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The Bretonnian Calendar

The Bretonnian Calendar measures year 0 from the founding of Bretonnia by Gilles
Le Breton. A standard Bretonnian year, like the Imperial Year, lasts 400 days, divided
into twelve months of 32 or 33 days each, with six intercalary holidays. Each year
begins on Witching Night, on the same day as Hexenstag in the Imperial Calendar. It
shares many of the same holidays as the Imperial Calendar, however holds special
reverence for days of The Lady.

Number of
Month Holiday Occasion
1 Witching Night New Year
After Witching 32
Year-Turn 33
1 Lily Day Spring Equinox
Plough-Tide 33
Lady's Month 32
Summer-Tide 33
1 Peace-Tide Summer Solstice
Fore-Mystery 33
1 Day of Mystery
After-Mystery 32
Harvest-Tide 33
1 Grail-Day Autumn Equinox
Brew Month 33
Chill Month 33
Gilles-Tide 33
1 King's Sleep Winter Solstice
Fore-Witching 33
All holidays on the Bretonnian calender stem from the foundation of the country. The
original holidays of the the human tribes are still celebrated (as in the Empire,) but
any holiday associated with The Lady takes prominence above all others.

 Witching Night - When both moons of the world are full, Bretonnians will
celebrate The Lady's protection from evil magic. This is also a celebration of the
Eighth Battle of Gilles Le Breton, when The Lady blessed the "good" magic
wielded by The Damsels of his army. On this day, women take charge all over
the nation, as a sign of respect for the Damsels. Great bonfires are built, and
effigies of male magic wielders are burned (some towns will even go so far as
to capture a real, living wizard to burn to little success.) These bonfires are
always lit by a woman.
 Lily Day - Lily Day is the celebration of new growth, concurrent with the
Imperial More-Growth holiday, and is the most popular day of the year for
weddings. Most villages and towns will choose the most beautiful girl among
them to preside over the festivities as The Lady of Lillis.
 Peace-Tide - The celebration of Gilles Le Breton's final victory in forging the
nation, Peace-Tide features festivals filled with great battle reenactments,
pledges of loyalty, and great feasts. All quarrels within a community must be
resolved by this day, and some villages will go so far as to force a resolution to
conflicts - even fights to the death.
 Day of Mystery - This day marks the first time The Lady appeared to Gilles Le
Breton, and is considered the holiest day of the year. The barriers between The
Lady's world and the world of man are thought to be thinned on this day, and
most will spend the day in Grail Chapels in quiet contemplation.
 Grail-Day - Originally a day meant for honoring the grail, Grail-Day has since
become a festival centered mostly around drinking. Traditionally, wine is drunk
completely undiluted on this day, making festivities extremely raucous.
 King's Sleep - In the depth of winter, the people of Bretonnia remember that
like the trees, like Gilles Le Breton, are not dead, but sleeping. This holiday is
usually marked with plays depicting his departure and return.

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