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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Integration framework
SAP Business One

Guide 02
Scenarios Development

Author: Heinz Pauly

Version: 1.0
Date: June 21, 2010

Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development


1. Concepts of the Scenario Development.......................................................3

2. Create a Scenario Package .........................................................................5
2.1 Variables ................................................................................................6
2.2 Properties (not yet supported) ................................................................8
3. Develop a Scenario Step .............................................................................9
3.1 Scenario Step – Inbound......................................................................11
3.1.1 Scenario Step – Inbound – Channel ..............................................12
3.1.2 Scenario Step – Inbound – Retrieval .............................................17
3.1.3 Scenario Step – Inbound – Formatting ..........................................21
3.2 Scenario Step – Outbound ...................................................................22
3.3 Scenario Step – Processing .................................................................29
3.3.1 The Processing Flow .....................................................................29
3.3.2 The B1i Message Format...............................................................29
3.3.3 The Bizflow Language (Design).....................................................30 Start/End .................................................................................31 Conditional Processing............................................................31 For Each Processing ...............................................................33 Transformation (xform and final) .............................................35 Call SQL..................................................................................39 Call B1 Object .........................................................................42 Call B1 Service........................................................................46 Call RFC..................................................................................46 Call SQL..................................................................................46 Call any Java Class...............................................................46 Conversion XML to JSON .....................................................46 Conversion Binary to XML.....................................................46 Generate Crystal Report .......................................................46 Retrieve File from Filesystem................................................46 Persist Douments/Groups .....................................................47 Put Message to Queue..........................................................47
3.3.4 XSL Development..........................................................................47 Some very basics about XSL ..................................................47 The B1i XSL Library ................................................................49
3.3.5 Test Environment and Debug Mode ..............................................52
4. Develop a user defined Authentication ......................................................52

Appendix A. Table of Inbound Channels........................................................53

Appendix B. Table of Outbound Channels.....................................................55
Appendix C. Table of Process Steps .............................................................56

Copyrights, Trademarks, and Disclaimers .....................................................59

Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

1. Concepts of the Scenario Development

The SAP B1i Framework is an Integration Server, which allows to process
integration scenarios. These integration scenarios are delivered by SAP, by
SAP partners and can be developed by the customer based on the individual
requirements for a concrete project.

Integration scenarios in the B1i Framework are called Scenario Package.

Short form inside the B1i Framework is vPac. Each Scenario Package is
owned by a particular vendor (SAP or SAP partner) or by the customer
himself. The Scenario Package Identifier is built following the rule <ns>.<id>
and the maximum length of the total identifier is 20 characters.

<ns> stands for the vendor namespace abbreviation (e.g. “sap” for SAP)
<id> is the name of the Scenario Package

A Scenario Package covers one or multiple Scenario Steps. A Scenario Step

is covering a concrete integration flow. This integration flow can be an
asynchronous flow between a sender and a receiver system type or a
synchronous flow, triggered by a particular caller. Short form for a Scenario
Step inside the B1i Framework is vBIU where BIU stands for Business
Integration Unit.

Examples for a Scenario Step

• Sending a sales order from SAP Business 8.8, triggered by an event to
the file system in a particular DSV format.
• A Web Service which is responding a requested list of Business
Partner from an ERP 6.0 system.
• A timer triggered process, which picks up data in a particular database,
calling a web service for calculation and handing over the data to an
FTP server.

One Scenario Package can cover all kind of different Scenario Steps. A
Scenario Step belongs uniquely to one Scenario Package.

Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

A Scenario Package can have three different states

• design
• setup
• active

Design Status
In the design status, you can fully develop and modify (based on your
authorization rights) all documents, related to the Scenario Package and all
included Scenario Steps. The Scenario Steps are not active and even if the
appropriate events are triggered, nothing will happen. New created and
imported Scenario Packages are in design mode by default.

Setup Status
Typically you are using the administration console of the B1i Framework
(Scenarios4Scenario Package Setup) to setup a Scenario Package. There is
also an option for predefined automatic setup during the import of a Scenario
Package. During the setup you select the involved Scenario Steps, you assign
the involved systems from the SLD (System Landscape Directory, please
refer to B1i Framework reference 03 - Operations), you specify publishing and
subscriber filter and if required scheduler settings. After setup, modification is
no longer allowed. The selected Scenario Steps are still not active. This gives
you an easy way to switch on/off the processes.

Active Status
Typically you are using the administration console of the B1i Framework
(Scenarios4Scenario Package Setup) to activate a Scenario Package. There
is also an option for predefined automatic activation during the import of a
Scenario Package. Prerequisite for activation is that the Scenario Package is
in status “setup”. After activation, modification is no longer allowed. The
selected Scenario Steps are active and will run based on the related trigger.

Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

2. Create a Scenario Package

Please use the administration console of the B1i Framework to create a
Scenario Package.

Scenarios4Scenario Package Design

Scenario Package Identifier

Here you specify the identifier for the Scenario Package. If you are using this
screen to modify a Scenario Package, please select it from the list via the “…”
button. In case you create a new Scenario Package, just type in the identifier.
Automatically, the namespace abbreviation is added. The abbreviation
depends on the settings of the development environment (please refer to B1i
Framework reference 01 – Development Environment). Maximum length of
the identifier is 20 characters. Allowed are all letters, numbers, point and

In case a Scenario Package has at least one Scenario Step which is triggered
by an HTTP or Service call, you have to specify the authentication method.
Here you can choose “No Authentication”, “Basic Authentication”, “Basic

Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Secure Authentication” (enforce HTTPS) and optional a special user defined

authentication. With the “…” button, you will get a list of all available
authentication methods. In case you selected a special authentication, please
refer to chapter 4.

This field is read-only. It displays the current status of the Scenario Package.

Here you specify the vendor information for the Scenario Package. This
information depends on the settings of the development environment (please
refer to B1i Framework reference 01 – Development Environment) and is
automatically inserted and you can overwrite it.

Here you specify the version number of your Scenario Package. In case you
create new Scenario Package, the version 1.0.0 is automatically set.

This field is read-only. It displays the timestamp of the last modification in the
Scenario Package. Modifications I n related Scenario Steps are not covered.

Here you can describe your Scenario Package in a nutshell.

Scenario Steps
This field is read-only. It displays the Scenario Steps, linked to this Scenario
Package. Please notify that not the Scenario Package is defining its steps, but
the Scenario Steps are linked to a particular Scenario Package. This avoids,
that Scenario Steps can be linked at the same time to different Scenario

Click this button to save the configuration.

2.1 Variables
There are two types of variables available in the B1i Framework:

• Global Variables
• Local Variables

Whereas the global variables can be shared by all Scenario Steps,

independent on the Scenario Package, the scope of local variables is the
Scenario Package. All Scenario Steps, linked to this package can use the
defined local variables.

Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Variables are used in the design and the setup phase of Scenario Steps to
specify variable values, depending on the concrete inbound message.
• In a Scenario Step processing, you specify data retrieval by a sql
statement and in the where-clause you need to specify the value of the
primary key for which entry you want to retrieve the data and the data
is on a particular place in the inbound message.
• During the setup, you want to specify filter criteria for the receiver
system based on a concrete value of the incoming message.

You use the variables inside xpath statements or other processing instructions,
like sql statements with a leading $, similar to the usage of variables in xslt.

The following global variables are available

• $msg – the inbound payload, sent by the sender system/call
• $userid – identifier of the user (in case of an HTTP based call)
• $username – name of the user (in case of a n SAP B1 user)
• $b1task – task (insert/update/delete) od the incoming transaction
• $today – date of today
• $now – current timestamp
• $sender – identifier of the sender system

You can add, modify or delete your local variables by clicking the [Variables]
button in the Scenario Package Design, but also context related during the
design of the processing flow for a particular Scenario Step.

The value of a variable is always defined by an xpath statement. Here you

can use also existing global and local variables to define new variables. In this
case please make sure that the new variable (in our example TotalS) is in
alphabetical order behind the variable, which are used (Total1 and Total2).

Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

2.2 Properties (not yet supported)

The scope of properties is the Scenario Package. All Scenario Steps, linked to
this package can use the defined properties.

Properties are used in the design inside the processing flows for
specifications, similar to the variables, but also inside the XSLT
transformations whenever the design is depending on a particular setting not
known at the design time.

• In a Scenario Step processing, you specify data retrieval by a sql
statement and in the where-clause you specify the access based on a
customer setting.
• In an XSLT transformation you want to implement conditional logic,
depended on a value, specified by the customer.

Properties are defined during design time where you also specify the default
values. During the setup, the customer can use the defaults or overwrite the
values based on his requirements.

You can add, modify or delete your properties by clicking the [Properties]
button in the Scenario Package Design.

Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

3. Develop a Scenario Step

Please use the administration console of the B1i Framework to create a
Scenario Step.

Scenarios4Scenario Step Design

Scenario Step Identifier

Here you specify the identifier for the Scenario Step. In case you want to
create a new Scenario Step, please enter the name of your choice. When you
leave the field, automatically the namespace prefix is added. The prefix is
dependent on your settings (Maintenance4Config Dev Environment). In case
you want to modify an existing Scenario Package, please click the
corresponding button to open a drop-down list with all available Scenario
Steps and select it from the list. In case you want to create a new Scenario
Package, just type in the identifier. Automatically, the namespace abbreviation
is added. The abbreviation depends on the settings of the development
environment (please refer to B1i Framework reference 01 – Development
Environment). Maximum length of the identifier is 20 characters. Allowed are
all letters, numbers, point and hyphen.

Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Scenario Package Identifier

Each Scenario Step belongs to exactly one Scenario Package. Please click
the corresponding button to open a drop-down list with all available
Scenario Packages and select the package you want. The leading flags in
brackets are indicating the current mode of the Scenario Package. You can
associate your step to the package only if the package is currently in design
mode (D). It’s also possible to change the assignment from one package to
another one. In this case automatically, the no more valid assignment will be
removed and the new assignment will be set up.

Inbound, Processing, Outbound

These fields are read-only and display basic information of the inbound,
processing and outbound definition. To define these processing instructions,
please use the appropriate buttons and refer to the following chapters.
Inbound, Processing and Outbound are the main processing phases, which
are running in both supported integration pattern, synchronous request-
response and asynchronous, sender-receiver message processing.

Please click the [Save] button to save the settings you made.

Please click the [Info] button to open an overview window, displaying all
settings of the Scenario Step.

Please click the [Delete] button to remove the Scenario Step. The step will be
completely removed including the association the Scenario Package.

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3.1 Scenario Step – Inbound

When you click the [Inbound] button from the Scenario Step Definition screen,
the Inbound definition screen will open in a new window.

The inbound processing is covering the following aspects of the Scenario

• Definition of the inbound channel
• Definition of data retrieval
• Definition of formatting

Inbound Channel (IPO)

This field is read-only and displays the selected inbound channel. The
channel is covering the initiator system type, the trigger, the processing type
and the identification method. The identifier of the inbound channel is
compiled automatically based on definitions.

Data Retrieval
This field is read-only and displays the way how the inbound data is reaching
the Scenario Step. It depends on the inbound channel if the data retrieval is
required. No data retrieval is needed for all incoming calls, which are handing
over data, whereas you have to specify particular data retrieval in case the
incoming trigger (e.g. an SAP Business One event) does not handover the
relevant business data.

This field is read-only and is typically set to “dynamic”. In case you have to
process a special formatting, based on external instructions during the
inbound phase, you can use this option to specify the formatting control
document. An example is an incoming text file, where you want to control the
conversion to XML by offset definitions or regular expressions.

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3.1.1 Scenario Step – Inbound – Channel

When you click the [Channel] button from the Scenario Step Inbound
Definition screen, a new window will open. Here you specify the aspects of
your inbound processing and the Integration framework for SAP Business
One will automatically generate the relevant Channel.

The Integration framework for SAP Business One is supporting the different
types of business processes by so called Channels. It structures the various
aspects in the following categories:

• Initiator System Type

• Processing Mode
• Trigger
• Identification

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All relevant combinations of these four aspects are covered by one particular
channel. The name of the channel contains abbreviations of the aspect values,
e.g. the channel INB_HT_CALL_SYNC_XPT indicates an inbound channel for
HTTP (HT), where the call is triggering the process (CALL), the processing
will be handled synchronously (SYNC) and the identification of the call will be
detected by an xpath statement (XPT). All supported channels are listed in the
appendix A (Table of Inbound Channels).

In general, you can choose all values which are not set in brackets as
brackets are indicating not yet supported values. These values will come with
one of the next patches.

Inbound Type
The inbound type specifies the initiator system or system type. Please click
the corresponding button to open a drop-down list with all available
inbound types. The following inbound types are available:

• SAP Business One

• Web Service Call
• HTTP Call
• Flat File
• Predecessor (result process of another Scenario Step)
• Internal Queue (internal explicit triggering by another Scenario Step)
• Database
• Email (POP3)
• Email (IMAP)
• FTP Call
• SAP ERP (RFC passive)

Process Mode
The process mode specifies how the processing will happen inside the
Integration framework. The supported mode depend on the selected Inbound
Type. Please click the corresponding button to open a drop-down list with
all relevant values. The mode can be “Synchronous” or “Asynchronous”.
Please choose “Synchronous” in case you are calling in, waiting for response.
“Asynchronous” mode is used for message based integration where a
message is sent from one system to other systems.

Process Trigger
The process trigger specifies how the processing is triggered. The supported
trigger depend on the selected Inbound Type and the selected Process Mode.
Please click the corresponding button to open a drop-down list with all
relevant values. In general the following trigger are supported:
• Call (incoming calls)
• B1Event (event from SAP Business One)
• Timer (scheduler based)
• File Exist (existence of a file)

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

• Queue (message in an internal queue)

• IDOC (incoming IDOC from SAP ALE)

Identification Method
The Integration framework for SAP Business One is supporting the inbound
channels in a generic way. Different to other state-of-the-art integration
solutions, the huge benefit is that there is no need to setup inbound processes
per business object or method by extensive proxy generating. The Integration
framework for SAP Business One can support e.g. all incoming Web Service
calls or all incoming events from a particular SAP Business One with one
generic channel. Therefore you have to identify the Business Object or the
required method based on the inbound data. E.g. the Scenario Step which
you are designing is interested in all “Business Partner” from SAP Business
One. In this case the Identification Method is “B1Event”. Another example is
an incoming http call where your Scenario Step is interested in all calls, which
are handing over an xml message with a particular name of the root-tag. In
the case the Identification Method is “Root Tag”. The supported methods
depend on the selected Inbound Type, the selected Process Mode and the
selected Process Trigger. Please click the corresponding button to open a
drop-down list with all relevant values. In general the following Identification
Methods are supported:
• B1 Logic (incoming xml file, following the syntax of SAP B1 XML)
• B1 HTTP (special format for an incoming HTTP call from SAP B1)
• B1Event (incoming event from SAP Business One)
• File Name (name of an incoming flat file)
• First Line (first line of an incoming text file)
• Fix Value (always a fix value)
• Queue/Stream (name of internal queue and stream)
• Root Tag (name of the root tag of the inbound message)
• vBIU Name (name of the predecessor Scenario Step)
• xPath (any xpath statement to be processed on the inbound message)

Identification Parameter
This is an optional parameter, depending on the selected Identification
Method. If you selected File Name as the Identification Method, you can
optionally specify the start position and the length of the file name which is
relevant for identification. The format is x,y which is calculated as
substring(filename,x,y). E.g. if your incoming file name is always different
because the timestamp is added to the file name, you can use the feature to
do the identification only by comparing the fix parts of the file name. If you
selected xPath as the Identification Method, you have to specify the xpath
expression here. Please use the variable $msg for the incoming message.

This is the concrete identifier of the incoming Business Object or called
method where the Scenario Step is subscribed to. The inserted string will be
compared via the selected Identification Method against the value based on
the incoming message.

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Identification Namespace
This is an optional parameter. If the processing of the incoming message
requires the declaration of xml namespaces, you can specify the xml
namespaces here. The xml namespaces will be generated automatically into
all documents, relevant for the processing. Please follow the syntax
xmlns:ns=”nsdef” xmlns:ns=”nsdef” …

Please click the [Save] button to save the settings you made.

This button is relevant only if the Process Trigger is Timer. Here you specify
the default scheduler settings for the Scenario Step. During setup of the
Scenario Package, the customer can overwrite these settings.

By clicking the button, a new window opens to specify the timer settings.

The scheduler definition is following the CRON syntax, typically known from
job scheduler in unix-like computer operating systems. A CRON entry has six
fields for specifying day, date and time. The Scenario Step will be triggered
always when all entries are true. The entries are interpreted in the system
time zone setting under which the Integration framework itself is running.

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Scheduler (minute)
Here you specify the value for the minute part of the time. The value can have
a * or a list of elements separated by commas. An element is either a number
in the range 0 to 59 or two numbers in the range separated by a hyphen
(meaning an inclusive range).

Scheduler (hour)
Here you specify the value for the hour part of the time. The value can have a
* or a list of elements separated by commas. An element is either a number in
the range 0 to 23 or two numbers in the range separated by a hyphen
(meaning an inclusive range).

Scheduler (day)
Here you specify the value for the day part of the date. The value can have a *
or a list of elements separated by commas. An element is either a number in
the range 1 to 31 or two numbers in the range separated by a hyphen
(meaning an inclusive range).

Scheduler (month)
Here you specify the value for the month part of the date. The value can have
a * or a list of elements separated by commas. An element is either a number
in the range 1 to 12 or two numbers in the range separated by a hyphen
(meaning an inclusive range).

Scheduler (day of wek)

Here you specify the value for the day of the week. The value can have a * or
a list of elements separated by commas. An element is either a number in the
range 0 to 6 (Sunday = 0) or two numbers in the range separated by a hyphen
(meaning an inclusive range).

Scheduler (year)
Here you specify the value for the year part of the date. The value can have a
* or a list of elements separated by commas. An element is either a number,
specifying a year (e.g. 2010) or two numbers in the range separated by a
hyphen (meaning an inclusive range).

Please click the [Save] button to save the settings you made.

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

3.1.2 Scenario Step – Inbound – Retrieval

When you click the [Retrieval] button from the Scenario Step Inbound
Definition screen, a new window will open. Here you specify how the inbound
data is sent to the Integration framework. The field Retrieval Method is set
automatically when you open the screen and indicates if the retrieval definition
is required or not. If the inbound trigger is an incoming call, the retrieval
definition is not required and the retrieval method is set to the value Handover,
otherwise the value is set to Retrieval.

Retrieval Adapter
Here you specify the adapter which is used to retrieve the inbound data. The
valid values are depending on the selected Inbound Channel. Please click the
corresponding button to open a drop-down list with all relevant values. The
following values are supported:
• DI API (Data interface of SAP Business One)
• JDBC (Database request)
• Crystal (Crystal report)
• Multiple (Multiple calls, defined via a control document)
• WSAS (Web Services Solicit Response)
• HTTA (HTTP call)
• FILI (File inbound)
• RFCA (Remote Function Call to an SAP R/3 based system)
• FTPI (FTP inbound)
• POP3 (incoming email retrieval via POP3 protocol)
• IMAP (incoming email retrieval via IMAP protocol)

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Retrieval Type
Here you specify the protocol type for the data retrieval. The valid values are
depending on the selected Retrieval Adapter. Please click the corresponding
button to open a drop-down list with all relevant values. The following
values are supported:
• Object (Object call, Retrieval Adapter = DI API)
• Service (Service call, Retrieval Adapter = DI API)
• SQL (SQL statement, Retrieval Adapter= JDBC)
• Report (report processing, Retrieval Adapter = Crystal)
• Multiple (multiple calls, Retrieval Adapter = Multiple)
• BAPI Call (Retrieval Adapter = RFCA)
• Call (Retrieval Adapter = FILI, FTPI, POP3, IMAP, WSAS, HTTA)

Retrieval Control Document

This value is relevant only for retrieval Adapter Crystal and Multiple. Here you
select the control document which is describing the data retrieval. In case of
Crystal, please insert the name of the crystal report, in case of Multiple,
please insert the name of the retrieval control document. The document has
to be available in the BizStore base directory of the Scenario Step. Please
refer to the reference guide 01 how to import the control document into this
place. For design of a crystal report, please refer to the crystal designtime
documentation. The format for the retrieval control document you can find in
the Integration framework guide 05.

Please save your settings by clicking the [Save] button.

Depending on the selected Retrieval Adapter and Retrieval Type, some
details are required. Please click the [Details] button to define these details.
Details are required for the following retrievals:
• Retrieval Type = Service
• Retrieval Type = SQL
• Retrieval Type = BAPI Call

These details are required to perform the call to retrieve the inbound data
from the sender system. Please notify that there are no details necessary for
a DI API object call whereas a DI API service call requires the specification of
the service call details.

Please notify that the data retrieval here is only the retrieval of then inbound
data. In case you have to retrieve additional data or information from the
sender system or from other external system, you should do these calls not
during the inbound phase, but during the Scenario Step Processing phase
(chapter 3.3).

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Details for a JDBC call

SQL statement
Please define the sql statement to retrieve the data. You can use $key as a
variable to be replaced by the Integration framework with the key value,
handed over by the B1 event.

Details for a DI API Service call

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Service Identifier
Please define the service identifier of the SAP Business one service, you want
to call. Details you’ll find in the DI API help.

Service Method Type

Data retrieval is supported by two main service types, the Get method and the
GetList method. Please select the one you require.

Request Method
Please define the name of the request method. Details you’ll find in the DI API

Request Structure
Please define the name of the request structure. Details you’ll find in the DI
API help.

Request Keys
Please define the key names of the request method. As typically the name of
the key in the request structure is different to the key name in the event, both
values are required. Please define the keys in the format
requestkey(eventkey). Details you’ll find in the DI API help.

Details for an RFC call

Please define the name of your function module in R/3. It can be an own
function or a function provided by the R/3 standard. Before you can call the

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Function, you need to make sure that it is enabled for remote access.

Parameter x
Optional here you can specify up to five parameters in the format name =
value. can use $key as a variable to be replaced by the Integration framework
with the key value.

3.1.3 Scenario Step – Inbound – Formatting

When you click the [Formatting] button from the Scenario Step Inbound
Definition screen, a new window will open. This definition is required only in
case the formatting is calculated base on an external control document. It is
relevant for incoming flat files which are transformed to xml based on regular
expressions or a file with field-offset definitions.

Format Control Document

Here you specify the name of the control document. The document has to be
available in the BizStore base directory of the Scenario Step. Please refer to
the Integration framework reference guide 01 how to import the control
document to this place. The format for the control document you can find in
the Integration framework reference guide 05.

For incoming flat files, please notify that the technical inbound formatting
settings (encoding, delimiter, wrapchar and payload type), you have to specify
in the System Landscape Directory (SLD) for the concrete system. The
information n how to set up a file system, please refer to the Integration
framework reference guide 04, chapter 3.3.

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3.2 Scenario Step – Outbound

When you click the [Outbound] button from the Scenario Step Definition
screen, the Outbound definition screen will open in a new window.

Outbound Channel
Here you specify the technical adapter to handover the data in the outbound
phase. Please click the corresponding button to open a drop-down list with
all relevant values. The following values are supported:
• Database (data handover via sql)
• Email (data is sent via email SMTP protocol)
• Flat File (data is stored in a flat file in the file system)
• FTP (data is stored in a flat file via FTP)
• HTTP (data is handed over to an HTTP call)
• SAP Business One (data is inserted via DI API or via sql)
• SAP ERP (data is handed over via a remote function call)
• Void (no data handover)
• Web Service (data is handed over via a web service call)

Outbound Format
Here you specify the outbound format. The valid values are depending on the
selected Outbound Channel. Please click the corresponding button to open
a drop-down list with all relevant values. The following values are supported:
• file (for Outbound Channel Flat File)

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• jdbc (for Outbound Channel Database)

• ws (for Outbound Channel Web Service)
• DI Object, DI Service, SQL, B1i SQL, Multiple (for Outbound Channel
SAP Business One)

The format that is selected, is corresponding to the message that is created

by the Scenario Step processing. Please refer to the correct outbound
schemas, described in the Integration framework reference guide 05.

This is a read-only field, displaying the detailed settings. The detailed settings,
you specify by clicking the [Details] button.

The Integration framework allows you, to set up another Scenario Step which
is called after finishing of a Scenario Step. This can be used e.g. to send back
result information to the sender system. You cannot explicitly write a name of
another Scenario Step, but you can select one of the drop-down list. In the list
you will see only the Scenario Steps, which are linked to the same Scenario
Package and which have the Inbound Type Predecessor.

Successor Mode
This is relevant only in case you are triggering another Scenario Step when
this Scenario Step is finished. Here you define which information you are
interested in. You have the following options:
• status information only
• status information and Payload
• status information and complete Message

Please save your settings by clicking the [Save] button.

Depending on the selected Outbound Channel and Outbound Format, some
details are required. Please click the [Details] button to define these details.
Details are required for the following outbounds:
• Outbound Channel = Flat File
• Outbound Channel = Web Service
• Outbound Format = DI Object
• Outbound Format = DI Service
• Outbound Format = SQL
• Outbound Channel = Database

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Details for Outbound Channel Flat File

Outbound Format
Here you specify the outgoing format of the flat file. Please click the
corresponding button to open a drop-down list with all relevant values. The
following values are supported:
• xml (xml representation)
• dsv (delimiter separated value)
• txt (offset defined values)

Character Encoding
Optional character encoding is needed to apply the technical representation of
the characters according to the country or system specific needs. The
following entries are available: ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-2, ISO 8859-3, ISO
8859-4, ISO 8859-5, ISO 8859-6, ISO 8859-7, ISO 8859-8, ISO 8859-9, ISO
8859-11, ISO 8859-13, ISO 8859-14, ISO 8859-15, ISO 8859-16, US-ASCII,
EBCDIC, Shift-JIS, EUC-JP, ISO-2022, GB2312, EUC-KR, Big5, Unicode
UTF-7, Unicode UTF-8, Unicode UTF-16, ISO-10646-UCS2, ISO-10646-
UCS4. Please choose the required one from the list. ISO-8859-1 is the default.

Format Control Document

This parameter is relevant only if you selected Outbound Format txt. In this
case, you specify here the name of the control document. The document has
to be available in the BizStore base directory of the Scenario Step. Please

- 24 -
Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

refer to the Integration framework reference guide 01 how to import the

control document to this place. The format for the control document you can
find in the Integration framework reference guide 05.

DSV Field Delimiter

This parameter is relevant only if you selected Outbound Format dsv. In this
case, you specify here the delimiter character. The default is a comma.

DSV Field Wrapper

This parameter is relevant only if you selected Outbound Format dsv. In this
case, you specify here the wrapper character. The default is a empty. The
field wrapper is optional and only used to avoid that a field delimiter character
inside a value will be misinterpreted as a field delimiter.

Details for Outbound Format DI Object

Here you specify the method to be used for handing over the data to the SAP
Business One system. Please click the corresponding button to open a
drop-down list with all relevant values. The following values are supported:
• Synchronous Insert
• Synchronous Insert with fallback to Update
• Synchronous Update
• Synchronous Update with fallback to Insert
• Synchronous Delete

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Object Identifier
Here you define the identifier of the SAP Business One object. You can use
the corresponding button to open a drop-down list with all available
business objects. Please also refer to the SAP Business One DI help.

Key Name
Here you define the name of the primary key. In case of multiple keys, please
list the keys separated by comma. Please also refer to the SAP Business One
DI help.

Details for Outbound Format DI Service

Service Identifier
Please define the service identifier of the SAP Business One service, you
want to call. You can use the corresponding button to open a drop-down
list with available service calls. Details you’ll find in the DI API help.

Service Method Type

Please select the method you want to call to handover data to SAP Business
One. Please click the button to open a drop-down list with supported

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

• Add method
• Update method
• Remove method

Service Method Identifier

Please define the name of the method call. Details you’ll find in the DI API

Get Method Identifier

Please define the name of the get method call. This is required because each
data handover will be performed by a select with a following data merge and
storage. Details you’ll find in the DI API help.

Request Structure
Please define the name of the request structure. Details you’ll find in the DI
API help.

Request Keys
Please define the key names of the request method.. Details you’ll find in the
DI API help.

Details for Outbound Channel Web Service

SOAP Action
Per default B1i hands over an empty SOAP action. Whereas this serves most
of the cases, there are some older web services that need the definition of the
called method via the SOAP action. For this purpose you can define the
SOAP action in the outbound definition.

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Details for Outbound Format SQL or Outbound Channel Database

SQL Processing Mode

This setting is relevant for multiple sql calls only. The default setting is multiple.
Please click the button to open a drop-down list with the supported
processing options:
• single (concatenates all sql statements with a semicolon to one sql
statement. Only one sql statement is handed over to the database
system. Some RDBMS, e.g. DB2 are not supporting this feature).
• multiple (processing of each sql statement one after the other).

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

3.3 Scenario Step – Processing

During the processing phase the Integration framework will transform the
sender message to the receiver format by calling the processing flow, defined
by the particular Scenario Step.

3.3.1 The Processing Flow

The processing is done via a processing flow. The Integration framework
hands over a message to this flow. The incoming message is running through
multiple steps and at the end the message is handed over back to the
Integration framework for further processing. The complete processing flow is
one transaction.

Inside this processing flow the outbound message of a particular step is

handed over as the inbound message to the next step. The steps are so
called Bizatoms (please refer to chapter 3.3.3). The Bizatoms guarantee that
the message format will always endure.

When you enter first time the processing screen, the Integration framework
will automatically generate a simple flow, consisting out of one final
transformation step. Especially for asynchronous interaction between a
sender and a receiver system, this is quite often sufficient. In this case the
only development step is the adjustment of the generated xsl to your needs.
By default the automatically generated xsl will copy the message 1:1.

3.3.2 The B1i Message Format

The xml message is always a well formed B1i message. It consists out of a
Header and a Body section. Whereas the Header is covering process control
information, the Body is containing the payload. Inside the Body there are
different Payload sections. The main Payload sections are the following:

Payload/@Role=’T’ containing the trigger information (e.g. the B1

event) section
Payload/@Role=’S’ containing the sender message
Payload/@Role=’R’ containing the receiver message

- 29 -
Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

The Receiver section is not existent during the processing flow. The result of
the processing flow will be written into this section by a special step, called
Final Bizatom at the end of the processing flow.

The B1i message of the Integration framework is defined in the xml

namespace xmlns:vpf="".

<vpf:Msg MessageId="100518083505971270420A140FBBB876" …>

<vpf:IPO Id="..."/>
<vpf:Sender Id="0010000101" ObjId="infile"/>
<vpf:Receiver Id="0010000102"/>
<vpf:vBIU Id="sap.Tutor-FileToDB" SId="sap.B1iFW-Test" filter=""/>
<vpf:Identification Ident="File Name" IdPar=""/>
<vpf:Variables> ... </vpf:Variables>
<vpf:VarProperties> ... </vpf:VarProperties>
<vpf:Payload Role="T" Type="xxx">
Trigger Message
<vpf:Payload Role="S">
Sender Message
<vpf:Payload Role="R">
Receiver Message

Each processing step (so called Bizatoms) will add an additional Payload
section in the Body, to be identified by the atom id. The access to a concrete
Payload section is always with the absolute path and by id. So e.g.
/vpf:Msg/vpf:Body/vpf:Payload[./@id=’atom1’]/… . This allows you to add or
remove processing steps without disrupting the existing processing logic.

<vpf:Payload Role="X" Id="atom1">

Result from step with id=atom1

3.3.3 The Bizflow Language (Design)

The flow definition is done by the graphical SAP flow language called Bizflow,
which is especially made for model-driven integration of business applications.
Inside the Bizflow you assemble so called Bizatoms to a processing flow. This
language and the Bizatoms are covering the typical used integration pattern,
needed to do integration of business applications in an easy, declarative way.
Bizatoms can be control structures, transformations or calls.

- 30 -
Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development Start/End
These two atoms are generated automatically. They are indicating the start
and the end point of a processing flow.

The start atom contains the name of the Bizflow (extension is bfd). The
Refresh icon allows you to refresh the graphic of the complete BizFlow.
The Add icon allows you to add a new Bizatom at this place and the View
icon opens a browser window, showing you the Bizflow in xml format.

The graphical language is an abstraction of the bfd language. If you are

familiar with the Bizflow syntax, you can also maintain the bfd document
directly via your xml editor. Further details regarding the bfd and the
BizProcessor you will find in Control Center4Development4BPC Reference Conditional Processing

The conditional processing allows you different processing, based on
conditions in the message, specified by an xpath expression.

You can have multiple path atoms and one otherwise atom. All path for which
the condition is true, will be processed. The unbranch atom will continue
processing when all path are processed. Please notify that this is different to
the xsl:switch which is processing the first true condition only. As B1i is
typically working in parallel mode, the processing order of different path is at
The Status icon ( or ) denotes if the atom design is consistent or if some
parameter are missing. The Info icon opens a window with the defined
parameters. Clicking the Edit icon allows you to maintain the atom
parameter, whereas the Delete icon will delete the particular atom, the
complete path or the complete branch. Please use the Add icon to add a
new Bizatom on the right. With Add icon you add a new path to the branch.

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

The otherwise path will be processed in case no one of the existing path
conditions is true. If you click the radio button, the otherwise path will always
be processed. This is used to bypass the original message in case the original
message will be lost inside the path processing.

This read-only field displays the name of the current Scenario Step.

Branch Identifier
This read-only field displays the name of the corresponding Branch atom. This
name is generated automatically.

Path Identifier
This read-only field displays the number of the current Path. Please notify that
the number is not indicating the processing order of multiple path constructs.
This number is generated automatically.

xPath Expression
Here you specify which part of the message is handed over to the path
processing and the condition to process this path. Please notify that you
cannot use variables for this xPath expression, so you have to declare the full
path (e.g. /*[/vpf:Msg/vpf:Body/vpf:Payload[./@Role='S']/inbound/flag='true']).
In case the expression is too complex, you should run a transformation before
(add a Transformation atom before the branch) which will calculate a simple
flag that you can check instead.

As mentioned before, the Unbranch will consolidate the results of all path
processings. To guarantee a wellformed xml document, the Unbranch will add
an artificial root tag <bfa:unbranch> to cover all results. Please consider this
in the first following Transformation atom (refer to chapter

<bfa:unbranch xmlns:bfa="" schemaversion="1.0">


- 32 -
Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development For Each Processing

The For-Each processing allows you to run through iterations during the
processing flow, typically for all elements of a particular type or name,
depending on a condition. You can use this e.g. in order transformation to run
through a processing for each position.

The For-Each construct consists out of the start atom for-each and the end
atom join. The join atom will continue processing when all iterations are
finished. As B1i is typically working in parallel mode, the processing order of
different iterations will not necessarily follow the order of the positions and is
at random.
The Status icon ( or ) denotes if the atom design is consistent or if some
parameter are missing. Clicking the Edit icon allows you to maintain the
atom parameter, whereas the Delete icon will delete the complete
processing between the for-each and the join. Please use the Add icon to
add a new Bizatom on the right.

This read-only field displays the name of the current Scenario Step.

This read-only field displays the identifier of the atom. This identifier is
generated automatically.

This field is for your comments.

- 33 -
Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Here you specify which parts of the message will be handed over to the for-
each processing. Please notify that you cannot use variables for this xPath
expression, so you have to declare the full path. In case the expression is too
complex, you should run a transformation before (add a Transformation atom
before the for-each) which will calculate a simple flag that you can check

The message inside the processing will have the last element of the defined
xpath expression as root tag. E.g. the xpath statement from our example
will have the root tag <Position>.

As mentioned before, the Join will consolidate the results of all iterations.
To guarantee a well formed xml document, the Join will add an artificial root
tag <bfa:join> to cover all results. Please consider this in the first following
Transformation atom (refer to chapter

<bfa:join xmlns:bfa="" schemaversion="1.0">


Please notify that typically a for-each processing will in-valid your B1i
message. Therefore you need to include the for-each in side a path of a
conditional processing with otherwise (always=true) to bypass the message.

The next atom following the unbranch atom will receive a message
containing the complete processing results and has to consolidate it to a
standard B1i message. Please consider this in the first following
Transformation atom (refer to chapter message format will be:

<bfa:unbranch xmlns:bfa="" schemaversion="1.0">

<bfa:join xmlns:bfa="" schemaversion="1.0">
<vpf:Msg xmlns:vpf="">

- 34 -
Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development Transformation (xform and final)

There are two different types of transformations, the xform and the final
transformation. The final transformation is always at the end of the processing
flow. It occurs exactly once and cannot be deleted. Xform transformation you
can have many.

Whereas all other Bizatoms are definitions only, which are located inside the
one Bizflow document (vBIU.bfd), each transformation has a corresponding
xsl document. This document is generated automatically when you add a new
transformation atom to the flow. The name of the xsl document is equal the
identifier of the transformation atom with the extension xsl (e.g. ‘atom1.xsl’).
To avoid unintended deletion of the xsl file, the Integration framework will not
delete the xsl file in case the transformation atom will be deleted in the flow
definition. Please notify that you have to clean the vBIU base directory in the
Bizstore in / Further
details how to access the Bizstore you’ll find in the reference guide 01.

With clicking on the atom-box, you open a window to display the xsl. The
Status icon ( or ) denotes if the atom design is consistent or if some
parameter are missing. Clicking the The Info icon opens a window with the
defined parameters. Edit icon allows you to maintain the atom parameter,
whereas the Delete icon will delete the transformation atom. Please use
the Add icon to add a new Bizatom on the right.

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

This read-only field displays the name of the current Scenario Step.

This read-only field displays the identifier of the atom. This identifier is
generated automatically.

Here you specify the name of the xsl stylesheet which is called to do the
transformation. By default the name of the automatically generated stylesheet
is inserted. You can use the button to open a drop-down list to select
another xsl from the BizStore. This could make sense in case you have a
generic stylesheet to be called from different places. Even dynamic definition
is possible e.g. if you run before a transformation to calculate the name iof the
stylesheet to be called, you can specify here an xpath to pick up the
calculated name from the incoming message. A leading # indicates an explicit

This field is for your comments.

Optional you can handover properties to the xsl stylesheet, e.g. if you are
using a generic stylesheet with different mode, you can handover the mode.
The parameter supports multiple properties, to be separated by comma. The
syntax to define one property is id{value}.

Editing the Stylesheet

The stylesheet is located in the base directory of the Scenario Step in the
BizStore (/
Please use a usual xml editor to edit this document. SAP strongly
recommends to use an xml editor which supports WebDAV. This will allow
you to work with a zero-development roundtrip as the change will have
immediate effect.

For more details please refer to the reference guide 01.

Design of the XSL stylesheet

The XSL stylesheet is generated automatically when you create a new
transformation atom in the processing flow. The document consists out of a fix
part that should not be modified as it guarantees the production of a well
formed B1i message and the working area, where you have to implement the
logic which is required.

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns: ...>

<xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:param name="atom"/>
<xsl:param name="sessionid"/>
<xsl:variable name="msg" select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Body/vpf:Payload[./@Role='S']"/>
<xsl:variable name="vpSender" select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header/vpf:Sender/@Id"/>
<xsl:variable name="vpObject" select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header/vpf:Sender/@ObjId"/>
<xsl:variable name="vpReceiver" select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header/vpf:Receiver/@Id"/>

<xsl:template match="/">
<Msg xmlns="">
<xsl:copy-of select="/vpf:Msg/@*"/>
<xsl:copy-of select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header"/>
<xsl:copy-of select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Body/*"/>
<Payload Role="X" id="{$atom}">
<xsl:call-template name="transform"/>

<xsl:template name="transform">

<xsl:copy-of select="$msg/*"/> Working Area



In the working area, you specify the outbound message based on your
requirements. Please remove the automatically generated <xsl:copy-of>. The
final outbound message is depending on the receiver system and you have to
follow the design specifications. In the reference guide 05, the different
outbound schemas are defined.

Multiple Outbound Messages

Typically the processing flow will produce one outbound message. In the
Integration framework, you also have the option to generate multiple outbound
messages by introducing the artificial tag <b1im_multimsg>.

<b1im_msg> … </b1im_msg>
<b1im_msg> … </b1im_msg>

If you are using the multi-message feature, you have to create a tag
<b1im_msg> for each outbound message.

Skip Outbound Message

Typically the processing flow will produce one outbound message. In the
Integration framework, you also have the option to stop the processing. In this

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

case no message will be handed over to the receiver system. You initiate the
skip by introducing the artificial tag <b1im_skip>.

<b1im_skip info=”my info” msglog=“true“>

By default, the skipped message will be shown in the Message Log in the
section for the filtered messages. The optional attribute msglog allows you to
avoid the display in the Message Log. With the attribute info you can define
your individual information to be displayed in the Message Log.

Document Retrieval from the BizStore

In case you want to retrieve data from a document, stored in the BizStore, you
can use the standard document() function. This function is overlayed by B1i
and will allow you very comfortable to retrieve the document from the BizStore
but just specifying the full path.

<xsl:variable name="doc" select="document('/com.mycompany/repository/settings.xml')"/>

With a simple <choose> construct you can detect if the document does exist
and trigger conditional processing.

<xsl:when test="count($doc/bfa:docnotfound)&gt;0"></xsl:when>
document exists ...

Specialties in an XSL stylesheet after a branch and/or for-each atom

In case the predecessor atom was an unbranch or a join atom, you have to
modify the fix part of the xsl stylesheet to consider the artificial tag
<bfa:unbranch> respectively <bfa:join>.
Due to the Bizflow debugging functionality the intermediate inter atom
messages can be seen during the development. We strongly recommend to
use this powerful functionality. The Bizflow debugging functionality is
described in chapter 3.3.5.

<xsl:template match="/">
<Msg xmlns="">
<xsl:copy-of select="/bfa:unbranch/vpf:Msg/@*"/>
<xsl:copy-of select="/bfa:unbranch/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header"/>
<xsl:copy-of select="/bfa:unbranch/vpf:Msg/vpf:Body/*"/>
<Payload Role="X" id="{$atom}">
<xsl:call-template name="transform"/>

- 38 -
Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

<xsl:template match="/">
<Msg xmlns="">
<xsl:copy-of select="/bfa:join/vpf:Msg/@*"/>
<xsl:copy-of select="/bfa:join/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header"/>
<xsl:copy-of select="/bfa:join/vpf:Msg/vpf:Body/*"/>
<Payload Role="X" id="{$atom}">
<xsl:call-template name="transform"/>

The Integration framework will re-generate the namespaces and variables in

all related documents frequently, therefore modifications of the variables will
be temporary only.

The transformation atom will process the xsl stylesheet and will add the result
to the Body of the B1i message by adding a new Payload section where the
attribute id will have the value of the atom identifier.
An xform atom will set the attribute Role=”X” whereas a final atom will set the
attribute Role=”R” which indicates the final result message to be handed over
to the receiver system.

<Payload Role="X" id="atomid">

</Payload> Call SQL

With the help of this atom you can perform a multiple sql calls to any
Database system. Prerequisite is that the system is defined in the System
Landscape Directory (SLD). Please refer to reference guide 04, chapter 3.6.

The Status icon ( or ) denotes if the atom design is consistent or if some

parameter are missing. Clicking the Info icon opens a window with the
defined parameters. The Edit icon allows you to maintain the atom
parameter, whereas the Delete icon will delete the atom from the flow.
Please use the Add icon to add a new Bizatom on the right.

- 39 -
Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Scenario Step Identifier

This read-only field displays the name of the current Scenario Step.

This read-only field displays the identifier of the atom. This identifier is
generated automatically.

This field is for your comments.

Here you specify the logical address (SysId) of the system to call. Please use
the button to open a drop-down list with all currently existing systems,
relevant for this type of call (B1.*, J.AnySystem). You can choose one of
these or you can select the variables B1 System, based on User or Sender
System. In case you are using variables, the system gets detected
automatically during runtime. In case you are using explicite SysIds from the
SLD, you have to make sure that later in the runtime, the system setup will be
the same to ensure the same SysId. Prerequisite for using the variable B1
System, based on User is an HTTP based sender system (H.AnySystem,
W.AnySystem) for the Scenario Step and a setup of the Scenario Package
with authentication and user based session. For scenario setup, please refer
to reference guide 04, chapter 1.1. A leading # is indicating an explicit value
whereas a missing # will enforce B1i to interpret the string as xpath statement.
This allows you to calculate the SysId dynamically in a transformation atom
that runs as a predecessor in the flow.

- 40 -
Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

SQL Statement
In this field you type in the sql statement that you want to process. In case you
want to process multiple sql statements, you can concatenate the single
statements, separated by semicolon. Inside the sql statement you can use
global and local variables, similar to xsl by typing the name with a leading
$ (e.g. $myvar). In addition to these variables it is possible to use directly
values from results of predecessor atoms. The syntax is $[atomid/fieldname]
(e.g. $[atom9/DocEntry]).

Please consider that you have to type the apostrophe in case of a string
field (… where code = ‘$var’).as the replacement of the variable will just return
the pure value. A leading # is indicating an explicit value whereas a missing #
will enforce B1i to interpret the string as xpath statement. This allows you to
calculate the sql statement(s) dynamically in a transformation atom that runs
as a predecessor in the flow.

As a comfort function you can call the screen to maintain local variables also
from here. Please notify that all local variables will be in scope of all Scenario
Steps, assigned to the same Scenario Package. Please refer to chapter 2.1
for details.

Save the settings by clicking this button.

The atom will process the sql statements and will add the result to the Body of
the B1i message by adding a new Payload section where the attribute id will
have the value of the atom identifier.

Please notify that all tags of the result will be in the xml namespace of
jdbc xmlns:jdbc=""
The attribute system is displaying the logical address (SysId) of the system
that was called. The attribute sql is showing the sql statement after
replacement of all variables. This gives you all transparency to check whether
the used variables and the calculation of the SysId worked as expected.

<Payload Role="C" id="atomid" system="0010000115" sql="sql statement'">

<jdbc:ResultSet rowCount="number">

- 41 -
Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

In case of multiple sql statements you will have multiple Payload sections
where the attribute id will have the value atomidentifier_number (e.g.
You can also use this atom to call a stored procedure. As the result of a
stored procedure could have multiple result sets, the return document is

<Payload Role="C" id="atomid" system="0010000115" sql="sql statement'">

<jdbc:ResultSet rowCount="number">
</Payload> Call B1 Object

With the help of this atom you can perform a call to an SAP Business One
system. Prerequisite is that the system is defined in the System Landscape
Directory (SLD). Please refer to reference guide 04, chapter 3.1.
The atom supports modifications in SAP Business One (insert, update and
delete) and also the retrieval of particular data via the Object method of the
SAP Business One DI API.

The Status icon ( or ) denotes if the atom design is consistent or if some

parameter are missing. Clicking the Info icon opens a window with the
defined parameters. The Edit icon allows you to maintain the atom
parameter, whereas the Delete icon will delete the atom from the flow.
Please use the Add icon to add a new Bizatom on the right.

This atom is one of three atoms that allow you to easily interact with SAP
Business One. Other atoms are the B1 Service Call and the possibility to send
a message to the SAP Business One inbox.

Prerequisite is the knowledge of the application interface of SAP Business

One (DI API) as you have to know the schema in case you modify data. For
retrieval it’s sufficient to have knowledge about the object identifier and the
primary keys. The Integration framework is supporting you based on the
inbuilt repository. However we strongly recommend to consult the SAP
Business One DI API help.

- 42 -
Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Scenario Step Identifier

This read-only field displays the name of the current Scenario Step.

Atom Identifier
This read-only field displays the identifier of the atom. This identifier is
generated automatically.

This field is for your comments.

Here you specify the logical address (SysId) of the system to call. Please use
the button to open a drop-down list with all currently existing systems,
relevant for this type of call (B1.*). You can choose one of these or you can
select the variables B1 System, based on User or Sender System. In case
you are using variables, the system gets detected automatically during
runtime. In case you are using explicite SysIds from the SLD, you have to
make sure that later in the runtime, the system setup will be the same to
ensure the same SysId. Prerequisite for using the variable B1 System, based
on User is an HTTP based sender system (H.AnySystem, W.AnySystem) for
the Scenario Step and a setup of the Scenario Package with authentication
and user based session. For scenario setup, please refer to reference guide

- 43 -
Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

04, chapter 1.1. A leading # is indicating an explicit value whereas a missing #

will enforce B1i to interpret the string as xpath statement. This allows you to
calculate the SysId dynamically in a transformation atom that runs as a
predecessor in the flow.

B1 Login
Here you define under which login the integration framework should call to the
Sap Business One system. Please use the button to open a drop-down list
with the available options. You can login as the Technical User or as the
Session User. Technical User is the Integration framework itself, typically with
the userid B1i. Prerequisite for logging in under the Session User is an HTTP
based sender system (H.AnySystem, W.AnySystem) for the Scenario Step
and a setup of the Scenario Package with authentication and user based
session. For scenario setup, please refer to reference guide 04, chapter 1.1.
Due to performance optimization SAP strongly recommends to login as
Technical User as this user session is cached by the Integration framework.
And log in as the Session User only if required, e.g. because of traceability

Stop processing if fails

This switch controls the exception handling in the Integration framework for
this call. If you set this switch to “false”, which is the default setting, the
processing will continue in case of an exception. This gives you the possibility
for your own error handling in the following transformation atom. If the switch
is set to “true”, an exception will force the processing of your Scenario Step to
fail. As a result you will see the message in the Message Log error section.

Here you select the method, you want to perform in this call. Please use the
corresponding button to open a drop-down list with the available options.
• Synchronous Retrieval
• Synchronous Insert (exception in case data exists already)
• Synchronous Insert with fallback to Update
• Synchronous Update
• Synchronous Delete
• Asynchronous Insert (exception in case data exists already)
• Asynchronous Insert with fallback to Update
• Asynchronous Update
• Asynchronous Delete

Synchronous calls will wait for the result whereas asynchronous calls will just
trigger the call process without waiting for the result. Default should be a
synchronous call as typically the result is important for further processing. In
case of a synchronous Scenario Step where performance is a critical point
and the result is not important for the caller, you can use the asynchronous
call method.

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Object Identifier
Here you specify the object identifier of SAP Business One. This identifier is
typically a number (e.g. the identifier for Business Partner is 2). You can use
the button to open a drop-down list with the available identifiers.

Key Name
Here you define the name of the primary key field. In case there are more
than one primary key field, please concatenate the values, separated by
comma (no space in-between).

Key Value
Here you define the values for the primary key fields. In case there are more
than one primary key field, please concatenate the values (in the same order
as the field names), separated by comma (no space in-between). You can
use global and local variables, similar to xsl by typing the name with a leading
$ (e.g. $myvar). In addition to these variables it is possible to use directly
values from results of predecessor atoms. The syntax is $[atomid/fieldname]
(e.g. $[atom9/DocEntry]). A leading # is indicating an explicit value whereas a
missing # will enforce B1i to interpret the string as xpath statement. This
allows you to calculate the key values(s) dynamically in a transformation atom
that runs as a predecessor in the flow.

Here you specify the name of a predecessor transformation atom. The result
of this atom will be handed over as the payload to the Business One DI API.
The payload must follow the definitions of the DI API XML interface. Please
refer to the appropriate DI API help. This parameter is not needed for data

As a comfort function you can call the screen to maintain local variables also
from here. Please notify that all local variables will be in scope of all Scenario
Steps, assigned to the same Scenario Package. Please refer to chapter 2.1
for details.

Save the settings by clicking this button.

The atom will process the B1 call and will add the result to the Body of the B1i
message by adding a new Payload section where the attribute id will have the
value of the atom identifier, the attribute Role=”C”.

Additional values for trouble shooting are available via the following attributes:
system: Logical address (SysId) of the SAP Business One system
method. Called Method
objecttd: Object Identifier

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

keyname: Name of the primary key(s)

keyvalue: Values of the primary key(s)
status: Call status
DIresult: Original DI result (success or failure)
DImsg: Original DI return message (e.g. Record not found!)

<Payload Role="C" id="..." system="..." method="..." objectid="..." keyname="..."

keyvalue="..." status="..." DIresult="..." DImsg="...">
<BOM xmlns="">
</Payload> Call B1 Service Call RFC Call SQL Call any Java Class Conversion XML to JSON Conversion Binary to XML Generate Crystal Report Retrieve File from Filesystem

- 46 -
Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development Persist Douments/Groups Put Message to Queue

3.3.4 XSL Development Some very basics about XSL

XSLT is a powerful, declarative language to manipulate XML documents in a
very efficient way. Although it needs some experiences if you want to use the
full power behind XSLT, you can start immediately with just some basics
because typically you will need only a small subset of XSLT to fulfill your task.

As a working principle you can say, you are in the role of a printer and your
task is to print the correct outbound message for the receiver. The information
you have is the current inbound message, which is sent from the sender
system resp. the predecessor atom. Like a printer you cannot jump from the
end to the beginning to add some data. Your development flow is strictly

Your outbound is always an XML document which means it has to follow the
XML guidelines. Therefore you have to know that an XML document has to
have exactly one root tag. So you start your task by writing the root–tag of
your outbound message. Each tag consists out of a beginning- and end-tag
which can be written in one line or in two lines. Between a beginning- and
end-tag, you will have a concrete value or more nested beginning- and end-

Let’s assume you have the following sender message and your task is to
create the following receiver message:

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

The listed XSL will do the transformation.

First you create the root-tag <RCVMsg></RcvMsg> and then you start
defining the message. You create the header tags <RcvHeaderFieldA> and
<RcvHeaderFieldB>, in-between you insert the value of the sender message.
This is done by using the XSL-command <xsl:value-of> which is the most
important command. In the select-section of this command, you write the
Xpath-statement of the exact location in the sender message where you want
to retrieve the value, in our example SNDMsg/Header/Fieldx. Now we
introduce a variable with the name linecount, to be done by using the XSL-
command <xsl:variable>. To this variable, we assign the number of lines in
the sender message, which is equal the number of tags with the name <Line>
in-between the tag <Lines>. We again describe the location with an Xpath-
statement count(SNDMsg/Lines/Line). To finish the header information, we
create the third tag <LineCount> and place the value which we have already
in our variable. You use a variable always with a $, followed by the name of
the variable. The next part is to provide the lines of the message. This we
want to do only in case there is at least one line in the sender message. The
condition in XSL is the command <xsl:if>. Please consider that you have to be

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

careful with special characters (like “<”, “>”, “&”), in our case instead of “>” you
should use the sequence “&gt;”. Another very important XSL-command is the
command <xsl:for-each> which allows you to run through multiple sections in
a message. In our example we run through all lines, again the sections are
defined by an Xpath statement. For each these sections we create now the
tag <RcvLine> and in-between the attribute pos to which we assign the
current position number, using the function position(). Then we create the two
needed tags <First> and <Second> and we assign the values from the sender
message, again with the XSL-command <xsl:value-of>. Please consider, that
you are at this point of time inside the for-each section which means you have
to address the location of the value relatively to the section you are in. Means,
you need to specify the Xpath with “./LFieldx” where “.” is addressing the
current tag.
Please check the available tutorials and manuals for further details. The B1i XSL Library

The Integration framework provides a library for typical tasks during the field
assignment. Library functions are called “templates” in XSL. To have the
templates available for your usage, you need to include the library document
by using the include command at the end of your XSL.

<xsl:include href="libraryname"/>

Please use the administration console of the Integration framework to call the
XSL Library.

Development4XSLT Library

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Currently there are four XSLT libraries available:

• String operations
• Date/Time operations
• System operations
• SAP Business One

The String operations are providing some very helpful functions to manipulate
strings, respectively to retrieve some information from them, e.g. to delete
leading zeros in a string or to replace substrings with other substrings. The
Date/Time operations are providing functions around the date and time. E.g.
you can retrieve the current date and time and it allows you to calculate some
special dates or to provide formatted output. The System operations are more
technical, e.g. to generate a globally unique identifier (GUID). The SAP
Business One library is providing some special formatting.

The drop-down list displays all available libraries. Please choose the library
you are interested in. You can test the XSLT library, available in your B1i
installation directly by clicking the “Test“ button.

Click the “Load Docu” button to open the documentation. The documentation
displays a list of all existing templates with a short description. All templates
are starting with the abbreviation “b1ilib.”, followed by the actual name.
At the beginning of the documentation, the exact include command is given.
Just copy it from the documentation and paste it to the appropriate place in
your XSL stylesheet.

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Remark: without this include instruction, the template will not be accessible
during the runtime and a runtime error will occurs.

If you are interested in a particular functionality, just click on the name which
will position the document to the detailed description. E.g. if you are interested
in detailed information about the template b1ilib.today_minus, just click on the
name to get information about how to call it, a detailed description, the
parameters, the default settings and a usage example.

The Usage-Example is very helpful because you can just copy it to paste it
directly to your XSL stylesheet.

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

With “Back to Top” you navigate back to the overall list.

3.3.5 Test Environment and Debug Mode

4. Develop a user defined Authentication

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Appendix A. Table of Inbound Channels

Syste Inbound Mode

Channel (IPO) m Trigger Mode Identification
ws WSAR Call SYNC xPath
http HTTP Call SYNC xPath
ws WSAO Call ASYNC xPath
http HTTP Call ASYNC xPath
file File exist ASYNC xPath
file File exist ASYNC Root Tag
INB_FI_EXST_ASYN_XPT file File exist ASYNC B1 Logic
INB_FI_EXST_ASYN_NAM file File exist ASYNC File Name
INB_FI_EXST_ASYN_FIX file File exist ASYNC Fix Value
INB_FI_EXST_ASYN_FSL file File exist ASYNC First Line
file Timer ASYNC xPath
file Timer ASYNC Root Tag
INB_FI_TIMR_ASYN_FSL file Timer ASYNC First Line
FTP File exist ASYNC xPath
FTP File exist ASYNC Root Tag

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

FTP Timer ASYNC Root Tag

FTP Timer ASYNC B1 Logic
INB_P3_TIMR_ASYN_SUB email Timer ASYNC Subject
INB_P3_TIMR_ASYN_FSL email Timer ASYNC First Line
INB_IM_TIMR_ASYN_SUB email Timer ASYNC Subject
INB_IM_TIMR_ASYN_FSL email Timer ASYNC First Line

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Appendix B. Table of Outbound Channels

Outbound Mode Details Formatting

IPO System Adapter Format Method Ctrl.Doc Frmt Doc Enc.
DB JDBC SQL single xml - -
DB JDBC SQL multiple xml - -
DB JDBC B1i single xml - -
OUT_DB DB JDBC B1i multiple xml - -
OUT_SMTP email SMTP B1i xml - -
file FILO XML xml - -
file FILO XML dsv yes yes
OUT_FILE file FILO XML yes txt - yes
FTP FTPO XML xml - -
FTP FTPO XML dsv yes yes
OUT_FTP FTP FTPO XML yes txt - yes
OUT_WS WS WSAN B1i pars xml - -
B1 DIAPI Object DI reduced pars xml - -
B1 DIAPI Object DI full xml - -
B1 DIAPI Service DI reduced pars yes xml - -
B1 DIAPI Service DI full xml - -
B1 JDBC JDBC sql reduced single yes xml - -
B1 JDBC JDBC sql reduced multiple xml - -
B1 JDBC JDBC sql full single xml - -
B1 JDBC JDBC sql full multiple xml - -
B1 JDBC JDBC B1isql single xml - -
B1 JDBC JDBC B1isql multiple xml - -
OUT_B1 B1 Multiple Multiple xml - -

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

Appendix C. Table of Process Steps

vBIU System Type Process Step ID Phase Task Processing

INB_B1_EVNT_ASYN_EVT Inbound Event triggered asynchronus
PRC_B1 Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_B1 Processing Data Distributor
INB_B1_HTTP_SYNC_B1H Inbound Incoming HTTP call synchronous
PRC_BH Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_BH Processing Data Distributor
INB_B1_TIMR_ASYN_FIX Inbound Timer triggered asynchronus
PRC_BF Processing Data Retrieval
SAP Business PRQ_BF Processing Data Distributor
One OUT_B1 Outbound Outbound
INB_R3_IDOC_ASYN_XPT Inbound IDOC triggered asynchronus
PRC_R3 Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_R3 Processing Data Distributor
INB_B1_TIMR_ASYN_FIX Inbound Timer triggered asynchronus
PRC_RT Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_RT Processing Data Distributor
SAP ERP OUT_R3 Outbound Outbound
INB_DB_TIMR_ASYN_FIX Inbound Timer triggered asynchronus
PRC_DB Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_DB Processing Data Distributor
Database OUT_DB Outbound Outbound
INB_FI_EXST_ASYN_XPT Inbound file exist trriggered asynchronus
PRC_FIx Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_FIx Processing Data Distributor
INB_FI_EXST_ASYN_NAM Inbound file exist trriggered asynchronus
PRC_FIn Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_FIn Processing Data Distributor
INB_FI_EXST_ASYN_FSL Inbound file exist trriggered asynchronus
PRC_FIf Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_FIf Processing Data Distributor
INB_FI_EXST_ASYN_FIX Inbound file exist trriggered asynchronus
PRC_FIi Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_FIi Processing Data Distributor
INB_FI_TIMR_ASYN_XPT Inbound timer trriggered asynchronus
File System PRC_FTx Processing Data Retrieval

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

PRQ_FTx Processing Data Distributor

INB_FI_TIMR_ASYN_NAM Inbound timer trriggered asynchronus
PRC_FTn Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_FTn Processing Data Distributor
INB_FI_TIMR_ASYN_FSL Inbound timer trriggered asynchronus
PRC_FTi Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_FTi Processing Data Distributor
INB_FI_TIMR_ASYN_FIX Inbound timer trriggered asynchronus
PRC_FTf Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_FTf Processing Data Distributor
OUT_FILE Outbound Outbound
INB_HT_CALL_SYNC_XPT Inbound Incoming HTTP call synchronous
INB_HT_CALL_ASYN_XPT Inbound Incoming HTTP call asynchronus
PRC_HT Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_HT Processing Data Distributor
INB_HT_TIMR_ASYN_FIX Inbound Timer triggered asynchronus
PRC_HR Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_HR Processing Data Distributor
HTTP OUT_HTTP Outbound Outbound
INB_WS_CALL_SYNC_XPT Inbound Incoming HTTP call synchronous
INB_WS_CALL_ASYN_XPT Inbound Incoming HTTP call asynchronus
PRC_WS Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_WS Processing Data Distributor
INB_WS_TIMR_ASYN_FIX Inbound Timer triggered asynchronus
PRC_WT Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_WT Processing Data Distributor
Web Service OUT_WS Outbound Outbound
INB_P3_TIMR_ASYN_SUB Inbound Timer triggered, Pop3 asynchronus
PRC_3S Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_3S Processing Data Distributor
INB_P3_TIMR_ASYN_FSL Inbound Timer triggerd, Pop3 asynchronus
PRC_3F Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_3F Processing Data Distributor
INB_IM_TIMR_ASYN_SUB Inbound Timer triggered, Pop3 asynchronus
PRC_IS Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_IS Processing Data Distributor
INB_IM_TIMR_ASYN_FSL Inbound Timer triggerd, Pop3 asynchronus
PRC_IF Processing Data Retrieval
eMail PRQ_IF Processing Data Distributor

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

OUT_SMTP Outbound Outbound

INB_FT_EXST_ASYN_XPT Inbound file exist trriggered asynchronus
PRC_FPx Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_FPx Processing Data Distributor
INB_FT_EXST_ASYN_NAM Inbound file exist trriggered asynchronus
PRC_FPn Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_FPn Processing Data Distributor
INB_FT_EXST_ASYN_FSL Inbound file exist trriggered asynchronus
PRC_FPf Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_FPf Processing Data Distributor
INB_FT_EXST_ASYN_FIX Inbound file exist trriggered asynchronus
PRC_FPi Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_FPi Processing Data Distributor
INB_FT_TIMR_ASYN_XPT Inbound timer trriggered asynchronus
PRC_FRx Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_FRx Processing Data Distributor
INB_FI_TIMR_ASYN_NAM Inbound timer trriggered asynchronus
PRC_FRn Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_FRn Processing Data Distributor
INB_FI_TIMR_ASYN_FSL Inbound timer trriggered asynchronus
PRC_FRi Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_FRi Processing Data Distributor
INB_FI_TIMR_ASYN_FIX Inbound timer trriggered asynchronus
PRC_FRf Processing Data Retrieval
PRQ_FRf Processing Data Distributor
FTP OUT_FTP Outbound Outbound
INB_IQ_INTQ_ASYN_BIU Inbound vBIU triggered asynchronus
Predecessor PRQ_IQ Processing Data Processing
Internal Queue
INB_WS_CALL_ASYN_XPT Inbound triggered asynchronus
PRC_QS Processing Data Retrieval
Internal Queue PRQ_QS Processing Data Distributor
Void VOID Outbound Outbound

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Integration framework for SAP Business One – 02 Scenario Development

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© Copyright 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

The current version of the copyrights, trademarks, and disclaimers at is valid for this document.

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