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Prescription Cession

 It means continued occupation over a long period of time  Cession, or acquisition of territory through treaty, is
by one state of territory actually and originally belonging another mode.
to another state.  When a state transfers its territory to another state,
acquisition by cession takes place in favour of such later
Requirements of prescription state.
 the possession must be peaceful  The cession of territory maybe voluntary or maybe under
 the possession must be public compulsion as a result of war.
 the possession must be for a long period of time.  The act of cession maybe even in the nature of a gift, sale,
exchange or lease. Cession is the transfer of territory
 Prescription is the acquisition of territory which belonged usually by treaty from one state to another.
to another state, where as occupation is acquisition of terra
nullius. However, international law does not prescribe any Thus the United States acquired the Philippines through the
fixed period for prescription. Treaty of Paris. Sovereignty over Hong Kong is a more recent
example of cession. In the middle of the 19th century, part of
The length time required for prescription is a matter which the colony of Hong Kong was ceded in perpetuity to Britain.
should be decided by international court of The largest section of the colony, the so called New Territories,
justice or tribunal where the case is brought for was merely held under a lease that was due to expire in 1997.
adjudication. After protracted negotiations, a Joint Declaration was signed
through which the entire territory of Hong Kong would be given
 The acquisition of territory by force was historically over to the sovereignty of China on July 1,1997. This has
recognized as a lawful method for acquiring sovereignty, already been accomplished.
but has been illegal in international law since the U.N It should also be noted, however, that a treaty of cession which
charter came into force.Prescription is also recognized as a is imposed by a conqueror is invalid. Thus there may be a
mode of acquiring sovereignty over territory. Like situation where what prevails is merely a de facto regime.
occupation, however, prescription requires effective
control. But unlike occupation, the object of prescription is Conquest
not terra nullius. Thus the required length of effective Conquest was in earlier days the taking possession of a territory
control is longer than in occupation. Moreover, through armed force. For acquisition of conquered territory, it
prescription might be negated by a demonstrated lack of was necessary that the war had ended either by treaty or by
acquiescence by the prior occupant. (Las Palmas) indication that all resistance had been abandoned. Moreover,
the conqueror must have had the intention of acquiring the
 The doctrine legalizes de jure the de facto transfer of territory and not just of occupying it temporarily. For instance,
sovereignty caused in part by the original sovereign's the U.S. in Germany had no intention of acquiring the territory.
extended negligence and/or neglect of the area in question.
It was applied in the Island of Palmas and the Miniquiets Today conquest as a mode of acquisition is proscribed by
and Ecrehos cases. international law. The 1970 Declaration of Principles of
International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and
"In law prescription is of two kinds: Cooperation among States has this to say: “The territory of a
1. it is either an instrument for the acquisition of property State shall not be the object of acquisition by another State
or resulting from the threat or use of force. No territorial
2. an instrument of an exemption solely from the acquisition resulting from the use or threat of force shall be
servitude of judicial process." recognized as legal.”
The latter form of prescription is known in English law as
"limitation" and is sometimes also called "extinctive The latest instance of a response to an attempted conquest was
prescription. the action taken against Iraq when it invaded Kuwait.
 "Limitation"
 means the extinction of stale claims and obsolete Accretion and Avulsion
titles. Accretion and avulsion can also lead to sovereignty over
 This kind of prescription does not establish in territory. This is sovereignty by operation of nature. Accretion
favour of the possessor a new title of ownership is the gradual increase of territory by the action of nature;
which had not been existing before; avulsion is a sudden change resulting for instance from the
 "it simply extinguishes a former owner's rights to action of a volcano.
recover possession of the land and therefore
"operates negatively by eliminating the claim of a Where a new territory is added mainly through natural causes
person having a superior title." to territory already under the sovereignty of a state, acquisition
 an instrument for the acquisition of property" by accretion takes place. Accretion refers to the physical
- "it operates positively, like a conveyance," and is expansion of an existing territory through geographical process.
one of the modes of acquiring a new title to
property. EXAMPLE:
- It is accordingly called "acquisitive prescription."
The lower Mississippi river, you will find that some land on the
This distinction between the two forms of prescription has also
east side of the river is part of Arkansas, and some land on the
been recognized in international law. But, since it is the purpose
west side of the river is part of Tennessee. The river changed
of this study only to examine the process by which historic titles
course quickly, so the state boundary did not change.
are being established in accordance with international law,
extinctive prescription will not be dealt with any further, and
any subsequent reference to prescription should be understood
An example of slow and gradual enlargement of territory is
in the sense of meaning solely acquisitive prescription.
offered by the formation of alluvial deposits (alluvium) on
shorelines, river banks, and especially in river, continually
building up through the operation of water currents.
Alluvial deposits can significantly add to a state’s territory
through such alluvions and thereby pushing forward the
baselines of the territorial sea.

Such deposits on the banks of a boundary river lead to an

alteration in its course, adding or subtracting from the territory
of the riparian owners.

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