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FileName : Diesel Tank - Empty Condition

Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Empty) : Step: 9 5:19pm Apr 8,2016

ASME Horizontal Vessel Analysis: Stresses for the Left Saddle

(per ASME Sec. VIII Div. 2 based on the Zick method.)

Horizontal Vessel Stress Calculations : Empty Case

Input and Calculated Values:

Vessel Mean Radius Rm 1198.50 mm.

Stiffened Vessel Length per 4.15.6 L 4600.00 mm.
Distance from Saddle to Vessel tangent a 652.00 mm.

Saddle Width b 250.00 mm.

Saddle Bearing Angle theta 150.00 degrees

Wear Plate Width b1 350.00 mm.

Wear Plate Bearing Angle theta1 162.00 degrees
Wear Plate Thickness tr 6.0 mm.
Wear Plate Allowable Stress Sr 114.50 N./mm^2

Inside Depth of Head h2 600.00 mm.

Shell Allowable Stress used in Calculation 114.50 N./mm^2

Head Allowable Stress used in Calculation 114.50 N./mm^2
Circumferential Efficiency in Plane of Saddle 1.00
Circumferential Efficiency at Mid-Span 1.00

Saddle Force Q, Empty Case 1834.33 Kgf

Horizontal Vessel Analysis Results: Actual Allowable

Long. Stress at Top of Midspan 2.83 114.50 N./mm^2
Long. Stress at Bottom of Midspan 3.96 114.50 N./mm^2
Long. Stress at Top of Saddles 4.02 114.50 N./mm^2
Long. Stress at Bottom of Saddles 3.04 114.50 N./mm^2

Tangential Shear in Shell 2.44 91.60 N./mm^2

Circ. Stress at Horn of Saddle 8.40 143.12 N./mm^2
Circ. Compressive Stress in Shell 1.18 114.50 N./mm^2

Intermediate Results: Saddle Reaction Q due to Wind or Seismic

Saddle Reaction Force due to Wind Ft [Fwt]:

= Ftr * ( Ft/Num of Saddles + Z Force Load ) * B / E
= 3.00 * ( 1026.6/2 + 0 ) * 1424.0000/2315.3242
= 947.1 Kgf

Saddle Reaction Force due to Wind Fl or Friction [Fwl]:

= max( Fl, Friction Load, Sum of X Forces) * B / Ls
= max( 359.05 , 0.00 , 0 ) * 1424.0000/3420.0005
= 149.5 Kgf

Load Combination Results for Q + Wind or Seismic [Q]:

= Saddle Load + Max( Fwl, Fwt, Fsl, Fst )
= 887 + Max( 150 , 947 , 0 , 0 )
= 1834.3 Kgf

Summary of Loads at the base of this Saddle:

Vertical Load (including saddle weight) 2089.84 Kgf
Transverse Shear Load Saddle 513.29 Kgf
Longitudinal Shear Load Saddle 359.05 Kgf

Formulas and Substitutions for Horizontal Vessel Analysis:

Note: Wear Plate is Welded to the Shell, k = 0.1

FileName : Diesel Tank - Empty Condition
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Empty) : Step: 9 5:19pm Apr 8,2016

The Computed K values from Table 4.15.1:

K1 = 0.1607 K2 = 0.7988 K3 = 0.4851 K4 = 0.2952
K5 = 0.6733 K6 = 0.0317 K7 = 0.0100 K8 = 0.3021
K9 = 0.2177 K10 = 0.0355 K1* = 0.2792 K6p = 0.0252
K7p = 0.0080

The suffix 'p' denotes the values for a wear plate if it exists.

Note: Dimension a is greater than or equal to Rm / 2.

Moment per Equation 4.15.3 [M1]:

= -Q*a [1 - (1- a/L + (R²-h2²)/(2a*L))/(1+(4h2)/3L)]
= -1834*652.00[1-(1-652.00/4600.00+(1198.500²-600.000²)/
= -138.8 Kg-m.

Moment per Equation 4.15.4 [M2]:

= Q*L/4(1+2(R²-h2²)/(L²))/(1+(4h2)/( 3L))-4a/L
= 1834*4600/4(1+2(1199²-600²)/(4600²))/(1+(4*600)/
= 783.8 Kg-m.

Longitudinal Stress at Top of Shell (4.15.6) [Sigma1]:

= P * Rm/(2t) - M2/(pi*Rm²t)
= 0.170 * 1198.500/(2*3.000 ) - 783.8/(pi*1198.5²*3.000 )
= 2.83 N./mm^2

Longitudinal Stress at Bottom of Shell (4.15.7) [Sigma2]:

= P * Rm/(2t) + M2/(pi * Rm² * t)
= 0.170 * 1198.500/(2 * 3.000 ) + 783.8/(pi * 1198.5² * 3.000 )
= 3.96 N./mm^2

Longitudinal Stress at Top of Shell at Support (4.15.10) [Sigma*3]:

= P * Rm/(2t) - M1/(K1*pi*Rm²t)
= 0.170*1198.500/(2*3.000)--138.8/(0.1607*pi*1198.5²*3.000)
= 4.02 N./mm^2

Longitudinal Stress at Bottom of Shell at Support (4.15.11) [Sigma*4]:

= P * Rm/(2t) + M1/(K1* * pi * Rm² * t)
= 0.170*1198.500/(2*3.000)+-138.8/(0.2792*pi*1198.5²*3.000)
= 3.04 N./mm^2

Maximum Shear Force in the Saddle (4.15.5) [T]:

= Q(L-2a)/(L+(4*h2/3))
= 1834 ( 4600.00 - 2 * 652.00 )/(4600.00 + ( 4 * 600.00/3))
= 1119.6 Kgf

Shear Stress in the shell no rings, not stiffened (4.15.14) [tau2]:

= K2 * T / ( Rm * t )
= 0.7988 * 1119.62/( 1198.5000 * 3.0000 )
= 2.44 N./mm^2

Decay Length (4.15.22) [x1,x2]:

= 0.78 * sqrt( Rm * t )
= 0.78 * sqrt( 1198.500 * 3.000 )
= 46.771 mm.

Circumferential Stress in shell, no rings (4.15.23) [sigma6]:

= -K5 * Q * k / ( t * ( b + X1 + X2 ) )
= -0.6733 * 1834 * 0.1/( 3.000 * ( 250.00 + 46.77 + 46.77 ) )
= -1.18 N./mm^2

Effective reinforcing plate width (4.15.1) [B1]:

FileName : Diesel Tank - Empty Condition
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Empty) : Step: 9 5:19pm Apr 8,2016

= min( b + 1.56 * sqrt( Rm * t ), 2a )

= min( 250.00 + 1.56 * sqrt( 1198.500 * 3.000 ), 2 * 652.000 )
= 343.54 mm.

Wear Plate/Shell Stress ratio (4.15.29) [eta]:

= min( Sr/S, 1 )
= min( 114.500/114.500 , 1 )
= 1.0000

Circumferential Stress at wear plate (4.15.26) [sigma6,r]:

= -K5 * Q * k / ( B1( t + eta * tr ) )
= -0.6733 * 1834 * 0.1/( 343.541 ( 3.000 + 1.000 * 6.000 ) )
= -0.39 N./mm^2

Circ. Comp. Stress at Horn of Saddle, L<8Rm (4.15.28) [sigma7,r*]:

= -Q/(4(t+eta*tr)b1) - 12*K7*Q*Rm/(L(t+eta*tr)²)
= -1834/(4(3.000 + 1.000 * 6.000 )343.541 ) -
= -8.40 N./mm^2

Free Un-Restrained Thermal Expansion between the Saddles [Exp]:

= Alpha * Ls * ( Design Temperature - Ambient Temperature )
= 0.120E-04 * 3420.000 * ( 82.0 - 21.1 )
= 2.496 mm.

Results for Vessel Ribs, Web and Base:

Baseplate Length Bplen 1800.0000 mm.
Baseplate Thickness Bpthk 12.0000 mm.
Baseplate Width Bpwid 350.0000 mm.
Number of Ribs ( inc. outside ribs ) Nribs 5
Rib Thickness Ribtk 8.0000 mm.
Web Thickness Webtk 8.0000 mm.
Web Location Webloc Center

Moment of Inertia of Saddle - Lateral Direction

Shell 2. 13. 1996. 0.
Wearplate 6. 21. 12600. 8.
Web 151. 23. 345420. 6776.
BasePlate 300. 42. 1260000. 37805.
Totals 459. 99. 1620016. 44590.

Value C1 = Sumof(Ay)/Sumof(A) = 163. mm.

Value I = Sumof(Io) - C1*Sumof(Ay) = 18108. cm**4
Value As = Sumof(A) - Ashell = 86. cm^2

K1 = (1+Cos(beta)-.5*Sin(beta)² )/(pi-beta+Sin(beta)*Cos(beta)) = 0.2594

Fh = K1 * Q = 0.2594 * 1834.334 = 475.7755 Kgf

Tension Stress, St = ( Fh/As ) = 0.5438 N./mm^2

Allowed Stress, Sa = 0.6 * Yield Str = 143.9676 N./mm^2

d = B - R*Sin(theta) / theta = 619.7183 mm.

Bending Moment, M = Fh * d = 294.8526 Kg-m.

Bending Stress, Sb = ( M * C1 / I ) = 2.6102 N./mm^2

Allowed Stress, Sa = 2/3 * Yield Str = 159.9640 N./mm^2

Minimum Thickness of Baseplate per Moss :

= ( 3 * ( Q + Saddle_Wt ) * BasePlateWidth / ( 4 * BasePlateLength *
AllStress ))½
= ( 3 * (1834 + 256 ) * 350.00/( 4 * 1800.000 * 159.964 ))½
= 4.323 mm.
FileName : Diesel Tank - Empty Condition
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Empty) : Step: 9 5:19pm Apr 8,2016

Calculation of Axial Load, Intermediate Values and Compressive Stress

Effective Baseplate Length [e]:

= ( Bplen - Clearance ) / ( Nribs - 1)
= ( 1800.0000 - 25.4 )/( 5 - 1 ) = 443.6500 mm.

Baseplate Pressure Area [Ap]:

= e * Bpwid / 2
= 443.6500 * 350.0000/2 = 776.3875 cm^2

Axial Load [P]:

= Ap * Bp
= 776.4 * 0.29 = 226.1 Kgf

Area of the Rib and Web [Ar]:

= ( Bpwid - Clearance - Webtk ) * Ribtk + e/2 * Webtk
= ( 350.000 - 25.4 - 8.000 ) * 8.000 + 443.6500/2 * 8.000
= 43.074 cm^2

Compressive Stress [Sc]:

= P/Ar
= 226.1/43.0740 = 0.5147 N./mm^2

Check of Outside Ribs:

Inertia of Saddle, Outer Ribs - Longitudinal Direction
Y A AY Ay² Io
Rib 125.0 22.3 279300.0 0.0 1580.9
Web 125.0 17.7 221825.0 0.0 1.9
Values 125.0 40.1 501125.0 0.0 1582.8

Bending Moment [Rm]:

= Fl /( 2 * Bplen ) * e * rl / 2
= 359.1/( 2 * 1800.00 ) * 443.650 * 1192.42/2
= 26.382 Kg-m.

KL/R < Cc ( 19.6706 < 128.2549 ) per AISC E2-1

Sca = (1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))*Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
Sca = ( 1-( 19.67 )²/(2 * 128.25² )) * 240/
( 5/3+3*(19.67 )/(8* 128.25 )-( 19.67³)/(8*128.25³)
Sca = 137.56 N./mm^2

AISC Unity Check on Outside Ribs ( must be <= 1.0 )

Check = Sc/Sca + (Rm/Z)/Sba
Check = 0.51/137.56 + (26.38/7.930 )/159.96
Check = 0.02

Check of Inside Ribs

Inertia of Saddle, Inner Ribs - Axial Direction
Y A AY Ay² Io
Rib 162.3 25.3 411073.4 0.0 2280.1
Web 162.3 35.5 576035.1 0.0 1.9
Values 162.3 60.8 987108.6 0.0 2282.0

KL/R < Cc ( 6.2293 < 128.2549 ) per AISC E2-1

Sca = (1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))*Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
Sca = ( 1-( 6.23 )²/(2 * 128.25² )) * 240/
( 5/3+3*(6.23 )/(8* 128.25 )-( 6.23³)/(8*128.25³)
Sca = 142.24 N./mm^2

AISC Unity Check on Inside Ribs ( must be <= 1.0 )

Check = Sc/Sca + (Rm/Z)/Sba
FileName : Diesel Tank - Empty Condition
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Empty) : Step: 9 5:19pm Apr 8,2016

Check = 0.73/142.24 + ( 16.88/14.060 )/159.96

Check = 0.01

Input Data for Base Plate Bolting Calculations:

Total Number of Bolts per BasePlate Nbolts 4

Total Number of Bolts in Tension/Baseplate Nbt 2
Bolt Material Specification SA-320 L7
Bolt Allowable Stress Stba 172.38 N./mm^2
Bolt Corrosion Allowance Bca 0.0000 mm.
Distance from Bolts to Edge Edgedis 50.0126 mm.
Nominal Bolt Diameter Bnd 24.0000 mm.
Thread Series Series TEMA Metric
BasePlate Allowable Stress S 95.15 N./mm^2
Area Available in a Single Bolt BltArea 3.1275 cm^2
Saddle Load QO (Weight) QO 1142.8 Kgf
Saddle Load QL (Wind/Seismic contribution) QL 149.5 Kgf
Maximum Transverse Force Ft 513.3 Kgf
Maximum Longitudinal Force Fl 359.1 Kgf
Saddle Bolted to Steel Foundation No

Bolt Area Calculation per Dennis R. Moss

Bolt Area Requirement Due to Longitudinal Load [Bltarearl]:

= 0.0 (QO > QL --> No Uplift in Longitudinal direction)

Bolt Area due to Shear Load [Bltarears]:

= Fl / (Stba * Nbolts)
= 359.05/(172.38 * 4.00 )
= 0.0511 cm^2

Bolt Area due to Transverse Load

Moment on Baseplate Due to Transverse Load [Rmom]:

= B * Ft + Sum of X Moments
= 1424.00 * 513.29 + 0.00
= 730.94 Kg-m.

Eccentricity (e):
= Rmom / QO
= 730.94/1142.77
= 639.60 mm. > Bplen/6 --> Uplift in Transverse direction

f = Bplen / 2 - Edgedis
= 1800.00/2 - 50.01
= 849.99 mm.

Modular Ratio Of Steel/Concrete (n1):

= ES / EC
= 203402.50/21526.32
= 9.45

K1 = 3 (e - 0.5 * Bplen)
= 3 (639.60 - 0.5*1800.00 )
= -781.19 mm.

K2 = 6 * n1 * At / Bpwid * (f + e)
= 6 * 9.45 * 6.25/350.00 * (849.99 + 639.60 )
= 150925.11 mm.²

K3 = -K2 * (0.5 * Bplen + f)

= -150925.11 * (0.5 * 1800.00 + 849.99 )
= -264117027.87 mm.³
FileName : Diesel Tank - Empty Condition
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Empty) : Step: 9 5:19pm Apr 8,2016

Iteratively Solving for the Effective Bearing Length:

Y³ + K1 * Y² + K2 * Y + K3 = 0
Y³ + -781.19 * Y² + 150925.11 * Y + -0.3E+09 = 0
Y = 926.15 mm.

Num = (Bplen / 2 - Y / 3 - e)
= (1800.00/2 - 926.15/3 - 639.60 )
= -48.32

Denom = (Bplen / 2 - Y / 3 + f)
= (1800.00/2 - 926.15/3 + 849.99 )
= 1441.27

Total Bolt Tension Force [Tforce]:

= - QO * Num / Denom
= - 1142.77 * -48.32/1441.27
= 38.31 Kgf

Bolt Area Required due to Transverse Load [Bltareart]:

= Tforce / (Stba * Nbt)
= 38.31/( 172.38 * 2.00 )
= 0.0109 cm^2

Required Area of a Single Bolt [Bltarear]:

= max[Bltarearl, Bltarears, Bltareart]
= max[0.0000 , 0.0511 , 0.0109 ]
= 0.0511 cm^2

Baseplate Thickness Calculation per D. Moss:

Bearing Pressure (fc)

= 2(QO + Tforce) / (Y * Bpwid)
= 2(1142.77 + 38.31 )/(926.15 * 350.00 )
= 0.71 bars

Distance from Baseplate Edge to the Web [ADIST]:

= (Bplen - Weblngth) / 2
= (1800.00 - 1749.20 )/2
= 25.4000 mm.

Overturning Moment due To Bolt Tension [Mt]:

= Tforce * Adist
= 38.31 * 25.40
= 0.97 Kg-m.

Equivalent Bearing Pressure (f1):

= fc * (Y - Adist) / Y
= 0.71 * (926.15 - 25.40 )/926.15
= 0.70 bars

Overturning Moment due to Bearing Pressure [Mc]:

= (Adist² * Bpwid / 6) * (f1 + 2 * fc)
= (25.40² * 350.00/6) * (0.70 + 2 * 0.71 )
= 0.82 Kg-m.

Baseplate Required Thickness [Treq]:

= (6 * max(Mt,Mc) / (Bpwid * Sba))½
= (6 *max(0.97 ,0.82/(350.00 * 142.73 ))½
= 1.0706 mm.

ASME Horizontal Vessel Analysis: Stresses for the Right Saddle

(per ASME Sec. VIII Div. 2 based on the Zick method.)
FileName : Diesel Tank - Empty Condition
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Empty) : Step: 9 5:19pm Apr 8,2016

Input and Calculated Values:

Vessel Mean Radius Rm 1198.50 mm.

Stiffened Vessel Length per 4.15.6 L 4600.00 mm.
Distance from Saddle to Vessel tangent a 652.00 mm.

Saddle Width b 250.00 mm.

Saddle Bearing Angle theta 150.00 degrees

Wear Plate Width b1 350.00 mm.

Wear Plate Bearing Angle theta1 162.00 degrees
Wear Plate Thickness tr 6.0 mm.
Wear Plate Allowable Stress Sr 114.50 N./mm^2

Inside Depth of Head h2 600.00 mm.

Shell Allowable Stress used in Calculation 114.50 N./mm^2

Head Allowable Stress used in Calculation 114.50 N./mm^2
Circumferential Efficiency in Plane of Saddle 1.00
Circumferential Efficiency at Mid-Span 1.00

Saddle Force Q, Empty Case 1774.18 Kgf

Horizontal Vessel Analysis Results: Actual Allowable

Long. Stress at Top of Midspan 2.85 114.50 N./mm^2
Long. Stress at Bottom of Midspan 3.95 114.50 N./mm^2
Long. Stress at Top of Saddles 4.00 114.50 N./mm^2
Long. Stress at Bottom of Saddles 3.05 114.50 N./mm^2

Tangential Shear in Shell 2.36 91.60 N./mm^2

Circ. Stress at Horn of Saddle 8.13 143.12 N./mm^2
Circ. Compressive Stress in Shell 1.14 114.50 N./mm^2

Intermediate Results: Saddle Reaction Q due to Wind or Seismic

Saddle Reaction Force due to Wind Ft [Fwt]:

= Ftr * ( Ft/Num of Saddles + Z Force Load ) * B / E
= 3.00 * ( 1026.6/2 + 0 ) * 1424.0000/2315.3242
= 947.1 Kgf

Saddle Reaction Force due to Wind Fl or Friction [Fwl]:

= max( Fl, Friction Load, Sum of X Forces) * B / Ls
= max( 359.05 , 0.00 , 0 ) * 1424.0000/3420.0005
= 149.5 Kgf

Load Combination Results for Q + Wind or Seismic [Q]:

= Saddle Load + Max( Fwl, Fwt, Fsl, Fst )
= 827 + Max( 150 , 947 , 0 , 0 )
= 1774.2 Kgf

Summary of Loads at the base of this Saddle:

Vertical Load (including saddle weight) 2029.69 Kgf
Transverse Shear Load Saddle 513.29 Kgf
Longitudinal Shear Load Saddle 359.05 Kgf

Formulas and Substitutions for Horizontal Vessel Analysis:

Note: Wear Plate is Welded to the Shell, k = 0.1

The Computed K values from Table 4.15.1:

K1 = 0.1607 K2 = 0.7988 K3 = 0.4851 K4 = 0.2952
K5 = 0.6733 K6 = 0.0317 K7 = 0.0100 K8 = 0.3021
K9 = 0.2177 K10 = 0.0355 K1* = 0.2792 K6p = 0.0252
FileName : Diesel Tank - Empty Condition
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Empty) : Step: 9 5:19pm Apr 8,2016

K7p = 0.0080

The suffix 'p' denotes the values for a wear plate if it exists.

Note: Dimension a is greater than or equal to Rm / 2.

Moment per Equation 4.15.3 [M1]:

= -Q*a [1 - (1- a/L + (R²-h2²)/(2a*L))/(1+(4h2)/3L)]
= -1774*652.00[1-(1-652.00/4600.00+(1198.500²-600.000²)/
= -134.2 Kg-m.

Moment per Equation 4.15.4 [M2]:

= Q*L/4(1+2(R²-h2²)/(L²))/(1+(4h2)/( 3L))-4a/L
= 1774*4600/4(1+2(1199²-600²)/(4600²))/(1+(4*600)/
= 758.1 Kg-m.

Longitudinal Stress at Top of Shell (4.15.6) [Sigma1]:

= P * Rm/(2t) - M2/(pi*Rm²t)
= 0.170 * 1198.500/(2*3.000 ) - 758.1/(pi*1198.5²*3.000 )
= 2.85 N./mm^2

Longitudinal Stress at Bottom of Shell (4.15.7) [Sigma2]:

= P * Rm/(2t) + M2/(pi * Rm² * t)
= 0.170 * 1198.500/(2 * 3.000 ) + 758.1/(pi * 1198.5² * 3.000 )
= 3.95 N./mm^2

Longitudinal Stress at Top of Shell at Support (4.15.10) [Sigma*3]:

= P * Rm/(2t) - M1/(K1*pi*Rm²t)
= 0.170*1198.500/(2*3.000)--134.2/(0.1607*pi*1198.5²*3.000)
= 4.00 N./mm^2

Longitudinal Stress at Bottom of Shell at Support (4.15.11) [Sigma*4]:

= P * Rm/(2t) + M1/(K1* * pi * Rm² * t)
= 0.170*1198.500/(2*3.000)+-134.2/(0.2792*pi*1198.5²*3.000)
= 3.05 N./mm^2

Maximum Shear Force in the Saddle (4.15.5) [T]:

= Q(L-2a)/(L+(4*h2/3))
= 1774 ( 4600.00 - 2 * 652.00 )/(4600.00 + ( 4 * 600.00/3))
= 1082.9 Kgf

Shear Stress in the shell no rings, not stiffened (4.15.14) [tau2]:

= K2 * T / ( Rm * t )
= 0.7988 * 1082.91/( 1198.5000 * 3.0000 )
= 2.36 N./mm^2

Decay Length (4.15.22) [x1,x2]:

= 0.78 * sqrt( Rm * t )
= 0.78 * sqrt( 1198.500 * 3.000 )
= 46.771 mm.

Circumferential Stress in shell, no rings (4.15.23) [sigma6]:

= -K5 * Q * k / ( t * ( b + X1 + X2 ) )
= -0.6733 * 1774 * 0.1/( 3.000 * ( 250.00 + 46.77 + 46.77 ) )
= -1.14 N./mm^2

Effective reinforcing plate width (4.15.1) [B1]:

= min( b + 1.56 * sqrt( Rm * t ), 2a )
= min( 250.00 + 1.56 * sqrt( 1198.500 * 3.000 ), 2 * 652.000 )
= 343.54 mm.

Wear Plate/Shell Stress ratio (4.15.29) [eta]:

FileName : Diesel Tank - Empty Condition
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Empty) : Step: 9 5:19pm Apr 8,2016

= min( Sr/S, 1 )
= min( 114.500/114.500 , 1 )
= 1.0000

Circumferential Stress at wear plate (4.15.26) [sigma6,r]:

= -K5 * Q * k / ( B1( t + eta * tr ) )
= -0.6733 * 1774 * 0.1/( 343.541 ( 3.000 + 1.000 * 6.000 ) )
= -0.38 N./mm^2

Circ. Comp. Stress at Horn of Saddle, L<8Rm (4.15.28) [sigma7,r*]:

= -Q/(4(t+eta*tr)b1) - 12*K7*Q*Rm/(L(t+eta*tr)²)
= -1774/(4(3.000 + 1.000 * 6.000 )343.541 ) -
= -8.13 N./mm^2

Results for Vessel Ribs, Web and Base

Baseplate Length Bplen 1800.0000 mm.

Baseplate Thickness Bpthk 12.0000 mm.
Baseplate Width Bpwid 350.0000 mm.
Number of Ribs ( inc. outside ribs ) Nribs 5
Rib Thickness Ribtk 8.0000 mm.
Web Thickness Webtk 8.0000 mm.
Web Location Webloc Center

Moment of Inertia of Saddle - Lateral Direction

Shell 2. 13. 1996. 0.
Wearplate 6. 21. 12600. 8.
Web 151. 23. 345420. 6776.
BasePlate 300. 42. 1260000. 37805.
Totals 459. 99. 1620016. 44590.

Value C1 = Sumof(Ay)/Sumof(A) = 163. mm.

Value I = Sumof(Io) - C1*Sumof(Ay) = 18108. cm**4
Value As = Sumof(A) - Ashell = 86. cm^2

K1 = (1+Cos(beta)-.5*Sin(beta)² )/(pi-beta+Sin(beta)*Cos(beta)) = 0.2594

Fh = K1 * Q = 0.2594 * 1774.178 = 460.1726 Kgf

Tension Stress, St = ( Fh/As ) = 0.5260 N./mm^2

Allowed Stress, Sa = 0.6 * Yield Str = 143.9676 N./mm^2

d = B - R*Sin(theta) / theta = 619.7183 mm.

Bending Moment, M = Fh * d = 285.1830 Kg-m.

Bending Stress, Sb = ( M * C1 / I ) = 2.5246 N./mm^2

Allowed Stress, Sa = 2/3 * Yield Str = 159.9640 N./mm^2

Minimum Thickness of Baseplate per Moss :

= ( 3 * ( Q + Saddle_Wt ) * BasePlateWidth / ( 4 * BasePlateLength *
AllStress ))½
= ( 3 * (1774 + 256 ) * 350.00/( 4 * 1800.000 * 159.964 ))½
= 4.260 mm.

Calculation of Axial Load, Intermediate Values and Compressive Stress

Effective Baseplate Length [e]:

= ( Bplen - Clearance ) / ( Nribs - 1)
= ( 1800.0000 - 25.4 )/( 5 - 1 ) = 443.6500 mm.

Baseplate Pressure Area [Ap]:

FileName : Diesel Tank - Empty Condition
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Empty) : Step: 9 5:19pm Apr 8,2016

= e * Bpwid / 2
= 443.6500 * 350.0000/2 = 776.3875 cm^2

Axial Load [P]:

= Ap * Bp
= 776.4 * 0.28 = 218.6 Kgf

Area of the Rib and Web [Ar]:

= ( Bpwid - Clearance - Webtk ) * Ribtk + e/2 * Webtk
= ( 350.000 - 25.4 - 8.000 ) * 8.000 + 443.6500/2 * 8.000
= 43.074 cm^2

Compressive Stress [Sc]:

= P/Ar
= 218.6/43.0740 = 0.4978 N./mm^2

Check of Outside Ribs:

Inertia of Saddle, Outer Ribs - Longitudinal Direction
Y A AY Ay² Io
Rib 125.0 22.3 279300.0 0.0 1580.9
Web 125.0 17.7 221825.0 0.0 1.9
Values 125.0 40.1 501125.0 0.0 1582.8

Bending Moment [Rm]:

= Fl /( 2 * Bplen ) * e * rl / 2
= 359.1/( 2 * 1800.00 ) * 443.650 * 1192.42/2
= 26.382 Kg-m.

KL/R < Cc ( 19.6706 < 128.2549 ) per AISC E2-1

Sca = (1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))*Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
Sca = ( 1-( 19.67 )²/(2 * 128.25² )) * 240/
( 5/3+3*(19.67 )/(8* 128.25 )-( 19.67³)/(8*128.25³)
Sca = 137.56 N./mm^2

AISC Unity Check on Outside Ribs ( must be <= 1.0 )

Check = Sc/Sca + (Rm/Z)/Sba
Check = 0.50/137.56 + (26.38/7.930 )/159.96
Check = 0.02

Check of Inside Ribs

Inertia of Saddle, Inner Ribs - Axial Direction
Y A AY Ay² Io
Rib 162.3 25.3 411073.4 0.0 2280.1
Web 162.3 35.5 576035.1 0.0 1.9
Values 162.3 60.8 987108.6 0.0 2282.0

KL/R < Cc ( 6.2293 < 128.2549 ) per AISC E2-1

Sca = (1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))*Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
Sca = ( 1-( 6.23 )²/(2 * 128.25² )) * 240/
( 5/3+3*(6.23 )/(8* 128.25 )-( 6.23³)/(8*128.25³)
Sca = 142.24 N./mm^2

AISC Unity Check on Inside Ribs ( must be <= 1.0 )

Check = Sc/Sca + (Rm/Z)/Sba
Check = 0.71/142.24 + ( 16.88/14.060 )/159.96
Check = 0.01

Input Data for Base Plate Bolting Calculations:

Total Number of Bolts per BasePlate Nbolts 4

Total Number of Bolts in Tension/Baseplate Nbt 2
Bolt Material Specification SA-320 L7
FileName : Diesel Tank - Empty Condition
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Empty) : Step: 9 5:19pm Apr 8,2016

Bolt Allowable Stress Stba 172.38 N./mm^2

Bolt Corrosion Allowance Bca 0.0000 mm.
Distance from Bolts to Edge Edgedis 50.0126 mm.
Nominal Bolt Diameter Bnd 24.0000 mm.
Thread Series Series TEMA Metric
BasePlate Allowable Stress S 95.15 N./mm^2
Area Available in a Single Bolt BltArea 3.1275 cm^2
Saddle Load QO (Weight) QO 1082.6 Kgf
Saddle Load QL (Wind/Seismic contribution) QL 149.5 Kgf
Maximum Transverse Force Ft 513.3 Kgf
Maximum Longitudinal Force Fl 359.1 Kgf
Saddle Bolted to Steel Foundation No

Bolt Area Calculation per Dennis R. Moss

Bolt Area Requirement Due to Longitudinal Load [Bltarearl]:

= 0.0 (QO > QL --> No Uplift in Longitudinal direction)

Bolt Area due to Shear Load [Bltarears]:

= Fl / (Stba * Nbolts)
= 359.05/(172.38 * 4.00 )
= 0.0511 cm^2

Bolt Area due to Transverse Load

Moment on Baseplate Due to Transverse Load [Rmom]:

= B * Ft + Sum of X Moments
= 1424.00 * 513.29 + 0.00
= 730.94 Kg-m.

Eccentricity (e):
= Rmom / QO
= 730.94/1082.62
= 675.14 mm. > Bplen/6 --> Uplift in Transverse direction

f = Bplen / 2 - Edgedis
= 1800.00/2 - 50.01
= 849.99 mm.

Modular Ratio Of Steel/Concrete (n1):

= ES / EC
= 203402.50/21526.32
= 9.45

K1 = 3 (e - 0.5 * Bplen)
= 3 (675.14 - 0.5*1800.00 )
= -674.57 mm.

K2 = 6 * n1 * At / Bpwid * (f + e)
= 6 * 9.45 * 6.25/350.00 * (849.99 + 675.14 )
= 154526.00 mm.²

K3 = -K2 * (0.5 * Bplen + f)

= -154526.00 * (0.5 * 1800.00 + 849.99 )
= -270418538.99 mm.³

Iteratively Solving for the Effective Bearing Length:

Y³ + K1 * Y² + K2 * Y + K3 = 0
Y³ + -674.57 * Y² + 154526.00 * Y + -0.3E+09 = 0
Y = 860.31 mm.

Num = (Bplen / 2 - Y / 3 - e)
= (1800.00/2 - 860.31/3 - 675.14 )
= -61.92
FileName : Diesel Tank - Empty Condition
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Empty) : Step: 9 5:19pm Apr 8,2016

Denom = (Bplen / 2 - Y / 3 + f)
= (1800.00/2 - 860.31/3 + 849.99 )
= 1463.22

Total Bolt Tension Force [Tforce]:

= - QO * Num / Denom
= - 1082.62 * -61.92/1463.22
= 45.81 Kgf

Bolt Area Required due to Transverse Load [Bltareart]:

= Tforce / (Stba * Nbt)
= 45.81/( 172.38 * 2.00 )
= 0.0130 cm^2

Required Area of a Single Bolt [Bltarear]:

= max[Bltarearl, Bltarears, Bltareart]
= max[0.0000 , 0.0511 , 0.0130 ]
= 0.0511 cm^2

Baseplate Thickness Calculation per D. Moss:

Bearing Pressure (fc)

= 2(QO + Tforce) / (Y * Bpwid)
= 2(1082.62 + 45.81 )/(860.31 * 350.00 )
= 0.73 bars

Distance from Baseplate Edge to the Web [ADIST]:

= (Bplen - Weblngth) / 2
= (1800.00 - 1749.20 )/2
= 25.4000 mm.

Overturning Moment due To Bolt Tension [Mt]:

= Tforce * Adist
= 45.81 * 25.40
= 1.16 Kg-m.

Equivalent Bearing Pressure (f1):

= fc * (Y - Adist) / Y
= 0.73 * (860.31 - 25.40 )/860.31
= 0.71 bars

Overturning Moment due to Bearing Pressure [Mc]:

= (Adist² * Bpwid / 6) * (f1 + 2 * fc)
= (25.40² * 350.00/6) * (0.71 + 2 * 0.73 )
= 0.84 Kg-m.

Baseplate Required Thickness [Treq]:

= (6 * max(Mt,Mc) / (Bpwid * Sba))½
= (6 *max(1.16 ,0.84/(350.00 * 142.73 ))½
= 1.1707 mm.

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2016

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