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Fake it ‘til you become it, your body suggest you.

The communication is an essential part in all aspects of daily life and is a fundamental

requirement to success the relationships. Know how to communicate in a good and effective

way is basic to avoid troubles and get the message that you want to express, it could be

transmitted properly and who listen it, understands it according your intention. Thus, to the

verbal communication must be companied with motions, stances and that enable to a good


Through time has been shown that the body language betrays different movements and

besides there are different expressions that aren’t said using words but it has been

demonstrated by the employ of body language. Many mistakes are presented at work,

academic and sentimental or social level, caused in many occasions by the “simple” body

language ability. For that reason, the Kinesics was devised, which is a science that studies

the expressive and communicative meaning of gestures and body movements perceived by


Thus, the psychologists have employed too much time to study our body languages effects

because to talk about no verbal behavior or no verbal body language like the psychologists

call it. it talks about body language, so we have to think in communication, and when we

refer to communication, we talk about interactions. What does your body language tell me?

What does tell you mine? In this way, the physical behavior is fundamental when we issue

quick judgments and inferences, so the physical interactions will be determine for success

of communication, even for prediction to really “vital” results as who we will choose for the

soccer team or who will invite out (to leave).

While is true that if we think about no verbal communication, we talk about how we judge

others and which are the results of this, there is a tendency to ignore the other part that is

being influenced by “the no verbal” : ourselves. We are influenced by our no verbal

expressions, thoughts, feelings and our physiology. Thus it is unavoidable talk of body

language when we study the power and domination dynamics. So what are the expressions

of power and domination? Well, these are:

First, in the animal kingdom, the domain expression is the expansion, “become great”,

expand and basically take space. It can see in primates, lizards, and the human, he is same, it

extends when he feels powerful. According to the Jessica Tracy researcher, it expansion is

pride. She realized research in seers and sightless birth and she found that both types of

persons realize the same expression when they win some competition: they raise their hands

en V way and raise the face. It is especially interesting. Because it shows how truly universal

are the expressions of power. Now what do we do we feel powerless? Exact opposite: we

close, because we tend to fill us how we feel no verbal gestures. However, while it is true

that the no verbal determines what others think of us, Do no-verbal gestures define what

we think and feel about ourselves? If we start from the idea that the mind can induce

changes in the body, is it possible that the body also make change the mind? When I

say mind, in the case of power, I mean not only to feelings and thoughts, also I refer to

the types physiological things that make up our body. For example, according A. Cuddy

researcher, between the powerful and those who aren’t, there are many differences.

The powerful have more positive thoughts and self-confidences, they tend to think more

abstractly. The point is that these differences lie in the physiology (radican en la

fisiologia) because there are also differences on two key hormones levels: Testosterone,
which is the domination hormone and Cortisol, the stress hormone. Previously, it was

thought that testosterone was the power hormone, but today it is know that power also relates

to how we react to stress. This was analyzed in the hierarchy of primates, where it was

discovered that when an alpha needs to take control, in a few days, he changes his behavior,

adopts power expressions, he beats his chest, etc. but the most interesting thing is that his

testosterone is elevated and the cortisol low. This evidence that the body can shape the mind,

at least (almenos) at the hormonal level, allows us to clarify that the body can change the

mind. Thus, it is natural to do the next question: Can a power expression, in two minutes,

change your life significantly? The answer is positive to the extent that we understand that

we can configure our brain to make up feel more powerful, and that the way is taking

minimum two minutes an hour to adopt power expressions although we aren’t used to do it.

We should imagine that we are a wonder woman or wolverine of comic, we must stand up

straight, expand us and take the space that we need and a little more. So we’ll be able to

configure our brain.

In the same vein, when we talk about that the body can affect the mind, the mind can

shape the behavior and that the behavior can alter the results, several people may say: “I

don’t like it” “I don’t think that pretending to be another is good” “it not seem authentic” or

“it would not be myself” Correct, I tell them: Fake it ‘til you become it.

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