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Automatic generation control of an interconnected

power system
Prof. J. Nanda, B.E.E., Ph.D., and B.L. Kaul, B.E., M.E.

Indexing terms: Optimal control, Power system control. Stability

This paper investigates the stability and optimum settings of conventional automatic generation controllers for an
interconnected power system having reheat steam plants. Effective application of the parameter-plane technique
for obtaining optimal controller setting and sensitivity analysis has been demonstrated. Rigorous sensitivity analysis
reveals that reserve of stability and optimum controller setting are sensitive to inertia constant, governor time
constant, turbine time constant and reheat coefficient and barely sensitive to base load condition, synchronising
coefficient and reheat time lag. The optimum controller setting, however, is hardly sensitive to the speed regulation
parameter whereas reserve of stability is quite sensitive to it. A significant part of this paper highlights the con-
dition for which it is possible to optimise the controller setting of an individual area, treating the rest of the system
as having infinite inertia. Analysis reveals that a reheat system has a slower response, providing smaller generation
rate and higher frequency and tie deviations when compared with a nonreheat system. Investigation reveals that in
a reheat system the optimum controller setting achieved without considering generation rate constraint becomes
unacceptable in the presence of generation rate constraint. Also, while accounting for generation rate constraint, a
relatively large value of governor speed regulation parameter can be well acceptable without significantly affecting
the quality of the system response.

List of principal symbols The present work highlights the above aspects while dealing with
Tg = speed governor time constant the a.g.c. problem. Classical control theory has been used, and
Tt optimisation of a conventional controller has been attempted in a
= turbine time constant
simple and elegant manner through the effective application of the
D = load frequency constant
parameter-plane technique.4 It is envisaged that the synthesis pro-
Kp = UD
cedure highlighted in this paper could be of practical significance for
H = inertia constant
realising an optimal conventional controller based on integral of a.c.e.
/ = nominal system frequency
The paper raises some significant points for investigation. First,
Tp = 2H/JD
R = speed regulation due to governor action although the Fosha—Elgerd controller2 provides a much better
dynamic response in the absence of generation rate constraint, no
0 = area frequency response characteristic (a.f.r.c.) 4 D + l/R
guarantee can be given that such a controller would also behave nicely
T\2 = synchronising coefficient
in the presence of generation rate constraint. It is quite likely that a
simple conventional integral controller may compete well with a more
Kr = reheat coefficient
complex Fosha—Elgerd-controller under realistic generation rate
Tr = reheat time constant
constraint. This needs careful investigation. Secondly, one would like
amax = maximum degree of stability
to explore the situation under which the controllers for individual
.ftie max = maximum tie-line power
areas can be optimised while treating the rest of the system as having
AFi = incremental frequency deviation in area 1
infinite inertia. This would help the individual basis, thereby greatly
APtiei i = incremental change in tie-line power outgoing from area 1
simplifying the mathematical model.
APg = incremental change in the generation
An attempt has been made to highlight the effect of change in
AXE = incremental change in the valve position
certain important system parameters, e.g. reheat coefficient, reheat
APc = incremental change in the speed changer position
time constant, speed regulation parameter, inertia constant, governor.
APg = d/dt{APg)
and turbine time constants and base loading condition, on the
B = frequency bias parameter
performance of the optimal controller. It has been demonstrated that
Kj = area control error integrator gain
the parameter-plane technique can be effectively used to bring out
this sensitivity analysis.
1 Introduction
Many investigations in the subject area of automatic gener-
ation control (a.g.c.) of interconnected power systems have been
reported in the past. Elgerd and Fosha,1 and Willems3 have used
classical control theory for optimising the area control error (a.c.e.)
integrator gain and the frequency bias. Based on modern optimal
control theory, Fosha and Elgerd2 have developed an optimal con-
troller that provides a better dynamic response. However, the draw-
backs with this optimal controller are that it has a complex structure,
is difficult for practical realisation and uneconomical as pointed out
by C.W. Ross.2 These investigations, while trying to apply sophisti-
cated control theory to the problem of a.g.c, have oversimplified the
power system model and thus have failed to appeal strongly to power
system engineers. The earlier work mostly consider two equal inter-
connected steam area systems having nonreheat turbines without
taking into account generation rate constraint. In a realistic situation
no two areas are equal in capacity. In addition, modern steam turbines
are of the reheat type. Thus the consideration of area capacity, reheat
nature of turbines and generation rate constraint are of extreme
practical significance when seeking an optimal controller for a.g.c. and
should not be ignored.
Fig. 1
Paper 8027P, first received 13th July 1977 and in revised form 16th January
1978 Stable zones
Prof. Nanda and Mr. Kaul are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, a l/Kj,B plane
Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi—110029, India b Kj, B plane

PROC. IEE, Vol. 125, No. 5, MA Y1978 385

0020-3270/78/8027-0385 $1-50/0
Most of the earlier works on a.g.c. pertain to secondary control, The characteristic equation of a two-equal-area system provided
and apparently not much attention has been given to the optimisation only with integral controllers has been given in eqn. 2. Since B and K}
of the primary control (optimisation of the speed regulation par- are two important parameters of the integral controller, it is of
ameter), particularly in the presence of realistic generation rate interest to plot the stability zone in the Kh B plane. However, it is
constraint. The authors, therefore, try to explore this problem in not possible to apply the parameter-plane approach for plotting the
some detail. Finally, a comparison of the performances of optimal stable zone directly in the KT, B plane, as eqn. 2 has a nonlinear com-
controllers for reheat and nonreheat systems has been brought out. bination of Kj and B (since a4 and a s contain the product of B and
The main highlights of the present work are: Kj). Eqn. 2 is therefore arranged to make l/Kj and B appear linearly,
(a) to acquaint the reader with the practical application of the par- thus permitting the application of parameter plane technique in the
ameter-plane technique to stability and optimisation studies for \lKj,B plane. The results in the l/Kj,B plane are then conveniently
an a.g.c. system transformed to the Ku B plane as described below.
(b) to observe the effect of change in certain system parameters on Dividing eqn. 2 by Kj one obtains
the performance of the optimal controller through sensitivity = 0 (4)
analysis via parameter-plane and integral-squared-error (i.s.e.)
techniques where P(s), Q(s) and R(s) are given in Appendix 7.2. Substituting
(c) to consider the effect of generation rate constraint and area s = — X + jw in eqn. 4 and equating the real and imaginary parts to
capacity ratio on the performance of the optimal controller zero, yields
(d) to observe the effect of R in the presence of generation rate con-
(l/KI)Bi(w,X) + BCl(w,\) + Di(v),\) = 0 (5)
(e) to compare the performances of the optimal controllers for reheat (1 IK,)B2 (w, X) + BC2 (w, X) + D2 (vv, X) = 0
and nonreheat systems
such that
2 Mathematical model l/Kj = {C,D2-C2D,)IA
The block diagram representation for a.g.c. of a two-area B= (B2Dt ~BXD2)IA (6)
system provided with thermal plants has been taken from Elgerd and where A=BXC2— B2CX and B\,B2,C2,DX,D2 are functions of
Fosha's work.1 However, in the present work the nonreheat turbine X, w and system parameters. Substituting X = 0 in eqn. 6, and increas-
model is replaced by a reheat one. The transfer function of the reheat ing w from zero onwards, leads to the plot of the X = 0 curve (plot of
turbine model is taken as the jw axis of s-plane) in the l/Ki,B plane (Fig. \a). The hatching rule
+sKrTr for indicating the stable region has been discussed by Siljak.4 Fig. \b
A5L 0) shows the stable zone transformed to the Kh B plane with the hatch-
AX* sTr)(l + sTt) ing reversed. Similarly, for discrete values of X in eqn. 6, several loci
It is assumed that the a.g.c. does not interact with the voltage control. are obtained (Fig. \b). Substituting s = — p in eqn. 2 and solving the
To study the dynamic performance of the system, a state-space resulting equations in B and Kj, several loci corresponding to real
model of the form described in Reference 2 is developed. The state roots are obtained (Fig. Ib). If o denotes the distance of the dominant
equation2 X = AX + Bu + Tp is solved to study the dynamic per- real or complex root from the imaginary axis, the maximum degree of
formance of the system for required controller settings. A small step stability (omax) contained in the system can be determined by
load perturbation of 1% in area 1 is considered for analysis. Consider- examining various X and p loci. The size of the stability zone gives a
ing two identical areas provided with integral controllers, the measure of the reserve of stability. It also provides direct information
characteristic equation for the system is given by regarding the permissible ranges for B and Kj.
Ross,Cohn and others have seriously criticised Elgerd and Fosha2'3
OQS +fliS +02^ "f" a3s + (I4S +a 5 s4-a 6 = 0 (2) for choosing B <|3 and have upheld the decision of the electric utility
where coefficients a0,... ,a6 are functions of the system and/or concerns to choose a bias setting B equal to the natural area frequency-
control parameters (Appendix 7.1). response characteristics (0) from the point of view of mutual assist-
ance. In view of this, B = 0 = 0-424 is chosen in the present work. For
3 Specifications for control B = 0, the best value of Kj based on omax using the parameter-plane
technique is obtained at Kj = 0-53 as indicated by point M in Fig. \b.
(a) The steady-state frequency error following a step load change For the same B, the optimum Kj setting is also determined by the
should vanish. The transient frequency and time errors should be i.s.e. criterion. Two performance indices based on / = /0°° (AP(ie , ) 2 dt
(b) The static change in the tie power following a step load change in K10"2HZ

either area must be zero, provided each area can accommodate its
own load change.
(c) An automatic generation controller providing a slow monotonic
type of response would be preferred to reduce wear and tear of
the equipment.
(d) Any area in need of power during emergency should be assisted
from other areas.

4 Analysis
A two-area system provided with the reheat type of thermal
plant is considered for investigation. The nominal system parameters
for the two-equal-area system are given in Appendix 7.1.
Optimal conventional (integral) controller
A conventional controller has a linear integral control strategy of
the form x10- 3 p.u.MW

APC = -K, J (APtie + BAF)dt (3)

where APC is the incremental change in the speed-changer position,

APtie is the incremental change in tie power, AF is the incremental
change in frequency, Kj is the gain of the integral controller and B is
the frequency bias parameter.
The parameter-plane technique is discussed in detail by Siljak.4 It
provides a powerful method for studying system stability along with
information about the desired parameter combination for a system to Fig. 2
satisfy a required performance. The method is very convenient for System dynamic responses
digital computation. The application of this technique to the a.g.c. Kj = 0-67 (i.s.e.)
problem is discussed below. Kj = 053 (omax)

386 PROC. IEE, Vol. 125, No. 5, MAY 1978

and / = J"o°°(A/>^e ) + AF?)dt are tried out, of which the second is Table 1
found to give a much better result. This is unlike the case of a non- SENSITIVITY Ol7 OPTIMAL SETTING K, AND COST INDEX TO VARI-
reheat system where both the indices give approximately the same ATION IN Ti2
result.s The optimum controller setting corresponding to Imin based 0096 0086 007
on / = Jo"(A/V/e,i + AF?)dt is obtained at K, = 0-67. Fig. 2 shows (nominal)
the dynamic responses corresponding to omax and /„„•„ settings. On
comparison it is observed that both give nearly the same performance, Opt. 0-66 0-67 0-68
Cost 8-48 8-53 8-74
although the omax setting provides a slightly better damped response.

4.1 Sensitivity analysis

Table 2
Some investigations3'6 have reported the effect of certain SENSITIVITY OF OPTIMAL SETTING Kj AND COST INDEX TO VAR1-
system parameters such as inertia constant, governor time constant, ATION IN Tg
turbine time constant and synchronising coefficient on the perfor- 004 008 012
mance of the optimal controller setting in a nonreheat system. The (nominal)
objective in the present work is to explore how these parameters
affect the performance of the optimal controller in a reheat system. O p t . Kj 0-78 0-67 0-56
In addition, for the reheat system discussed in the present work, an Cost 7-48 8-53 9-81
attempt has been made to study the effect of the change in certain
other important parameters like R,D,Kr, Tr and the physical aspect
of the system (capacity ratio) on the performance of the optimal Table 3
controller, which seems to have received no attention. The effect of SENSITIVITY OF OPTIMAL SETTING Kj AND COST INDEX TO VARI-
these parameters on the reserve of stability (stable area in B, Kj par- ATION IN 7}
ameter plane), optimal controller setting and corresponding cost 015 0-30 0-45
O = So"(APtie,\ "*~ &lTi)dt) is studied for a two-area reheat system (nominal)
by changing the parameters within ± 50% of their nominal values.
Opt. 105 0-67 0-45
4.1.1 Effect of H, Tg. Tt and Tu
Cost 5-45 8-53 12-23

Analysis reveals that the reserve of stability, optimal Kj

setting and cost index are practically insensitive to changes in Tn and
Table 4
somewhat sensitive to Tg, Tt and H(Figs. 3,4 and Tables 1 to 4).
H 20 50 80
O p t . Kj 0-49 0-67 0-59
Cost 1310 8-53 8-47

4.1.2 Effect of speed regulation parameter (R)

Fig. 4 shows that the reserve of stability is quite sensitive to

the R parameter. The same result is obtained by observing the sensi-
tivity of the cost index with respect to the R parameter (Table 5). The
optimal Kj setting, however, appears to be hardly sensitive to variation

Table 5
R Opt. /C; Cost
1-2 0-69 3-55 0-841
2-4 0-67 8-53 0-425
Fig. 3 3-6 0-62 16-77 0-286
Effect ofTg, Tt and Tn on the reserve of stability

4.1.3 Effect of change in operating load (D)

A change in the nominal operating load changes the par-


1-" I \ lu ameter D (load frequency constant). Fig. 4 shows that the reserve of
stability is hardly sensitive to a wide change in the loading condition.
Table 6 also indicates that the optimum controller setting and the
corresponding cost are insensitive to a wide change in the operating

a load condition.

• fflv
4.1.4 Effect of Kr and Tr
^=5 0 Fig. 5 shows that the reserve of stability is somewhat sensi-
-^=2 0 tive to Kr, whereas it is hardly sensitive to Tr. Tables 7 and 8 show
that the optimal controller setting and the corresponding cost index
V D=
\^—00125(75°/. load) are quite sensitive to lower values of A"r(0-25 <A" r <0-5) than the
higher values, but are hardly sensitive to changes in Tr.
-• ^^^VJ-V' 0 ° 0^8 3 (5(25°/.
° 0/ ° load
\J £.
000 1 )
load) The above studies bring out the effective application of the
0-1 parameter-plane technique to sensitivity studies, which is well sup-
ported by the much used i.s.e. technique.
2 0 40. 60 4.1.5 Area capacity effect

Generally, in any practical system the capacities of any two

Fig. 4 interconnected areas are unequal. It is, therefore, of significant
Effect of R, H and D on the reserve of stability interest to consider the effect of the relative size of the area under

PROC. IEE, Vol. 125, No. 5,MAY 1978 387

control to the interconnected system, on the performance of the Table 6
optimum controller. Such a study for a reheat system has not been SENSITIVITY OF OPTIMUM CONTROLLER SETTING AND CORRE-
A two-unequal-area system having the reheat type of steam turbines % Load 25% 50% (nominal) 75%
is considered for investigation. The rated capacity of area 1 (Prl = D = 0004 D = 0008 = 0012
2000 MW) is kept constant, whereas that of the second area (Pr2) is Opt. 0-64 0-67 0-69
varied from 2000 to 40000MW. Except for the two-area capacities, Cost 8-955 8-53 815
the remaining parameters for both the areas, expressed in p.u. based 0-42 0-425 0-429
on their respective rated capacities, are considered equal and are taken
to be the same as for the two-equal-area system given in Appendix 7.1.
Areas 1 and 2 are considered to have integral controllers with gains
Kn and KI2, respectively. Step load perturbation is assumed to occur Table 7
in area 1. The characteristic equation for this new unequal-area system SENSITIVITY OF OPTIMAL CONTROLLER SETTING AND CORRE-
is of the 11th order. The i.s.e. technique is used to observe the effect SPONDING COST TO VARIATION IN Kr
of the ratio of the two-area capacities on the optimum Kn setting. 0-25 0-50 0-75
Analysis reveals that for capacity ratios Pr2/Pri < 7-5, the optimum (nominal)
controller setting (Kn) for area 1 is sensitive to both area capacity
ratio and the controller setting (KI2) of area 2. For any given Kn Opt. Kr 0-38 0-67 0-69
setting, with increase in the capacity ratio (increase in the capacity of Cost 30-2 8-53 4-80
the second area), the optimum Kn is reduced and finally remains
unchanged as Pr2/Pr\ > 7-5 (Fig. 6, Table 9). Under such a situation,
it is possible to optimise the controller of one individual area consider- 4.2 Comparison of performance for reheat and nonreheat cases
ing the other area having infinite inertia. The characteristic equation for a two-equal-area system
It may be of interest to note here that in a nonreheat system6 the provided with nonreheat type turbines is obtained by putting Kr = 1 0
optimal Kn setting is independent of the KI2 setting irrespective of in eqn. 2. The stability area in the B, Kj plane for a nonreheat case is
the capacity ratio Pr2/Pr\, whereas such a condition is attained in a shown in Fig. 5.
reheat system only when Pr2jPri >1-S. For B = (i, the optimum Kj setting for a nonreheat system is found
to be 0-75. Fig. 7 shows the dynamic responses for frequency and tie-
flow, for nonreheat and reheat cases, with their respective optimum
Kj settings.

v \\\
On comparison of the two systems the following observations are
0-5 ^Tr =K).I5. J '" made:

\V A --Kr=10(nonreheat ) (a) a system with nonreheat turbines has a greater reserve of stability
(Fig. 5).
(b) a system with reheat turbines gives slower response and higher fre-

03 - \^ ^ S 1T"'° quency and tie power deviations when compared to a system with
nonreheat turbines.
(c) the maximum rate of generation for a reheat case is found to be

0-2 - less (nearly half for Kr = 0-5) than that of a nonreheat case.

- 1

0-1 x10-2Hz


Fig. 5
Effect of Kr and Tr on the reserve of stability





Fig. 6 Fig. 7
Effect ofPr2 and Kn on the optimal Kn setting Comparison of optimal responses for nonreheat and reheat cases
0 / P r , = 2000
Pr-i = 2000 optimum Kr settings (/ m i n )
Prl = 8 0 0 0 X — X— I B, = 0 Kj = 0-67 (reheat: Kr - 0-5, Tr = 100)
Prl = 20 000 Kj = 0-75 (nonreheat: Kr = 1 0 , Tr = 0-0)

388 PROC. IEE, Vol. 125, No. 5, MAY 1978

4.3 Generation rate constraint
where APgiK.l and AP^ K denote the incremental changes of
All the previous analysis in the present work does not generation in the /th area (/ = 1,2) at the end of the (K — 1 )th and
consider the effect of generation rate constraint (g.r.c.)- In a power Kth intervals, respectively. The plus or minus sign on the right hand
system having steam plants, power generation can change only at a side of eqn. 7 will depend upon whether the generation rate is positive
specified maximum rate. An optimum controller setting chosen for or negative, the rate being positive for increase in generation and
the unconstrained situation (without considering the g.r.c.) may not negative for decrease in generation. The generation rates are similarly
behave optimally when the generation rate constraint is considered. checked for each interval of integration.
Hence, it becomes important to reconsider the optimality of the
controller under this constrained situation. To explore these details,
a generation rate limitation of 10% per minute for both the areas of Table 8
the two-equal-area system is considered. The Fosha-Elgerd state SENSITIVITY OF OPTIMAL CONTROLLER SETTING AND CORRE-
model 2 is updated with the addition of two more state variables APg j
and APg2 for the required analysis. 50 100 150
Fig. 8 shows the flow chart for incorporating the effect of g.r.c. in (nominal)
the matrix differential equation x = Ax + Bu + Tp for obtaining the Opt. 0-56 0-67 0-70
system response for various states. At each time inverval of At seconds Cost 847 8-53 8-50
for integration, the generation rates in both the areas are checked for
their magnitudes and signs; e.g. for the Kth interval, if the generation
rates \APgi,K\ or \APg2,K\ in areas 1 and 2, respectively, are less Table 9
than or equal to a specified maximum rate (say /•), the corresponding VARIATION OF Kj, WITH INCREASE IN CAPACITY RATIO FOR FIXED
generation changes APglK or APg2K are not altered.
In case the generation rate in any of the two areas exceeds the Optimal Kji setting
maximum specified rate r, the generation change in the corresponding
area is constrained through the relationship Pr2 = 2000
KI2 MW 6000 10 000 15 000 40 000
APa r ± rAt (7) (nominal) MW MW MW MW
00 115 0-50 040 0-35 0-35
04 10 045 040 0-35 0-35
0-8 0-8 045 040 0-35 0-35
store APgj k_. 1-2 0-55 040 0-35 0-35 0-35
1-6 040 0-35 0-35 0-35 0-35
solve x=Ax*Bu»rp
and evaluate the states
at the end of kth 4.3.1 Effect on optimal controller setting
Analysis reveals that in the presence of g.r.c, the optimum
conventional controller setting (Kj = 0-67) obtained under the uncon-
strained mode (neglecting g.r.c.) gives a much poorer response
(Fig. 9). The transient deviations are large and the settling time is
more than 60 seconds. Dynamic responses for several lower Kj settings
are obtained, and it is observed that as Kr is reduced the system
response improves, and nearly the best response is achieved for
Kj = 0-1 for which the settling time is nearly 25 seconds (Fig. 9).
Investigation, therefore, clearly reveals that the optimum Kr setting
under the unconstrained mode becomes unacceptable under the con-
strained mode. The present day practice of the utility concerns to go
for a small value of Kj is therefore justified.

g.r.c.=10°/o per min
Fig. 8
Flow chart for considering g.r.c. in the system dynamics (for Kth
interval) 0
10 15
i = 1, 2 for a two-area system 4
x10' 2 Hz
i, .

0 15
x10"3p.u. MW

> 10

Fig. 9 00
10 15
System responses for various Kj in the presence of g.r.c. (reheat
thermal system) Fig. 10
— X —Kj= 0-67, B = (S (without g.r.c.) Comparison of system responses for integral and Fosha—Elgerd
optimal controllers in presence of g.r.c. (nonreheat thermal system)
-•-•- Kj = 0-1 ~ (Wlt18-rc- Fosha—Elgerd controller
K, = 0-025
- •- Integral (Kj = 0-7S)

PROC. IEE, Vol. 125, No. 5, MAY 1978 389

Fosha and Elgerd2 have reported an optimal controller based on inertia. Thus, individual pool members could optimise their con-
optimal control theory which gives the best dynamic response for a troller settings on an individual basis. This would simplify the
two-area nonreheat system. However, their analysis does not consider mathematical model, and hence the efforts involved in optimising
g.r.c. Fig. 10 shows the performance of this Fosha-Elgerd controller the controller setting would be reduced. The parameter-plane tech-
in the presence of a g.r.c. of 10% per minute. It is of interest to note nique can find its effective application for determining the optimum
that in the presence of the g.r.c. even a simple conventional integral conventional controller settings for the individual areas when each
controller with a suitable Kt setting (A'; = 0-5) can provide a response area is optimised on an individual basis.
close to that of the more complex Fosha-Elgerd optimal controller
(Fig. 10). (d) A system containing reheat turbines gives more frequency and tie
deviations and has a slower response than the system containing
nonreheat turbines. The maximum rate of generation fora reheat
system is much less than that for a nonreheat system.
3=ft Kr=05. T r= i00
g.r.c=10°/o per mm
(e) The optimum controller setting for an unconstrained a.g.c. system
5 (without g.r.c.) is found to be unacceptable for a constrained
system. Analysis reveals that in the presence of g.r.c. a simple
integral controller can perform equally well as compared to that of
a more involved controller based on modern optimal control
(f) In the presence of g.r.c. there is no necessity to go for a very
small value of governor speed regulation parameter, since a
relatively large value of this parameter can well be acceptable with-
out significantly affecting the quality of the system response.
1 51-
£0-5 Acknowledgment
20 The authors wish to thank the authorities of the Indian
Institute of Technology, Delhi (India), for providing computer facili-
ties during the course of this work.
Fig. 11
B.L. Kaul gratefully acknowledges the assistance provided by the
Comparison of system responses for R =2-4 and R = 100 in the
authorities of the Regional Engineering College, Srinagar, for deputing
presence of g.r.c. (reheat thermal system)
him for this research work.
- • _ • - / ? =2-4, K,- 0 1 \ ...
* = i o - o , / c , = o-i ) w l t h g r c -
6 References
1 ELGERD, O.I., and FOSHA, C.E.: 'Optimum megawatt frequency control of
multi-area electric energy systems', IEEE Tram., 1970, PAS-89, pp. 5 5 6 -
4.3.2 Effect of g.r.c. on the choice of R for primary control
2 FOSHA, C.E., and ELGERD, O.I.: 'The megawatt-frequency control
So far it has been an accepted practice to choose a small problem: a new approach via optimal control theory', ibid., 1970 PAS-89
pp. 563—577 ' ' '
value of R for the primary control loop to achieve a better dynamic 3 WILLEMS, J.L.: 'Sensitivity analysis of the optimum performance of con-
response. This is borne out when one neglects the effect of g.r.c. The ventional load-frequency control', ibid., PAS-93, Sept./Oct 1974 DD
main motivation of the authors is to investigate the amount of benefit 1287-1291 ' VV'
one obtains by choosing a smaller value of R in a realistic situation 4 SILJAK, D.D.: 'Nonlinear systems', (Wiley & Sons. New York 1969)
pp. 1-59
considering g.r.c. To explore this problem, responses for two values of
5 ELGERD, O.I.: 'Electric energy systems theory' (McGraw Hill, 1971) pn
R(R - 2 4 and R = 10-0) for different values of Kj in the presence of 315-389 • >>w-
a g.r.c. of 10% are obtained. It is observed that nearly best responses 6 NANDA, J., and KAUL, B.L.: 'Optimal controller for automatic generation
for both R = 2 4 and R = 10 0 are achieved for K, = 0 1 . Comparing control' 1FAC Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, Feb. 2 1 - 2 5 , 1977
both frequency and tie responses it is seen that in the presence of the
g.r.c. there is not much difference in the responses for R ~ 2 4 and
R = 100 from the point of view of maximum deviation and settling 7 Appendixes
time (Fig. 11). It is, therefore, unnecessary to be particular in
7.1 Nominal system parameters for a two-equal-area system
choosing a smaller value of R (e.g. R = 2 4 , 4 % regulation) and a value
of R as great as four times the previous value (R = 10, 16-7% D = 8-33 x 10~3 p.u.MW/Hz Kp = \ID
regulation) may be chosen without sacrificing the quality of the Ptie,maX = 200 MW R = 24Hz/p.u.MW
transient response. In addition, the primary control loop with a higher H = 5s Tg = 008 s
value of R is easier for practical realisation and economical when C = 0-545 p.u.MW/Hz Tt = 0-3 s
compared with one having smaller value of/?. Tr - 10s A' = 0 - 5
fi2 = (C/2)TT rp = 20 s
Area capacity: pr - 2000 MW
Load perturbation in area 1: A / ^ , = 001 p.u.MW
5 Conclusions The coefficients of the characteristic eqn. 2 are:
(a) Application of the parameter-plane technique has been demon- aQ = 7-^7^7;
strated in the study of the stability, sensitivity and optimisation
aspects of an a.g.c. system. a, = ( r g r , + r p ( r g + Tt))Tr + TjtTp
(b) A detailed sensitivity study reveals that in a two-area thermal a, = ( r , + r, + r p )r,. + r , r ( + Tp(Tg + r,) + 2CKpTjtTr
system with reheat turbines, the optimum controller setting, corre-
sponding cost index and the reserve of stability are somewhat a, = Tg + Tt + Tp + Tr + 2CKp(TgTt + Tr(Tg + Tt)) + KrTrKp/R
sensitive to reheat coefficient, governor time constant, turbine
time constant and inertia constant, and almost insensitive to a, = 1 + /Tp//J + BKpKjKrTr + 2CKp(Tg + Tt + Tr)
reheat time constant, load frequency constant and synchronising as = ^ A : , ^ + 2CKP{\ + K,KrTr)
coefficient. As regards the speed regulation, it is observed that
while reserve of stability and cost index are quite sensitive to this a6 = 2C/C 7 /c: p
parameter, the optimum controller setting appears to be insensitive
to it.
7.2 Characteristic equation polynomials
(c) The optimum controller setting for an area remains relatively un-
affected, when the relative capacity of the other area is approxi- P(s) = flo5 +fl]5 S +fl2$ 4 +ff35 3
mately more than eight times the capacity of the first area. At this
capacity ratio the optimum controller setting of the first area + (1 + Kp/R + 2CKp(Tg Tr))s2 + 2CKps
becomes independent of the controller setting of the other area. Q(s) = (KpKrTr)s2 + Kps
Under such a situation the parameters of an individual area can be
optimised while treating the rest of the system as having infinite R(s) = (2CKPKrTr)s + 2CKP

390 PROC IEE, Vol. 125, No. 5, MA Y1978

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