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Importance of Education by Islamic Perspective

Article By: Muhammad Danish Khan

Reviewed by: Muhammad Nuruddin Bin Muktaruddin (1624021)
UNGS 2050 Section 11

In the article above, the writer stated that the article purpose is to reflect on the significance
of education in processes of development from Islamic view. He begin the article by stating
the law of seeking knowledge which are scared duty and it is obligatory on every Muslim,
male and female. “Read! In the name of your Lord who created (all that exists).” Surah Al-
‘Alaq verse 1, the first word revealed to our Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) from
Allah SWT was “Iqra” which means to read, to seek knowledge, educate yourselves, and be
educated. The command had been strengthen with hadith riwayah Tarmidzi, as our prophet
said that the acquiring of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim.

The writer then introduced the new idea about education and development. Development is
more than economic growth which within economic, social, cultural and political dimensions.
Development focuses on improving the well-being of individuals on the basis of their
participation and the fair distribution of benefits resulting from their active participation.
While, education has a multidimensional impact on communities, and it is widely recognized
as one of the building blocks for sustainable development, and furthermore education is
instrumental in promoting equal opportunities and higher income levels amongst the entire
population. Economic growth does not necessarily imply the reduction in economic

Islam has a holistic view of human development, which views education and knowledge as
central. Islam encourages the acquisition of knowledge and its use for the benefit of
humanity. As the principles of justice, equality and equity are important in Islam by extension
this entails acquiring knowledge, wisdom and skills to carry out one’s duties. While knowledge
is needed to fulfil religious and spiritual responsibilities, we can see how it is also highly
important for achieving social and economic development, for wellbeing of the community,
and for ensuring social harmony, freedom and human rights.
This article also describe about the type of knowledge which can be broadly divided into two
types, one is the knowledge of religion, and second is the knowledge required by community.
It is the duty of every parent that we should educate our children with the proper knowledge
of both the types. Such as in religious knowledge which comes at first is tawhid (believing in
one God), offering Salah (the act of prayer), reading Quran, and fasting. The second type of
knowledge is the knowledge required by the community. Such as knowledge which makes a
person doctor, an engineer, a lawyer, and a scientist. This is too required to the advancement
of community and society. But when we acquiring second type of knowledge we should make
sure that knowledge should take you closer to almighty God, but not to make far from.

To conclude, we can see how important education in our life. It is clearly stated in Quran and
Hadith that acquiring knowledge is obligatory to every Muslim. We should never neglect
education and it is unwise to abandon it. Although education is not listed as basic thing in our
life, we have to realize that we are the assets and the future of our country moreover Malaysia
is Islamic country. From that, we can benefit it by spread the Islamic ideology to all countries
as our country being seen highly by the other country especially the country that has no idea
about Islam teach.

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