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, ” ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 4 - ° , a > 4 > . . . , > : . . 7 , : . > . . . > . , . . , . . ( PIANO/VOCAL Elphaba ELPHABA: "Fiyero!* Allegro ; asic 2— Miter tturieSeree | Ee le- la nah - men 3 No Good Deed 2 [r 10/04) nah - men Ab 3 os 251 W. 890 Street NYC 10026 226 3 Orchestration: William David Brohn ab 23 “Wicked” E-le-ka nah-men nah-men An cum ah tum e-le-la nah-men. 3 3 3 2 Que wo CoR - TEM SU 44 PEL, Mi Que fue — 0A Saw- Let his Sesh Let his blood 2 io! ol = ae UE fon PER, GhaR, GUE WCENCuRWATREW Ub jg FUER MERON-PER. stain, Though they beat. him, let him feel no pain.. FZ se Sond 3 3 2° 7 ORN HE- Que wo sren ~ TR do ith NI to poe =~ os oe. Miter Buse Service 251 W. 5th Stee: NYC 10024 22F 212 3025832 . : . , > 2 > , > ’ . . > > . > o , » 4 ° » > o 2 2 » 2 > > > > > : > ° > o ° > 19 Rie Mater stuse Serie to de-stroy him, E-le-ka nah-men nah-men 3 2 Si_LOHA-CEM WD yo HA him Ah tom 3 pe Mo-Rih, nev-er die, 3 ah aim 3 e-le-la.,. 3 ve 2 ran #23 "No Good Dee 1108} WA ye Mo- e-le- ta nah- men 3 fn 212 362-5832 Moe NOE Es ex-Te cody Ro) NE a SEM Lo auggs ly PI~ CIE -00, 3 What good. is this chant ~ ing? don't ¢-ven know whet I'm read ~ ing, 3E Mi Qores-TeY ThA- TAN -O00 Con-JV ven Inow what trick ought to 9 PI Be én dn~ogest8s Fly 2 eAN GSO Vp es-T9's Mven-To! Fs yeu, where we yout Atcwady dead or Ned — ing? a3 ory Ebm a —— bs. 2 s 0-19 DE-IHI MRE DEBE ED-CRE~ GAR AM Gray Bon One more dis - as - cer gen = er = ous sup = 3. 3 rit, poco a poco ‘Miller use Service 251 W.A9th Street NYC 1024 2123625033 224 ay Good Dees” fr 20/06) van ——— J Moderato, with Intensity ¢= 424 Hae ee ply. a VOHAY Bow — DAD {z] SIM cps gT1~GO goes un. 6 MIRC ON BE-WE-FI-CA SI gg UY LA-MEN TO act of char = i= ty goes Mile Brusio Service 251 W, 29th Street NYC 10026 212362058 230 s | MQHAY BOW-Op DSW cagg-TI-EO— _——_—-AHO-RA LOS & Zo — No good deed’ goes ua - pun - ished ‘Thaes my new creed. YADA COM BUE-WAS INTEW ClO -NeST2 NUN~A SE CON- 1-605 75 ied ——— ‘My rond of good in-ten - tons fed where such roads al-vays. Tl -G0 pan-ished Miller Masic Service 281 W. 29h Steet EC 10028 112362502 2>4 sub. p i MES-SA..+ ub Fe | ee o os Dit-ta-Honp...— ae boc-ToR L- MD. : a ee aaa SS ;e = eo = | Doc - tor Dil-lamond. , ‘Miter Mase Sortce 251 W, 89th Street YC 10006 212 362-5832 239 232 #23 °No Good Deed” fr 10/04) So iecuuenee eee ¢ = He! a Delbert py pa cae EN MI _—SuR-Gew _TaW-TASPRE“GUN-TAS: ‘Too much, too much to men - tion: One ques ~ ton heunts and hurts, Not too fast! sub. mf ? a 3. 7 3 = € 5t BUSCA -BAMA-CEREL BIEM oo OD _ RUE ME RE-~COR-DA~RANT Was I real - ly seek- ing good for just seeking ot tention? 251 W.ADth Street YC 10024 2173625 133 Miller Music Service , , ) y ) ) J , ) ) , ; ) ) , , , , ; ) ) ) , ) ) , , ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) y ) ) , ) ) ) ) Pv 5 #25°Ne Good Deed” (rs0)osh & ESE PUEDENP CER EL Biev,y 05 PRo-Ve~ CARY GRAY Do~ LORT 1s chat all good deeds are when ookad at with on ice-cold eye? #5 3 F fn Aledo) @ ze ee z Fi esousven-pag, rePG Moy pus-b0 Sh tan—# If that’ all good deeds are, may-be that’s the reason why... ys molto rall. ie Dm paid A be. Atempo Bon ~DAD fecal -co- 2 SW CAS ~of 4 ‘good goes tn - pun-ished, 102 * To: PALAA=WU~ PA pe ~Re ZER PROHI~B 1 ~ DA—— help - fal urg = es should Be ‘Miter ius Sense 251 W289i Street VC 19024 sree ens 34 SSS] Sty CAS eh EO ——— = pun- ished, —— ya fe an UG nec PREM SION ———— pus -queet hen sO so ae Will, look at Sore, T meant well— whet well meant did...— 04 of oa] pues SEA-CA BO, PASTA ss0 Aes se RAG All right, e-nough— f om + 7 Meng Masso, pe --CueR@ 096s TE— is _ 8 Anta _ Yim wicked through and all Oz be a= greed 3 Peed ect eee ; 4 ier Muse Service 25 WS Set 1014 230s) 23F Pv ora 24 *No Good Desa” fr 0/08} IS, St wo PU-DEF v1 ~ TAR Fi -4E-Re Te S0- 18 through, since I can-not suc - ceed Fi - ye - 10, sav - ing ey accel. e fe. FRR, PROMETo Ove Sa-Mgs VOEL-Yop CRE-ER Eu tn bow - DBD wun CA Si- A tempo He (options a7. 110 you, I prom-ise no good deed will I at-tempt_— to do a - gain, a MAS oO HAY BIEN so Z gain... No good deed will I i 1 Miler Music Service 251 W. 8th Street NVC 1004 ars ver coon 236 | ) ) > ) ) , , BRAS iia yst}————— 122 428 [Applause segue] Miler Masts Sersee 251 W 49th Street NYC 10024 2123625130 29h

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