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Reading: There were 7 days of reading assigned for the Biblical text (Aug. 26-
Sept. 7) and
9 days for Fields (Aug. 24-Sept. 7). Please know how many of those days you
completed for each. I will be interested in how much you actually read, not in how
much you skimmed in preparation for this exam.
Definitions: revelation, canon, dispensation, toledoth, creation ex nihilo, the
imago Dei,
anthropomorphic, monogamy, polygamy, protoevangelium, antediluvian,
postdiluvian, covenant, ziggurat.
Revelation – acquaint us with Gods desires and plan
Canon – green word kanon, means measuring stick → is the standard for
what other books need to have
Dispensation – a period of time in which God worked in a certain way
Toledoth - “This is the account of” statement
Creation Ex Nihilo – Creation out of nothing
The imago dei – the image of God in latin-
Anthropomorphic – human like qualities. - to speak of God in human form
monogamy - one man and one woman
polygamy – two or more woman to one man
potoevangelium -
antediluvian – time before the flood
postdiluvian – time after the flood
covenant – pact between two peoppl eof God and his people
ziggurat - temple tower, either stepped in tiers or spiral
• Know in order the 17 historical books (Genesis-Esther) to be covered in the 2
of OT History.
1st Samuel
2nd Samuel
1st Kings
2nd Kings
1st Chronicles
2nd Chronicles
• Reasons to study (mess with) the O T.
-It reveals Jesus Christ in the scriptures
Jesus quoted the OT
Its relevant to our hearts and our lives
• 3 major divisions of O T during Jesus’ day (also found in Hebrew Bible).
Law Prophets and Writings
• 3 major dispensations.
Patriarchal – God as father
Mosaic – Covenant with people
Christian – In and through Jesus
• Meanings (and language origin) of Pentateuch & Torah.
Pentateuch – five scrolled
Torah - instruction
• Understand the gist of the most popular opposition to Moses’ authorship of the
Pentateuch and arguments against the theory.
JEDP Theory antisupernatural sentiment.
• 3 ways Moses was equipped to write the Pentateuch
raised by pharaohs daughter
was a prophet who received revelation
had 40 years in the desert
• Language origin and meaning of Genesis.
Origin, source, beginning in Greek
• Most common name for God in the creation account, significance of its plural or
• 3 most common names for God and their meanings.
Elohim – Mighty one, focuses on Gods power
Yahweh – Existing one, focuses on his existence
Adonai – My Lord, focuses on his rule
• 7 reasons I believe the days of creation are literal, 24-hour periods.
1. Adam – Adam was created on day 6 and lived until day 7
2. Context suggests days not years
3. Evening and morning are mentioned.
4. Plants could not survived for long geological period without the sunday
5. Every other time yom is used it is a literal day
6. The sabbath law require yom to be a literal solar day
7. Why hide the fact>
8. Most people wanna harmonize fact with other ideas.
• What I suggested were the 3 most significant implications of being “made in
1. We rule over creation
2. We are able to have relatinoship with him
3. We are creative and able to subdue the earth
• What capitalized “LORD” means as opposed to lower case “Lord.”
LORD = Tetragrammation, the unspeakable name
Lord = King
• Idea behind word “formed” in 2:7.
artist working a potter
• Literal meaning of Eden.
• Form of marriage I suggested was the Creator’s original intent.
• Why I suggested Adam was nearby during Eve’s temptation.
Husband was with her
• First messianic prophecy in scripture.
Genesis 3:15 Serpent. You will strike the heel of men, you
• Cherubim and what they are usually associated with in scripture.
Cherubim is a type of angel, a
• I conjectured that Eden existed until what event.
The fall
• Significance of word “lay” in 4:1. What it communicates.
• Differences (suggested by the instructor) in attitudes of Cain and Abel toward
Cain -
Abel -
• Why we think Cain’s murder of his brother was premeditated.
• O T idea behind “being cursed.”
-Not being favored by God.
• Purpose of Cain’s mark.
-so others wont kill him
• First polygamist.
• Restriction placed on how meat may or may not be eaten.
• Meaning I suggested behind “at that time men began to call on the name of the
-they began to meet together for worship
• Which gospel writer records the same genealogy list as GEN 5.
• What was unusual about Enoch.
-He walked with God
• Meaning I suggested for “sons of God” and “daughters of men” in GEN 6
-Sons of God, Daughters of Cain
• My suggestion for who the Nephilim were GEN 6.
• Idea behind “perfect” or “blameless” as applied to Noah.
-well rounded, a righteous man, a good father, perfect as compared to
the “people of his time”
• Approximate meaning of “cubit.”
18 inches
• When it was suggested mankind became meat-eaters.

• 4 reasons to believe flood story is literally true.

1. Jesus said it happened
2. stories about it in all primitive cultures
3. billions of creatures are fossilized all over the world
4. vast erosion of earths ancient surface and rocks

• 3 sons of Noah and which would become the line through which Christ would
Japheth, Ham, Shem. Shem would be the Christ line
• Whether or not I thought Ham’s offense against Noah was sexual in nature.
-no, looked with mocking satisfaction
• Nimrod, his name, the descriptions of him, and what event Jewish literature
connects him
Means tyrant. A mighty warrior. His name means “let us revolt”.
Associated with ancient Jewish literature

• Who Josephus was and his time period.

How people after Jesus' day remembered Nimrod. Lived 37-100ad
• Suggestions regarding duplication of names in Ham’s and Shem’s lines in GEN
different people, same name, and or cross marriage between two lines
• Suggestions for “in his (Peleg’s) time the earth was divided” and which I
Earth shifted in two parts or the Babel incident, when people were
divided by language.
• Shinar an alternative name for what.
• Which (tower or city) I considered the real issue in the Babel account.
Refusing to fill the earth and instead are staying put in the city
• Meaning of “Babel.”
Gate of God
• Meaning of “Shem.”
• Name from which the term “Hebrew” eventually comes.
• Meaning of “Abram.”
great father
• Approximate time period of Abram.
2100 BC
• Religious background of Abram’s father, Terah.
[Exam will be GradeMaster. One card will be sufficient.]

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