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Scan Attendance Manager

User Guide
Version 4.2
Table of Contents

Introducing SAM ..................................................................................................................................... 6

Basic Setup (Manual) .......................................................................................................................... 6
Add Classes ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Add Students ................................................................................................................................... 6
Generate Student Cards.................................................................................................................. 6
Set Scan Preferences ....................................................................................................................... 6
Scan Attendance ............................................................................................................................. 6
Advanced Setup (Student Import) ...................................................................................................... 7
Import Students and Classes........................................................................................................... 7
Generate Student Cards.................................................................................................................. 7
Set Scan Preferences ....................................................................................................................... 7
Scan Attendance ............................................................................................................................. 7
Navigating the SAM App ..................................................................................................................... 8
The SAM Home Screen ................................................................................................................... 8
The SAM Navigation Drawer ........................................................................................................... 8
Manage Classes ....................................................................................................................................... 9
How To: Add a Class ............................................................................................................................ 9
How To: Search for a Class .................................................................................................................. 9
How To: Edit a Class ............................................................................................................................ 9
How To: Delete a Class........................................................................................................................ 9
How To: Email a Class List ................................................................................................................. 10
How To: Save a Class List .................................................................................................................. 10
How To: Share a Class List ................................................................................................................. 10
Manage Students .................................................................................................................................. 11
How To: Add a Student ..................................................................................................................... 11
How To: Add a Student During Attendance Scanning ...................................................................... 11
How To: Search for a Student ........................................................................................................... 12
How To: Edit a Student ..................................................................................................................... 12
Student Statuses ........................................................................................................................... 12
How To: Delete a Student ................................................................................................................. 13
How To: Generate a Student Card for a Student .............................................................................. 13
How To: Generate Student Cards for all Students ............................................................................ 13
How To: Call a Student ...................................................................................................................... 14
How To: Email a Student an Attendance Report .............................................................................. 14
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How To: Email a Student Roster ....................................................................................................... 15
How To: Save a Student Roster......................................................................................................... 15
How To: Share a Student Roster ....................................................................................................... 15
How To: Import a Student Roster ..................................................................................................... 15
Import CSV File Format ................................................................................................................. 16
Import CSV File Example ............................................................................................................... 16
Manage Notes ....................................................................................................................................... 17
How To: Add a Student Note ............................................................................................................ 17
How To: Delete a Student Note ........................................................................................................ 17
How To: Email a Notes List................................................................................................................ 17
How To: Save a Notes List ................................................................................................................. 18
How To: Share a Notes List ............................................................................................................... 18
Scan Attendance ................................................................................................................................... 19
How To: Scan Attendance Using Mobile Device Camera.................................................................. 19
Continuous Scan............................................................................................................................ 19
Manual Scan .................................................................................................................................. 19
How To: Switch Between Continuous and Manual Scan Mode........................................................ 19
How To: Scan Attendance Using Saved Student Card Images .......................................................... 19
How To: Changes Preferences During Scanning ............................................................................... 19
Attendance Reports .............................................................................................................................. 20
How To: Generate Attendance Reports............................................................................................ 20
Attendance Detail Report ............................................................................................................. 20
Attendance Summary Report ....................................................................................................... 20
Attendance Type Report ............................................................................................................... 20
Class Summary Report .................................................................................................................. 20
Student Summary Report ............................................................................................................. 20
How To: Generate Attendance Reports with Date Shortcuts ........................................................... 20
Today............................................................................................................................................. 20
This Week ...................................................................................................................................... 20
This Month .................................................................................................................................... 20
This Year ........................................................................................................................................ 21
All Records .................................................................................................................................... 21
How To: Email an Attendance Report............................................................................................... 21
How To: Save an Attendance Report ................................................................................................ 21
How To: Share an Attendance Report .............................................................................................. 21
Attendance Record Management......................................................................................................... 22
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How To: Edit an Attendance Record ................................................................................................. 22
How To: Delete an Attendance Record ............................................................................................ 22
How To: View the Student Associated with an Attendance Record ................................................. 22
How To: Map an Attendance Record GPS Coordinates .................................................................... 23
Attendance Statistics ............................................................................................................................ 24
How To: View Attendance Statistics ................................................................................................. 24
Students Scanned % ...................................................................................................................... 24
Average Attendance % .................................................................................................................. 24
Active Students % ......................................................................................................................... 24
Total Students ............................................................................................................................... 24
Students Scanned.......................................................................................................................... 24
Scans Per Student ......................................................................................................................... 24
Total Attendance........................................................................................................................... 24
Scan Days ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Scans Per Day ................................................................................................................................ 24
Total Classes .................................................................................................................................. 24
Classes Scanned ............................................................................................................................ 24
Scans Per Class .............................................................................................................................. 25
How To: Share Attendance Statistics ................................................................................................ 25
Attendance Charts ................................................................................................................................ 26
How To: Generate Attendance Charts .............................................................................................. 26
Annual Attendance Chart.............................................................................................................. 26
Monthly Attendance Chart ........................................................................................................... 26
Top 5 Attendance Types Chart ...................................................................................................... 26
Top 5 Classes Chart ....................................................................................................................... 26
Top 5 Students Chart .................................................................................................................... 26
How To: Share Attendance Charts .................................................................................................... 26
Manage Preferences ............................................................................................................................. 27
How To: Set Scanning and Reporting Preferences ........................................................................... 27
Enable GPS Location Tagging ........................................................................................................ 27
Enable Add Student From Scan ..................................................................................................... 27
Enable Active Student Scan........................................................................................................... 27
Enable Scan Class Override ........................................................................................................... 27
Scan Class Name ........................................................................................................................... 27
Scan Attendance Type................................................................................................................... 27
Scan Camera.................................................................................................................................. 27
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Scan Mode .................................................................................................................................... 27
Scan Delay ..................................................................................................................................... 28
Max Scans per Day ........................................................................................................................ 28
Report Filter .................................................................................................................................. 28
How To: Clean Up the Application Folder ......................................................................................... 28
Application Images ........................................................................................................................ 28
Database Backup Files................................................................................................................... 28
Attendance Charts ........................................................................................................................ 29
Reports and Lists ........................................................................................................................... 29
Attendance Statistics .................................................................................................................... 29
Student Cards ................................................................................................................................ 29
Manage Database ................................................................................................................................. 30
How To: Backup the SAM App Database .......................................................................................... 30
How To: Restore the SAM App Database from a Backup ................................................................. 30
How To: Factory Reset the SAM App Database ................................................................................ 30
How To: Run SAM App Database Integrity Checks ........................................................................... 31
Manage Dropbox .................................................................................................................................. 32
How To: Authorise SAM for Access to a Dropbox Account .............................................................. 32
How To: Backup the SAM app database to a Dropbox Account ....................................................... 32
How To: Restore the SAM app database from a Dropbox Account ................................................. 32
How To: Unlink SAM from a Dropbox Account................................................................................. 33

Contact ShmoopySoft

Email Address
Support Email Address
Twitter Handle @ShmoopySoft

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Introducing SAM
Thank you for downloading the ShmoopySoft Scan Attendance Manager, or SAM app. We really
appreciate your support! SAM was designed from the ground up to assist you with managing
Student attendance in your organization. Whether you run a small yoga club or a large martial arts
studio, SAM can help you manage your Students and Classes, generate Student cards, scan Student
attendance and generate attendance reports and charts.

Basic Setup (Manual)

Before SAM can help you manage attendance, you first need to follow a few simple steps to prepare
SAM for attendance management. If you plan to add your Students and Classes manually, you need
to follow the steps represented in the flow diagram below:

Add Set Scan Scan
Add Classes Student
Students Preferences Attendance

Add Classes
Adding the names of the Classes that your Students will be attending is the first step in the SAM app

Add Students
After adding your Classes, you can then add your Students. When adding a Student, the SAM app
will ask you to pick the Class to which the Student is linked.

Generate Student Cards

Once you have added your Students, you can then generate Student cards with barcodes (for
attendance scanning purposes), which should be distributed to each Student.

Set Scan Preferences

Set your preferred scan device camera, scanning method, scan delay, maximum scans per day and
other important scan preferences to get the most out of SAM during attendance scanning.

Scan Attendance
When a student arrives for a class, scan their student card using the SAM app. An attendance record
will be added to the SAM app's database, which will then be used for attendance reporting

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Advanced Setup (Student Import)

If you plan to add your Students and Classes by importing a comma-delimited (CSV) file, you need to
follow the steps represented in the flow diagram below:

Import Students Generate Set Scan Scan

and Classes Student Cards Preferences Attendance

Import Students and Classes

Import a comma-delimited (CSV) file containing your Students and Classes. The SAM app will process
the import file and add your Classes and Students, automatically linking them based on your CSV file
content. Please refer to the "How To: Import a Student Roster" section for more detailed
information on importing Students and Classes.

Generate Student Cards

Once you have added your Students, you can then generate Student cards with barcodes (for
attendance scanning purposes), which should be distributed to each Student.

Set Scan Preferences

Set your preferred scan device camera, scanning method, scan delay, maximum scans per day and
other important scan preferences to get the most out of SAM during attendance scanning.

Scan Attendance
When a student arrives for a class, scan their student card using the SAM app. An attendance record
will be added to the SAM app's database, which will then be used for attendance reporting

The following sections provide step-by-step "How To" instructions on all the SAM app's features,
grouped into the following general themes:

 Manage Classes
 Manage Students
 Manage Notes
 Scan Attendance
 Attendance Reports
 Attendance Record Management
 Attendance Statistics
 Attendance Charts
 Manage Preferences
 Manage Database
 Manage Dropbox

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Navigating the SAM App

There are two main ways to easily get around the SAM app user interface:

The SAM Home Screen

1. Tap the  button on a screen header bar or navigation bar.

2. Tap a home screen button to navigate to that feature.

The SAM Navigation Drawer

1. Tap the  button on a screen header bar.

2. Tap a button to navigate to that feature.

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Manage Classes

How To: Add a Class

You need to add Classes before adding Students. There is no limit to the number of Classes that can
be added to the SAM app database, provided your mobile device has sufficient storage capacity.

3. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Classes.

4. Tap the  button on the header bar.
5. Enter a Class Name (maximum length 35 characters).
6. Tap the  button on the header bar.

Please Note: When a new Class is added, SAM will check to ensure that the Class Name provided
does not already exist in the database. If it does, SAM will not allow the new Class to be added and a
different Class Name will need to be provided.

How To: Search for a Class

Use the search feature to locate a Class by name.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Classes.

2. Enter a Class Name, or part of the name, in the search bar.
3. Tap the  button on the search bar.
4. If the Class is found, the list will scroll to the Class record.

How To: Edit a Class

Use the edit feature to change a Class name.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Classes.

2. Tap the Class record you would like to edit.
3. Tap the  button on the footer bar.
4. Enter a Class Name (maximum length 35 characters).
5. Tap the  button on the header bar.

How To: Delete a Class

Deleting a Class is permanent and cannot be undone, so please ensure you backup the SAM
database before deleting a Class.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Classes.

2. Tap the Class record you would like to delete.
3. Tap the  button on the footer bar.
4. Tap the  button on the header bar.
5. When prompted, tap the Delete button to confirm.

Please Note: SAM will check if the Class has any Student records linked to it and, if one or more
Student records are found to be linked to the Class, SAM will not allow the Class to be deleted.

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How To: Email a Class List

The Class List contains a list of all Classes with a count of the number of Students in each Class. The
Class List is emailed as a comma-delimited (CSV) file, which can then be imported and used in
popular office applications.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Classes.

2. Tap the  button on the header bar.
3. Tap the Email List button.

Please Note: By default, Class Lists are saved in the \Android\data\com.shmoopy.sam\files\Reports

folder on your mobile device.

How To: Save a Class List

The Class List contains a list of all Classes with a count of the number of Students in each Class. The
Class List is saved as a comma-delimited (CSV) file, which can then be imported and used in popular
office applications.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Classes.

2. Tap the  button on the header bar.
3. Tap the Save List button.
4. Use the File Manager to select the folder to save the Class List.
5. Tap the Save button on the File Manager footer bar.

Please Note: Class Lists should be saved in the \Android\data\com.shmoopy.sam\files\Reports

folder on your mobile device.

How To: Share a Class List

The Class List contains a list of all Classes with a count of the number of Students in each Class.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Classes.

2. Tap the  button on the header bar.
3. Tap the Share List button.

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Manage Students

How To: Add a Student

You need to add Students and link them to Classes before scanning attendance. There is no limit to
the number of Students that can be added to the SAM app database, provided your mobile device
has sufficient storage capacity

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Students.

2. Tap the  button on the header bar.
3. Enter a Student Name (maximum length 35 characters).
4. Enter a Student Number (maximum length 10 characters).
5. Enter a Student Email Address (maximum length 255 characters).
6. Enter a Student Mobile Phone (maximum length 20 characters).
7. Pick a Class Name to link the Student to.
8. Tap the  button on the header bar.

Please Note: When a new Student is added, SAM will check to ensure that the Student number
provided does not already exist in the database. If it does, SAM will not allow the new Student to be
added and a different Student number will need to be provided.

Tip: By default, a new Student is given an "Active" status.

Mandatory Fields

When adding a new Student, please take note of the following mandatory fields:

Student Name Mandatory

Student Number Mandatory
Student Email Address Optional
Student Mobile Phone Optional
Class Name Mandatory

How To: Add a Student During Attendance Scanning

Use any of SAM's scan methods and modes to scan a Student card. If SAM cannot locate the Student
number extracted from the Student card barcode, and the Enable Add Student From Scan
preference is checked, you will be prompted to add the Student.

There are 2 ways to specify Student data on a Student card barcode:

A. Only the Student number is provided in the QR Code (the SAM app default).
B. A pipe-delimited string containing all required Student data fields is provided in the QR Code
(using your own QR Code generator).

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The format of the Student data string that must be encoded in the QR Code is as follows:

Student Number|Student Name|Student Email Address|Student Mobile Phone|Class Name

An example complete import string is provided below:

5066086641|Vashti Organnet||5066086640|Elitr No Tempor Ad Dolore

An example import string with only mandatory fields is provided below:

5066086641|Vashti Organnet|||Elitr No Tempor Ad Dolore

How To: Search for a Student

Use the search feature to locate a Student by name.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Students.

2. Enter a Student Name, or part of the name, in the search bar.
3. Tap the  button on the search bar.
4. If the Student is found, the list will scroll to the Student record.

How To: Edit a Student

Use the edit feature to update a Student's contact information, link a Student to a different Class, or
change a Student's status.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Students.

2. Tap the Student record you would like to edit.
3. Tap the  button on the footer bar.
4. Enter a Student Name (maximum length 35 characters).
5. Enter a Student Number (maximum length 10 characters).
6. Enter a Student Email Address (maximum length 255 characters).
7. Enter a Student Mobile Phone (maximum length 20 characters).
8. Pick a Class Name to link the Student to.
9. Pick a Status to assign to the Student.
10. Tap the  button on the header bar.

Student Statuses

The following Student statuses are available:

1. Active
2. Cancelled
3. Deceased
4. Dormant
5. Expelled
6. Graduated
7. Inactive
8. Injured
9. Suspended
10. Terminated

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Please Note: Any Student status that is not "Active" will prevent the Student from having
attendance scanned if the Enable Active Student Scan preference is checked.

Tip: When Student cards are generated, SAM encodes the QR Code with the Student number.

How To: Delete a Student

Deleting a Student is permanent and cannot be undone, so please ensure you backup the SAM
database before deleting a Student.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Students.

2. Tap the Student record you would like to edit.
3. Tap the  button on the footer bar.
4. Tap the  button on the header bar.
5. When prompted, tap the Delete button to confirm.

Please Note: SAM will check if the Student has any Attendance history and, if one or more
Attendance records are found, SAM will not allow the Student to be deleted.

How To: Generate a Student Card for a Student

Student cards are generated with barcodes to assist attending scanning. The Student card is saved as
a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file for distribution to the Student.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Students.

2. Tap the Student record you would like to generate a card for.
3. Tap the button on the footer bar.
4. Tap the  button on the header bar to email the Student card.
5. Tap the  button on the header bar to share the Student card.

Please Note: By default, Student cards are saved in the

\Android\data\com.shmoopy.sam\files\Student Cards folder on your mobile device.

How To: Generate Student Cards for all Students

Student cards can be generated in bulk for all Students and saved for distribution or scanning
purposes. Student cards are saved as a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file for distribution to

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Students.

2. Tap the  button on the header bar.
3. Tap the Generate Cards button.

Please Note: By default, Student cards are saved in the

\Android\data\com.shmoopy.sam\files\Student Cards folder on your mobile device.

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How To: Call a Student

If a Student mobile phone number has been provided, you can call a Student directly from SAM.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Students.

2. Tap the Student record you would like to call.
3. Tap the  button on the footer bar.
4. When prompted, tap the Call button to confirm.

Please Note: Call charges may apply when calling Students.

How To: Email a Student an Attendance Report

If a Student email address has been provided, an Attendance report can be emailed directly to a

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Students.

2. Tap the Student record you would like to email an Attendance Report to.
3. If the Student has attendance records, tap the  button on the footer bar.

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How To: Email a Student Roster

The Student Roster contains a list of all Students with their information, Class allocation and Status.
The Student Roster is saved as a comma-delimited (CSV) file, which can then be imported and used
in popular office applications.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Students.

2. Tap the  button on the header bar.
3. Tap the Email Roster button.

Please Note: By default, Student Rosters are saved in the

\Android\data\com.shmoopy.sam\files\Reports folder on your mobile device.

How To: Save a Student Roster

The Student Roster contains a list of all Students with their information, Class allocation and Status.
The Student Roster is saved as a comma-delimited (CSV) file, which can then be imported and used
in popular office applications.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Students.

2. Tap the  button on the header bar.
3. Tap the Save Roster button.
4. Use the File Manager to select the folder to save the Student Roster.
5. Tap the Save button on the File Manager footer bar.

Please Note: Student Rosters should be saved in the \Android\data\com.shmoopy.sam\files\Reports

folder on your mobile device.

How To: Share a Student Roster

The Student Roster contains a list of all Students with their information, Class allocation and Status.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Students.

2. Tap the  button on the header bar.
3. Tap the Share Roster button.

How To: Import a Student Roster

Use the import feature to import a list of Students and Classes from a comma-delimited (CSV) file.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Students.

2. Tap the  button on the header bar.
3. Tap the Import Roster button.
4. Use the File Manager to select the CSV file to import.
5. Tap the Open button on the File Manager footer bar.

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Import CSV File Format

The following table defines each column that needs to be provided in the CSV import file.

Column 1 Student Number 10 Characters, Numbers and Letters

Column 2 Student Name 35 Characters, Letters Only
Column 3 Student Email Address 255 Characters, Numbers and Letters
Column 4 Student Mobile Phone 20 Characters, Numbers and Letters
Column 5 Class Name 35 Characters, Numbers and Letters

Please Note:

 Do not include any column headers in your CSV file.

 Do not enclose column values in quote marks.
 Only use a comma as a column separator.
 Only use a new line character at the end of each line.
 If a Class is not found during import, it will automatically be added.
 If a Student is not found during import, it will be automatically added.

Import CSV File Example

The following table provides an example of a CSV import file with 5 Student records, each with
contact information, all linked to the "Genetics and Genetic Engineering" Class.

230134904,Istasia Adele,,230134904,Genetics and Genetic Engineering

5066086640,Vashti Organnet,,5066086640,Genetics and Genetic Engineering
2773989579,Elta Linette,,2773989579,Genetics and Genetic Engineering
7846867262,Meralda Mariannal,,7846867262,Genetics and Genetic Engineering
2510178386,Joella Delinda,,2510178386,Genetics and Genetic Engineering

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Manage Notes

How To: Add a Student Note

Notes can be added to Students to keep track of important remarks. There is no limit to the number
of Notes that can be added to a Student, provided your mobile device has sufficient storage capacity

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Students.

2. Tap the Student record you would like to add a Note to.
3. Tap the  button on the footer bar.
4. Tap the  button on the header bar.
5. Enter a Note (maximum 100 characters).
6. Tap the  button on the header bar.

How To: Delete a Student Note

Notes can be deleted when no longer required. Deleting a Note is permanent and cannot be undone.
Make sure you backup the SAM database before deleting any Notes.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Students.

2. Tap the Student record you would like to delete a Note from.
3. Tap the  button on the footer bar.
4. Tap the Note record you would like to delete.
5. Tap the  button on the header bar.
6. When prompted, tap the Delete button to confirm..

How To: Email a Notes List

The Notes List contains a list of all Notes added to a Student. The Notes List is saved as a comma-
delimited (CSV) file, which can then be imported and used in popular office applications.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Students.

2. Tap the Student record you would like to email Notes for.
3. Tap the  button on the footer bar.
4. Tap the  button on the header bar.
5. Tap the Email Notes button.

Please Note: By default, Notes Lists are saved in the \Android\data\com.shmoopy.sam\files\Reports

folder on your mobile device.

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How To: Save a Notes List

The Notes List contains a list of all Notes added to a Student. The Notes List is saved as a comma-
delimited (CSV) file, which can then be imported and used in popular office applications.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Students.

2. Tap the Student record you would like to save Notes for.
3. Tap the  button on the footer bar.
4. Tap the  button on the header bar.
5. Tap the Save Notes button.
6. Use the File Manager to select the folder to save the Notes List.
7. Tap the Save button on the File Manager footer bar.

Please Note: Notes Lists should be saved in the \Android\data\com.shmoopy.sam\files\Reports

folder on your mobile device.

How To: Share a Notes List

The Notes List contains a list of all Notes added to a Student.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Students.

2. Tap the Student record you would like to share Notes for.
3. Tap the  button on the footer bar.
4. Tap the  button on the header bar.
5. Tap the Share Notes button.

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Scan Attendance

How To: Scan Attendance Using Mobile Device Camera

Two different scan modes are provided: Continuous Scan and Manual Scan.

Continuous Scan

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Scan Attendance.

2. Scanning will start automatically.
3. Place a Student card in front of the device camera to scan the barcode.
4. Once the barcode is scanned and attendance added, scanning will automatically resume to
automatically scan the next Student card you place in front of the device camera.

Tip: Depending on your mobile device performance, increase or decrease the Scan Delay preference
to ensure scanning the same Student card repeatedly and adding duplicate attendance records is

Manual Scan

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Scan Attendance.

2. Tap the  button on the footer bar to start scanning.
3. Place a Student card in front of the device camera to scan the barcode.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each Student card you want to scan.
5. To stop scanning at any time, press the  button on the footer bar.

How To: Switch Between Continuous and Manual Scan Mode

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Scan Attendance.

2. Tap the  button on the header bar.
3. Tap the Manual Scan button to switch to Manual Scan Mode.
4. Tap the Continuous Scan button to switch to Continuous Scan Mode.

How To: Scan Attendance Using Saved Student Card Images

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Scan Attendance.

2. Tap the  button on the header bar.
3. Tap the Pick Image button.
1. Use the File Manager to select the Student card image to scan.
4. Tap the Open button on the File Manager footer bar.

How To: Changes Preferences During Scanning

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Scan Attendance.

2. Tap the  button on the header bar.
3. Set preference options as required.
4. Tap the  button on the header bar to return to scanning.

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Attendance Reports

How To: Generate Attendance Reports

Attendance Reports are provided for a tabular data representation of key attendance metrics.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Attendance Reports.

2. Slide the Report Start Date wheel to the required date to report from.
3. Slide the Report End Date wheel to the required date to report to.
4. Tap a report button.

Attendance Detail Report

The report includes all attendance records with Student Name, Attendance Type, Attendance Date
and an indicator to show whether the record was tagged with GPS coordinates.

Attendance Summary Report

The report includes a count of the total number of attendance records for all Students and can be
filtered further to show Daily, Monthly or Annual totals.

Attendance Type Report

The report includes a count of the number of attendance records for each Attendance Type scanned
and can be filtered further to show Daily, Monthly or Annual totals.

Class Summary Report

The report includes a count of the number of attendance records for each Class scanned and can be
filtered further to show Daily, Monthly or Annual totals.

Student Summary Report

The report includes a count of the number of attendance records for each Student scanned and can
be filtered further to show Daily, Monthly or Annual totals.

How To: Generate Attendance Reports with Date Shortcuts

Attendance Reports are provided for a tabular data representation of key attendance metrics. Date
period shortcuts are provided to quickly drill-down on common reporting periods.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Attendance Reports.

2. Tap the  button on the header bar.
3. Tap a date shortcut button.

The Report Start Date and Report End Date wheels will be automatically populated with today's

This Week
The Report Start Date and Report End Date wheels will be automatically populated with the current
week's Sunday (start) and Saturday (end) dates.

This Month
The Report Start Date and Report End Date wheels will be automatically populated with the first and
last date of the current month.
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This Year
The Report Start Date and Report End Date wheels will be automatically populated with the first and
last date of the current year, i.e. 1st of January to 31st of December.

All Records
The Report Start Date and Report End Date wheels will be automatically populated with the first
(minimum) and last (maximum) dates that appear in the database for all attendance records.

How To: Email an Attendance Report

Attendance Reports are provided for a tabular data representation of key attendance metrics.
Attendance Reports are saved as a comma-delimited (CSV) files, which can then be imported and
used in popular office applications.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Attendance Reports.

2. Select the required Report Start Date and Report End Date.
3. Tap a report button.
4. Tap the  button on the header bar.
5. Tap the Email Report button.

Please Note: By default, Attendance Reports are saved in the

\Android\data\com.shmoopy.sam\files\Reports folder on your mobile device.

How To: Save an Attendance Report

Attendance Reports are provided for a tabular data representation of key attendance metrics.
Attendance Reports are saved as a comma-delimited (CSV) files, which can then be imported and
used in popular office applications.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Attendance Reports.

2. Select the required Report Start Date and Report End Date.
3. Tap a report button.
4. Tap the  button on the header bar.
5. Tap the Save Report button.
6. Use the File Manager to select the folder to save the report.
7. Tap the Save button on the File Manager footer bar.

Please Note: Attendance Reports should be saved in the

\Android\data\com.shmoopy.sam\files\Reports folder on your mobile device.

How To: Share an Attendance Report

Attendance Reports are provided for a tabular data representation of key attendance metrics.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Attendance Reports.

2. Select the required Report Start Date and Report End Date.
3. Tap a report button.
4. Tap the  button on the header bar.
5. Tap the Share Report button.

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Attendance Record Management

How To: Edit an Attendance Record

Attendance records may be updated to change the Class Name, Attendance Type or Attendance
Date attributes.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Attendance Reports.

2. Select the required Report Start Date and Report End Date.
3. Tap the Attendance Detail report button.
4. Tap the attendance record you would like to edit.
5. Tap the  button on the footer bar.
6. Select a new Class Name.
7. Select a new Attendance Type.
8. Slide the data wheel to select a new Attendance Date.
9. Tap the  button on the header bar.

Please Note: When changing the Attendance Date, SAM will prevent a date in the future from being

How To: Delete an Attendance Record

Deleting an Attendance record is permanent and cannot be undone, so please ensure you backup
the SAM database before deleting an Attendance record.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Attendance Reports.

2. Select the required Report Start Date and Report End Date.
3. Tap the Attendance Detail report button.
4. Tap the attendance record you would like to edit.
5. Tap the  button on the footer bar.
6. Tap the  button on the header bar.
7. Tap the DELETE button to confirm.

How To: View the Student Associated with an Attendance Record

You can quickly navigate to the Student record associated with an Attendance Record.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Attendance Reports.

2. Select the required Report Start Date and Report End Date.
3. Tap the Attendance Detail report button.
4. Tap the attendance record you would like to view.
5. Tap the  button on the footer bar.

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How To: Map an Attendance Record GPS Coordinates

You can view the location of an attendance scan if your mobile device supports a GPS map

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Attendance Reports.

2. Select the required Report Start Date and Report End Date.
3. Tap the Attendance Detail report button.
4. Tap the attendance record you would like to view.
5. Tap the  button on the footer bar.

Please Note: If the attendance record selected was not tagged with GPS coordinate, this feature will
not be available.

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Attendance Statistics

How To: View Attendance Statistics

The statistics feature provides a quick summary of important attendance figures.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Attendance Statistics.

Students Scanned %
This metric is calculated by counting the number of Students that have at least 1 scan attendance
record and dividing it by the total number of Students.

Average Attendance %
This metric is calculated by first counting the number of days where at least 1 Student was scanned,
then multiplying the result by the total number of Students to determine the projected attendance,
then dividing the total number of attendance records by the projected attendance.

Active Students %
This metric is calculated by taking the number of Students that have an Active status and dividing it
by the total number of Students.

Total Students
This metric is calculated by counting the total number of Students.

Students Scanned
This metric is calculated by counting the number of Students that have at least 1 scan attendance

Scans Per Student

This metric is calculated by taking the total number of attendance records and dividing it by the
number of Students that have at least 1 scan attendance record.

Total Attendance
This metric is calculated by counting the total number of attendance records.

Scan Days
This metric is calculated by counting the number of days where at least 1 Student was scanned.

Scans Per Day

This metric is calculated by taking the total number of attendance records and dividing it by the
number of days where at least 1 Student was scanned.

Total Classes
This metric is calculated by counting the total number of Classes.

Classes Scanned
This metric is calculated by counting the number of Classes that have Students with at least 1 scan
attendance record linked to them.

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Scans Per Class
This metric is calculated by taking the total number of attendance records and dividing it by the
number of Classes that have Students with at least 1 scan attendance record linked to them.

How To: Share Attendance Statistics

The statistics feature provides a quick summary of important attendance figures. Attendance
Statistics are saved as a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image file, which can then be imported
and used in popular image editing and office applications.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Attendance Statistics.

2. Tap the  button on the header bar.

Please Note: By default, Attendance Statistics are saved in the

\Android\data\com.shmoopy.sam\files\Statistics folder on your mobile device.

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Attendance Charts

How To: Generate Attendance Charts

Attendance Charts are provided for a visual representation of key attendance metrics.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Attendance Charts.

2. Tap a chart button.

Annual Attendance Chart

This chart will show the total number of attendance records per year.

Monthly Attendance Chart

This chart will show the total number of attendance records per month for the year selected in the
header bar.

Top 5 Attendance Types Chart

This chart will show the total number of attendance records for the top 5 types of attendance
scanned for the year selected in the header bar.

Top 5 Classes Chart

This chart will show the total number of attendance records for the top 5 Classes for the year
selected in the header bar.

Top 5 Students Chart

This chart will show the total number of attendance records for the top 5 Students for the year
selected in the header bar.

How To: Share Attendance Charts

Attendance Charts are provided for a visual representation of key attendance metrics. Attendance
Charts are saved as Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image files, which can then be imported and
used in popular image editing and office applications.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Attendance Charts.

2. Tap the chart you would like to share.
3. If required, select a Year from the header bar dropdown list.
4. Tap the  button on the header bar.

Please Note: By default, Attendance Charts are saved in the

\Android\data\com.shmoopy.sam\files\Charts folder on your mobile device.

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Manage Preferences

How To: Set Scanning and Reporting Preferences

The preferences features allows you to configure the way you would like SAM to manage scanning
and reporting features.

5. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Preferences.

6. Set preference options as required.
7. Tap the  button on the header bar.

Enable GPS Location Tagging

This preference, when enabled, will tag each attendance record scanned with the GPS latitude,
longitude and timestamp coordinates obtained from the mobile device. If the mobile device has no
GPS device, or if the GPS device is disabled, location tagging will not be possible.

Enable Add Student From Scan

This preference, when enabled, will prompt you to add a new Student if the Student number
extracted from the Student card barcode is not found during attendance scanning.

Enable Active Student Scan

This preference, when enabled, will prevent any Student without an Active status to be scanned for
attendance purposes.

Enable Scan Class Override

This preference, when enabled, will override the Class that a Student is linked to with the override
Class selected in preferences during attendance scanning.

Scan Class Name

This dropdown list becomes available for selection when the Enable Scan Class Override preference
is checked and is used to select the override Class.

Scan Attendance Type

This dropdown list is used to select the default Attendance Type to be applied to each record during
attendance scanning. The following Attendance Types are available:

1. Approved Break Time

2. Class Attendance
3. Demonstration Attendance
4. Event Attendance
5. Extra-Mural Activity
6. Seminar Attendance
7. Start of Day (Clock In)
8. End of Day (Clock Out)

Scan Camera
This dropdown list becomes available for selection if the mobile device has 1 or more cameras and is
used to select the default camera to use during attendance scanning.

Scan Mode

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This dropdown list becomes available for selection if the mobile device has 1 or more cameras and is
used to select the scan mode to use during attendance scanning. Available options are:

Manual Scan Mode: SAM will wait for you to press START to start scanning. When a barcode is
found and an attendance record is inserted, the app will stop scanning until you press START again.

Continuous Scan Mode: SAM will automatically start scanning. When a barcode is found and an
attendance record is inserted, the app will pause scanning for a specified delay period and
automatically resume scanning again.

Scan Delay
This dropdown list becomes available for selection if the Scan Mode is set to Continuous and is used
to select how long, in seconds, SAM should pause scanning before automatically resuming scanning

Max Scans per Day

This preference provides the ability to restrict the total number of times that a Student can be
scanned for attendance purposes per day. If set to 0, the Student can be scanned an unlimited
number of times per day, but if set to any value higher than 0, SAM will prevent a Student from
being scanned for attendance purposes if the Student has already exceeded the maximum number
of scans for that particular day.

Report Filter
This dropdown list is used to select the default filter to be applied when generating Attendance
Reports. Available options are:

By Day : reports will be filtered to display daily attendance counts.

By Month : reports will be filtered to display monthly attendance counts.
By Year : reports will be filtered to display annual attendance counts.
All Records : reports will be filtered to display all attendance counts.

How To: Clean Up the Application Folder

The clean up feature will move files saved in the SAM app's root file folder into the correct sub-

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Preferences.

2. Tap the  button on the header bar.
3. Tap the Cleanup Folder button.

Files are arranged as follows on the mobile device:

Application Images

\Android\data\com.shmoopy.sam\files\App Images
This folder contains all images used by SAM, such as the logo used during share operations.

Database Backup Files

\Android\data\com.shmoopy.sam\files\Backups V2

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This folder contains all database backup files for SAM version 2.x and cannot be used by SAM version

\Android\data\com.shmoopy.sam\files\Backups V3
This folder contains all database backup files for SAM version 3.x and cannot be used by SAM version

\Android\data\com.shmoopy.sam\files\Backups V4
This folder contains all database backup files for SAM version 4.x.

Attendance Charts

This folder contains attendance charts in Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format.

Reports and Lists

This folder contains attendance reports in comma-delimited (CSV) format.

Attendance Statistics

This folder contains attendance statistics in Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format.

Student Cards

\Android\data\com.shmoopy.sam\files\Student Cards
This folder contains Student cards in Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format.

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Manage Database

How To: Backup the SAM App Database

The backup feature saves a copy of the current SAM app database on your mobile device.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Database.

2. Tap the Backup Database button.

Please Note: By default, database backup files are saved to the

\Android\data\com.shmoopy.sam\files\Backups V4 folder on the mobile device.

Last Backup Date

This fields shows the date and time on which the SAM app database last had a backup, including a
backup performed on Dropbox.

How To: Restore the SAM App Database from a Backup

The restore feature will restore the SAM app database from a previous backup saved on your mobile

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Database.

2. Tap the Restore Database button.
3. Use the File Manager to select the database backup file to restore.
4. Tap the Open button on the File Manager footer bar.
5. When prompted, tap the Restore button to confirm.

Warning: Restoring the database from a previous backup will completely overwrite the current SAM
app database and all of its content.

How To: Factory Reset the SAM App Database

The factory reset feature will delete all records from the SAM app database and restore the
database to default conditions.

2. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Database.

3. Tap the Factory Reset button.
4. When prompted, tap the Reset button to confirm.

Warning: All records will be deleted from the current SAM app database, including Classes,
Students, Student Attendance and Student Notes.

Please Note: Performing a factory reset does not delete any files or folders from the SAM app folder
structure, including any database backup files, reports, lists, charts, statistics or Student cards that
may have been generated.

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How To: Run SAM App Database Integrity Checks

The integrity check feature will check to ensure that the SAM app database is optimised and does
not contain any corrupt or orphaned records.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Database.

2. Tap the Integrity Tests button.

Please Note: If the database integrity check is not successful, please contact our support team at

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Manage Dropbox

How To: Authorise SAM for Access to a Dropbox Account

To make use of Dropbox integration features, you first need to authorize and link SAM to your
Dropbox account.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Database.

2. Tap the Manage Dropbox button.
3. Tap the Authorize button.
4. Login to your Dropbox account.
5. Tap the Allow button to authorize SAM to link with your account.
6. Copy the Authorization Code provided by Dropbox.
7. Return to the SAM app.
8. Paste the Authorization Code provided by Dropbox into the field provided.
9. Tap the Link Dropbox button.

Please Note: Your mobile device needs an active internet connection to make use of Dropbox
features and data charges may apply.

How To: Backup the SAM app database to a Dropbox Account

Backing up the SAM database to Dropbox provides an additional level of data security in case your
mobile device is lost, stolen or damaged and the SAM app needs to be restored.

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Database.

2. Tap the Manage Dropbox button.
3. Tap the Backup Database button.

Please Note: Unlike database backups saved on your mobile device, only one database backup file is
saved in your Dropbox account at any time.

Tip: By installing the SAM app on multiple devices and linking each SAM app instance to the same
Dropbox account, the same SAM app database can be distributed across many devices.

How To: Restore the SAM app database from a Dropbox Account

The restore feature will restore the SAM app database from a backup saved in your Dropbox

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Database.

2. Tap the Manage Dropbox button.
3. Tap the Restore Database button.
4. When prompted, tap the Restore button to confirm.

Warning: Restoring the database from a previous backup will completely overwrite the current SAM
app database and all of its content.

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How To: Unlink SAM from a Dropbox Account

If you no longer want to allow SAM access to your Dropbox account, you can easily unlink the SAM

1. On the SAM Home screen, tap Manage Database.

2. Tap the Manage Dropbox button.
3. Tap the Unlink Dropbox button.
4. When prompted, tap the Unlink button.

Please Note: Unlinking SAM from your Dropbox account does not delete any database backup file
that may exist in your Dropbox folder.

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