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I dedicate lhis 2nd edition of lhe pamphlet Anarchism and the Black Revolution°

to Comrade Ginger Katz, one of the founders of the original North American
Anarchist Black Crass, almost 15 YCIIJ'li ago, It was Ginger Katz, who almost
single-handedly arranged for the typesetting, publishing and printing of the first
edition. and then she went out and sold them by the thousands, so without her this
2nd edition would not have been possible.

She had to fight to get the books publlshcd. and to get a beming for myself and
other Black Anarchists , who had things to say about the direction of the
tnovemcnL The •Anan:bist purisls", who wanted to keep the movement all-White
and os an Individualist, counta-cultural pbcoomcoon. fought her tooth and nail
Some of these criticisms and struggles were thinly veiled rocism, and I am sure that
they frustrated and exhausted Comrade Ginger. If so, she never relayed it to me.
but} beard it from other so=. and I remember my dealings with Anarchists in
the movement during the 1970's, who denied the eXlstcnce of racism as something
we should fight entirely. But not Comrade Ginger, she was one of the few
Anarchists who understood bow the American state was organized, and bow it
used White skin privilege to split the working class, and continue the dictatorship
of Capitalism through such ·divide and rule• tactics.

I still have some of the lctras that Ginger wrote me 15 YCIIJ'li ago when I was in
pr1son:But I have lost contact with her since the early 1980's, and in 1983 I was
relr.ascd from prison, and became estnmged and separated from the Anarchist and
prison movements. so I do not know wbt:rc she is. But wbt:rcver she is I hope she
will know bow much I app,ecwc what she did to make this project a reality, and
how she has laid the seeds for the growth of the prcscut and future Libertarian
Socialist movement on this continent., and hopefully around the world.

I am hopeful that I might meet her one day, maybe when I am on a national book
tour for this and other books I have written. and just thank her for helping me.
when I could not help myself. To this comrade, I will give my love and respect
always. Tiiank you.

Loreazo Kom'boa Ervin

September 1993
Preface lo the second edition
Aaan:b.lsm oad the Black Revolution

clus, the Ullllall 1011dadty between workers or all mce:. IB css,,lllial. The way 10 defeat the
Qipilallst stmleg)' b fm White warkcn to defend the democmlic dshJa won by Bw:b and other
� pcople:i a&r clcclldcs of hard mugglc, and lo fish! to dlmnena.le the system o!Whlie
1rdn privilege. White wmbrs should support nnd !l(lopt lhc - dcmllnds or tho DIiick
movement, and should work to abolish the WhiLC identity c:nthely. These WbiLC workers llhould
Glrive for multicultural unity, and should work with B�k nclivisls to build u and•nclsl
movement to challenge Wbite ��, but 11 is oho very lmponant to n:co,gnlz.e the light of
the Black movcmenl to tab 1111 indcpcnd,:01 rood In ila own lnl.ere:ila. Thll1 is wbal self.
Race and Chw: the comblmd chanider ofBlw:k oppression.

Dec:luse of lb: way this natlOD bu developed with the czplolwiOD or Afriam
labor and the malntennoc:e n( mi lmemal colony, Blaeb and other nmi-Whhe p.x,pl= are
opp:=ed both u tDaDbers of lb: wcnkina class and 1111 a mclal natlmwhy. As Altiams in
Amen=, Ibey are a disdnct people, hounded nnd scs,egntod In U.S. society. By
their.hWDAD.ud cJvil �.they uhimalely.mmc iolo oonfranlAlion wuh 1= cDlirc

ll)'llem, n0( just Individual nu:isu m regiom of the OOUDlry. The tnah l500D bccomm apporenl:
Blaiks C11DD0C get their f-,dam under thb sylZem. because bnscd OD blsaorl:ally UD4YeD
competllian, Capilalist eaploiwian is inherelllly rocisL Al thb j1ltldUlc the movement cmi BO
in1o the dheclion of revoluliomi.ry soc:iAl chmigc, or limit hlclf lo winning refcmm and
democrntlc rhchts wilhin the suucsmc of Olpltalism. The potcmW b there for cithu. In fact, the
wCllk.ncm or Ilic 1960's Civil Rights movemen1 was that I! allied l18clf with the Ubcnila In tho
Democratic PDny 1111d senlcd for civil rlahts proi,,ctlve leglslorlan, llllllCcd of pushing for social
revolution. 1bb Klf-pollclng by the l-1em of the movmncnl hi an obied lesson about why tho
new movcmenl baa to be sclf-acdvalcd and DC)( dependent on pemcmn(ltles uul polldc:inm.
Bui If 1111ch e movement does become a m:illl revoluzianmy awvcmeo1, ii must ultimately unite
1111 forces with similar movcm.ctllS like Gays, W� mdlcol workers, 1111d othas who me In
revolt against tho system. For cumplc In the late 1960's the Black Ubcmzion llll>YCIDCll1 IICIOd
u a rrvoblliollOI] anur to spread revollllionAry idcu and lmagc::s, wlw:h in fa.ct b:ousJil fanb
the various oppomdon lllOYCIDC!ltS tbal we w today. 1bb is wbal we believe will bapper, again
And yet ii is not enough lo call for rnindl= ·� as much of the Wbltc Left does. Bec:ma of
the dlllll fODIIII of oppression of non-WbiLC wmken andJIOl':!l:r,_J: of m:iA1 dr:spenlliOD it
cremes, � warsas will mib first. whelher lhd, ellle:i me avoilnbl: IO do so or
not. This is adf-ddenninodon and tbal is why It Is 11-,y for OIJp:ewd warms to build
independenl movcmeDIS to unite their own peoples lint, and nlso w'by is absolU1dy ncccsmry
for White warlws to defend the democmlc tighls and gains of ncm-WbiLe wmkea. This self.
activity of the opprased mns:ses, (such as the BIDck UbemtiOD movement) is inhen:ntly
revoludolllll)', and is on e:s:senrlal part of the m:iA1 revoludDIW)' process of the entire working
clas,. These me DC)( marginal issu:s, It cmmot be downsnided m Ignored by White worms If II
revolutlCIIIIII)' victory is to be had. 11 has to be GS a cardinal principle by all. lhal
opptt.ssed pcoplc:i have a risJil to self-cletmnlnolion, Including the rlghl lo run their own
org1111W1d011S and llbemtlon littUggle. The victims of mclsm know best how to fight bac:k agnlnst
So What Type or Anti-RAcbt Gn,up Is Needed?
The Black mova=m needs allies In illi battle against the mcisl Capitalist c:IAs:i,
not the USW1I Ubeml or phony "radical" suppon. but genuine revolutlmuuy working class suppon
end wlidaritv, otherwise cnllcd "mUD.LD.1 aid" by Annn:hllllll. The basis of such unity however
must be princlphd and be based OD class Interest. mtbu then Ubeml "guilt trlppinn" or "do­
goodins", or the oppo:tunlsm and !DIIDipulation by Ubeml or Radi.cnl political imd'es-
1bc -.h
of the opp:es:scd people must be the ID0llt imponAnt considenilion. but again Ibey WllDI genuine
suppon. 11t11 fa.kery or ldtist thcl.oric. The ADArchist movei=n1. which is overwhelmingly
White, must IWt lo undcrstAnd that Ibey need to do propaganda work QIDOllg the Black and


-QOtnlDamhy ccmbOI of tbc � n:p!aeement of cops by community self·

defcnsc foree clce1ed by rcsidcnlJS. End poll:!= bntiality, prosecudon of all killer cops.
-mmu:y for rebuilding the cities. c:reatioo of public worb brigades IO rebuild
inner city o.rcas. nw:lc up or community rcsidenls.

-Pull soclalJy useful employment at union wages ror
all worbm. End radll1
di.scrimiMdon In jobs. tra.inlag and promotions, cstnbUsh nffinmdve acdoo programs lo reverse
past employment pmcdces.

-Baa the Xu XJux XLm. Nmis and other fascist � Prosecution of all
racisf.s for altltcb an people of color.

-Pree open admissions to all msdtu11ons of ICIIU:IWll for all thCll!lC qualifted to
attend. Ne:. mc!al eaclusian in bighu edw:adcm.

-End of wad:cts IIDd Poor. Tu the rich and major cmpc:lffidons.

-Full health and modlc:al cue for all � and ccmmw:dtles, regmdlca of race

•.. - ••....t-Freeall.pallib::alpmcnaaandJmaocea&.vicdmso{JD.dal lnjusdce. Abolisb ·-·-··

priscms. fight econamfc dlspmty.

-Rant and file democmdc CCDbOI of the uniODS by buildiDg an AMrcho­

Synpicalis1 labor m.avem.cmt. Mab wucms acdve ha sac::ia1 issues.

-Stop mdse barassmcnt and dlscdmlnatian or ,mdacu:me'lled warke1S.

Smash tbe lllpt•Wmat

•Fmdsm u not"' bit dl!baud. It u to bit smMW- •

Benvawto Dmrpd.. Sp.umh Anmchist mroludoaary. 1936.

As Capitallst sccicty dec:aya. people will look far' radical aad total SO:btdons to the
misery they fllCL The Nam and the IOim are amang the few dpt.wing po!ldcal fmc:es that
offer. or appmr to offer. a mdicaJ l!UISWer 1o the cum:at p:roblam af' soc::fciy far the Wb!to
masses. Thal these solutiom me false will maacr lltde to a:mfuscd and h:,stcri
searching dcspcratdy for. way out or the sodc:w,cmcmlc cdsis the Capllalbt c:lna-
Secdons of lhe m!dd!e cJaa. beuer-off lnyas of the While wmklns c: and unemp!oyec:t
Whhc wotbm-all poiscmed by tho mcism of Ibis socld.y-arc easy Nazi and XLm
demagogues. . . . . .

The Nazis Skmhoads and the Jann ore lhe most cxtn:me Rip!•vnns mdsf/fucist orga,-tmrians
In the UnJted States. Tay these graups me small. and many Uberals lib to downpiaythe lhrmt
Ibey represent. even to argue for their Jcpl ·dgbts" to spn:ad their m,.ist But these
poups have a ucmendous arowth potential and could become II mas.,. movement In a
SUlp!isingly short period of tb=_ cspccially dming an ecanomfc and and polidc:aJ crisis lib we
Basing themselves on lllienalcd White scxw fon::cs, the Nazis and Klan are lryinz
to build a mass movement which cnn bite i�lf out to tbc Capilolists at the proper moment aad
assume stale power. When the CapJtaUst feel that Ibey might need aa addidcmal club to� the
workers and the appn:;sscd ln line. they will tum to the Nazis. JCJan, and simUM Right·wlna
organizations, witlibotb money and suppon. in addidc:m to sm:agtb:ninJ the state police ai:td
military fcm:ea. lf mm be the Capil4llsu will pw:c them in power, (as they did in Spain.
Gemta.ny o.nd l.taly !n the 1920's and JO's). so that the fascists will smash the unions and olher
working class 11lli:mlzadons. place Blacks. Latinas. Oays. and Jews Into conccntndon ·
camps. and tum ihc rest of the workcss into State slaves. Fascism is the ult:imtlt.e authoritadan
soeiet)' WMD ha power, CVCD though ll has dmnaed US fm::c to II mbdun: Of crude mcisln and
smoother racism In lhe modem dtmOCl!ldc sta!c.


movements�� di�ir leader.I. U we cripple die (asxcists in lhls (mhion, Illus we can
smash the ennre Right II.lid begin to smash the Stale. 1bis is the only w11y to stop (ascisla.
None other than Adolph Hitler has bun quoted as myins: •.-Only OIII! thing could tu:v--
our 11111'HtMnl-l/our�r8'Jria had u�mood iu prindpl� andfrom wjint l7. had
�mashed with w utmon brvtallty the 1111dnu ofour new movemenL- • We should lab heed.
One other thing that we must do, end Is 5Cllllethlng which tar.tlcrUy sepu1IUS m Anan:hlsui &am
the Manbt-lAninists, Is tbat we use cur studies er the 11uthorlwian pemono.ll'}' to help us
organiu 11plast fascist rec:ruilmenL All the M-L's '1.!Dlled Fmuts" mre about is a strict political
o=b to defeat fascism. and prevenl them &om aua.lnlns swe power, [while being able to
usher the Communist insuad). They mpmze Llbemls and atbea intt> mass -1ltlam
�crush all rnd!c:al lllld Ubanl Ideological oppc:maiJs after they get
just to selm power, lheu
done with the rascists. 'lbat why the Slllllnlst "Cmnmunist" stata resembles fascist police
szatesso mudi.lnrel'uslns 1Dallow.ideologic:al. plumlity,.they are bach ldlllilariBn. F.ortbal_______ •.
IDl!tter, how much difference WIIS then, really between Stalin IUld 1Btler7 So, I say tlUl1 nwdy
physically beating blck the fu:ists Is not the muc. We need to sruly what 11CCOUD1a ror the m4S.f
psychology o/fmcum 1111d then defeat It �ogically, going"' the core or the deep sear.eel racist
beliefs, emations, end autharltariau CODditlODiDg or those wcrktrs who support (esc:ism IIDd all
police state autharlly.
The thhd prcms of our stmteSY is to org1111ize 11111m1g the worba and other oppressed secdcm of
society with 11 � tbiat addresses their ueds., All bas been mid, the Klan imd nazis rec:ruit
DmODg ce&ln social layCD-OVerwbelmingly While youth-who are bani pressed by the
oc:onomic crisis. 11=e �le sec Blllcb, l..atiDm, Asiiam, Gays, womm, and mdical
movements as a thrcu. TIiey are mclst. n=dmwy 8!1d po!elltially Yef'J violent. Fcorful that tbcy
will lose the llale they bllvc, they buy the myth that the jl1oblans Is "tha.e people" IJying to *81
their jobs, homes, futlw, etc,, rather lhan the decay er tho Capitalist aystmn.
As Ions BS there a� ID be no nl!emntive ID fis)mug over a shriuldag social "pie", the f!ISC!sts
with their simplomillded "soluticm". will get a bau:ing111m111g thedcgcm:r.u.eclemems cf the
WCJking class. The cmJy wo.y lo undacut the appeal of the Right is to crpniz.e a l..lbertarlan
WCJ!ws mavemeut that cnu fight for and win the things tbat people neal: for cumple, jabs,
decent housing end scbocls, health care, etc. This can dcnumstrala caru:n�ly that theni Is 1111
oltenwive to the Right-wing's poiscmcm "solution'.', Au<l It am win to the ranks cf the worlws'
movement, some cf those people who are allrDCll:d to the fascist mavcmeut.
ID all areas cf cur ctgllll!zlng. we must airry cut C01IS1Stclll revclutimuiry propagllllda "plalnlug
that Capitnllsm is rc:sponslble for 1111m1ployu=m. rlsiug prices, roaeu schools and housing, IUld
the rest cf tho decay we see around us. And we must "pase the foci tbiat while the Nozls, Klan
and other Rlght-wlnscrs mllke Blnck. Gays, Ln!:lncs and cdier cpprased peoplo the SCGpegcal
(or the economic crisis, their real aim is ta destroy the enlire worlcen movrmenl, and they then
inteJld to C011IIDit tiCIIOC!de, s&an an adventurisdc WGr, and tum them Into outright slo.vca of the
State. Therefore, tlley are II threat to all workas of every llllliCDolity.11 mllll be uplialned that
they only Wlllll to u&r While WCJker.l as pawns in thdr scbanc to c:rmto a fllSCist diellltolsbip,
and thot oll worbls must UDile and fight back and ovcnhrow lhe SIBie if they are to be free.
Delclll White Supft11111C7I
The Vef'J means cf class OlllltlOI by the deb Is the lellSt Ulldcrstood White Supremacy Is more
than jUSl II set cf ideas or prejudices, it Is national cppn:ssicn. Yet to man White �le, the term
conjures up images of tho Nm or Ku Klux Klan, rather lhan the system cf White skin privileges
which really wider gird the Cnpitallst S)'Slcm in tho U.S. Mcst While people, Anorchlsts

of l.hb JS just "Marxisl nadonal Ubemdon DOnrienSO·. Well. WC bow I.Wlt pl1't or the nwon ror an
� mlli·mcisl movement is to challenge this cbauviolst �dvc dght in the middle of
our OWb movemeut, an Anmt.:hbl ADU·Rlu:ist Fedcmnion would DOt l:D4 just to fight Nazis. We
need to challenge And comict rec:i:st and � pasitions ma race and class within OW'
movcmcat. If we cmmct do that. then we camsm mpmze the working class. Black or White. and
arc of rr.o use to anycmc.


Part Two

Wbue Is lhe Black arua- &Dd wb.cR should It be aomat

Some. uswilly comf'oztablc Black� class pn,f'es& poliddans or b,u;incmDC!) who
radc the 1960'.s Ovil dglu m.ovr:mcnlm&o powc:rm: pmmincncc. will soy tbatdM:re is no km.let.. ....•.•
fill'/ noccssity to stNglc in the meeLs dming the 1990's for B!Ack f'rcodom. 11u:;y say that wo
have "anived• and are now "e.lmcsl free(I]". Thoy say our struaJo now is to •IJdcgrmc the
money", or win wealth for themselves and maobers of� &OCiliJ class. even though they give
lip scnicc to • empowcm:g the poor•. I.oak. the say: we con vote_ our Black f :; Cira All over
TV in c:anunctClals And sinmtioa c::omodics. there me bundn:ds of Blm:k milli� amt we
have political reprc:sc.nralives In thc bAJJs of Om_grc::ss and Stale houses all ove.r the land. ID fact.
they say. are cum:ndy over 7/K» Black d=cud ofliciaJs. sevcml or whom pa:idc over the
..,... cities in the m.tian,, and then: is even a govcmo:of a Soutlu:m star.e. who is .n A.fric:aD.
A.mfrican. Th.Dr's what they my. But daes this &ell the whole t11t1ty?

1be fact is 1hat WC me In• bad or eYCD wama. shape ccc:momicnlly IIDd poll
Ovil dghts movr:mcnl bcpa in the 1950'1. One in every four Black males on
probati under 8ITCIS'C; al k:asc onc•thbd or more of Black fmnlly UD.111 uo now single
parcD1 In poverty; UDCJJl p loymem hovas at 18·2'$ for Block communities; tho
drug economy la the number one emp!oyet ofB!ack: youth; mast substandard housing uni.Ls uo
ssill � In B1Dck m:ial!bodioods; Blocb and other non-Wbitcs suffer &om Ibo wont
healtb care; And Black ccmrn1mitics are 111D adc::rdcvclopcd bccausc of ni.cuo1 dfscrimlnndon by
municipal govcmmar.s. amrtpgc compimlc:s and 1:xmb. who ·n:dllne· Blad: ncighbcnboods
from receiving OC'lmDNDity dcvelopn=t. bom:lns and small bminf:ss laaris which keep our
com.mun.ides pocr. We Abo suffer from murderous aas of police brutality by racisl. oops which
hos resulted bi thowamds or deaths and woundl.Ds • and in1cmecine warfare resuldns in
numet0us youth homh:ich:s (and a gJCBt deal of gdcf). But w from mmt end what
cm::omp,asscs 111.l of thme ills is dwt fact thul we a11 oppressed pc:c,ple, In. fa:t a colonlud
ptaple,, who arc subj� to the rule of an ·vc govem.mcat. We really have no rights undc:r
this system,. except t!=t which we have fou � for and evm that is now in pail. Oc:Any we u-.d
a new mass Blact prolCSl movement to 1gc the pcm.mad m:i ccnpamdons. and
cJ1.propdate the funds needed for om commuaides to survive.

Yet for the past 25 ycam the teYOJudonary Block movement hos been an the ddcnsivc. Due to
co-optation. rcpn::ssicll. and betrayals of the Black Ubcndion movement of the l960's. todays
mo\11:mCDt hos suffcn:id a series of sctb:icks and bas now become static in comparison. This may
be because it Is Just now gctting its stuff togedu:r after bdng pummeled by the State's police
agencies, and also because of the intcmal polldcal controdicdam which arose in the mojot Blad:
revolutionary poups lib the Black Panther Pmty. Stw:Lml NanvioJcnt Cootdinming Com.mince
(SNCC or •snJck" as it was called in Lhasc days). and the League of Rcvolutimwy Black
Workers. which I bclli:vc wcze facsors which led to the destruction of the 1960's Bla:k Lcfi in
lh1s cowmy. or couar,e. tDAt1Y blame this pcdod of rdativo inocdvky in the Black tnovcmenl o n
the lack o f fon:cful leadcni i n th mold of Malcolm X. Martin Luther King. Mucus Omvey , c.t.c..
the next messianic Jeamr as5erts bbmelf. as if he or sbi, were "cti�ly missioned• (as some
have claimed to be). Wlw is even IDoic hennnd is that many Black �le have adopted a
slavish psycholog or •obeying and serving our leaders•, without considmoa what d:iey
th�lvcs are capable of domg. Thus they pn:fcr1o bemoan the brutal foas, for year alter year.
of how Brother Malcolm X was taken away from u.s rather tJwi uying to analyze the current
dtuadon and then cmying 011 bis wotk in the communhy. Some mistabaly rater to this as a
"Jeademhi.p vacunm•. Tue fact is that there has Mt been much movemen1 in the Black
revolutionmy m.,vcmcot smce bis assassinntirm and the virtual destrucdo,n of pups like tbe
Black Panthet Patty. We have been staanakd middle class refomiism mid�.
We need to came up with new ideas and rcvohmonary formatiom in how to figb2 our cnemiea.
We need a new mass pl'0test movement. 11 is up to tbe Black iuasses 1D build it. no& lcodcn or
polidcaJ parties. 'Ibey cannot �ve us. We con only save oW'liiClvcs.

What form will th1s movement tak&T

, ... . .. .Iftht:rc wa a11e.thing which by.Anarchist :reYowdonmy orpnizm.h:L .•

the 1960's. you demi mgani.u a nmss movement or a social tevoludon pm by creating one
ccmrul Olpl'.UZ8dcm, such as • vangumd polldcol petty or a labor union. Bven though Anmchists
belleve in revolutionary organizadon. ll l.s a means to an end., ln.stcad of the ends itself. Jn otbcr
'\VOl'ds, the Alwchist groups me Dot fotmcd with the bJwmon of being pr:rmaneDt o.rgudta1iODS
to power alter a n:voludonary strugg)c. But rather to be gJOUJS w6ich act as a ciwdyst to
revolutionary struggles. and which try tomb the people's rcbcWom. llko the 1992 Lm Angelm
nivolt. to a mgher lHel of MSi.stance.

Two f�tures of a new mass movement must be tbe blwmon of creadng dual power institudans
to challenge the Slale. alang 'Nith the ability to have a grassroolS aul0nOmist movcmcnt which
cao1ab advanmgc of II i,?-revolutioruu:y .sibwion to go all the way. Dual power mcam that
you organiz.e o. number of callcctivr:s an,t cammoncs 111 da. DDd town all over North Amalea,
which arc info.ct libawd zoa.cs, outside of the 00DJl'Dl of the AalDIIDmy z=ans that
the movement must be truly indopcmdent DDd a ftee assocwi thme ww.c:d around
COJDhlon goals, rather thD.n membership o.s the rcsult o! some oath or •r � So how
would Anmchim inlcrvem in the revolutkmary pzoccss in Black w:.ighbothoock? WcU.
obviously North Amezican or 'While" AnuchiRS cao:not go iDlo Black c:ommunhies and just
y ccztainly should war.k with any nan-Whb.c Ana:n:hists them work
color. (I do think that tbe aablplc of the New Icra:y ratloa
and its I005C al1iancc with the Blac.k Panther movement in that stall: is on example of bow we
must start.) And We arc definitely not t.ollduf about sinwtion Whll,IC B1ack orp.nizen go into
the neighbm:b.oad ud win people to AD.alchism so that they can tbc.n be conuoUcd by Whites
and m piny. 1b1s is bow the Communist Party and other Mattist gJOUps operate. but it
cannot be how ADarcms1s work. We spread beliefs not 10 � over"�le. but to
let them know how they can organize themselves to fight ty'tlma)' and obte.m frc:edom. We
want to work with tlH:m as felJow human beings and allies,, who have their own c.1pcdcnc:cs.
agenclas. and needs. The idea is lo get as many movcmms of people fighdng lb state as
JIO!iSible. since that is what brings the dny of ftcedgm tor us a]] a little. closer.

Thcte needs lO be S01De 50rt of revolutiofllll')' for Anarchists t.o work Ob the )ocal
level, so we will eall these JOC1ll Blar:k Rulst.ance Commureu. Each one of these
Committees will bcBlact wm:.kmg class social n=vol1.1tionmy collectives in the community 1D
fight for Black da,hls and &ccdom as pan of die Social Revollllion. The Comm.iUtt:s would have
no leader or •party boss'. mm would be without.ony typcc of bicrmcby sttuctw'C. it would also be
and-authority. � exist to do revolutionary work, and thus 8lC not dcbatmg sociedes or a club
to elect Black polincians to office:. 'Ibey aac rcvolud amuy political Commtions, which will be
linked with mher 5UCh groups all over North � and odw pans of the wodd in a larger
movement c:aJkd afet/4ralion. A fedt:nmon is needed or coc:udi.Da1e tm actions of such aro:ups.


Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. recognized the potebdiil nwalutionary power ofa
nad6nal boyc:ott of Amedeo'• major� wbic:h is why be established •Opemtioa
Breadbasket• shonly before be was killed by u � This organizatkm. wilh offices in
Chicago was designed to be the for the funds that the carporadom were going to be
fOR\'Cd to pour money into for a =dona! cammuniry development project for poor

communities. And althouah be WI!$ nss•sshwed before Ibis could happen, we must continue bis
work in this IDlltler. All o,er tht country B1"k Boycott olftc,s should b, op1n1dl We should
build ii into a moss movemen1, involving n1I seclor.s of our people. We should clemonstmte,
plckel, and sit-In at meetings GIid offices oflatlfet carporations all over the cotntry. We must
lllke ii to their very doorstep 1111d stop their IOOUDg of the Blnck communil)'.

A e1,,ck Gcur;ml �I

Because of the role they play In produdian, Black workers aJc potentially the
most f'>Werful -iar of the Black communil)' In the Slnlule for Black freedom. The vua
majonl)' of the Black communil)' are wmklng class people. 8111'1ing lhe dispn,portionate
nwnbers of unanployecl,, about 11 mllllcn Black DWI 1111d women ma tcday port of the work
fm= of the United States. About 5 -6 million of these are In b:c!c indmtty, such as steel 1111d
mellll fnbricridon, mail tmdcs, food production and �g. meot pncking, the 11u1omoblle
Industry, nillronding, medlcril serri=l,.lllld oomm111Ua1tiona..Blncks. numbet_l/J lo.l/2.of Iha. -··· ..
bnslc blue-collar worken, ud 1/3 of clcrlcnl lnborcn. Black bbor Is therefore very imponant co
the Cnpitnllst economy.

Because of this vulncnbillty to job actions by Black worken, wbo are some of the mast mllltanl
workem on the job. they could lake n role in a prol&Sl crimpnign agninst mcism and class
ClllllftS!iion. Iltbey an: properly orpnbed lhey would be a class vangmrd within our movement
sfoce they aft: Ill the paint of produdlcm. Black wmkezs could lead O nalionwlde 0c:iwnJ Slzib
nt their place of wor� u a pra,,,a against mclal discrimination Ill jobs and housing, tbc
lnordinntely blah levels ofBw:k IIIICIDplO)'IIWII, mural working conditions, and to further the
delllll11ds of the Blnckmovemc:nt genaally. This geneml saib Is a Soclnllst saike, notjusz a
sUib for higher wages 1111d over geneml womng conditions; 11 ls revoludonary politics using
other means.. This geneml saib can lake the foan of indusaial 1111botage. factory occupadom or
sit-ins. work slowdowns, wilc!ents, and otber work stoppages os II protest to gain conccmlons on
the focal GIid naricmal !eve]. nnd rcstnzcture the workplace and win the 4-hour day for North

publishing strike support oewsleliem,

Americrin lnbor. Tbe strike would not cnly involve workers on the job. but nlso Black
oommunll)' and pn,gresalve graups CO • picket line duly, leafleting and
at camp:my offices and work sites, aicma
with other IICtivities.

It will tnke some setiom COIIJIDIIIUI)" and wmkplace arganizlng CO ming• geneml saib off. la
workplaca oil oHr 11w coulllry, Black worun mou/4 o,ronlz., thtNtrll Slrib Commllt,u tll
thr workp1"u, 1111d B1"k Strik, Support Commilt,,s to CqrrJ on th, strike wort IIUld, th,
Black eommunltJ lbclf. Because such II saib would be cspccWly bard-fought 1111d vicious,
Bbck workers should org1111U.e Worker's Defense Committees to defend workezs fired or black
listed by the bosses for their industdal organizing work. 1hls defense oommittu would
publiche 11 vlctlmi7.ed worker's cnse nnd nilly support from otber workers 11Dd the community.
The defense committee would also es1.ablish.11.Labor sttike GIid defense fund nnd also swt food
coopemdve lo fioandally and mawinl support such victimized workem GIid their families while
carrying on the stzike.

Although there will definitely be GIi attempt to involve WOIDr.� IIDd White workezs ,where they
ore willlng to� the mike would lie Wlder Black lee•· -ship becnuse only Black worker.s
crin effectively l'lllSC thooe issues which IDOl5t effect them. W ...1e workeis have lo support the
democratic tighls of Blacks nnd otber natimuilly oppressed bbmas, instead of j!!St "Whlto rights
cnmpnigns • on so-called •common CC011omic wucs·, led by the Nonh American Left. In
oddidon to progressive North Anu:ri.can individuals or union cnucwies, the labor union locals
themselves should be recruited, but they are not the force lo lend tbls SlrUIJ&le, although their
help CIIII be indispensable in 11 pnrticulnr crimpnign. It tnus mnjor orgnnlzing to make them break

free of their racist and c:oaservodve nature. So although we want .imd need the su.l?JX>ff of our
fellow worbrs of other notionalidc:s and gcndas. h l:J ridiculous and condescending to Just teU
Black workers to sh around nnd wait for a ·while worbrs vanSU,Ud• to &ddo h wan1a to ftghL
We will educate our fellow womrs to 1hc issues llDd why Ibey .should fight White Supremacy at
our side, but we will not defer our l!tnlggle for anyone I WB' MUST ORGANIZE THB
U-.Co� Com.munbJ Comrol ol lhe. Black Com.mUDlty.
•now do wt raise a new rft'Ollltiona,y consclamness qainst a sy:sum
proaramnwl a,aln:n our old l'JU!lhad:s?•• We nuut 11.1e a MW opproada and
rcvohutoniie UU! Blad CetllTal Chy Conumrne. and slowly w pcopk
with IM inc,nlivc IDfiglrl by allowing IMm to create programs which wlU men
411 thdr social, polilicol, and «anomic needs. We nuutftll w w:rc11ums left by
th« Ulabllshtd order._ In return. we must teat:h them th« bt!Mftts of our
• . �rnaladoaar:,.ldtals. '!.,_!'JV&IIW.SI build.a .rubslslaw eCONJmy.and a SOJ:lD::.-··-· •..•••
polJriml lnf,mnt:.n1re so th/JI we can becatM an uampll!far all revolulionaey
pcopl& •... George 1ocban. in his book ,Blpgd in M.Y E,ve-
The Idea behind I IDDSS commune is to etta1e a dual power SUUd\U'C as a counw 10 the
aavemment. 11ndu condldons which t.:d.rr now. ID fact. ADucblsta bdleve the 6tst acp towmd
sclf-detcnninarlaa md the Soda! R.cvoludaD is Bw:k cx:mDOl of' the Bb:k c::ammunily. 1bls
m=ms that Black people musl rmm and unify their own arammadons orSb'Uule. tab CODtro) of
the emdng Black cn1m1nmiric:s •ad All lb" iosrintrians widiia thc:m. md ccmdiict o CODSUleDt
fight to ove� cYC!1. ronn or occ:monw:. po1mcal. mid cultuml � md any syum of
mcial and class lneqW\llty which is the pmduct or tbia mcist Caplllillst sac:.wy.
The realization of this aim means Iha! we can build CM,munes, which will be COlder8
of Black counter-power and social rcvoJutiomuy culture ogainst the White polidcal power
SlrUc:hnS in the principal cities or tbc Uni&.cd St.arm. Once they assume assume hegemony. such
ccmhuncs would be an nctwd Altemativc to the State ad serve as a force to revaludaniz.o
African people-ud by aiamon-lnrgo scpwu of Amcriam society, which could not posdbly
remain iinmuru: to this� lt would serve as a living a.voludcmmy e.aamplc to Nanh
Amaican prosrc:ssive:s ud odw oppn=sed badmml1dm.
There is trcmcndom figbzi.Dg power in the Black cammmwy, but it is DOt Ol'8anizcd in o
SU'UClUred rcvoludcmmy way to dl'ecdvely struggle and take what is due. Tbc White Capitalist
rullnJ class rccopit.cs this , which is why it� the fmud or ·Bhlck C:atJitaJ.ism• and BIAck
polldclans ud other such •respcmsibto leaders. 1besc fakes end scll-ouc arasts lead us to lhe
daul-end road o votinand pmyiug for tba.t which we must rcolly be willmfl to fight (or.
The Anarddsts � the CammWlc us the pd.nwy org1111 of 1hc new SOClCl)', and 115 an
allemative to lhe o $0«:iety. But the An.llrcb.lsu also recc:,gnw= that Capitalism will not givo up
without a fight; it will be �y to eronomicaJJy and polldcally c:upplc C:ap� Am.edciL.
One thing for sure we should DOl cantinuc to passively allow this ")'SlCD1 to cxplOlt and oppress
The commune is a stapg powid for Black rcvalutiano.ry struggle. Far imtu.Dec. Blw:k people
should refuse to �y mes to lhc mdse govcmmctll , should boycon Iha Opitalist corpornd.ons.
should lead a Black Gem:ml S� All over the c:ounuy, and should eopgc in an insum:cdon to
drive the police out and win a trbcrased :zone. 1his would be 11 powerfu) method to obtain
submission to the m::mwlds or the movcmt:nt, and weaken Iha power of' the stale. We am even
force lhc govcmDJcllt to make money ava.illibJc for commwiliy development as a concession.
inst,ad or as a payoff to buy-out 1he struggle as happened in the 19CiO's and then:afier. If w • pul �
gwi co a banker's head and said: "Yoa know .)'OUW got 111« manq. now giw ii up/, he wculd

have to�. D� the quc:stiau is: it we did the same thins to the govCl.'DJDent_ using diied.
action means wnh an msuttecd� mas1 mov� would th£:St: wou!d both Ix: acts of
u:propriationt Or is it just to picily the cammwdty why they pve us the money? One tblna fer
sure. we definitely need the money . ald h0"111evcr we compel it from the government. Is of less
important than the ract lhat . we fatccd them to give it up to the people's at all. We would
then use that money to nbuild our C()UUDUD.itie.s, mamtaiD our orpnizatians. and care for the
needs of our people. It could be a major c:ollCea!don,. a victory.

But we bnvc also got to rcalh.e that Am.cans in Amaicn are n.ot simply oppzased by force of
aid,, but that� of the moral autbodty of the stale comes fmm the ndnd ti/ 111.t oppl'lt,.!l$�d who
c:onsent to thc i:ight to be govcszmd. As Iona as Black people believe lhat some lll0flll or political
authority of the White govemment bl Jegidmacy in the.ii lives,. lhat they owe a duty to this
nation as citb:ens. or even that they are n,sponsible far their OWl. oppa.adw. then they C81Ul0l
effectively fight back. 'Ibey must &cc dwr minds of the ideas of Amedcam patriods:oi and beam
to sec themselves as a new people. 'Ibis can only be accomplished wider dual power, where the
pimctismof.tbe pcaplclot replace vd!hlove ancbuppm:t forthe..ncw Black____ ··--· ...••. _
commune. We do that by maldo1 the Commune a nal thing In die lives of ordhwy

We should c:stabllsb. ummunlq coundb to ID!lke policy dccisiODS altfl administer t'1e aff'ahs of
the Black communlty. Tbesc cc:nmcils would be dcm.oc:radc neighborhood assemblies compczcd
of n:�tivc elected by Bhu:k wmbis in vmiaus c:cmmnmity institutions-factories,. hospitals
schools-as well as de!eptes elc:cted on a block bms. We must reject Blnck. Mayara and otllcr
Politicians. or govcm:m.cnl burenw::mlS, as a sul:Btitu1c far ccmmwmty powu. We must tbetcfORI
have c:ommumcy cm:rtml of all 11- ln.sdllldolV o/ du: Bladcommunity. lnstced of just letting the
State decide whit is sood far us. Net Just jobs and .bcusing. but also full CXlllbOl over schools.
hcspitala. welfare ceblcr;s. libmdes,. CIC.o must tumod over to thal c:cmmmdty. because only the
residents of a community lmve a true undasaamting or ha needs and di:&ln:s.

Here Is an example of how it would work: we would elect a cmmmm.ity Cl01l1lci.l to supervise aU
schools in the Black cammunhy. We would
cmqmunfty at•lalgl= to wotk coopemdvdy in CV"!f:/
studcnia. tmdic.m. imd the
of school admini.suatioa., :nither than
have an authmity figure like a pdncipal and bis/ha' UllCltiD uc:ratic admlnistmdon nm as am done at pn::scnL. The whole Black community e to cnpse in a militant
stroulc to tab avcrthc public schools and cum them into of Black culture and JcamJ.ns.
We cannot CODtmucto depend cm the ram or Black puppet scbaol bcmds to do this far us.

The local council would alum be federaled. or jaincd togelher 0D loc:al level to c:n:ate a cllyWide
group of councils who would rua affairs in thot c:wmnunity. Ue c:ouncils an d other
neighbotboods collectives orpnbcd for a variety of reascms. would ID!lke a mass ccmmnmc. 11ds
commune would be in tum fedcrarcd at the regicmtd and national Jovel. the aim being to cnme a
national federation of Bmck cc:mmnmes,. which would meet pcriodk-ally in one or a number of
mass assembly meetings. 'Ibis fcch::mdau wouJd be camposed of elc:cted or appointed delegall:S
representing thdr local commune or council. Such a nadana1 federal of commlffUl& would aUow
community councils from all over Nonh Amedc:a: to wark out com.moll policies and speak with
one voice on all mallCIS affcctins lhd.r comnwnitics or regions. ll would thua have far mote
power than any single community council cou1d. However. to prevent this national fcdcr.dicm
fmm bureaucratic usurpation of power by polltk:al factions m oppommislic 1eadt:m, elections
should be held rcgululy mid ddegmes would be subject to recall at any dmc for �.sconduct.. so
that they remain under the conaol of the local communities they represent.

The Black community councils arc teally a type or grassrootS movement made up of all the
social formations or our people. the block mid ndgbbathood commiaecs,, Labar• .swdcnt and
y� groups. (even the church. to a llmhcd degree). social activist groups. and others to wdte

the various � actions A10Wld a common program or suuqle for this period. The mmplipa
for this period must udliz.e racdas of dbeci mass action. os n is very im� tb.ot the people
themselves must reaU:z.e n sense of their mpn1zcd power. 1'be:so � a.ssociadons will
ptov:ldc to the� spanmacous =Jans. a fazm or a.rgamlUltiOD whose lilOdal base is or
the Black world.og � , · � of the usual Blad. middle class mi&-lcadi:rship.

The Anarehisl.s recognize du:so community councils a.s a form of dlrffl dzmocrru:y, in.stead
of the typcof phony AtDcd=n "d r:· which is nothi.og bm conttol by polldcm
and � The couo.clls arc :;c:: :i
• JY impo,to.ld because. tlmy pn,vid: c mbtyonL: iself.
rule and du: be&hminp or an alwmuive to thc Olpitclb;t economic IIY'llaD and us pemment. It
is a way to undermine pcm.meld and make it an indevmn dinmrrut, becaUIIC u.s ICl'Vic:ea
are do longer needed.

TM Comnwne is also a Blad revobatanar, coun.ter-eulnlrt!. 1t is tho embiyo of the new
revolutionary society in body of the old sick. dyins one. 11 is the new Ufestylfl in
which contams the new Black aocial values o.nd the .DCW COIDJDUDAI �ons and
insdtudans. which will bccomtl the saciopolldcal infmsbucture of Im nm society.

Om objec:tivc is to 11:ach new Block S0C.U1I Yalucs of unity Uld. mu the negative
dfcc:IS af Whlte Copitalisr sociely and cultum. To do tbD& we m the Commune hdo a
Block Omsciomne.m movement ta build 111CC pride ,md n:spect, mcc and soda.I aw� and
to suugglc apinn the Capitalisi slovc fDIISICIS. 'Ibis Blad c:omrnunolism would be both a
repository ofBlack cul1urc and ideolo.BY. We IJCCd ao cbzmac both om lives and our Ufc:styles. ln
crmer ta deal wilh thc man.y � Cl0Dlndicdcms wbh:h em In our community. We
could the Blw:k f'mnlly. Black male/female rela.daD:sbJps. the .maJlal hcallb of the Black
communlry. rclAdrms bctweca tba c:ommunizy and the WhiJ&! establishment GDd 11JD0D8 Black
people tbcmselvcs. We would hold Black cansd� � scssians in schools, eommumty
centers. prisons and in Bbu:k communities nll ovct Nmtb Ammica-whicb wawd 11:ach Black

counselina and thaupy 1eelmiques 1D resolve family and inuilal pmblcms. all the wblla
Black revolud� �dve IO the issues of the my. Our people be made to sec that the
aivma •
ldsto:y and cultwe,, new llbemdbg soc1oJ amt values to children amt adults. as well u

sclf-bamd disunity. disuust. inlamdnc violcocc. amt oppressive social conditions 1U'DOD8 Black
people me the rcsuh of the legecy or AfdcaD slavery and the pn:scnt my effects or Olpir.alism..
FinliiU)', du: main obj:cdve or Blw:k rcvoludonory culmre is ao ogiwe GDd organb.c Black
people 1D muggle ror 1hdr freedom.

As Steve Biko. the snmdcred South AfdcaD revoludmuuy1 has been quoted as saying:

-r,,,: ca/Jfor Black consciou.snu.T i.s ru positive call 10 co�from a,ry
group in Ilse Blad: worldfar o long lime. II is mart! than )II.St a rt!acrlonary
rej,:cdon of Wlaltu by BltJ&.h...A1 tht! Attar, ofthis kind of thinkifll i.s rht!
nalluuion by Blacls ihal IM mmt po1e111 M,'alpDn In the hand.r of 11,,: oppressor
Lr the ndnd 0/11,t! oppressed. Onu tu taaer /uJs been so d'ectively manipulaled
and controlled by tht! oppru.:sor a.r ro mob tht oppra.wl belltw lhal he is a
IJablllty to the Whiu: man. tht!n ture i.s nmlung 1/Jc opprused can do that will saue tht! power/II.I ma.stus.. Tiu! phllDsaplry of Blad: consciau,nas,
thuefon uprusu group pridl! and tu "4tmninasion by Blacls to rise up and
analn rile,1tdself."

By the •cnvisasccl self" • Biko rcfezs to the 81.aclc self. a liberaled psyche. It is that which we
wimt to rcseUG with such• Black consclowmcss movca:wia bt:rc in Amcrka. We need to counter
Bla�k self-baaed and frivolous "party mcnsality.• We also want to end the sccloJ
dcgmd.1tion or our community, GDd rid it of diug addiction. prostihldon, Black-on-BLack
and other sociaJ evils that destroys the 1n0ral fiber of the Black communily. Dtugs and

pn:,sdanion :'fC � ccmtrolled by mpa.izc.d cdmc. o.nd pn:iurcted by the poll� who accept
bribes and sifts &om gangsaas. These negative social values_ the m-caUed •dos-at-dos"
phismcphy of the Caphallist.systcm ta.ches poop!c to be lndividuallsts of lhe warst sart.
W-dling to ccmm&it all)' kind ofcr:im.e agaimt ach Glher, o.nd to takc 11dvantA1c of cac:h ocher.
This oppressive culture is wlml we arc fighting. As tang as it exists. il will be lwd to WW)' the
people arouml 11 revolutionary polhical program.

BaUdlD& A Blat'.k IUl"'t'md PJ"O&l"IUDt.

But there nmst also be same way to eftSl1l'e dwr eccnomic survival, ID addidcm to providing new
culrumi rote models. II is then when the Commune. 11 network er commwdty �dam ud

intaVate in ever,� of Black lite: fcod imtl �

Peoptc'c bMb and community mumal aid funds.
lnslAuticms. assumes it1. gn:otest un� We will build a soc:iopoUdcal lnliistrcctun to
mtives. Black Ubcradcm schools.
� cs and �lala, rodent cxmllOl
mid pest eztcnnlm\d.on p:mgmms. coopcradve factories. community cultuml and adcrtalnment
cenla'S, thc cstablisbmc:m of an inlcr-oammnnaJ e!ectrc:mic cammmdc:adc:mui.erwmk. Lmdud._ . . . .•. . _ .
building n:clamadc:m p,oJects. public wmb btipdcs to rebuild lhe cities. youth pm.feds. drug
clinics, and many at!:lcr such pmgrams.

AD these � satisfy the deep needs of the Black cammunlty. but they ere • salt.tdonr to
our problems. because although we cm build a survival economy now. we have to realize lt will
take a social revolution to ovcrtluow Cnpw,Jlsm and obtaln full occmomic rclf-suffidc=y. But
they will help us to OJpD1ze the Blttck community aramid a tnac ,mal� and 1.mdentand of their
situation. This is why they are called survival progmms. n=mdaa surviviaa under this· system
pe:ndlns a social revolution. .
Bulldbag ccmsciou.saess mid revolutkmary cultme m.cana toldng cm rraUsdc day•to-day ls:sucs,.
llb hunaer. the need for clothing and hcuslng.joblcsmu:ss. �on and Olbcr usues.
means thllt the Commune must 611 in the v11c:uum wh.cro people a,e not belaJ �ly fed.
clothed. provided with � medical tttatml:ll&, or me Olhcrwlse being deprived of blsic
needs. •

Contrary to the rhctar:ic of same Leftist groups. dm will not make people pmlvc or just
depndent on us. rather than stniullng aRDinsc the gove.mmmd and dc.inmidlng these 1hlnp.
Rather. it inspba canfidea.ce il:tc revofudOIIIIIY forces and Upc:ll!S'S 1he aovernment u uncadn;
and incampetent. 1bat is more of 11D incenlive f� the people lo revolt and ovctthrown lhe
govcmment than holding i,alldc:al pep mllJcs. giviag speeches. rmmlng (or public offl� and
publishina JDDDif'estos aid n::sohd:kms or port)' ac�pers and c1her prbogc (that no Otlc reads
but thdt own members). like mast Black rand r.adicol groups do now.

We need o new way ofccnfrandng our oppra;sed situadoa. We need co Wille out people to fight.
and lo do that we ru:cd to edm:ale.. ogbmc and argimbc. Thars the only wt17 wc:11 win a new
world. Wbat follows is tm cump1e of tho kind of survival progmm I met.ID:

(1). We must have cc:mmumhy ccmlJOI of oU bu.siaases ADd &a.ndal imdndicms laco.tcd In our
communities,. and for lhosc � not working Jn our best blecrests or not rcnuning same of
its revenue met ta the commumty. we will sew: said businesses and lllm lhcm Into community
coopemdves and muruaJ aid bankuig societi�

(2). We • oust have COD'.%!'Jtc1ity ccmlml of oU housing ad major input In oU c:ammunity planning
of Black comm1miries. It a piece of property or home is owned by a stuinlmd (dthcr a privalc · •
ReabCll' or pcmmcnl agency). we will sd.ze it and tum it bdo community homing coopcmdves.
We oppose Urban Rencwnl,, SJl8:lial deeompas::idon. yuppie gcollfflcadon and olher such radst
schemes to drive us OU1 of the dries. W must have complete control of oU plnnning lxmds

affecting and conecmiog the Blaekcommunity. To enfon:c thllSe � we should lead nmt
strikes. demonstrations. armed adions a11d urbmi 1qu.auiog 10 ddvc landlords out and lake over
the property.
(3). We must have an indcpendcnl sclf-5I.ISl.liining economy to gl.l.a1'IU11Cc full employment for all
our �le. We demand that the U.S. govetnlIWd pmvido snassive economic aid to rabuild the
cities. The govc:nm:,cot spends bUllam: per year for tho Pentagon killing rnac:b.lna. At least dwt
amoWd should be � to meet the needs of Amcdea's oppressed communities. Ghetto
housing must be n:buUt and nu:ned ovct to tbe (!CCUpBDtS. �jobs and services must be
provided to all community n::sidt:ms im:ludins fmt preference tor all CODStmclion jobs in the
Black community. when public wotks bdgadcs are msigncd to rebuild thc cities. We must fight
for Black grasstoOtS conaol of all govcmmcm funds allocated to the Black community throush
a ntlwo:k of mmual aid banki.Dg scicictics. ccmmuni1y development corporations, mid
cammwdty dovclopmi=nt. credit nnions.

. (4).RCJJ1raticms· tho Bi1 byback. .llic.t.fnw:d S1a1.e&pmm and the dch elms of.Jhis.._. -··· .• ... . •
country has moleo and oppressed Africans in this contiDi:nl. for dc:c:ades. they worbd our
ancestors as slaves, and after slavery they continued to oppress. murder ,md esploit our people,,
on down to the tbe pze:scnt day. We must build a DllUlr.l movcmc:m in our eommUDitics to compel
the govctmDCDt and the rich to provide the means for our� re-development. They owo
us for centuries of abuse and robbery I We must demand dwt rcparabODS, in the form of
community dcvclo1>=ot m0J1Cy and ot1u:r furuk, be provided and placed in crcdh unions.
cooi,eradves. and c:ithcr mutual aid instiluticms in the Black eammumty. so dwt we can stan to
obtain some mtaSWC of ccc:m.mnic &elf' :mlBci.c.m:.y. Yct we know thnt they won't. give the monc7
to us, we must fight them for it. just like we must strusale to ovaemm the sys&em. of wage
slavciy today,

(S). End police bnn.ality. We must argam.zc aclf'--ddcmc u.nits to pro1cet the Blad: c:om.tDumty
and i1s oigani:m.lion.s, and ranove the Sta.Le's poll= fames. We demimd c:risninaJ prosecudon and
jailing or all brutal or killer cops. No Jwisdiction for the St.ale's judicial system in Black
libcmtcd zones.

(6). We undcnab a larae-s:ale program to train. B1aclc people as doctms. nones and
mccieal parapmf'assianals In ardcr to make free quality modbl and denial we available to
Blaek people. We must demand that the go�nl subsidbz all sw:b medical and dental
trainlns, as well as for thc opemlion of clinics,. but Black people thC1DSClves must establish and
run the &ec medical clinlas In all Black comm•mhies whether urban ot nual. 1bis would Include
community 8.bti-drug programs and drug rehabilitation clinics.

(7). We must establish a Black commi.mily-contrullcd food �m forsctr-sufficlcncy and as a

way of fighting to end hunger and 1D1W1utdtian , includma a 1rncking network, warehouses,
c:otomunal farms, fm:mers' coopcndives, food cooperatives. agrli:ultuml unions, and other
cclledivc associations. This will Include a pro1CSt campaign cballcnging thc theft of Black farm
lud by agribusiness� and :deb White '"lancfbamns• and reclaiming ta for our
projects. This is�)' imponam now thD1 the U.S. bas dllcttd an economic crisis which wW
not be nble to provide for our needs. We must force thc.govcmmeot IO provide the money for
pmny of these projects, to be administered under our total control. instead of by a government
(8). The Black commumty must liave control of i1s entire cducalional system &om th:
school through college. We must establish a Black Ubc:tadon cducanona! sysu:m which meets

the trainina needs of Black children, pn:paia than for job training IUld cc:cnomic sccw::by•
service to their community. and gives them a knowledge of themselves and c.n undastandins of

the true history and eulture or Ametm people; as weU oa a program of odult education for
community pec,ele whose erulier edUClltianal oppcrtunities have been stunled. We shou!d
demand fiec higher educadon for Blacks and ctbcr m full government expense:.
inchw.lng remedial tminlog ptogmlDS for all who wish to qualify.

(9). We raust dcmmd and Bgbt for the release of all Bl4ct polilic:u � and victims of
mc:ial inju.,dce., we must invesdgt'do and review the CBSCS of all mch i,zbaaas who are the
victims o( £ovcnmtCDI poUdcal rcp,mcm aDd mdst muDC-Up&. and lead II mass campaign fc:r
illcir release. Some of aur best rcvo!utioD!uy orgnnlurs an: rotd.o1 11way lo the prison houn:s of
Lh1s land.

(10). Th: ccntml demtuld b for Black ccmtrol or the Black ccmmnmity, it J!Olltics and economy.
Wc,hlive to tab over the ddes, establish mm.uclp:d ccmnnmcs. and aeraso tielf-govemmeru. u
a vital step. We are the majcaity lD many of the major cities of this ciommy and we �h.ould be
able to eonuul aur own affalrs (or at least obtain some autonomy), but as we should now be
awan: we wan'I be we wan\ ever. get this CGIDID.UDhy. social� througb.vothlg for l!liOIDa---· .. ... . .
Black CaPilallst politician. or m::mi passively dcpcndios f ot satvatimi• on lco.dcm of one 5art ar
anOllier. We have to do it ounelves if we me to ever get on the road to freedom.

The aeed for a Black Labor Federadoa.

The demand for Black Jaber hiw been the central ecanamic fac:tcr in Amedee; It was Black labor
which built the fomtdmtiam of this nnli.mL. llepmias with slave labor in the Old South cm
�dons. dJen with sl:mrec:.ropplng mid otbcr farm labor the. CM! war. sw:cessive
iniption to the Ncrth and wcmin mills. mine mid dwiag a 40 year period (1890-
1920). and OD down to the presen1 day, Bladt labor is lmpanant to the func:ticmna of the
Caphallst cccnomic otdl:r. A.lmaiit fonn the begimuna. Block wod.:m htwe � their awn
LaLor urucns wmbl's lll.li50Claticms to represent their iD!crc:sts: the National Colored Labor
Union In JBCS9, the utlooal Colmed Pllmllll's AllLmce (Populist) in the same yeG.r, the
Bmthahoad of �g Cu Pena-a iD the 1940'5- the League of Black �oludonary Worbm
in the l9CIO's; the United Omstnu:tion Workers Assocmlic,,n, and the Blact and Puerto Rican
Coalition cf Omstntc:don Wotbrs in the 197D'S. ud an down to the pn:scnt day with such
unions or 1111\SOCiadcms as the Black Watkcrs for Justice and the Couitic!l for Black Tmdc
Unicmlsu. Some af thme wen ww:ms. some weie Jusi amnciarians ,,r Black wcd::as in ez:lsdna
�� (NOTE: In addition to Black� ar1a:I Jaber (edcratiam in the J870's. there were
90.(JOO BIAck worJws in the Knights or Labor in the 1Bacr11 . and al least 100,000 in the .
Indusulal W�o(� Wedd� lo the 1900's_ . ,· . .

In faet. the trade unions would .aat even uist today lf it were not far the assiswu:e and support
of the Black worker. Trade unionism wm ham as DD effective national movement mnid the peat
ccmvulsians af the Civil War and the fight to ead slavery, yet Black wmkas wen IOUdncly
ucludcd ftom unions like the American Pcderadan of I.Alm. Only militant associations like the
Kniahts.1.WW and the Anarchlst-inidakd lnlanadanal Working People's Assocbtion (IWPA)
would ac::c:cpt their memberships al all. 1bis c:aodnucd for JmD)' um.ii the founding of the
Congress of Industrlal OrpDiiadons (CIO) began bs cam of Sbikcs. sit-downs. and ether
protest actions to orsani& the unskilled iDdl.lSUW wmkas. labor was pivotal in these
battles. yet has JteYcr fully reaped the benefits. In fact, they were betrayed by the Labor basses
when the CIO wns bea&cn dawn in the 1950's.

You would think that Am.erimn labor would see it as cmnina1 or racist to ignoie Ihm "
fellow workers today iD that fnsbhm. But cvc:n now then: Is 110 lnbcr ars:mimtion in the U.
S. which pa full �don and equal UeatmCDt to Blact womm. The fad Is that even
with some Black labor officials in office, Black workers n=ceive far (ewer union benefits lhan

The majority of the Bbck DKISSCS ore in the woddng cbss.. Because or the role �1 pl.lly In
praduclion., Black mdustrial and clerical worbrs ma poi.emiolly the most powerrw seccor of the
Black community in tbc struulc for Black libcmtian. AJJ tho vicdms or hicqwillry In the
economy, Block hove o.1re.o.dy begun co orgmdzo for thdr bucrcsts and prutcd their
rights on the job. even if tho union is c:o.mcrvadvc and won't fight the bcm. 1b:y have lmmed
union caua:tailCli nod CYCQ indcpcodcns labor unions whue DCCC!lilal)'• Of counc, the wdty or
BJock and Wbi1.e wmkcn is bit and cwcrtluow Ca� But wbari White
wmbrs arc m:,w piivileged and QR! � Black umty and muglc must
pn:ccdc and prepPftl the� for any BIAck-Wbhc unity on a brand &Cale. Black c:aueUtlefl in
the Unions can fight agams1 discriminorion in hiring, 6rin3, and u� and for eqwillty of
tn:.lllrru:nl in the unions., now. while White worbrs mil have yet to widely support democ:radc
rights for Bmck and other oppn:ssed nationalidr.s. Black Caucuses are lniponom. w c
th arc
pan or or&llDizcd, should mi,,,: to amlom. n:genctalc lhcit.
� -· - .•• . •
��ellmimuc While job r:rua Tm:se BL:ick callCUl'iCS in the unioas

1. R.lmk and tile democmtic cormol of lhe amlan.

2. Equal dsJw; and tre.atm.eot for all amlonis.,IS elim.inlltc all rncist pmcdcet1 in the

3. Affinuadvc ncticm pzogmms 10 redress p:sst tDcisl emptoyma:d pracdces. end

mcia.1 discrlmfontlma based cm &:aiamy and otbcr plO)'S-

4. Full cmplo)'IIWll far all Blw:ks. WotJWl,, and otbcr DOD-While wozkcai•

.S. A 20 -30 hour work week whh nmedu.cdon in poy •

6. The light to mike.. iodudilJB wildcnt sttim without ww:m sam:don.

7. Speedier and fair sncvance proccdw:a.

8. An e:scala1or clause in all uman COblJBctS to ensure owouuitic wage

adju.ffl!l.CDIS to keep up with the d.sing cast of living.

9. Full payment of social sccuruy by employer and the govcmmtnt. Full

wwnploymcnt compensidon Qt 1005 of base pay.

JO. minimum wages .nt uni on scale.

11. runaway shops, p hony ha.nkruptc y, or "S1n11t:gic plam shw.downs by
c:ompmics without notice t o union or to gain advantage in c:ontrad negodmions.

12. A public worb pmpm IO rebuild the.Blad.: and other i:m=-dty

communities. and to provide wmk for Black wotlws.

13. Worker's aclf•11J.1U1agcmcnl of industry by (adozy commine.cs a.nd worker's

councils, elceled by the work.els themselves.

In addition to the union caUt:USCS, Black working people need a notional Black worm
�on. which would be bath G revo!udanmy union movemeru to do won:pbu:c organiz:ing.

but also would be 11 mass &ocial movement fct community orgonizmg. Such a movement would
combine the crganizing tactics to both the labor 1111d Black Ubcmticm movements. 11 ii not
designed to di:ive 81.acb out or lhose unians where they me � oraa.nized. but wculd rather
save ns a tool to mu!tipJy their number.; lmd stratsdl. nad tum their unions w.o
mililant. class
strussle i.nswmcms.

The Leo1uc of Rcvoludoiwy B1m:k Woma. wblch onbml2:l�B111ck auto wotbs:s dming tbe
late 1960's Jm)!l&:s m example of th an � The Lague. which grew out
of its mBjor affi1iat.c. the Docfge &:val ement (DRUM). was undoubtedly the most
mllltant Black Labor movem.cml in Am.cdca.n history. ll was a B111ck labor federatlon which
emtcd as an orpnh.ed rdtcmadvc to the United Autn Wmbls. and was the hievitable step of
taktna the Black IJbemdcm strugle to the icdumla1 shop Door. the point er proclucdan. and
Caphallsm'a mast vuln.cmble area.

Tho League bttd wisdy decided to mpnizc in the Dc:aait automobile prodw:don mdustry • an
induatry wlierc Black.wctb:ra wcro.anJmpmtaat P'lt a!the 'll01'k r� also ID lhc.J>cttoit.
Black oommunity wbcie it united the snuggle in the f'octarics with that or the Blndc suugle as a
whale. II 9Wckly became a rmjor f'crce in the workplat.e nnd hi the streets. o.s mADJ or its cadres
0tgonbed en college campuses end in the Blac:k i.m:..:t-city areas. Jt bad thepotemial to became a
rmm nationwide Black wcrkins class movemmat. but this potent:W wos sd.flcd through political
racdan ft� alllOllJ the leadasblp. lack of a solid mganlzcd base: in the focecdr:s;
oampany/UAW/alld Sr.ate repnmion. orpnizcd mdan ad lack of coopemtion amorig WbilD
worbrs. and Clther such reascns. Eveld:Wllly the Leap split w.o
munwly hostile focdons and
died. after less than five years of u:isr=ce.

Even theugh the League was al best a tcVOludmwy SY11:dlcilllislm "jz:arfon. Gild later a rigid
Manist-1.cnlnist organimticn,, (and thdr adoption a dsis latkr ma rilarlan 14.toloa. with iU
ltktu ofpursu and unquudo,wd katkrsldp, tRr, r,y lard to Its tkmhe). Ihm: is much that
Anan:hists a.nd radical Black lobar actlv!Sf.S am team Cram the league. lbe DWD�is that
Black warbrs am and should be mgmdzed into some sore or indc� labor don. in
addidon to or even in lieu of. their rncmbersbip in mpnbcd labor imiam and ctpedally where
the unions� of the sellout type mad discrirninates apimt B1ac.b. Ako il ia much c.u::acr for
Bmck wotms to· cqanize � Bmck-workr:m and their community ID support of lmd
workplace t is pra:iscly why we need to estobmh a group lib the League today.
but as an illsn:i mipnli:zation., so u to 11vcid the past pitfalls m:I ideclogiciu
squabbles or Mamsm·Lcnlmsm.. SirnpJy stated wlw would be the prcgmm of I ncwly•fmmcd
nadpntd rcdcmdon of Black worms?

1. far class struu)c against the boss:cs.

2. To otganlz.e the Btiu:k workers ignored by the tmdc muons.

3. for warb:.ts solidarity among n.U rwioaalitics of workers.

It should be an l.alenmdoml Black Labor Federlldonl

From Detroit, Micl:dgan to Durban, South Africa, f'rcm lhc Caribbean to Austnlia, f'rcm Brazil to
Engbnd., Black worlw-5 on: univcr.mlly oppressed and esplaned. The Black wmking class needs
its own world labor organizadon. Tbue is no mdal poup more borne down b)' social restraint
lMft Black worbss; they are oppn:sscd as worker.I and na a people. Because or lhcse dual forms
or oppression and the fncl that mast tmde unions ucludc or do llOl stnl&Jl• fer Blade Jaban:r's r
rights. we must orpnb.c for cur own dab". and libero.don. Even though m away African and
Caribbean countries there me "Black" labor fecferatiom., they � rd'aimlst er goverm:na,.t•
conuolled. Then: is II larse wading class in many or ths::se c:ounlries,. but they have no millwit
lobar organ.izadons to lead the svugglc. The bu.ildi.Ds or i:i Black workers' muvement for
rcvolutionmy industrial mbotage and a general 5trlb. or o:gnnb:e the worlws for glf.
management of production • and so undmnine and ovctthmw the govemment is the nwnbe.r one

What would an bdcm,adonal Black labor fcdt:md® staDd for? Rrstly, sinc:c many Black
workers. f� and pensonrs are Do& orpniz.ed ll1 all ln man c:ountrios. sucb u orpnlzntion
would be one bi1 union of Black wmkas. �mmg evuy conccivnble sill1 and vocation.
Also such an orgonlzndon tnc.aDS the wotkt•wide unity of Black wodcers, and then_ secoadly, It
means coordinated lntcmadonal labor nwohs.Capllal and Labor have nothms in common.

11te real strength of worms Dgamst Capital and the imperialist c:ountdes is ecom:mde watfan,. A
nsvolutionmy gd1fflll stdke and boycott the multin.otlcmnl cotpamdons and thcit aoocJs by
Bl=k workers all over the globe is how they ani be hurt. For im:wncc, If� want to me.b
Britain and the USA wilhtlraw firumciaJ and military support &om South Africa then we use the
fanu to political and economic s1n1ggle against thmc countries and the u.mlthmttonal
companies involved. II would be a powerto be reckoned with. for instance,. coordinDlcd tldians
by tmde uniODS and political adicm groups in that countryhave Gln=dy causes major policy
changes, a fqll.ftcdpd gencnd sum would likely ad to the total economic coDapse or the
racist South Afrlcan state. especially if such saibs wm: supponcd by Blade wmkas in Nonb

In addidon to esldng the Blm:k worhrs to form thcit own ln.t,:madanaJ lnbot fedcnlliOD and 1.0
mpnhe nmk-l!Dd--ftlc'l wlthiD their eJistlng trade un1ans to push them bsto II class
s1n1gle dlrecdon. we also mvite Black wotbts to join the Anmcho-Syndicalism labor
orgaaizutioos lib the J.WW and the Wotkcr.t Salldadty ADiance,. the Ammcma l!OCtlon of the
ln.1ctrmdcmal "'Wodcms Assnciarion- lWAis based 1D Pmis. Fmnce. But. coume, ii ii not
interu:led to chive Black workers out ofdmssc umatlS where they arc already octive, but would
rather serve as a tool to multiply thdr number and stn:nglh m such unions. and make them more

Unemploymc:m and BomeltsmeSI

In the Dr:st lhlce mODlbs of 1993, the U.S. Labor Depu1m.CDt's.Bureau or Labor Stadsdcs 11sted
official unemployuient rm:es at about 6 million persans or just 7� the labor force. Under
Ce.r.!ta • figure is •notma.1• and ncmscnsically is comidered by Capitalisa ca:momists
as full empJ.oymqr" even though milliam or_peoele ccmsigm:d to ccaimmic poverty of
the� sott. But the govcmment figures are inll:ntionally conserv11dvc. and do not include
those who have given up actively scan:.hing for jobs. the tmder employed( wbo Cllll1 make
enough to live on), the part-time watkm (wbo can't find a full mne or steady Job} and the
homeless of which there me now between J..5 million alone.

or the 6 million pcopJe that lhc govcmm=t does COWll cs jobless now, ]=s tl1ilb 3 roilllon
given any unemployment cxmiperis3don m oth:r fedeml or SlD1e aid ; the rest are left to sarve.
sta.1 or hustle for Ihm survival. A persob without o. job under tbe system is counted as
nothlns. Every worker hns the human right to 11 jobj yet under Capi • workcr.s o.rc dismissed
fonn employment in times or � crisis. ove,prodw::don, depn:ssion, orjust to sove labor
costs through less workers and more gpced.u� And some warkas cannot find Jobs in the
Capitalist labor mnrkct because of bu:\ of.skills. or racial or social dlscdminntJon.

But the govemmenr's flaw.a lie. privote stide that ;lhc total number of people who
want full time jobs and thus c-.annot find tb:m amowds to nearly 14.3 million pelSODS, Clearly
then this is a crisis situation of broad propordons, but all the govcmment is doing is JuBSling and
hid.Ina figures. But the figures do show that Blacks. Lotinos. aDd women are bearins the brunt of
Herc is what a waited mavemcn1 of watkt:rs mu:I b.omt:lat1 must demand:
- Pull (u,o w:u:mplaymana) for all wcrkm at m:dcD wage.
-EsiabUsbmcal or. abm1ct workweek. so dlA& wm:kcm wcuJ.d be pdd at lbc rala
fat 40 houn of warlc for 20.30 a week cm die Jab.
-End tu:mu:tessnus. build and make avallabla doccnl aft'ordabl.c bcusioa fm all.
&peal all "loitering", anti•pmbandling iUld other laws apiml the homclCSL
·-&d the war budget,, mu:t use those funds far dc:ccDl. low•b:tcame housing.
better schools,. hosplws ,md cllnica. llbmdes. pub mu:t public trampmtadon.
-End racism and smsm in job oppammides 111d rcllcf bcndhs.
-Jobs or a gwmmt.ced lAcamc far all.

-Pull federal a.nd ata1e bcacfils for unemployed wcrbzs and their families.
including corp:mdO and aovcmmcm funds topsy the bills. rems and debts for any laid off
wmtcr. and unemployment camp:marian m 100� of regular paid wagc. lasdns the full leqth of
a wotkt:r's period of uncmploymeDL
-n:monal mbmrwm wage sec Ill prevailing mdcm cnuy wage.
- � ILlld � muds 10 esiabllsh a public wans program IO�
jobs (wnh full un!n dgbls mid wage sc:alc) 10 rebuild the hm,:r ddcs and� IICICiCkd l'i'OClial
servic:es. The pragnun and ks nmdi showd be mtdcr die ClOllU'nl of commhlcc:s c:lcmoc:ntically
clcclcd from poor and Black acighbcmoads. so as to ovoid •povcn:y pimps'" and dp offjab
agciidcs. ot government bureaw:mlL
-Free all permm in. prison for c:d.mes of ccc:mcmic survival

This. and rile dcrmada previously maodnncd, arc mcn:ly a survival pn:,gr.un a.nd agenda for

unemployed wotlws. the real answer ls Social .Ri:volution. tlu: c.l.i.mirmdon or Ccpitall.s:m. and
workers' sell•manaaennmt of the economy and society. nus is a vital first step however. 1bere
would be no Wlemploymcnt or social need for wogc labor in m:i AMn:hlst-Coromunist soc:iety.

Crimes Aaalmt the PeopL:.!

It is the rich who decide whot is or is not 1:1 c:time. it ls not o. neurral dt.:dgnndon. Th: l.nwa an
wri�n co� the rich and those wbo =:c u ogcrua of the State. But mast pcnonal crimes are
not comrmued agai.n:.t the rich, they are usuallf ii:iaccessible. 1l Is poor and working clmm B!ack
people who II.Ill the major vicdms of violent cl'.llm. 1be Black female ls the prinwy victim of
mpe and abuse by the Blar.k maJe in this COWllly. The Black male himseJJ' is tlu: leading
homicide victim the U.S. by anochcr Black man like bbmelf'. and mdly our childnm are amons
the leading vicdlns of child abuse. many times by bis or bu own � 7We do net lib IO
think or thCIO thinss in the Black community. but we are hotlming ud ld.Uing omselveo at an rn..:. This ls not to deny tlJal the Capitalist :soc:ia.l system bu aear.ed &usa'Gdns. .
degrading condlliam of life to this bnwill.ty.and fmb:k:idi:, but we would be lu..
in out hlll'DO.De and :revolutionary duly if we did not tJy to ClOD'Cd this p?Oblem on the shmt•tiizm.
and eJso make Black people u,ume responsibility for our actions. I am not talldng same Bi.:k
con,ervetive o:r "'law anci order" gaabagc here, but rather a ru::ogmdon of fact that we have a

We have an c.l.WSla1 and an ima:na1 cdsis situ.alien fadns u.s in our community. The external
aim is 111cism and colcmlallsm. which wmb to syst,:maticnlly oppn,:a us and is responsible fm
whatever lntemal casi.s then: is. The inw:nal c:tisis is the result of u environment wlme dntp
and violence (boch l50Cial and pbysiau) me mmpud. GDd llfe is samt:dmes � cheap.
Blaek-on·Black crimes llDd i.tu.crul violcoce an: �8 our cammunity. It is undoubcedly
sell-hatred and the desp::nre eccmamlc mad soc::ial co.ndidom we live uzadu which mabs us pey
on each other. Drugs. frusuat.ed rage. prostitution GDd Olhc:r vice me symptoms or opptcsslm.

We kill, beat, rape and bMaUze each ol.bcr because we arc la pa.hi omsclves. Thus we me ac:dng
out anti-social rolt::S defmed Car us by samc0Dt1 c1sc. DOt ourselves. ID our pain and cc:mfusion we
strike out nt convcnietd and familiar victims; thase lib ourselves. Thero are on:ti.muy B lm:k
people who steal and rob Just 1o surrivc uodu this SJ11A1. ba::ause of the unequal distdbution of
wealth. Further-. (or same of us, in our desire to •make it• in Capillillst society we will siop al
nothing, includi.ns murder. And &ally, lh.em arc thme wbo who do whatever they do becouse or
drug uddlcdc:m orJDCDlal siclr::ness.

Whatever the rcesons, we have a serious p?Oblem that we must remedy because it is •"Y
ot the moral mad social Comic or our C01DIIW:Dity. ll will be Jmpcm1"ble to unite Black people it

auuiot tectify this problem. DDd that on1,

they � ln fear llDd haued of OM 11.Ddbm'. k is also obvious the paUce and 3ovemmetd
the commwuty am do so. The couns and prison
ce.nJiot prevent the situodoa from ffleumng. Thcrd'ore what can we do?

problem. O»:nmunity sell-managed programs to wotk with Black youth S:fi,�bers.

k is the community. through its own mgo.niz.adcms of coru:crn. wbicb will have to dea.l with this

ar much violcoce in the community), rather thaa the military a�h or ca · 8 in the cops.
(o source

empower the community rather the mcist prison bureoucracy and the cops. Also. the
community-nm dru11 .n:hnbilhadon £111Ups, therapy nod counseling graups. and mher
neigbborh · 8 help us w effectively deal with the p:oblem of inlemal violence and
hopefully de Mast impo11� it involves the community in the effort.

But we cannot totally depdld upon counseling or rchnbilil.adon �ucs, cspeciaJJy wb.en=
there is an immcdiale thrca1 of violmce or wbi=rc it has occurred. So, to In.sure peace and public
security, a Bluk community guard service would be orgWli.u:d for this purpo!iC. as well as to
Anan:hists should begin to have cmmm.mity forums oq the cause and manlfc:stadcms or crime In
the Black community. We have to seziously examine lho socinl insdludom: fm.Uy, schools.
prisons • jobs, etc•• that cause us to fuss. fight. rob and Jr:iD each odia, mthcr tbm the enemy
who is causina all our misery. While we should mchllizc to rcstm1n offendem. we must bcpn to
realize tJw only the community will dfecdvely deal with lho malla'. Not the 111.Cist Capilailst
systp. with its reim:ssive polh:c. caurt.s IIDd pti.scms. Omy we have have psychology iand
uru&sl:mdlag lo deal wltb with It; cow we must develop the will. No� eke can::s.

Jnstead or eye-for tryc ptmishment. there should be n:sdnmcm 10 the his family or
society. No revenge. such as the d=lh penaJty will ming a murder vicdm back. aor will Jong
tenn-imprisonmenl serve either Ju.sdce or the ptclCCdoa of society. Af'w all,. prl.som lltC only
human trash c:a.N1 for people SOCICt)' has di.seamed as waithh:sa. no sru:ia and just society would
adopt such a ccmsc. Society mab:s cdm1rws ond must be n:sll('IRSiblc for tbcir treauncnL White
c:Bpltalist society ls itself a crime. and ls the gJ'CQll:Sl Lc:lcm:r or c:onupdcm and violence.

In on Anan:hb:t society, pdscns would be done away whh. akmg with courts and police (ucept
for the exceptions I have alluded to). and be n:place,t with CCIIIIIDWUly-rwl prasnum and cemea­
-inten:sted solely with human regcncradon and so:iaz tmi.n.i.Dg. mtha than cusiodial supervision

seems 10 be •c,ad:-head, is another migic fisure; he was a hWDIUl being just like anyone else,
but beeause or his oppn:ssed sccW environment, sought mugs 10 l!.llSe the pain or to escape
tcnn,onuil)' from the "COnctelC jui,gtes• WO lU'Cl forced Jive ffl in the urban gheUos or America.
WilL thc introduction. orcrack. a more powerful dcrivuivc of coc:aJoc. wh!ch made its
app=am.ncc in the 1980's., evc:n mare problems IIDd traptics of dua sort had developed. More
Gddicts. mare Slftld sans ld.Uings. llDd mote dcw:iorabcm of our commwihy.
In thc major utbaa lll'C&S then: have olmosa nlways been dtug uscm. what is new is the depth of
geographical pcneuution of crack 10 Black camanmidc:s in till D.111113 of lhc c:ouDtzy. But lhe
spread of crack is just a follow•up lo mnssln govemment dnlg peddling which begnn at the end
of the decade of the l9<as. The While House b Ibo •rack house•, mca.aing thc U.S. polidcal
adminisaation is bchhad the whole dnlg tmda. The U.S. govemmcnt bas octually been
smu �g drup into this coWltr)' for many aboard CIA Md mllirary phmes to use ms a
chemical WD.d'in wcopcm spinst Black AIU.cdc:a. Tbm.e dnlp were mostly heroin imported
from lhe so-called •0otdim Tmng!c• of Southe&,t Asia dudog the VlelDIU:D war. But with thc
intnxluction of crock co::aine,. theft.I was no need to import drugs into the caunay at the s.unc
catcnt as befcn_ cculd be chc:mfcally.Fp:uuUn 11.mainbndJab.,aml.the1utisuibutcd.
immediately. Onck cre.aled a whole new geltm'atiDD of drug c:Uents 411d custon:u:m for the drua
dealers. it was was cheap and highly oddictive.

Crack: and other dNgs are a huge source of profits fer the sovemm.cnt., ond it beps the Black
community p:issive and polilic:ally indiff'crenL 'Ih:lt is the main rem:an why we cannot depend
upoJ the pollcc force and er thc govcmmcnt to stop thc drug tmffic or help lhe victims hooked
cm drap. Uey me IIUShing the drup to brm ua dawn • cm the m:u,Jmtd. but the Sblte is aim
rmufc 1D0m powc:rful 1:lccwse of the pbony 'Waroo � wblch allows pal!ce ca1e mmsures hl
BJack Md� communides. and because or miJ.lli:ms of dcllm.s in ac,vcmmcnt monetary
appropdndcms made of -Jaw enfo:cemeat• opde,s. who su�y arc� down the tmfflc
bi drugs. But thq never go thc mDbrs er the big busmm rbmnnnc,•ttfmJ ,:amp:mies who
f'mtd the drug cmdc, just 1hc s1net level dm1as. who arc usually poot Blacb.

Uncmplo� Is another n:ason that drug tm.l1kking is so f:CYalml in our cammunitJa. Poor
people will c:!esperDldy look for JUl)' to mah money Wllh., even thc w:ry drup whlcb are
c:festroying our c:cmmmuties. But if peop!e uve DDjobs or i=ame, dnap look ve:r, lucradve IIDd
lhe best way out of the situation. la lace: lhe drug ecmmmy bas became the onlJ incame in
many p,or Blade: commwutf.cs. the anly lhmg \li'h!ch s:ame people pen:civc will lift them out of
lives of dcspemJc poverty. Clearly. dc:ccntjobsatn uniao woge me p:ut.ofthc omwcr to ending
drug uwticldna la our cmmmmity. mther than a depcndem:c en police, ccwts and the Smte. The
cops arc not our mcnds or ally. and must be ezpascd for the.Ir put in pmtccting thc tmda, rather
than suppressina le.

Only the c:cmmunfty can stop drug tmffi.cJdnJ..:

After all, these junkies arc our brClhas and
it is our rc:spc:msibility however you look at iL
matbcn and fathea. ndgbbam and friends;
Ibey arc no sminprs. We must orpnb.e to save� lives and the lllc of our commwuty. We
mu esl3blish And-dope programs in Black ccmmunides all over the c:owmy. We m• expose
Md counter the gov�s role a pusher of dope. iwmg wilh dud of the police a protector of
the drug tmde. But nlso we IDmt be p� to help the drug vic:d.m:s with street counseling, street
cllnlcs (where they ca2l dean·up and Jcim a tmde and I.he sociopolhical reosom for drug use),
propaganda against drug use. and other octivides.

Junkies are the vi� of the :t:mery•

of the biggest vic:d.m:s of drug
which thb:ab i1s cool to use drugs. Childnm arc �me
g. wbco they are tticbd or fon:cd (by ccc:m.amic neccsmty)
into using or selling iL The and dealers both arc vic:dms. but the dealers arc something else
than cn�ly bmoccnL Even though that.Black on the ccmer selling dope lngs is ii victim
himself' of the economic and politfcal system which mabs him do II, dope dcalm arc a com,pc.
cfanserous breed who must be stopped. Many people have been killed or seriously injun::d for

naiv;ly trying to appose dope dt:alcts. and make thcul leave their ncighbodaoods. �fON!t
wh� the policy wilh jl.lDkiea would be more bt=volelll tmd mid.!:mlandins. 'with dope dealers
we mmt be mudous. and even 1\llbJass wh::n it is called for. We need to uy to win them over

cops) they must be opposed by both

y the "bJ'
fmt with an economic and polhicul program to draw thcul away fmm the drug tnidc. but many
of the dealers me so violence proru,. · tibofs• (who are also protected by the
and political meo.ns.

We me not advocatiog the SU111J:DaJ:Y murder of pe.opL:, but we a:e saying if It takes death to
bring about a change ID the c:ommw:dry. so be id • i.ssue of death is cssemia11y an issue of
who is doing 11 can be direct and culdsed agalosl the death JDaCbani. or it can be
bi.dkect aplnst our youth-if we !cl it. To be awme of a dangeious shuaticm aod
not tnovc to chimp it is to be u responsible for that dangerous mtuadan as thCIIS8 who created ft
in the mst pJ.acc.

Usten, I don't want to simplify this problem by .saylog that just kill a few mn:ct•level dcalm and
, that.will No. it't, .AND.lVE. DON.T.lVAN'.t.TO DO 1HAT..AKYWAYJ. lbcJ11t_._ •..i• • _
just poor people bying to survive this S)'lSlcm, P:IWDS in the drua game whose lives don't
i:natter to ihe big Capitalists or govCD'dlli:ml. Wbm they say so.these stn:ct JcveJ.dcalms will be
killed or imprirlom:d, but tho drug peddliog 5Y*JD will 10 on.. ·Thja is a sccio-polidcal fl!)blem.
which can best be addressed by grusroots arganizing. But it's tho cmpom1e .imd lodusmal
bacum or the the drug tmchi (not just the comer deafer) which not cmly IDWtt not only be
exposed. but be mewed cm. IA addition to edw:athmal. osftadaaal, and other agii.adon. 1heto be military BCtlan by :revalutimwy ceJ.1s.

tbc undcrsround acdom which we are asklaa pcoph= to move cm CaD be czm:led out by a
alativcJy small group of dedic:mcd people. a revaluricmary cd.l of mmcd fiahlers, "1ho have bce.n
tmined in gu:n:illa tw:dcs But even tbmc small pups ofpeople must have the support of thc
neighborhoods in order to f'uncdan,. othawise poop!# will not bow it &om viol:nl aar:i.a,
Once chis social cohesiveness CXUS am0D8 the C021111WD.ity, dum WC CWl begm to put chis proposal
into m:dan against the mmt violent, high-level. drug dta!CIS. We arc� owsclves to
what can be mote or Jess be cansldc:n:d to be gu.iddlna (or dealing with the problem on a
ndghbarhoad m COJD.1DUDity•widc level. then 8'. .11 national level

1. Set up drug ed.ucalian tbccmmouniry. fur the youth a.pcdally. to

expose the narme of the drug tmd:,. who Jt hurts. and how the sovemment., � DDd
phmmaccutical compamm arc bc.biad it all

2. Exposure of the dalh JDa'Chimts amJ their police pn>tectars. (photos_ postem_
flicm. newslt:Uenl. etc.)

3. � of lhe deaJcrs; i.e.. dm.atcni.Dg phone, ca&. bocking the chug

"pzoduct"• have dd.iens IDIU'l::hing ouuldc lhmt •place of busbmss·, and other tactics.

4. Set up drua rdaahllitatiOD cliDL::s ao that jw:ddts am be lrco1r:d,. am study the

nar:urc of lheir oppression,. and can be wan over to icvoludoaary politics. w, must win 11opk
owiw from 4ru1 us, on410 lb, r,roludon.

5. Ph.)"SH)DJ climinadon of the deaJa-; inlimidalian,. m::Mng b1m out a

ncdpborhood or out oftowa.. bc,din,gs.. wessas:sinotion. DCCCSSal)'•



cff'ecdvcly fight the Copitalisl powus and cn=ate a world federation of Black peoples. We want
to U;ftitc a broth� or sish:r in North �etica �th the Bladt ecoptcs of Ausrmlia and Oceania.
Afdc:a. the Ouibbean and Soutb Anwica., Asia. the Middle Easl. and lhosc miWODS of our
JXOilc living in Btiraln and other We:stem European ccunttics. We want to wrlte tribes, nations
and Black .ettk:n--...:: i.-i:c a:: :r.:.·nwfona..'-1:.od)· .:.f � and fon:cs.
All over the world. Black people me bdng cpprc:ssed by their national g�, some are
co!onial subjects in Eurapcan commies,. :same arc explaht.d by the one or im.ow:r or the Ahican
States. Only a Social Rcvolutlmi will lead to Bw:k lllliiy and frmdam. However this will oruy
be pam"ble when there exists an inramational rcvoludcmary crg:mimrlan and social
movemcnL An organiz.adon which can ccardi.naJa the rcsistaDcc sauglc:s eveiywbcn: of A.mean
peoples; actually a netwmk of such arganiz.aticms. n:mstancc movcmems. which an: spread all
over tho world. based on a ccmscnsus for nwolutlcmiuy sttuule. 'Ibis ccmcept accepts any level
of violence that will be nece:ss:sry to cnf'cm:c the dc:mrmds orthe people and worla::rs. ID these where an open Black revolutionary mover=n.t wouJ.d be subjeclad to fim:c n:prusiao
. by the· state_ such as in Sauth some Black �ppc.t dictntor:sbip, in �.pam.af__ ••.
Altfea, the Cadbbean_ and Asia-it wouJ.d be to waae an underground rc:sisrancc
struggle. Further, tho aau: has grown more and mare Yiolcm, with wklt::spread tonurc and
exccudons, pdsons and maximum polic:e contrals,. spying and deptivmion of ckmccradc rights.
police brutality and murder. Clearly such govanmcms-ond alJ gOVffllllWIL'J-must be
overthrown. 'Ibey will net fall due to inwDal c:amomic or political problems,. they must be
&:re:ited and dismantled. So we call for an imcmatianal rcs.isw1oc movement to overthrow
savcrmnents � the syscem of Capit!llist wadd govc.amumL

But even in the West.em imperialist c:xnmtms, we must ftlCClgDm the 1cgidmacy of ri:volutfcmmy
violence. When such fcmm of nwalmicmary acdan arc required. however, a dcu difference
shotbd be :seen .amaua rcvolurlmw:ics between s:imele tmadsm withal.II: popular suJl_p0tl and
coherent palidc::al �gram, pca:i1ta wmfaic amin.g out of the collectively-felt f:rustmdom
of the CIORlblOD people and wow:is. 1he me ormillmry methcx!s would be nc:ccssuy in a case
where the vioh=zic:e of tho sr.atc made h.impcmdvc f0t.Black: n:voluticmmies to defend thcmsclvc:s
by caking the armed offemive aaainst the state and the ruling class. and to cxpropdate the wealth
of the Capitalist class during the SaciaJ Rcvolutism.

The Black b'lx.ratiou movemaat ueds an argani:mtkm capable of hw:madmw C0Cl'ldhiatian of

the Black liberation mugg]c,, a world fcdr:mdan ofAfliciD pccp!c:s• .Altmough this wouJ.d DOt
just be an ADarcbist movcm:n&. a fedcmtkm .like I.bis would be more cfl'cc:dve thr:m any group of
states. whether the United Na.don or the �nizndmi of Afi:icm. Unity, in .&ecin1 the Black
masses. It would involve the masses o£people d:tc:mselvcs. not aaiimm1 k:Bdcrs or nadon
states. The military dictaiors and gov� bureaucmJs havc.mdy pnwco tha.t thoy bow how
to spend money on pomp amt cin:urn:stMce, but to disma.mle the last vesa1cs of'
colcimallsm in Scuth Africl or d.d'eas: Wesra:n Df'OC"O!ntriaJisr im:tigue:s. Ames is still this poorest
or the World's condncnts. while matcdally the richest.. 1he ccmrrut is clear: milllcms of FPlc
are starving in much of Equatmilll Afdca, but the ttibal CbiJs. polidc:ids and military dicmt.on.
lll'e tiding arom%d in Mcrccd=i mid lmmy 'YiJJas.,whiJe they do the biddi.Dg of Wost
European md Amcdcan b:mhm through the Jntemadcmal Monewy Fmid. They are part of the
problem. not part of the solutionl

Our ideas about the llDl)QrtaDCC or mt.,!n:-.cmmunaJlsrn me based QIJ a m1D belief lbal OWY ll
fcdlr:1tian of free peoph:s will ming trueBJackpowerto the.masses. "'Power to tho people· daes
not mean a govcmmcnl or political party to mle in their� but social and polldcal power in
the hands o(tbe people thcmsclves. The only zeal ·�·s power" is the power lo mab their
own decisions on matters of impottaDce, not to mcrdy elect somecoe to do so, or to have. a
dictatoisbip forced down their tluaals. True.frccdmnis to have full sclf-dcft:aninadon about
one's soclal. eccmcmic and culnual devclopmem. The runam is Arwchlst-Ccmmlunism, not the.
nation-state, bloody dictal015, c:apiwlsm or wage s.lavcty.
Armed Defeme of the Black Com.muncl

I "Our insis14nce an mllJ14ry ai:aon. def�n:rivt! and rt!IDUalory.

has nothing 10 do with rqmanlid.r,n or pr«ipitam idaJ.istfervor.
W11: want to 1¥ eJ/eclWI. We wan, ro live. Our hisrory 1t!Ddu:s us
IMl tJu: succa:sf,,,J Ubamian sm,.gglu rt!'luire an armdpcopk,,
a whok P6Dplz. «lively parddpazing in 1lu! StrMIJlllcfor
IN!lr liknyt• Gomgc lw::bcm. quoted Blood In m7 E7e

But wbn1 do we do tight now in condiliom o f legality. to n:clPim our a,mmwihy &om violen!
mcist cops? Do we sit around and debate the a� of military preparmioa. when the
enemy is our communhy now. cammiaing r;spc: mid m.urd= ofBloi:k people or do we hit back?
How do we cvco get the i= BCrQSS 10 our people and swt to traha.theip for �tar)'
operudons? On a mass scale, I advocal& thc.hmnediate fmmotion of' dcfcnsc and sunival skills
sfudy groups, undu the. guise of gun ans sac:L:dcs. wildcme::is sumwl dubs or
whatever we need to call them, but a tbcrough undentancting of mnr.brnansbip. ammunition

rabrkation, demolidon 1111d weapan 1D1111ufacturlng is mlnlmal for everyone. In oddidon, we
should study fi.rst aid penolnlng to the rather tralllll!ldc lnjuzies susaalned m,m gunfue and
uplarives, olmbat communicatlons, combat weapons, C01Dbat 1.11etics for the S1D111J group,
omong �lher sub.jccts. These subjeclS nre indispensable ir
gcnr lnSUmc:U0n.
comb:it strategy for the region or 1111tion, combat intelligence of police and milll.llJ')' activtdes
live undagn,und, or during 11

We rhould put emphasis on the purchase, calJecdon, du_plldon and cfismnln•tion of milltuy
manwds, &'";:'.'�!:,
· 1cztboob, cxplasive and impn,vucd demolidom manuals, police and
govmunent manwds, and pimled editions of Rlghl-wing manllllk on the subject (since
they seem IO write the best mawial), and also begin the lludy of how co build intelligence
networks to rollect lnfomw!on on the rapidly gn,wing Skinhead and other totaliuulan nu:k1
organlza.ticms, along with inlelllgencc and ecnmter-inteWgencc lnfmmation on the govenn=Dl
secret police and law enforcement agencies, like the FBI, CIA, ATP, etc., and on ony and every
other subject which could be of use to us in the coming stJUggle.

E�en iho��-bi the u�� s�:�vci� �r�iai; ;ldlh uci ��r�I;-simi,i;,·�

many O'.her countries because IIDDS and ammunition are widely avollable, ii is logical co IISSlll1le
that the arms situadon will 1>0011 be so tight., as to IDl1ke liremms vinually unobtlllnablc, uc:cpt
through an expensive Black marbl. bccaua or the F.aDlllall'• •war on drugs" and cdier
proposed gun conttol legislation to prevent "slreel vtalcnoe", ar so they soy. (Do you r/tJnJ: w
poduccd using a minimum of mnddne toaJs, 9
sponing gootb nora w/U be optn during an lnnurection1). Therefore we should l'eam co use
IDIIChlne toal lechnalogy to produce our own weapons. Paf'ectly adequalc maims may be
the individual or grwp Is willlDg to do
the nccessm:y studyina and prepun!ion. 11 is JIOt CDOQ to bow a little about these subjects; h is
a 11111ner of futwe survival-of Dre and death thnt one highly proficient.

Jam not ndvocating the immcdlale waging of urban gucmlla warf'nre, especially where there Is
no J6ass h:wc for such 11.ctivldes. Whnt I II.ID advocating at this 11111gc Is anned self-defense and the
knowledge of tactics to resist military aggression agninst the Black cmmnunlty. ll ls a foolish and
Wlf'ortwlllte ttnit among AllllrchislS,, the WhiJc l.dt and sections o( the.Blllck IIIOVemenl to
condemn the study of millwy skills as prcmnturc or advClllmistlc, or on the other hmzd, to casl
oneself into a blind fwy ofmnk u�.kidnapplngs. bombings or plane hljackinp. Too
many pecple in the lriovcmal1 have a death ttipappn:,ac:h to gum-they assume i( you are II.Cl
"fooling lll'Ound", then you should prove your canvictions via a suicidal shoat-out in the sa=ts.
n doesu"t have IO be that way.

But the Black movement doesn't even have the hmuy of such tepid debar=, and must have a
armed derensc policy because Ammca has a long tmditian or govCIDJlleDl poll�,:1.mon
and vigilante paramilitary violence. Although SD.Ch llllacb have been d1rected · y Bl
Blacks and other� Dalionallties, .in the past they have llbo been dhected Bl labor unions
Md dissident polluc:iil groups. Such vlale.n= makes It nbsol111ely ncccswy to acquire (omillarlty
with firearms and milll.llJ')' ta.ctics. Jn !n.ct. lhe Black R£sislance movement that I spoke or euller
should think of itself os • pramllltary movement, mthcr than II strict political associalion.

We mmt imert our dgh!s to anmd sdf-defensc and revoludcm, even though it is aue that there is
Q lot o( loose talk about guns, self-defense, revolution • ·urtwi gumDla wannre·, etc.. in the
Black and radical movemc.nlS, but with ve:, liule l1Ucly and pmctlcc in hlndllng and using
weapom. S0Jl'C of the SIIIDO folks think "picking up the gun• lllt4IIS that you pick one up/or rite tlmr on the day o( on lnsunection or CODfrcmfarlon with police. 1bls is nonsense lll:ld Is the
reay"revolutlmwy suldde", you could get .killed llllt blowing what you ore dalng. But many
instances 11tl.e6t to the fact that 111111ed. comm.amity sell' defense cm be cnttied out succcsmilly,
such 11S the MOVE resistance in Phlllldelpbla, the Rcpuhllc of New Amca armed res1stance in
Deaolt and Mississippi. and the Black Pamhu cases. Even IIS lmpoJtant as the act o( defense

itself is, is the fact that lhcsc mstD.Di:cs of succc:ssful self bnv� made a tremendous
bnp.u:t on the Black community, cncoumging ether acts of n:tdslance.
But what is a rebellion ud bow docs it differ &am mi lnsumicdoo? AD i.Dsum:icdon ls a genera!

weeks, mcDlhs ar
of dfmod ar semi
uprising against the power sttucture. It is USUll!ly a l'USUlincd rebellion OYct the COUJSC of days.
la is a type. or class war 1hat involvc:s o whole �OD in an act
� Somedmos mi.s&akcnly called a re� iis � ls far
1D0J11 cmnbDlivc llbd revoludmwy. and Also n:beWons Aft'J a1mast IOlally spcmtan:eous. shmt-tenn
affairs. An insmnd:i011 is abto DDl the revollltion. SJNCE RBVOLlfflON lS A SOCIAL
PROCESS. RA'DIER THAN A SINGLE EVENT. but ii am be an imponam put of cha
revolution. maybe us final pb.uc. An inswncdon is a pbmmd viohml � campaign whlc:h
takes the � revolt of the IDASSC:i co a hlgba level &voludoiwia U1ICIYC!IC t.o push
rcbclliODS to immrccdomuy sta� ud th1:1 imurrec:don an co a social revolwion • Ii is IIOl m:w1.
isolmtd pockets or urban guen:il]as taking acdam. uaJCISS lm:l5e p,uillu 1ft put or a Jaracr
. :r:valL. ···--·· • - • -- -- .•. -'"-··-···... •••• - ·····- · - ·- ·· • · · - ---·········· ··-·· • • ·
If an undel'JP'Ulllld military force emted or a miUda was assembled. Ir could have entered the
filed o(b:lrilc wilb mare weapcmry and advanced tocdcs. )i/j il was lho pop played tbnt role.
and played it very well. 'Their pudcipadon Is why it took so !oas to put lhe nbeWon down, but
even they could not prevent lhe re-establishment of White power lo South Ccntm1 Lm Angeles.
Not just because o( being militarily out Ju.aDcd. but because they bad no rcvolmiarwy political
progmm. despite all their thetodc of haY'lD& been rndienlized Ako the stale c:mne down
lwd cm the rebels. Over 20.000 pcn:o:m wemjalled. 50 were ld1led md bll.Dd:eds
� .

Cculd II libem&cd zcme have beca wan, so that dwd power cawd have been ea1ablisbed? That
possibility existed and atW docs exist if 1he people me properly armed and educated. Mass
n::si.stancc with heavy mWimy wmpcml)' � have woo saicms concessions,, one of which is to
pill back the cops. We don't maw that. this is purely spccwadOD.· We do mow that this ls not
the las rebellion in LA. and olhct cities, they may came much quicker now tha& the genie of
urbm out ofthc. b.-.g riplo.Dtic can.only� prcp;.vc. ONWARD ro TH£. ·- . . .•••
Anarcbbni and tbc Black 'Rnoludoo


A.nnrdmt TIHOrJ' amt Pndlce

The major aim of mis chapter is IO Jist the majar clc:mats of AmrdJist thougbl and to JIM
e:wnplcs of what some Anan:bl.s1s think abcnd du:m. Unllb othu stn:ams ofpolitical tbougbi.
Anan:hisu d o not elcvntc cednin tnts or1ndlvlduals above otlw:s. 1ben:: an: diff'ercm types of
Anarchists with maay points of disagreemeu1. no prlmuy arms or debale among Anarchists
relate to what fmm of orgmilmticm should be muu]ed fer and what tacac:s we s&ould 11,SB. For
�ce. Some of their mast si,Pi&anl differences caccem Ille CICCD0IDic crpnimtion of future
�iety. Some Anaidmts reject mcmcy, and sub:rdtutc a sy51an of ttad: m which work is
exchanged for gooda and scrvic:es. Olhas reject all fmms of uadc or Ian.a-or p:i:wi.e owncnhip
as O:iphalism. and feel thlll nll major properly ahouJd be oWllCd lo common.

There arc ADarcbists wbo bellcve In gw:n:UJa wcu:f'mc (i.ndudma nmssiMtlan,. bambmp, bank
uprar,ri11dons_ etc.) as one mcDDS of rcvolut!mwy atttH:b cm the State. but thcrc also ue
Arwchisls who believe olmast u.clusively In mpob:adcmal,, labor er cammunhy work. 'lhcn: is
· no · cype, nor do they all agree on Sb'lltcgy and tactics. Some me oppascd to violence. smm
ace onlyinself-dcfcmccrdmingn revolutimwyinsurncdoa.

Anarchlsls and Anarchism have bi.stodcnlly been� to the wmld. 1be popuLv
lmprem!on of an Anan:hlst as an m:tcontmllnbly emoticmal, violent who is only Interested
in destruction far ics ownra.a. or
and wbo is opposed to all fanm orgui.zatlon. sdU pcmisls to
this day. Further, the m1stak= belief' that AliM::by is cbam and c:cmfuslon. a rcip of mpc.
murder and mindless-total cUsorda- and lomnlty-is widely believed by thc. genaal public.

This false lmpes:sicm. primadly is still widdy ·bcllc:vcd became people fram acn:m the political
� have consciously been Jl1'0IDCUD8 lb1s Uc for years. All wLo smvc tooppn:a and
exploit the working class. and pin power far dwnselvcs, wlu:thm-tbcy came from the Right or
the Left. will always be tbtetitened by Anarchism. This b beClluso Anarcbi.sts bold that' all
authority and coen::ioo must be struggled against. ID fad. Annrcblsts want to� dd of the
� �or ofviolmce thrmlgbout � To Anan:hists. 11 O:ipitalist
·clemocr.ide· aovcrm.m:n1 1s no beua than • rascfst cir emnmun1111 regime. beomso lho ruling

chm only differs in the amount of viob:w:c they authm:ia their poUc:c and mmy to use and the
degree of rights they wW Ill.low, it any. Through war, police rcpn:ssion. socw
negleet, and
polidcal rcpn::ssitJn. millions af persons have been tilfl:ld by aovemmmus, whether trying to
defend or ovezthrow a gow:mmeut. Arwcblsts wanl to CDd this slaughter. and build a sociaty
based 0D peac:c end 6c.c:dam.

W1.uit ls Aruur:hlsmt Anmchism w ftco or 1.iberte.ri.lm Socialism. A.narcbisrs are opposed to

government. the state and Capitalis..u. Therefore, :.imply speaking. Anan:hism is a no-­
gov,mment form of Socialism.

In common wt,ta all 1/u: hold 1htu 1/u! prlWl.le
ownership ofland. capiral and machiMry har bad iu ti•; rhal it i.r
condemud to dlsappttar. and 1hal oil rt.,q_uisltufor produi:tion nws,
and w11, btco� 1/u! common property of.sodery. and be tnatllJBtul In
common by the prodw:tn ofweahh. Kropotkin. .in bis Anarchfst-
Cqnmunism; Ils Ba:rinod Priaciptcs, __ . --·- ..•.. --·· .... ···-·- ___ --�-

Though there are sevcml diffi:rcot "schools· of Amn:bisl though. rcvoludonaty AJwchist a:r
A.rwehist-C.mnmlllWml is based upon the class struggle. but it does not tab a mecbmdst view of
the class struggle tab:n by the Mm:xkt-1...eninists. For lllSlallce. h doc:5 not take the view that onq
the industtial prolewiat cu achieve Socialism. and that the victory of this cJau. led by a
"eommwust working class party" represent th!I ftDaJ vic1my over Capit.olism.. Nor do we ACCCJJt
the idea of a *wmhrs st111e•. ADatchists believe thatamy thcpe.i:1Sa1tts. ·workers end can
liberate themselves and that they shouklma.n.11gc .ind.muw omic � duougli
workers' councils. fadOZy commia.ccs, and fai:m coopcmlivcs. radu:lr than with the inta{crc,ncc af
o party or govcmrncoa.

Annrchists social rcvoludonados_ and fee] that the Sacial Revolution is thc process through
which a free society will be created. Sclf·m.o.nag� will be csaablishcd in all mu.s of sociid
life. ineJudius the tight of all oppzcsscd Jaet.:S of people to sdf-detenuinadl"'D. As I have stated.
self-<letcnnimttion is thc rlgbl to 6Clf'-govcm1D1:1DI. By lbw own .inidadvc. lndividuals will
implement th!lir ow.n management of .scciaJ life duougli vaJamtary associadODS. 'Jbcy will refuse
10 surrender their sdf-dimdicm to thc State, poUab1 pu1it:s. m tansu.a;,:I sects since each of
these merely a1d ID estahlisbCfi!i,"rbllsblng dammation. Anaicbists believe the state and
capitallst authority will be. a b)' thc m:ims of dirc:et .v.cdon-wildce.t strib:s. slowdowns,
boycotts. sabotage. mmed iDsm:recdcm. We Jecogajz,: ow: goals cabllot be scparalad from the
means used to achieve them. Hence our practice and thc associations we crcatc will reflect the
society we seek.

Crucial attCDtion will llCC'ICISSIU:ily be paid to the ate.a of ecanmoic organization., sin.ce it is here
that the intcrcslS af eveiyona canve.rgc. U�r Capitalism 'ltilc all have so sdJ our labor to survive
and to fced om:sclvcs and our familltis..But after an ADarddst soc.ial nwolution. the wasc system
and the insti!udon of pivatc end stato � will be 11bol.ish';'f an� n:placed. with the . :
production and distd.butkm of goods according to the commmust pd.ndple. of: "'From.ea=
acco.rdmg to • , to� accoroi.DIJ to nt:ed.• Vabmlmy � of prod.uccis and
c:onsum1ers ·willl ta1cc common. posscaS1® of the mcam of pmducticn and allow the m:o use af all
resources to anr volUDW)' group. p rovided the.l$'Ut:b. use doc:5 not d:piivc � or does not
entail the use of wage labor. 'Ibcse associations could be food and tiousing coopcnitivcs, ·
coe>p;mtivc f'actoncs, community run schools. hOSP,ltals. �on focWtics, and other impo:1ant
social service=. "Ihesc s.ssociadallS will fc:dt::ratc witheocli other
· · to f'acllltate th:ir common goals
on both a IClrit.mial and fimcdanal basis .,
This fcderalism as a concept is a fcmn of social arganizatian ID which sclf-detcnnlDing grou�
&ec.lfagree lo� their m:dv:ltics. 1hc o.nlj soda) system which can possibly meet the

diverse needs al society. while sdU �8 solidarity cm the widest ac:a1e. ls cce which allows
people to f'teel7 asscciate cm the er C0IDDlaa needs ud bi1ere:stL federuUsm. which
cmphas:ius outcmcmy and da:cntralimdon, (oa.caa mlfda.rily and camplcmen.11 gn:n,ps' ctrmu to
be as self"51.lfficienr u e:-s,sible. Groups Cl1D dlen be be czpecled 10 coopente u os long u �
derive mutunl benefit. o:mtnuy to the Capitalist legal sys1cm IUld its ccmcnu:cs. tr tntdl benefits
are not fdt to be mutual in an Anan:bill socldy. uy gn:ivp will have 1he freedam to dlsusodmlc
In this manner a Oeu"blc and sdf'-regulating sadal mguJsm will be c:n::alcd. always l"el!dy to
meet aaw needs by new mpni:zadom and adJWll:m.C:G.IS. Fedemllsm Js DO& a t'JI# cf Almlcblsm.
but it Is an essential par, Anatcblrm. It b the jainlng of groups and pecp!es fer palidc:al and
cccmomic survival and livelihood.
AnArddsts have an cnmmcus job iwad of' than. amt they.- be able to work togethef (er the
benefit of the idea. Tbe lmlitm,, Emico Malatc:s:IA,, Mid h bc:sl when be wrote:
•0ur ra.d is tlw ofpusJ, 1M •ptopk• to demand ond ta mu all
•. tlJq a.uuo.mtJkll,,anulva rapo.r,.tibl1/oc t1sdr awn .• --·. _. ·- .••• _
Mab wilhard tlll0:IU:Ut8for rhdr anknfrom any l:1ttd ofOIIJhDrllJ'.
Our ra.d ls that of12monstrathyz w uu� and harmfolneu
afw 1owrnmeni. or pfOl.-ol:ina and ond au:ollltJ8;111J by proptJBanda
and action all l:intls oflNIJ.vldaal on.ti colltal� Waatlva. •
_ •A[ur the nvolutlon, Anon:Mm wlU lttNt a ,p«lal ml.rdon o/bdl'CB w
w:silant t:II.SIOduw offrralam. o,olm:r tAt aspin:utll 10 pow,r Olld po.aible
tyra.lU'ly_ ofdt.l. majori,yQ. •
q\lOkd Isa Malatesta: hisl.ltc ud T� od. by VcmoD R1cbmdl
So, this Is the job of the fede:mdon,, but k does nat ad with the s:acccs:s of the reYO!m:km. 'l'1un
ls much recaasuw::dan work to be dr:m.e,. and the 1CYOludcm must be «Waded. To fu1ftll am
wks. Anan:hisls musi have their own arpnimdcns. Tboy must o:gonlza the p:t;t-rcvolutianmy
society, Md this ls why Anludusl.l feder.a.te the.msclves.
In a modem htdcpead.eDI �. thc pracess of fecfaat&:m must be u:s.cnded to all bumanlty.
The nctWOrk of voluntary a$SOC1udam -the O::unmune-wlll mow no bardcm. ll ccu!d be the
�r the city, state. o r aatimi.-ar • society mw:b wgcr than the DBlim:Htme under CapitallmD..
k could be a mass mrnrmmc which� all the wmld's pcoplel ma number af
continental Anarchist fedaatiom,. my Nmth Ama::ic&, A6ica, or tho Cmlbbeaa. Tndy lh.l.r waa,ld
�anew world/ Not• Uahed Nadom or ·One Wadel govemmen1•, hua a uniled bu:ma.mty.
But our oppoddoa Js fmmidablc-ach of ns lms been ttlugbt to bolleve In the need fat
govcmme:m... in the 11bsolute necessity of u� in tuing onkn. ba authmhy-fcr S01Dt'l of III lt
ls All we bow. But wba we do team to bclim: ln OUISffl'es and when we dedda that we can
crate Cl society t=sed OD &cc. cming indivfdurus,, dum that t&ndacy wbJcb is huaed within US
will beccro.e the ccmclous chcice or frc:afam-loving people. Anu::'hls&s see �bas
lb'CDR'lhcniaa that tcm!cncy, and show that there is DO daDoc:mcy er freedam govemmcal·
-wbciba in iLe UDiu:d Slalt:s, Oum or Rm:da. ADan::hlsts believe in direct dcmcc:mc:y by tho
people • tho cm1y kmd or frcedam and scJt.ru1..
Types or ADarddsU
But Anmchisls cm'I be apec:ted to agree an everytblng. Histm.icolly these diffaenccs have led
to disdD¢t •ccdendes i11 Anarchist tl=my and pacdc:c.
IDdlvldullst Anucblsts hope fer a flllmr..sodety in which me individuals do thcir duty and
shuc ffS0URICS ·accardlng to the didalcs af o'bslmd �·. GcncnlUy apmkins. lndMduallsts
arc mm: pl:dloscphea rather than adivw. 1bc:y � dril Dbertarw.s wbo WftDI to
refonn tho system to mab it work •fairly". They wcm pevalad ID the pd. ccrdUry, bat arc 5lill

, 44
completely isolated from the real needs llltd dc£ircs of onmwy people.

The reluc11112cc.or �-L=iniSzs 10 accept 10 �I revolulioNU)' social :::Jie Is, however,

11bovc nil seen ID Lcnlns concepd011 of the pany. It l!l ll prescription to just y seize power
and put ii in the hands of the Commllllist Plll1)'. The p:u1y that J..cninists creBte today !hey
believe, should become the [only] "Pmty of the Prolcwiat• in which that class coulciorganize
and seize power. ID prucdcc, however, this mc:uit pcrll0lllll nnd piny dirta1onhip, which they felt
gBVC them the rlght and duty 10 wipe out all ocher parties and polldcal Ideologies. Bach Lenin and
Sllllin, killed aillllons or womrs and peo.sBJllS, thilr Lc�-wing idoologkal opponents, and even
members or the Bolshevik pnrty. This bloody and lrr.adwous bistmy ls why lhcrc Is so much
rivalry and boslility bcrwcen Mamst-Lcninist and Trotskyb1 p:udc:s today, and It Is why the
"Watkers' Sl.lltes", whether in Cubll, Ciina, Vicmmn. or Korea are such oppresmc bureaucmcic:s
over their people. Il Is also why mmt or the &st European Stolinlsc commies hAd tbdr
government overthrown by the petty b:nugeoisic 1112d ordinary citiz.cnll in the l 980's. Maybe we
are t,ltnessing the eclipse of Stale colDIIUIDlsm entirely, since they bllve nctb!ng new 10 ray and
will never get those govemments. blck ogaln.

WhlZ. Anarchist sfro11p1 naeh iudnon rhn111h Aluudlst co111•111111, the Mar.rill-unlnlsu
or,anfu thro111h 10-calkd tkmouatk c•nlrllllnn. Democi:mc CClltrllllslD pmc:s u II fDml of
inner party demomcy, but Is nally just II hlcnuchy by which cach member of• puty-ul'!::3'
of B society-is subordinalc 10 s "higher• member iinifl 011C reacbts the oil-powerful pmty
committee BIid Its Chlllrman. This is • to1ally uudemocmlic procedure, which puts the IC4Clcrshlp
obovc criticism, even if It Is 1101 above reproach. 11 ls o lxmkrupl, camipt method or lnlemal
opemdons for• {'Clidcal mgi:uibotion. You have no voice in such a pmty, andlDIISI be afraid 10
say 1111y unflaumng commenls to er about the 1t:adl:m.

In Anllrchlst groups, propasals are llllbd out by awnbcis (110111: of wham has authority over
another), disscnling mlniiddc:s are� and mch IDdlvidual's puticipdon Is voluntary.
Everyone 1w the rlghl to 11gree or dlmgree over policy 1111d BCticms, and everyone's !dens are
given cquol weight and comidcmdon. No decision IDDY be made lllllil 1111111 CBch IDdlvidwal
member or affilialcd group lhllt will be aff�,M = decisian has had a chance to express tbdr
opinion on the issue. lndividwal mcmbcm and I groups sball rdlliD the Of11;1on to refuse
support to specific fedcmtlan BCtivitic:s, but moy JIClt iu:tlvely obstruct sw:h acdvulcs. In trUe
dcmocrntic fashion, decisions for the fcdenadan as 11 whole must be mode by 1111111jorlty of its

In � cases, there Is no reaJ 11-t for fmmal mcclings for the maldng of dedslom, wbal Is
needed ls c:aordinatiau of the ttd!om of the� Of comse. there arc times when• decision
has to be mBde, lll!d IOlllCtimcs very quickly. 1his will be mre, but sometimes it Is unavoidable.
The consensus, In thBl cosc, would then hllve to be lllDllll8 o much smoller circle than the genaul
mcmbcmhlp of hundreds or thousmds. But ordhwily all lhllt ls needed Is an eiu:lwigc of
infonDBtion and tnlSl 1111Kmg i:mtia, 1111d • decision reaffimilng the adginal decls!an will be
reached, if an �cy decision hAd to be made. Of comse. dw:iDg the discms!on, thuc will be
1111 cndeovor to clarify 1111y major differences 1111d uplon: allemadve CDWSm of acdon. ADd thuc
will be an ottanpt to imlve o1 D lllllJllally agreed U)lOD CIIDSCDSIIS betweell conillcdng views.
A5 olw11ys, if there should be 1111 lmpisse or dlssatisfac!lan with the c:cmscDS"S, D vote would be
taken, and with 11 2/3 11111jority, the 11111&r would bo IICCCptcd, rejected, or rescinded.

This Is all tmlly contrary to the prnctioe ofMocrist·I eninist pu,les whae the Cenlml
Cmnmlttcc unibleialJy sm -policy for the t::ldbe "'Jlani111!1an, 1112d 111bltmry autborily reigns.
Anllrcbists reject c:entmllzalian of 11111hadty 1112d lb c:cmcept of II Ceulml Commlaee. All groups
are (rec BSSOCiodons fomied out of COIIIIIIOD need, not rcvoludanmies disciplined by fCBr of
authority. When the slz.c of the work-grou1:5 (wblch could be fmmcd 11101111d Lllbor, fundndsing,
lllld-mcism, women's rights, food llltd hOUS1Dg, etc.) bc:comcs cumbcrsamc, the orgllllimtions CIIII

General Prlndpfes or Anarchlst-Commualsm

When no t dc(omud by corrupt .social insthurlons and pm:tices_ the� and
solidarity o! hWD8.D beings :rcswts iD ihdlvduals who me responsible bolb foz lhansdvc., 1111d to
the aoc:iety which makes their well-being and cuburnJ developmall pccsm'lm:. 1hc:nf...,.,. we liCCk
lO replace the State a.nd Capilallsm with II netwoik or valamtmy alllimces embrodna all of social
Ufe-produdton. � bcalth,. culture. �cm. and 0lhe.r areas. In this way all groups
and nmoc::iadon.s reap the benefits o! wuty •hile cxpmdin1 the nmge of their froodam..
ANt.rchists bellen bi free associodan and fed:mtiag sroups of oallecdvc:s_ workers' counc:ils.
food and bouslag coopemdva. polh:icnl �w::s,. .widi.otlw.s o! all typ:s... _.. ••. . ..__ -···- _

As I pmcdc.w maa.e.r. Anatchi:st-Oxmrnuohu l,clievc that ,-.c lhouJd st.ctn to build the new
society now, as well as fi to crush the old Capitalist one. They wish to create ncm-
aulborltarian mutwil al ons (for fcc::d. clolhlng. housing. funding (or community
projects and mhcrs), assemblies and coopa11dvc:s. am ofBlialed with either
government or business ca:pcnldcms. and not run for �ftt. mu for S0dal need. Sucb lf bullt now, will provide tbmr members with• pniczim! expcricaoe bi self•
mana,emelll mul self-cufliccincy, and will decre.aso the dcpcade:ncy of people cm wc::1we
agcncu-.s and cmployen., In short,. We.CUD bepi DDW IO bu.lJd the iDfiulmcl:utc for the communal
society. so that people CUD see what they nre fighl:iog for. ll0l just the i&:as iD soznccmc's head.
That Is the n=al way to &ccdnm.

Capitalism, tbe State ud Pri'f'a&e property.

The emtence or the swe a.ud Capitalism me nidanaJbcd by their apologists as belns a
•occcssary evtJ• due to the allegecl bmblllty of the p.i.rt of tbc populndon to nm their own and thase of soddy. u well as be.big their� armst cz:i= and vlal=:M::c.
Anarchists realize that qunc to the contnuy, the prln.cipal baDws to• free .society arc St.AIO and
the lnsarution of privm.o property. I1 is the State whicli causes W!-U', police repression. and other
(oDUS of vlolcace. and it is prlvmc property-the mck of equal clisaibudon of major socfal
wealth-which causes ctime a.ud deprivaticm.

But what is the Swc? 1hc State is a polltic.w nbstmdon. a b.ienuddcoJ i.osrulion by a which a
pri111:1egcd elite std.ves lo dmmm:ltc the vm.1 of people. lbs State's mtthenisms h:acludc
o p:,up of imdnldom CODWDing Jcpdadve o�lc:s. th civil service bureaucracy. the
mllllar)' and potlcc fmcc:s_ the judiCl.m'f. and pdsans. and the sub-central Stale ap� The
mvemment fs the admini.stradvc vchido IO nm the Sta!A. 'Ilic pmpase o! this sped.fie set o!
frisdtudon.s. which are the aprr:ssiaZIS of•IJlhmity1n Capitalist� [ad »caDcd"Sociatist
statcs1. is the maiD1eNlm:e and e.:r:le:Dsion of d!:!m\r.oriD!l nvcr the c:amman people by •
privelcged class, the rich In Capitalist sodedt.s. the so-called Ccmmlwust Party iD StatcSociDJlst
ar C.ommumst tiOCledes like tho fonncr Unian of Soviet Sacialisl Republics.

However. the State itselfis alWO)tr an elldrt posidon saucrure between the and the Nied.
order-givers and ordcMala:.ts. and ccollOJ:lllc haves ud have-nots. nc Slate's elite is not.Just lbc
rich and the super-deb. but also tbasc pc::rscns who a.mumc State posidom of au�
politicians andjmidicioJ officiab. Thus the State bma.w:nlcy ilsclf. In lams o! its rcladon lo
ideological J>f0PC'1Y, can becom an eUte class in hs own JighL nil adminisuDdve elite class of
the S1mc is developed DOljlm the duouah mspcosing af privdcges by tho c:cmmmic elite, but u

I ..
An economy, such as the one we have briefly uw:hcd, is DOI based on fulfillins the II-ts of
everyone in society, bu1 illlleAd is based· OD the 110Cum1wuion of profiis for the few, who live In
p;witin1 luxwy as a leisure cllm, while the wod,crs live In either povcny or one or two piychecb
removed. You see, therefore, that doing owoy with govemment also 5igniflC$ the ebolidon of
monopoly ond pcrsond ownmldp of the D1elUUl of p:oduclicm and dismbulion.

AmlrchJsm, VioL:nce ud Authmiiy

One of the clsaest � about Amlrchisls is llui1 Ibey ore m!mll=i bomb-dirowm, cut-throals, and
IWDSQIIS. People spn:ad these lies for !heh own rcmsans: govemmdllS, bccoll5C they arc llfnald of
being ovenluown by Social Revolulicm; Mm:mt-Lcnlnisls, becousc ii is II comJIClin6 ldcology
with 111016!!y dlff'Cfflll ccmcept of socioJ rngnoimri011 and rcvolurioimry struJ!Bk; and the Cuueh,
because Anuchism docs DOI believe in dcili= .a.nd U8 mrianalism migh1 swmy � awa_f from
111pc1Slilion. It Is true lhilt tbac lie:i and propoipinda are able lo sway IDIIDY pcop� primorlly
. because they.never Ii=lhc otber.side. � ra:dve a bad pr=i and suffer ICllp:aoAl
of every politlclan-Rlg:.i or Left-wing.

Because o Soc:inJ Revolllliml is ui Alwchlsl revolution, which DOI cmly obollshc, one
eaplbiting for Ulalhcr, but all ezploiteG And the UIIU\IIDCDl of ezploilotion-thc Slate-;

because ii is II revolution for pcople'11 power, instead of polilicu.l power; bccousc ii oboliuhes both
money ond woge slavery; bccouse Alwchiuts ore for lolol democracy and &-lam, instcod of
politicians lo represent the in Pm&ment., Conpms. or the c.ommunlsl Porty; bcc4111iC
Anon:hisis iue for wm:bm' sdf'-111111111gC11W11 of Jndusuy, lnslcod of aovcmm:nt rcguwian;
bccouse Anarchisls ere for full sczWII. rncial, cultuml and .inlcllecnml., Jnszcod of suwil
chauvanism, c:ullurol c:ensamhip. And mcinl c,pprc,mcm; lies have had lo be loltl '.hol
the Anatchw ore kiJlcis, npists, robbcm, mod bombem-unsovozy elemcDts, the wOISl of :

But Id's look Ill the reel world and sec wba is cousing all this viol= end rcp:=OD of hlllDDD
rights. The wbol=lc murder by BWlding IIDllles In World W= I 1111d D, the pillo,gc and nape of
fllffllU colonial CDlllllies, milituy invasions or so-called •palice opalllicms"UI JCaica IIIJd
Vietnam- oll of tbC$C have been done by gOVCZDDICDIIL. It JS govcmtDCDl and llalc/ N1c.
which is the soun:e of all via!cnce. 'Ibis includes all govemni=IS. 1be so-colled •eammuzdd·
world is not communist and the "Free" world is Doi free. &st and West, Capi1alism-priVIIIC or
aaic-remains D11 inhlllll4D type of li0dety where the vnst majmity ore � Ill work, 111 home,
IUld in the community. Propaganda (ncwa llnd lilaury), policemen and soldiers, prisons ADd
11ehools, 1r11didonol voiucs llDdID0llWlf a.ll serve lo Mlnl'on:c the power of the few and lo
convince or coerce the 1111111y illlo p:umve 11ccepU1Dce of a bnnal, clcfl!dlng and lrroliODIII S)'lllem.
This ls whlll Anarchisu mcmi by awhruity being oppre:,mon, end ii IS just such 11u!lmritariim rule
which is ol work In the Unllcd Slllla of Americo, DS wall as the "Communist" govemmenll of
Ou,aor Cum.
"What Is the thing we call gow�n1? ls it Oll)1hing hilt organiw vioknce?
TM law ordus you to obey, and jf>-011 don'r o«y, it will compel )'OIi byforc,--all
gowrnmenu. all law and OJltl,oriJyfinally rut on/ore, and vioknc,, on
p11nWunln1 or/tar ofp11nisNMflL • Aleznndu Berkman, in ABC g[ Anan;hlsm

authority figwc who gave orders to the troops. Today mcst politie:al comme11wors or historians
still do not want to give full credit to the effectiveness or SNCC, but many or the mcst powerful
and successf'ul struggles of the Civil Riglus movement were inillaled and won by SNCC,
inc!4ding most or the voting a �::ygles and the Missmippi phase or the &-!om
movement. I learned II lot about • demoa:u:y by bebg • part of SNCC, how it could make
or breilk on organization, and how It had so much to do with the mar.ale of the memben.
Everyone was given an oppommity to particip11e in decision-making, and relt pirt of a �t
historical mmion, which would change their lives forever. they were dght; even though SNCC
was clesttnyed by the rich and their own resort to an authorltari4D style in later fC!1IS, It gave
,s,ome lifelong l=ns to all of us involved.

I abo began to have a relhinldng � after I was rcmec1 to leave the U.S. and go to Cuba,
Cuchoslovakia and other CCWltl:les in the •soc:imist bloc", as it was e:alled then. 11 was clear that
these countries were essentially police stales, even though they bad brouaht man y significant
refonus and lllllle!ml advonces to their peoples over what had cmted before. I observed also that
.r.aclsm still.existed in those C0UJ1bies. along :wllh the d.c:nial o( bclslc danocmlie .dshts. amL •. _ ..
poverty on a scmle I would not have thought possible. I also mw a great deal or ccmuption by the
Communist Paity leaders and Stale administr:i1cns, who were well off, while the workers were
mere wage slaves. I thought to myself:•• "tMrl! has to be a bm1tr way/ 0 1here is [IJ, Anarchism,
which I startc:d to read about when I was capnued in Bost Getmany, and heard mere about wheo
I was evenlUlllly thrown hlio prison in the Uohed Stales.

Prison is a place where one ccmtbwally thlnb about his or ha p1St life, Including the
e:wnination of new or ecmtcuy idea.,; I began to think about what I.had seen In the Bw:k
movement, along with my mlstreatmw 111:Cuba, my captwe and escape .In Czechoslovakia, BIid
my� capture in Bost Germany. I replayed all this over and over ill my hemd. I Wl1S lint
introduced to Anarchism in 1969, iromtdin!cly after I wa brought back to the U.S. and was
placed in the fedend lock-up in New Yark City, where I.met Mnrdn Sostte. Sastre told me about
how to survive in pmcm. the importance of fighting for pmonas' democratic lights, and about
Anarchism. This short ccune in ADarehism � not stick however., even though I greatly
respected Sostre pcrsmmlly, became I did not"1111dczsrand du: theordlcnl -�- Fin\illy
around 1973, after I bad been locked up for about three years, I started receivmg Anarchist
litem� and C0tteSpCJlldence from Analchlsts who had heard about my case. This began my
slow metamorphosis to o cxmfitmcd Allarchist, and in fact it was oat Wllil a few YCIIIS later that I
came over. During the (ate 1970's, . I was adopted by Anan:hist Black Crea-England and also by
a Dutch Anan:hlst group.called HAPOTOC,- (Help A l'iisanu Oppose Torture Orgwzing
Committee), which organiud an_ intcmarioDal defense c:ampiip:
'This proved crucial in
ultimately getting people all over the world to write the U.S. gove;mmem to clemalld my relcmse.

I wrote 11 succession of anicles for.the ADorchlst p=, and was a member of the Social
Revolutionary Anarchist Fedcrntian, the IWW, and a number of other Analchbt gl'OUps in the
U.S. and aro1111d the Vlotld. But I became clishc:utcned.aboul the Anarchist movement's foilwc
to fight White Supremacy and its lack or clnss struggle politics, so in 197!1 I wtote a P3D1Phlet
called Anarchism and thl! Black Rl!VOhldon, to act as a pldc to the discus,gon of these mailers by
cur movement.. Finally in 1983, I was released from pmon, after having served olmost 15 years.
For all these the pamphlet influenced a number of Anan:hi.sls who were opposed to mcism
and also wlUlied a more class struggle npprmch than the movement then offardecl. Meanwhile I
bad fallen away from the Anan:hist movement in disgust, and ii was not until 1992 when I was
wmtiog in my bomttown of Clwlanooga,. Teno= anti-racist cammunity, and ran in1o
an Anarchist named John Johnson, did I once again make contact.. He. gave me an issue of Love
and Rage newspaper, and as a result, I conw:tcd ams Day of l..ove and Rage, and comrades in
WSA in New York. The rest, as they my is history, I have bun back with a vengeance ever
since; all of a sudden I sec there 3!C now others .In lhe movement who understand the workings
of White supremacy and they have mcouraged me to rewrilc Ibis pntnpbleL I have gratefully


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