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Eur J Appl Physiol (1999) 79: 182±191 Ó Springer-Verlag 1999


E.W. Banister á J.B. Carter á P.C. Zarkadas

Training theory and taper: validation in triathlon athletes

Accepted: 1 September 1998

Abstract This paper de®nes a training theory with Key words Training theory á Modeling á Taper á
which to predict the e€ectiveness of various formats of Performance
taper in optimizing physical performance from a stan-
dardized period of training and taper. Four di€erent
taper pro®les: step reduction vs exponential (exp) decay Introduction
and fast vs slow exp decay tapers, were simulated in a
systems model to predict performance p(t) resulting Taper is an e€ective way to ensure recovery from heavy
from a standard square-wave quantity of training for 28 training and is generally accepted as an integral part of
days. The relative e€ectiveness of each of the pro®les in optimal preparation for competition (Coyle et al. 1984;
producing optimal physical improvement above pre-ta- Gibla et al. 1994; Houmard and Johns 1994; Houmard
per criterion physical test standards (running and cycle et al. 1994; Johns et al. 1992; Neufer et al. 1987). Recent
ergometry) was determined. Simulation showed that an experimental evidence supports the bene®cial physical
exp taper was better than a step-reduction taper, and a and physiological e€ects of taper (Houmard et al. 1994;
fast exp decay taper was superior to a slow exp decay Shepley et al. 1992). However, the speci®c form and size
taper. The results of the simulation were tested experi- of the training impulse, the length of its time course and
mentally in ®eld trials to assess the correspondence be- the onset time, time course and format of taper have not
tween simulation and real-training criterion physical been well de®ned or standardized.
tests in triathlon athletes. The results showed that the Taper is characterized as a special period during
exp taper …s ˆ 5 days† group made a signi®cantly which the training stimulus is reduced in a systematic,
greater improvement above a pre-taper standard non-linear fashion (Houmard et al. 1994). Recent evi-
…P  0:05† than the step-reduction taper group in cycle dence has demonstrated that much of the performance
ergometry, and was better, but not signi®cantly so, in a decrement and loss of physiological adaptation that in-
5-km run. A fast exp taper group B …s ˆ 4 days† per- evitably accompanies extensive detraining (Hickson et al.
formed signi®cantly better …P  0:05† in maximal, cycle 1982, 1985; Houmard et al. 1990b) may be minimized if
ergometry above a pre-taper training standard than a training is either maintained at a reduced level (Gibla
slow exp taper group A (s ˆ 8 days) and was improved et al. 1994; Houmard and Johns 1994; Johns et al. 1992;
more, but not signi®cantly so, than group A in a 5-km Neufer et al. 1987) or tapered (Houmard and Johns 1994;
criterion run. The mean improvement on both physical Houmard et al. 1994; Johns et al. 1992; Neufer 1989).
tests by exp decay taper groups all increased signi®cantly An advantage in the physical performance resulting
…P  0:05† above their pre-taper training standard. from the use of a taper protocol compared with a step
Maximum oxygen uptake increased signi®cantly in a reduction in training volume prior to competition has
group of eight remaining athletes during 2 weeks of ®nal also become apparent. In one study a 70% reduction of
taper after three athletes left early for ®nal preparations normal training volume for 3 weeks did not signi®cantly
at the race site. improve a 5-km run time or muscular power in distance
runners (Houmard et al. 1990a). In contrast, a 7-day
taper with an overall 85% reduction in weekly training
volume improved both a 5-km race time and muscular
power (Houmard et al. 1994). These results indicate that
E.W. Banister (&) á J.B. Carter á P.C. Zarkadas when training volume is reduced progressively and
School of Kinesiology, Simon Fraser University, rapidly to an extremely low level, physical performance
Burnaby, B.C., Canada, V5A 1S6 is improved more than by a single, or several step

reductions of up to 2/3 the training volume during a practiced, followed by an appropriate taper, will im-
more extended period. The latter method appears only prove physical, physiological and biochemical test indi-
to maintain an existing performance capability (Hou- ces of the trainee above both a baseline pre-training level
mard et al. 1990a). and a pre-taper training level by a determined amount
Although it is well known that maximum oxygen which may be predicted. The quantity of daily training
consumption (V_ O2 max ) increases with training in the e€ecting this result, termed the training impulse
relatively untrained, recent studies of taper have dem- (TRIMP), may be calculated from the duration and in-
onstrated an improvement in physical performance tensity of exercise and expressed quantitatively. This
without an increase in V_ O2 max in those already well latter quantity determines the level of stimulus an indi-
trained (Houmard et al. 1994; Neufer et al. 1987). Im- vidual absorbs to activate the genetic expression of re-
provement in physical performance has been attributed sources necessary for the organism's needs if it is to
to adaptation at the muscle level, where some improved adapt to routinely producing the new increased daily
strength and recovery from the fatigue of heavy training, level of energy expenditure required, without break-
rather than an improvement in V_ O2 max has been con- down. A systems model of training (Fig. 1) from Ban-
sidered the determining factor. However, if an imposed ister and Fitz-Clarke (1993) shows diagramatically the
physical training stimulus is of sucient intensity and basic process of predicting performance p(t) from
duration to cause adaptation, producing a higher level of training by transforming a daily TRIMP score [w(t)]
physical work than previously attainable prior to train- into separate daily scores of hypothesized ®tness [g(t)]
ing, it seems axiomatic that both muscular and aerobic and fatigue [h(t)]. The di€erence between g(t) and h(t),
power should improve. This and other inconsistencies measured in arbitrary units (AUs) of the TRIMP, at any
described in training studies to date: why running per- point in time should trace a predicted time course p(t)
formance improves concomitantly with a decreased for a real physical performance. p(t), therefore, may be
V_ O2 max and reduced training (Houmard 1991); why iteratively modeled to match the time course of real,
physiological and biochemical adaptation, gained during serially measured, physical criterion performances, e.g.
rigorous training, decay steeply as physical performance running or ergometry tests either measured in points,
increases during reduced training (Coyle et al. 1984, normalized to an existing world record arbitrarily set at
1985, 1986; Hickson et al. 1985; Houmard et al. 1994), 1000 points, or in conventional units of the type of test
may stem from the lack of underlying theory to explain, (seconds or Watts). TRIMP data, the signal quantitative
and established standard methods to investigate, training measure of the amount of training undertaken, is ma-
phenomena quantitatively. Standard methodology nipulated in systems modeling of training from the pa-
should include measurement of: rameter vector of the model that consists of two
multiplying factors k1 and k2 which convert the TRIMP
1. The dose of exercise undertaken in a given period
measurement [w(t)] to respective ®tness and fatigue im-
(implicit in the type, pattern, frequency, duration and
pulses, and two decay time constants s1 and s2 that
intensity of e€ort in a standard period, (per session,
de®ne the relative decline of accumulated ®tness and
day or week).
fatigue, at di€erent rates, in the interval between training
2. The format of training, e.g. impulse (pulse width),
sessions and during any taper prior to competition.
step (step size), ramp (ramp slope), or pseudo-ran-
Default parameters of the model parameter vector have
dom binary number (number and size designation).
been determined, validated and rationalized previously
3. The extent and format of taper, step reduction (neg-
(Fitz-Clarke et al. 1991; Morton et al. 1990) to be
ative step size), ramp (negative ramp slope), and exp
k1 ˆ 1 , k2 ˆ 2, with s1 ˆ 45 days and s2 ˆ 15 days.
decay (size of the decay time constant).
The parameter vector changes with an individual's
Banister et al. (1996) have de®ned a quantitative theo- changing growth in capability, and is usually reset from
retical approach to producing predictable physical, iterative modeling of the most recent training and taper.
physiological and clinical responses to a de®ned quantity A training theory also requires that a standard for-
and format of training followed by taper. In the present mat or formats of training should be available to e€ect a
study the physical and physiological response of a group recognizable systems response to it. For example, the
of triathletes to four patterns of taper from a stan- response to a square-wave stimulus of heavy training is
dardized block of training has been predicted in a sim- an exp growth curve for physiological attributes and a
ulation study, based upon theory. The results of the decay curve for physical performance. The response may
simulation have been subsequently compared with the now be expressed both mathematically and quantita-
real result of preparing athletes for competition along tively and be observed during its development (Booth
the di€erent preparatory paths of the simulation study. 1977). Successive square-wave increments in training
separated by tapers o€er careful control of growth in
performance to be exercised with overtraining and injury
Training theory substantially avoided. An increase in the level of inten-
sity and duration of training (Dudley et al. 1982; Ter-
The training theory proposed is that a precisely mea- jung 1979) beyond the current level of activity practiced
sured quantity of training, above that currently being is needed to induce Morton 1991, failure of currently

Fig. 1 A systems model of training showing transformation of the pathophysiological state of overtraining, producing an
time course of a training impulse (TRIMP; left middle) into ®tness excessive and damaging immune system response,
[g(t)] (top-middle) and fatigue [h(t)] (bottom-middle) impulses that chronic tissue disruption, possibly overt injury, and a
determine predicted performance [p(t)] (right) from the systems
diagram and equations of the model (center). w(t) de®nes the Temp general malaise. Each step increment in training must
score at any time t; i is the time in days or fractions thereof between therefore be imposed at a steady level, probably for no
training sessions. Reprinted from Banister and Fitz-Clarke (1993) with longer than 30±40 days before a taper lasting from 10
permission from Elsevier Science days to 14 days is completed to determine the level of
improvement e€ected by the training just completed, in
available body systems and metabolic resources to meet a previously measured standard criterion physical per-
the new sustained energetic demand. This results in focal formance. Programmed tapers introduced periodically
muscle tissue disruption, satellite cell activation (Darr into ongoing training, besides allowing a quantitative
and Schultz 1987; McCormick and Thomas 1992) and assessment of progress, provide protection from the
focal in¯ammatory responses at many points that induce pathophysiology of overtraining. These features of
a biological stimulus to express new proteins and en- training theory are implicit in several papers in the re-
zymes to meet the increased metabolic and structural cent literature (Booth 1977; Calvert et al. 1976; Dudley
demands and to e€ect repair, remodeling and nutrition et al. 1982; Terjung 1979).
of tissue form and function (Armstrong 1990; Beisel
1977; Gleeson et al. 1995; Mader 1988, Parry-Billings Simulation study
et al. 1992).
Paradoxically, although one trains to improve the Figure 2 (A±D) shows a mathematical simulation of the
physical response, initially the opposite e€ect takes place time course of p(t), for several types of theoretical taper
and the onset of a step increase in training quantity, from a standard quantity of daily training [w(t), 300
sucient to improve a trainee's physical performance training impulses daily, in AUs] held constant for 28
above the current level, is characterized by a developing days. The pattern of the p(t) score in AUs from the
fatigue throughout the set period of intense training, training theory outlined above indicates that the ®nal
until a taper reveals the extent of the physical and value of the dashed line on the p(t) scale, resulting from
metabolic improvement induced. If the training stimulus the exponential decay time constant (s ˆ 5 days) taper
is too harsh or too prolonged, however, the attempted (Fig. 2B) is superior to a single step reduction in training
tissue regeneration and adaptation degenerates into a taper (Fig. 2A). Theory also predicts that a fast ex-

Fig. 2 Simulation of p(t) from

a square-wave block of 300
TRIMPS for 28 days followed
by various formats of taper. p(t)
is shown by the dashed line and
is expressed in arbitrary units
(AUs). The relative e€ectiveness
of the di€erent formats of taper
is shown by the intersection
point of the various p(t) curves
with the right ordinate scale, at
the completion of taper

ponential decay (s ˆ 4 days) taper (Fig. 2D) is superior the inaccuracy arising from the using the simple heart rate response
to a slow exponential decay (s ˆ 8 days) taper (Fig. 2C) as a measure of the intensity of training. The metabolic intensity
factor Y is based upon the exp rise of blood lactate levels with the
in optimizing p(t). The predicted e€ect of the various fractional elevation of exercise heart rate above rest (Green et al.
conditions of taper described in Fig. 2 have been exam- 1983) and gives more quantitative credit to intense training that
ined in a ®eld trial with a cohort of 11 triathletes training may be short-lived, but is more metabolically stimulating and
for a total period of 94 days with taper to optimize per- provides a substantial TRIMP. Thus overall:
formance at two real competitions spaced 42 days apart. w…t† ˆ D  D HR ratio  Y …1†

Validation study design
Field trials
The experiment lasted approximately 94 days (allowing for the
sometimes unscheduled delays of a ®eld study) and required each
Subjects athlete to follow two separate periods of heavy training (Taper 1
trial and Taper 2 trial) each followed by a taper with performance
Eleven male triathletes [mean (SD)], age 26 (4) years, body fat 8.7 evaluation on designated tests before a genuine triathlon compe-
(1.4)%, and body mass 77.0 (6.5) kg volunteered to take part in this tition. Taper 1 subjects were randomly assigned to one of two taper
study. They gave their written consent after being medically ap- groups, matched for group mean age, weight, and initial criterion
proved by a physician and after having been fully informed of the performance ability in a 5-km run for time and a ramp cycle er-
nature, risks and bene®ts of their participation. All tests performed gometry test to exhaustion. Group 1 subjects (n ˆ 5) maintained a
on the subjects received the approval of Simon Fraser University's single mean, step-reduction taper in training, from day 31, of 22%
Human Subjects Ethics Approval Committee. of their mean initial training volume throughout a period of 2
weeks from the onset of taper. During this ®rst taper period (Taper
Quantifying training dose 1) two subjects in group 1 had minor injuries and were not included
in the ®rst group taper, but they were able to resume their partic-
A systems model of training (Morton et al. 1990) as described above ipation in the study upon recovery. Group 2 athletes (n ˆ 6) ta-
was used to quantify the pattern and size of the training stimulus pered their training volume exply (s ˆ 5 days) from day 31 for 2
and taper. In the system, a training stimulus [w(t)] is quanti®ed and weeks for a total reduction in training of 31% of the mean daily
presented as a TRIMP expressed AUs. A single training bout is training average completed up to day 31. The di€erence between
measured in AUs by the product of the duration of the session (D) groups 1 and 2 mean training volume during taper was not signi-
in minutes and the ratio of exercise heart rate (HRex) to maximum ®cant. A short-course triathlon competition followed the Taper 1
heart rate (HRmax), both above a resting value (HRrest). The latter trial preparation.
measure is termed the delta heart rate ratio (DHR ratio). Thus, Following the mid-season short-course triathlon competition
training undertaken at any time may be expressed as an area under heavy training was resumed for 33 days from day 49 to day 81 after a
the curve represented by the pseudointegral: short unprogrammed period of recovery training following the
triathlon. During this time the main athlete cohort was reconstituted
HRex ÿ HRest and athletes were assigned for the Taper 2 trial either to group A
w…t† ˆ D 
HRmax ÿ HRest (n ˆ 5), a slow exponential decay time constant (s ˆ 8 days) taper
ˆ D  D HR ratio group or to group B (n ˆ 6), a fast exponential decay time constant
(s ˆ 4 days) taper group from day 81 in a ®nal 2-week taper period.
An intensity factor Y appropriate to the degree of metabolic Group A athletes reduced their training volume during taper by
arousal of a subject, re¯ected by the D HR ratio is used to correct 50% of the group mean daily training dose, and group B athletes

reduced their training volume throughout taper by 65% of the group package (National Instruments LabView II). Expiratory timing (via
mean daily training dose. The di€erence in reduced training volume a sail switch), expiration ¯ow rate (via a modi®ed Alpha Technol-
between groups was not signi®cantly di€erent. The groups were ogies Ventilation Module VMM110), expired oxygen (Applied
compared for the e€ectiveness of each taper format in producing a Electrochemistry, model S-3A) and expired carbon dioxide (Ap-
greater improvement, above respective pre-taper, training criterion plied Electrochemistry model CD-3A) were recorded at 112 Hz
performance measures (5-km run, maximum cycle ergometry) made (each channel) for each breath. Total breath time and expired
in the last week of training before 2 weeks of taper. The change in breath time were recorded from the binary signal of the expiration
parameter vector illustrates the individual or group plasticity of the sail switch. Inspired ventilation (Alpha Technologies turbine), heart
response to the applied training stimulus. rate (Physio Control monitor), work rate and minute cycle ergo-
meter pedal revolution (Lode, The Netherlands) were recorded for
Parameter vector designation each breath. A classical Douglas-bag minute collection procedure
correlated with minute ventilation (0.996), modelling with V_ O2
The serial score in the conventional units of the criterion physical (0.996), and with Carbon dioxide output (0.995), measured by the
performances [5-km run (s), maximum exhaustive cycle ergometry breath-by-breath computerized procedure.
(Watts)] measured for each individual weekly, throughout training,
de®ned each individual's real time course pattern of response to the Modeling and statistics
several changes in the training pattern (hard training stimulus;
Taper 1: step increase to a harder training stimulus; Taper 2). The The serial score in absolute units of the maximum physical per-
parameter vector for each trainee was modeled beginning with the formance tests, a 5-km run time trial (s) and maximum attained
default parameters k1 ˆ 1, k2 ˆ 2, s1 ˆ 45 days, s2 ˆ 15 days, ergometry work rate (W), was used to characterize the real time
followed by iteratively changing each parameter until a best ®t of course of each criterion test against which p(t) from w(t), in AUs of
p(t), the time course of predicted response to the training impulse the TRIMP score was modeled to ®t the pattern of measured
pro®le, matched the individual's real pattern of response in the variation in criterion performance tests. Modeling to ®t the p(t)
criterion physical tests of running and cycle ergometry. The group time course to the real measured time course of a criterion physical
mean (SD) of each parameter value of the parameter vector test (CP) was e€ected from iterative modi®cation of the parameter
throughout representative periods of each stage of training and vector values s1, s2, k1, k2, until a best ®t of P(t) to real values (CP)
taper was calculated from the individual responses (n ˆ 11). from the iterative procedure, minimized the sum of the squared
deviations jˆj 2
jˆ0 ‰CP …j† ÿP…j† Š , where j is the number of observations
Training heart rate made of predicted performance p(t) coincident with times of real
criterion performances CP(t).
Throughout training the heart rate for each athlete's workout was During the immediate pre-taper training week and during each
recorded at 1-min intervals by telemetry (Polar Vantage XL, Polar week of taper in both the Taper 1 and Taper 2 trials, the respective
CIC, Port Washington N.Y., USA) in serial, daily ®les for weekly groups, groups 1 and 2 and A and B, were statistically compared
downloading to a computer. using a paired t-test for signi®cance. The di€erence compared was
the improvement upon physical criterion tests and RGE measures
Criterion physical performance during 2 separate ®nal taper weeks, above a corresponding, ®nal
pre-taper training week measure. These di€erences were evaluated
In order to monitor serial changes in physical performance, at least using a generalized linear model to account for the unbalanced
one and sometimes two 5-km criterion runs were performed each number of subjects in each group, and a paired t-test. A level of
week to the best of the subject's current ability while training hard. signi®cance (P £ 0.05) was accepted as denoting a signi®cant dif-
Subjects ran all out on their own 5-km course, which was chosen to ference between any two group statistic compared.
be as ¯at as possible, unobstructed by trac (etc). Each subject ran
this course weekly, with their best e€ort, regardless of the particular
point in their training program. On another day of the week during
training and taper an exhaustive cycle ergometry test was com-
pleted. During the Taper 2 trial criterion tests were made during the
last week of training and during each week of ®nal taper in which Taper 1
respiratory gas exchange (RGE) was also measured, during cycle
ergometry, in the last week of training and in each of the subse- The modeled mean TRIMP and taper time course (AUs)
quent 2 weeks of ®nal taper.
for the Taper 1 trial, groups 1 and 2, during the ®rst 42
Ergometry days of the study are shown by thin vertical full lines in
Fig. 3 (top panels). The group 2 exponential decay (s ˆ 5
The cycle ramp test to exhaustion was performed on an ergometer days) pattern of taper (top right panel, dashed line) that
(Lode: Groningen, The Netherlands) which was electromagneti- produced an average 31% reduction in daily training
cally braked and externally controlled by a computer. The ramp
test protocol consisted of a 4-min warm-up period at a work rate of
volume/quantity through 2 weeks of taper, also produced
30 W followed by a 30-W/min ramp increase in work rate until a superior p(t) to the group 1 step-reduction protocol
exhaustion or until a subject could not maintain the pedal rate (top left panel) that showed an average daily 22% re-
above 80 rpm. duction in training volume through 2 weeks of taper. The
p(t) score from modeling training of group 2 athletes is
Respiratory gas exchange 440 AUs higher than the group 1 p(t) at the end of the 2nd
During three ramp ergometry tests, one in the last week of training, week of taper. A comparison of the improvement in real
prior to two more, during each of 2 weeks of taper in the Taper 2 physical tests of performance (5-km run and ergometry)
trial, real time breath-by-breath oxygen consumption (V_ O2 ) data during taper, above a pre-taper training measure in the
were measured (Linnarsson 1974). Compensation was made for week immediately preceding the tapering, con®rms the
functional residual capacity ¯uctuation, gas transport time,
breathing valve dead space, and analyzer response time. Data ac- simulation model prediction in Fig. 2 of the superiority
quisition was by a Macintosh computer (IIfx) equipped with an of the decay exponential taper over the step-reduction
A,D board (National Instruments, NB-MIO-16) and a software taper (Fig. 2 top panels, B and A). Table 1 shows details

Fig. 3 Simulation of a stan-

dardized square wave (a 220-
TRIMP AU average) of real
training data in test groups of
athletes training for a triathlon.
The fast time constant taper,
s ˆ 4 days, is the more superior
of these comparisons in the
size of the ®nal taper p(t), in
AUs, on the right ordinate scale

Table 1 Performance measures for both a criterion 5-km run and a maximal ramp test on a cycle ergometer, in the immediate pre-taper
training week and once during each week of a ®nal 2-week taper in the Taper 1 trial for groups 1 and 2. Values are the mean (SD)

Exercise type Step reduction taper Exponential decay taper (s = 5 days)

(group 1 n = 3) (group 2 n = 6)

Pre-taper 1st week 2nd week Pre-taper 1st week 2nd week
of taper of taper of taper of taper

Run Time (s) 1121 (56) 1106 (67) 1108 (60) 1149 (09) 1136 (86) 1103 (87)*
Cycle Power (W) 412 (9) ± 418 (15)* 423 (25) 446 (32)**

* Signi®cant improvement compared with pre-taper

** Signi®cantly better group di€erence

of the superior performance of group 2 athletes during constituted groups A and B during 42 days of training
taper on physical criterion performance tests. There was and taper in the Taper 2 trial. The superiority of the
no signi®cant change in the intensity component of group B (fast exponential decay taper, s ˆ 4 days) ath-
training (DHR ratio ´ Y) during either type of taper letes' mean p(t) score (dashed line) may be compared
compared with the average intensity component of both with group A athletes (slow exponential decay taper,
groups' mean general training intensity. The exponential s ˆ 8 days) who scored 300 AUs less than the mean
reduction in training quantity during taper was e€ected group B value. The di€erence in total training volume
solely by a reduction in the duration of a training session between groups during the ®nal taper was not signi®-
or frequency in the number of sessions per week. Tapered cant, although overall the s ˆ 8 days, slow exponential
training for each day was calculated from equation 2 taper group reduced their training volume by 50%,
below: measured in AUs and the s ˆ 4 days, fast exponential
V…t† ˆ V0 eÿi=s …2† taper group reduced their training volume by 65%.
Training intensity (D HR ratio ´ Y) was maintained in
where: V…t† is the day's calculated training dose, V0 is the both groups as training frequency decreased signi®cantly
group mean daily average TRIMP amplitude (AUs) at from a training average of 5.6 (1.0) days/week to 4.4
the onset of taper, i is the day of taper, and s is the (1.8) days/week during the last week of the Taper 2 trial.
exponential decay time constant of taper. Table 2 shows details of the superior performance im-
provement in a 5-km run and cycle ergometry criterion
performance trial made by the fast exponential decay
Taper 2 taper group B over the slow exponential taper group A,
con®rming the simulation studies of these taper formats
Figure 3 (Bottom, Panels A and B) shows the pattern of in Fig. 2 (bottom panels, B and A). Tests of signi®cance
TRIMPs in AUs as thin vertical full lines for the re- of criterion performances between the groups were made

Table 2 Performance measures for both a criterion 5-km run and a maximal cycle ergometry test to exhaustion immediately preceding
and during each of 2 ®nal weeks of taper in the Taper 2 trial for groups A and B. Values are the mean (SD)

Exercise type Slow taper s = 8 days (group A, n = 5) Fast taper s = 4 days (group B, n = 6)

Pre-taper 1st Week 2nd Week Pre-taper 1st Week 2nd Week
of taper of taper of taper of taper

Run Time (s) 1159 (60) 1142 (62)* 1131 (53)* 1167 (80) 1126 (90)* 1093 (90)*
Cycle Power (W) 394 (45) 405 (42) 409 (33)* 433 (36) 440 (26) 467 (28)**

* Signi®cant improvement compared with pre-taper

** Signi®cantly better group di€erence

Table 3 Relative maximum oxygen consumption …V_ O2 max † and

anaerobic threshold (han) measured in the week immediately pre-
ceding taper and at two times in each week of a ®nal 2-week taper
in a cohort of eight subjects remaining for the last taper week of the
Taper 2 trial. Values are the mean (SD)

Pre-taper 1st Week 2nd Week

of taper of taper

V_ O2 max (ml á min)1 á kg)1) 62.9 (5.8) 67.4 (5.6)* 68.6 (4.2)*
han (% of V_ O2 max ) 71 (8) 73 (6) 75 (6)*

* Signi®cantly larger than pre-taper, paired t-test

athletes of the training cohort that completed both taper

tests. Three remaining athletes preferred to complete the
last week of taper at the Ironman competition site. The
anaerobic threshold (han ), determined concurrently from
RGE according to Whipp et al. (1989), also increased
signi®cantly in the last week of the Taper 2 trial.


The criterion performance improvements shown in Ta-

bles 1 and 2 are similar to those reported in many other
studies on runners (Houmard 1991; Houmard et al.
Fig. 4 Training and performance data from two typical subjects of 1992, 1994; Shepley et al. 1992) and swimmers (Hou-
the study showing in the bottom panels, the TRIMP [w(t)] time course mard and Johns 1994) on the e€ectiveness of taper in
which determines the ®tness [g(t)] and in the top panels fatigue [h(t)]
time courses (left and right respectively). p(t), shown in the middle
enhancing competitive performance. However, in no
panels as the continuous thin line, is modeled to match the time course previous study has the type of response that may be
of physical response in criterion real scores (CP) in a 5-km run (solid expected to result from various types of quanti®ed
circles) and exhaustive ergometry (solid triangles) training and taper formats been characterized, or the
predictions quantitatively con®rmed, in ®eld trials. The
at speci®c points of a standard pre-taper training day in present study compared the e€ectiveness of a step de-
the week of training immediately before taper com- crease and various values of exp decay time constant
menced and on a day in each week of a subsequent 2- protocols for their e€ectiveness in producing the best
week taper period. Typical individual athlete responses physical and physiological improvement possible from a
throughout all phases of training and taper are shown standard square wave of training between 200 and 250
for two subjects in Fig. 4. AUs per 28 days of training and 2 weeks of taper. The
group comparisons described in the Results section
above con®rmed the ®nding of a simulation study, un-
Respiratory gas exchange dertaken prior to the ®eld studies, that an exponential
decay taper protocol of training following a standard
Table 3 shows the signi®cant improvement made in square-wave quantity of training is superior to a step-
V_ O2 max during each week of 2 ®nal taper weeks of the decrement taper in producing a better physical perfor-
Taper 2 trial above an initial V_ O2 max measured in the mance during the last week of the Taper 1 trial. A fast
week prior to the ®nal tapering in a group of eight exponential decay taper (s ˆ 4 days) is also superior to

ac less fast exponential decay taper in improving the improvement in the present study may be attributed to
performance return from a standard square-wave the maintenance of intense training during both Taper
quantity of training, as was shown in the Taper 2 trial. 1 and Taper 2 trials. A serial criterion performance
measurement repeated one to two times/week during
taper, besides being a key factor in providing the nec-
Taper volume essary intensity of training during taper, was also a
means by which to assess serial changes in the perfor-
The results of both the Taper 1 and Taper 2 trials sug- mance ability of the trainees. Results from this study
gest that an additional training volume in the days im- suggest that an optimal taper requires a sucient decay
mediately preceding competition, whether it is due to an in training volume (£ 50% reduction), while the inten-
inadequate step reduction in training or to a slower ex- sity of training is maintained at or above 70% of the
ponential decay taper, is detrimental to the physical D HR ratio in order to observe the best improvement
performance achieved in a criterion test. It is apparent return in physical performance for the e€ort expended
from the present results, and it has been shown abun- in training. For a given volume of training, if intensity
dantly by others, that the e€ect of step-reduced training is increased, the duration or the frequency of a session
(Hickson et al. 1982, 1985; Houmard 1990a; McConnell per day or week must decrease signi®cantly. During a
et al. 1993; Neufer 1989; Neufer et al. 1987) and taper taper of high intensity a complete day's rest from
training (Houmard et al. 1992; Shepley et al. 1992) is to training may be occasionally interpolated in the taper
allow training volume, with maintained intensity, to be regimen.
reduced by as much or more than 50% from its previous
average, with optimal results during the ®nal days before
competition. The frequency of training in both Taper 1 Cardiorespiratory results
and Taper 2 trials of the present study was respectively
decreased signi®cantly by 1 day/week in the ®nal half of Relative V_ O2 max measured on a maximal ramp test to
each taper period as training volume reduced through- exhaustion in eight subjects, signi®cantly increased dur-
out the taper. Since no concomitant impairment in ing the ®nal 2-week taper (Taper 2 trial). V_ O2 max in-
performance was observed, it may be bene®cial for an creased from 62.9 (5.8) ml á min)1 á kg)1, measured 2
athlete to supplement a fast decay exp taper further with weeks prior to taper, to a signi®cantly higher value of
1 or 2 interpolated days of complete rest in the week 67.4 (5.6) ml á min)1 á kg)1 during the 1st week of taper,
prior to competition. This may allow maximal recovery and 68.6 (4.2) ml á min)1 á kg)1 during the 2nd week of
from training fatigue and further optimize preparation taper. An increase in V_ O2 max with taper has not been
for competition. previously reported in the literature although V_ O2 max
Previous studies are sometimes dicult to interpret has been reported to increase with training (Neufer 1989)
or compare precisely with the present experiment since and decrease with a prolonged reduction in training
they de®ne training volume/quantity, variously, by volume (Hickson et al. 1982). Recent taper studies have
time, distance, intensity of e€ort, frequency of e€ort, or reported improvements in physical performance with no
by combinations of these variables. These character- increase in V_ O2 max (Houmard et al. 1992; O'Toole and
izations of quantity are imprecise since quantity de- Douglas 1995). These latter treadmill studies, however,
pends upon both the duration and intensity of an have either constrained the subject to run at a ®xed speed
activity (see eq. 1), and duration itself is a product of uphill or have allowed the athletes themselves control the
session duration and session frequency. Intensity is a speed. These responsibilities are distracting to a per-
complex of heart rate elevation and a true metabolic former and cast doubt on the ability of a subject to run
arousal factor (Y), de®ned in the present study from the maximally under such conditions. It also appears that
DHR ratio and the exponential rise of blood lactate training intensity is a key factor in maintaining aerobic
levels as heart rate increases with increasing metabolic power in a competitor (Hickson et al. 1982). The re-
e€ort (Green et al. 1983). ported 9% increase in V_ O2 max observed in the latter
study between a pre-taper, training test and a ®nal week
of taper test, is very similar to the 8% increase in maxi-
Taper intensity mal power output on the cycle ergometer in the fast ex-
ponential decay taper group of the present study.
The group mean intensity of training during both Ta- The han determined by a non-invasive technique de-
per 1 and Taper 2 trials, measured quantitatively from scribed by Whipp et al. (1989), improved from 71% of
the telemetered heart rate of the individual trainees V_ O2 max to a signi®cantly higher value of 75% of
during criterion physical tests, did not change com- V_ O2 max . An improvement in the han has not been pre-
pared with the average rate during training. Exercise viously reported with taper. These values are somewhat
intensity (metabolic arousal) is a key factor in either less than the 83% of V_ O2 max reported previously by
maintaining (Dudley et al. 1982; Houmard et al. Medelli et al. (1993) in highly trained triathletes, prob-
1990a), or losing physical ability (Hickson et al. 1985; ably due the lower absolute ability level of the present
McConnell et al. 1993), and much of the performance subjects.

Plasticity of the training response Table 4 Change in the group mean parameter vector for a 10-day
period throughout each phase of training and taper in Taper trials
1 and 2. The group mean change was derived directly by measuring
Whether the response exhibits plasticity is established if the parameter vector of each trainee response to training during
an individual responds with the same degree and pattern each of the time intervals, by modeling each individual's predicted
of response, on measured variables (physical, physio- performance, p(t) to their real pattern of criterion performances in
logical, biochemical) to equal quantities of training. running (5 km s) and (ergometry, W). The group mean (SD) of the
individual results are shown. s1, s2 are time constants for the decay
These quantities of training must be presented sequen- of ®tness and fatigue, respectively. k1, k2 are arbitrary multipliers
tially, but separated by a non-training period that is long converting a TRIMP score to hypothesized impulses of ®tness and
enough (at least 2 months) for any part of the previous fatigue experienced by a trainee
trained state to have dissipated. Do di€erent individuals
Parameter k1 k2 s1 s2
respond similarly to equal doses of training? This seems Vector
to be the case in one quantitative study made to date,
but with only two subjects (Banister and Fitz-Clarke Run Train 1 1.8 (0.2) 45 16 (2)
1993). Resetting the parameter vector of the model Taper 1 1 1.8 (0.2) 51 (3) 15 (4)
variables as a person progresses in a coherent progres- Train 1 1.9 (0.2) 46 (2) 21 (4)
Taper 2 1 1.9 (0.2) 52 (3) 17 (3)
sive training program o€ers beginning insight into the Cycle Train 1 1.8 (0.2) 45 16 (3)
degree of change in a trainee of the attributes designated Taper 1 1 1.8 (0.2) 51 (2) 16 (3)
®tness and fatigue in the present model of training. A Train 1 1.8 (0.2) 45 (2) 19 (4)
consistent change in the parameter vector was needed to Taper 2 1 2.0 (0.4) 52 (3) 17 (4)
®t each subject's p(t) time course to real performance
through the di€erent phases of the 94-day experiment.
The observations (Table 4) were that the group mean volume of training undertaken. During taper, as training
®tness multiplier varied little throughout the di€erent declines, s2 and k2 might be expected to reduce since a
phases of training and taper. The fatigue multiplier was high level of ®tness will obscure the declining e€ect of
sensitive to both types of exercise, responding to heavy fatigue. In the present experiment it seems that the
training with an increase in the multiplier and to taper quantity of training may not have been high enough to
with a decrease. Viewed in the longer term, k2 gradually e€ect a marked response in the group mean parameter
increased consistently with the increased training load. vector through the di€erent phases of hard training and
The change in the time constant parameters s1 and s2 taper. Table 4 shows that parameter vector modeling
were out of phase: s1 increased with each taper phase training w(t) in individuals, to ®t a trainee's p(t) to
and decreased throughout imposed heavy training, mirror the pattern of real performance in both a 5-km
whereas s2 changed in the opposite manner. These run (s) and maximum cycle ergometry (W) during 10-
changes probably re¯ect the increasing volume of day periods in each training and taper phase of the two
training undertaken in progressive training and presents taper trials, does seem to react in the above manner: s1
the problem, faced by every trainee, of how to keep in- does not change initially, k2 grows throughout, s1 grows
creasing the severity of training in order to continue to indicating that ®tness is well retained, although fatigue
improve to some predisposing genetic limit. Several from training and taper is also prolonged as s2 length-
more turns of the on/o€ training and taper cycle de- ens; compared with the slowness of the decay of ®tness,
scribed in the present experiment should de®ne the time the decay of fatigue is still relatively much faster.
course of parameter vector change more clearly.
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