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Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Hydrodissection:

What is it? A Review of the Literature
Shane P. Cass, DO

in the ophthalmological literature to

establish surgical planes in the eye (12).
Nerve hydrodissection is a technique used when treating peripheral
More applicable for our discussion,
nerve entrapments. It involves using an anesthetic or solution such as
Smith et al. (15) describes a process
saline to separate the nerve from the surrounding tissue, fascia, or ad-
of hydrodissection in the treatment of
jacent structures. There are no high-level studies to determine the need
CTS for delivering injectate around the
or effectiveness of hydrodissection or to establish its safety. Low-level
nerve. The purpose of the hydrodis-
studies do demonstrate some effectiveness and safety for the technique,
section in this article was to peel the
but further research is necessary.
median nerve from the surrounding
retinaculum and connective tissue. The
primary goal of the hydrodissection is
Introduction to avoid inadvertent direct injection and injury to the nerve.
Because ultrasound has become more widely available The secondary goal for many clinicians with this technique
and accessible, clinicians have used the improved resolution is to separate a potential soft tissue adhesion or obstruction
to increase accuracy in their procedures. They also have from the nerve that could be causing an entrapment.
used this technology to create novel procedures. One of
the growing areas of musculoskeletal ultrasound to take A note on ultrasound injection techniques
advantage of this imaging modality is in the treatment of To better understand the terminology used in the articles
peripheral nerve entrapments. Ultrasound has been used reviewed, it is important to define the different injection
both to diagnose and treat a variety of common condi- techniques. There are typically two groups, in-plane in-
tions such as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and cubital jections and out-of-plane injections. With in-plane injections,
tunnel syndrome. One frequently referenced technique the needle enters the skin parallel to the long axis of the
while treating peripheral nerves is hydrodissection. The transducer (Fig. 1). With this approach, the needle tip is
purpose of this article is to evaluate the available literature completely visualized as it reaches its target. With the out-of-
on hydrodissection and determine its level of effectiveness plane approach, the needle enters the skin perpendicular to
and safety. the long axis of the transducer (Fig. 2). With this approach,
the needle appears as a bright dot as it enters the scanning
Definition of hydrodissection area of the probe. The in-plane approach is most often used,
The definition of hydrodissection varies widely depending as the needle tip can reliably be visualized entering the target.
on the procedure or surgery it is being used for. It has been With the out-of-plane approach, the hyperechoic dot will still
described in reoperative therapy for adhesiolysis by intro- be present, even if the tip of the needle pierces through the
ducing saline under pressure into planes of dissection. This intended target. Despite its limitations, the out-of-plane ap-
then helps to remove adhesions by creating previously proach is still used with difficult and small anatomy where the
nonexistent surgical planes (2). Hydrodissection has been needle or probe cannot lie in-plane.
used to preserve perforating arteries in breast reconstruc-
tion surgery (17). Hydrodissection has been discussed also
A literature search for ‘‘nerve hydrodissection’’ in PubMed
Sports Medicine, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
and other search engines yielded few articles with hydrodis-
Address for correspondence: Shane P. Cass, DO, Sports Medicine, section in the title. In an attempt to look for more evi-
University of New Mexico, 1 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, dence, search terms such as ‘‘ultrasound nerve injections’’ and
NM 87131; E-mail:, specific nerve injections were used, for example, ‘‘ulnar nerve
ultrasound injections.’’ The methods were then thoroughly
Current Sports Medicine Reports reviewed to see if a hydrodissection technique, such as the
Copyright * 2016 by the American College of Sports Medicine description by Smith et al. (15), was used.

20 Volume 15 & Number 1 & January/February 2016 Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Hydrodissection

Copyright © 2015 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
In a prospective study of 20 consecutive patients with
verified electrophysiological meralgia paresthetica, the pa-
tients received a perineural injection of anesthetic with cor-
ticosteroid. This study described a hydrodissection technique
where the nerve was floated away from the adjacent struc-
tures. Sixteen of the original 20 patients had statistical im-
provement in pain and function. The other four received
another injection. After 2 months, all of the patient’s symp-
toms disappeared completely (16). Similar results were
obtained in a case study of a 45-year-old man with chronic
meralgia paresthetica. Using a similar in-plane injection, the
patient remained symptom free at an 18-month follow-up (13).

Saphenous nerve
FIGURE 1: In-plane ultrasound injection. In a retrospective study of patients with chronic medial
knee pain after total knee replacement, the infrapatellar
Specific Nerve Studies branch of their saphenous nerve was subjected to injection.
They used a hydrodissection technique followed by a corti-
Median nerve costeroid injection. It was a small study of 16 people. Of
Because of the prevalence of CTS, the median nerve has the subjects, 75% improved their Visual Analog Scale (VAS)
been evaluated and studied as a candidate for ultrasound- pain score to less than 3 to 4 from a baseline of 8 out of 10.
guided injections. DeLea et al. (6) performed a prospective There was no blinding and no mention of adverse outcomes.
study of patients with CTS receiving ultrasound-guided me- Because of the size of the group, no statistical analysis was
dian nerve injections after hydrodissection. Pain and vaso- performed (5).
motor changes were significantly reduced with this approach,
and there were no adverse outcomes. It should be noted that Safety
in this study, there was not a control group with which to At the time of this article, there are no studies that eval-
compare. Lee et al. (10) also evaluated patients with CTS uate the safety of the hydrodissection technique for nerve
receiving a corticosteroid injection. They randomized their injections. The most readily available literature focuses on
patients to three groups, in-plane ultrasound injection, out-of- safety of intraneural injections and the rate of accidental
plane ultrasound injections, and landmark-based injections. injections with ultrasound.
The ultrasound groups received hydrodissection to ‘‘peel the To determine the rate of unintentional intraneural in-
nerve off the overlying flexor retinaculum.’’ The in-plane jections, Liu et al. (11) recorded ultrasound on 257 patients
ultrasound-guided injection had statistically improved pain receiving an interscalene or supraclavicular block before
and functional scores compared with the out-of-plane group shoulder arthroscopy. Two blinded anesthesiologists then
and landmark group. The in-plane group also had no nerve reviewed the video and found a 17% incidence of intra-
or vessel injury. Function and pain improved in all three neural trespass. No patient experienced postoperative
groups. Only one of the studies that were reviewed random- neurological complications. Their study mentions that hydro-
ized patients to a hydrodissection group or an injection-only dissection was left at the discretion of the anesthesiologist,
group (7). Patients received a median nerve block before elbow and their Results section does not mention how many times
surgery and were randomized to hydrodissection with D5W or it was used or its correlation with intraneural injections.
to a block with lidocaine alone. Their main outcome measure Hara et al. (8) found a similar incidence of intraneural in-
was time to anesthesia, which showed no statistical change. jection on patients receiving a subgluteal sciatic nerve block
Unfortunately, this study did not look at safety or adverse
events, so one cannot draw conclusions in regard to decreased
nerve injury with hydrodissection from this study.

Ulnar nerve
Since cubital tunnel syndrome is another common pe-
ripheral neuropathy, the ulnar nerve has been researched with
ultrasound-guided injections using nerve hydrodissection as
well. A cadaver study by Kim et al. (9) demonstrated that an
ultrasound-guided hydrodissection technique could separate
the ulnar nerve from the medial epicondyle and the adjacent
connective tissues. A small pilot study of 10 prospective pa-
tients with cubital tunnel syndrome used this approach and
showed improvement in pain, decreased cross-sectional area,
and improved electrophysiological measurements (4). They
also sustained no neurological injuries. FIGURE 2: Out-of-plane ultrasound injection. Current Sports Medicine Reports 21

Copyright © 2015 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
while undergoing knee arthroscopy. Using similar methods add to patient care. Many who use ultrasound for muscu-
and video reviews, they found a 16.3% rate of injection. loskeletal medicine, this author included, note an improve-
Again, out of 325 patients, they reported no postoperative ment in our practice and care of our patients with this
complications. Their study does not reference the use of technology. Hopefully this article can encourage others to
hydrodissection but would indicate that hydrodissection had publish what they are doing and encourage those with the
been done because of a halo appearance of injectate around means to do more high-level research in the field.
the nerve.
A systematic review by Brull et al. (3) calculated the rate
of neuropathy after a peripheral nerve block to be less than The author declares no conflict of interest and does not
3 in 100. Out of 16 studies evaluating the rate of perma- have any financial disclosures.
nent neurological injury after a nerve block, they found
only one case.
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nique, which is referenced often in articles, very limited high- 8. Hara K, Sakura S, Yokokawa N, Tadenuma S. Incidence and effects of
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determine if this is a necessary part of the procedure or if it is guided interscalene and supraclavicular nerve blocks. Anaesthesia. 2011;
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22 Volume 15 & Number 1 & January/February 2016 Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Hydrodissection

Copyright © 2015 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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