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The Instruction for the design and installation of structural concrete beam and
pot floors made with prefabricated components (EFHE) establishes that:

► Total deflection at infinite time shall not exceed the smaller of the values
L/250 and L/500 + 10 mm, where L is span length in millimetres [1.6 times
the overhang, in the case of overhangs]

► The specific active deflection shall not exceed the smaller of the values L/500
and L/1000 + 5 mm, in slabs that support walling or partition walls and

EFHE also specifies that it is not compulsory to verify whether the deflections
meet the foregoing conditions in:
► Joist slabs with spans smaller than 7 m
► Decks of prestressed hollow core slabs with spans smaller than 12 m
provided that the overloads are no larger than 4 kN/m2 and slab edge h is thicker than
hmin, calculated from the expression:
h min = δ 1 ⋅ δ 2 ⋅ L/C
δ1: is a factor that depends on the total load q (kN/m2) and is equal to
⎛L⎞ 4
δ2: is a factor that has the value ⎜ ⎟
L: is the slab calculation span in m
C: is a constant according to the type of slab, load, and stretch as set out in the
following table,
L q ⋅4 L
which is usually expressed as h ≥ ⋅
C 4.141

Types of slabs Types of loads Type of section
Insulated End Internal
Reinforced joists With partitions or walls 17 21 24
Roofs 20 24 27
Prestressed joists With partitions or walls 19 23 26
Roofs 22 26 29
Prestressed hollow With partitions or walls 36 - -
core slabs[1] Roofs 45 - -
Prestressed pieces designed in such a way that, for an infrequent combination, they do not go beyond the cracking moment
In the case of overhangs, C = 6 when the slab supports the load of partitions or walls; in other cases, C = 9.

Concrete beam and pot floors 1

Deflections: an example calculation
For example, for an isolated stretch of prestressed joist slab that supports
partitions, with a total load of q = 6.5 kN/m2 and span of L = 5 m,

5 6.5 ⋅ 4 5
h≥ ⋅ = 0.24 m
19 4.141

The following diagram

expresses the span/edge ratio in the
consideration of hmin for the three
types of slabs envisaged in the C
coefficient table: (1) reinforced joists,
(2) prestressed joists, and (3) decks of
hollow core slabs, with the constraints
in the span curves at 7 m for joist
slabs and at 12 m for decks of hollow
core slabs.
Value of hmin as a function of the span and type of slab

For the calculation of deflection by the general method, Instruction EFHE refers
to sub-section 50.2.1 of the Instruction on Structural Concrete EHE; however, it
provides a simplified method based on the calculation of instant deflection, considering
for each slab span a single inertia value equivalent to Ie, which takes into account the
cracking effect.

A case study follows from the book Forjados (Slabs) by Luis Felipe Rodríguez:
Reinforced joist slab with a span of 350 cm and 26-cm edge, with type IV-07 joists,
with 2Ø6 + 1Ø12 below and 1Ø12 above, and uniformly distributed linear service load
of 7.0 kN/m.

The data on the prefabricated joists, cracking moments, total stiffness, and
cracked stiffness, in both positive and negative bending, for 1-m bands, have been
drawn from the document ‘Authorisation for Use’.

Concrete beam and pot floors 2

Deflections: an example calculation
Bending Cracking moment Total stiffness Cracked
[kN·m] [kN/m] stiffness
Positive 6.82 13,690 2,600
Negative 14.83 12,240 1,590

First, it is necessary to verify that the equivalent stiffness (product of the

modulus of longitudinal deformation E and the moment of equivalent inertia Ie is
smaller than or equal to the total stiffness (product of E and the gross moment of inertia
Ib), according to the expression:
⎡Mf - M0 ⎤
⎡ ⎛ M - M ⎞3 ⎤
E ⋅ Ie = ⎢ ⎥ ⋅ E ⋅ I b + ⎢1 - ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥ ⋅ E ⋅ I f ≤ E ⋅ I b
f 0

⎣ a - M 0 ⎦ ⎢⎣ ⎝ a M - M 0 ⎠ ⎥


Mf: is the cracking moment

Mo: is the flector moment associated with the situation of zero curvature of the
section, with a value equal to P·e·β-Mv·(β-1), where P is the absolute value
of the prestressed force, if it exists, which may be taken as 90% of the
initial prestressed force; e is the eccentricity of the prestressed equivalent
tendon, in the section being studied, in absolute value, with respect to the
centre of gravity of the joist; and β is the relation between the gross inertia
of the slab section, in the construction phase in which one calculates the
deflection and gross inertia of the section of the prefabricated piece, larger
than or equal to one. In non-shored construction, when deflection is
calculated under the own weight of the prefabricated piece or of the poured
concrete in the building work, β=1
Mv: is the moment due to the loads that act on the prefabricated piece before
working jointly with the concrete in situ. Its value is:
• For non-shored construction, the moment due to the own weight of the
prefabricated piece and to the weight of the concrete poured in situ
• For shored construction, zero if the piece is reinforced, and the moment
due to its own weight if it is prestressed
• Zero in the end sections subject to negative moments
Ma: is the maximum flector moment that the section considered has,
historically, been able to display, including the phase under study

In the present example:

Mf = 6.82 kN·m
E·Ib = 13,690 m2 kN/m
E·If = 2,600 m2 kN/m
Ma = q ⋅ , where q is the uniform unit load and L is the slab span in metres;
in the present example: q = 7 kN/m and L = 3.5 m, so that
Ma = 7 ⋅ = 10.72 kN ⋅ m

Concrete beam and pot floors 3

Deflections: an example calculation
M0 = 0, since P = 0 (reinforced concrete joists) and Mv = 0 since the structure
lies on straining pieces
⎡ 6.82 ⎤
⎡ ⎛ 6.82 ⎞ 3 ⎤
E ⋅ Ie = ⎢ ⋅ 13,690 + ⎢1 - ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ⋅ 2,600 = 5,456 kN/m ≤ 13,690 kN/m
⎣10.72 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ ⎝ 10.72 ⎠ ⎥⎦

As a result, the instant deflection (finst) can be calculated from the formula:
5 q ⋅ L4
f inst = ⋅ , where:
384 E ⋅ I e
E·Ie = 5,456 kN/m, the equivalent stiffness calculated in the previous step
q = 7 kN/m, the linearly distributed load
L = 3.5 m, the slab span

5 7 ⋅ 3.5 4
f inst = ⋅ = 2.51 ⋅ 10 -3 m = 2.51 mm
384 5,456

Once the instant deflection for this reinforced concrete beam and pot floor of
half-joists, with a 3.5-mm span and 26-cm edge, and uniform single load of 7 kN/m has
been calculated, the total deflection at infinite time can be calculated from the
Total deflection (fTOTAL) at infinite time = Instant deflection + Delayed deflection

The delayed deflection (fdel) produced by long-lasting loads may be estimated by

multiplying the instant deflection by a factor λ, with the following value (head
of Instruction EHE):
λ= , where:
1 + 50 ⋅ ρ′
ρ': Geometric quantity of the compression reinforcement As' relative to the
compression area of the useful section b0·d, in the reference section
A ′s
ρ′ =
bo ⋅ d
ξ: Coefficient that depends on load duration and has the values indicated in
the table

Load duration 2 weeks 1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year 5 years

or more
Value of ξ 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.2 1.4 2.0

A′s 0.28
In the present example: ξ = 2.0, ρ′ = = = 0.00105
b o ⋅ d 12 ⋅ 22.4

ξ 2.0
λ= = = 1.9
1 + 50 ⋅ ρ′ 1 + 50 ⋅ 0.00105

fTOTAL = finst + fdel = finst + λ·finst = finst·(1+λ) = 2.51·(1+1.9) = 7.28 mm

Concrete beam and pot floors 4

Deflections: an example calculation
which meets the requirements of Instruction EFHE, since the total deflection at infinite
time should not exceed the smaller value of:

L 3,500
= = 14 mm (L is given in millimetres)
250 250

L 3,500
+ 10 mm = + 10 = 17 mm
500 500

In this example, fTOTAL = 7.28 < 14 mm

If partitions with a load of 4 kN/m2 are built on this slab 14 days after the slab
has been installed, the correction factor for total stiffness of the prefabricated joists may
be obtained from the document ‘Authorisation for Use’, this being 0.89. Where:

• Total stiffness E·I = 13,690 kN/m

L2 3.5 2
• Maximum moment M a = q ⋅ = 4 ⋅ = 6.13 kN ⋅ m
8 8
• [E·I]c = 0.89·13,690 = 12,184.1 m2 kN/m

Instant deflection will be:

5 M a ⋅ L2 5 6.13 ⋅ 3.5 2
f inst = ⋅ = ⋅ = 6.4 ⋅10 -4 m = 0.6 mm
48 [E ⋅ I]C 48 12,184.1

Delayed deflection after 14 days will be:

ξ 0.5
λ= = ≅ 0.46
1 + 50 ⋅ ρ′ 1 + 50 ⋅ 0.00105

fdel = λ·finst = 0.46·0.6 = 0.3 mm

So that the total deflection after 14 days will be:

fTOTAL = finst + fdel = 0.6 + 0.3 = 0.9 mm

Active deflection (fact), i.e. the deflection produced after the construction of the
partitions, will be the total deflection at infinite time minus the deflection that already
existed when the partitions were constructed.

fact = 14 – 0.9 = 13.1 mm

According to Instruction EFHE, this active deflection would not be

L 3,500
permissible because it is larger than = = 7 mm (also larger than
500 500
+ 5 mm = 3.5 + 5 = 8.5 mm ).

Concrete beam and pot floors 5

Deflections: an example calculation
A further calculation example follows that is perhaps closer to current Spanish
reality in apartment buildings:

Beam and pot floor with prestressed joists of reinforced concrete, in a section
resting on two supports with a 5-m span and 30-cm edge, which supports a
characteristic total load (including its own weight) of 7.0 kN/m2. Once the cracking
moment has been calculated [Mf = 37.988 kN·m], document ‘Authorisation for Use’ of
the prestressed joist indicating that the stiffness of its homogenised section is E·I =
18,755 kN/m, it may be verified whether the deflection at infinite time meets the EFHE

The maximum applied flector moment Ma is calculated from the formula

Ma = q ⋅ , where q is the uniform unit load and L is the span in metres, 7 kN/m and 5
m, respectively
M a = 7 ⋅ = 21.875 kN ⋅ m

Since Ma is smaller than the cracking moment [Mf = 37.988 kN·m], the slab will
not be cracked under those conditions and the instant deflection (finst) can be calculated
from the expression:
5 M a L2 5 21.875 ⋅ 5 2
f inst = ⋅ = ⋅ = 0.003 m = 3 mm
48 E ⋅ I 48 18,755

If λ is calculated for 5 years or more, the delayed deflection (fdel) can be


fdel = λ·finst = 2·3 = 6 mm [setting λ = 2]

The total deflection at infinite time fTOTAL = finst + fdel = 3 + 6 = 9 mm, which
conforms to the requirements of Instruction EFHE, since it is smaller than
L 5.000 L 5.000
= = 20 mm and than + 10 mm = + 10 = 20 mm .
250 250 500 500

Assuming this slab is loaded with partitions two weeks after slab installation,
with a load of 4 kN/m2, knowing that the correction factor for total stiffness after 14
days is 0.89 (from the document ‘Authorisation for Use’), this gives:

• Total stiffness after 14 days: 0.89·18,755 = 16,692 kN/m

L2 25
• Maximum moment for that load: M a = q ⋅ = 4 ⋅ = 12.5 kN ⋅ m
8 8

5 M a L2 5 12.5 ⋅ 25
f inst = ⋅ = ⋅ = 2 mm
48 E ⋅ I 48 16,692

The delayed deflection after 14 days [with λ = 0.5] will be: fdel = 0.5·2 = 1 mm

The total deflection after 14 days will be fTOTAL = finst + fdel = 2 + 1 = 3 mm

Concrete beam and pot floors 6

Deflections: an example calculation
As a result, the active deflection (fact) after construction of the partition walls
will be the difference between the total deflection at infinite time (ftotal·p.i) and the total
deflection after 14 days: (ftotal 14 d)

fact = ftotal p.i - ftotal 14 d = 9 - 3 = 6 mm

which meets the requirements of the EFHE Instruction because it is smaller than

L 5.000
= = 10 mm
500 500
+ 5 mm = 10 mm

The following reproduces the tables of specific weights, weights per unit surface
area, and weights of the extracted construction elements from Annex C of the Basic
Document on Structural Safety – Actions in Building Construction [DB SE-AE], as
well as the table of characteristic values of service overloads [Table 3.1, DB SE-AE,
page 5].

Concrete beam and pot floors 7

Deflections: an example calculation
Concrete beam and pot floors 8
Deflections: an example calculation
Concrete beam and pot floors 9
Deflections: an example calculation
Concrete beam and pot floors 10
Deflections: an example calculation

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