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Nama : Yoga Aldi Saputra

Kelas : 4 TPHP 3
NIS : 8701


1. Goal Setting
a. What the advantages goal setting for the student?
Answer :

1. We know the purpose of goal setting that will be reach.

2. With goal setting we can get the maximal result because we already understand with
our goal.
3. Know the best solution from probability that will be happen.

b. Explain your goal setting for the future ?

Answer :
Be strong person to get my dream although handicaps will be happen.

c. How do you prepare to get it?

Answer :
Not tired to always study from environment or other people be side that we must prayer.

d. What the handycaps to get it?

Sometimes I be pessimist for forward with my decision, many thing that influence one
of them is condition.

e. How to solve handicaps?

Sure, effort and prayer with three steep I believe that the handicaps can be solved.

2. Collencting Data
a. What's the advantages collecting data for prepare the new business ?
Answer :
The advantages collect the data: to get the picture regarding a situation, to solve a
problem, to obtain information to keep on record, to make decisions about important
issues, to pass information on to others.

b. What kinds of data do you need for your business ?

Answer :
There are two kinds of data that need for business, primary data and seconday data.

c. How to collect the data ?

Answer :
There are 4 methods to collect the data such as :
- Perception (observation)
Way of data collecting plungedly and direct vision to field (laboratory), to accurate object
(population). perception referred as also field research.
- Investigation literature
Way of data collecting by using some of or entire all data which have there is or data
report from previous researcher. literature referred as also indirect perception
- Usage questionary
Way of data collecting by using questionary or foam to accurate object (population)
- Interview
Data collecting direclty perform the question and answer to accurate object.

d. How to apply your data to your business?

Answer :
The data collected from primary used as a source of data collection in analysis business,
good to advantage, loss, business, and progress.

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