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Note & Disclaimer: To avoid headaches, I won't allow anyone from the USA to join the ICO.

If you
are in the US or a US citizen, please do not participate in the ICO.

All-In coin is a simple “hedge fund” coin, aimed at increasing its ETH holdings. It is run by me alone,
but with input from the community. It will only follow the below basic strategy -

Half of all project funds will be used to join the private sale or Pre-ICO of a single upcoming promising
project one at a time. The funds may also be used to invest in an already existing coin on the market if
the coin may be undervalued. The main point of this coin is that only one active investment may exist
at any time, never two or more investments may be active at once, and we can only invest half of the
absolute fund balance at any one time. The coin community and myself will determine in advance a
stop-loss limit (optional) and a sell-off maximum (such as x3 value or so) for the coin we choose to
invest in in each new investing period.

Once our stop-loss or profit is reached and we have exited our investment, half of all the new funds will
be invested in another Pre-ICO, private sale, or released coin, and the same strategy repeated. Note:
Stop-losses will usually be manually activated rather than automatically in order to prevent falling for
market manipulation on low market-cap investments. In the event we believe a coin is being
manipulated, we may also choose to ignore its stop-loss. I will however never ignore the profit ratio
that is stated we will sell at. Once that's reached, we will exit the investment and move on to the next.

In the event all or most invested funds are lost in an investment, the project will still have at least half
of its funds left. Half of these funds will then be used to repeat the same above strategy. In essence, the
fund should never lose all its investment capital, since every loss can only ever be equal to half of the
remaining project funds. If the fund does well and profits, then there will be a higher half amount to
invest for the next project.

Eg: 50 ETH is raised from ICO. Current project fund is now 50 ETH. Only half of this amount (25
ETH) can be invested in a project.

Scenario 1) 50% of fund (25 ETH) is invested in a Pre-ICO with an agreed strategy to sell off at a x2.
The x2 occurs and we cash out 50 ETH total. The project fund is now 50 ETH + 25 ETH (the non-
invested amount) = 75 ETH. Only half of the project fund can ever be invested at once so the next
investment will now be capped at 37.5 ETH.

Scenario 2) Our fund has 75 ETH but our next investment does poorly. We invest 37.5 ETH and have a
stop-loss at ½ our investment. The stop-loss is trigged and so we only have 18.75 ETH of our
investment left. Our total loss is 18.75 ETH. Now our total project fund is 18.75 ETH + 37.5 ETH (the
non-invested amount) which brings our new project fund to 56.25 ETH. Half this amount 28.125 ETH
will be used in our next Pre-ICO investment.

Examples (assuming ICO raised 50 ETH):

Worst case scenario if we lose 100% of our investment in 5 projects in a row after ICO launch -
Before Project 1: Our fund has 50 ETH total.
After Project 1: 25 ETH funds total, of this 12.5 ETH are saved for next investment
After Project 2: 12.5 ETH funds total, of this 6.25 ETH saved for next investment
After Project 3: 6.25 ETH funds total, of this 3.125 ETH saved for next investment
After Project 4: 3.125 ETH funds total, of this 1.562 ETH saved for next investment
After Project 5: 1.562 ETH total, of this 0.781 ETH saved for next investment

Good case scenario where we exit at a x2 with 5 projects in a row after ICO launch -
Before Project 1: Our fund has 50 ETH total.
After Project 1: 75 ETH funds total, of this 37.5 ETH saved for next investment
After Project 2: 112.5 ETH funds total, of this 56.25 ETH saved for next investment
After Project 3: 168.75 ETH funds total, of this 84.37 ETH saved for next investment
After Project 4: 253.1 ETH funds total, of this 126.5 ETH saved for next investment
After Project 5: 379.6 ETH funds total, of this 189.7 ETH saved for next investment

The above examples are extreme. In reality it's more likely that we will experience a mix of both
successes and losses together, and hopefully we won't be losing 100% of our investment during the
losses (stop-losses should be triggered), and we should frequently aim for a higher than x2 return for
our profitable investments.

The main point here is that the project funds can never be fully lost in investments, as each loss will
only result in losing half of whatever project funds remain.

The profit/loss for this project (All-In Coin) is determined only in ETH, not in any currency or other
cryptocurrency. We don't know what the future will hold, so it's hard to speculate whether this is a good
peg or not with hindsight after this whitepaper is written. The only aim this project has is to increase
the number of ETH in its holdings by following the above outlined strategy, nothing else.

How will I store the project funds? On a secure cold hardware wallet (Ledger or Trezor) in addition to
other security measures which won't be disclosed to protect privacy and integrity of the fund. If crypto-
banks become widespread, I'll consider migrating to one of these eventually. Also, together we will
look at insurance and multi-sig options if necessary if the fund grows large. All this will be in open
discussion with community members.

Project Token
The token for this investment will be AIC which stands for (All-In Coin). Each AIC token represents a
share in the fund.

Whilst AIC can be traded for whatever the market decides, they can always be exchanged to me for a
return of the project fund at a fixed rate. This is where the ultimate value of the token will be. Doing
this will incur a 10% fee (5% donated to fund, 5% paid to me as a processing fee), and will have a
minimum requirement of 1 ETH per withdrawal. Fund withdrawals will also only be allowed in-
between project investments. This is because it would be impossible to cash out funds if half of them
are locked up in an investment. After each sell-off from our investment, there will be a window where
fund withdrawals will be possible before the next investment is made.

The other benefit of holding the AIC token is that the more tokens you hold, the higher your voting
voice will be that I'll listen to it within reason. That means if you hold 50% of the tokens and make a
ludicrous investment decision, I'll ignore it, but if I decide to run a poll of 10 potential ICOs for our
next investment, and you hold a lot of voting power (a lot of AIC tokens), you could influence the poll
substantially and I'll listen to it. Ideally though AIC tokens would be at least mildly evenly distributed
so when I do call upon the community to reach consensus, I can rely upon the decision that the
community comes up with. At the end of the day however I'll use my own judgement as the final
determining factor for all investment decisions. But again, I'll try to rely upon what the community tells
me based upon each member's AIC share.

The book value of the AIC token will be calculated as follows:

Absolute Total Fund Value (ETH) / Total AIC in circulation = Book value of 1 AIC token (in ETH)

The Total AIC in circulation will be equal to and no more than the initial Absolute Total Fund Value
which will be determined from the amount raised in the ICO, plus 20% for my founder/manager fee,
and 10% for project expenses and bounty fee. This additional 30% in AIC tokens is a one time creation,
not a recurring thing, and can be verified in the Smart Contract as an additional 30% to the maximum
token supply as determined after the ICO.

The additional 20% AIC tokens allocated to me personally are for creating this project and being its
investment manager, and the additional 10% AIC tokens are to pay for misc. expenses and bounty
payments. I'll be restricted on cashing out my 20% share based on the following vesting restrictions.

My Vesting Restrictions
I am not allowed to cash out the additional 20% share of AIC tokens allocated to me unless the
following two conditions are met -

1) The value of AIC (in ETH) is at least 2x what its initial value was during the ICO.

2) The other condition I must also satisfy is that at least 6 months has elapsed since the ICO has
concluded. Condition 1 must be met AFTER condition 2 has been met. Both conditions must be present
AT THE SAME TIME for the unlocking to occur.

Only once BOTH of the above two conditions are present at the same time are my 20% AIC tokens
unlocked. I do not have to sell them once they're unlocked, and if the fund dips below a x2 value after
the unlock, I may still access the unlocked funds. In reality I very well may decide to keep my funds, or
a portion of them, and continue to work on the fund for free since I'll be getting fantastic leverage by
doing so. I'll have the same incentive as all token holders of using the fund as a great form of
investment leverage.

However I do have the option to exit if I wish once the above two conditions are met. I realize a x2
return in 6 months is a small amount in crypto, and it's aimed the fund will do much better than that
(although there is a risk it will lose ETH instead), so this is more a procedural technicality than
anything to simply ensure that I can't just run away with free coins at the expense of investors, and that
my funds are only unlocked once my initial investors have also had the opportunity to realize a profit. I
will of course aim for a higher return than a x2, but I can't make any promises what will happen.

Exit Strategy -
In the event I do decide to liquidate all my holdings in the fund once I've satisfied the above two
conditions, either of two things can happen -

1) If I decide to close the fund upon exiting, all members will be paid in accordance with the current
Book Value of their AIC at the time without incurring any 10% fee (only minor blockchain transaction
fees will be deducted). There will also be no minimum 1 ETH value withdrawal requirements. All
token holders will be paid out fairly based upon the book value formula mentioned previously.
2) If I decide to remain in the fund, I may leave it up to the community to vote upon whether I will be
paid a retainer management fee between 3% to 20% AIC inflation per year. The amount determined
would be based upon my performance and feedback from the community. In order for Step 2) to occur,
first Step 1) above must occur so that all current AIC holders are paid fairly and the old Smart Contract
is closed down. This is because the original Smart Contract in this ICO will not permit inflation by
design (this is to protect my investors). So, those wishing for me to create a new Smart Contract where
I receive a management fee each year as inflation may re-invest in this new Smart Contract optionally.
There may even be another ICO for this.

In short, either of the above scenarios will only occur if I decide to liquidate and exit once my tokens
are unlocked. In the event I'm retained as a fund manager for a fee by some investors after my exit
(Step 2) then ALL investors will first be paid out the book value of their AIC tokens in accordance with
Step 1) above, so that there are no unexpected surprises anywhere and because I've purposefully
designed the initial Smart Contract to prevent me from inflating the supply or receiving any yearly fee.
In short, there is NO yearly management fee in this original Smart Contract, this is just a hypothetical
future scenario for a new Smart Contract should the fund do exceptionally well and some investors
wish to pay me to retain me as the fund manager in a new Smart Contract. In the event this occurs, ALL
investors would still be paid out in ETH the book value of their AIC before this happens.

Again, there will be no yearly inflation fee for the current Smart Contract you are investing in, only a
one-time 20% extra AIC supply allocated to me with the restrictions outlined under the “My Vesting
Restrictions” section above, and a one-time 10% extra AIC supply for project expenses and bounties. I
merely mention the possibilities of Step 2) in case investors might wonder what I will do after my exit
after I have paid all AIC holders their book value in accordance with Step 1). You can of course
exchange your tokens for ETH at any time in-between fund investments, you do not need to wait for
my exit.

10% Project Expenses Allocation -

Since 10% of base AIC tokens are reserved for project expenses, this section details how they will be
spent. First of all, 5% of the 10% project expenses fund will be distributed among bounty hunters on
BitCoinTalk forum. The other 5% will be used for on-going expenses with the initial following
expenditures -
1) Purchase of a Copper Membership on BitCoinTalk forum to establish credibility.
2) Registration of and development of a basic website for the AIC token.
We will NOT pursue any exchange listing as this is entirely pointless, since you can sell the tokens
back to the fund in-between investments and receive ETH based on your AIC share. The token should
more or less remain pegged to its fund value.

Roadmap -
Q1 2018 - Immediately after the ICO, the first investment will be researched and invested in with
guidance from the community. Most discussion/announcements will occur on Discord.

Q2 2018 – Website release

Risks -
1) There is a risk the investments the community and I decide upon will lose the fund ETH. There is a
risk the value of the fund will keep halving until its value becomes infinitesimal. This will occur if we
make repeatedly poor investment decisions.
2) There is a risk I conduct human error somewhere and inadvertently lose the projects funds, there is
also a risk that the hardware wallet and my security measures are somehow compromised and the
project funds get hacked, stolen, robbed, or lost. Keep in mind though that my accounts on the Internet
are completely separate to cold storage accounts.

3) If the project fund grows large, we will still stick to the same 50% investment strategy as outlined on
Page 1. This means that if we accidentally make a poor investment decision or invest in a scam with
such a large amount of funds in only one coin, suddenly half of the funds may be gone.

4) There are unforeseen risks that none of us may be aware of. There are many events that may happen
that would be unfortunate for either the project funds or your personal funds.

What is your investment strategy?
Please read the beginning, opening section of the whitepaper. It's all on Page 1.

Why trust me?

During my time in crypto, I've encountered a lot of scammers. In fact, going by statistical probabilities,
I probably am one too. I mean, what sort of random person pops up proposing something like this with
an honest intention? I do have good, honest intentions with this project, since I want to become a good
fund manager and acquire management fees from doing this in the future. But you shouldn't take my
word for it. Scammers are incredibly common in crypto, and if I were in your shoes, I'd be skeptical.

However, I look at the long term benefits of being a decentralized, anonymous fund manager, and am
not in this for a short term quick fix. I want to build a trusted reputation from the ground up. But
honestly, there is no reason to trust me, and if you're new to crypto, you shouldn't generally trust
anonymous ICOs such as this. That's my honest advise to you. And it's the reason I'm not expecting
much investment in this ICO. Whatever little funds I do raise, I'll do my best to give good returns for
my investors so I can build a reputation and the fund can grow. The decentralized crypto hedge-funds
of tomorrow should be based purely on results, not resumes or networking.

This is not a pyramid scheme or multi-level marketing scheme in any way. This is more like a crypto-
based hedge fund for digital coins that is based upon real performance of investments. At the end of the
day, it's up to you if you're willing to take a risk in this low market-cap fund I plan to launch.

Why can't people just copy the fund strategy without joining it?
Whilst there will be polls to help ascertain what the community decision is for the next investment, the
actual investment will remain private until after a critical period has ended – such as a Pre-ICO period
or private-sale period. This is to help prevent non AIC holders from copying our investment strategies.
Of course people can view how we allocate funds on the blockchain, but sometimes, particularly as the
fund grows larger, we may arrange for private bonuses where copy-cat funds will find it difficult to
replicate our investment strategies. Also, small-time investors may not have access to minimal capital
requirements in private sales or Pre-ICOs.

Are the 30% extra generated AIC tokens based upon the hard cap or the raised ICO amount?
They're based on the raised ICO amount. That means if only 10 ETH are raised in the ICO, then only
an additional 3 ETH worth of AIC tokens are created one-time.

Will withdrawals affect fund capital?

Naturally they will, but will also reduce the total supply of the AIC token, thus balancing out the value
of AIC. No AIC holders will lose value when someone withdraws from the fund since these tokens are
destroyed. Since there is a 10% withdrawal fee, withdrawals will have a disincentive. Also, 5% of this
fee is re-invested into the fund, thus benefiting remaining AIC holders.

Why is the soft cap 10 ETH, why is the hard cap 300 ETH?
10 ETH is the minimum fund that I'd consider it worthwhile to embark upon this project. 300 ETH is
the maximum risk I wish to take on, I don't need more than that to first prove myself.

Is there a KYC?

ICO Details -
ICO will be launched via the trusted platform, and tokens will be issued immediately.
Exact address will be displayed on the BitCoinTalk forum announcement.

The project will have a soft cap of 10 ETH, and a hard cap of 300 ETH. Whatever the raised amount is,
your share of AIC will be equal to (Your Contribution Amount (ETH) * 1000)
eg: If you contribute 1 ETH, you will receive 1000 AIC.

Maximum token supply will be: (1.3 * Absolute Total Fund Value From ICO (ETH) * 1000)
eg: If 50 ETH are raised, total maximum AIC supply will be 65,000.
Note: Every time someone withdraws from the fund, their AIC tokens are burnt, reducing supply, and
5% of their value is re-distributed into the fund.

What's Next?
Further documentation and procedures of the project to follow after the ICO. I haven't written these yet,
I'll write them once I know what sort of funds were raised that we'll be investing. If we raise a small
amount, it will be mostly ICO and pre-ICOs that we invest in. If it's a large amount, we'll be looking at
more sophisticated private sales.

In order to determine voting (eg: suggestions for new coins/Pre-ICOs to help guide my decision
making), I'll simply require a signed message from each token holder wishing to vote by the ETH
wallet holding their AIC tokens. Voting will of course be optional. Votes will be proportional to the AIC
held in the signed message wallet. If this is confusing to you, you can ignore it as voting is not

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