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How do poets use figurative language to convey meaning

I can analyze a poem by participating in a discussion group and interpreting it together

I can evaluate

Students were reading independently. Teacher was quietly conferencing with individual students about
a behavior present at the time and setting up the gropus for the days lesson

 Accountable talk
 You will be working with your team to discuss a poes
 Look at the accountable talk bookmark. What is this all about
o How to talk to someone one in a group
o I have heard some great discussions though I have hear things that are not 100%
o Accountable talk is about being respectful in a conversation
o If yo disagree with someone what is a way you can say that in a way that is not rude or
o I have a different idea about that
 Is different than saying they are wrong or they are stupid.
 “Please everyone look at your bookmarks, this is not optional”
 “I suggest you look to the bottom of your bookmark and share out another way
 “I would say you wrong”
o Is that a piolet way to say it?
 Yes
o It is actually not. You could refreame it, you could say I want to push back on that
o Can you find the text evidence? I fthey cant then you may be right they could be wrong
but wording it differently challenges them\
 I am listening to this things. Listening
 Thumbs up if you understand, down if you don’t, middle if you sort of understand
o Down
 Teacher put up a powerpoint
o Advice on growing up
 Student was laying down with hood over head – Tommy I do expect that you are participating
fully and that your hood and jacket are off
 Teacher recorded advice students had been given by adults in their lives
o Reach foryou rgoals
o Stay out of gangs
o Don’t do drugs
o Don’t smoke
o Don’t fight
o No sex until married (or 18)
 14
 Generally speaking parents give this advice to stop girls from getting
pregnant, std, taking your mind away
 Get an education
 Don’t play with guns
 No twerking
 Student says I disagree
 Students became distracted on the fighting topic.
o Teacher counted down and students were quiet
 We have a lot to get to today about advice on how to be respectful in life
o Advice you get from your parents or community members may sometimes include
fighting back just understand
 Moving on to Langston Hughes and Mother and Son
o He wrote thank you maam
 Teacher counted and waited for students
o I heard some good remembering
 I am going to have you listen to him reading his own poem
 We looked at metaphors yesterday
 Good insight tommyu next time raise your hand
 What do you notice about the authors use of language, that is the authors style
o Country,
 Ask the students what this means and have them infer
 We are going to look at a differnet poem. Instaed of me explaining the poem, you will discuss it
with your groups using your accountability talk
 Teacher went over background of kipling
o He is best known for the jungle book
 Student made some comment and teacher responded with condequents
o S
 Students needed pencils so teacher passed out pencils in exchange of keys, phones,
 Teacher rang the bell
o I appreciate that team two got quiet on the bell
 So we are going to read this through, the first time I will read it t you
 Poetry has a lot of hard words. I want you to the first time to circle any words you do not know
 Student asked what a word was, teacher directed them t ocircle it
 Please raise your hand if yo have a word you ciricled that you would like me to define
o Consider having them define them with context clues
o Does say does anyone want to take a guess as to what that means?
 In my 25 years I have learned to be more patient
o In your 25 years I am hoping you learn to be more respectful
 Any other owrds?
 Ok here is your job.
o Teacher went over participation and evaluation (slide)
o Class was getting distracted
 Wrote students name on the board and checked next to it for repeat offences
 Giving jobs
o Each group got a stanza
o Each group member got a job
 Quickly finished the slide and then told students to begin
o Would have liked to see you check for their understanding or scaffold the tasks more
(before setting them out completely, start with one minute to decide the roles)
o Consider having a whole group personal read of the poem
 Teacher moved around the room facilitating gropus
o 1st group struggled during class with respect
o 2nd group failed to get started.
 Use a timer

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