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Notes 133

Suspended marine clay mineral identification by scanning

electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis

Abstract-A technique enabling qualitative discussion of energy-dispersive analysis is

identification of clay mineral species com- given by Russ ( 1971).
monly found in marine environments, on a
particle-by-particle basis, permits electron I am indebted to E. L. Thurston and the
microscopic and X-ray analysis examination staff of the Texas A & M University Elec-
of specific clay particles, without affecting tron Microscopy Center for their help. Por-
either their morphology or association, on tions of this work were funded by a grant
membrane ultrafilters containing as little as
from the Dean’s Fund, Northern Illinois
0.2 mg of particulate matter.
Total suspended matter was sampled
throughout the water column in the central
Investigators of marine suspended mat-
Caribbean Sea. Seawater was collected in
ter have long recognized the importance of
30-liter Niskin bottles and pressure filtered
characterizing both the morphology and
through Millipore membrane ultrafilters of
the geochemical composition of its constit-
0.45pm nominal pore size (Fig. 1). A com-
uent particles. Unfortunately, the standard
plete description of the sampling procedure
techniques used required separate sample
is given in Bassin et al. (1972) and Harris
preparations for optical examination and
( 1972). In the laboratory, a piece of each
chemical analysis (Jackson 1956). Quanti-
filter was mounted on a brass stub with
tative clay-mineral study by X-ray dif-
silver paint and then coated with carbon
fraction methods requires the filtration of
and gold-palladium alloy. Examination was
several hundred liters (Jacobs and Ewing
made with a JEOL JSM-U3 SEM and cou-
1965; Birks et al. 1966). Recently, with
pled EDAX model 5 energy-dispersive X-
the advent of high-resolution scanning elec-
ray analyzer.
tron microscopes (SEM) coupled with en-
Low magnification ( 1,000-3,000X ) was
ergy-dispersive X-ray analyzers (EDXR), it
used for a quick overview of the sample.
has become possible to do simultaneous
Usually there is a significant amount of
morphological and elemental studies. With
overlap between particles, resulting from
few exceptions, clay minerals cannot be
the filtration. During subsequent X-ray, it
identified by morphology alone. The tech-
is necessary to avoid such particles in order
nique of combined morphologic and X-ray
not to have spurious results due to un-
analysis allows characterization of clay
derlying particles. Figure 2 illustrates this
mineral composition without the need of
problem, as well as showing the spectrum
large volume or multiple sampling and
of particle types encountered. When a
eliminates the necessity of separate prep-
cIay particle is seen, magnification is in-
arations for morphology and mineralogy.
creased to fill the area of the viewer (7,000-
This paper presents the first application of
10,000~), and a photograph is taken. The
SEM/EDXR capabilities to the study of
instrument is then switched from scanning
suspended marine clay.
Energy-dispersive X-ray is a semiquanti- to EDXR mode and the scanning area
tative microanalytical technique for the reduced to the maximum enclosed square
identification of elemental composition. within the particle, as shown by the in-
The impinging electron beam excites the scribed squares in Figs. 3-5. The particles
samples, and discrete quanta of energy, were analyzed for 400 set at 15 kV.
termed characteristic radiation (X-rays), are After each particle analysis, an equiva-
emitted. The characteristic X-rays of the lent area of a nearby section of the stub
elements vary systematically according to that is free of particulates is X-rayed and
their atomic number and appear as peaks the data are stored in a computer. Back-
against the background level. A complete ground counts of silver, gold, palladium,
Notes 135

nizable. From the original peak height, a

gaussian curve is generated on the com-
puter for each main peak and is then
stripped from the original. This leaves a
smaller peak resulting from a masked ele-
ment. The area of the generated peak is
taken to be the true amount of that ele-
ment in the particle, and this process is
continued until the remaining small peak
is gaussian and identified. The amplitudes
of the new peaks revealed by spectral
stripping are proportional to the originals
and may be apportioned directly in the
elemental ratios.
Table 1 lists the clay analysis for each of
the three samples by element, peak energy,
total count, and the ratio of each element
to silicon: the last is simply the percentage
Fig. 5. Sample 177-28, talc. of each elemental count to that of silicon.
This system is superior to total percentage
because it does not include the lighter ele-
sium, silicon, aluminum, calcium, iron, and ments, and remnant background noise may
other elements may be semiquantitatively be safely ignored. Table 2 lists the sili-
evaluated. con-normalized elemental ranges of known
Elements were identified using energies clays common in the ocean, compiled from
of the principal emission lines for each by published chemical analyses ( Grim 1968).
referring to a published chart (Nuclear Di- By direct comparison of the unknowns with
odes 1971). Total counts for each element these controls the mineral species can be
represent the integrated area under the dis- identified.
tribution curve and are therefore propor- The analytical precision of the EDXR
tional to the concentration of the element. was reported by Russ (1972) to have a
Often, however, a broad peak may mask standard deviation of *0.67%, and a mini-
the presence of a smaller one with similar mum detectable limit of lo-l3 g.
energy. When this occurs the larger peak It is rare for a clay to have precisely its
is skewed, and the effect therefore recog- theoretical composition. Isomorphic substi-

Table 1. Energy-dispersive X-ray analyses of three clay particles. “Ratio” is the proportion of each
element to silicon, normalized to 100.

177-26 177-27 177-28

Element Energy counts ratio counts ratio counts ratio

1.74 28,736 100 54,659 100 476,537 100

i; 1.49 9,065 31.5 23,886 43.7 -- --
Fe 6.40 8,132 28.3 1,973
Mg 1.25 5,165 18.0 14,036 2;:; 357,oG Y4.9
Ca 3.69 5,625 19.6 877 1.6 -- --
Na 1.04 500 1.7 -- -- -- --
K 3.31 629 2.2 -- -- 472 Tr
Ti 2.27 2,821 9.8 3,830 7.0 642 0.1
Cr 5.41 1,637 5.7 -- -- -- --
Ni 7.47 197 0.7 -- -- -- --
Zn 1.01 -- -- 269 0.5 -- _-
RE mixed 4,671 8.5 -- --
136 Notes

Table 2. Elemental ranges from common marine clays, as a ratio to silicon (after Grim 1968).

Illite Kaolinite Chlorite Vermicul. Montmoril. Nontronite Saponite

max min max min max mi n max min max min max min max min
Al 58.8 17.4 84.4 55.2 98.3 47.3 46.4 29.7 62.7 32.3 26.5 8.2 24.1 18.5
Fe 57.3 3.7 3.7 0.7 224.1 37.7 10.2 12.7 0.1 78.0 40.9
Mg 16.8 2.7 1.0 0.0 119.7 10:; 68.8 54.1 13.0 4.5 4.8 Tr 5:'; 5ZT;
Ca 3.2 0.0 2.3 0.3 14.0 0': 12 00 63 20 47 00 4'5 1'4
Cr __ __ __ __ 5.2 1- -1 I, -1 I- ,I 1, -1
Na 2.8 0.0 0.9 0.0 -- -: -- -- -- -- -- --
K 17.1 7.9 3.2 0.0 -- --
Ti 12.5 0.0 4.9 0.0 -- -- 0:; ;:O 0:; 010
Ni __ __ __ -- __ __ 6.3 0.0 _- -- -- -- -- -.

tution of aluminum for silicon in the tetra- nesic bedeillite [ (OH)~(Si6.3~A11.66)Al~O~~]:

hedral layer is common, as well as replace- tetrahedral layer-(Sis.c;r;A11.3&; octahedral
ment of aluminum in the octahedral layer layer: (All.nMg,.,Feo.2Cao.1Tio.4Zno.lREo.4)4.
by magnesium, calcium, iron, titanium, etc. Talc, with the formula OH&MgGOzo is
The presence of interlayer cations such as one of the easiest clay minerals to identify
potassium, calcium, and rare earths makes by composition. Sample 177-28 (Fig. 5),
individual chemical formulation tenuous. with only trace amounts of potassium and
With these dangers in mind, mineralogic titanium, is composed entirely from silicon
identifications of the unknowns are detailed and magnesium : tetrahedral layer-( Si) 8;
below. octahedral layer-( Mg,.:,Ti, Kc)., )(j.
Sample 177-26 (Fig. 3) most nearly fits Although clay minerals can be recog-
the elemental composition of illite. Al- nized by their characteristic aluminumo-
though its aluminum concentration is simi- silicate nature, precise formulation of clay
lar to that of illite, vermiculite, or mont- mineral composition is difficult from chem-
morillonite, its iron content is too high for istry alone. A combination of energy-dis-
montmorillonite, and its magnesium too low persive X-ray analysis and morphological
for vermiculite. The illite (mica) minerals study effectively serves to differentiate be-
are isomorphs of the theoretical mineral tween biogenic (carbonates and amorphous
(OH).&( SiAl)sA1,OZ,j. Grim (1968) stated silicates) and nonbiogenic (mineralogic)
that poorly crystallized micas are likely to constituents of marine suspended matter.
have about 15% replacement of aluminum
N. Jay Bassin
for silicon in the tetrahedral layer, and cal-
cium, titanium, sodium, etc. may replace Department of Oceanography
potassium in the interlayer. The elements Texas A & M University
in sample 177-26 may be distributed as fol- College Station 77843
lows, preserving the chemical integrity of
an illite: interlayer-( Car .ZK,j.INao.lTio.~;) 2; Refe re rices
tetrahedral layer-(Si F.3-1A11.6(i)X; octahedral BASSIN, N. J., J. E. HARRIS, ASD A. H. BOUMA.
layer-( Mg1.1Fet.xAl(,.~Cr,,.~)~. 1972. Suspended matter in the Caribbean
Sample 177-27 (Fig. 4) has aluminum Sea: A gravimetric analysis. h4ar. Geol. 12:
values which could make it either illite or h1l-5.
smectite (montmorillonite) while its mag-
SANDELIS, AND D. J. i%\;AGEL. 1966. Charac-
nesimll puts it within range of only the terizatiou of particulate matter in the ocean.
smectites. The smectites are the most U.S. Na\~l Res. Lab. Rep. 6398, p. l-20.
difficult to analyze because of the vast Gmi, R. E. 1968. Clay mineralogy, 2nd ed.
amount of chemical substitution and the h4cGraw-Hill.
wide ranges permitted to each element. HARRIS, J. E. 1972. Characterization of sus-
pended matter in the Gulf of Mexico-l.
Sample 177-27 (Fig. 4) is probably an al- Spatial distribution of suspended matter.
tered dioctahedral smectite, perhaps a mag- Deep-Sea Res. 19: 719-726.
Notes 137

JACKSON, M. L. 1956. Soil chemical analysis, ysis on the scanning electron microscope, p.
advanced course. M. L. Jackson, Soils Dep. 154-179. In Energy dispersion X-ray analy-
Univ. Wis., Madison. sis and electron probe analysis. Am. Sot.
JACOBS, M. B., AND M. EWING. 1965. Mineral- Testing Mater. Spec. Pub. 48.5.
ogy of particulate matter suspended in sea -. 1972. Elemental X-ray analysis of ma-
water. Science 149: 179-180. -terials. EDAX Lab., Raleigh, N.C. 89 p.
NUCLEAR DIODES. 1971. EDAX peak identifica-
tion chart. EDAX Lab., Raleigh, N.C. 7 p. Submitted: 22 March 1974
Russ, J. C. 1971. Energy dispersion X-ray anal- Accepted: 24 September 1974

A continuous turbidity monitoring system

for coastal surface waters1
Abstract-A continuous, time-referenced the traditional technique of spot measure-
turbidity monitoring system utilizes a keel ments by vertical casts.
mounted optical transmissometer with a mod-
ified strip chart recorder; it allows detailed We wish to express our appreciation to
study of the distribution of suspended par- J. C. Ludwick and J. R. Melchor for their
ticles in surface waters. advice and assistance on the instrument
modifications, to T. Gardner for technical
It is of interest to measure turbidity help in metal fabrication, and to R. Bray
continuously in surface waters of channels, and the crew of the RV Linwood Ho&on
bays, and estuaries. Drake ( 1972) used an for shipboard assistance.
in situ optical transmissometer to monitor To continuously monitor turbidity we
turbidity for his studies of the distribution have devised a system that couples a modi-
and transport of suspended matter in the fied dual-beam optical transmissometer
Santa Barbara Channel. Ludwick and Mel- probe and an automatic null-balancing cir-
char (1972) clearly demonstrated the value cuit with a modified strip chart recorder.
of spot-monitoring turbidity with an opti- It is operated aboard a research vessel on
cal transmissometer by delineating many which the transmissometer probe is keel
circulation patterns in the mouth of Chesa- mounted so that it will pass through an un-
peake Bay. We have extended the use of disturbed portion of the top surface layer
the optical transmissometer for surface cir- (Fig. 1).
culation studies by coupling the instrument We measure turbidity with a Bendix/Ma-
to the keel of a research vessel so that rine Advisers C-2 transmissometer probe.
turbidity can be monitored continuously This instrument gives a direct indication
over a short time, providing a way of re- of light transmittance in water, the degree
solving small-scale surface circulation struc- of light attenuation with a fixed-beam path-
ture over a wide area if repeated traverses length, expressed generally as the attenu-
of the area are made. Such small-scale sur- ation coefficient, ac, where
face circulation studies have been almost 1
impossible with spot turbidity measure- In (transmittance)
a! = - (beam path-length)
ments, and we have found no similar
system reported in the literature. The con- for a homogeneous medium. The beam
tinuous surface turbidity monitoring sys- path-length of our probe has been reduced
tem can be used by itself or to complement from the standard 1 m to 0.430 m to make
it operable in the turbid waters character-
’ This work was supported in part by the Na- istic of the Chesapeake Bay and other es-
tional Aeronautics and Space Administration, Earth
Resources Technology Satellite programs, contract
tuarine environments. Figure 2 shows the
NAS 5-21816, MMC 299-2. optical construction of the probe. Only

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