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1._What´s the relationship between Dorian and Kelson?

Dorian Gray's grandfather.

2._Who´s Harry? What Does he pretend on Dorian?

3._Who Painted Dorian´s picture?

Basilio Hallward
4._How was the conjuration?

5._Why does Dorian start loving Silbyl Vane?

Because She was so beautiful, and he was actress.
6._Why did he break up with her?
By the bad influences of Lord Henry

7._How did Silbyl die?

She killed herself

8._How did Dorian hide Basil´s picture?

He hid it in a room and cover it

9._Who´s Emily?
Lord Henry Daughter´s
10._Does Dorian show repentance at the end?
Yes, because he kills himself

Alumno: Garcia Fernandez, Miguel Elias

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