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Good health is maintained Planets posited in the constellation of

(a) When the cusp of the Ascendant lord of 6 or in the sub of lord of 6 cause
receives good aspect from the disease. Planets in any manner connec-
lord of the ascendant, luminaries ted with 11th house cure the disease as the
and other benches. eleventh house is the 6th to the 6th.
Whenever one suffers from any disease,
(b) When either the cusp of the one will be running the period of the
ascendant nor the lord of the planet connected with 6th house. He can
ascendant is adversely afflicted. expect the cure only during the sub period
(c) when lords of 6, 8 or 12 neither of the planet connected with Ascendant or
occupy lagna, nor conjoin lord 11th house.
of lagna nor form favourable To judge the nature of the disease, one
aspects. is to refer to Krishnamurthi Padhdhati
(d). When lord of lagna does not Book-Vol. 1. It is exhaustively dealt
occupy 6 or 8 or 12. with and explained what each sign signifies
Krishnamurti Padhadhati says and what each planet indicates. Suppose
that one runs the period of a planet in Scorpio
(a) if a person is born with the cusp in the constellation of Saturn—Anuradha
of the ascendant in the constel- and in the sub of Moon, for a Leo—born.
Sign Scorpio indicates generative system.
lation of lord of 6 or 8, he will Being
not have sufficient immunity and the breast the 4th house to Leo-born it shows
resistance against infectious or lungs. Saturn, the lord of
diseases. He is easily susceptible; the constellation, denotes that it is a
chronic complaint-Saturn in a watery sign
(b) if the lord of the ascendant is in • or Saturn star Moon sub indicates pustu-
the constellation of lord of 6 or ration. Hence boil in the breast or
8 or 12, the person will be sickly.- pusturation inthe secret parts is threatened
Therefore if the ascendant and —Gonococci infection may be expected.
the lord of the ascendant are in If the sub belongs to Venus, it indicates
the constellation of planets Fibroid Tumour. If Jupiter rules the sub,
- owning houses other than 6 or 8 one suffers from Cancer. Mars sub
or 12 and if the sub also are not warrants surgical aid. Thus taking the
governed by them, native will sign, the star and the sub one has to decide
live long maintaining good the nature of the disease.
Whenever one is to know when adisease
Of the ascendant and the 'lord of the will be cured, it is to be found first of all,
ascendant, the cusp is more vital. .Twins whether there is a cure at all. Then only
are born in the same lagna. The constel- ascertain when it could be cured. No
lation is also the same. But it is only the person can have a cure from the chronic
sub that varies. That twin born in the disease, if there is no planet in 11, no
sub governed by a benefic lies long and planet in the constellation of the owner or
is healthy: but that child, though born occupant of 11th house and if the llth
in the same lagna and in the same cons- cusp and lo rd of 11 are in the sub of evil
tellation suffers and dies early as the sub planets. Lepers and a few mentally
is governed by lord of 8 or 6. deranged patients ever suffer till death.
Horoscopes of such persons reveal that joined periods they produce. The sign
the lords of the dasa which they experien- and the house occupied by these planets
ced after they contracted the disease are show the part of the body afflicted and
all in the sub of lord of 6; the 11th the complaint of the disease.
house is not strong. Lord of 11 and 1 are
also afflicted. Planets in movable signs cause disease
People suffer from various diseases at of short duration : common signsindicate
different ages. These depend on both the neither short not long. But there are
Dasa lord and Bhukti lord. Planets in chances for relapse: fixed signs threaten
any manner connected with 6th house disease prolonging, chronic, loathsome
have to cause disease. Hence in their con- and tedious.

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