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New Inspiration 2
Units 4-6 Higher Test

VOCABULARY e) What a shame!

f) You’re pulling my leg!
1 Complete the sentences with the correct g) Yes, it isn’t far.
word. h) Surprise!
1 A group of musicians is a _______. i) Yes. What’s the problem?
2 I often feel _____ before playing in a concert. j) OK. Just let me get my jacket.
3 A TV program about history or science is a
4 Please don’t talk so ________. We must be
quiet in the library.
5 She walked away very ________ and I had to
run after her.
6 The director suggested the actors had another
3 Complete the chart and underline the stressed
______ before the main performance.
7 This jacket is _______, so I won’t get wet if it
Number of
8 I’m ______. I haven’t had anything to eat all
sixty 2
9 Look at the _______ and tell me what time the
next train leaves.
10 Pizzas usually have a bread base covered with bus driver
_______ and cheese. car park
train station
/10 photograph
2 Match the first lines of conversations 1–10 tomorrow
with the replies a–j.
1 How are things with you?
2 I’m sorry. I’m afraid I can’t make it tonight.
3 It doesn’t make sense.
4 Is anybody hungry?
5 Listen! I just saw Robert Pattinson walking
down the street. (GRAMMAR)
6 Excuse me, can you help us?
7 Are you ready to order? 4 Complete with the correct word.
8 Come on, let’s go. 1 Have you got ________________ T-shirts?
9 Do you know where the Joseph Art Gallery Can I borrow one?
is? 2 How ________________ days are you going
10 Shh! Here she comes. to stay there?
3 I can’t find ________________ maps.
a) I know, but what can I do about it? 4 Take ________________ guidebooks of the
b) Fine thanks. And you? places you’re going to visit.
c) I’m starving! 5 There isn’t ________________ time to plan
d) Yes, I’d like a hamburger please. properly.
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New Inspiration Level 2 Tests Units 4-6 Higher Test

6 Make sure you take _____ fruit in your 3 just / me / my / buy / have / parents / a new
daypack. camera
7 How _____ water will you need each day? ___________________________
8 Would you like _____ sandwich for the
journey? I’ve got _____ bread and cheese, 4 an / ever / you / car / have / electric / be / in
but there isn’t _____ ham. _______________________________ ?

5 see / never / train / I / magnetic / have / a

/10 _________________________________
5 Read the text and complete with a verb,
preposition or adverb of sequence.
Everything’s ready for our trip now. We’re 7 Complete the second sentence so it has the
leaving on Friday! (1) ________________ we’re same meaning as the first using too/enough.
stopping in Paris for a few days. (2) 1 It was very crowded at the party.
________________ we’re catching the train There were _________________ at the
down to Marseilles in the south of France. From party.
there we (3) ________________ a boat to
Patras, near Athens. It takes about five days, I 2 It’s really noisy in here.
think. We’re staying in Athens for a week, then, There’s ____________________ .
at the end of July, we (4) ________________ by
ship to Istanbul, across the Aegean Sea and the 3 I can’t eat everything on my plate. I’m sorry,
Sea of Marmara. But we (5) ________________ but you’ve given me ________________ .
in Istanbul then because we have no time – and
anyway, we’re coming back there at the end of 4 They cost 25 euros and we only have 20
the trip. Mike (6) ________________ with us euros.
after we get to Istanbul. He’s leaving us there We haven’t got ____________________ .
and coming back to the UK, but we are going
(7) _____________ Turkey, from the west to the 5 Can you hear the music?
east, by bus. (8) ___________ we’re travelling Is the music ____________________ ?
west again, this time by boat along the coast
back to Istanbul. (9) ____________, after a week
there, we (10) _________ back home. It’s so /5

6 Order the words to make sentences and put

the verb into the correct tense.
1 argument / Kristin/ with/ just / an / I’ve /

2 at / have / we / school / just / them / see


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New Inspiration Level 2 Tests Units 4-6 Higher Test

doubt that his particular vision has had a major

READING (10) ______ on cinema in the twentieth century.
8 Read the text and complete with the correct /10
Have you ever (1) ___________ of Steven
Spielberg? Of course you have. He’s probably the 9 Read the text again and choose True or
False. Give reasons for the false answers
most famous film director in the world. He’s then answer the questions.
made hit films like E.T., Jaws, Raiders of the Lost
Ark, Jurassic Park, Schindler’s List. But do you 1 One of his films is called E.T. True / False
know the secret of his success? ______________________________________
Steven Spielberg’s characters are often very 2 Most of his characters are unusual people.
ordinary, but his camera shots never are. He True / False
loves (2) ___________ special effects, and he
only uses the (3) ___________ and the latest.
And look at the way he plays with light. This is 3 He uses the camera in unusual ways.
what makes his films amazing – we see things we True / False
(4) ___________ before. ______________________________________
But he does something more. He can 4 He uses light to get different results.
(5) ___________ us feel like children again. He True / False
makes us feel frightened, or excited, or safe. He ______________________________________
lets us see the world through the eyes of a child 5 His films are only for children. True / False
… a child who experiences danger but is
protected from danger. ______________________________________
Steven Spielberg sometimes (6) _______ 6 Steven never tells stories about his father.
people a story about his father. One day his True / False
father woke him up in the middle of the night ______________________________________
and told him to get in the car. He refused to
(7) __________ Steven where they were going, 7 Steven was afraid of his father. True / False
and Steven felt afraid. They drove into the ______________________________________
country and then when they got out of the car
8 How does Spielberg make us feel when we
they lay down on the ground and looked at the
watch his films?
sky. For the first time, Steven (8) ___________
stars, planets and meteors. He loved it. ________________________________________
It is this feeling of being frightened and
amazed and safe that Spielberg creates in his 9 Does everyone like Spielberg’s films?
films. Some people (9) ___________ his films. Why?/Why not?
They say he uses too many special effects and is
more interested in the camera than a good story. _______________________________________
But his best films have the power to touch our 10 What does the writer say about Spielberg at
feelings and make us hope. For instance, in the the end of the article?
Indiana Jones films the professor always
manages to save the day and in the Jurassic Park
series the good guys survive against all odds. On /10
a more serious level, in Saving Private Ryan and
Schindler’s List he deals with the subject of war
realistically but enables a ray of hope to shine
through. He is a great director and there is no

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New Inspiration Level 2 Tests Units 4-6 Higher Test

10 Listen to the different speakers and 11 You write film reviews for the school
answer the questions. magazine. Write a review of a film you have
seen recently. Explain the plot and include
Speaker 1 your opinion of the film and whether you
1 What is the boy trying to do? think others will enjoy it too.

2 How does the boy feel? _______________________________________

________________________________________ _______________________________________
Speaker 2
3 What is the woman describing? _______________________________________
________________________________________ _______________________________________

Speaker 3 _______________________________________
4 What is the man talking about? _______________________________________
5 How was the man moving? _______________________________________
________________________________________ _______________________________________

Speaker 4 _______________________________________
6 What is the girl learning to do? _______________________________________
Speaker 5 _______________________________________
7 How does the woman feel? _______________________________________
8 What is she doing? _______________________________________
Speaker 6 _______________________________________
9 What do you do after you cross the road?
10 What building is in front of the chemist’s? _______________________________________

/10 /10

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New Inspiration Level 2 Tests Units 4-6 Higher Test

12 Work in pairs. Ask your partner about a
visit to another country, a school trip or a
special experience.
 Ask if your partner has ever been to
another country / been on a school trip /
had a special experience.
 Ask for a description (what happened /
what saw).
 Ask about reactions (feelings / like /
dislike / why).
 Ask for some advice about going to that
place / doing that activity.



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