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Dear Partner,

This Book Is Written For YOU..!

Vashti...was a famous Queen in The Bible.

But, She Lost Favor...with The King, her
husband. Esther replaced her.

Your Prosperity...Depends on FAVOR.

When You Lose Favor, Your Life Can

Experience Traumatic Chaos.

That’s why I wrote this...for You.

I Love Ministering Around The World.

So-o-o Thankful To Be Your Ambassador To
Over 200 Countries.

Thanks To Your Faithful Seeds...

Millions Are Hearing The Word of God!
Young Ministers In India Are Being
Trained-Living In A 3-Story Dormitory...
Because of You.
30,000 Children are fed every 30 days...
Because of Your Seed.
Over 250,000 People Have Been Taught In
ONE Single Service...Because of YOUR

The Wisdom Center Thrives With

Outreaches To Youth...A World-Class
Bookstore...A Prayer Center...Prayer
Chapel...The Upper Room...
Because of Your SEED.

Everything You Have...Comes From God.

What You Sow...Is A Seed.

God Provides Seeds...To Sowers.

An Uncommon Seed...Creates
An Uncommon Harvest.

Your Seed...Is Creating A Glorious

Future For You.

Love You,

P.S. See Page...To Sow and Enclosed Envelope.



Millions are hurting. Unnecessarily.

Especially in their Financial World.

Money is everywhere. Opportunities are golden. Plentiful.

Opportunity Is…An Invitation To An Experience.

Every Problem Is…A Door To Favor.

Favor Is…The Seed For Money. Few know it. Any

disdain and contempt toward Opportunity…keeps you
broke. Problems are Doors. Favor Is When Someone Opens
The Door of Possibility For You.

Most people are unthankful for opportunities. And,

every day is frustrating, chaotic, disappointing. Simply
because they trivialize the Golden Gift of Favor.

When you learn to stay on the Path of Favor…you

will never be poor a day in your life. I long to inspire you
to fight to stay in the Zone of…Favor.

That’s why I wrote this book.

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Vashti Doesn’t LiVe here anymore  3


Why i Wrote this Book 2

1 Whose Chariot is Coming DoWn the roaD..? 4
2 the goLDen moment of aCCess 9
3 the PaLaCe Life..! 12
4 eVery king neeDs frienDs 14
5 eVery king neeDs entertainment 16
6 the Vashti suite... 19
7 meanWhiLe...BaCk at the Banquet haLL... 21
8 gooD kings Listen WeLL 23
9 going BaCkWarD...aLWays hurts 27
10 Do you knoW...Who you are taLking to..? 29
11 eVery enVironment has a king 30
12 is the faVor of a king...imPortant to you..? 31

unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the king James Version of the
Vashti Doesn’t Live Here Anymore · eB-394
Copyright © 2015 by MIKE MURDOCK
all publishing rights belong exclusively to Wisdom international
Publisher: Deborah murdock Johnson
Published by the Wisdom Center · 4051 Denton hwy. · ft. Worth, tX 76117
817-759-0300 ·
Printed in the united states of america. all rights reserved under international Copyright Law.
Contents and/or cover may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the express
written consent of the publisher.


The Sun Beat Down Unmercifully.

tired peasants looked wearily across the huge fields

of barley. Exhausting tasks were endless for the workers.
An occasional breeze birthed tiny Seeds of hope within
them that somehow things would get better in the future.
their faces revealed tormenting thoughts, though
unspoken. I hate this work. I see no changes in my future.
Is this what life is really about? How long will I have to
work here to keep buying food for my family? their
thoughts were like invisible roaring waves, crashing
against the unyielding boulders of their Minds.

Your Mind Can Become Your Prison.

Any Observer would notice the blinding sunlight

blurred their vision of the other laborers across the field.
The Most Dangerous Pain Is Silent Pain. no surgery can
remove it.
thankfully, the Creator respectfully provided us a

hideaway Mind to safeguard our thoughts.

Peasants Have A Hard Life. Parental responsibili-

ties showed in their eyes. A roof needed to shield the rain.
Safety of the children. Food on the table. Daily.
Conversations needed to train the children for an
adversarial world. heavy taxation from a contemptuous
Government. ____________________
In this sweaty, burning farmland, the silhouette of a
tall, dark-skinned young woman was riveting against the
horizon. Every peasant knew her well.
young men savored the very sound of her name. She
was no stranger to yearning males. her dark eyes were
mesmerizing. huge. unblinking. her stares were taunts…
rushing unbidden into the youthful loins of those longing
for her favor. her sculptured face was their momentary
Escape from the ____________________
torturous tyrant of Poverty.
Suddenly an intrusive sound punctured the tranquil
afternoon. Every peasant heard it. Including Vashti.

“Look…Look..!” Came an unusually loud whisper.

the sound of that whisper was an undeniable ripple across
the field.
Every peasant…suddenly stood.
Every peasant…saw the swirls of dust.
Every peasant…heard pounding hooves of horses.
Surely not! What is that sound?
Suddenly the rumbling of chariot wheels and the clop-
clop of horse hooves could be heard. three Chariots with
the majestic grandeur of royalty came into view around
the curve in the road.

the hearts of the peasants pounded. No, it could not

be! Royalty never traveled this road. This zone was a
vineyard of Poverty. Rich people never came here. What is
wrong? Could The King…No…No…This cannot be The
But, it was…the Chariot of the king..!

two other Chariots in his Majesty’s Entourage

followed behind. the whispers intensified, “Where are
they going? Are they headed to a banquet of Kings in
another country? Has The King decided to buy the land?”
Vashti...stood motionless.

“What is this? The Chariot is stopping,” the workers

whispered. Everything seemed surreal. no one knew quite
what to say.
they observe a face peering out the window of the
Chariot. Someone is pointing to someone in the field..!
A tall man in Kingly robes steps out. the peasants
stared speechless as the representative of the king
stepped down from the Chariot. he is not the king,
merely the Liaison. The Voice Replacement.
he carefully scrutinizes the field of peasants. he could
easily see Vashti standing alone. With careful precision, he

walks decisively toward her.

After all, Kings Never Run.

Confusion covered the face of every peasant.

He wants to speak to Vashti?

“Pardon Me, Lady.” the dignity of royalty is very

unsettling. he begins with that irresistible sound of
royalty. “I am The King’s Representative. He is in The
Chariot and asked me to confirm that you are Vashti.”

She is curious, but cautious. Surprised, but

unflustered. this is not the first time men have desired her.
She trembles slightly under the scrutiny of royalty.

her difference is the talk of the villagers. She knows

it. But, had never understood it. She discerned men wanted
her. their eyes openly admire her, though she had never
discussed this with anyone. But Divine fragrance was her

“Yes, I am Vashti.”

Uncommon Men Discern Uncommon Women Easily.

Experienced men know very well that…Aura Is An
Invitation. But, sometimes A trap.
the representative continued. “the king is in the
Chariot. he desires to personally meet with your parents.
May I ask where you live?”
“Of course,” she replies hesitantly. She then points to
a tiny, simple hut across the field.
“We will meet you there,” says the haughty man,
brushing the dust of the field off his beautiful robes.
“These peasants,” he thought. “I wish The King had not
asked us to come out here. I prefer The Palace. Dirt is not
my world. Why do people choose to live this way?”

Why Men Stay Poor

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The King’s Chariot Rolls Up To The Tiny Hut.

the representative steps down from the Second

Chariot and walks to the door. Greeting the couple, he
notices several children playing in the yard. the children
stop playing and start staring at the Chariots of The King.

Vashti’s parents stare. Speechless. this has never

happened before. The King..? At Our house..?

the king alights from the Chariot and stoops slightly

as he enters the small hut. the ceiling is so low. the
kingly gaze discerned the environment instantly. A worn
sofa. A simple mattress for the parents. threadbare
blankets on the floor for the children. yes, a peasant’s

the representative of his Majesty speaks first. “The

King would like to personally greet you both.”

the first words of the king were crisp. “I am in

search of Someone to train for work in my Palace.”
“Your Daughter has been recommended to us as a
possible trainee. I am requesting your consent for her to
come and live in my palace. But, only if you agree.”

Vashti’s parents are stunned. Could this be true?

nothing like this had ever happened to them. their

life was…Pain. Discomfort. toil. Sweat. Poverty. raising
healthy children is a mountainous task for those in poverty.
Especially in the burning hot fields of the Middle East.

the couple replied in a tone of honor but with

obvious hesitation. “Your Majesty, We are astonished but
happy that you would honor us with your Presence.
Nothing this glorious has ever occurred in our lifetime.
However, being away from our daughter troubles us deeply.
She is the greatest joy of our life. How often would we see
the king was gentle. “As often as you desire.”
he continued. “In fact, I have prepared for you a
home near the Palace. She may visit you as often as you
desire. In fact, there will be occasions when you may visit
The Palace.”
their minds raced, “Can this be true? Is it possible
The King would want to be around us? We have never been
inside a Palace.” Billions of people on the Earth never
access the fragrance of a World-Class environment.
nobody lives in the same World.
the king continued his thoughts carefully. “I must be
VAShtI DOESn’t LIVE hErE AnyMOrE  11

candid with you. My personal interest in your Daughter is

not merely to be trained for hosting in The Palace. We have
studied and investigated your family. I intend to train her
to become my Queen…my Confidante.”

And…So It Happened.

The Peasant Becomes The Queen.

Your Future Begins...

One Person From Now.
-Mike Murdock



One King…Created A Queen.

the life of Vashti, Changed In 24 hours. My long-

time friend Bishop Matthew Ashimolowo calls this, “The
24 Hour Miracle.” It is true.

Divine Movement is usually Silent…Invisible and

undocumented. then, suddenly God lifts the Curtain of
night, unleashing the Sunlight bursting into The Greatest
Season of Your Life.
Suddenly Vashti has robes, servants and even her own
chariot with a driver to take her anywhere she desires to
go. her world is glorious.
The Palace Life. the World Every human Desires.

And…It all belongs to Vashti.

…would Vashti toil under burning Sun.
…would she hear the weeping of her parents.
…would leering, lustful eyes humiliate her.

VAShtI DOESn’t LIVE hErE AnyMOrE  13

her first taste in the Environment of Dignity.

her first Entry into…the World of Protocol.
her first a Receiver of Gifts.

Even her family became the talk of the village. they

too, moved into their new private home. their unspoken
Dreams had come true. not for a single moment did they
miss their Village of Painful Memories.

Fame Is A Magnet. It attracts every Climber searching

for their Ladder to Success. Every human pursues A
Golden Connection. So their friendships multiplied
instantly. however fragile.

Palace Events were Exhilarating. Memorable.

Intriguing. no, neither Vashti nor her family had any desire
to return to the Village of hardship.

the young lady became queen Vashti…the Chosen

Focus of the king.

Divine Plans Are Glorious.

“For I Know The Thoughts That I Think Toward You,

Saith The Lord, Thoughts of Peace, And Not of Evil, To
Give You An Expected End,” (Jeremiah 29:11).



Even Kings Needs Intimacy.

kings always do. Sometimes a favorite Friend is a

wonderful man of character, someone who is a truly loyal
Friend. But, most often, the favorite Friend of the king is
someone he is comfortable to be with. this Friend is
someone who shows honor...respect…and Appreciation.

the favorite Friend of a king is often someone they

trust…someone who does not increase their stress level,
but solves the problems around them quickly and easily.

the favorite of the king is someone who takes a load

off the king and makes mountains look smaller; the world
brighter and stress greatly diminished.

Every king needs such Friends.

that explains the Famous Celebration.


the king decided to have a Banquet.

you see, kingdom responsibilities are gigantic. no
VAShtI DOESn’t LIVE hErE AnyMOrE  15

common man can even perceive nor carry governmental

stress. kingdom Authority is not an easy load to carry.
torturous decisions that can quickly unsettle an entire
nation. Settling conflicts with commerce rivals…
investigating hidden improprieties. Someone who loves
the king can suddenly become a traitor…in a single day.

Uncommon Men

Uncommon Pleasure
-Mike Murdock



Kings Need Fellowship With Their Equals.

So, the announced Day arrived. the chariots of

Leaders from the known World rolled into the king’s
Courtyard. World-Class horses left commoners speechless.
these were men who entered into Contracts, Covenants
and Agreements. these were men who knew that
commerce and trade decided their Fortunes…their
Wealth…their Power.

Musicians were already in place. A noisy roar filled

the Banquet hall as the king’s favorite singers began to
entertain. Courtesans were dancing with some of the
Government Leaders.

yes, it was a night to be remembered. the king roared

in laughter at jokes that were not even funny. he kept
tapping his goblet for refills of wine as he drank and
drank…and drank.

A Drunk King…Becomes A Bad Experience.

Suddenly, the king’s eyes narrowed. An evil thought

VAShtI DOESn’t LIVE hErE AnyMOrE  17

had entered his mind. An unrestrained desire to even break

his own laws. the Law of the Medes and Persians. the lust
of the weakest peasant lies deep in the heart of every king.

Groggily, in a hoarse voice, he whispered to one of his

nearby servants. “Bring Vashti, I want her to dance for all
my friends.”

Stunned, his Servant was almost speechless.

“But Sir, that is against The Law. The Queen is not
allowed to be seen by all these people. I realize her sensual
belly dancing is of special inspiration to you, my King. But,
it is not at all appropriate!”

In an angry rage, the king raised his voice. Everyone

at the table stared in horror as he shouted.
“I am the king! I can have anything I want! Go and
bring Vashti to me! She will dance!”

Drunk Men…Create Sadness On The Earth.

Stressed Men…Create Stress For Others. yet, every

man craves an outward Escape from an inward Battle.
Escape From Stress…Is A Necessity For kings.
Escape From A Struggle…That Nobody Sees.

think about this for a moment, my Dear reader.

Stress Is The Seed For Your Deadliest Mistakes. too much
stress causes good people to make bad decisions. Liquor is
the assassin of marriages…intimacy…and even love. Only
fools approve of alcohol and drugs. Whatever you do…ask
the holy Spirit to set you free from every addiction in your
life. your Confession unleashes his Instant Favor.

Please Pray This Prayer With Me Now…ALOUD.

“Precious holy Spirit,

I Admit My Mistakes…Sins…And All Addictions
In My Life. I Accept Jesus As My Personal
Savior…his Blood to Cover My Sins. you Are
My God, And there Is none Like you. I Welcome your
Divine Mercy…Counsel…And Peace. Set Me Free From
All Chains And Spiritual Bondage now...In the name of
Jesus. Amen.”
VAShtI DOESn’t LIVE hErE AnyMOrE  19



Meanwhile…Vashti Is Finding Pleasure Alone.

In her magnificent quarters, beautiful queen Vashti is

preparing for bed. the obnoxious laughter of drunk men is
distasteful to her.
Beauty Never Enjoys Ugly.
Exotic perfumes gathered from global countries is
lined up on her dressing table. She delights in the expensive
fragrance that common women will never smell in their
entire lifetime. the music plays quietly. She has resented
the coarse laughter and raucous sounds from the banquet
She recalled how dramatically her life had changed.
no more sweat drips from her brow. the sun never beats
down on her face. She is, after all, the queen.
Last week, she had visited her mother and father. her
chariot awaited her outside their nice home. What a home
her parents have! It is the home of a girl’s dreams…and
even more of a dream for her once peasant parents. they
too had a full-time housekeeper because the king thought
of everything. She could hardly believe what had happened
in the several years gone by. In fact, she had never returned
to the little village to see the other people she had grown
up with. After all, she was…the queen.
the sudden knock on her door was sudden. Crude.
What..? Who would dare disrupt..?!
her agitated voice is almost shrill as she addresses her
Personal Eunuch. “Ahia, Please attend to the door.”
She hears whispering at the door.
Ahia returns with a terror-stricken face. he is aghast.
he stares at her speechless.
“What is it, Ahia? What is wrong? Did someone die?”
“queen, I do not know how to present this to you.
you have received an order from the king. he has
commanded you to come immediately to perform a dance
to entertain his friends.”
“Oh, Ahia, I don’t believe that,” she replied flippantly.
“he knows that is against the Law of the Medes and
Persians. Besides, I have prepared for bed. I despise him
when he drinks. I will talk to him tomorrow at breakfast.”
Ahia stares at her unbelieving. Stiff. unbending.
“But, queen…Nobody tells The King ‘No.’”
Angrily brushing her hair to the side, Vashti,
screamed, “I am the queen, Ahia. I know my rights. I
don’t care what Mr. king wants me to do. tell his dumb,
stupid Servant I rEFuSE.”
Angrily, she throws her hair brush on the table.
“Men,” she mutters. “They are all the same.”
haughtily she lays down on her bed and sleeps.
VAShtI DOESn’t LIVE hErE AnyMOrE  21



Alcohol Turns Great Men Into Fools.

the Drunken king is roaring praise regarding his

queen. his fellow rulers are on their feet clapping,
shouting, “Vashti..! Vashti..! Vashti..!”

Musicians were at their best, exhilarated at the

opportunity to play for the king’s Personal Dancer…
Vashti..! the Servant has returned and bends over to
whisper in the ear of the king.

“Sir, The Queen says, No, she will not dance for you
or anyone else. She refuses to come.”

Dead silence.

the face of the king turns white with rage. he is

shocked, stunned and embarrassed. Is this happening to
me? Does The Queen that I brought from the peasant
house…dare defy ME?
he looked at the Leaders sitting on either side. they
had overheard the conversation. they began to smile
knowingly as the laughter suddenly faded around him.

“king, so your queen does not want to dance for

you?” First, it was a chuckle. then, the entire table broke
out in uncontrollable laughter.

the king’s face was ashen. Shame and humiliation

engulfed him. Within minutes the fun and frolic had
stopped. the musicians were sent home.

the king returned to his private quarters and

descended from anger into rejection…into dark despair.

the next morning, the king did not show for

breakfast. he did not come out for lunch, nor dinner.

Sad Kings Create Bad Experiences For Others.

But, Bad news travels Fast In noble Circles. Like

circling vultures, kings search for every sign of weakness.
Conquering the Weak…is a serious addiction few leaders
ever escape.

Every Crisis Necessitates

Wise Counsel.
-Mike Murdock
VAShtI DOESn’t LIVE hErE AnyMOrE  23



Every Crisis Necessitates Wise Counsel.

the faces of the king’s Advisors were grim. their

countenance showed grave concern. In fact, they were
seething with unspeakable fury. the embarrassment of
their king due to his rebellious queen…brought
humiliation to the entire nation. the king finally arrived
to their call to the Government Meeting.

the Chairman of Parliament spoke first.

“your Majesty, your rejected request has brought

contempt from other nations and Leaders. Do you realize
what will happen now in every home of our nation? Every
woman will feel authorized to rise up and defy the desires
of their husbands. Do you realize that women will lose all
respect for males? Every woman will laugh in the face of
their husband? this cannot be allowed, Sir. how do you
intend to handle this matter, your Majesty?”

the Murmur of Agreement was unanimous. One man

could not contain himself.
“your Majesty, queen Vashti did not even address you
directly..! She spoke to you through the mouths of Others.
She did not ask to see you…or even write you a note. She
offered no explanation. She even refused to come to the
Banquet hall to show her support. her defiance is
inexcusable.” he paused to catch his breath.

the oldest and most trusted among them gestured for

silence. then he spoke with clarity, conciseness and
unmistakable authority.

“king, Vashti is but one woman. Obviously, the

Majestic position of queenship has not purged her of
peasantry DnA. She has forgotten the poverty of her
village. She has sneered at your desires and longings. your
Favor has no importance to her. Pleasing you matters little
to her. In fact, it is highly possible she has taken another
Lover within the Palace. you are not the king in her heart.
you are merely an old man with bags of money from which
she freely withdraws.”

Every Advisor nodded his head in agreement.

“yet, king, thousands of beautiful women in every
Province long for your Recognition…your Simple
Touch…or, one Conversation alone with you. there is a
famous dream discussed among many young virgins that
they long for…One night With the king. your picture,
your Majesty…is even on their bedroom walls. you are the
Man of their dreams. they even write poetry about your
VAShtI DOESn’t LIVE hErE AnyMOrE  25

Palace…your Goodness…your Wealth…and even the

splendor of your Servant’s quarters.”

the shoulders of the broken-hearted king were

slumped in despair.

One Woman Can Make A King...Feel Like A Fool.

they heard a whisper from the mouth of the tormented

king. “What do you suggest I do with Vashti?”

the Advisor’s Circle did not hesitate to speak.

“Return Vashti and her parents to their peasant home
immediately. She has disqualified herself to be Queen. She
has brought you sorrow instead of joy. She has
embarrassed you. She has humiliated you.”

the king goes silent. he stares into the faces of the

others, asking, “Do all of you feel the same?”

his longtime friend spoke up gently. “My precious

Friend, we all recognize the depth of your pain. You
invested your entire credibility into a young woman without
maturity. Few women can converse effectively with a man
of your intellect, achievements and sensitivities. She simply
does not belong here. You presented her with a once-in-a-
lifetime Opportunity. Your favor became unimportant to
her. You Cannot Decide What Others Consider Valuable.”
the king was a keen Listener. he was known for his
Discerning, passion for Order and extraordinary Decisions.
He never made decisions alone. Smart kings never Do.

his Friend continued. “But, Your Majesty, this is a

marvelous Turning Point in Your Reign. We encourage you
to announce a National Beauty Pageant for women from
the 127 Provinces. You can select any woman you desire
from India to Ethiopia. You have learned very much from
this heartache. But, you are much more qualified than ever
to identify a woman addicted to what pleasures you. Her
fragrance of Honor will be contagious. She will inspire
your entire staff to serve you with dignity, loyalty and
gratitude. She will make you forget that Vashti ever existed.
Your Majesty, The Best Cure For An Evil Woman...Is A
Godly Woman.”

the king Listened. And, he believed them.

And…History Was Made In That Moment.

Recommended Books:
1. thirty-One Secrets of An unforgettable Woman (eB-57)
2. the Proverbs 31 Woman (eB-49)
3. the uncommon Wife (eB-210)
VAShtI DOESn’t LIVE hErE AnyMOrE  27



Lifetime Favor Can Cease In One Day.

kings move quickly. the king’s instructions became

priority: “Send Vashti and her family back to their village
within 24 hours.”

Palace Servants moved Vashti and her family within

hours. their belongings were loaded up in wagons. the
entire city stood by the roadside staring silently as their
queen of the nation wept inside the Chariot. humiliated,
Vashti and her family returned to the hot burning fields of
her childhood. the Villagers stared in sad discomfort as
Vashti unloaded her few belongings in a lowly hut.

Within hours Vashti and her family were back laboring

in the field. the hot sun beat down on Vashti’s face. She
was no longer an inspiring young woman. She was
embittered that she could not control a man.

Few Men Want…What Kings Reject.

One night Vashti was sleeping in a queen’s bed. the

next night she was homeless…looking for a friend to give
her a corner in the house. Many vendors asked, “Is queen
Vashti in today?”

“Queen Vashti Doesn’t Live Here Anymore,” was the

cold standard response of Palace Servants. She was no
longer a queen. She no longer had favor. She no longer
had money. She no longer had status. the king she refused
to honor, no longer honored her. right or wrong is not the
point. the point of this Biblical Story is…

Her Mouth Was Her Costliest Mistake.

the Bible doesn’t consider her important enough to

discuss her anymore. there is nothing else God has to say
about Vashti’s demise. God did not inspire another writer
to document anything regarding her life after leaving the
Vashti lost…her Focus.
Vashti spoke…Disrespectfully.
Vashti lost her Palace…in one conversation.
Palace greeters turned inquirers away:
“Vashti Doesn’t Live Here Anymore.”

Careless Conversation...
Is Costly.
VAShtI DOESn’t LIVE hErE AnyMOrE  29

 10  -Mike Murdock



Vashti Experienced the Environment of the Palace…

But, She Never Learned How To Talk To A King.

She received the Favor of royal Servants…

But, She Never Learned How To Talk To A King.

She Was the Most Beautiful Woman In A nation…

But, She Never Learned How To Talk To A King.

She Walked With the Sensuality of A Dancer…

But, She Never Learned How To Talk To A King.

She tasted the Minds of World-Class Mentors…

But, She Never Learned How To Talk To A King.

She received the Admiration of Millions…

But, She Never Learned How To Talk To A King.

She Was trained In the Expectations of royalty…

But, She Never Learned How To Talk To A King.



Every Business...has An Owner.

Every Department...has A Manager.

Every Church...has A Pastor.

Every City...has A Mayor.

Every State...has A Governor.

Every nation...has A President.

Every Army...has A General.

Every tribe...has a Chief.

Every home...has A Decision-Maker.

You Will Always Have A King In Your Life...

His Thoughts Toward You...
Will Create Your Heaven or Hell.
VAShtI DOESn’t LIVE hErE AnyMOrE  31



A king knows...he Is king.

A king...has Expectations.
A king...recognizes Dishonor.
A king...Dismisses the Disrespectful Swiftly.
A king...Withholds Access From the Disinterested.

1) Every Man Has The DNA of A King Within Him. It

is a God-thing. It is a Divine impartation. Men were made
to be protectors…providers…ministers of comfort. the
DnA of a man cannot be changed because it is a Divine
implant he cannot rid himself of.

2) Every Environment Has A King…A Leader…A Boss.

this is because every man has a kingdom. It may be a
small apartment…but it is his kingdom. It may be his
business of 100 employees. he is the responsible leader of
that environment. the weight of families is upon him. his
productivity will decide his prosperity. he must not only
make enough money for himself, but make enough money
for many other families as well. After all, he is the king.

3) Kings Know The Hearts of Other People. they are

able to read men, discern their difference. After all, that is
why they are kings. What other men pass off as a slight
offense, the king takes seriously because it could threaten
his entire kingdom.

4) Kings Look For Adversaries. the common man does

not think about enemies. After all, no enemy wants what
he has. he is unknown, unrecognized, undesirable. Only
kings attract enemies.

5) Every King Needs A Nest. the Palace of Greatness is

not enough. he needs a woman’s breasts to lay his head
upon…her words to comfort his spirit. he needs the soft
reassurance from a voice that no animal can create. he has
horses, chariots, lands and palaces, but the heart of the
queen is where he invests his feelings, his true self. He can
show his little boy needs while wearing Kingly robes.

6) Unique Men Have Unique Desires. his desires are not

normal. he does not understand that in himself. his
fantasies cannot be shared with history books. What excites
him cannot be written down. It must be hidden in the safety
of a woman’s heart…the woman who will know his
greatest weakness…and yet protect him from his greatest

7) The King Requires Special Conversation. When

rejected, it must be with great care and gentleness. After
all, his favor is the difference between poverty and
VAShtI DOESn’t LIVE hErE AnyMOrE  33

prosperity. kings have feelings, too.

8) Every Environment Has A Leader…Someone Who

Makes Decisions That Affect Your Prosperity.

9) Learning A King Is A Master Key To Scheduling The

River of Favor In Your World.

10) Only Fools Ignore The Authority In Their

Environment. I’ve asked every team member to, “know
who is the authority in your environment. know their
needs…their history…their desires.”

11) Your Whisper Will Become A Roar In The Ears of

A King. “Vashti doesn’t live here anymore.” the country
knew it because the king was looking for his Esther.

12) A King’s Disappointment Is Your Opportunity To

Build Credibility.

13) No King Endures Uncomfortable People.

14) Every King Continuously Explores What Will Keep

Him Inspired. If Disappointed…he Will Initiate
Changes…After All…he Is the king.

15) What Other Men Ignore, Kings Study. the sadness

of the king becomes an odor in the Palace.
The Favor of Kings...
Will Decide Your Prosperity.
-Mike Murdock
1 Has embraced his Assignment to
Pursue...Proclaim...and Publish the
Wisdom of God to enable Believers to
1 Wisdom Books & Literature -
Over 400 best-selling Wisdom Books
and 70 Teaching Tape Series.
complete their Assignment.
Preached his first public sermon at the Church Crusades - Multitudes are
2 age of 8...his first evangelistic crusade
at the age of 15.
2 ministered to in crusades and
seminars throughout America in
“The Uncommon Wisdom
Began a full-time evangelism at the age
3 of 19, which has continued since 1966.
Conferences.” Known as a man who
loves pastors, he has focused on
Has traveled and spoken to more than
4 23,000 audiences in over 133 countries,
including East and West Africa, Asia,
church crusades for over 49 years.

Music Ministry - Millions have been

Europe and South America.
Noted author of over 400 books,
3 blessed by the anointed songwriting
and singing of Mike Murdock, who
5 including best sellers, Wisdom for
Winning, Dream Seeds, The Double
has made over 15 music albums and
CDs available.
Diamond Principle, The Law of
Recognition and The Holy Spirit
4 Television - Wisdom-World of Mike
Murdock, a nationally-syndicated
weekly television program.

6 Created the popular Topical Bible series

for Businessmen, Mothers, Fathers, The Wisdom Center - The Church
Teenagers; The One-Minute Pocket
Bible series, and The Uncommon Life.
5 and Ministry Offices where Dr.
Murdock speaks weekly on Wisdom
The Creator of The Master 7 for The Uncommon Life.
7 Mentorship System, an Achievement
Schools of The Holy Spirit - Mike
Program for Believers.
Has composed thousands of songs such 6 Murdock hosts Schools of The Holy
8 as “I Am Blessed,” “You Can Make It,”
“God Rides On Wings of Love” and
Spirit in many churches to mentor
believers on the Person and
Companionship of The Holy Spirit.
“Jesus, Just The Mention of Your
Name,” recorded by many gospel artists. Schools of Wisdom - In many major

Is the Founder and Senior Pastor of The
Wisdom Center, in Fort Worth, Texas...a
7 cities Mike Murdock hosts Schools of
Wisdom for those who want
Church with International Ministry personalized and advanced training
around the world. for achieving “The Uncommon
Host of Wisdom-World of Mike
10 Murdock, a daily TV Program seen in-
Missions Outreach - Dr. Mike
Has appeared often on TBN, CBN, BET,
8 Murdock’s overseas outreaches to

11 Daystar, Inspirational Network, LeSea

Broadcasting and other television
over 133 countries have included
crusades in East and West Africa,
Asia, Europe and South America.
network programs.

12 Has led over 3,000 to accept the call into

full-time ministry.

T he Bible says, “That if thou shalt confess
with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt
believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him
from the dead, thou shalt be saved,” (Rom. 10:9).
Will You Accept Jesus As Your Personal Savior..?
Please Pray This Prayer ALOUD With Me Now..!
“Dear Jesus, I Believe That You Died For Me
And Rose Again On The Third Day. I
Confess I Am A Sinner...I Need Your Love And

Clip and Mail

Forgiveness... Come Into My Heart. Forgive My
Sins. I Receive Your Eternal Life. Confirm Your
Love By Giving Me Peace, Joy And Supernatural
Love For Others. Amen.”
c Yes,Mike, I Made A Decision To Accept Christ As
My Personal Savior Today. Please Send My Free
Book...31 Keys To A New Beginning To Help Me
With My New Life In Christ.





Please Use The Enclosed Envelope.
Mail To:
Dr. Mike Murdock
PO Box 37047
Fort Worth, TX 76117

Dear Friend,
God has connected us!
I have asked The Holy Spirit for 3000 Special Partners who will
plant a monthly Seed of $58.00 to help me bring the gospel around
the world. (58 represents 58 kinds of blessings in the Bible.)
Will you become my monthly Faith Partner in The Wisdom Key
3000? Your monthly Seed of $58.00 is so powerful in helping heal
broken lives. When you sow into the work of God, 4 Miracle Harvests
are guaranteed in Scripture, Isaiah 58...
4Uncommon Health (Isaiah 58)
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4Uncommon Financial Favor (Isaiah 58)
4Uncommon Family Restoration (Isaiah 58)

I would love to hear from you. Email me today at!
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P.S. Will You Become My Ministry

Partner In The Work of God? PP-03

Please Rush My Mentorship 10 Pak..! Yes, Mike, I Want To Join

The Wisdom Key 3000.
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Your Seed-Faith Offerings are used to support The Wisdom Center, and all of its programs. The Wisdom Center reserves the right to redirect funds as needed in order to carry out our charitable
purpose. In the event The Wisdom Center receives more funds for the project than needed, the excess will be used for another worthy outreach. (Your transactions may be electronically deposited.)

THE WISDOM CENTER Office: 1-817-759-0300 You Will Love Our Website..!
4051 Denton Highway • Fort Worth, TX 76117 Order: 1-817-759-BOOK (2665)

Where Miracles Are Born (Book/B-115/32pg/$7)

Secrets of The Journey, Vol. 6 (Book/B-102/32pg/$5)
Thirty-One Secrets of an Unforgettable Unforgettable
Woman (Book/B-57/140pg/$12) Woman 4 Book Pak!

The Proverbs 31 Woman

Only $
20 31

*Each Wisdom Book may be purchased separately if so desired. Add 20% For S/H

THE WISDOM CENTER 1-817-759-BOOK You Will Love Our Website..!
4051 Denton Highway · Fort Worth, TX 76117 1-817-759-0300 MIKEMURDOCKBOOKS.COM
40 When You Join The Million Soul
Fellowship You Will Receive...

410 Qualities of Uncommon Achievers

418 Facts You Should Know About The Anointing
421 Facts To Help You Identify Those Assigned To You
431 Facts You Should Know About Your Assignment
48 Keys That Unlock Victory In Every Attack
422 Defense Techniques To Remember During Seasons of Personal Attack
420 Wisdom Keys And Techniques To Remember During An Uncommon Battle
411 Benefits You Can Expect From God
431 Facts You Should Know About Favor
4The Covenant of 58 Blessings
47 Keys To Receiving Your Miracle
416 Facts You Should Remember About Contentious People
45 Facts Solomon Taught About Contracts
47 Facts You Should Know About Conflict
46 Steps That Can Unlock Your Self-Confidence
4And Much More!

Your Partnership makes such a difference in The Wisdom Center Outreach

Ministries. I wanted to place a Gift in your hand that could last a lifetime for you and
your family...The Wisdom Study Bible.
40 Years of Personal Notes...this Partnership Edition Bible contains 160 pages of
my Personal Study Notes...that could forever change your Bible Study of The Word of
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your Sponsorship Seed of $1,000 for our Television Outreach Ministry. An Uncommon
Seed Always Creates An Uncommon Harvest!

Thank you from my heart for your Seed of Obedience (Luke 6:38).

1-817-759-BOOK You Will Love Our Website..!

THE WISDOM CENTER 1-817-759-2665
4051 Denton Highway • Fort Worth, TX 76117 1-817-759-0300

This Gift of
Appreciation Will Change
Your Bible Study For
The Rest of Your Life.

Your Sponsorship Seed of
$1,000 For Our Television
Outreach Ministry.

THE WISDOM CENTER 1-817-759-BOOK You Will Love Our Website..!
4051 Denton Highway • Fort Worth, TX 76117 1-817-759-0300

7 Hidden
Ingredients In
Every Miracle...
The Hidden Secrets That
Cause Miracles To Happen.

You Will Learn:

 How To Apply The Scriptural
Formula In Every Prayer
 3 Ways To Build Your Faith To
Mountain-Moving Level
 Why Some Miracles Are Delayed
 The Hidden Prescription For Silencing
Demonic Voices In Your Environment


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THE WISDOM CENTER 1-817-759-BOOK You Will Love Our Website..!

4051 Denton Highway · Fort Worth, TX 76117 1-817-759-0300 MIKEMURDOCKBOOKS.COM

35 Success-Notes..!
That Can Unlock Your
Dreams And Goals!
Order Your FREE Personal Copy Today!

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THE WISDOM CENTER 1-817-759-BOOK You Will Love Our Website..!
4051 Denton Highway · Fort Worth, TX 76117 1-817-759-0300

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