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Contoh Narrative Text Pendek dan Unik dari 7 Negara di

1. Contoh Narrative Text Pendek dan Unik dari Negara China: “Two of Everything”

Two of Everything (sumber gambar:

Kamu pernah dengar cerita tentang pot ajaib dari negeri China ini? Nah,
contoh narrative text pendek di atas mengulas tentang pot yang ditemukan
oleh lelaki tua miskin yang bernama Pak Haktak di kebunnya. Ia meletakkan
dompet dalam pot itu.

Pot besar dari kuningan tersebut dibawa pulang dan disambut gembira oleh
Bu Haktak. Saat membungkuk, tiba-tiba jepit rambut Bu Haktak jatuh ke
dalam pot.

Setelah diambil, ia menemukan 2 jepit rambut dan 2 dompet milik Pak

Haktak. Benar-benar pot yang ajaib! Mereka memasukkan barang-barang
lain ke dalam pot dan mendapat 2 barang yang sama persis.

Penasaran pengen tahu akhir ceritanya? Baca teks naratif yang versi bahasa
Inggris ini ya. Sekalian belajar reading bahasa Inggris dan nambah kosakata
baru. Nah, jika kamu punya pot ajaib seperti itu, benda apa yang ingin kamu
Once upon a time, old and poor Mr. Haktak found a large brass pot in his
garden. He decided to put his purse in it. Then, he carried it home. Mrs.
Haktak was very happy with the pot.
Suddenly, her hairpin fell into the pot. Mrs. Haktak reached and pulled out
two hairpins and two purses. What a magic pot! Then they began to drop
items into the pot and soon had two of everything.
One day, Mr. Haktak went to the market. At home, Mrs. Haktak did the house
works then rested for a while. She stooped over the pot to look inside. At that
moment, Mr. Haktak kicked the door open because his hands were full of
packages. Bang! Mrs. Haktak lost her balance and fell into the pot. Mr.
Haktak found that he had two of Mrs. Haktak. This presented a problem.

Finally, Mr Haktak got an idea. He fell into the pot and soon there was a
second Mr. Haktak. The two new Haktaks became husband and wife. All of
them became friends and built two identical houses with the identical
2. Contoh Narrative Text Pendek dari Negara Jerman: “The Gingerbread Man”

The Gingerbread Man (sumber gambar:

Contoh narrative text pendek di bawah adalah cerita rakyat dari Jerman
tentang kue jahe yang melarikan diri, namanya The Gingerbread Man.

Ia melarikan setelah dimasak dan didekorasi oleh perempuan tua yang tinggal
di pondok bersama suaminya. Pasangan orang tua itu mengejar si kue jahe
tapi ia lari begitu kencang.

Dalam pelarian, beberapa hewan seperti sapi, kuda, anjing dan kucing
melihatnya dan ingin memakan kue jahe itu. Hewan-hewan itu pun ikut
mengejar The Gingerbread Man. Duh, kasihan ya si kue jahe itu. Tapi tenang
saja, si kue jahe lari begitu cepat sehingga mereka semua tak bisa
Eh, ada sungai di depan sana. Si kue jahe ini takut air rupanya. Apakah yang
terjadi selanjutnya pada The Gingerbread Man? Temukan jawabannya dalam
contoh narrative text pendek Bahasa Inggris di bawah ya.

A long time ago, there lived an old little couple in a cottage. One day, the
woman decided to make a gingerbread man for dinner. As soon as the
gingerbread man was decorated with eyes, nose and mouth, he jumped out
and ran away.
The gingerbread ran as fast as he could. The old woman and her husband
tried to chase him. However, the gingerbread man was too fast for them.
Soon, he passed a hungry pig and the pig wanted to eat him. The pig also
tried to catch the gingerbread man.

The gingerbread man said “Run, run as fast as you can. You can’t catch me
I’m the gingerbread man.” Other animals like cow, horse, dogs and cats also
wanted to eat him but they couldn’t outrun him.

Now, the gingerbread man came to a river. He was afraid of water. A clever
fox came and offered help to cross the river. The fox asked the gingerbread
man to climb on his head. As soon as they reached the other side, the fox
tossed up the gingerbread man in the air, opened his mouth and finally ate
3. Contoh Narrative Text Pendek dan Menarik dari Negara Spanyol: “The Magic
The Magic Mirror
Masih ingat contoh narrative text pendek yang pertama dari negeri China?
Yap, pot ajaib yang membuat segala sesuatu jadi double. Nah, teks naratif
bahasa Inggris ini tentang cermin ajaib yang akan digunakan oleh Raja di
kerajaan Granada untuk mendapatkan permaisuri. Ini ide si tukang cukur
yang kenal dengan Baginda Raja lho.
Jadi, perempuan yang ingin menjadi isteri raja, harus melihat bayangannya di
cermin. Jika perempuan itu tidak baik hatinya, akan tampak bercak-bercak
pada permukaan cermin. Hampir semua perempuan ingin menjadi permaisuri
tapi nggak punya cukup keberanian untuk melihat bayangan mereka di
cermin ajaib itu.

Kemudian, si tukang cukur memberitahu raja bahwa ada seorang gembala

wanita yang punya keberanian tinggi. Raja mengundangnya dan memintanya
untuk berdiri di depan cermin ajaib.

Apakah gembala wanita itu punya keberanian untuk melihat bayangannya di

cermin? Dan apakah cermin tersebut benar-benar ajaib? Yuk kita simak

Once, there was a king of Granada kingdom who decided to marry. To find a
worthy woman, the court barber told an idea to the king. “I have a magic
mirror. If any woman who is not kind looks into the mirror, there will many
spots on the mirror surface.”
Soon, the news was announced to all people in the kingdom. Almost all
women wanted to be the Queen of Granada. However, there was no woman
coming to have a look into the mirror. Days and weeks went by, and the king
was no closer to get a queen.

Then, the barber told the king that there was a brave shepherdess on the
mountainside. The king asked him to invite the shepherdess to the palace.
Also, the royal hall was full of ladies and knights.

The king told the shepherdess to look into the mirror. The shepherdess
answered that everyone made mistakes. However she was not afraid to look
into the mirror. The ladies surrounded her and found that it was not a magic
mirror. The ladies complained and felt being tricked.

Finally, the king stated that there was no trick. The king wanted to find the
bride who was confident about her character like the shepherdess.
4. Contoh Narrative Text Pendek yang Mengajarkan Pengetahuan dari Negara Iran:
“The Fool and The Donkey”

The Fool and The Donkey (sumber gambar:

Contoh narrative text pendek berikut ini datang dari negara Iran. Ceritanya
benar-benar konyol tapi mengajarkan hal yang sangat berharga kepada

Cerita rakyat ini tentang seseorang yang bodoh sebut saja si Tolol. Ia bangun
pagi dan ingin seekor keledai. Ia pergi ke kota dan membeli keledai yang
bertelinga panjang dan halus.

Nah, dalam perjalanan, dua bocah laki-laki membodohinya. Satu anak

melepas tali di leher keledai dan mengikatkan tali itu di lehernya. Anak lain
memandu keledai yang telah lepas untuk dijual. Si Tolol nggak sadar aksi
kedua bocah ini.

Woalaaa… sampe di rumah, si Tolol shock banget kenapa keledainya

berubah jadi bocah. Si bocah bilang kalo ia dikutuk karena telah kasar
kepada ibunya. Setelah menasehati agar bersikap baik, si Tolol membiarkan
bocah itu pergi.
Pagi selanjutnya, si Tolol ingin membeli seekor keledai. Ia pergi kota dan
bertemu dengan keledai yang bertelinga panjang dan halus. Ia mengenal
keledai itu. Huaaa….tingkah si Tolol kocak abis deh pokoknya. Gimana ya
kira-kira reaksi si Tolol terhadap keledai itu? Yuk latihan reading alias
membaca contoh narrative text pendek dalam bahasa Inggris di bawah ini.
One morning, a fool woke up and thought he needed a donkey. He went to
the town. There were many donkeys in the donkey stall. Then, he decided to
buy one donkey with long, floppy, silky ears.
Along the way home, two boys saw him. The boys thought that they could
steal the donkey from the fool. One boy took the rope around the donkey’s
neck then put it around his neck and followed the fool. The other boy led the
donkey back to the stall to sell it. The fool didn’t even notice it.

When they arrived at home, the fool shocked. He bought a donkey but he got
a boy; he asked why. The boy told him that he had been rude to his mother.
Then the evil had turned him into a donkey. The fool asked the boy to
promise not to be rude to his mother again and let him go.

The next morning, the fool woke up and thought he needed a donkey. He went
to the town. There were many donkeys in the donkey stall. Among all donkeys
he noticed there was one donkey with long, floppy, silky ears. He knew that
donkey. He went over to it and whispered: “You foolish boy, I said never be
rude to your mother again!”

5. Contoh Narrative Text Pendek tentang Kesabaran dan Kerja Keras dari Negara
Inggris: “Dick Whittington and his Cat”

Dick Whittington and His Cat (sumber gambar:

Saatnya kita berpetualang ke negara Inggris alias United Kingdom yang
ibukotanya London. Cerita ini tentang seorang anak laki-laki miskin, Dick
Whittington, yang tinggal di desa tanpa orang tua. Ia pernah mendengar kota
London yang megah dan dipenuhi orang kaya. Katanya, jalanan di kota itu
beraspal emas. Ia ingin sekali ke sana.
Seorang sopir yang hendak ke London mau memberinya tumpangan. Sampai
di sana, ia benar-benar kagum dengan keindahan dan keramaian kota
tersebut. Ternyata aspal emas hanyalah dongeng belaka.

Dick Whittington yang miskin dan malang tak makan beberapa hari. Karena
itu ia pingsan di depan rumah seorang saudagar yang kaya. Duh, kasihan
ya… Gimana nasib Dick Whittington selanjutnya? Dan gimana bisa ia punya
seekor kucing? Nah, untuk mendapatkan nilai moralnya kamu bisa langsung
baca contoh narrative text pendek berikut ini.

There was once a poor boy named Dick Whittington who lived in a village
without parents. He had heard stories about a big city called London where
everybody was rich and the streets were paved with gold. He wanted to go
One day, he met a friendly waggoner who gave him a lift to the city. He was
amazed at the big city. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find any gold on the street.
He had no money and ate no food few days. He collapsed in front of a rich
and kind merchant’s house.

The merchant gave him a job in the kitchen. But the cook didn’t like him and
used to beat and pinch him. Dick Whittington had to sleep in a tiny room with
many rats and mice which bothered him every night. Then, he decided to buy
a cat by using his saving. Luckily, the clever cat was very good at catching
mice and rats.

One day, the merchant would go on a long voyage and sell everything on his
ship. Dick Whittington asked the merchant to help him sell the cat. After
arriving in the destination, the merchant was invited by the king and queen to
a feast. However, hundreds of rats gobbled all of the food. The merchant
offered the clever cat to help the king solve the problem.

The king was very happy. He gave the merchant a ship full of gold in return.
Finally, the merchant gave all of the gold to Dick Whittington. He spent the
money wisely and helped people.
6. Contoh Narrative Text Pendek dan Menarik dari Negara Jepang: “Momotaro Peach

Momotaro The Peach Boy (sumber gambar:

Setelah membaca contoh narrative text pendek tentang si Dick Whittington di
atas, kini kita lanjut ke negara Jepang ya. Sebuah cerita rakyat dari negeri
sakura ini begitu terkenal karena mengandung nilai moral tentang kebaikan,
keberanian dan kepemimpinan dari seorang anak laki-laki bernama

Apa kamu pernah mendengar cerita ini sebelumnya? Momotaro berarti anak
dari buah persik. Yap, Momotaro ini memang berasal dari dalam buah persik,
yang ditemukan oleh sepasang orang tua. Orang tua ini nggak punya
keturunan dan terus berdoa untuk memperoleh anak.

Akhirnya, doa mereka terkabul. Perempuan tua menemukan satu buah persik
besar di sungai. Ternyata di dalam buah persik itu ada bayi laki-laki yang
mereka beri nama Momotaro. Ceritanya, di desa itu ada beberapa raksasa oni
yang mengganggu dan mencuri barang-barang penduduk.

Setelah berusia 15 tahun, Momotaro ingin menyelamatkan desa dari para

raksasa itu. Berhasilkah Momotaro menyelesaikan misi baiknya tersebut?
Yuk baca selengkapnya dalam contoh narrative text pendek berikut ini.

A long time ago, there lived an old and poor couple in a village in Japan.
They didn’t wish for gold or fine clothes. They only wished for a child.
One day, the old woman washed the clothes in the river. While washing, she
was also wishing for a child. Then, a giant peach came floating down the
river. She took it home and would cut it.
There was a human voice from the peach saying not to cut the peach.
Suddenly the peach split open and a baby boy jumped out of the peach. The
old people were very happy and named him Momotaro which means Peach

Time went by and people in the village were afraid of oni monsters who stole
their belongings. When Momotaro was about 15 years old, he wanted to save
his village from oni monsters. The old people were very proud of Momotaro.
The old man gave him a sword and the old woman gave him a bag of

On the way, Momotaro met a dog, a monkey and a hawk. He shared the
dumplings to them. The animals joined him to fight oni monsters. Being a
good leader, Momotaro encouraged them to work together.

Finally, Momotaro sucessfully forced the oni leader to surrender. Then

Momotaro and his friends took the treasure and share it to all people in the
village. The old man and woman were very happy that Momotaro came back
7. Contoh Narrative Text Pendek dari Negara Mexico: “The Forbidden Chamber”

Contoh narrative text pendek yang terakhir ini datang dari benua Amerika,
tepatnya Mexico. Dan cerita rakyat satu ini paling panjang di antara dongeng
lainnya. Tapi sepanjang-panjangnya tetep nggak lebih dari 500 kata koq. Dari
teks naratif bahasa Inggris ini, kamu akan belajar tentang kebijaksanaan.
Diceritakan seorang penyihir laki-laki yang jahat suka mencuri para gadis
cantik. Ia menyamar sebagai pengemis dan mengetuk pintu untuk meminta
sedekah. Nah, ia mengetuk pintu seorang pria yang tinggal bersama 3
puterinya yang cantik jelita. Si puteri sulung membuka pintu dan serta merta
dihipnotis lalu diculik. Ia dibawa ke rumah penyihir di tengah hutan. Ia
mendapatkan segalanya di rumah tersebut.

Nah, suatu hari si penyihir akan melakukan perjalanan, ya mungkin sejenis

traveling gitu deh. Sebelum pergi, ia memberikan kunci semua kamar dan
sebuah telur yang harus dijaga. Penyihir itu memberi ijin kepada si puteri
sulung untuk masuk ke semua ruangan kecuali satu ruangan tertentu, Jika ia
melanggar, ia akan meninggal.

Itu yang disebut The Forbidden Chamber alias ruang terlarang. Apa ya kira-
kira yang ada dalam ruangan itu? Jika kamu jadi si puteri sulung, apa yang
kamu lakukan?

Once there was an evil wizard who dressed as a beggar. He went from house
to house asking for alms and stealing the pretty girls. One day he knocked on
the door of a house. There lived a man with three beautiful daughters. The
eldest daughter opened the door and the wizard hypnotized her. He took her
to his house in the midst of the woods. Everything was magnificent there. The
daughter had all things she wished for.
One day, the wizard had to go on a journey. He left the keys of all rooms to
the daughter. She could enter every room except one, otherwise she could
die. He also gave an egg she needed to care.

After the wizard left the house, the daughter looked into every room and
found beautiful things. Then she was curious to know about the forbidden
room. She entered the room and found hundreds of kidnapped girls who had
fallen asleep. The daughter frightened and ran out of the room. In a hurry,
she dropped the egg and the egg turned red. The wizard came back and knew
what had happened. Then, he dragged her into the forbidden chamber.

Next day, he went back to the same house and stole the second sister. But the
same thing happened to her. He went back a third time and kidnapped the
youngest sister, but this girl was very wise.

Before entering the forbidden chamber, she put the egg in the cupboard.
Having known that there were many girls in the room including her sisters,
she had an idea to release them. The wizard thought that the third daughter
did what he said. He decided to marry her.

Before getting married, the daughter asked the wizard to send a full basket of
gold to her parents. In the bottom of the basket, there were her sisters
covered with gold. While the wizard left the house, the daughter let all girls
free. She also asked the girls and their parents to come to the wizard’s house.

When the wizard came back, the girls and their parents dragged him into the
forbidden chamber, locked the door and set fire to the house.

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