (thé hign su nhugng bé) cé duuge khéng? © “Taisao thi sink phai vist cdu md rng van dé 6 doan két bai? Hay doc ky myc 2 tip theo day va tim Idi gidi dap cho cdc cau hai trén, 2. Giang gidi 15 ngd va mau cau mau dinh hinh bé cuc bai van nghi luan Dé thi cia bai lugn dat diém 5 4 Chuong 1, phén Ky nang lam bai thi Viét Task 2 sé duoc ding dé gidi thich cach stt dung 15 ng@ va mu céu mau trong bai nghi luan. pe: WRITING TASK 2 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task Vesa Tee vr Retr ec cr Teel Se ee a aa Teast eet Cate gear eal rusls Aor oe Ro eer rina eae nee err cetera wn et fen a toot Baeen Tees Dan y: ‘Quan diém: Chife nang chi yu cia dai hoc 18 cung cap kién thifc va kj nang cin thiét cho vigc lam trong tuong lai ca sinh vién. Nguyén nbfin 1: Muc dich hoc lén dai hoc ciia hoc sinh la tim vige lam trong tuong lai. wow Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~ 55 ee ay Nguyén nhin 2; Nhung kign thiic va ky nang ma vigc lam doi hoi thudng mdi mé. Chui trong nghién cufu ning néi dung nay c6 thé thtéc day nha trudng phdt trién, Cau dau tién cia doan nhap dé: Gidi thiéu béi cinh Hay viet cau dau tién cia doan nhap dé (va cé doan nhap dé) that nhanh, that ngén gon va 16 rang. Ding mat qué nhiéu thdi gian dé suy nghi, cn nhac tig céu ting chit cho cau mé dau cting nhw dogn nhjp dé cia bai luan. Phai dink nbiéu thoi gian hon dé tim lugn cif va vi du cho phin than bai, Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purpose of uni- versity education. 1. Hay ghi nhé céc miu cau sau: * Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the phenom- enon that .. * Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purposes that university education serves. * Nowadays, more and more students are concerned about what they will learn in universities. * Universities are one of the most intportant institutions in modern society. 2, Néu khéng nghi ra due ndi dung cau thet nhat trong khodng that gian ngin, ban 6 thé bé qua cu nay, néu tryc tiép quan diém cia minh va chi cn viét hai cau cho doan ma dau + Lagree with the view that ... Reasons are as follows. 3. Tat nhién chuing ta cing 6 nhing cach dign dat hay dé cau dau tien gay duge én tugng manh véi giém khéo. Ning céch didn dat nay s€ duge gidi thigu & chuong Cau thy hai ctia doan nhap dé: Néu chu dé tranh Luan Ban s@ néu chii dé tranh fuan théng qua viéc trinh bay hai quan diém déi lap. Dé thé hign hai quan diém nay d cau thé hai cia doan nhap dé, ban cd thé sit dung mét trong ba mau cau sau (va nén hoc thudc cd ba miu cau): 56— Marvellous Techniques for JELES Writing A. However, whether ... However, whether universities should mainly provide job-related skills to graduates is a controversial issue. B, However, whether ... or... However, whether universities should mainly provide job-related skills or pure know- ledge to graduates has caused heated debate. - Ngoai hai mu céu trén, ban cé thé sit dung ménh dé danh ngit déng vai trd cht ng bat dau bling dai ti khée: However, what kind of knowledge and skills universities should mainly provide to graduates is a controversial issue. C. Some people state that Some people state that universities should focus on giving access to knozwledge; others believe that the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace are more important for uni- versity graduates. Cau thi ba cia doan nhap d&; Trinh bay quan diém cé nhan Trong mot sé bai ludn dat diém cao, ngudi viét thudng té r6 quan diém & doan két lugn, Céc vi dy va ludin ct od siz an khdp, céc ¥ duge trién khai lién mach va két luan duoc nit ra hop logic. Newai doc bi thuyét phuc din khi doc céc doan trong bai viet va cudi cng tén thanh quan diém ma ngudi viet néu ra doan két ludn. Mét sO thi sinh da co ging bat chudc I6i hinh van nay nhung khéng thanh céng. Vai phén nhap dé va phan than bai khé map md, gidm khdo phai doc dén hét bai mdi hiéu duoc phan nao ndi dung ma thi sink muéin trinh bay. Khi ds giém khdo sé phé la: The position is not clear throughout. Vi khé b6 cuc bai viet theo kiéu ¥ truéc chun bi cho y sau, ¥ sau an khdp véi ¥ true nén ban cén néu r6 quan diém cia minh 6 doan nh§p dé, Digu nay sé gitip gidm khao do mét méi Khi doc bai viét cia ban, béi néu g’p nbting cu qué t6i nghta 6 phdn sau, giém hdo c6 thé da vao quan diém ma ban da trinh bay dé hiéu nhang ndi dung ban dién dat. www. Marvellous Techniques ‘Mudn trinh bay quan diém ca nhan, ban chi céin hoc thuge ede mau cau dudi day: In my view, = ‘My view is that ... (+ ménh dé danh ngut dng vai tro bé ngit) T agree with the view that .,, (+ ménh 48 danh ng déng vai trd déng vi ngt) for the following reasons. Vidy: My view is that job-related knowledge and skills universities, 41, Néucaunéu chi dé tranh lugin cia ban la Some people state that...; others believe | that... thi & cu trinh bay quan diém cd nln, ban cé thé viét don gidn hon: should be the main focus of I mainly agree with the former! latter view for the following reasons. 2, Ding néu quan diém trung lap kiéu nbut There is value in both sides. Néu trinh bay quan diém khong r6 rang, ban sé rét kh6 viét céc doan tiép theo. Chi nling | nguéi cé ky nang viet xuat s4c mei dém néu quan diém trang lap ngay tit ddu, bai bang céch lap lun rét logic va day sic thayét phuc & nhimg cau sau, ho sé gitp ngudi doe dn nhin ra quan diém eta riéng ho. Cau thi nhat cia doan than bai thi nhat: Cau trong tam cla dogn Muc dich cia doan thin bai th nbét la diing ly le dé thuyét phuc ngudi doc. Hay sit dung mau céu It is clear that ... dé viét lun ctt ma ban cho [a quan trong nhit. Trong mau cau vita néu, that mé dau ménh dé danh nga déng vai trd chi ngw. Vi vay sau that, ban phai viét mot ménh d@ hoan chin, luu y 1a ménh dé nay phai néu sy that ma moi ngudi déu thita nan. First, itis obvious that for most students, the purpose of receiving university education is to obtain practical knowledge and skills which will enable them to become qualified em- ployees in the future job market. Hay hgc thude nhGng cach dién dat sau é8 viét cu trong tam cia doan than bai | th nha First, it is clear/obvious/trae that . One reason for this is that ... First, there is no doubt that .. 58 Marvellous Tecbniques for LTS Writ ‘ Cau thi? hai cua doan than bai thi nhat; Giai thich, mé réng cau trong tim Sau khi viét cu trong tm ca doan than bai, nhiéu thf sinh khong biét viét gi 6 cAu ti€p theo. Cé thé ni day la cu khé viet nhdt trong 15 ngd va mau cau mau. Ba mau cau dudi day duoc trinh bay dé ban Iya chon khi viét céu thif hai ctia dogn than bai thé nit (Thue chét dé la ba hudng tu duy. Ban hay suy nghi theo ba hung nay trong hic lam bai thi) i. This is because ... (nguyén nhan ciia si vic duge néu trong cau trong tim) This is because most of them, after graduation, will enter the workplace, earn a living, and support their own families. . This means that ... (két qua cia sy viée duge néu trong cu trong tam) This means that the courses focusing on jobs will become the most welcomed subjects which the majority of students will select. iii, If... not... (nlhiing anh hudng tiéu cyc néu xy ra tinh huGng tréi ngugc vai su vige duge néu trong céu trong tam (ding phurong phép phan chting)) If universities do not pay enough attention to such skills, most graduates will not be able to find satisfactory positions in the workplace, leading to a higher unemployment rate. Mt 56 tai ligu hudng dan ky nang viét ludn khuyén thf sinh ding cde cum tit du6i day dé bat dau cau thit hai cia doan than bai thet nhét. Digu may rat khéng nén vi dé khién | thé sinh vidt lan man (tat nbién nbiing nguai cé trinh a6 viét t&t vin e6 thé sit dung). In other words, More precisely, i Mote specifically, : Cau thi ba cla doan than bai thi nhat hdc lai quan diém ciia ban (da duse trink bay 6 cau cubi cting cia doan nhap dé). So, universities, as service providers, have to give top priority to these customers? real needs. Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~ 59 : ‘Bé qué trinh viét tré nén don gidn hon, ban cé thé ding mau cau sau khi viét cau kkét thuic doan than bai thi nhat, ‘Therefore, it is necessary /crucial/important for sb. to do sth. ‘Therefore, it is crucial for universities to give top priority to the students’ real needs. ‘Cau thi nhat cda doan than bai thi hai Bay [a céu trong tim cia doan thén bai tht hai. Cau nay néu nguyén nhin thet hai, nghia la ban c6 thém mét ludn cif nita dé khang dinh quan diém cia minh. Moreover, focusing on the job-related skills can benefit the university itself. C6 thé ding moreover, in addition, besides 4é mé dau cau thif nhat ciia doan than bai thet hai, Cau thi hai cia doan than bai thi hai Day la cau vi du dé lam ré lugn caf vita trinh bay 6 cau trong tm. Bai ludn cia nhiéu thf sinh thudng ¢6 nhuge diém 1a néu ly 1é qua nbiéu nhung lai thiéu vi du. Diéu nay dén én tinh trang céc ly Ié dua ra c6 thé triing lap hogc gdn giGng nhau va bai viét khong dé lai dn tugng cho gidm khdo. Vi vay, thf sinh nén o6 géng tim mét vi du phi hgp dé trinh bay trong cau nay, Ngoai ra, viée néu vi du cén dap ting yéu cdu cia dé thi (include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience). For example, the science fiction blockbuster “Avatar” has marked a milestone in the filmmaking industry and drawn massive interest in 3-D technology. 1. Néu tit nga ctia cau vita néu qué khé, ban c6 thé viét don gidn hon: For example, 3-D technology has become a hot topic after the movie Avatar made the whole world crazy. Nén nhé ring nguyén nbn khign da s6 tht sink bi diém kém & mon viet khong phai Ia s6 luong tix, 60~ Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing www. 2. Cée vi du phai cu thé va phi hgp véi Inn cif thi bai vin moi gay dugc dn tuong v6i gidm khdo. Ban hay néu vi dy la nhing svt kién din ra & pham vi quéc té, cang dién ra phé bién va cang gan thi diém hién tai cdng tot. M6t sé thf sinh néu nhiing sy kign chi xAy ra 6 qué gia minh sinh sding, lai xAy ra céch day rét lau, thm chf tiv thai xa xia, Diéu nay hodn todn khong nén vi sé khién cdc gidin Khdo ngui ban ngdt cim thay khé hiéu, Cu thi? ba ciia doan than bai thi hai Trong cu nay, ban phai gidi thfch vi sao minh dura ra vi dy mao d6 (cu thé 6 day la Avatar vi 3-D) 4 cau thit hai déng thoi lap luan dé chténg minh cho luan cif da tinh bay 6 cfu trong tam. If a university can quickly respond and consolidate teaching resources to offer courses about 3-D, not only will its graduates be more competitive in the job market, but the uni- versity itself will keep pace with the technological development and move forward. 1. Kb gidi thich vf dy, ban khéng cén sit dung mfu cu 6 inh ma 6 thé din dat | try ¥. Diu quan trong la ban phai cho thay moi lién he gita vi dy duge néu voi cau trong tam. 2, Ban ciing c6 thé néu thém vf dy khéc (Another example is ..), sau 46 gidi thfch v1 sao dua ra vidu nay. | 3. Néukhéng nghi ra duge vi du hay thi hay vigt cAu thit hai va thitba ciia dogn than | bai thf hai tuong tyr cu tht hai va thf ba eta dogn than bal thf nbd, Neha la mét lén na ban trinh bay cy thé hon nguyén nhan da néu & cau trong tam dé Khing dink quan éiém minh dua ra la c6 co sd. i Cau thi nhat ctia doan than bai thi ba Viec viét dogn than bai thi ba bay t8 sy nhuong 9 sé cé hai loi ich. Thié nha, da s6 thi sinh suy nghi dugc hai nguyén nhén dé bao vé quan diém cia minh da that vét vi nén rat kh c6 thé nghi duve thém nguyén nban thet ba. Khi d6, thi sinh cin suy nghi theo ‘Marvellous Techniques for LELTS Writing ~ 61 hhucng Khée: tim nguyén nhin hoac vi dy cho st ting hé quan diém 4éi lap. Bigu nay d& thyc hién hon nhiéu. The hai, khi dé cap dén quan diém déi lgp, bai viét cila thi sinh sé trénh dugc trinh trang bj mat diém do pham Idi addresses the task only partially (xem bang tiéu chi chm diém). Ban nén hoc cd ba mau cau dudi day dé trinh bay quan diém déi lap va ty timg dé thi cu thé ma chon mét trong ba mau céu nay. A, That is not to say that ... not ... (quan diém déi lp hoa toan v6 ly) ; That is not to say that universities should not pay any attention to developing ure science and knowledge. : B. It is also true that ... (mot s6 mat nao dé trong quan diém d6i lap) I Its also true that universities should develop pure science and knowledge. C. Those who harbor the view that ... believe that ... (miu céu nay bao gm ménh dé tinh nga, ménh dé danh nga déng vai trd dng vi nga va ménh dé dan ngit déng vai trd tn nga) Those who harbor the view that the main function of universities should be to sive access to the knowledge believe that the theoretical knowledge is the founda- tion of any practical skills, 1, Ban khéng nén cf ging hoc thugc léng va sit dung mau cau C do cau 6 cau tric phtic tap véi nhiéu ménh dé phy dan xen, Néu hdu hét cdc cdu trong bai viét cia | ban c6 cau tric don gidn thi sy-xudt hign cila cau nay ~ cho dit ban viét hoan toan | dking ngtt php ~ sé khign gidm khdo nhan ra day la cau byn hoc thuéc long, 2, Néu bai viét dé cap dén nhing diém thuan loi va diém bat Igi, ban cé thé sir dung cfu sau: This is not to say, however, that we should neglect the problems it has caused as acknowledging the positive impact only would be short-sighted. Cau thi hai cua doan than bai the ba Hay suy nghi vé mot sé khia canh hop ly trong quan diém déi lap (khi xern xét cc trudng hop dac biét), trinh bay chi tiét hon cau thit nhat cua doan ni 62 - Marvellous Techaigues for 1S Writing There are, of course, students interested in knowledge for its owm sake, and they will later become scientists and scholars who will make greater contributions to our society. C6 thé ding of course hoac indeed dé mé dau cau thif hai cla doan than bai thit ba. Cau thi ba ca doan than bai th ba 6 cau nay, ban 06 thé trinh bay ni dung nh sau: cho dit nhu vay nhung quan diém 6i Ip vin khéng ding trong da s6 trudng hgp, cho dii ton tai nbiing mat tiéu cuc ké trén nhung su anh huting tich cuc van lén hon, But unfortunately, these people are few. © C6 thé mé dau cau thif ba ca doan than bai thif ba bing céc tit nhu but, how- ever, yer. © ‘Thang tin & doan than bai thf ba la thong tin thit yéu trong bai lun. Vi vay ban ding danh qué mhiéu thdi gian cho doan nay. | © Néu khéng biét phin béc quan diém déi lép nhu thé nao, ban c6 thé viet ring quan diém ma minh dua ra vin hop ly hon. But still, job-related skills are more important for most students. But still, the cons are far greater. Cau thet nhat cia doan két luan Bé mé dau doan két Iudn, hay nhdc loi quan diém cé nbn, Ban cé thé dién gidi Iai cau Iufin dé trong phan nhap dé, In sum}conclusion, the major function of universities should be providing most students with job-related skills, guaranteeing high rate of employment, and thus making the society function well. worn Maryeltous Techniques for LELTS Writing ~ 63 Thong thudng, diéu gay zh tugng manh hat d0i voi gidm khdo sau Khi doc bai Jugn atia thi sinh nao d 1a cde vf dy va doan két lug, Cau thif hai cla doan két Luan. Day la cu dé cap dén quan diém déi lép. Ban cs thé trinh bay ndi dung sau; déng thai chiing ta cting khéng thé xem nhe quan diém déi lap hoac danh gid thép nhiing téc dong tiéu cuc cia sy vige nao dé, Meanwhile, we should not ignore the other important roles universities are undertaking. ‘© Trong bai lugn cia bai thi Viét IELTS, ban khong dugc viét doan van chi cé mét cau, Tinh trang nay thing xdy ra khi thf sinh viét doan két luan. © Hay hoc thuge miu cts Meanwhile, we should not ignore/neglect | overlook/ underestimate sth.’s negative effects. Cau thi ba clia doan két ludn ‘That ra chi cn viét hai cau trén la ban da cé mét doan két luan hoan chinh. Néu muén dat diém cao, ban phai viét thém mét cau nda — hodc 1a c4u tém tat ngi dung that 4n tugng hodc [a cau mé réng chui dé tranh luan, Only by doing so can universities maintain dynamic and sustainable development. * Vé doan két lugn, tiéu chi 6 diém chi ra nhuge diém la: The conclusions may | become unclear or repetitive. Vi vay muén dat 7 diém thi khi viét doan két lun, ban khong thé viét lai mét cach don gian ma phai tém tét n6i dung da trinh bay sa0 cho that din tugng hoae phai mé rong chi 4é tranh Inn, (64 ~ Marvellous Techniques for IELI'S Writing www. © Néu khong mé réng duoc chi d tranh lugn tht ban chi céin viét cau thit ba cia dogn két lun theo miu cau sau: By doing so, we can ensure that .. Only by doing so can we make sure that .. © Néu thaly cdu nay c6 vé guong gao thi khong nén viet. én day bai viét xem nhu da hoan tét. Ban néi cdc cau véi nhau, doc lai mét lan nda va kiém tra theo cc n6i dung da trinh bay 6 muc 3, phén Nhiing diéu cin biét vé bai thi Viet IELTS, Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purposes that uni- versity education serves. However, whether they should mainly provide job-related skills or pure knowledge to graduates has caused heated debate. My view is that practical skills, should be the main focus of universities. First, itis lear that for most students, the purpose of receiving university education is to obtain specific knowledge and skills, which will enable them to become qualified employees in the future job market. This is because most of them, after graduation, will enter the workplace, earn their living, and raise their own families. So, universities, as service providers, have to give top priority to these customers’ real needs. Moreover, focusing on the job-related skills can benefit the university itself. For example, the science fiction blockbuster “Avatar” has marked a milestone in the filmmaking industry and sparked massive interest in 3-D technology. If a university can quickly respond and consolidate teaching resources to offer courses regarding 3-D, not only will its graduates be more competitive in the near future, but the university itself will keep pace with the modern technological development and move forward. ‘hat is not to say that universities should not pay any attention to pure scientific research. ‘There are, of course, students interested in theoretical knowledge such as math and philosophy, and they will later become scientists and scholars who will make greater contributions to our society. But unfortunately, these people are few. In sum, the major function of universities should be providing students with job-related skills, guaranteeing high rate of employment, and thus making the society function wel, Meanwhile, we should not ignore the other important roles universities are undertak- ing, Only by doing so can universities maintain dynamic and sustainable development. : (290 words) www Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~ 65

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