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Noun Lesson Plan

Teacher: Mital Sakariya

STD: 2

 Objectives:
Students will be able to…
 Improve their conversational and written language
 Identify the noun from the given words, sentences, and passage
 Understand the use and importance of noun in a language
 Make correct sentences using different noun
 Categories naming words based on (person, place, animal,
things and common noun and proper noun).

 Resources:
Black board, chalk, worksheets, video, paper, books, LCD, noun
games, compass learning and edmodo assignments

 Previous level of learner

Students are already knowing the names of different person, place,
things, animal

 Introduction
Lesson will be introduced by a small activity

-Teacher will give students book randomly without reading their
-every student will say that is not their book.
Then teacher will ask some questions to students and lead students
towards noun.

 Why you did not get your book?
 Why you have a unique name? What will happen if you don’t
have a name?
 Why name is important for us?
 What are other things has their unique name as we have our

 Objectives:
Students will be able to…..
 Define noun
 Give examples of noun
 Process:
-Teacher will ask students to name each and every things present in
the class. (It will include
Person: students, teacher etc.
Place: school, class etc.
Animals: cow, dog, lion etc.
Things: table, chair etc.
-Then teacher will explain everything has its unique name. That name
is called as noun in grammatical term.
-Then teacher will write the noun definition on the board and explain
*Noun is a naming word of a person, place, animal and things.
-students will give different examples of noun.
 Objectives:
Students will be able to…..
 Solve exercise of reading material
 Categories different words based on person, place, animal and
things category.

Resources: Worksheet
 Process:
-Quick recap of noun’s definition and examples.
Teacher will
- ask student to give examples of different nouns
- make list on the black board
- Will make four columns for each category on BB and give
explanation and show some examples.
 Evaluation
- Teacher will ask students to put all these nouns in four
categories: person, place, animal and things in their book.
Day -4
 Objectives:
Students will be able to…..
- Understand and revise concept of noun, definition and its
- Make categories and its 10 examples
 Process:
-Teacher will show video of noun on LCD and revise all concepts.
- One song will be played for children for more clarity.
Links for video:

 Evaluation
 Write down the ten examples of each
Person Place Animal Things

 Objectives:
Students will be able to…..
- Write any ten nouns from the given picture.
- Form sentences from given words
Resources: Worksheets
Home work: Worksheet

Students will be able to…..
Find the nouns from the given story book and will write in their book.
Day- 7
Students will be able to…..
Identify nouns from the given words
Resources: Worksheets

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