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RPT 0181.
U P R 0187.

." _* I,.. UER FW INFYIM w!fmrnw, BTATUS

U F A I N C ' " ~ . - . . .
Requested by : 11 175 Requlsted on : ODlO9/2olo03:10:39PM
JAN-01-1997 13:45 P .04/04
Page 3 of 9

h u t 634 AM on Thursday, September 9,2010, ORl In the M31A Unlt, responded to a radlo call for e
motor vehlds d d e n t at CommonwsalthAw. L GlouS!!?iBoston.
Upon arrival ow
fl r
obsermd (NJ Reg. YM752 a black Audl Sa stopped In the lnteraactlon of Glwmnter St and the
outbound slde of Commomvealth Ave. The veh de wea Unoccupied at thie time and had frontsnd damaga. Also
present was MA Reg. 28KRQl a red Memry Villager, mlnivan, poaltlonedjust Glouceeter St. In tho Idlane of
Commame& Awnt-n d
), m w h ~ had e
Inside. Both vehldss ad current and acthre r q l s t r a !
a* damags and ad vlcthn- , all
, r
Baston Rm u n h €39,L15, and DO4 !@re on acene and utlllzed the 'Jaws of
mlnlvanb mofin order b eoc(rlcab vldm Rodrlgues.
were able b cult the-mlnlvanpdor,and were stending by

' ' ~ . ~ doWn

had dllllculty melntalnl eye-contact and stated that he was the o rator of the mlnlvan. and
l ~Commomceal(h
waa rsen and he pmceeded at whlch Ume hls vehlde wes struck on tho pa
Ave. 18ound. As he appmeched Oloucsater St e dalrned the M c sl nal
er Me b Ue,- ~ u d lwhch
wss lraveflng d m ~loucuster-was bund to have a current and% &a drive& Ilwnse.
The operator of the Audl,-
had no dslble I uties and was being evaluated by Boston EMS. He stated
reUn the Au on Qloumater St toward '20mmonwealthAve. and the traMc slgnal llght wes green.
the mhhran a~ssedInto has
Asheante the1
P from CommonwealthAve., atwhlch tlrne he
attempted to swrve, but wee unable to. HISvehlcle struclc e passenger side of the m l n h n m was found to
have a current and aclhre MA drive& Ilmnse.
OlRmr observed that the traffic slgnel II M at the corner of Commonwealih Ave. and Gloucaster St,located on the I
canter medlan sbi of Commonweatth ve. had be knocked down, prently b the vehldes Just&r they mlllded.
V l c t l m . d a e 4 a t e dthat as she wee walldna her does down l o u d r& toward Beacon St. she was
Iwalllna b cmZ'EKaulbound lanes of Cornmonw&tth A 6 She dld observe that the cmsswalk Ilaht slanaled that It 'I
was to cmss Commonwealth Ave., whlch Is an lndlcator th& Commonwealth Ave. had the re2 llgEHerd s
IpUlledback on t*lr leashes In hesMon and at that r n a o n t h l vehldes llded h the on.ubeaqw&
sldldno the tramc slenal lloM and kncddne t to the around, alone wlth v l d l She dld not have anv vlslble

evaluated bv Boston EMS. She &ed that she wouldfoliow up with h
.. : . ' .

then slam Into the ballc slgnal llght, takln

entlre pole down end barely i n lvldm
~ s unable to see what color me trsffic rlgnal
were In elther d l e o n . ,
hlcle down Cornmnweatth Aye. Inbound he had
an was heading outbound on ~mmonwoahhAve, and
was unable to see what =lor the M c slgnal l i g k

IB m n EMS P-2 and A-16 were on a n e and vldlm-was

H m n b l In sarlous wndltlon bv A-16.
tranapxW to Brlgham (L Women's

m e m l n h n was towed by O'Shea's Towln Servlce, dalm #4036 end the Audl was towed by Stadlum Auto Body.
dalm #4874. Form 2012 and brm ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 c o r n p 1and e d llne n M e d (Bellew). D9Ol (Sgt Rldge) notnted and
0 t tow
Crlme Scene Responne units VD56 (Connoliy) and d 6 7 (McCar&hy) responded to the scene and took hotographs.
Det 1.Connoll also responded to the scene and to the hospltal to check on vlctlmrscondltlon. w A&
Invdgator, $car Vlncant ~ d d u dIssued
. o~eratorLudaem Rodtiaues. MA dtatlon # M2404428. fortallure to atoa 1

Requested by : 11 175 Roquestwd on : 09/08/2010 03:10:39PM

TOTfiL P. 84

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