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*Frames of Learning (Highlight frames for which you are preparing)

*Conceptual Understandings: Conceptual understandings are statements of essential ideas that accompany each of the overall
expectations. Conceptual understandings include concepts, skills, attitudes, and habits of mind.

 Wonderings, questions, ideas, and theories can be created through inquiry.

 The inquiry process helps us to discover new information and to confirm or question our theories about the world.

*Overall Expectations (OE): Knowledge and skills described, in general terms, in each frame. Educators focus on the overall
expectations when co-constructing learning with the children.

As children progress through the Kindergarten program, they: use the processes and skills of an inquiry stance (i.e.,
questioning, planning, predicting, observing, and communicating)

SRWB – Self-Regulation and

BC − Belonging and Contributing DLMB − Demonstrating PSI − Problem Solving
Well Being
Literacy and and Innovating
Mathematics Behaviours

*Noticing and Naming Learning: Making Learning Visible

Learning Goals: Enable children to think about and to begin to Success Criteria: Enable children to know when and what they are learning.
direct their own learning. Support the knowledge and skills Accomplishments along the way.
described in the overall expectations and conceptual
understandings.  Share findings discovered from each experiment station.
 I can share the purpose of each experiment.
 Use learnings from prior weeks to answer questions.
 I can answer questions about hibernation
and migration.

Ways in Which Children Might Demonstrate Their Learning:

Specific Expectations: describe in greater detail Children are not required to demonstrate their learning in all three ways.
the knowledge and skills related to overall expectations. SAY DO REPRESENT

1 13.1 state problems and pose questions in different  Students recall acquired knowledge about hibernation and
contexts and for different reasons (e.g., before,
migration to make conclusion about their learning.
during, and after inquiries)

13.4 communicate results and findings from

individual and group investigations

The Educators’ Intentional Interactions: Teacher Questions/Prompts

How educators engage with children’s learning- students; strategies; materials; environment – based on observations
R: What happened at the _____ station/experiment? What did you learn there? (Ask station question from instructions)
C: What are some things animals have to think about before the winter? How do we know this? How did you learn this from
the experiments?
E: Can anyone say what science is? What is the importance of running a science experiment when learning thing?

Assessment Documentation
Assessment of Leaning
- Anecdotal group documentation
- Observation and recording
Materials required:
- Google Slide presentation

Possible learning next steps for learning:

After the three-day long scientific experiments about hibernation and migration, the class meets as a group to consolidate
findings. This will be a nice ending to the inquiry or lead into a new one. We currently have a hornet’s nest provocation hung
up in the classroom that may begin a discussion about habitats.

Experiment Questions:
1. How do hibernating animals stay warm in the winter?
2. What happens to hibernating animals if they stay awake in the winter?
3. Why do birds fly and migrate in the shape of a “v”?

Script how you plan to engage the students with this opportunity. (if required)

Google Slide Presentation

Whole group is invited to the carpet for “Science Talk”.

Once all the students are at the carpet, begin the lesson with captivated attention.

“Welcome back friends.”

“Last week we did 3 days of science experiments. Can anyone remind me what it means to do an experiment?”

“After your experiments, scientists usually look at what they did and remember what things they learned. That is what we’ll be doing
together. This is called “consolidation” – looking at all the things you learned and seeing what you can share and remember.”

“I thought it would be fun to sing our hibernation song again. Let’s sing!”
Sing or play along to the hibernation song at the guitar.

Pull up google slides for the first question:

“How do hibernating animals stay warm in the winter?”
- Allow students to answer the question.
- If they are stuck, remind them of the experiment and how it related to hibernation.

Show the picture of a bear’s body before and after hibernation. There is a clear change is body fat and weight.

Pull up the second question on slides.

“Why do some birds fly in a “v” shape during migration?”
- Do they know what migration is?
- Allow students to answer the question.
- If they are stuck, remind them of the experiment and how it related to migration.
Show the two short clips of the birds flying in the sky in a “v” shape.

Pull up the third question on the slides.

“What happens to hibernating animals if they stay awake during the winter?”
- Allow students to answer the question.
- If they are stuck, remind them of the experiment and how it relates to migration

Show the image of two bears hanging around in the snow, they look confused or lost.

“Some friends asked me some other questions about this subject that we just have to explore.
The first question came from Parker – he asked if whales hibernate.”
“I wasn’t sure of this answer, so I had to go on the computer and find the answer. This is called doing “research” – like a scientist!”
Play the whales video on the slide.

“Another question I wasn’t entirely sure if we answered was – What is a den?”

- Pull up the slide images and answer.

“The last question I think we needed to cover was from David. He asked ‘Why do bear eyes show in dark caves?”
“I have the answer for you here David!”
- Bring up the slide with bear eyes to show the image and answer the question.

“Because it’s fun to sing, let’s end with the science song everyone”

Play the video on the last slide as a way to finish the lesson.

Date: December 6, 2017 - Learning Opportunity: Science Experiments Consolidation


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