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Global Citizenship Essay

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. The

significance of the being global learner and citizen in the twenty-first century is that to

understand ourselves as citizens of the globe. The ambassador School of the Global Leadership's

mission of Global outcomes and Global Performance focuses on developing global leaders.

Similarly, the vision is to allow students to be digital world citizens. The essential qualities of the

global learner and citizen are critical thinking, collaboration, vision,and empathy.

It is essential to be a global learner because it will help us to find ways to engage globally

with vision and authentic learning experiences. George Washington is an example of a global

citizen and can best be described as a genius in leadership, statesman. This person's greatest

achievement was being a visionary leader and the intellectual and moral capacity, over a long

period of time and in the course of manifold difficulties, to maintain coherency between long

range ideas and goals and short-term actions and this shows their commitment to global

citizenship because as a global leader he developed effective organization that sustains the vision

its beliefs and its values. In order to achieve this level of global citizenship, one must be a critical

thinker, intelligent and his or her own ideas must contribute to a global learning community.

Becoming a global learner and its citizen was crucial to my academic and professional life

because it helps to be part of a community that I belong now. I believe I have mastered the global

performance outcomes best through learning different languages which help to poss my second

soul and becoming a better student at ASGL. The experience of Mastering the global

performance outcomes has helped me to understand a different culture, investigate the world and
communicate my ideas as a global leader. As well, mastering the global performance outcomes

has assisted me to become an independent learner.

The global learner and citizen can best contribute to society as he or she is able to show his or

her self as a global learner and citizen. I will contribute more effectively to society because

participating in and contributing to a global learning community allow learners to be digital

world citizens. Global learning and engagement are critical to the world because to find a way

and community we belong to. Therefore the way to becoming global leader begins with a single


We must no longer consider ourselves as citizens of the towns or cities in which we learn or

teach but we must consider ourselves citizens of the globe. Becoming a global learner is essential

to all students no matter where one is at in the world one must be the part of the global

community in order to have a successful life. Global learning is an experience that will connect

us with another world around us.

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