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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2001) 57:776–785

DOI 10.1007/s002530100826


E. Vincke · N. Boon · W. Verstraete

Analysis of the microbial communities

on corroded concrete sewer pipes – a case study

Received: 26 July 2001 / Accepted: 27 August 2001 / Published online: 18 October 2001
© Springer-Verlag 2001

Abstract Conventional as well as molecular techniques Tazawa et al. 1996) and many other places in the world as
have been used to determine the microbial communities well (Vincke et al. 2000). Mansfeld et al. (1990) suggest-
present on the concrete walls of sewer pipes. The genetic ed that the emergence of the problem in the USA could
fingerprint of the microbiota on corroded concrete sewer be related to the National Pollution Discharge Elimina-
pipes was obtained by means of denaturing gradient gel tion Systems (NPDES) in 1972, which regulates the loads
electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rRNA gene fragments. of toxic chemicals discharged into sewers and water bod-
The DGGE profiles of the bacterial communities present ies. As a result, microbial activity increased significantly
on the concrete surface changed as observed by shifts in wastewater systems. In Belgium, a general concern is
occurring at the level of the dominance of bands from the uncoupling of sewage and surface water leading to
non-corroded places to the most severely corroded plac- higher concentrations of nutrients and a longer residence
es. By means of statistical tools, it was possible to distin- time of the sewage in the pipes. The sulfuric acid causing
guish two different groups, corresponding to the micro- corrosion of sewer crowns is generated by a complex mi-
bial communities on corroded and non-corroded surfac- crobial ecosystem (Islander et al. 1991). Anaerobic con-
es, respectively. Characterization of the microbial com- ditions in sewage support microorganisms that convert
munities indicated that the sequences of typical bands oxidized sulfur compounds. The formed hydrogen sulfide
showed the highest level of identity to sequences from volatilizes to the sewer atmosphere and dissolves in the
the bacterial strains Thiobacillus thiooxidans, Acidithio- condensate on the sewer crown. Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria
bacillus sp., Mycobacterium sp. and different hetero- are then capable of oxidation of elemental sulfur (Sand
trophs belonging to the α-, β- and γ-Proteobacteria, Ac- and Bock 1984; Kelly 1982; Trüper 1984; Hazeu et al.
idobacteria and Actinobacteria. In addition, the presence 1988). The effects of the corrosive attack on concrete in
of N-acyl-homoserine lactone signal molecules was sewers can be of the order of several mm per year (Mori
shown by two bio-assays of the biofilm on the concrete et al. 1991). Proper design in new collection systems re-
under the water level and at the most severely corroded duces anaerobic microbial activity and consecutively sul-
places on the concrete surface of the sewer pipe. fide generation. However, control should also be possible
at the point of the aggressive sulfuric acid production due
to microbiological sulfide oxidation. A very important
Introduction factor in this process is microbial colonization. Efforts to
restore concrete sewer pipes will be ineffective without a
Biogenic sulfuric acid attack of concrete sewer pipes, better understanding of the fundamental processes of bio-
wastewater collection systems and treatment plants can genic sulfuric acid corrosion.
cause severe damage and has been described in the Unit- The pH of uncorroded concrete is approximately 12, and
ed States (Islander et al. 1991; Padival et al. 1995; Davis sulfur-oxidizing bacteria cannot grow when directly ex-
et al. 1998; Peccia et al. 2000), Germany (Sand et al. posed to such a high pH. After neutralization of the con-
1987; Schmidt et al. 1997), Japan (Mori et al. 1991; crete due to carbonation and acidic H2S, sulfate-produc-
ing bacteria are able to grow on the surface. The estab-
E. Vincke · N. Boon · W. Verstraete (✉) lishment of Thiobacillus thiooxidans, which especially
Laboratory of Microbial Ecology and Technology (LabMET), dominates at very low pH, in corroded concrete pipes is
Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, presumed to be preceded by moderately acidophilic
Ghent University, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
e-mail: Thiobacillus species, for example, T. intermedius, T.
Tel.: +32-9-2645976, Fax: +32-9-2646248 neapolitanus and T. thioparus (Milde et al. 1983). Cul-
URL: ture studies have shown that growth of T. thiooxidans re-

quires a relationship with an acidophilic heterotroph Material and methods

(Sand and Bock 1984; Cho and Mori 1995). The degra-
dation of the excreted organics of the sulfur-oxidizing Sampling
bacteria by an acidophilic heterotroph is required for a
continued growth of the acid-producing bacteria. Cho Samples were taken at different places on a concrete sewer pipe
and Mori (1995) found the coexistence with T. thiooxi- exhibiting moderate to heavy corrosion (Fig. 1). The corroded
pipe is part of the sewerage network of Oostende (Belgium). The
dans of an acid-resistant and H2S-oxidizing fungus on first series of samples (I.1-I.5, II) was taken on different parts of
severely corroded sewer pipes. This fungus oxidizes H2S the sewer pipe at the most severely corroded point (A), situated
to thiosulfate, probably as a sulfide detoxification pro- immediately after connection of two pressure lines into the gravity
cess. Thiosulfate can then be used by T. thiooxidans as sewer pipe. The second series of samples was taken at the crown,
just above the water line and at the bottom of the pipe on different
energy source. Sand and Bock (1984) found heterotrophs points starting at the connection of the pressure line (A), and
on concrete surfaces from pH 6.2 to pH 1.5. 100 m (B) and 200 m (C) downstream, respectively.
The present study describes the analysis of microbial Biofilm samples were taken with a sterile spatula and trans-
communities on corroded sewer pipes. To obtain a good ferred into sterile Falcon tubes. Samples of biofilm and corrosion
products were collected and 2 g of each were weighed for DNA
representation of the actual populations at the site, con- extraction and further molecular analysis. Samples for DNA ex-
ventional as well as DNA-based identification techniques traction were stored at –20 °C before analysis. For conventional
were used. Traditional cultivation techniques for the en- counting techniques and signal molecule analysis, 1 g of the cor-
richment and isolation of microbial cells yield only a lim- roded samples, consisting of biofilm and corrosion products, was
ited fraction of all microorganisms present (Amann et al. suspended in 9 ml of sterile physiological solution (8.5 g NaCl
l–1). In addition to the biofilm samples, water was sampled after
1995). Molecular techniques, more specifically polymer- the pressure line. The same procedure was followed as for the bio-
ase chain reaction (PCR) and subsequently denaturing film samples.
gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and cloning, have
been proven to be useful in describing more accurately
Conventional counting techniques
the microbial communities in environmental samples and
overcome some of the limitations and biases of culture- Total heterotrophic colony-forming units were determined with
based techniques (Muyzer 1999; Boon et al. 2000). How- nutrient agar (Difco) using the spread plate technique. For the de-
ever, the sensitivity of the molecular techniques is also termination of fungi, malt extract agar (2%, Difco) was used
(Atlas 1993). The plates were incubated in the dark at 28 °C for 3
limited (Muyzer et al. 1993) and environmental samples and 7 days respectively (n=3).
can give some difficulties for molecular analysis, as, for The cell numbers of thiobacilli were determined by a most
example, calcium and heavy metals inhibit nucleic acid probable number (MPN) technique using three selective nutrient
amplification during PCR (Wilson 1997). Therefore, the solutions (Vincke et al. 1999).
two techniques were used in parallel.
To get a more complete image of the biofilm compo- DNA-based identification techniques
sition, the presence of N-acyl homoserine lactone (AHL)
activity in corroded concrete samples was studied by DNA extraction and purification
means of two bio-assays. Recently, there has been an in- Total DNA from the corrosion samples was obtained by a modi-
creasing appreciation and knowledge that bacteria can fied extraction method described previously (El Fantroussi et al.
perceive and respond to other bacteria using signal mole- 1999). To obtain DNA, 2 g of the samples or 2 ml of the sewage
cules (Greenberg 1997). These small molecules are ex- water was transferred to 4 ml of 10 mM Tris/HCl (pH 9) and 3 g
creted by cells and accumulate in cultures as a function of beads (0.10–0.11 mm). This mixture was beaten three times for
90 s using a bead beater at 2,000 rpm (Braun Biotech Internation-
of cell density. Typical signal molecules excreted by al, Melsungen, Germany). After this, 160 µl of 50 g l–1 lysozyme
gram-negative bacteria are AHL derivatives (McLean et was added, and the suspension was incubated at 28 °C for 15 min
al. 1997). At a threshold population density, the accumu- on a shaker (200 rpm). Chemical lysis of the bacterial cells was
lated AHL molecules can interact with receptors on achieved by adding 300 µl of 20% SDS and slowly mixing the
suspension for 5–10 min. Subsequently, 1 ml of 8 M ammonium
the bacterial cell surface that control gene expression acetate was added. DNA was obtained from the lysates using stan-
(Stickler 1999). This regulatory mechanism is called dard chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (24:1) extraction and isopropa-
autoinduction or quorum-sensing. Different AHL mole- nol precipitation procedures (Boon et al. 2000). The total amount
cules exist and bacteria are able to produce some specific of nucleic acids extracted from the corrosion samples and the wa-
ter sample was resuspended in 500 and 250 µl DNase-free water,
molecules with different properties. Signal specificity is respectively. Aliquots of, respectively, 250 (corrosion samples)
conferred by the length and the nature of the substitution and 150 (water sample) µl of the crude extract were further puri-
at C-3 of the acyl side chain (Cha et al. 1998). Neverthe- fied using Wizard PCR preps (Promega, Madison, Wis.).
less, many genes can be activated by heterologous AHL
autoinducers, implying that bacteria can sense and react Amplification of 16S rRNA genes
to population densities of their own species and popula-
tion densities in general. As biofilms typically contain The extracted prokaryotic DNA was amplified by a nested PCR in
high concentrations of cells, AHL molecules were pro- two subsequent rounds using a 9600 thermal cycler (Perkin-Elmer,
Norwalk, Conn., USA). PCR amplification was carried out in 25 µl-
posed as essential components of biofilm physiology by reactions and 2 µl of extracted total DNA was added. The 16S rRNA
McLean et al. (1997). These authors showed for the first genes from the microbial community in the water samples were am-
time AHL activity in naturally occurring biofilms. plified by PCR (Weidner et al. 1996; Boon et al. 2000) using primers
Fig. 1 A Overview of sewer
system, samples were taken
near the connection (A), and
100 m (B) and 200 m(C) down-
stream. B Detailed scheme of
corroded concrete pipe near the
connection and profile of cor-
rosion measured during the
first series of sampling

complementary to conserved regions of the 16S rDNA. Using the electrophoresis was run for 17 h at 60 °C and 45 V. After comple-
forward primer R1n (5′GCTCAGATTGAACGCTGGCG3′-forward) tion of electrophoresis, the gels were soaked for 5 min in fixation
and the reverse primer U2 (5′ACATTTCACAACACGAGCTG3′-re- buffer (10% ethanol, 0.5% acetic acid) and subsequently for
verse) DNA fragments were amplified (Weidner et al. 1996). After 10 min in SYBR green I nucleic-acid gel stain (1:10.000 dilution;
the first amplification round, the amplified product was used to start FMC BioProducts, Rockland, Me., USA). The stained gel was im-
a new PCR round. In the second PCR round, the forward primer mediately photographed on an UV transillumination table with a
P63f (5′CAGGCCTAACACATGCAAGTC3′-forward), which was video camera module (Vilbert Lourmat, Marne-la vallé, France).
prolonged at its 5′ end with a 40-base GC clamp, and the reverse
primer P518r (5′ATTACCGCGGCTGCTGG3′-reverse) were used.
The PCR master mix contained 0.5 µM of each primer, 200 µM DGGE pattern analysis
of each deoxynucleoside triphosphate, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 10 µl of
thermophilic DNA polymerase 10× reaction buffer (MgCl2-free), Statistical comparison of different DGGE banding patterns was
2.5 U of Taq DNA polymerase (Promega, Madison, Wis., USA), done with the GelCompar software 4.1 (Applied Maths, Kortrijk,
400 ng µl–1 of bovine serum albumin (Boehringer) and sterile wa- Belgium). The clustering algorithm of Ward (1963) was used to
ter to a final volume of 100 µl. PCR was performed in a 9600 ther- calculate dendrograms.
mal cycler as follows: 94 °C for 5 min, followed by 30 cycles of
92 °C for 1 min, 53 °C for 1 min, and 72 °C for 2 min. All PCR
products (10-µl volumes) were analyzed by electrophoresis in 1% DNA cloning and sequencing
(w/v) agarose gels before DGGE was performed.
Amplified 16S rDNA fragments, obtained after the first PCR
round, were cloned by using the TOPO TA cloning kit (Invitrogen,
Analysis of PCR products by DGGE Carlsbad, Calif., USA) according to the manufacturer's instruc-
tions. DNA sequencing was performed by Genetik (Bielefeld,
DGGE was performed as previously described by Boon et al. Germany) on 22 clones. Analysis of DNA sequences and homolo-
(2000) using the Bio-Rad D Gene System (Hercules, Calif., USA) gy searches were carried out with the BLAST server of the
with 6% (w/v) polyacrylamide gels in 1× TAE (20 mM Tris, National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) using
10 mM acetate, 0.5 mM EDTA, pH 7.4) containing a linear chemi- the BLAST algorithm for the comparison of a nucleotide query
cal gradient ranging from 45 to 60% denaturant (100% denaturant sequence against a nucleotide sequence database (Altschul et al.
contains 7 M urea and 40% formamide). PCR products (8 µl) ob- 1997).
tained from the second PCR round of the corrosion and water
samples were used for separation in denaturing gradient gels. The
Nucleotide sequence accession numbers
Nucleotide sequences for fragments 1–22 were deposited in Gen-
Bank database and are given in Table 2. A first series of samples was taken immediately after the
connection of the pressure lines into the gravity sewer
N-acyl homoserine lactone detection
pipe (A). At that point, different samples were taken
from the concrete surface, starting at the crown of the
Bacterial strains pipe (I.1) to the bottom of the pipe (I.5) and the sewage
water (II) (Fig. 1). After 1 month, new samples were tak-
The strains Agrobacterium tumefaciens A136 (Ti–) (pCF218) en on the respective places and the same procedures
(pCF372), A. tumefaciens KYC6 (traM::Tn5-gusA harboring
pCF218) and Chromobacterium violaceum CV026 were provided were followed. The samples were labeled a and b, re-
by C. Fuqua (Fuqua and Winans 1996). For long-term storage, all spectively.
cultures were suspended in a mixture of LB broth and glycerol and Together with an increasing corrosion level from be-
frozen at –70 °C. Prior to use, frozen cultures were removed from neath the water level to the crown of the sewer pipe, a
storage and incubated on AT medium supplemented with 50 µg
spectinomycin ml–1 and 4.5 µg tetracycline ml–1 (A. tumefaciens pH drop of the concrete surface was seen. The pH varied
A136), AT medium with 100 µg kanamycin ml–1 and 4.5 µg tetra- from 7.2 in the biofilm covering the bottom to 2.9 at the
cycline ml–1 (A. tumefaciens KYC6), and LB medium (C. violaceum crown of the sewer pipe. Conventional plate-counting
CV026) respectively. techniques on general media revealed the smallest
amount of bacteria in the crown samples of the sewer
AHL cross-feeding assay pipe (Table 1). The crown (I.1), characterized by a low
pH and a highly corroded surface, was colonized by ap-
A cross-feeding assay (Fuqua and Winans 1996) was used for proximately 105 and 106 CFU (g corrosion product or
AHL detection. This assay consisted of streaking the AHL report- biofilm)–1 of bacteria and fungi, respectively. Above the
er strain, A. tumefaciens A136, on AT medium containing X-gal
(40 µg ml–1) and then placing the sample (synthetic AHLs or cor- water level (I.3), characterized by a moderately corroded
rosion product) approximately 1 cm away. If AHL activity was surface, higher bacterial and fungal densities were de-
present, it would diffuse through the agar to the reporter strain and tected, i.e. 108 and 106 CFU (g corrosion product)–1 for
be detected due to activation of the traI-lacZ fusion by TraR. Posi- bacteria and fungi, respectively. The largest amount of
tive and negative controls consisted of culturing the reporter strain
with A. tumefaciens KYC6 (AHL overproducer) and A. tumefaci- bacteria but fewer fungi were found under the water lev-
ens A136 (AHL reporter strain). el, 5×108 CFU (g biofilm)–1 and 4×105 CFU (g bio-
film)–1. MPN counts of the most important sulfur-oxidiz-
ing bacteria showed the largest number of acidophilic
AHL reporter plate bioassay sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, more specifically T. thiooxi-
Chromobacterium violaceum CV026 was grown overnight, shak- dans, at the crown of the sewer pipe (Table 1); 106 MPN
ing in LB broth at 30 °C. From this culture, 50 µl was added to (g corrosion product)–1 were found in specific media for
5 ml of molten semi-solid LB-agar 0.6% (w/v). Immediately after T. thiooxidans. The use of specific media for moderately
inoculation, it was poured over the surface of prewarmed LB agar acidophilic thiobacilli showed the largest abundance of
plates. After solidifying of the overlaid agar, wells were punched
in the agar with a sterile cork-borer (diameter 6 mm). The wells these bacteria in samples I.2–I.4 i.e. at moderately cor-
were filled with the samples to be assayed (i.e. synthetic AHLs, roded places.
corrosion products). The Petri dishes were incubated in the upright In order to monitor and compare the microbial com-
position for 24 h at 30 °C. The induction of violacein synthesis by munities on different places of a corroded sewer pipe,
AHL signal molecules is indicated by blue/purple pigmentation of
the bacterial lawn around the wells. Positive (N-hexanoyl DL-ho- the diversity of 16S rRNA gene fragments was exam-
moserine lactone) and negative (sterile LB broth) controls were in- ined. The DGGE profile showed a decrease in the micro-
cluded in each assay plate (McClean et al. 1997). bial diversity from the sewage water to the more severe-
ly corroded concrete surface in the crown of the sewer
pipe (Fig. 2A). A limited amount of bands can be ob-
served in sample I.1. Gradually, an increasing amount of

Table 1 Determination of the bacterial/fungal densities and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria at different sections of a corroded concrete sewer pipe

Bacteriaa Fungia Thiobacillus Thiobacillus Thiobacillus

thiooxidansb novellus/intermediusb neapolitanusb

I.1 5.17±0.68 5.98±0.43 6.15 4.81 4.18

I.2 6.23±0.45 5.20±0.58 5.65 6.15 4.40
I.3 8.90±0.40 6.30±0.50 4.98 5.04 4.88
I.4 8.04±0.55 5.00±0.60 4.40 6.15 4.40
I.5 8.71±0.70 5.60±0.68 3.97 4.30 3.98
II 6.04±0.95 4.48±0.70 3.40 4.60 3.00
a log CFU (g corrosion material)–1 (I.1–I.5) or log CFU ml–1 (II); data are means±SD (n=3)
10 10
b log MPN (g corrosion material)–1 (I.1–I.5) or log MPN ml–1 (II)
10 10

Fig. 2 A Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profile A deep blue coloration of the indicator strain A. tumefa-
of the microbial diversity of the sampled biofilms and water ciens A136 occurred in the cross-streaking assay. Posi-
phase. Samples b were taken 1 month later at the respective places
as samples a. B Cluster analysis of the DGGE pattern; C densio-
tive results were confirmed with the AHL reporter plate
gram of DGGE profile for samples I.5b (bottom), I.3b (above the bioassay by purple staining of the reporter strain in the
water level) and I.1b (crown) surrounding of the biofilm samples I.4 and I.5. No signal
molecules could be detected in water sample II, sample
I.2 and sample I.3. A small AHL signal could be ob-
bands appeared in the DGGE profile. A larger spreading served in sample I.1; a weak blue coloration in the A. tu-
of the bands, as well as a larger quantity of bands, is ob- mefaciens cross-streaking test and a slight coloration in
served in sample I.4–I.5. To determine the information the C. violaceum test occurred.
content of the banding patterns in terms of differences in A second series of samples was taken at the connec-
microbial community structure, they were analyzed by tion (A), and 100 m (B) and 200 m (C) beyond the con-
clustering. Two groups were obtained (Fig. 2B). It is in- nection of the pressure lines downstream into the gravity
teresting to notice the clear difference between the mi- pipe. At each distance, three samples were taken, namely
crobial communities on the corroded places in compari- at the crown (1), the water level (2) and the bottom (3) of
son with the microbial communities under the water lev- the sewer pipe, respectively. In the first series of samples
el (water, as well as biofilm). The fingerprints of the a large difference could be observed in the pH profile of
samples showed differences in both band position and the sewer pipe. This was confirmed in the second series
intensity. This was visualized by means of a densiogram (Table 4). By moving further from the connection, a
based on the DGGE profile of samples I.1, I.3 and I.5 weaker corrosive action was observed as well as smaller
(Fig. 2C). An important alteration of the microbial com- differences in the pH profile. At a distance of 100 m, the
munities on the concrete pipe from the sewer crown to pH varied from 4.2 to 7.4. The pH variation of the bio-
the bottom of the sewer pipe was seen. The most domi- film on the concrete surface was even smaller 200 m
nant species in the corroded samples I.1, I.2 and I.3 were downstream of the connection; it varied from 5.5 to 7.4.
identified (Table 2). At the most severely corroded place, Conventional counting techniques showed only small
not only acidophilic bacteria (Thiobacillus and Acidi- differences between the bacterial densities for the differ-
thiobacillus sp.) were found, but also Mycobacterium sp. ent profiles. At each sampling point, an increasing
In sample I.2, which represents a corroded surface sur- amount of bacteria were present from the crown to the
rounding the steel bar, a larger variety of microorgan- bottom of the sewer pipe, varying in the order of 105–106
isms was identified, belonging to the α-Proteobacteria, to 108–109 per g biofilm. MPN counting revealed some
β-Proteobacteria, γ-Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Ac- differences in the number of acidophilic and moderately
idobacteria, Flavobacteria and the Bacillus group. acidophilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. In the samples tak-
Again a smaller diversity was seen in sample I.3; the en of the silt or the biofilm in the bottom of the pipe, the
identified bacteria belonged to the Actinobacteria, α- amounts of T. thiooxidans, T. novellus/intermedius and T.
Proteobacteria and γ-Proteobacteria. neapolitanus remained more or less constant. Some larg-
Two bio-assays showed the presence of AHL signal er differences could be detected in samples taken at the
molecules in the biofilm under the water level and at the crown or above the water level. Comparing samples tak-
most severely corroded places (Table 3). A strong signal en at the crown immediately after the connection and
was seen for the biofilm samples under the water level. 100 m downstream revealed an alteration of the sulfur-
Table 2 Sequence similarities after cloning and sequencing of ter level (I.3b). Sequences were aligned to their closest relatives in
amplified 16S rDNA fragments for samples taken at the crown public databases by using the BLASTN 2.0.13 program
(I.1b), in the surrounding of the steel bar (I.2b) and above the wa-

Sample Similarity (%) Speciesa Accession no. Taxonomic description

1 99% (533/537) Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans (B-S3) (X75269.1) AF379017 γ-Proteobacteria
2 99% (512/516) Thiobacillus thiooxidans (Y11596.1) AF379018 γ-Proteobacteria
3 98% (530/537) Mycobacterium sp. IMVS B76676 (AF016407.1) AF379016 Actinobacteria
4 99% (526/528) Mycobacterium IWGMT 90174 (X88908.1) AF379019 Actinobacteria
5 99% (443/444) Thiobacillus thiooxidans (Y11596.1) AF379020 γ-Proteobacteria
6 97% (421/430) Methylobacterium sp. (Z23158.1) AF379021 α-Proteobacteria
7 94% (437/462) Aeromicrobium erythreum (AF005021.1) AF379022 Actinobacteria
8 89% (379/422) Metal-contaminated soil clone K20–60 (AF145853.1) AF379037 α-Proteobacteria
9 99% (434/436) Methylobacterium sp. (Z23158.1) AF379023 α-Proteobacteria
10 96% (451/469) Flavobacterium aff. xylanivorum (AJ297440.1) AF379024 Flavobacteria
11 98% (458/467) Unidentified β-Proteobacterium (D84603.1) AF379025 β-Proteobacteria
12 93% (405/431) Agrobacterium sp. (AB006037.1) AF379026 α-Proteobacteria
13 95% (465/487) Cellvibrio sp. R4079 (AJ289164.1) AF379027 γ-Proteobacteria
14 98% (315/320) Bacillus psychrodurans(AJ277984.1) AF379028 Bacillus group
15 96% (476/493) Stenothrophomonas maltophilia (AJ131907.1) AF379029 γ-Proteobacteria
16 98% (395/399) Methylobacterium sp. (Z23160.1) AF379030 α-Proteobacteria
17 96% (377/391) Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes (Z76666.1) AF379031 γ-Proteobacteria
18 98% (305/311) Uncultured bacterium DA008 (Y12597.1) AF379032 Acidobacteria
19 97% (307/314) Mycobacterium sp. IMVS B76676 (AF016407.1) AF379033 Actinobacteria
20 98% (262/266) Propionibacterium acnes (AF145256.1) AF379034 Actinobacteria
21 97% (302/310) Mycobacterium sydneyiensis (AF101243.2) AF379035 Actinobacteria
22 95% (383/402) Sphingomonas sp. MK331 (D84519.1) AF379036 α-Proteobacteria

Table 3 Detection of N-acyl-

homoserine lactone production Reporter: Reporter:
in the sampled biofilm and A. tumefaciens NTL4 C. violaceum CV026
corrosion products and in the
water phase Overproducer: A. tumefaciens KYC6 +++ –
Negative control – –
I.1: Heavily corroded surface + +
I.2: Corroded surface surrounding steel bar – –
I.3: Moderately corroded surface – –
I.4: Not corroded surface under the water level ++ +
I.5: Silt, bottom of sewer pipe ++ +
II: Sewage water – –

Table 4 Overview on pH, detection of N-acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL) molecules and bacterial density at different locations of a cor-
roded concrete sewerage system

pH AHLa Bacteriab T. thiooxidansc T. novellus/ T. neapolitanusc


Connection pressure A.1 3.1 + 5.60±0.78 6.15 4.81 3.40

lines-gravity pipe A.2 3.4 – 7.91±0.45 5.15 6.15 4.98
A.3 7.2 ++ 8.48±0.60 3.18 5.40 4.18
100 m beyond B.1 4.2 + 6.11±0.63 5.65 5.81 4.98
connection B.2 4.9 – 8.60±0.71 4.40 6.04 4.88
B.3 7.4 ++ 9.30±0.43 3.97 4.30 3.00
200 m beyond C.1 5.5 – 6.95±0.55 4.40 4.40 4.18
connection C.2 6.0 – 7.84±0.53 4.40 6.04 4.40
C.3 7.4 ++ 8.90±0.76 3.40 4.30 3.00
Water D 7.8 – 8.85±0.49 4.40 5.60 4.00
aCross-feeding bioassay (reporter A. tumefaciens NTL4)
blog CFU (g corrosion material)–1 (A–C) or log CFU ml–1 (D); data are means±SD (n=3)
10 10
clog MPN (g corrosion material)–1 (A–C) or log MPN ml–1 (D)
10 10

difference of the samples taken near the connection and

100 m downstream.
The confirmation of the presence of signal molecules,
detected during the first series, on the concrete surface
was obtained during the second series of samples (Ta-
ble 4). No signal molecules were detected in the sewage
water. A clear signal was obtained for each sample of the
biofilm taken at the concrete surface under the water lev-
el, regardless of the distance from the connection or the
corrosion front. A faint signal was detected for the sam-
ples taken at the most corroded places, i.e. the crown, at
point A and B. However, the moderately corroded sam-
ples showed no evidence of signal molecule production
in the formation of AHL by using the two bio-assays.

Reports in the literature show that severe corrosion of
concrete sewer pipes often occurs at points of high tur-
bulence and consecutively H2S release into the sewer at-
mosphere (DeHollander 1998). This is confirmed in our
case study. Severe damage is located near the connection
of two pressure lines into a gravity pipe, which is accom-
panied by a high-turbulence flow.
The corrosion front, with the most severe corrosion
damage at the crown, is related to the surface pH and
characterized by the appearance of specific microbial
communities. Conventional counting techniques were
used to get an idea of the microbial communities present
on the corroded surface of concrete sewer pipes. From
Fig. 3 DGGE band pattern of the second series of samples. Sam- the study of Gu et al. (1998), it was apparent that thioba-
ples were taken at the crown (1), at the water level (2) and under
the water level (3), respectively, at the connection (A), and 100 m
cilli were not the sole microorganisms causing degrada-
(B) and 200 m (C) downstream. Sample D is the water sample tion of concrete. The work of Davis et al. (1998) showed
the absence of nitrate-reducing bacteria, sulfate-reducing
bacteria and anaerobic heterotrophs in corrosion sam-
oxidizing bacteria from acidophilic to moderately acido- ples. Therefore, this work focused on aerobic bacterial
philic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. In sample A.1 approxi- and fungal counts on general media and MPN counts in
mately 106, 105 and 103 MPN (g corrosion product)–1 for specific media for sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. To get a bet-
T. thiooxidans, T. novellus/intermedius and T. neapolit- ter and more reliable profile of the genetic diversity of
anus, respectively, were detected. For sample B.1 ap- the complex microbial communities, molecular tools
proximately 105, 106 and 105 MPN (g corrosion prod- were used. With the above-described procedure, reliable
uct)–1 for T. thiooxidans, T. novellus/intermedius and T. and reproducible DGGE band patterns could be obtained
neapolitanus, respectively, were counted. for corroded concrete samples.
The microbial communities on the different places Conventional MPN techniques showed the presence of
were further analyzed by examining the diversity of 16S T. thiooxidans, T. novellus/intermedius and T. neapolit-
rRNA fragments (Fig. 3). As described earlier, a large anus. These results correspond with data obtained in liter-
difference occurred in the pattern of DGGE bands near ature (Davis et al. 1998). Bacterial counts of the same or-
the connection (A1–3). Also the water sample was char- der of magnitude as reported by these authors were ob-
acterized by a large diversity, illustrated by the large va- tained in the outer part of the corrosion layer. The species
riety (D). The global profile of the three samples taken of the genus Thiobacillus fall into the α-, β- and γ-sub-
100 m downstream (B1–3) corresponds to a large extent classes of the Proteobacteria. These species exhibit al-
with the profile obtained near the connection (A1–3). most as much diversity in DNA composition and physiol-
The number of bands is more or less the same, although ogy as is found in all other proteobacterial groups. Re-
the bands differ in intensity. Moving further from the cently, T. thiooxidans and some other Thiobacillus spe-
connection, a larger difference in the profiles, both in the cies were reassigned to three newly designated genera
number of bands and in intensity, was observed (C1–3). within the γ-Proteobacteria, namely Acidithiobacillus
The in-between difference of the samples taken 200 m (e.g. Thiobacillus thiooxidans, Thiobacillus ferrooxi-
downstream is small in comparison with the in-between dans), Halothiobacillus (e.g. Thiobacillus neapolitanus)

and Thermithiobacillus (Kelly and Wood 2000). Howev- ic acids that with calcium may form soluble calcium
er, by DGGE of the obtained fragments, no moderately complexes. Our results clearly show the presence of non-
acidophilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria were found, in con- sulfur-oxidizing heterotropic bacteria. These bacteria ob-
trast to the results obtained by conventional MPN tech- viously grow together with the sulfur-oxidizing bacteria.
niques with specific media (Table 1). This can possibly It is clearly seen that a limited amount of some specific
be explained by: (1) the sampling procedure and/or (2) by bacteria occur at the heavily corroded concrete surfaces
the limitations of the used technique. It has been demon- characterized by a low pH. Most of the bacteria found in
strated in the literature that results may be complicated by the presence of the sulfur-oxidizing bacteria are chemo-
variation in community composition with depth of the organotrophs and are characterized by polysaccharide
corrosion layer. The lowest pH values are found at the slime production, acid-fastness or a special cell wall
surface, while deep in the concrete pH values are high. It composition. The resistance of Mycobacteria sp. to acids
is notable that Sand and Bock (1984) found a substantial is considered to be due to the high levels of mycolic acid
abundance of T. intermedius/novellus and T. neapolitanus in the cell wall, which make the cells of mycobacteria
along with the higher abundance of T. thiooxidans on wax-like and strongly hydrophobic (Schlegel 1993).
concrete at pH 1.5. But these authors used whole pieces Data of Gu et al. (1998) indicated that a Fusarium sp.
of concrete rather than collecting organisms from the sur- is capable of degrading the concrete material. Possible
face. It is possible that T. thiooxidans was growing in the explanation may be the formation of soluble calcium
low-pH environment at the surface, while the other spe- complexes with the concrete, resulting in dissolution (Gu
cies were growing at higher pH values within the con- et al. 1998). Our results showed also the presence of fun-
crete. In the described procedure, samples were taken of gi; however, they were not further analyzed or identified.
the outer layer of the corroded concrete without structural Near the steel bar, more bacterial species were pres-
strength, i.e. composed of softened concrete, corrosion ent. This could be explained by: (1) higher pH values
products and micro-organisms. In addition to these con- and/or (2) the presence of steel bar and subsequently the
siderations, it must be stressed that also the sensitivity of presence of micro-organisms involved in corrosion of
the detection of 16S rDNA sequence variants is limited. steel.
Experiments (Muyzer et al. 1993) showed the ability to The first series of samples showed that a large differ-
distinguish a specific band in the mixture in which the ence in community composition exists between the cor-
target DNA of the species comprised 1% of the total mix- roded samples and the biofilm under the water level. The
ture. Therefore species in minority in the microbial popu- microbial analysis of the second series of samples con-
lations are not detectable or difficult to detect. This may firmed these results. Additionally, it was interesting to
explain why after cloning of the extract of sample I.1, I.2 see that this difference in microbial diversity and pH of
and I.3 no or a limited amount of moderately acidophilic the concrete surface gradually declined as the distance
sulfur-oxidizing bacteria were retrieved. To resolve this from the connection increases and the corrosion damage
problem, it may be interesting to make use of more spe- decreased. The DGGE patterns of the three samples tak-
cific primers for PCR amplification of the obtained DNA en 200 m after the connection showed a considerable
fractions. Such basic information can be used further in similarity and indicate that no major differences in bacte-
the development or application of new techniques such as rial species occur under and above the water level. How-
microscopy with fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) ever bands of different intensity appear, and more de-
using probes based on variable regions of 16S rRNA of tailed analysis is necessary to get a complete image of
specific acidophilic bacteria. For example, such an oli- the microbial communities present in sewer pipes.
gonucleotide probe for T. thiooxidans was developed In addition, AHL production was detected in the se-
(Peccia et al. 2000). However, to get a complete image of verely corroded concrete samples of the crown of the
the microbial community in an environmental sample of a sewer pipe. Results obtained in this work suggest the in-
corroded concrete pipe with FISH probes, foregoing fun- tensity of the AHL production; however, for quantitative
damental studies and identification of the present bacteria results, the different molecules should be separated, for
is necessary. example by thin-layer chromatography (Shaw et al.
With conventional counting techniques, Davis et al. 1997). The detection of AHL molecules on severely cor-
(1998) detected large numbers of aerobic heterotrophs in roded concrete surfaces in sewer pipes offers a potential
the outer corrosion layer as well as the inner corrosion opportunity for corrosion control. Different compounds
layer of concrete sewer pipes. Results of sequence com- were described that interfere not only with intraspecies
parison of the obtained clones with the Genbank dat- cell-cell communication but also with interspecies com-
abase showed the presence of different heterotrophs. The munication in the process of colonization of bacterial
presence of these bacteria can be explained by: (1) the communities. For example, halogenated furanones struc-
providence of vital nutrients for the sulfur-oxidizing bac- turally resemble AHL molecules and show inhibitory ac-
teria, or (2) the removal capacity of toxic substances as tivity at ecologically realistic concentrations in AHL bio-
pyruvate and oxalate, as T. thiooxidans excretes pyruvate assays (Manefield et al. 1999).
and oxalate, which are self-inhibitory at concentrations of AHL activity was also detected in the biofilm samples
2×10–5 to 7×10–5 M (Cho and Mori 1995; Borichewsky taken under the water level. These results can lead to fur-
1967; Peccia et al. 2000), or (3) the production of organ- ther insight into the occurrence of signal molecules and

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