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Education Philosophy

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar, M.Si


The Tittle of Book : “ Filsafat Ilmu Pendidikan ”

Created By:

 Cindy Fildza Lubis (4163312004)

Bilingual Mathematics Education 2016


Criticizing a book or more is one of the activities that must be mastered by the students.
Moreover, to our prospective educators of the nation. Many books are in circulation today
commonly criticized. Both in terms of writing, whether or not suitable resource materials to
the reader, and in terms of completeness of the materials.
The purpose of my writing this book is critical is not to increase our ability to judge a book.
Nor is there any intention to marginalize some particular party. In this paper I include the
strengths and weaknesses of a book. Both in terms of writing and using language, materials
submitted materials, and in terms of completeness of the materials. Because basically no
perfect book. It is expected that no parties were offended upon presentation of this paper.
Because this paper I created from angle of a reader.
In conclusion I would like to thank the Almighty God and lecturers, as well as all those who
helped me in completing this paper. Do not forget, I apologize if there are still deficiencies in
the delivery in this paper.


PREFACE .................................................................................................................................. i
TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................................... ii
BOOK IDENTITY ..................................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 1
Issue Background ................................................................................................................. 1
I. Benefit ...................................................................................................................... 1
II. Purpose..................................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER II : DISCUSSION ............................................................................................... 2
I. Summary .................................................................................................................. 2
II. Advantages ............................................................................................................... 4
Weakness ............................................................................................................................. 5
CHAPTER III : CLOSING..................................................................................................... 6
I. Knot.......................................................................................................................... 6
II. Advice ...................................................................................................................... 6



Author :Dr.Redja Mudyahardjo

Pages :246


ISBN :979-692-027-1

Text Language :Indonesian


I. Issue Background
Many people now are not so have a high interest in reading, especially the youth
who will be the younger generation. They prefer to focus on social media is the
impact of technological sophistication. Though reading is important as a medium
to increase and expand the science and knowledge. By reading we can also
improve skills in writing.
Usually lack of interest in reading is because the book is less interesting to the
reader as well as the thickness of the pages can make direct readers are not
interested when he saw the book. For it should needed a critic. Where critics
contain a summary of a book as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the
contents of the book.
On this occasion, I chose to scrutinize the books on the topic "Filsafat Ilmu
Pendidikan". Philosophy is called the mother of all science.With Thus all kinds of
knowledge, both exact and non exact sciences are based on philosophy, including
pengetahuan.Filsafat science education in the sense of pure form berbegai grown
produce alternative answers to a wide range of philosophical questions posed in
the problem life and human life in the field of education that the answer is already
inherent in each type, sisitem, and lairan-flow philosophy.

II. Benefit
1. To know the advantages and disadvantages of the contents of the book.
2. To help students to think critically and analyze the contents of the book.
3. To help students criticized the contents of the book.

III. Purpose
1. To know the contents of the book can be used as study materials.
2. Developing the potential to become a man who can think and develop their

IV. Summary
Understanding Philosophy of Science Education
General philosophy has objects: (1) the nature of reality everything (metaphysics), which
includes the nature of reality as a whole (ontology), the reality of nature or the cosmos
(cosmology), the reality of man (humanologi), and the reality of God (theology ) :( 2)
determine the nature of reality (epistemology) :( 3) the nature of deducing knowledge of
kenyataaan (Logic): and (4) the nature assess kenyataaan (Axiology), among others, about the
nature of values related denngan good and evil (Ethics) as well as the value associated with
the beautiful and ugly (aesthetics).

Understanding Science Education

Science education is a system of knowledge about the education obtained through
riset.Teori-substantive theory in education, for example with respect to theories of teaching
and learning activities in the formal school environment. One aspect of teaching and learning
is a method mengajar.Para theorists and practitioners of the past until now trying to develop
an effective teaching method.

Objects formal Education

Objects formal science education, which can be interpreted as a vast, narrow, and wide
terbatas.Dengan Thus, there is no direct limit the time course of education. Education takes
place at the age of five, ages of children, adolescence, and adulthood or life of every human
being itself. Additionally, in the sense of immensity, the venue for education is not limited to
one particular type of environment in the form of schools, but it takes place in all forms of the
human environment.

Material object Education

Educational activities are activities that bridge the gap between the actual conditions
with ideal conditions. Educational activities take place in a certain time and shaped in a
variety of educational process, which is a series of activities or steps are used to change the
initial conditions of the learner as input, into ideal conditions as hasilnya.Kegiatan education
can also take place outside of both types the educational unit, which is in the environment in
general, for example, in a group of friends (peer group), in the ethnic group (subculture), as
the manager of the group, a group of drivers, group of pedicab drivers and so on.

Methodology of Science in general before the 19th century

The scientific method in problem solving is an informal application in reflective
thinking, which consists of recognizing the problem, hypothesis formulation, data collection,
analysis, and conclusions. Research is more systematic series of activities focused on the
discovery and development of a figure of organized knowledge.

Science methodology in general: 19th and 20th centuries

The development of the concept and practice of scientific methodology from the
beginning until today a source of inspiration for the development of the methodology of
education. In other words, the dynamic development of the methodology of science in
general affects directly and indirectly to the development of methodological concepts used in
constructing the figure of Education as we know it today, both in terms Axiological
epistomologis and science.

Methodology of Science Education: Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is a collection of problem-solving methods were planned and
carefully with the design is quite loose, data collection software, and langsung.Desain
qualitative research is growing (evolving), supple (flexible), and public (general).

Methodology of Education: Quantitative Research

Implementation of quantitative research conducted in the form of a programmatic or
systematic quantitative measurement. Some characteristics of these measurements, namely
(1) the measurement carried out on scales: ordinal, interval and ratio data are generated in the
form of numbers, in other words, no quantification: (2) measurements were performed using
instrument proper (valid), trustworthy, and operation through a process of

Axiology Education: Theoretical Purpose Values
An understanding of the scientific concepts of education potentially has a utility value to
the content and methods of potential pendidikan.Secara science can also help improve the
knowledge and confidence in us, both as an educational expert practitioners or theorists as
well as education (educators and education managers).

Axiology Education: Value practical usefulness

The concepts generated by Education can provide a basic guide the work of educators /
education managers in carrying out their duties. These concepts are developed Education,
with regard to how the process of managing and implementing educational practices
established. Thus these concepts are principles about management practices and educational
activities (educators).

V. Advantges From This Book

1. In this book the material covered each chapter has continuity so easily understood. For
example in chapter I discussed about the understanding of the philosophy of science
education. Then in chapter II discussed on the definition of science education. In this case the
material covered is easier to understand because of the most basic is discussed first, then
elaborated more broadly.
2. At this book in some important words made in Indonesian with English language. So
the reader can find Indonesian and English language as well.
3. In this book along with charts on each of its chapters. With these charts can make the
reader understand and understand the material presented in each chapter.
4.When this book are presented in full the opinions of experts about the material in each
chapter. With this matter can be presented with a complete and more comprehensive because
many opinions that vary from several experts and used in a single subject.
5. In this book the things that are important given the double quotation marks ( ") and also
made slashes to more easily see the things that are trivial.
6. At this book on pages 208-245 presented lamipiran-attachment that allows the reader to
infer the contents of the book.

VI. Weakness From This Book
1. In this book there are several theories advanced by experts who use English and
no translation in Indonesian, so it is difficult for the reader.
2. In the book there are some pages that print is less thick, so the writing is gray
and if it is seen as the result of a photocopy and not as the print publisher.
3. In this book there is only writing accompanied by a picture of any matter that is
less interested in reading.
4.When this book uses some difficult language dipahami.Misalnya inclusive,
pendeduksian, implikatif, kausalitatif, etc.
5. In this book too many subjects that it is difficult to find the main points of
discussion of the material.


VII. Knot
This book is worth reading because in the book of Philosophy of Science
Education load will be very helpful as well as meet the needs of the enthusiasts to
improve the quality of teaching, both from the students, prospective teachers, and
teachers especially for those who want professional meninggkatkan them in terms
of education and teaching. Therefore, I am keen to criticize this book.

VIII. Advice
It is recommended that the book that presents the English language should be
made also is the Indonesian language to make it more easily understood.
Hopefully critical this book useful for the readers and to our future be easier to
understand what the philosophy of education and what is the scope of the
philosophy of education.

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