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K E]\,IE N'I-E R I,\ N PT--N D I I} ( K,\N DA N I(Ef] LiD ;\YA.

iIAKLI LI AS \1,T|EI!1 A f IK A I)AN I],M IJ PI-,N (I F'I \I.ILr,{.\' \t,A\ I
UJIAN TENGA H SEL'{ESTER GA}l J il. T.AHLiN A K AIt E i\{lK 2() I 3 120 I 4

UJiAN TENGAH SEBES.TER GEryAp TAt-.tUF,! AKApEnfitK 2013/20r4

Ii4ata Kuliatl : BAHASA INGGRIS Kelas : Statistika A

Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 04 Nopernber 2A13 Waktu : {0.00 - 12.0A
Dosen : lrene Nany K., S.Hurn Sifat : Open Book

A. Trarrsl:lte this article into Bahasa Indonesial

Daes listening to h4ozart reall), baost your brainpowei.?

You have probably heard o1'the N,/isrz-art efl-ect. It's

the idea that if childre,t or cven babies Ustcn to
nrtsic conlposed by \4ozart the-v will beconre
rnore iutellisenl A qurck iirternet seiirch reveals
plenty i:1'proclucls tcr as:;ir:1 1'r:r-r in the task.
Whatever vour zlse thcre are CIls anci Lrooks to
trelp you to harness tlic porver oi'Mtizart's nrusic.
l,;Lit rvhcn it oonr.:s to -,c:ii;;rrtillu ci idrrtce tliat it
r-:trn' \;(Jii nl{}t'c clrjver-- thc lricturc
iri is more ltrixecj

il;c piti-a,sc'ri;c Mozarl cttcct'rt,iLs coined in 1991, bul it is a stucll,dcscribcd two ycars Iater
rtr the.iourttal Nalure thai sparkeci real tredia and public inlerest about t[:e idea that Iistening
tuelassical rnirsicsonrehorvinrpror,esthehrain. Itisoneo{'thoseideasthatt"eelsplausible.
lvirrzart rr,,:rs Lrr;dr,,uirteclly a ucni{,rs hinrselt- his nrr"rsic is complex and there is a hope that r1'vrie
Iisten lo cilouqh otr'it., a iittle of that intelliger:ce rnigirt rub otTon us.

,9ato't:e: !Lt1/:.:.-tyW:,bbt=e !Jt1-[t!]1t!ttg+ 2lEQl0j:eSlt!?]AzStl:LOqt!4rglupcu,et

B. nranstate these rvise *.ords into finglishl

'lOrang lain liduk ukun pctluli stherupu hcswr pengetuhtton Antla hinggcr me re.ka kittt
..rehcrtutu bestrr Andtt yteduli tt:rlzudup mcrt:kt. " .lohn C. Maxrvell

odir,\(,\'itatlti i!{)(tfutl di rlitntit iili.yuit! bi.s(i lg(.:ul)tsi tunptt i{,. lrttt.l'tt ltitirtyttit tfrt;t
l;LStct'r:rr1'1.1i177." lieiler: i(sl]cr


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