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Typography and Placement

Key image Title itself Centre and layered on top

Protagonist center mid shot, focal point of the protagonist image - transparency
(rule of thirds camera divided into nine boxes of fire image has been adjusted and
when you are framing a shot you never put the layered over the title
main person in the central boxes as naturally The fire juxtaposes the white of the
the eye) adhering to this rule of thirds making ‘Detroit’ text to signify imminent conflict.
his face through the mid-shot the focal point Four critical quotes frame the
When arrested he wears outfit pictured, protagonist, the text itself is central
Two white policeman accompanied in aligned.
uniform whereas he is in what appears to be a The leading of the sans serif font is
prison uniform signifies the genre of social quite high and the tracking is close
political drama or period crime. evokes a clinical and dramatic feel,
Shallow focus to contextualise the nature through the hardness and absence of

The use of the eye line match with the
audience directs the question to the audience Camera Distance
about the current state of affairs in police Mid shot allows an introduction to the main
brutality character but also allows narrative enigma to arise
Protagonist accompanied by police through the action taking place in the background
Through the shallow focus, what is the
significance of the omnipresence of the police
which signifies oppression.
How is the protagonist in this predicament,

Hue has impeded natural light

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