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A Mini – Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the

Department of Senior High School
STI, General Santos City


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Subject Practical Research 1 and
Statistic and Probability

Jaybert L. Cajes

Braddie A. Danial

Shane R. Gabi

Wayne B. Garayanala

Jhunrandel M. Infante

Kynt Rynnl R. Rama



This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problem, the

significance of the study, and the scope and delimitation of the study.

Background of the Study

Integration of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) in education

refers to the use of computer-based communication that incorporates into daily classroom

instructional process. In conjunction with preparing students for the current digital era,

teachers are seen as the key players in using ICT in their daily classrooms. This is due

to the capability of ICT in providing dynamic and proactive teaching-learning environment

(Arnseth & Hatlevik, 2012). While, the aim of ICT integration is to improve and increase

the quality, accessibility and cost-efficiency of the delivery of instruction to students.

Process of adoption of ICT is not a single step, but it is ongoing and continuous

steps that fully support teaching and learning and information resources (Young, 2003).

ICT integration in education generally means technology-based teaching and learning

process that closely relates to the utilization of learning technologies in schools. Due to

the fact that students are familiar with technology and they will learn better within

technology-based environment, the issue of ICT integration in schools, specifically in the

classroom is vital.

In addition, teachers’ readiness and skills in using ICT are playing essential role in

the use of ICT in education. Teachers need sufficient ICT skills to implement the

technology and to have high confident level to use it in a classroom setting. Besides,

teachers require insight into the pedagogical role of ICT, in order to use it meaningfully in

their instructional process (Hennessy et al., 2005).

This is because, the use of technology in education contributes a lot in the

teaching aspects in which the application of ICT will lead to effective learning with the

help and supports from ICT elements and components (Jamieson-Procter et al., 2013).

Integration approach is about implementing right use of ICT in particular subject area that

involved complex concepts and skills to improve student’s achievement and attainment.

Besides, the review of curriculum is also needed so that only related ICT resources and

appropriate software will be installed for the main aims and objectives of curriculum to be


According to Warwick and Kershner (2008) the significance and advantages of

ICT should be known by teachers in order to conduct a meaningful lesson with the use of

ICT. As what has been discussed, there are many factors to enable the use of ICT in

classroom teaching and learning. In addition, teachers’ readiness and skills in using ICT

are playing essential role in the use of ICT in education. Teachers need sufficient ICT

skills to implement the technology and to have high confident level to use it in a classroom


Besides, teachers require insight into the pedagogical role of ICT, in order to use

it meaningfully in their instructional process (Hennessy et al., 2005). According to

Winzenried, Dalgarno and Tinkler (2010) teachers who have gone through ICT course

are more effective in teaching by using technology tools as opposed to those that have

no experience in such training.

The main purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of ICT integration

in. Specifically, The effect of ICT integration to the learning of Senior High ICT students

STI Senior High School General Santos City. STI is widely known ICT educational experts

that increase their knowledge about computers and enhance their performance skills in


Statement of the problem

This study aimed to know the effectiveness of ICT integration in STI Senior High

School General Santos City among ICT students in STI General Santos City.

Specifically, this study will have sought answers the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of?

1. Age

2. Gender

2. What are the effects of ICT integrated to your learnings?

Significance of the Study

This study gathered valuable data and gained understanding that served as our

basis of the of Effectiveness of ICT integration in STI Senior High School General Santos

City. The study was conducted with much hope that would benefit the following people to

their respective field of specialization.

Students. This study is primarily important to the students, for it will give them

information about Effectiveness of ICT Integrated in STI General Santos City.

Parents. This study will help the parents to have enough knowledge about

Effectiveness of ICT Integration in STI General Santos City

Teachers. The study will benefit with the teachers by giving information’s and

knowledge to the students,

Researchers. This study will help them to know what is the effectiveness of ICT

Integration in STI General Santos City. This study will help them give idea and information

to their study.

Scope and Delimitation

This study was mainly concerned and limited only with the effectiveness of ICT

integrated among the ICT students of STI Senior High General Santos City. The study

covers some information about Effectiveness of ICT integration. The researcher is

delimited to the boundaries of the studies in terms of subjects, objectives, areas and the

issue to which the research is focused. The data presented and gathered were based

from the information given by the respondents composed of the students in any grade

level and track of STI Senior High School General Santos. The study was conducted in

the second semester of the school year 2017-2018.




This chapter presents the review of related literature, published studies and

conceptual frameworks of the study.

Effectiveness of ICT Integrated Related Literature

According to (Reid 2002), ICT integration in education has its merits. Its use not

only changes the traditional ways of teaching, but also requires teachers to be more

creative in adapting and customizing their own teaching materials and strategies.

(Abbott and Faris 2000; Whelan 2008), among all the teaching methods and

strategies, collaborative learning, problem-based learning, and the artistic movement

approach are the most widely used teaching strategies to deal with the challenges of ICT


This corresponds with the suggestion of Palak and Walls (2009), as well as Tezci

(2011a), that technology integration will not have the desired effect without student-

centered classroom practices. Therefore, ICT integration in education cannot be

implemented in isolation. When it is applied in combination with diverse teaching methods

and approaches, especially constructivist practices, learning outcomes may be more


(Whelan 2008). In addition, schools should also provide some well-structured

learning support while integrating technology in their curriculum and instruction. Schools

are also highly recommended to offer their teachers workshops or training courses to

improve their ICT skills and prepare them to encounter possible challenges while

integrating technology in order to improve teachers’ professional development on ICT


More specifically, Chen (2008) has shown that there is no resonance

between teachers’ beliefs and their actual practice while integrating technology in the



Another similar study was conducted by Doering, Hughes and Huffman

(2003), who analyzed pre-service teachers’ perspectives regarding ICT in their future

classrooms before and after participation in a teacher preparation program. Prior to taking

the preparation courses, teachers were doubtful about the utility of ICT in the classroom,

implying that they would closely examine and consider ICT integration, rather than blindly

incorporate it into their teaching practices. After completing the courses, their doubt had

transformed into more positive sentiments. The teachers had a better understanding

about ICT use in the classroom. Although the teachers confronted other issues such as

technology availability, accessibility, professional support, and classroom management,

their perceptions about technology’s role had changed. They were more likely to believe

that technology can assist in learning and to recognize its importance.

Serhan (2009) and Chai, Koh and Tsai (2010) also investigated pre -service

teachers’ beliefs about the use of computer technology and the effectiveness of ICT

integration. The results of both studies indicate that after participating in courses, pre-

service teachers recognized the importance of ICT integration into their curricula and

believed that ICT use would enhance student learning. They felt that such courses

prepared them to apply ICT in the future, and their abilities to select, evaluate, and use a

variety of technological resources improved.

Chai, Koh and Tsai (2010) found that ICT courses with direct instruction on the

use of technological tools through the technology enhanced lesson approach helped

teachers learn how to use technologies as supporting tools in order to enhance their

teaching and student learning. Consequently, the pre-service teachers viewed the

preparation course favorably.

Conceptual Framework

The researchers aim to determine the Effectiveness of ICT Integration in General

Santos City Teaching and Readiness Skills. Readiness skills are the independent variable

while effects of ICT integration are the dependent variable.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Definition of Terms

Integration. Conceptually, it is the practice of uniting people from different races in

an attempt to give people equal rights. Merriam Webster Dictionary (2017).
Operationally, integration is the main topic of the study.

Senior High ICT Students. Conceptually, Senior High School Information

Communication Technology Students. Operationally, it is the main respondents of this


STI. Conceptually, STI College General Santos campus, which known for the Largest

Pioneer in Senior High School. Operationally, it is the main location of the research.



This chapter covers the research design, research locale, research respondents

of the study, instrumentation, research procedure and statistical treatment.

Research Design

This study will employ the quantitative research whereby the researchers will

use Descriptive Research that attempts to accumulate existing information and data

regarding about Effectiveness of ICT Integrated in STI General Santos City. This study is

an experimental research that attempts to establish cause and effect relationship and its


Figure 2. Research Design


Objectives of the study Research Methodology

Senior High School
ICT students
Determine the Usage Research Design

Jose Catolico Sr.

Research Respondents
Ave, General
INTEGRATED IN STI Santos City, 9500
Research Locale
Research Instruments

Research Locale
The researchers conducted this study in STI College General Santos campus,
which known for the Largest Pioneer in Senior High School.

Figure 3. Research Locale

Research Respondents
The data were collected from the respondents which compose of 40 Information
Communications and technology (ICT) students of STI Senior High School out of which
are 20 students of the Grade 11 and 20 students of the Grade 12 are included on this
study. The researchers choose to use these respondents because they are related to the
study and they have knowledge in terms of the effectiveness of ICT integrated in STI
senior high school General Santos City. The respondents of this research have already
gained experience and knowledge on ICT integration.

Table 1

Grade 11 20
Grade 12 20

Research Instrument
Questionnaire was used as the main instrument of the study to primarily determine
the effect of online gaming to the health of the students ages 16-18 years. The designed
question focused on the effectiveness of ICT integrated The questionnaire was designed
by the researchers themselves after doing a research and intensive reading from the
internet and asking opinions from the ICT students. The researchers initially distribute the
survey questionnaire among the student’s ages 16-18 years in STI Senior High School
General Santos. After the collection of the questionnaire, the data were analyzed and
interpreted by the researchers. It was done through the use of percentage and ranking.

Research Procedure
The researchers looked for necessary resources that could help them in their
study. The researchers did an intensive reading from the internet and asked opinion from
the ICT students from these, they were able to construct ideas and question necessary
for the questionnaire. The researcher gathered all of the ideas for this research. The
researchers distributed the questionnaire to the students of STI Senior High School.
Retrieval of the questionnaire was done after the respondents answered the survey
questionnaire. The data were tallied, analyzed and interpreted in accordance to the items
stated in instrumentalization of the study.

Statistical Treatment
Percentage and ranking were used by the researchers to convert the numerical
data gathered from the questionnaire. Only tallying, getting of percentage, and getting of
ranking were the methods needed to come up with a conclusion on this study. Descriptive
which include basic summary of the data gathered was used to explain further results of
the study. The descriptive used frequency, percentage and ranking. These things would
be explained further in the following.

a. Frequency – pertains to the number of respondents that have the same answer in
a specific question
b. Percentage – used to determine the ratio of respondents that have same answers
with general number of respondents
c. Ranking – used to determine the order of the results according to their percentage.


Arnseth, H.C., & Hatlevik, O.E. (2010). Challenges in aligning pedagogical practices

and pupils’ competencies with the Information Society’s demands: The case of Norway.

In S. Mukerji & P. Triphati (Eds.), Cases on technological adaptability and transnational

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Abbott, J. A. and Faris, S. E., 2000. Integrating technology into preservice literacy

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Chai, C. S., Koh, J. H. L. and Tsai, C.-C., 2010. Facilitating preservice teachers’

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Chen, C. H., 2008. Why do teachers not practice what they believe regarding

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Serhan, D., 2009. Preparing preservice teachers for computer technology integration.

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Palak, D. and Walls, R. T. 2009. Teachers’ beliefs and technology practices: A mixed-

methods approach, Journal of Research on Technology in Education, vol. 41, pp.157-


Young, S. C. (2003). Integrating ICT into second language education in a vocational

high school. Journal of Computers Assisted Learning, 19, 447-461.

Warwick, P., & Kershner, R. (2008). Primary teachers’ understanding of the interactive

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Whelan, R., 2008. Use of ICT in education in the South Pacific: findings of the Pacific
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Winzenried, A., Dalgarno, B., & Tinkler, J. (2010). The interactive whiteboard: A

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