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1. I am a vitreous mineral with a hardness of 5 to 6. My streak is color white to gray. I am usually

dark green to black in color. You can find me in igneous rocks but please do not mistaken me as
augite for my cleavage angles are 60 and 120 degrees. I am _______________. (hornblende)
2. Hello! I am consisted of the two most common minerals that are found at the earth’s crust. I have
no cleavage but when fractured, you’ll notice my conchoidal fracture. My hardness is 7. I can be
colorless and might also appear in other colors. What mineral am I? (quartz)
3. Heliodor is my yellow transparent variety. Aquamarine and emerald are also some of my varieties.
My hardness is 7.5 to 8 and has an uneven to conchoidal fracture. My streak is white and might
appear as prismatic minerals. Who am I? (beryl)
4. I am best known for my gem varieties such as ruby and sapphire. My hardness is next to diamond’s
and I have no cleavage. I have an uneven or conchoidal fracture. My streak is colorless and might
appear as adamantine to vitreous. Who am I? (corundum)
5. I am diamond’s sister. We have the same mineral composition. But I am not strong as her.
Marupok ako, friend for my hardness is only 1 to 1.5. My streak is black to steel-gray. I might
appear as metallic or dull earthy. Who am I? (graphite)
6. I am formed from the weathering of feldspars. My hardness is 2 to 2.5 and my streak is white. I
appear as earthy and form white, microscopic, pseudo hexagonal plates in compact or granular
masses and in micalike piles. ______________ (kaolinite)
7. I am known for having a perfect cleavage in one direction. I can be scratched by your fingernail
and my streak is colorless. Though I can appear as dark green, dark brown or black. My thin flakes
are flexible. What mineral am I? (biotite)
8. You might have mistaken me as a gold. My hardness ranges from 3.5-4. Scratch me on a plate and
you’ll see a dark green color. I am opaque and brassy yellow when freshly mined, but I commonly
develop an iridescent tarnish on exposure to the atmosphere. I appear commonly as aggregates
in igneous rocks. I am ______________ (chalcopyrite)
9. I am a metallic to dull mineral with a cherry-red or reddish-brown streak. My hardness is 5 to 6. I
am dense and hard and the most important ore of iron making me magnetic. I might appear as
coarse-grained, thin and scaly or crystals in petal-like arrangements. Hello! You can call me
_______________ (hematite)
10. I am a mineral with a white streak and a hardness of 4. I also have 4 cleavages. I am vitreous and
occurs as a vibrant, well-formed crystal. My crystals may have zones of different colors that follow
the contour of my crystal faces. I am widely found in cubes but can also be octahedra. What
mineral am I? (fluorite)
11. My streak is white, and my hardness is 6.5 to 7. My cleavage is imperfect, and I have a conchoidal
fracture. I am vitreous, and I usually appear as yellowish green but may also be yellow, brown,
gray or colorless. My crystals are tabular, often with wedge-shaped terminations. I may also occur
in massive or granular habits. Call me ___________. (olivine)
12. I am a vitreous mineral with a hardness of 8. My streak is colorless, but I occur in wide range of
colors, with sherry-yellow and pink stones being particularly valuable. My prismatic minerals have
striations parallel to my length, but you can also find me in massive, granular and columnar habits.
My name is ____________. (topaz)


1. I am an extrusive igneous rock, so I am fine-grained. I am usually dark gray or black, with a smooth
surface. You can see no visible layers on me. I am mainly composed of plagioclase, pyroxene and
olivine. I am usually dark gray to black. Who am I? (basalt)
2. I am a coarse-grained rock with large crystals. I have three main minerals namely feldspar, quartz
and mica. I am dominated with feldspar and I have quartz but only around 10%. My crystals are
not arranged in layers. I might appear as white, light gray, pink or red. (granite)
3. I am an extrusive igneous rock that looks like black glass. But I might also appear as red or brown.
I am smooth, often with semicircular rings in places where I have fractures. (obsidian)
4. I am fine-grained with no crystals. I am not a smooth rock, but I have many air pockets. I have a
low density due to my numerous air-filled pores. I am very light and usually gray, white or pink in
color. (pumice)
5. I am a fine-grained rock. I split easily into thin layers. I consist of high percentages of clay minerals,
some amounts of quartz and smaller amounts of carbonates, feldspars, iron oxides and fossils. I
may occur in different colors, but I am usually gray, black or brown. I am consisted of silt- and
clay-sized particles and occur thinly interbedded with layers or sandstone or limestone. (shale)
6. I am a medium to coarse-grained metamorphic rock. My layers look like bands running through
it. They called me granite or schist when I was not yet pressured. But pressure made me strong
that I have little to no tendency to split along planes. Call me _________. (gneiss)
7. I am a fine-grained, dark colored metamorphic rock, formed when shale is put under pressure. I
am layered and easily splits into flat pieces. (slate)
8. I am a metamorphic rock that has a white to gray color when pure. I can be very hard and brittle
and shows conchoidal fracture. I am a rock that has a crystalline appearance. They call me
_______________because I have at least 90% quartz. (quartzite)
9. I am a rock that is composed mainly of calcite with traces of quartz, glauconite or clays. I can be
white or gray. I am soft, fine-grained and easily pulverized. I am called ____________. (chalk)
10. I am a sedimentary rock that is formed chemically from the mixing of calcite and sediment. I can
have many different grain sizes, and is usually white or light colored. I often contain fossils.
Because it contains calcium carbonate, limestone fizzes when vinegar is dropped on it. Acids like
vinegar will dissolve it over time. My name is _____________. (limestone)
11. I am a granular rock. My crystals can usually be seen. My color is usually light, often white, and
often has streaks of other colors within it. Like limestone, I often fizz when vinegar is applied. I am
derived from limestone or dolomite. Who am I? ____________ (marble)
12. I am a rock easily confused with igneous basalt. I am hard, mostly gray, brown, yellow or black. I
am composed of poorly sorted, coarse- to fine-grained quartz, feldspar and dark-colored minerals
such as amphibole and pyroxene, set in a fine-grained matrix of clay, calcite, or quartz. I may occur
in thick or thin beds along with slates and limestones. Who am I? __________________
Answer key:


1. Hornblende
2. Quartz
3. Beryl
4. Corundum
5. Graphite
6. Kaolinite
7. Biotite
8. Chalcopyrite
9. Hematite
10. Fluorite
11. Olivine
12. Topaz


1. Basalt
2. Granite
3. Obsidian
4. Pumice
5. Shale
6. Gneiss
7. Slate
8. Quartzite
9. Chalk
10. Limestone
11. Marble
12. Greywacke

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