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Borders, Boundaries, and Citizenship

Author(s): Seyla Benhabib

Source: PS: Political Science and Politics, Vol. 38, No. 4 (Oct., 2005), pp. 673-677
Published by: American Political Science Association
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Accessed: 19/09/2011 11:37

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Borders, Boundaries,and Citizenship
Democratic Citizenship and the self-governancein increasinglycomplexsociet-
Crisis of Territoriality ies.
This relativelysuccessfulsynthesisof
Modemliberaldemocraciesowe theirstabil-
republicanandliberal-democratic ideals,or of
ity andrelativesuccessto the comingtogether publicandprivateautonomy,is todayin crisis.
of two idealswhichoriginatein distincthistori- The crisisis not the crisisof democracyin the
cal periods:the idealsof self-governanceand
firstplacebutratherthe crisisof the territorially
territorially circumscribed nation-state. Self- circumscribed nation-stateformation.
governancedefinesfreedomas the ruleof law It has now becomecommonplacein norma-
amonga communityof equalswho arecitizens tive politicalthoughtas well as in the social
of the polis andwho havethe rightto ruleand sciencesto foretell"theend of the nation-state"
to be ruled.This idealemergesin 5th-century and "thedemiseof Westphalianconceptionsof
Athensandis revivedthroughouthistoryin Yetcontemporary
sovereignty." developments
episodessuchas the experienceof self-govem- aremuchmorecomplicatedthanthese phrases
ing city-statesin the Renaissance,the Paris suggest,for even in the face of the collapseof
communeof 1871,the anarchistandsocialist traditionalconceptionsof state-sovereignty,
communesof the RussianRevolution,andthe
monopolyoverterritoryis exercisedthrough
SpanishCivil War. immigrationandcitizenshippolicies.All pleas
The idealof the territoriallycircumscribed to develop"post-Wetsphalian" conceptionsof
nation-state,by contrast,conceivesof the citizen
firstandforemostas the subjectof state-ad- sovereignty(Buchanan2000; 2001) areempty,
therefore,if theydo not also addressthe norma-
ministration, or more positively, as the subject tive regulationof peoples' movementacross
of rights and entitlements. Originating with the territorialboundaries.
transitionfromfeudalismto the absolutiststate, Froma normativepointof view, transnational
this experimentwith good governancein a self-
migrationsbringto the fore the constitutive
regulatingcivil societyhas been the defining dilemmaat the heartof liberaldemocracies:
conceptionof the social contractin the worksof betweensovereignself-determination claims
ThomasHobbesandJohnLocke. on the one handandadherenceto universalhu-
Since the 17th cen- manrightsprincipleson the other.I arguethat
tury,democracyand practicesof politicalmembershipmay bestbe
the consolidationof the illuminated through an internal reconstruction
by modernm nation-statehave
and critiqueof these dualcommitments(See
Seyla Benhabib, marchedtogether,at Benhabib2004).
Yale University timescontradictingand The UN estimatesthatin 1910 roughly33
at times supplementing millionindividualslived in countriesother
each other.The demo- thantheirown as migrants;by the year2000
craticstrugglesof propertylessmales,artisans, thatnumberhadreached175 million.During
farmers,andworkersto win suffragegave way this sameperiod(1910-2000), the population
in the early20thcenturyto the struggleof wom- of the worldhas grownthreefold,from 1.6 to
en, andnon-Christian andnon-Whitecolonial 5.3 billion.Migrations,by contrast,increased
peoplesto be includedwithinthe boundariesof almostsix-foldoverthe courseof these 90
the demos.Along withthe formalexpansionof
years.Strikingly,morethanhalf of the increase
citizenshiprightscamethe enrichmentof the of migrantsfrom 1910 to 2000 occurredin the
scope of rightsfromcivil to politicalto social last threedecadesof the 20thcentury,between
(Marshall1950).In this process,the ideal of 1965 and2000. In this period,75 millionpeople
self-governancewas increasinglyinterpreted undertookcross-bordermovementsto settle
as the formalequalityof citizenswho now in countriesotherthanthatof theirorigin(UN
sought to realize the equal value of their liberty International Migration Report 2002).
in termsof an equivalentscheduleof rights While migratorymovementsin the latter
andentitlements.The civic-republican ideal of half of the 20th centuryhaveaccelerated,the
self-governance,the exerciseof freedomamong plightof refugeeshas also grown.Thereare
equalsin a publicspace,is connected--andI almost20 millionrefugees,asylumseekers,
wouldarguenecessarily--tothe liberalideal and"internallydisplacedpersons"in the world.
of citizenshipas the practiceandenjoymentof The resource-richcountriesof Europeandthe
rightsandbenefits.Moderndemocraciesseek northernhemisphereface a growingnumberof
to integratetheserepublicanandliberalideals
migrants,butit is mostlynationssuch as Chad,
into the practicesof "private"and"public" Pakistan,andIngushetiathatarehometo hun-
autonomy.The privateautonomyof citizenspre- dredsof thousandsof refugeesfleeingfromwars
supposesthe exerciseandenjoymentof liberty in the neighbouringcountriesof CentralAfrican
througha rights-framework whichunderwrites
the equalvalueof theirliberty;publicautonomy tively (Reiff2003).
is realizedthroughthe institutionsof democratic To ascertainsuchtrendsone need not commit

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to exaggerated claims about the end of the state system. The irony Protocol are binding on signatory states alone and can be brazenly
of currentpolitical developments is that while state sovereignty in disregarded by non-signatories and, occasionally, even by signa-
economic, military, and technological domains has been greatly tory states themselves.
eroded, it is nonetheless vigorously asserted; national borders, In contemporary political philosophy two lines of think-
while more porous, still keep out aliens and intruders.The old ing have emerged in response to these questions: the "law of
political structuresmay have waned but the new political forms of peoples" model defended by John Rawls (1999) and the model of
globalization are not yet in sight. We ate like travellers navigating cosmopolitan citizenship centered around a new law of nations,
an unknown terrainwith the help of old maps, drawn at a different as suggested by Juergen Habermas (1998; 2004). The Rawl-
time and in response to different needs. While the terrainwe are sian law of peoples makes tolerance for regimes with different
travelling on, the world-society of states, has changed, our norma- understandings of the moral and religious good its cornerstone
tive map has not. The growing normative incongruities between and compromises universal human rights claims for the sake of
internationalhuman rights norms, particularlyas they pertain to achieving international stability, whereas Habermas envisages
the "rights of others"-immigrants, refugees, and asylum seek- the expansion of such universalistic claims in ever-widening
ers-and continuing assertions of territorialsovereignty are the networks of solidarity. Rawls takes the nation-state framework
novel features of this new landscape. for granted;1Habermas seeks to transcend it along the model of
Since the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, an the constitutionalization of international law. Both, however, have
internationalhuman rights regime has emerged. I understandan said relatively little about the dilemmas of democratic citizenship
"internationalhu- in a post-Wetsphalian
man rights regime" world. Yet one of the
to mean the develop- most pressing con-
ment of interrelated temporary questions
and overlapping global is access to citizen-
and regional regimes ship rights, or the
that encompass hu- attainment of political
man rights treaties as membership rights by
well as customary and non-members.
international soft law. The crises of the
Yet states' sovereignty nation-state, along
to disregard treaties, with globalization and
to abide by or not the rise of multicul-
implement them, goes tural movements,
unchecked. have shifted the lines
The Universal between citizens and
Declaration of Human residents, nationals and
Rights recognizes a foreigners. Citizen-
limited right to free- ship rights today must
dom of movement be resituated in a
across boundaries: it transnationalcontext.
recognizes the right to How can private and
emigrate-that is, the public autonomy be
right to leave a coun- reconfigured? How can
try-but not a right to Nationssuchas Pakistanare hometo hundre of thousands of refugeesfleeing from wars in we do justice both to
immigrate-the right to neighbouringcountries. the republican ideal of
enter a country (Article self-governance and the
13). Article 14 anchors the right to enjoy asylum under certain liberal ideal of the equal value of liberty?
circumstances, while Article 15 proclaims that everyone has "the There is not only a tension, but often an outright contradiction
right to a nationality."The second half of Article 15 stipulates that between human rights declarations and states' sovereign claims
"No one shall be arbitrarilydeprived of his nationality nor denied to control their borders and to monitor the quality and quantity
the right to change his nationality" ( of admittees. There are no easy solutions to the dilemmas posed
eng.htm). by these dual commitments. I will not call for the end of the state
The Universal Declaration is silent on states' obligations to system nor for world-citizenship. Rather, following the Kantian
grant entry to immigrants, to uphold the right of asylum, and to tradition of cosmopolitan federalism (Cf. Kant [1795]1994;
permit citizenship to alien residents and denizens. These rights Benhabib 2004, ch. 1; 2001). I will underscore the significance
have no specific addressees and they do not appear to anchor of membership within bounded communities and defend the need
specific obligations of compliance on the part of second and third for "democratic attachments"that need not be directed toward
parties. Despite the cross-border characterof these rights, the existing nation-state structuresalone. Quite to the contrary: as the
Declaration upholds the sovereignty of individual states. Thus a institution of citizenship is disaggregated and state sovereignty
series of internal contradictions between universal human rights comes under increasing stress, sub-national as well as supra-na-
and territorialsovereignty are built right into the logic of the most tional spaces for democratic attachments and agency are emerging
comprehensive internationallaw document in the world. in the contemporary world, and they need to be advanced with,
The Geneva Convention of 1951 Relating to the Status of ratherthan in lieu of, existing polities. It is importantto respect
Refugees, and its Protocol, added in 1967, are the second most the claims of diverse democratic communities, including their
importantinternationallegal documents governing cross-border distinctive cultural, legal, and constitutional self-understandings,
movements. Nevertheless, neither the existence of these docu- while strengthening their commitments to emerging norms of
ments nor the creation of the United Nations High Commissioner cosmopolitical justice.
on Refugees have altered the fact that this Convention and its

674 PS October 2005

Disaggregation of Citizenship within the Reconfigurations of Citizenship and
European Union Sovereignty
The conceptof citizenshipin the modernstatecan be analyti- Democraticsovereigntyis basedon threeregulativeideals:
cally dividedintothreecomponents:the collectiveidentityof publicautonomy,thatis, thatthe peoplearethe authoras well as
citizensalongthe lines of sharedlanguage,religion,ethnicity, the subjectof the laws;the idealof a unifieddemos;and a self-
commonhistory,andmemories;the privilegesof politicalmem- enclosedandautonomousterritoryoverwhichthe demosgoverns.
bershipin the sense of access to the rightsof publicautonomy; Whileterritorialandeconomicself-sufficiencyhavebeen under-
andthe entitlementto socialrightsandprivileges.We arewitness- minedby generaldevelopmentsin the worldsocietyof states,
ing todayan "unbundling" of these components.One can have the idealof the unifieddemoshas becomefracturedthroughthe
politicalmembershiprightswithoutsharingthe commonidentity increasingmulticulturalism of the demosandgrowingtransna-
of the majority;one can haveaccess to social rightsandbenefits tionalismof nationalsocieties.The unityof the demosoughtto
withoutsharingin self-governanceandwithoutbeing a national. be understoodnot as if it were a harmoniousgiven,butrather
Withinthe EuropeanUnion,in whichthis disaggregationeffect as a processof self-constitutionthroughmoreor less conscious
has proceededmostintensively(See Benhabib2002a;2002b),the strugglesof inclusionandexclusion.
privilegesof politicalmembershipnow accrueto all citizensof The core of democraticself-governanceis the ideal of public
membercountriesof the Unionwho may be residingin territories autonomy.How can democraticvoice andpublicautonomybe
otherthanthoseof theirnationality.It is no longernationality reconfigured? Candemocraticrepresentation be organizedalong
of originbutEU citizenshipwhichentitlesone to theserights. lines going beyondthe nation-stateconfiguration? Thenew recon-
Citizensof the EU can vote andstandfor office in local elections figurations of nationaldemocracies are giving rise to sub-national
in theirhost countries;theycan also participatein electionsto as well as trans-national modesof citizenship.Withinthe Euro-
the EuropeanParliament.If they arelong-termresidentsin their peanUnionin particular, thereis a returnto citizenshipin the city
respectiveforeigncountries,on the whole they arealso entitledto as well as the transnationalinstitutionsof the EU. "Flexibleciti-
an equivalentpackageof socialrightsandbenefits. zenship,"particularlyin the case of CentralAmericanandSouth
The conditionof EU's third-country nationals,whose countries Asiancountries,is anothersuch attemptto multiplythe voice and
of origindo not belongto the EU, is of coursedifferent.While the sites for the exerciseof democraticcitizenship(Ong 1999).
EuropeanUnioncitizenshipmakesit possiblefor all EU citizens As a resultof these developments,"aliensuffrage"is increasingly
to vote, runfor,andhold office in local as well as Union-wide practicedat the municipalandregionallevels. In the Netherlands
elections,this is not the case for third-countrynationals.Their for example,all foreignresidentswho arethird-country nationals,
entitlementto politicalrightsremainsattachedto theirnational thatis citizensof countrieswhicharenot EU members,obtainthe
andculturalorigins.Yetin this respectas well changesarevis- rightto vote andto organizepoliticalpartiesafterfive yearsof
ible throughoutthe EU: in Denmark,Sweden,Finland,andthe residency.Whatall these modelshavein commonthoughis that
Netherlands,third-country nationalscan participatein local and theyretainthe principleof territorialmembershipfor under-
regionalelections;in Irelandtheserightsaregrantedat the local girdingrepresentation. Whetherit is residencyin cities suchas
butnot the regionallevel. In the UnitedKingdom,Common- Amsterdam,London,or Frankfurt, or dualcitizenshipbetween
wealthcitizenscan vote in nationalelectionsas well. In Spainand Mexico, El Salvador,the DominicanRepublic,andthe U.S., the
Portugal,reciprocityrightsto vote in local electionsaregranted modelof democraticrepresentation is dependentuponaccessto,
to certainthird-country nationals(mainlythosefromSouth residencyupon,andeventualmembershipwithina circumscribed
America). territory.
The mostimportantconclusionto be drawnfromthese devel- Representation canrunalongmanylines besidesterritorial
opmentsis thatthe entitlementto rightsis no longerdependent residency.Yetthereis a cruciallinkbetweendemocraticself-
uponthe statusof citizenship;legal residentalienshavebeen governanceandterritorialrepresentation (See also Warrenand
incorporated into civil andsocialrightsregimes,as well as being Castiglione2004). Preciselybecausedemocraciesenactlaws that
protectedby supra-andsub-nationallegislations.The condi- aresupposedto bindthosewho legitimatelyauthorizethem,the
tion of undocumented aliens,as well as of refugeesandasylum scope of democraticlegitimacycannotextendbeyondthe demos
seekers,however,remainsin thatmurkydomainbetweenlegality whichhas circumscribed itself as a peopleupona giventerritory.
andillegality.In some cases, childrenof refugeesandasylees Democraticlaws requireclosurepreciselybecausedemocratic
can attendschool;on the whole, asyleesandrefugeesareentitled representation mustbe accountableto a specificpeople.Imperial
to certainformsof medicalcare.Undocumentedmigrants,by legislation,by contrast,was issuedfroma centerandwas binding
contrast,arecut off fromrightsandbenefitsandmostlylive and as faras the powerof thatcenterto controlits peripheryextended.
workin clandestineways.The conflictbetweensovereigntyand Empireshavefrontiers;democracieshaveboundaries.
hospitalityhas weakenedin intensitybuthas by no meansbeen Therearealso currentdevelopments,however,whichpoint
eliminated.TheEU is caughtamongcontradictory currentswhich preciselytowardthe uncouplingof democraticvoice andterrito-
move it towardnormsof cosmopolitanjusticein the treatment rialrepresentation. Ironically,alongwith the spreadof cosmopoli-
of those who arewithinits boundaries,while leadingit to act in tannorms,we arewitnessinga shrinkingof the effectivenessof
accordancewith outmodedWestphalianconceptionsof unbridled popularsovereigntyandthe emergenceof sovereigntybeyondthe
sovereigntytowardthosewho areon the outside.The negotiation boundariesset by the ruleof law.Vis-a-vispeoples'cross-border
betweeninsiderandoutsiderstatushas becometense andalmost movements,the stateremainssovereign,albeitin muchreduced
warlike. fashion.Vis-i-vis the movementof capitalandcommodities,
The declineof the unitarymodelof citizenshipshouldsuggest information,andtechnologyacrossborders,by contrast,the state
neitherthatits holduponourpoliticalimaginationnorthatits todayis morehostagethansovereign.
normativeforcein guidingourinstitutionshavegrownobsolete. In heranalysisof economicglobalizationprocessesin South-
It does meanthatwe mustbe readyto imagineformsof politi- east Asia, AihwaOngrecountsthe creationof "multinational
cal agencyandsubjectivitywhichanticipatenew modalitiesof zones of sovereignty"in the formof growthtriangles(GTs).The
politicalcitizenship.In the eraof cosmopolitannorms,new forms threeGTs formedby linkingneighboringcountriesareIndonesia-
of politicalagencyhaveemergedthatchallengethe distinctions Malaysia-Singapore (Sijori),Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand, and
betweencitizensandlong-termresidents,insidersandoutsiders. Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines. Transnational corpora-

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tions suchas Nike, Reebok,andthe Gapemploymillionsof disaggregationof citizenshipmeansthe extensionof publicau-
womenwho work 12 hoursa day andmakeless than$2 a day. tonomyto thosewho did notformerlypossess it.
Ongobservesthatthese To assertpopularsovereigntyin an eraof the twilightof state
sovereigntymeansmultiplyingsites of citizenshipat the sub-na-
"growthtrianglesarezonesof specialsovereignty thatarear-
tional,national,andtransnational levels. This will takevarious
rangedthrougha multinational networkof smartpartnerships
forms.Extendingthe vote to long-termresidentsat city and state
andthatexploitthecheaplaborthatexistswithintheorbitof a
levels has becomenecessarybecausethe traditionalcouplingof
globalhubsuchas Singapore. It appearsthatGTworkersare
less subjectto therulesof theirhomecountryandmoreto the votingrightswithnationalityis no longerconvincing.Democratic
rulesof companiesandto thecompetitive conditionssetby legitimacyrequiresthatall thosewhose interestsareaffected
othergrowthtrianglesin theregion."(Ong1999,222) by collectivedecisionsin whichtheyhavea stake-as workers,
parents,residents-also havea say in these decisions.Long-
termresidencyin a city,region,or stategovernmentmakesone
Whetherit is the growthtrianglesof SoutheastAsia or the a stakeholder. Modernstatesregulatedthe circleof stakeholders
maquilladorasof CentralAmerica(See Emcke2004), this form throughthe categoryof nationality,butin view of the develop-
of economicglobalizationresultsin the disaggregationof states' mentsrecounted,this is no longerplausibleandfunctionsmoreas
sovereigntywith theirown complicity.Thereis an uncouplingof a mechanismof exclusionthaninclusion.
jurisdiction and territory in that the state transfers its own pow- Multiplyingsites of citizenshipat the sub-statelevels, though,
ers of jurisdiction,whetherin full knowledgeor by unintended is hardlyan adequatemeasureto cope with manyof the world's
consequence,to non-statalprivateandcorporatebodies.The problems,rangingfromsecurityandarmscontrolto combating
losersin this processarethe citizensfromwhomstateprotection povertyanddisease,economiccooperation,ecologicalconcerns,
is withdrawn,or, morelikely,who neverhad strongstateprotec- regulatingthe flow of electroniccommerceandcommunication,
tion in the firstplace,andwho thusbecomedependentuponthe etc. Advocatesof multinationalandtransnational sites of citizen-
power and mercy of transnational corporations and other forms of shipdistinguish between transnationalgovernanceandtransna-
venturecapitalists. tionalgovernment(Held2004). This distinctionis intendedto
Despitethe greatvariationacrosscountrieswithrespectto the highlightthe needfor structuresof cooperationandcollective
interactionsof the globaleconomyandstates,one generalization actioncoordinationwhichgo beyondthe morefamiliarones of
can be safely made:economicglobalizationis leadingto a funda- inter-statalorganizationsbasedupontreatyobligationssuchas
mentaltransformation of legal institutionsandof the paradigmof NATO,GATT,etc. andtowardmoreclosely integratedandmore
the ruleof law.Increasingly,globalizationis engenderinga body permanentinstitutionsfor addressingthe world'sproblems.They
of law whichis self-generatingandself-regulatingbutwhichdoes requirethe partialdelegationof certainformsof statesovereignty.
not originatethroughthe legislativeor deliberativeactivityof na- Yet structuresof transnational governancemustremainaccount-
tionallegislators(See Teubner1997). Globallaw is transterritorial ableto peopleswho havetheirown governments.Democratic
law,whose limitsas set by "'invisiblecolleges,' 'invisiblemarkets governmentmustremainaccountableto the citizensandresidents
andbranches,''invisibleprofessionalcommunities,'invisible whomtheyrepresent.A worldstateis rejectedbuta possible
social networks'"(8). reconfiguration of stateboundariesin the formof everlargercon-
Lawwithouta State?Orraceto the bottomby stateswhich figurations cooperationandpopularsovereigntyis possible.
haveto cut backon welfarebenefitsandrelaxlaborandenvi- Along with structuresof transnational governance,whichwill
ronmentalregulationsto attractglobalcapital?(See Scheuer- remainaccountableto democraticallyorganizedpeoples,sites of
man2004) Surely,these arenot the only alternativeswith which citizenshipcan also be multipliedby institutinga worldpeoples'
globalizationprocessesconfrontus. It is importantto emphasize assemblyin the UnitedNationsto accompanythe stateswhichare
thatsovereignstatesareplayerswith considerablepowerin this represented.As fancifulas this may seem,it is not impossibleto
process:theythemselvesoftennurtureandguidethe verytrans- imaginea world-wideelectionof peoples'representatives to the
formationswhichappearto curtailor limittheirown powers. UN, in additionto state-rundelegations.
Whetherit be throughthe changingpatternsof transnational Finally,it is importantto notethatthe worldalreadyhas or-
migrations;through emergence of growth triangles and new ganizationsof transnational cooperationthataremarkedby lack
globalformsof law withouta statein the fluidglobalmarket- of transparency andof cosmopolitanvalues.The IMF,the World
place;or throughthe pressureto adaptstatebureaucracies to Bank,andthe summitmeetingsof G-7 andG-8 areincipient
the new capitalism,an epochalchangeis underwayin which structuresof transnational governancewithoutdemocraticac-
aspectsof statesovereigntyarebeing dismantledchipby chip. countability.If one appliesthe principleof democraticlegitimacy
Statejurisdictionandterritoriality areuncoupledas new agents to theirfunctioning,it is clearthattheseorganizationsservemore
of jurisdictionin the formof multinationalcorporationsemerge. the interestof donorcountriesthanthosewhose livelihoodand
In some cases, the statedisbursesits ownjurisdictionto private stakesin manypartsof the worldthey affect.Heretoo thereis a
agenciesin orderto escapethe controlof popularlegislators--a democraticdeficitwhichmustbridged.
processwe havebecomepainfullyfamiliarwith throughthe Bush This sketchyvision of cosmopolitanfederalismis not based
Administration's policy of "rendition," thatis, of transportingto upona hostilitytowardthe nation-state;quiteto the contrary.
undisclosedforeigncountriesillegal enemyaliensandmaybe Only withina frameworkof sub-andtransnational modesof
even of prisonersof war. cooperation,representation, andcollaborationis it possibleto
Thuswe arecaughtin cross-currents whichon the one hand protectthe fundamentalvaluesof liberalandrepublicanliberty,
extendthe domainof citizenshipby weakeningthe divisions thatis of privateandpublicautonomy.The nation-stateis the
betweenlong-termresidentsandnationalcitizens;on the other home of the moderncitizen.The reconfiguration of citizenship
hand,populardemocraticcontrol,whetherit be by citizensand beyondnation-stateboundariesis necessitatedby developments
residents,overnon-statalinstitutionswhichincreasinglyassume whichthemselvesunderminethe nation-state,even if they are
state-likefunctions,is decreasing.The disaggregationof citizen- blindlypromotedby it as well. The innocuoustermfor these
shipandthe disaggregationof sovereigntyarepartandparcel developmentsis globalization;the moreominousepithetis that
of the samelandscapebuthavedistinctivenormativelogics. of "empire."Cosmopolitanfederalismis a projectwhichattempts
Whereasdisaggregatedsovereigntymeansthe escapeof public to reinin the forcesof globalizationwhile resistingthe spreadof
powerfromthe purviewof the publicautonomyof citizens,the empireandstrengthening the democraticcitizen.
676 PS October 2005
1. See Rawls's astonishingcomment:"a democraticsociety, like any where we will lead a complete life." (Rawls 1993, 41. My emphasis.)Even
political society, is to be viewed as a completeand closed social system. It is if Rawls uses the model of a "completeand closed social system"as a coun-
complete in that it is self-sufficientand has a place for all the main purposes terfactualstep in a thoughtexperiment,designed to justify the principlesof
of life. It is also closed ... in thatentry into it is only by birthand exit from political liberalism,this initial step of abstractionhas significantconsequences
it is only by death. ... Thus, we are not seen as joining society at the age for the rest of his argumentation.
of reason,as we mightjoin an association,but as being born into a society

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