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We live in a society full of technology.

It is almost impossible to live without using it

technology; even the tools we use to get up every morning are within these
machines. With such an advancement it is indispensable to deem the positive and
negative aspects that these new equipment can do us. Considering those element
that may or may not (esto le sacaria porque la idea es que a pesar de que hay cosas
que nos ayudarian…creo que si le pones que hay cosas que no nos ayudan éstas
siendo ambigua y deberias apoyar tu tesis) benefit us I firmly believe that machines
should be used only to help humans, not to replace them.
To begin with, machines are today synonyms of robots. According to the Longman
dictionary of Contemporary English, a robot is a machine that can move and do
some of the work of a person, and is usually, controlled by a computer. The definition
states it clearly; it can do “some of the work of a person” not the complete work to
the extent in which the human is not needed at all. This has become a huge problem
as many people lost and are losing their jobs because of these robots. There are
those who may oppose my view (aca te fata que dicen tus oponentes), nevertheless
I still believe that human labour ought not to be replaced with robots.
Firstly, there is the human perspective. It is dreadful to think of leaving thousands of
people without work. One of the most common examples of this has been the
replacement in the car industry where millions of workers lost their jobs since the
companies started to implement robots instead of humans for the massive
production of cars. As well as this example, there are many other cases where entire
families were in trouble as the men in charge of the monthly salary had lost their
jobs. The main problem has been and still it is to cover the basic needs: food,
clothes and shelter, that which (more formal I think) it is hardly affordable without a
As well as the fact that men lose their jobs, there is also the environmental issue,
robots are much more pollutant than humans because of the many elements they
require to keep functioning. Being (aca no me cierra tampoco, being made of capaz
le podes poner) electronic equipment means that they require energy provided from
petrol to work, that energy is provided with petrol, a known highly pollutant. There
have been millions of movements trying to prevent and protect our world from the
massive devastation that electricity as well as other elements causes (porque hablas
de devastation cierto?) to Earth. Insisting on using tools that cause a detriment to the
only place we live is almost suicide.
Not only do robots leave thousands of men without jobs but also or pollute our world
but also they help (aca pondria otro verbo en vez de ayudar, algo como empujar o
condenar) humans become less intelligent day after day. The use of robots as a
replacement of human is not the only way these “fantastic” machines are used. They
also work camouflaged. They make us do the less work possible, preventing us from
thinking. Take for instance the calculator or the predictive virtual keyboard. Elements
that look harmless but which really affect us in a terrible way. Apart from becoming
us less intelligent they make us be (chequeaste que haga falta el be? Para mi sin el
be se entiende y queda major pero no estoy segura) sedentary. We do not need
anymore to go queuing to pay our credit accounts for example; everything now is via
On the other hand (este linking no le pondria porque para mi tiene que ser algo mas
contundente como unfortunately o nevertheless), there are those who may oppose
my view arguing that the employment of robots is a successful way of reducing the
costs in an industry or company and also the results of their work is alike. Having a
robot doing all the work of one hundred humans means one result, perfection. They
do not work as different as men despite the fact that they are doing the same job.
However, while it is true that executives save a lot of money by implementing robots
instead of humans, they prejudice the future of thousands of workers who not having
(porque en continuo aca?, suena muy español de Nuevo, yo pondria who do not
have nomas) a degree need those blue-collar works.
All in all, there are more than several aspects that help me take a stand on this topic.
First, there is the human perspective that leads me to the conclusion that under no
circumstances must a machine replace a man, mainly when the subsistence of the
later one is at stake. Furthermore it is necessary to consider the forfeit that the fuel
used in the employment of robots causes to the Earth. Finally, the fact that these
new tools grow us being less intelligent than the way we are born to be. Despite the
fact that there are those who oppose my view, I still believe that robots should only
help humans, not replace them. (I totally love your conclusion, it is clear, it
summarizes all the aspects presented and restates your position. Wonderfull)

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