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project name New Codington Festival Online Project

name of document Admin Login

version number 1
Product Test Stage
Scenario ID Subscenario ID Description

Admin enters the following details in the following fields

Event Name:*
Descrition :*
Event tye*

Admin enters the following details in the following fields

Event Name:*
Description :*
Event type*

Admin leaves the following details in the following fields

Event Name:*

NCFO.FERS.UCA09.TS2.2 Event type*

Admin enters the following details invalid in the following the

following fields
Event Name:*
Description :*
NCFO.FERS.UCA09.TS2.3 Event type*
NCFO.FERS.UCA09.TS3.0 Admin cancels the request to cancel the event
Test Condition ID
Successful Canceling of an event
Unsuccessful canceling of an event Login






Test Condition
Successful Canceling of an event
Admin select the valid Event Name in the Event Name Field
Admin select the valid event type in the event type box
Admin enters thr reason for canceling the event
admin clicks on cancel button
Unsuccessful canceling of an event Login

Admin select the event name which dosent exist in the event name box and fields are populated

admi leave the event name as a blank and other fields are populated

admi leave the event type as a blank and other fields are populated

Admin enters the invalid event name in the event name box

Admin enters the invalid event Type in the event Type box

Admin enters the invalid description in the description box

admin cancel the event
Expected Result Requirements ID

valid event name is selected

valid event tye is displayed
reason is displayed
confirmation message "You have successfully cancelled an Event."

error message "The Event you wish to update does not exist
Please provide a valid Event.

error message "event name is blank.

Please provide a valid event name

error message "event type is blank.

Please provide a valid event type.

error message "Invalid Name

Name should be 5- 20 characters long."

error message "Invalid Event Type

Please select a valid event type.


error message "Invalid description Type

Please select a valid description type."

confirmation message"No cancellation was performed on this event".

Date 21/03/2017
Version Number 1
Author Ayush

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