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 General purpose object detection should be fast, accurate, and able to recognize a wide variety

of objects. Since the introduction of neural networks, detection frameworks have become
increasingly fast and accurate. However, most detection methods are still constrained to a small
set of objects. YOLO, a unified model for object detection. Our model is simple to construct and
can be trained directly on full images. Unlike classifier-based approaches YOLO is trained on a
loss function that directly corresponds to detection performance and the entire model is trained
jointly. YOLO learns generalizable representations of objects. YOLO is highly generalizable It
is less likely to break down when applied to new domains or unexpected inputs.YOLO is simpler
structure of network .It maintains a proper accuracy range. We connect YOLO to a webcam and
verify that it maintains real-time performance. Using our system, you only look once (YOLO)
at an image to predict what objects are present and where they are. Our method uses a
hierarchical view of object classification that allows us to combine distinct datasets together.
With high resolutions it achieves the greater performance among compared methods, and it
comes third in speed .A great way to combine datasets for different tasks(classification and
detection) is presented
 In moving object detection various background subtraction techniques available in the literature
were simulated. Background subtraction involves the absolute difference between the current
image and the reference updated background over a period of time. A good background
subtraction should be able to overcome the problem of varying illumination condition,
background clutter, shadows, camouflage, bootstrapping and at the same time motion
segmentation of foreground object should be done at the real time. It’s hard to get all these
problems solved in one background subtraction technique. So the idea was to simulate and
evaluate their performance on various video data taken in complex situations.
 Object tracking is a very challenging task in the presence of variability Illumination condition,
background motion, complex object shape, partial and full object occlusions. Here in this thesis,
modification is done to overcome the problem of illumination variation and background clutter
such as fake motion due to the leaves of the trees, water flowing, or flag waving in the wind.
Sometimes object tracking involves tracking of a single interested object and that is done using
normalized correlation coefficient and updating the template. In case of video analysis there are
three key steps: detection of interesting moving object, tracking of such objects from frame to
frame and analysis of objects tracks to recognize their behavior. Next it comes video
segmentation it means separation of objects from the background. It also consists of three
important steps: object detection, object tracking and object recognition. In this work it is given
more focus towards the investigation video analysis and video segmentation section.
The goal of object detection is to detect all instances of objects from a known class, such as
people, cars or faces in an image. Typically only a small number of instances of the object are
present in the image, but there is a very large number of possible locations and scales at which
they can occur and that need to somehow be explored.
Object detection systems construct a model for an object class from a set of training examples.
In the case of a fixed rigid object only one example may be needed, but more generally multiple
training examples are necessary to capture certain aspects of class variability.
Object detection in videos involves verifying the presence of an object in a sequence of image
frames. A very closely related topic in video processing is possibly the locating of objects for
recognition – known as object tracking. There are a wide variety of applications of object
detecting and tracking in computer vision—video surveillance, vision-based control, video
compression, human computer interfaces, robotics etc. In addition, it provides input to higher
level vision tasks, such as 3D reconstruction and representation. It also plays an important role
in video databases such as content-based indexing and retrieval.
The future of robotics predicts that robots will integrate themselves more every day with human
beings and their environments. To achieve this integration, robots need to acquire information
about the environment and its objects. There is a big need for algorithms to provide robots with
these sort of skills, from the location where objects are needed to accomplish a task up to where
these objects are considered as information about the environment. Object detection presents a
way to provide mobile robots with the ability-skill to detect objects for semantic navigation.
Object recognition is a very difficult task, mostly because the images taken by a camera differ
from each other even if taken under the same conditions. Based on this, different approaches
have been considered, depending on the type of application where a given project would be
carried out. As for mobile robots the goal is to provide a fast method to detect objects, so the
robot can move faster and this is where less computationally demanding algorithms are needed.
Since no interaction with those objects is required, algorithms that provide less amount of data
can be used to enhance the speed of the robots movement and at the same time, give accurate
Along with the increasing popularity of video on internet and versatility of video applications,
availability, efficiency of usage and application automation of videos will heavily rely on
object detection and tracking in videos. Although so much work has been done, it still seems
impossible so far to have a generalized, robust, accurate and real-time approach that will apply
to all scenarios. This will require, I believe, combination of multiple complicated methods to
cover all of the difficulties, such as noisy background, moving camera or observer, bad
shooting conditions, object occlusions, etc. Of course, this will make it even more time
consuming. But that does not mean nothing has been achieved. In my opinion, research may
go more directions, each targeting on some specific applications. Some reliable assumption can
always be made in a specific case, and that will make the object detection and tracking problem
much more simplified. More and more specific cases will be conquered, and more and more
good application products will appear. As the computing power keeps increasing and network
keeps developing, more complex problem may become solvable.
With the rise of autonomous vehicles, smart video surveillance,
facial detection and various people counting applications, fast
and accurate object detection systems are rising in demand.
These systems involve not only recognizing and classifying every
object in an image, but localizing each one by drawing the
appropriate bounding box around it. This makes object detection
a significantly harder task than its traditional computer vision
predecessor, image classification.

Faster R-CNN, R-FCN, and SSD are three of the best and most
widely used object detection models out there right now. Other
popular models tend to be fairly similar to these three, all relying
on deep CNN’s (read: ResNet, Inception, etc.) to do the initial
heavy lifting and largely following the same
proposal/classification pipeline.

Object detection is the problem of finding and classifying a variable

number of objects on an image. The important difference is the
“variable” part. In contrast with problems like classification, the output
of object detection is variable in length, since the number of objects
detected may change from image to image. In this post we’ll go into
the details of practical applications, what are the main issues of object
detection as a machine learning problem and how the way to tackle it
has been shifting in the last years with deep learning.

Even though object detection is somewhat still of a new tool in the industry,
there are already many useful and exciting applications using it.

Face detection


One simple but often ignored use of object detection is counting. The ability
to count people, cars, flowers, and even microorganisms, is a real world need
that is broadly required for different types of systems using images. Recently
with the ongoing surge of video surveillance devices, there’s a bigger than
ever opportunity to turn that raw information into structured data using
computer vision.

Visual Search Engine

Finally, one use case we’re fond of is the visual search engine of
Pinterest. They use object detection as part of the pipeline for indexing
different parts of the image. This way when searching for a specific purse,
you can find instances of purses similar to the one you want in a different
context. This is much more powerful than just finding similar images, like
Google Image’s reverse search engine does.

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