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Information Bottleneck Method

Azamat Berdyshev

University of Toronto

October 1, 2017

Some Information Theory basics

Information Bottleneck Method

Applications in Deep Learning

Some Information Theory basics 2


Let X ∈ X be a discrete r.v. distributed as X ∼ P then

H(X) = − P (x) log P (x)
= − E [log P (X)]

Some Information Theory basics 3

Conditional Entropy

Let (X, Y ) ∈ X × Y be a pair of discrete r.v. jointly distributed as

(X, Y ) ∼ PXY then

XX PX (x)
H(X|Y ) = PXY (x, y) log
PXY (x, y)
x∈X y∈Y
= PX (x)H(Y |X = x)

Some Information Theory basics 4

Mutual Information

I(X; Y ) = H(X) − H(X|Y )

XX PXY (x, y)
= PXY (x, y) log
PX (x) PY (y)
x∈X y∈Y

Some Information Theory basics 5

Data Processing Inequality

◮ Let X → Y → Z be a Markov chain, then

I(X; Y ) > I(X; Z)

◮ Reparametrization invariance trick: for any invertible φ, ψ

I(X; Y ) = I(φ(X); ψ(Z))

Some Information Theory basics 6


Some Information Theory basics

Information Bottleneck Method

Applications in Deep Learning

Information Bottleneck Method 7

Information Bottleneck Problem
(N. Tishby, F. Pereira, W. Bialek, 1999)

f (x) g(t)
◮ Consider the information channel: X −−−→ T −−→ Y
minimize I(X; T )
PT |X (t|x)
subject to I(T ; Y ) > ǫ

◮ let λ be the Lagrange multiplier, then

min I(X; T ) − λI(T ; Y ) (2)

PT |X (t|x)

Information Bottleneck Method 8


Some Information Theory basics

Information Bottleneck Method

Applications in Deep Learning

Applications in Deep Learning 9

Applications in Deep Learning 10
Pictures with tikz

Applications in Deep Learning 11

Group lasso
(e.g., Yuan & Lin; Meier, van de Geer, Bühlmann; Jacob, Obozinski, Vert)

◮ problem:
minimize f (x) + λ i=1 kxi k2
i.e., like lasso, but require groups of variables to be zero or not

◮ also called ℓ1,2 mixed norm regularization

Applications in Deep Learning 12

Structured group lasso
(Jacob, Obozinski, Vert; Bach et al.; Zhao, Rocha, Yu; . . . )

◮ problem:
minimize f (x) + i=1 λi kxgi k2
where gi ⊆ [n] and G = {g1 , . . . , gN }

◮ like group lasso, but the groups can overlap arbitrarily

◮ particular choices of groups can impose ‘structured’ sparsity

◮ e.g., topic models, selecting interaction terms for (graphical) models,

tree structure of gene networks, fMRI data

◮ generalizes to the composite absolute penalties family:

r(x) = k(kxg1 kp1 , . . . , kxgN kpN )kp0

Applications in Deep Learning 13

Structured group lasso
(Jacob, Obozinski, Vert; Bach et al.; Zhao, Rocha, Yu; . . . )

hierarchical selection:

2 3

4 5 6

◮ G = {{4}, {5}, {6}, {2, 4}, {3, 5, 6}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}}

◮ nonzero variables form a rooted and connected subtree
– if node is selected, so are its ancestors
– if node is not selected, neither are its descendants

Applications in Deep Learning 14

Sample ADMM implementation: lasso

prox_f = @(v,rho) (rho/(1 + rho))*(v - b) + b;

prox_g = @(v,rho) (max(0, v - 1/rho) - max(0, -v - 1/rho));

AA = A*A’;
L = chol(eye(m) + AA);

for iter = 1:MAX_ITER

xx = prox_g(xz - xt, rho);
yx = prox_f(yz - yt, rho);

yz = L \ (L’ \ (A*(xx + xt) + AA*(yx + yt)));

xz = xx + xt + A’*(yx + yt - yz);

xt = xt + xx - xz;
yt = yt + yx - yz;
Applications in Deep Learning 15

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