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Conditional sentence consists of two clauses: an if clause and a result clause (main clause). The
Conditional sentences are arranged based on the use of tenses which are different.

There are four different types of conditional sentences.

1. Zero Conditional
Zero Conditional is used to describe an activity based on facts, habits and general truths.

 If clause (simple present tense) + main clause (simple present tense) or

 Main clause (simple present tense) + if clause (simple present tense)

 If you mix red and yellow, you get orange.

(Jika kamu mencampurkan warna merah dan kuning, kamu akan mendapatkan warna

 Babies cry if they are hungry.

(Bayi-bayi menangis jika mereka lapar).

2. Type I (Future-Possible Condition).

This sentence is used to describe an activity that might be going to happen in the future.

 If clause (simple present tense) + main clause (simple future tense) or

 Main clause (simple future tense) + if clause (simple present tense)

 If I live in Manchester, I will go to the Old Trafford Stadium.

(Jika saya tinggal di Manchester, saya akan pergi ke Stadion Old Trafford).

 My mother will understand if you tell her the reason.

(Ibuku akan mengerti jika kamu memberitahu alasannya).

 If Lia comes, I will give her a piece of cake.

(Jika Lia datang, saya akan memberikan dia sepotong kue)

3. Type II (Present-Unreal Condition).

This sentence is used to describe an activity which is unreal or possibly difficult to
happen in the present or in the future.

 If clause (simple past tense) + main clause (simple future tense) or

 Main clause (simple future tense) + if clause (simple past tense)
 If I were a Spiderman, I would help many people around the world.
(Jika saya adalah Spiderman, saya akan menolong banyak orang di dunia).

Fact (Present)
I am not a Spiderman.
(Saya bukan Spiderman).

 If she bought me a ticket, I would watch the movie.

(Jika dia membelikan saya sebuah tiket, saya akan menonton film).

Fact (Present)
She does not buy me a ticket.
(Dia tidak membelikan saya tiket).

 She might buy a house if Putri worked.

(Dia bisa jadi beli rumah Jika Putri bekerja).

Fact (Present)
Putri does not work.
(Putri tidak bekerja).

4. Type III (Past-Unreal Condition).

This sentence is used to describe an activity which is impossible to happen in the past.

 If clause (past perfect tense) + main clause (past future perfect tense) or
 Main clause (past future perfect tense) + if clause (past perfect tense)

 If Selena had remembered to invite me, I would have come to her birthday party.
(Jika Selena telah mengingat untuk mengundang saya, saya akan telah datang ke
pesta ulang tahunnya).

Fact (Past)
Selena did not remember.
(Selena tidak ingat).

 If Joe had studied hard, Joe might have graduated.

(Jika joe telah belajar giat, Joe bisa jadi telah lulus).
Fact (Past)
Joe did not study hard.
(Joe tidak belajar giat).

 I could have finished my homework if my friend had not borrowed my book.

(Saya sudah bisa menyelesaikan tugasku jika temanku tidak meminjam bukuku).

Fact (Past)
My friend borrowed my book.
(Temanku meminjam bukuku).

The Verb Wish

The verb wish is used to express a hope that opposite of reality.

1. A past tense to show present time.

 I wish I could make you happy.

(Saya berharap saya bisa buat kamu bahagia.

Fact (Present)
I cannot make you happy.
(Saya tidak bisa membuatmu bahagia).

 I wish she did not hurt her boyfriend.

(Saya berharap dia tidak menyakiti pacarnya).

Fact (Present)
She hurts her boyfriend.
(Saya menyakiti pacarnya).

2. A past perfect tense to show past time.

 He wishes I had given him a birthday present last night.

(Dia berharap saya memberikan dia hadiah ulang tahun tadi malam).

Fact (Past)
I did not give him a birthday present last night.
(Saya tidak memberikan dia hadiah ulang tahun tadi malam).
 I wish I had been in London last year.
(Saya berharap saya berada di London tahun lalu).

Fact (Past)
I was not in London last year.
(Saya tidak di London tahun lalu).


 George E.Wishon and Julia M.Burks.1980.Let’s Write English (Revised Edition).

New York, USA: Litton Educational Publishing International.
 Syaiful Afif, S.S.2010.Buku Memori.Jakarta:KAWAHmedia.


 FITRA ASHARI (17084014020)

 RIZKY SAFITRI (17084014016)

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