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Bayabas (Guava) Tincture
Akapulko Ointment
SLK Cough Syrup
ALS Liniment
Bayabas (Guava) Tincture

What It Is:
Is a mixture of wine and guava leaves, shaken for days before used.

Botany of Herb (Guava):

Somewhat hairy young branches are 4-angled with opposite leaves. Flowers with in-curved
petals, cottony white, coming out in two's or three's in the leaf axils. Numerous stamens form the
attractive part of the flower. Inferior ovaries develop into roundish green fruits that turn yellow
on ripening and have edible, aromatic, seedy pulp.


Guava Leaves
White Wine/Gin

1. Chop 1 cup of bayabas leaves

2. Put the bayabas leaves in a bottle and add 1 cup of gin or white wine.
3. Shake the prepation everyday for 7 days.


Decoction or infusion of fresh leaves used for wound cleaning to prevent infection and to
facilitate healing. It is popularly used for wound healing of circumcision wounds. Warm
decoction of leaves may be used for vaginal wash or douche.
Akapulko Ointment

What It Is:
An ointment made from akapulko or asunting leaves and oil.

Botany of Herb (Akapulko)

A shrub, 1-2 m tall, with thick branches, pubescent. Leaves with 8-20 pairs of leaflets oblong-
elliptical. Flowers with oblong sepals. Fruit tetragonal, winged and glabrous. Seeds
quadrangular, flattened, and shiny.


Akapulko Leaves/Asunting Leaves
Cooking Oil

1. Wash fresh leaves thoroughly and cut in small pieces.

2. Add one glass of cooking oil or coconut oil to one glass of cut fresh leaves.
3. Boil for 15 minutes over slow medium heat.
4. Remove from the heat, strain.
5. Discard the leaves.
6. Cut white candles into small pieces.
7. Pour the strained oil together with the candle pieces; stir until the candle has melted.
8. Pour the mixture into a clean container; cover when cool.


Apply twice to affected site for 2 times a day. The preparation is for scabies and fungal
SLK Cough Syrup

What It Is:
A syrup made from the extract of tamarind, ginger and calamansi.

Botany of Herb (Sampalok/Tamarind)

A large tree 12 to 20 m high, nearly glabrous. Leaves are even-pinnate, 6 to 10 cm long; leaflets
20 to 40, rather close, oblong, The fruits are brown oblong pods with thick crust.

Botany of Herb (Calamansi)

A smooth and slightly spiny plant, growing to a height of 3 to 5 meters. Fruit is yellow when
ripe, nearly spherical, 2 to 3.5 cm diameter, 6- to 7-celled, and thin-skinned. The skin or peel is
green to yellowish green or yellow, loosely adhering to the flesh. The flesh contains a few light
orange seeds.

Botany of Herb (Luya/Ginger)

Erect, smooth plant with thickened and aromatic rootstocks. Leafy stems are 0.4 to 1 meter high.


1 bag - Sampalok/Tamarind Leaves
¼ kilo - Brown Sugar
5 pieces - Calamansi
1 piece - Ginger

1. Prepare 3 handfuls of washed tamarind leaves.

2. Add with 1 glass of water.
3. Boil of medium heat. Don’t cover. Reduce to ½.
4. Strain and discard leaves.
5. Mix ¼ cup of brown sugar to tamarind extract.
6. Boil until syrupy.
7. Add ginger to syrup.
8. Add 3-4 pieces of calamansi.
9. Place in a jar.

Relives cough and sore throat. It is given for 3 to 4 days only.
Adult 1 tablespoon, three times daily
Children (1y/o) ½ teaspoon, three times daily
Storage: Lasts 5 days in the refrigerator and 2 days when stored in room temperature.
ALS Liniment

What It Is:

A mixture of oils from garlic, ginger and chili.

Botany of Herb (Bawang/Garlic):

A low herb, 30 to 60 cm high. Bulbs are broadly ovoid, 2 to 4 cm in diameter, consisting of

several, densely crowded, angular and truncated tubers. Leaves are linear and flat. Umbels are
globose, many flowered. Sepas are oblong, greenish white, slightly tinged with purple.

Botany of Herb (Luya/Ginger)

Erect, smooth plant with thickened and aromatic rootstocks. Leafy stems are 0.4 to 1 meter high.

Botany of Herb (Siling Labuyo/Chili)

An erect, branched and half-woody plant. Fruit is small, oblong-lanceolate, many-seeded pod
that reddens on riping.


30 pieces - Siling Labuyo/Chili
1 piece - Ginger
½ Kilo - Cooking Oil

1. Peel and cube garlic and ginger.

2. Mix 1 cup of garlic and 1 cup of ginger to 30 chili peppers.
3. Mix 1 glass of oil.
4. Boil for 15 minutes over medium heat.
5. Cool and then strain.
6. Place oil in a clean container.


Used to relieve pain in arthritis and rheumatism. Also relieves muscle pain.


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