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Volume VIII.

% €ahmmbt
Georgia State College for Women, Milledgeville, Ga., Tuesday, May 23, 1933

Swimming Party Popular Speakers Committee From Herty Medal To Be Council Presents
Awarded By C ub Musical Revue
Honors Seniors For Commencement University Gives
Annual Junior-Senior En- PASTOR, AND W. T. ANDER- Vesper Program U. S. DOING MOST DISTINC- Harriet Trapnell, Selected
tertainment Takes Place TELEGRAPH, TO DELIVER WILL BE HONORED BY b y Student B o d y ,
at Echetah Country ADDRESSES. Abit Nix, of Athens, Is CHEMISTY CLUB. Reigns as Queen of The
Club. Principal Speaker. Sea.
Rev. J. E. Sammons, D. D.. On next Friday evening at
pastor of the Vineville Baptist A deputation committee from eight o'clock, the Georgia division The opening curtain of Activity
Originality, variety, and deli- of the American Chemical So-
the University of Georgia Y. M.
cious food, wrapped up in a won. Church in Macon will deliver the ciety will meet for the purpose Council's "Cinderella of the Sea"
C. A. visited the campus Sunday
derful time, marked the event 01 Baccalaureate Sermon at the ser_ night at the vesper hour. Mr. of awarding the Herty medal, folded back before a large aud.
the Junior party for the Senior vices Sunday, June 4, and Mr. W. Edward Secrest, Y. M. C. A. sec- given by the Chemistry Clu!< lence last Saturday night, May
class Monday evening. T. Anderson, editor and publish- retary at Georgia, was in charge of G. S. C. W. for the most dis. 20, to reveal Miss Harriet Trap-
er of the Macon Telegraph, will of the deputation committee, tinctive chemical research done nell, who was selected by the
The Juniors and Seniors met at in the Southeastern United States.
and Mr. Abit Nix, a prominent
six o'clock t 0 go to the Echtab give the address at the gradua- The medal is 18 karat gold student body to be queen of the
lawyer of Athens was the prin.
country club in buses and car,:,. tion exercises Monday. June 5, cipal speaker, Deupree Hunnicutt and weighs one ounce troy. On sea, seated on her throne. Around
When the guests arrived a de- Dr. Sammons is a native Geor„ of Athens and Claude Green of the front is a bust of Dr. Herty. her were gathered her court of
lightful swim in the club pool gian, a graduate of Mercer Un- Clayton were the other speakers. the date of the first medal. 1933 aermaids and her gargoyle court,
iversity, and has held pastor- Morgan Goodhart, of Adairsville, and in raised letters, "Pro Scien- jester.
was enjoyed. The pool could be and John Bond of Toccoa, were in tia et Patria."—For Science and
compared to a school of porpoisci ates in several cities of the state charge of the program. Country. The back will have With this as the opening scene,
when all the girls were in it. before coming to Macon. He is engraved on it the name of the the plot developed, dramatizing
The program was opened by a the story of a sad sea.queen whose
Games, contests, ''duckings," and president of the Georgia Baptist '•bant, -The Lord is in His Holy winner.
The visitng members will be anxious and devoted subjects
diving exhibitions marked the Convention and is a popular and Temple," sung by the G. S. C. W. tried in vain to make her happy
delightful preacher and speaker. choir. Margaret K. Smith presi- the. guest of the Doctors Acad-
events at the pool. amy and the Chemistry Club at an again. Choruses of octopus, jelly,
Mr. Anderson, also a native of dent of the "Y" on the campus fish, sword-fish, shells and
After a swim, refreshments made an introductory speech wel- afternoon tea from five to six,
consisting of chicken salad, rais_ Georgia, has been with the Ma. given in the Boxwood gardens of sponges danced before their love,
coming the visitors. Morgan ly ruler, but she only grew more
in and nut sandwiches, cheese con Telegraph since 1888. His ed- Goodhart introduced the speaker•? famous old "Westover Planta_
tion,'' which is now being re- melancholy, until finally a drown-
straws, olives and pickles, and itorials are clear, concise, and and acted as chairman, ed sea.god was dragged in. AH
punch and Bettys were served ~ ' The first talk, given by Deu_ stored. At six-thirty those at_
forceful. He has served as pres- the inhabitants of the briny deep
Each plate had a little banner pree Hunnicutt, was on ''Indif- tending the meeting will be the
ident of the Board of the Sixth guests of the college at a ban- tried to revive him, but their. ef_
y with.a "J" or "S" on it, the ference, Our Attitude Towards
District A. and M. School of quet given in the old Mansion, forts were fruitless until the
seniors tatking the plates with the God." His talk was made definite queen kissed the unconscious
Barnesville- and as a member,ot and impressive by the concrete' honoring Dr. Herty and the win.
"J's," and the juniors, the "S's." ner of the medal. Both honor- young god. He then came to life,
the Bibb County Board of Edu_ examples he used. He pointed nnd all was well.
The orchestra that played at out that religion today was a oes are to address the meeting.
the dance Mr. Fowler gave three cation since 1908, The entire revue was dram-
matter of form, something that
weeks ago played from eight- atized with unusual talent, the
thirty to eleven for the dance in CLASS OF 1913
one did in his spare time. That HEALTH MAJORS acting being among the best
is not as it should be, for Gou ENTERTAINED
the club house. The idea for seen here this year. The stage,
the decorations of the club house
PLANS REUNION should have the whole of one'*
decorated to present a remark-
being. The senior health majors were
centered around the theme of a The class of 1913 is making able likeness of the bottom of the
yacht and the sea. A gangplank "A Challenge to Duty" was the entertained by Mrs. Henry Stew- sea, made an attractive back,
took the place of the steps to preliminary plans for a class re- topic discussed by Claud Green. art Wootten at her home, Mon- ground for the symbolic costumes
the terrace, which was decorated union to be held at an early date He brought to mind that the of the players. The original
challenge which sent the Arth- day afternoon, May 15,
to represent the deck of a yacht, A committee consisting of local dances and music, composed by
urian knights in search of the The house was beautifully dec. Emily Renfroe and Margaret K.
and the walls of the club house, members of the class, Katherine
scenes from a yacht trip in the K, Scott, Marie Stembridge Ech- Holy Grail is still a challenge to orated with spring flowers, and Smith, were appropriate to the
tropics. Mural crepe gaper de- the youth of the world. In mod... the ''green and white" color scene, and brought forth much
signs of flying fish on foam_ ols, Winnie Perry Conn, and Gus_ am phrasing the challenge is to scheme was carried out in the interest and praise from the
flecked waves, a harvest moon sie H. Tabb sent cards to other (Continued on Back Page) audience.
rising behind the palms on a ! members of the class asking if Added features to the program
Miss Louise Smith received at
desert island, sailors dancing the j they wanted a reunion. The were a dance by Emily Renfroe's
hornpipe, and ships abreast curl.. committee is pleased with the Tea Room Contest the door and Mrs. Wootten, Miss- "little sister," and a duet by Bet-
ing waves transformed the club | es Agnes DeVore, Emily Cham- ty Watt and Laura Lambert.
house into a veritable cruise, The responses and everybody thinks Results Given out pion, Farise Parsons, Carrie The managers of the revue
orchestra was in a, life boat, and it is a good idea. Hitchcock, Louise Marsh, Lois seemed pleased with the large
the stewards wore yachting uni- A next letter was sent out by proceeds, part of which will be
Calihan and Blanch Welch com.
forms. a group in Augusta; Maggie Committee Reports No posed the receiving line. Misses used to send one of the members
The program followed the same Videtto White, Sadie Reese, Ruby Suitable Name Sub- of Activity Countil to the Blue
idea, also. The four tap.dancers Johnson Horton, May Holmes, Agnes Scott, Frances Thaxton, Ridge "Y" Conference this sum-
wore yachting suits, and their and Margaret Colson Hurst.
mitted. Marie Parker, and Elizabeth Har- mer.
dance was based on the tradition, One of the graduates who is ris assisted in serving and Miss-
The following statement was
al hornpipe. The dancers were very enthusiastic over the reun- issued by the judges of the tea es Louise Hatcher and Irene Far_ H. E. MAJORS GIVES
Amelia Burrus, Mary Posey, Mar- ion, wrote this: ren presided at the punch bowl.
garet Hefferman, and Evelyn •'We shall be pleased with any- room naming contest last Friday TREASURE HUtft
after a meeting to decide the Many friends called during the
Turner. Laura Lambert sang sev. thing that you decide to do. We
winner. afternoon. The Home Economics Club en-
eral popular selections, and Ma- shall interpret things in terms
"Upon careful consideration of tertained the senior home eco_
belle Swann did a solo tap dance. of ourselves, have a good time,
each name submitted, the com- nomic majors at a treasure hunt
and come home happier and even
mittee decided that no name was Dean Scott To Deliver
HISTORY CLUB HAS lives—the more satisfied with our own Monday afternoon.
single ones glad they suitable. The committee reserv_ Commencement Address
After following clues, the
LAST MEETING (Continued on Back Page) es the privilege of retaining the
treasure, a chest of "gold," was
present name of the tea-room Dean Edwin H. Scott, of Geor-
The History Club held its fin- which is 'The College Tea Room'.'* found at Fishing Creek by Betty
gia State College for Women, ha3
al meeting of the year when it Reconnaissance Club Inasmuch as Elizabeth Edwards accepted an invitation to deliver
Gaissert. A bag of "money" was
given each senior present. They
entertained with a most unique Elects New Officers of 51 Enni s submitted the name
the baccalaureate address at the were Kat Hodges, Betty Gaissert,
and interesting party. The club "G, S. C. W. Tea Room," which
members met at 5:30 on Thurs- The Reconnaissance Club of graduating exercises of Americus Velma Cleveland, Chan Parker,
is practically the same as the
day, May 11, and rode out to the the geography department held Normal College, one of the few Margaret Farguson, Ruth Chesh-
present,, Miss Tabb invites her
end of the track on the dummy, a call meeting last Friday after- institutions retained in the Uni_ ire and Margaret Muse.
to come down to the tea room
that funny little train street car noon fo r the purpose of electing and receive a ''set-up" in recogni- versity system. Late in the afternoon refresh-
affair that runs out to the san_ the officers for next year. After tion. Dean Scott is one of the state's ments consisting of ham sand,
-T ' itarium. a short business meeting, the Miss Tabb stated that the con- leading educators and has given wiches, potato salad, tea, and
After the amusing trip out following officers were elected: test will be opened again in the years of study to the problems cookies were served.
there, the members stopped for Kathryn Johnson, president; Mar- fall, and asks each girl to be of education. He is one of the Twenty-five girls, chaperoned
a deliicous picnic supper at a garet Wenzel, vice_president; Sa- thinking of a clever and suggest, best qualified men in the state by Miss Hall and Miss Hasslock
spring, returning to the campus rah Skinner, secretary; and Otera ive name for the tea room in the and his address to the graduates joined in the search for the treas-
at seven. Jackson, treasurer. meantime. will be of importance. ure.
word is never spoken. _i,uuid not be as happy a one as that of en_ V A W A ' . W A W . ' . W V . V A
The Colonnade Then we wouid say to you, be persistant. gaieer-statesman, educator-statesman, or ev_
.Nothing is impossible if desire is grea.. on pulitician_statesman. J Campus Crusts i A
oiiough. And be temperate. It is, oh, F>O It would be a splendid step forward, both J
culturally and governmeritally speaking, if
oasy to find oneself surrounded by so man,
things to do, so many clubs to join, so man;.
..tudies to follow. It is so easy, while chasiiv
-lore political leaders could follow Secretary
Woodin's example and show an active in-
i Hill 1

fireflies to miss the splendor of a rising . crest in some form of art. I FOR WE ALUMNAE FOR G.S.C.W. t
i 1 1 1 1 1 1 Will 1
Published Weekly By Students of The
And lastly, be tolerant. - How often w^
have judged, and wrongly, because we die
not know. No two persons are created ex-
The Children's Bureau of the Labor De-
partment has issued a new bulletin entitled Mrs. Hines Honored Do,iotliy Ellis And PERSONALS
Corner Hancock and Clark Sts. actly alike. How can we know the why'r "Facts About Juvenile Delinquency, Its Pre- Through the Week On Mothers' Day Prances Dunwoody Miss Alice Alford of Laurence-
Milledgeville, Ga. and wherefore's that lie behind the pecul.. vention and Treatment." The statistics are
With the Mrs. Nelle Womack Hines
Give Recital ville, Georgia, was the guest of
based on figures from nineteen courts of law Miss Elizabeth DeShong recent.
"Entered as second-class »natter October iarities of any one personality? How can vvas honored three times during The junior piano-forte recital
SO, 1928, at the post office M'I'pd'reville, we interpret the actions of those to whotr "erving populations of 100,000 or more. .he week centering around Moth- of Miss Dorothy Ellis and Miss iy. • • •
Ga., under the Act of March 3, 1879." "he faculty has been consider- Frances Dunwoody was given
we are so close, and yet so far away? The bulletin urges acceptance of the new er s Day by the Milledgeville Gar- Miss Rebecca Butt of Atlanta
SUBSCRIPTION HATE ing candidates for degrees this Tuesday evening at seven o'clock was the guest of her sister Miss
$1.00 Per Year point of view toward delinquency recom. den Ciub, the Milledgeville Music
^».nu so w.ui these we leave you;' iher. past week and all candidates show in the auditorium. Louise Butt, for the week end.
mended by the delinquency committee uf symptoms of St. Vitus Dance. If Club, and Mrs. Bernice Brown
EDITORIAL STAFF .& iio sentiment. Perhaps I brush a tea. By A FRESHMAN Each student presented five • * •
the White House Conference on Child Health you have any doubts as to the i.acCullar's Bible Study class at numbers, including selections
Editor-in-Chief Dorothy Maddox away as I take this form from my type- Mr. and Mr. W. M. Pope of At-
•eracity of this statement, look Our freshman year at college J. S. C. W. from Bach and Mozart. Besides lanta were the guests of Misr,
Managing Editor Claudia Keith writer. But it is only for a moment. Beyoru. and Protection. around and see if you can't sing- has passed. We now turn our The Garden Club, of which she these Ellis rendered ''May Night" Christine Goodson last Sunday.
News Editor Alice iJri:> While stating that '"there is no single le out the young hopefuls and by Miss Palmgren and Rebekoff's
lies a whole new unconquered world. W, thoughts to gay, happy summer has been president since its or_ • « •

Associate Editor Jonibel Stevens

Reporters- threw to you the key to the gate through caur.e of delinquency," it declares that the fearfuls by uncertain palpitations when we shall be free from ganization, honored her by sing- "Marche." Her last number Miss Marie Parker spent last,
other than cardiac. '"Benetian Barcarolle," from God. week end with her parents in
Helen Emits, Frances Holsenbeck, Pauline which we pass—and go out with singing foundations of delinquent behavior are often thoughts of classes, term papers, ing her newest song "Bream
Reynolds, Virginia Tanner, Mary New that boiled corn is again Garden," composed and dedicated ard was exemplary of master of Atlanta.
Louise Dunn, Althea Smith, VVilma hearts. laid in early childhood. A few of the con_ in season psychology majors have and exams. to the Garden Clubs of Georgia technique and delicate touch. • • * * --.ear Miss Mix-up,
Proctor. tributing factors listed are: unhappy home a new subject to dwell amongst. As we pause to look back over as their Bicentennial Garden song, In a very capable manner Miss Mrs. A. L. Glass and her dau- I am going with a college boy
Y. W. C. A. Editor Eulalie McDowell the year, have we gained any. ?„nd sung for the first time at the ghter, Mrs. T. J. Durrett of At. .hat I love dearly and also with
Alumnae Editor Lavonia Newman conditions, failure of parents to understand Jus' look around the table an' Dunwoody played Sinding's '•Ser-
a rich old millionaire whom I
Do You Know That see if you can tell what thoughts, thing? Speaking of the fresh- -tate convention in Columbus. enade" which was followed by lanta were the guests of Miss
the child, ignorance of methods of child if any, occupy the fertile minds man class through freshmen Mrs. Edgar Long sang it at the ..espise in spite of his money.
BUSINESS STAFF Sherwood Anderson once threw the man_ •'Sous Bpis" from Staub. A fit- Nan Glass last Sunday.
Business Manager Mai'jorie Enni, ^raining and character development on tin ff corn.chewers. Eyebrows go council we can say we have gain- Garden Club meeting and also at ting climax came with the ren_ • » * lease advise me.
uscript of an entire novel out of a train part of parents, association with ''gangs," up in an effort to increase ora- ed much in our two main proj. the Milledgeville Music Club dition of Polanaise" by Macdowell. Miss Billie Jennings spent la~t All-in_a-trance
Elizabeth Wakeford, Bennice Johnston, window because he was disgusted with it? cular capacity, but with little ects. , • J. :*i i program, of which she is presi- Closing the splendid program week end at her home in Augus- ..iy dear,
-'-'pfatipfaction and maladjustment in school. success. Ask L. Carter.
Patty Soinerour. The desire for play has been dent, at the old Governor's Man_ was an arrangement for two pia- ta. Come out of the trance. It's
Exchange Editor Louise Mannheim Konrad Bercovici gets up at six every -1 moralized commercial amusements and Another l'il girl has matri- met through the recreational sion recently. nos, '-Minuet and Gavotte." by St. • « * all very simple. Marry the col-
Advertising Manager Irene Farran ;.aorning and writes until noon? other factors. monial prospects—Dorothy Hinton groups. The faculty members Saens. M:«?s Gene Mason and Mrs. A lege boy and send the million.
Mrs. W. F. Little, a member of B. Mason, of Atlanta, visited
Advertising Assistant Katie Israel aserts that she didn't get' edu_ have gladly and willingly given the Garden Club, also honored In this both Miss Dunwoody Miss Frances Holsenbeck last aire's address to me. I need heart
Gamaliel Bradford wrote- novels for eight It offers many suggestions toward a com- balm!
Circulation Manager Sue MamilieUi ated for nothing and she has their time for our hikes and par- Mrs. Hines by naming a beauti- and Miss Ellis acquitted them-
Circulation Assistants— cars before discovering he was a biograph- plete preventive program, a few of which no intentions of becoming a ties. In this way the girls have ful pale pink rose with a deli- Wednesday. Dear Miss Mix-up,
selves in an excellent manner. • • •
Frances Dixon, Grace Paulk, Mildred er? are the following: organized facilities for teacher—not at present, anyway. been able to know the interesting cate yellow center for her, to be I have a date every night in
Parker, Leona Shepherd, Ague* Mc- historical places around Milledge- known as the ''Nelle Hines Rose." Miss Louise Hatcher was the the week and all the boys spend
Millan, Martha Phillips, Vivian Yates, James Branch Cabell makes no carbon constructive use of leisure time for both Ion Voyage to another fair dam_ FRESHMEN COLUMN gMest of Miss Doodle Conine at all their money on me. I can't
p,el setting (to sea and to see. ville. We have become better
Mary Posey. copy of his manuscript, and the one that parents and children, education of parents Wonder what Lelia plans to do? The Bible Study class honored her Home in Forest Park, Geor- help it if I'm so popular can I?
acquainted with our classmates
this beloved Milledgeville woman My dearest Ma, gia, last week end. Would you call me a flirt?
goes to the printer is the only one? :i child care and training, the early diag_ You can't keep a good junior and have learned to love and
L' Envoi and laeinber of the G. S. C. W. There ain't no news, but I'll • * •
Dated Angel
-.osis of-'behavior problems, social work "n an' senior class down even if the appreciate them more. ;
Warwick Deeping has a degree from a faculty on Mother's Day in a write you a couple of pages <f Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Ingram of
BY A SENIOR detriment is adolescents of un- With the help of the entire program featuring poems from words that I hope make a little Why Angel,
medical school? •rhools, child study departments and clinics, LaGrange, Georgia, visited their
usual perversity. An*—jus' to class we have attempted to make aer book "Home Keeping Hearts," sense. If they don't, I'll be ter- No, your'e not a flirt! The
rducational and vocational guidance, basic prove that a good time can be •laughter, Mary Alice, last Sun..
We stand now at the edge of a world. Mazo de la Roche studied to be an illus- honesty a greater reality. Through and her music and songs. Eleanor ribly sorry; but we'll blame it on word's GENIUS.
day. . ,
\icoir.e adequate to insure minimum living had by all when such a detriment continued effort we feel that this Bearden was in charge of the the new radio that Murray Tire • • • Lotta
Soon we shall, graduating, pass from it intc. 'ra.tor and uses her old drawing board to project will ultimately affect the program, and gave a beautiful Co. has tuned in so prettily. Ya' Dear Miss Mix-up,
another universe—from which there is no write on ? ; standards, the solution of the unemployment is thwarted, the Junior.Senior whole college. Council and the talk on Mrs. Hines as the modern know that's the filling station week end with her parents in
Miss Viola James spent last
party went off with a grand an' I am a Mercer freshman, and
return. We like to think of it like that. It
i problem, etc. glorious splash unrivaled by class feel deeply grateful to mother, one whose service does just across from the jail, and my girl friends simply ''adore"
jonu .urmkwater sold insurance for twelve Atlanta.
Let us remove the cause of many of our previous ones. Even the darling Christine Goodson and Miss Polly not end when her children are, we can hear it so plain. When • • • orchids, cause they are so rare. I
signifies progress, the continual moving .years to earn his living? Moss for thei r service to us, and grown up and gone away, but that announcer says ''This is W. can't afford them, so what must
daughter was unhindered. All of Mrs. Alva Moore, of Griffin,
forward of things. But there are lessons we V. Scott Fitzgerald wrote street car ad_ social and educational problems. The cause which reminds us that poplar we feel that our success has •eaches out into the community S. B. the Atlanta Journal. At. was the guest of Miss Martha I do ?
have learned that we should like to leave vertisements for ninety dollars a month? is ignorance of principal facts in education trees are more popular this sea- been partly due to their assis. and world. Lillian Jordan sang ] anta. Georgia." a funny feeling Ann Moore Saturday. Collegiate
and child training in both the home and the son for hanging ones raiment tance. one of Mrs. Hines' songs, Grace goes all over me, and I suddenly • • • Lo, Collegiate,
for those who must be taught, for the learn, Isa Gleen studied art with James Mac- Orchids are scarcer than girl
upon so hickories are destined to —Mary Faver Creel gave a prayer for Mothers. want to be at home. That s all Miss Sue Mansfield spent the
ing is sometimes cruel. Neill Whistler, who was her cousin? school. The solution is light and yet more friends!
desertion. Mildred Connell and Josephine right tho' on account of I'll bs week end at her home in Macon.
Most I shall say will be ignored with the Paul Green was once proclaimed one of light on both subjects.—Ex. Lotta
Speaking'of orange kangaroos, Faculty Members On Fortson read two of her poems, there soon. Do you realize that
Dear Miss Mix.up,
beautiful, impractical self-confidence thai, the champion cotton pickers of his county ? how do you like the quarter sys-
tem? It won't, be many a long
Music Club Program and Evelyn Wheat played one of when I do get there that I'll be CHICKEN TO BE
her piano selections. under your nose to pester you I want to thank you, and so
Have You a Goal'? for four weeks. How in the \vnv\\ SERVED IN TEA ROOM
we all bring with us into the collegiate DuBose Heyward worked at the wharve; • II. M—W
does lovey-dovey, for your won-
year before the Egyptians recog. The annual open ^meeting of The Scripture was read by
world. Yet perhaps a word will be caught in Charleston as a checker, in a cotton ware- are you going to stand it, u\\ ? derful advice. We are happily
Now that the end of the college year ap- nize the wisdom of the nation the Milledgeville Music Club was Clara Bedillion, after which Mrs. To cheer the spirits of those married all • because of your ad_
up into the panorama of the thoughts of house ? proaches and a large body of students will and adopt and adapt it also. held in the Mansion Tuesday ev- McCullar talked on the Mothers I heard the nicest thing the who would take exams seriously, vice. Always remember that you
some one person and the writing of this be Maurice Maeterlinck records and catalog, However, where are some of those ening. Many music lovers were of the Bible. other day. It sounded exactly the tea room has prepared a Ut-
receive degrees and diplomas, have you set courses we've been planning to have our undying love and ap-
justified. ues his dreams? i, goal toward which you can work in your take for the past millennium.
invited to this meeting as guests Sara Stembridge then presented like something that you read opian menu and program for preciation.
of the club. The following de- Mrs. Hines with a beautiful about in stories, but that realiy May 26. All will be as it should Newlyweds
From four long years, we, the seniors, sa;v A. A. Milne's Christopher Robin has re- summer activities? Passed an' extinct as well as ob- lightful program was given, basket of flowers from the en- never ^happens. There's a nice be and that, of course, is as you
solete, no doubt. Dear Newlyweds,
to you: first, be interested. There is nc cently been recognized as one of the six It has been said that college students members of the college faculty tire class. and very thoughtful jrirl that desire it, Thanks a great deal for them
most famous children of today? We express a sincere hope that taking part: keeps a vase of fresh flowers on Even Mr. Ripley would be pleas- kind words, but I'd wait a while
greater paying investment than interest. Bc- think only of good times and social func.. the St, Vitusians will be entirely Last Sunday at the meeting of a certain teacher's desk, As yet
Don Juan Minuet—Mozart. the class, Mrs. Hines presented she doesn't know who this uicc ed to hear that FRIED CHICK. to thank me! You never know
interested in your school work. If you arc Julia Peterkin did not begin to write un- tions during their sojourn at college. Is recovered by the time leap year Sundown—Borshehiem. each of the one hundred and eighty person is, but in return she; leaves EN will lead all diners to ecsta- what'll happen in these troubled
not, you are in the wrong place. Find out •il she was forty? this true of you or are working to realize rolls aroun' again. Peabody Violin Club tic outbursts. Not only that, times!
members with a little folder that her notes. Last Wednesday she
more about your course, like it or change Obviously ours, The Wind's in the South—Scott, had ''Dear little me at the age of but orchestra music will be play- Cheerfully,
material good from your studies? Are you enclosed a white linen hankie in
Merry Moude Mrs. Edgar Long three" on it, and her poem "Ap- a note. Being's as I've iost all ed throughout the afternoon. Lotta
it. You're here to learn, not make honor A Happy Combination '•aiming" to set yourself above the common Sonata Opus No. 2—Beethoven, nreciation," both of which were Now is the time to, begin sav. Phillup Space, ole pal,
points. You can't carry with you always a It is unusual and delightful to find a lead- herd of life, or are you planning to draft OFFICERS NAMED Fen Follet—Jungmann. of mine (hankies,) I think I'll ing your pennies! What is more So you tried my advice and
taken from her book "Home take her some posies myself.
slip of paper loaded down with A's. Make er in government and politics who is also with them? IN HEALTH CLUB Miss Mary Louise Cox Keeping Hearts." satisfying than fried chicken as now want a lawyer! The grad-
One Fine Day—Puccini. The freshies went out on the an alternative for examinations uating classes are full of the
your head useful for purposes other than actively interested in some artistic field. No one can instill ideals in you if you your- bleechers Thursday morning to i and what is more soothing than
The Health Club held a call Mrs. L. P. Longino budding crop this year, so attend
preventing the unrevealing of your spinal Secretary Woodin has recently proved nis self are not willing to accept those ideals, business meeting in Mrs. Wooten's Viennese Melody—Heuberger. MINIATURE CIRCUS see the cutest poney, dog, pig. music? the exercises and pick but your
and what have you show. Those
cord. 1 T^i'-f. musical talent anew and demonstrated the if you assume the attitude that those who classroom Wednesday afternoon, Kreisler.
ON CAMPUS animals did some catchy stunts.
type. And—halfance on the ali_
Gavotte—Beethoven, Arr. by money!
And be interested in something "beside.", possibility of efficiently attending to ex_ ?eem concerned in your future are intruding May 17. The following officers
Kramer. As Eilene has always been the Group Enjoys Outdoor Thine,
were elected for next year: pres- A free-for-all circus held sway doubting kind, she stood there Breakfast
your work. Four years is a long time to ecutive duties and at the same time finding in your affairs, Remember, that no one can
ident, Irene Farren; vice presi- Miss Horsbrough Lotta
on the basketball court May 18 and gazed at the ringleader's
spend inside these college walls. If you don't opportunity for aesthete self-expression. create a goal for you. You must do that dent, Louise Hatcher; second The Old Refrain—Kreisler.
during the few minutes after every move. It makes her per- The college orchestra, chape-
get an occasional look from the windows the yourself. You must work with an aim in vice.president, Betty Watt; sec- Trees—Rasbach. Nelle Edwards Named
There have been political leaders before chapel. fectly furious to watch trick roned by its director, Miss HQrs-
retary, Eloise Ellzey; treasurer, Mrs. W. Y. Mason
world will be a strange place when you whose avocation was some phase of art, and view though that aim be so high that at
Mary Sawyer; chairman of pub- Venetian Barcarolle—Godard. Leading £he one ring show nets, because she's always too brugh and also Miss Annette Editor "The Wesleyan"
times it seems useless to seek it, Miss Jenkins was a Shetland pony which ac. slow to see how its done. Steele, enjoyed a delightful break,
emerge. But more important than these, be it has usually been found true that these licity, Billy Hawington; chairman
Dream Garden—Nelle Womaclc cording to rumor, one could put I fnre-ot to tell you about the at- fast at camel's hump last Satur- Nelle Edwards, who was a stu-
interested in the girls with whom you are leaders are more capable and efficient in at- Probably no person has reached adulthood of Bulletin, Julia Riley; and in one's pocket. Probably an Aus-
chairman of social committee, Hines. tractive visitor that we had on day morning, May 13. The party dent at G. S. C. W. last year, has
daily thrown. Never again will the chance tending their official duties because of -this w ' ^ r u t hearing these words: tin model pony. In addition to the our campus several welcs ago. It left the campus at seven o'clock been named editor of "The Wes-
Margaret Johnson.
come to you to live so closely to so many other interest. Participation in music, paint, "A man's reach should exceed his grasp We wish to express ,our ap- forementioned, there were dogs was Mn.da.Hne Provano's Mother. and returned at nine. leyan," the literary magazine of
people of your same age and interests. There ing and writing seems to be refreshing, rest- Or what's a heaven for?" Old styles are being seen again preciation to our friends for their and pigs of unusual ability—vo* She was the cutest trick. Little Those attending were Miss There- Wesleyan College.
in New York—the shirtwaist has XT'any kind exDressions of sympa- cal ability. nrettv, and full of'fun. I think sa Pyle, Ella Dalley, Natalie Pur_
may be rich and beautiful friendships that ful, and broadening. There is no reason Set your goal, work toward it, and be thy at the illness and death of At any rate, the different seen ^ e played "Just Like Me" with dom, Ruth Hill. Louise Butt, Ani- No plan to restore prosperity-
returned to Fifth Avenue and
need but a word to unfold. How often the why the combination of artist-statesman happy in your work. the bustle to Wall srteet. ' our beloved goldfish. "Shorty." ery was a pleasant change and Mat for three days, for she did ta Worth, Ebbia Nicholas, Jane will work if the people can't.-—
Gent and Monk an amusing one. (Continued on l a c k Page) Cowan, and Loretta Wright. Norfolk Virginia-Pilot.
University Committee CLASS OF 1913 Agnes Smith Wins BIRD STUDY CLASS ( I'se nebber gwine steal a chicken
no mo
Presents 'Vesper Program PLANS EEUNION Menu Contest ON BREAKFAST HIKE Why a t t e r yer git 'em, dey's don'
i eat so good,
(Continued From Front Page) (Continued From Front Fag;*') A contest in the freshmen The Friday morning section i Cause dar's a rettilootion day a-
'go search and find the aiuv» are not married and tied down foeds laboratory classes to plan, of bird study enjoyed a break- comin' sho
to the problems of peace, vvonu by famihe.s; the married on.-;, fast hike last 'Friday morning. When Massa's gwine git yo' block
prepare, and serve an attractive
felowship, and acceptance of pitying the single ones because T h e class left the campus at 6:00 ob wood.
they do not know what it is tc luncheon was woi by Agnes
Christ. hiked to the river, and had break, I'KC nebber gwine fish on Sunday
wash little dirty faces, bind lit. .irdth of Miss Morris' section.
Abit Nix spoke of the reason fast there. Many interesting no mo,
for education. He asked several tie fingers while you kiss away .he winning class, was to have birds were noted during the hike. Cayse anyhow, yer nebber git a
potent questions. '•why is it the tear;:; those who have six or its menu served in the practice bite,
Members of the class are Mary
necessary to be educated? Why more children will feel sorry for .lome and also published. An' de Lord's gwine git me, 'm
Jane .Lane, Margaret Edwards,
not grow up like savages? Why those who did not round out the jes sho
Miss Smith's menu, judged the Edith Perry, Ruth Davis, Louise
do our fathers and mothers spend -iozen, and those who have only And dar'll be ghosts providiu'
best by Mrs. Effie Pieratte, Mrs. Lipford, Leola Keese, Mary Jones,
thousands of dollars for our two will never understand why roun' at night.
Mary Mildred Wynn. Althea
our education and why do w-.v those same ones didn't put a per- J. M. Hall, and Miss Lila Lee I'se made enuff ob dese brokable
! Smith, Marie Parker, Mildred
spend twenty yoars becoming ed- od after the second one, and talk "iiddell, was as follows: potato re-solves,
Connel, Blanche Cook, Pauline
ucated?" As an answer to thes- cf quality and not quantity—I :alad, potted ham and olive For dey sho is brokable to be
Derrick, and Alice Brim. Misr,
rhetorical questions he made the admit the Roman matron, Cor„ i sho
sandwiches, sliced torna,toes, ice Mabel Roger?., teacher of the
statement that an education made nelia, couldn't hold a candle to Ef I didn't broke 'em, I'd be
...wX pudding, and tea. class, accompanied the group.
one more efficient. ••Education,'• me if I had a chance to display , shootin' above de stars,
he said, is a public trust to fit my two jewels. Oh, there will bs Nebber to cum back, Nebber no
lots of fun for everybody if we Edna Bilderback Heads UNCLE JOSH'S RESOLUTIONS
us to advance the human mo!
race and make the world a bet- aren't too busy telling about our
own to listen to the other per_
Commerce Club I'se nebber gwine drink no mo,
ter place to live. The purpose
no mo,
of man is to live that he ma*/ :on." The last meeting for this year
serve the country in which he
lives and the God whose banner MEW COMMISSION
was held by the Commerce Club
on Thursday afternoon at 5:33
I'se gwine lay off dat man_killiu'
Why Ian' sakes alive, it'll kill yer
he should carry,"
ENTEETAINS OLD for the purpose of electing next sho, CLEAN WITH SNOW
The program closed with the What den? Why you'll fer ebber
congregation singing "Day i.« New sophomore commission en-
year's officers. The results of the
And be Pleased
election were as follows: presi..
Dving in the West" and Mr. Se_ tertained old sophomore com-
cerst dismissed the group with a mission with a hike to Calloway dent, Edna Bilderback; vice-
I'se nebber gwine cuss my Sally
prayer. president, Lillian Jordan; secre- no mo,
! woods Monday afternoon, May
Before vespers the old sopho- ; 15. Each member of new com_ tary, Mabel Carpenter; treasurer, Cause no good comes frum it, an' THE LAWRENCE
more commission served the de- j mission had an old member as Elizabeth Pollard; and chairman dat's fer sho, SHOPPE
putation comm ; ttee supper in the j her date. of the social committee, Fran_ Why ef yer want a lickin' an' a FOR CLASS DAY—
college tea room. An exciting baseball game be- ces Stanford. high-faultin' blow, See Our New Arrival of
tween the two commissions fur- Cuss away, but I'll nebber no mo, HOSE, HATS, UNDERWEAR,
FFEBHMEN COLUMN nished entertainment. Jo Red_ Cure for Dumbness etc.—
wine and Katie Roberts were the Jack—"This liniment makes AfcE YOU GUILTY
(Continued From Third Page) captains; Miss Polly Moss, score my arm smart,"
Superfluous hair i-s a breach of
everything that we did. keeper; Margaret K. Smith, um- Joan—''Why not rub some on good taste, especially wh<?n
It's the funniest thing yet to pire; and Virginia Tanner, ref- your head?" i summer months demand scant
r-;ee Dot sitting in the sun with eree. The new commission won
her sleeves rolled up to her with a score of 7 to 0, The win_
Landlady—"A' professor for_
merry occupied this room, sir. He
covering. Fastidious women
are llockhv? to the new Con.
The Big Cone
shoulders trying so hard to tan ning team received for their invented an explosive." tinental method—DEPLILDRY
the top fourth of her arm. The victory a large piece of red stick New Roomer—''Ah! I suppose Developed by Rimniel of Paris.
No danger—no odor—no mos-
Stop by for Some
other three fourths are of the candy. those spots on the ceiling are siness. Hair varnishes quickly, GOOD CREAM
coveted brown, hut against, the After the game cold drinks and the explosive." leaving; the skin smooth, v.*!.
remaining delicate pink she looks sandwiches were served. Landlady—"No. they're the vety a r d white. Send 25c for
as if she has the jaundice. professor."—Annapolis Log. DEPLIDItY to Rlmmel, Dept.
CBL, 155 East 42nd St., New
Every one is sympathizing with Dr. Webber to Address York.
Miss O'Kelly and Miss Stella
Steelie. Miss O'Kelly has l<v=t
Toomsboro Graduates Electrik Maid
her voice entirely, while Miss Dr. George Harris Webber will
Steele has only one piece 0l- deliver the baccalaureate address
chalk tri last her two weeks. I at the graduating exercises of
c JL< tf
don't know who is worrying the T o o m s b o r o High School on May "TODAY WE LIVE" (Across From Campus)
most. 23. Dr. Webber is head of the This is the Place for Our Cakes, Cookies,
Well, fair lady, I'd better hustle extension department of Geor- With Joan Crawford Bread* & Rolls are bak-
over and make a date with my gia State College for Women Fresh Home-made
big sister for Saturday night. By and has a close interest in rural and Clark Gable- ed Fresh everyday just
the time you get this all of that education.
fun will he over, but T don't May 29 & 30
care. It will be just that much HOPE ANEW
rearer June second! I like for each enclosing night to
Every smidge of my love, come, Tennilles Bus
Your Holly Terror Bringing its thoughts X>f peace
When your soles and Fraley's
and home,
Tho' unfinished tasks are brought heels need repairing— Station A good place for the
Still another lovely morning God
Bring them to us. Going home? sick, hungry and
GO BY BUS! thirsty!
The Biology Club hiked to
A morn
doth send.
rich with promise of hope.
Rocky Creek for its final meet_
ing Saturday. and love,
Gentle and pure as a soft, white
The members waded, tramped
through the woods, then elected dove,
GRADUATION ;« You are invited to the opening of our new
tlie officers. Those elected were A. new sun which shuts out all
a.:: follows: president, Buena Kin-
ney; vice-president, Irene Par.,
ren; secretary, Bertha Hopkins;
blasted dreams,
candle lit by God's own Cards and Gifts at
Beauty Parlor—Everything brand new—The
Latest Equipment, Strictly Sanitary— i
treasurer, Dorothy Harper; social
chairman, Katie Israel; and pro-
—Janelle Jones
WOOTEN'S J The best Operations—Prices are Moderate—
gram chairman, Beatrice McCar. If you want the best, shop at
Miss Epsie Cambell E. E. BELL'S
Visits College
Beauty Shoppe ODORLESS DRY i
Miss Epsie Campbell, supervis-
Every girl wants to be CLEANERS .V,W.V.V.W»".V.'.W.V.V.VS
or of home economics in Georgia pretty!
was a visitor at G. S, C, W. on
Friday, She spoke to the student
body in chapel, and during the you? EXTENDED US.
day she wa.s interviewed by sen_
ior home economics majors who Chandler's Steinbach'is now going out of business, and an
plan to teach this subject in the COMPLIMENTS SPECIAL ON STATIONARY!
opportunity is afforded you to buy everyting
—OF— 25c, 50c, & $1.00 boxes
in our line at sacrifice prices—
The Chicago World's Pair, it All lor 25c
is said, will cover hundreds of
acres, which seems fair enough.—
Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch. 5

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