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BJU International (2001), 88(Suppl.

2), 7±10

Classical vs reverse pharmacology in drug discovery

Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Tokyo, Japan

Keywords tamsulosin, reverse pharmacology, drug discovery, genomics, bioinformatics

Introduction: the development of drug discovery a-adrenoceptor (aAR) antagonist, was effective in treat-
ing symptomatic BPH. At that time aARs were
The evolution of medical treatments has made remark-
pharmacologically classi®ed into two subtypes, a1 and
able strides thanks to advances in the technology used in
a2. At about the same time it was discovered that the
drug discovery. In the early days of pharmacology,
aAR that controls the contraction of the human prostatic
therapeutic drugs were created from derivatives of
smooth muscles was the a1-subtype. Acting on these
medicinal plants. This was the case for aspirin, which
facts, Yamanouchi Research and Development began
was derived from the bark of the willow tree. Some
searching for a new type of a1-blocker, with the
bene®cial drugs have been discovered incidentally during
hypothesis that a selective a1-blocker could become a
scienti®c research. These desirable accidental discoveries
therapeutic agent for the voiding dysfunction associated
are referred to as drug serendipity. In the 1960s,
with BPH.
advances in pharmacology led to an elucidation of the
As shown in Fig. 1, dichloroisoproterenol, the ®rst
function of cellular receptors, ion channels and enzymes.
b-adrenoceptor antagonist, was synthesized by chemi-
This information allowed the process of drug discovery to
cally modifying the b-receptor agonist, isoproterenol
become more scienti®c and rational. It was during this
[2]. To obtain a new a1-antagonist, we used a similar
period that many of the useful drugs that are currently
approach in drug design by synthesizing and screen-
still prescribed were discovered, including a-blockers,
ing many derivatives of noradrenaline, an a1-agonist.
b-blockers, and calcium antagonists.
From among these derivatives a potent and selective
A genome is the complete set of genes in an organism.
a1-antagonist, tamsulosin, was discovered. Tamsulosin
Genomics is of increasing interest to world leaders and
is a new chemical class of a1-blocker with a structure
was one of the topics discussed at the Summit of
different from that of prazosin.
Industrialized Nations held in Okinawa in June 2000.
The study of the human genome is certain to have an
increasingly important role in the discovery of new
Investigation of tamsulosin's mechanism
therapeutic drugs, especially in light of the recent descrip-
of action
tion of the entire human genome, which showed that
humans possess almost twice as many genes as the fruit Tamsulosin was investigated to discern the mechanism of
¯y, Drosophila melanogaster. The advent of molecular its therapeutic action. An anaesthetized-dog model was
cloning techniques has enabled many receptor and ion used to investigate the a1-blocking activity of tamsulosin
channel molecules to be classi®ed, based on similarities in in the lower urinary tract and blood vessels [3].
their amino-acid sequence and protein structure. One of Phenylephrine, an a1-agonist, was used to increase
the greatest challenges currently facing pharmaceutical intraurethral pressure and blood pressure, and the
companies is to assimilate the vast amount of informa- inhibitory effect of tamsulosin measured. Tamsulosin
tion generated by genomic and proteomic research into shifted the dose±response curve for phenylephrine to the
drug discovery programs. right in both the urethra and blood vessels. However, the
inhibition of phenylephrine-induced pressure elevation
by tamsulosin was more pronounced in the urethra than
Classical pharmacology in drug discovery
in blood vessels. This suggested that the a1-blocking
activity of tamsulosin is more selective for the urethra
The discovery of tamsulosin
than for vascular endothelium.
In about 1975, in their small-scale clinical study, To evaluate the a1-blocking activity more quanti-
Caine et al. [1] reported that phenoxybenzamine, an tatively, the DR10 value was obtained; this is a

# 2001 BJU International 7


Fig. 1. Development of the a1aAR

a1-Adrenoceptor b-Adrenoceptor antagonist tamsulosin. Adapted from [2].
N Me

Norepinephrine Isoproterenol

N Cl
O N Me
H3CO Cl Me

Tamsulosin Dichloro-isoproterenol (DCI)

: Position of Chemical Modification
MeO (a 1-Antagonist )

pharmacological index of the dose of an antagonist Table 1 Af®nity of a1AR antagonists for cloned a1AR subtypes
required to cause a 10-fold shift to the right in the dose±
response curve for the agonist. The ratio of the indices for Af®nity Ki (nmol/L)
each biological site represents the relative tissue selectiv- Prostate selectivity
ity. For tamsulosin, the DR10 was 1.8 for the urethra and Antagonist a1a (prostate) a1b (blood vessel) (for a1a receptor)
24.1 for the blood vessels, with a urethral selectivity
Tamsulosin 0.03 0.87 29.0
value of 13.3. This was higher than that of prazosin, Prazosin 0.29 0.19 0.66
which was 5.1. Terazosin 8.1 1.9 0.23
In addition to these in vivo pharmacological studies, Doxazosin 2.1 0.9 0.43
receptor-binding assays were conducted to measure the Alfuzosin 5.5 2.1 0.38
selectivity for the prostate. Again, tamsulosin showed
Data summarized from information reported in [6].
higher selectivity for the prostate than for blood vessels.
Moreover, in placebo-controlled clinical studies, tamsu-
losin was found to be extremely effective for treating
symptomatic BPH without affecting blood pressure. af®nity for the two a1AR subtypes. Therefore it was
Although a few cases of orthostatic hypotension were concluded that tamsulosin's prostate selectivity was
reported, the difference between placebo and tamsulosin derived from its high af®nity for a1aARs.
(0.4 mg) was not statistically signi®cant [4]. In these
pharmacological and clinical studies conducted from
Reverse pharmacology in drug discovery
1975 to 1993, it was determined that tamsulosin showed
a functional selectivity for the prostate. However, it was In the process of reverse pharmacology, protein targets
still not clear why tamsulosin was so tissue-speci®c. are ®rst identi®ed that may be critical intervention points
In the 1990s, receptor research began to be conducted in a disease process. Bioinformatics is an emerging
at the gene level; it became possible to clone receptor- science that can harness the power of the computer to
subtype genes. Dr Schwinn's research group at Duke store vast DNA-sequence databases and compare three-
University published the ®rst genetic data on aARs [5]. dimensional protein structures according to probable
The a1ARs were further classi®ed into the subtypes a1a, function. This can enable the identi®cation of novel
a1b and a1d. It became clear that a1aARs were involved distant homologues not limited to sequence similarities, a
in prostatic contractions and a1bARs, in vascular process termed `target mining'. Using the continuing ¯ow
contractions. of new sequence information supplied by genomics
Table 1 [6] shows the af®nity of various a1-blockers in research, bioinformatics can identify high-quality protein
cloned a1AR subtypes. Tamsulosin showed an af®nity for targets for subsequent full-length cloning.
a1aARs that was 30 times higher than that for a1bARs, Likely receptors are then exposed to candidate ligands
i.e. it showed a higher selectivity for prostate tissue than in binding assays, a process termed `ligand ®shing'. A
for blood vessels. Meanwhile, conventional a1-blockers, high-throughput screening system for receptor/ligand
e.g. prazosin and terazosin, showed no difference in interaction is constructed and millions of compounds

# 2001 BJU International 88(Suppl. 2), 7±10


Classical approach Reverse pharmacology

Functional activity Bioinformatics / Molecular genetics


Ligand purification Full length cloning
Ligand / Receptor
Ligand fishing
Functional studies Ligand

Biological role / Pathophysiology Receptor / Ligand

1st compound screening
Target disease HTS
Compound screening Lead compound
Functional studies
Medicinal chemistry
Functional activity

Drug candidate Biological role / Pathophysiology

Molecular target Target disease

2nd compound screening
Molecular mechanism
Medicinal chemistry
genomic research
Drug candidate

Fig. 2. Comparison of classical and reverse pharmacology approaches in drug discovery.

screened for selective af®nity. Promising candidates are many steps that differ from those of the classical
modi®ed chemically and subjected to functional studies approach. From our experience, the reverse pharmacol-
that use the desired biological response as the index. This ogy approach takes about 2 years to obtain a new drug
process should result in a drug that can be tested ®rst in candidate. Hence, it is much faster and more ef®cient
an experimental and then in a clinical situation. In this than the classical approach, which takes < 5 years.
process, drug discovery is driven by the mechanistic basis
of the disease.
Sequencing of the human genome was completed in
Comparison of classical and reverse
2000; in future we expect to see advances in research
pharmacology approaches in drug discovery
pertaining to gene function, with the result that drug
As previously mentioned, the discovery of tamsulosin discovery based on genomics will make advances that are
was a process that moved from functional activity, even more remarkable. New techniques and technology
through repeated screenings, towards an understanding may well speed the development of innovative drugs for
of molecular structure. First, the function of the receptor many currently untreatable diseases. Thus, the 21st
was analysed by using a speci®c pharmacological century will be a golden era for drug discovery, thanks to
technique. Tamsulosin was developed through a targeted the use of information provided by genomic research.
drug-design programme, and tamsulosin's higher af®nity
for a1aARs later elucidated through genomic study; this
process took over 5 years. Pharmacological reaction was References
slow, and the drug screening using the previously 1 Caine M, Raz S, Zeigler M. Adrenergic and cholinergic
described pharmacological method was time-consuming receptors in the human prostate, prostatic capsule, and
and inef®cient. Using current technology and genomics, bladder neck. Br J Urol 1975; 47: 193±202
scientists can now move in the opposite direction to 2 Takenaka T, Honda K, Fujikura T, Niigata K, Tachikawa S,
that used in classical and traditional pharmacological Inukai N. New sulfamoylphenethylamines, potent alpha
research for new drug agents. This technique, referred 1-adrenoceptor antagonists. J Pharm Pharmacol 1984; 36:
to as reverse pharmacology, has many bene®ts. The
3 Shibasaki M, Sudoh K, Inagaki O, Uchida W, Honda K. Effect
drug discovery process should begin with genomic study,
of the optical isomers of YM-12617 on increased intra-
proceed through screenings, and end with functional urethral pressure induced by phenylephrine in anaesthetized
studies. dogs. J Auton Pharmacol 1992; 12: 263±8
Figure 2 compares the classical and reverse pharma- 4 Chapple CR, Wyndaele JJ, Nordling J, Boeminghaus F, Ypma
cological approaches in the drug discovery process. AFGVM, Abrams P on behalf of the European Tamsulosin
At ®rst sight the reverse pharmacology approach has Study Group. Tamsulosin, the ®rst prostate- selective

# 2001 BJU International 88(Suppl. 2), 7±10


a1A-adrenoceptor antagonist. A meta-analysis of two rando- 6 Michel MC. Facing the Future in the Prostatic a1 Receptors. The
mized, placebo-controlled, multicentre studies in patients Netherlands: SIU, Academic Journals, 1996 6±19
with benign prostatic obstruction (symptomatic BPH). Eur
Urol 1996; 29: 155±67
5 Price DT, Schwinn DA, Lomasney JW, Allen LF, Caron MG, Author
Lefkowitz RJ. Identi®cation, quanti®cation, and localization of Correspondence: T. Takenaka, PhD, President and CEO,
mRNA for three distinct alpha1 adrenergic receptor subtypes Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, 3-1-1, Nihonbashi-
in human prostate. J Urol 1993; 150: 546±51 Honcho 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 10 3±8411, Japan.

# 2001 BJU International 88(Suppl. 2), 7±10

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