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Duhok Polytechnic University

Technical College of Engineering
Petrochemical Engineering Department

Lecturer's Name: Experiment Number:

Title of Experiment


Lab Group (number and members): Date Expt. Performed:

1. Dana kamal 20/11/2016

2. Lina Abase

3. Ahmad Tahsin Date Report Submitted:

4. Nura Jamal 27/11/2016

5. Tara Ahmad

6. Ronak hameed

Lecturer's Comments
Chemical bonds contain energy. When the bonds between atoms are
broken, energy is released. Work can be accomplished by releasing the
energy in small, controlled steps. However, if all the energy is released
at one time, as in a combustion reaction, most of that energy is given off
to the surroundings as heat. The amount of heat given off in a
combustion reaction varies depending on the number of bonds and the
types of atoms in those bonds. The heat of combustion for a substance
can be determined experimentally by measuring the temperature change
of the environment when a fuel is burned. The equation to determine the
amount of heat of a substance is
q = m C ΔT

Where q represents the amount of heat in joules (J), m is the mass of the
substance in grams (g), C is the specific heat constant for that particular
substance, and ΔT is the temperature change in degree Celsius (ºC) or
Kelvin (K).
1. 100 ml of water is measured using a measuring cylinder.
2. Poured into a copper tin or beaker
3. The initial temperature of water is measured and recorded, θ1.
4. The spirit lamp is filled with butanol or Ethanol r and weighed, xg
5. A spirit lamp is light and put under the copper tin.
6. The water is stirred continuously with a thermometer
7. When the temperature of water increased by 30 °C, the flame is put
8. The spirit lamp is weighed again, y g
9. The highest temperature is recorded, θ2

Mass of weight of spirit lamp + ethanol / g 203.5g

Final mass of spirit lamp + ethanol / g 200.069g
Mass of butanol used / g 3.431g
Highest temperature of water / °C 50
Initial temperature of water / °C 19
Increased in temperature / °C 31

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