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The Nyall Philosophy

Developed by The Brilliant Scientist, Dr. Helgi Pjeturss and documented by Nyall Expert
Thorsteinn Gudjonsson.

Section 1 - Astrobiology
Page 1, Page 2

Section 2 - Metabiology

Section 3 - The Dream Theory

Section 4 - The Purpose of the Nyall Philosophy

The Nyall Philosophy

Section 1 - Astrobiology

As with all philosophies dealing with the principles of universal order we should
begin our exploration of Helgi Pjeturss' Nyall Phiolosophy (which indeed has
been advancing through the works of scholars in this field) with the beginning of
life itself. The theory states that upon the virgin earth, or any "virgin earth", there
existed all sorts of DNAs- RNAs- and Proteins which were forming from single
cells into polycellulars, thus creating life. Environmental conditions would
determine exactly how these cells would react in each circumstance, and would
determine exactly how the life form would evolve in its particular area. This
explains the concept of regional adaptation in evolutionary theory. It is not that
the animals themselves, once fully formed, adapted to their surroundings, the
idea is that in order for the life creating cells to evolve to animals which could
survive the hardships of earth within a particular climate they had to form, in
many different ways, into many different animals with their many different means
of survival.
Animals and plants are connected to the greater universe along with what we
would call "higher life" (divinity), but surely there are limitations in regards to their
reproducing capabilities. When we look for evidence of the above we find that
when crocodiles lay their eggs in the sand, the temperature of each egg can
determine the sex of each embryo. This is a small glimpse of climactic
The next step for life on the earthly scene would be the coming of man, the rising
of intelligent life from the earth itself. In the earliest days the earth was basically a
world of chaos. It was saturated in the energies of the Helstefna- the line of
destruction. Consider the dinosaurs- never believe that it was mainly a meteorite
in the carribean that put an end to all of them; their decline had begun long
before that event (although this would certainly have been their final ruin). The
dinosaurs were an illustration of the Helstefna principle: to eat or be eaten, kill or
be killed. With the early humans already on their evolutionary path, formed by
earthly elements, there needed to be a giant leap instigated by those already
advanced so far that it would be incomprehensible even to us today. Enter the
gods, who are biochemical beings, like us (only much further along on the
evolutionary path), living in far-advanced worlds.
The ancient stories tell us that the gods came to our world and created the first
humans from trees. But did this actually happen or could they have sent us the
necessary energies for this evolutionary leap from afar? The answer is both
really. The continuous course of biological evolution fits well to our ideas on
memory collection (see below), the theory of the energization of chemical
processes for becoming biological, etc. The Nyall Philosophy is earth-based,
although it stretches itself to heaven- into the infinite stellar universe. The gods
tried to energize the earth in many stages, and were present in that sense; how
far and how often they have materialized here in the course of evolution and in
the course of history is a matter of question- but such visits would not contradict
some of our most basic principles.
So let us look now, reviewing some of the above, at what actually took place and
continues to take place: once our earth was the home of single compounds,
water, minerals, gasses and carbon compounds that developed into more and
more complex groupings. Indeed, at this stage there was little obvious telephathy
on the scene, which was the entire earth, lit up and warmed by the warm sun.
Still more carbon compounds developed and up came the amino acids. There
were, however, plenty of reasons in favor of the view that chemical processes
could never carry this much further. The top had been reached, the available
means exhausted. There was a dead end ahead.
But suddenly a new movement spread around on the surface of our earth and
there were DNAs, RNAs and Proteins everywhere, interacting and creating each
other incessantly and starting entirely new kinds of processes on a higher plane-
which by now has continued all this time since then, probably 4000 million years.
The seven miles step from amino acids up to the ultra-large molecules had been
taken, and all of a sudden LIFE had entered the scene and, indeed, came to
remain on this planet, at least to the present time. But how did it enter? How
could the small units unite into these gigantic ever-changing assemblies, which
are reciprocally needed for the creation of each of them, namely the large
In each race of mankind there exists a group of deities who are their divine racial
counterpart. Each one ofg these races has what Doctor Pjeturss called
"Verundur", the 'Highest Being'; we could probably say that the Verundur of the
Teutons is Odin, or perhaps the unknown deity from Voluspa. This being
emanates powerful energies throughout the universe. With the many races
having a Verundur there are many such emanations out there! From this source,
from the energetic origins of the cosmos there are constantly going out waves or
rays of such energies persuading the chaotic substance to strive up the road of
order and perfection. This implies that: the large molecules are created on a
virgin earth out of the amino acids at hand, and suddenly there is a copy of the
model in the same place, while the model-molecules are in the bodies of the
other gods, who are in the intermediary stage between Verundur and the lower
nature. You see that we are never "outside of the physical world" in our
considerations of matters that so long have been, regrettably, the delicacy of
"other worlders" (ethereal, interdimensional, etc.). In the ancient texts there is
mention of Litr Goda - the image of the gods- which is in correlation to this
theory. However, we must note that Astrobiological knowledge must be built up
independently of religions, but the religious ideas can be reviewed from the
astrobiological viewpoint, and understood to have more real contents than the
skeptics ever anticipated.
We must conclude that our basic biochemical units are constantly in direct
energy exchange with similar units in these far-advanced mankinds (godkinds).
More than that: because of the mutual relations of these basic large molecules,
they could never have originated without effects from their more energy-laden
counterparts in other solar systems. This process if completely natural and "this
worldly" and shows our connection to the gods and the universe around us.
The evolutionary principle here, concerning humans, gods and the Verundur is
that evolution itself is a never-ending process that is as eternal as the universe
itself. Everything is always growing, always expanding, and this has always been
so. It is pompous for us humans to consider ourselves to be the pinnacle of
biological and even psychological advancement on an evolutionary path we have
only been part of for a few hundred thousand years! The older the race, the
higher they will be in their advancement, and will continue to be so as long as
there is room to grow!
Heraclitus wrote: "Life is a spark from the substance of the stars". In the above
context this easily becomes understood and consequent. Pythagoras wrote: "The
souls of animals come from the stars." Helgi Pjeturss wrote: "A tiny bit of the
lifeless substance (on a virgin earth) is being transformed by the radiation from
afar, into a life substance and an astounding road of evolution is being entered
upon." And later, in describing the combinations always leading to a more perfect
stage than the previous, he wrote: "Then the atoms get, because of the
emanations from the origins, interconnected in more and more complicated
compounds, until the compounds are raised up to the level called life."
The life or the soul of an individual is thought of as an arrangement of constantly
moving particles and the radiation (bio-radiation) is the act of arranging the
particles. Thorsteinn Jonsson-Ulfsstodum said: "I think of the life of every
individual as a light being lit from a kind of long range light emissions station,
which had, by its emissions, built up the lamp that is the receiver." The DNA-
RNA-Protein complex is no mere structure, and rather it is in an ever-changing
flux of combinations and energy transfers, that can never be repeated exactly, for
the molecules are not static. For 4000 millions years ago or so, these differences
did little harm. As soon as you are prepared to "repeat the experiment", an
evolution has gone its way-life and the universe have learnt new things.
Be assured that cells existed before polycellulars, for some say that life is the
evolution of the biosphere around the biosphere in general, but that is equal to
saying that the nature of the cell is its participation in the life of the human body.
Since cells existed before polycellulars, this is not a viable answer, although
considering the biosphere as a life unit is really interesting indeed. The, once we
consider thatr the same processes as have been stated above take place on
millions of plants similar to ours, we note just how "alive" the universe is. The
divine societies, made up of physical, biochemical beings, have life processes,
chemical as they are, which display vital processes undreamtof in our realm.
These processes create their lower evolved replica in the chemical matter of
earth and similar worlds.
Thus the genetics of gods follow the same pattern as those of the human races,
and the DNA-RNA-Protein is just the same (the earthly process being a slower
replica of the divine). But the physiological coordination is much more perfect in
the gods, and therefore their life is so happy. The gods live their happy life, and it
was just as some surplus or leavings of their bioenergy that were materialized in
the outskirts, in the life of protozoa and other primitive life. The Law of
Determinants states that around certain humans there arise kinds of biofields,
stronger than the ordinary ones: these are persons who are lucky to be effective
in their conduct of life; those are not always the best ones; some thrive quite well
"in the dirt of the earth" without goodness. The new 'structures' were subject to
miscegenation. The model beings, gods, did their best to repair their genes- but
there were others (Helstefna beings) who wanted ugliness and badness rather
than beauty or luck. The biofields of gods are always elevated to much higher
points, thus both inside their body and better harmonized, yet more independent
than we are. Every godkind has its special characteristics, physical as well as
mental; and accordingly the human races, being copies of these models,display
corresponding characteristics, on their lower stage. This explains why all races of
the earth see their divine counterparts as reflections of themselves, or more
accurately, vice versa. The more humans are aware of their relations to the gods
the better.
The next question may be: but what of the evolutionary processes that continued
after the initial formation (through evolutionary and divine energies) in what we
know to be homo sapiens man? We have seen that the energy exchange
between divinity and humanity continues on a constant basis, and it strengthens
once we become aware of it and welcome it. The reason we have not seen much
divine activity in this world for some time is because of the prohibitive attitude of
so many earthly minds. Think of how you are treated when you enter the door of
an unfriendly person. What if that person were to believe that you were non-
existant (non-organic)? That attitude, dominant as it has been, among influential
people, created a negative biofield (the vital field of energy which flows
throughout the universe and helps to organize matter through regenerative
processes), and that is what the gods have had to struggle with. Returning to the
original question - once the processes from monocells to polycellulars had taken
place to form life, different processes of human evolution took place to continue
the natural pace each race has in its own capacity. Even today we see signs of
evolution when some humans are born without tonsils or appendixes. But real
evolution comes from the accomplishments of each race. Some of the reason for
each individual racial advancements has to do, not only with the divine energies
within each race, but also in the climate they evolved in. The Nordic race evolved
in a cold climate where our far-sighted gods and goddesses placed us so we
could constantly have to use the gifts they gave us in order to survive. Most of it
has to with the powers of the gods who made us, which is why the evolutionary
competition in our world corresponds to the divine competition. To do the best is
to say our gods are the best!
It is probably that proto-Nordic man may not have looked quite like we do today,
but it is doubtful that we would not recognize him/her as one of our ancestors in
contrast with the ancestor of another race. Each race is, in effect, a specie which
evolved in its own homeland and which could, in theory, given enough time to
gestate, through the process of divergent evolution, become so far separated
biologically from other races that interracial, or we should say interspecial fertility
would become impossible. The reason interspecial fertility is possible today is
because, even through when different godkinds, who most likely cannot mix
sexually (in the stories when Jotuns and gods mate there is little genetic
difference, like that between Celts, Nordics and Baltics. It is between those of the
Nordic divine counterparts and those of other races who cannot and will not mix),
sent their energies to form different races, the earthly matters were still the same.
The theories of Charles Darwin, though ingenious and deserving of praise for
founding many evolutionary concepts, has become outdated, for it has not been
able to answer certain questions which have arisen since his publishing of On the
Origin of the Species. It describes evolution from a middle point, where life has
already come into existence and then begins to form different species. Some of
his ideas may have been based on a monotheist upbringing, since his first
ambition was to become a minister. I say this because his theories and
researched have led many to look for a single origin point for life, for man in
particular, like the Adam and Eve of the Bible. The truth is that a single origin
(from fish or whatever) is impossible. It's as if saying that the same process from
which a child grows into a man is the very one which gave him life, and genetic
characteristics without ever putting into place the period of time put into the
womb. It is studying the chicken without every looking at the egg. First of all, how
could we believe that one specie of animal could ever evolve into another specie,
or one genera into another for that matter? Certainly, all life forms through their
birth processes and climate adaptations will evolve into different forms of their
own specie and genera, but nature will rarely see exact replicas formed through
living intelligence that is. Nature is simple too chaotic and moving for that or any
concept of linear evolution. This may be possible for some of the lower life forms
(plankton, clams, snails, etc) as they are all very similar. However, the more
complex the life form the less chance there is for another form to "meet"
somewhere on the evolutionary line.
Thus all races have their lowest and highest evolutionary points. Our stories have
labeled the lowest "Thrall" , then "Thane", then "Karl", and at the highest point
"Kon" or "ubermensch". We have all known thralls-useless individuals who live
only for pleasure, and perhaps have met the highly effective Kon. Richard
McCulloch best explains the higher man:
"Higher evolution is the supreme destiny which only Northernkind, unique among
the hominid races covering the earth, has the potential to achieve. But this
destiny can only be reached by following the path of creation. It is not an easy
path. Degeneration, the path of anti-creation, of decadence and decline, of
surrender and collapse, of low values and lower morals, is always the easiest
path to follow, the path of least resistance to which both the weak and the wicked
succomb, and attempt to drag everyone else down with them. Generation, the
path of pro-creation, of creating oneself by consciously molding, shaping and
developing one's bring to achieve one's maximum potential of quality, nobility,
excellence, accomplishment, and metaphysically significant existence, and of
recreating oneself through the procreation of quality children who will travel ever
further along the same path, is a difficult path requiring strength and constant,
willful, maximum effort and struggle (regeneration, returning to the path of
creation [Lifstefna] after a period of degeneration, is the most difficult path of all).
It is something that must be worked for. It can only be achieved internally, from
within, not bestowed effortlessly and spontaneously, nor granted externally, from
without (No act of true creation is effortless, regardless of certain theological
claims to the contrary. Creation on the cosmic level, achieving our present level
of existence, required maximum and unrelenting effort over a vast expanse of
time. Creation on the individual level, self-creation, requires a proportionate
degree of effort and time). Few achieve it. Herd-man does not even try, and
resents and fears those who do, for it is beyond his comprehension and
appreciation. Those who achieve it become the (ubermensch) of whom Nietzche
wrote. If evolution and creation is to ascend to a higher level of existence it is
from their ranks that this new and better seed must come. They must have many
offspring. Only thus can evolution move in the direction they represent. This is
the path of creation. If it is followed it will achieve the triumph of the Northern
spirit." - The Ideal and Destiny pg. 421-422.

Astrobiology - Page 2

Other races have the classes mentioned above, but only speculative evidence
exists to support the theory that all races evolved from one and spread out over
the earth. If we are to believe the dominant evolutionary model of Darwin we
would have to conclude that any sort of racial or special extinction were to occur
this would be inconsequential, since it could later evolve again if given the
opportunity to undergo the supposed original process which created the race in
the first place, which we know is an impossibility.
Earlier I mentioned the prohibitive attitude of humans towards the gods, thinking
them not real, or at the very least not organic (i.e. ethereal in some sense). How
such a belief, that the gods are not biochemical beings, originated was from the
way in which they visit us. J.G. Bell at CERN developed his famous equations in
1962 that refer to the ability of any part of the universe to be at another place in
the same moment of time. Thorstein Gudjonsson coined the term "instantaneous
interstellar transfer of energies" (i.i.t.e a rewording of Helgi Pjeturss' Bioinduction
theory) which shoes how certain energies can travel across the universe a million
times the speed of light. One of the primary concepts of Nyall theory is that a
'velocity' - a connection - surpassing the speed of light by the multi trillion fold, is
an innate quality of our universe. Such phenomena explain dreams (as will be
shown below), deity visitations and other such visions - like U.F.O.'s, Bigfoot,
aliens, etc. Many of these "sightings" are actually lucid dreams (indeed, most are
recorded at night), visions, or perhaps may even be materializations; but in any
case the same transfer of energy has occurred, only in varying degrees. When a
materialization has occurred it is generally quite intentional, as it takes some
effort for one to project an image of himself across the cosmos. The idea is that
all things have bioradiation - a physical energy, even the lowest of creatures (we
know it exists because it can be photographed with Kirlian photography). This
bioradiation is the energy which is transferred (part of it anyway) during
bioinduction- the ability of an organism to induce its processes in other
All of the universe is connected by a vital field or biofield (like the morphogenetic
fields postulated by Rupert Sheldrake). It is this biofield which connects the
universe and allows the bioinduction process to take place, thus bioinduction is
what takes place in i.i.t.e. When an entity wishes to project itself to our world it
does so through bioinduction and this what we are seeing, in our weaker biofield
(like the magnetic fields, some plants have stronger biofields, others, like ours,
are weaker - see below), is an energy materialization of the real being living on
another planet. To some, seeing such a thing may become mixed with the realm
of "spirituality" and "mysticism", many have confused the method of occultists
with their subjects of study, which are, indeed, real and worth full attention. All
phenomena which have, to date, been labeled "supernatural", "other
dimensional", "ethereal", etc. can be explained through Nyall philosophy in
natural, scientific terms, never leaving the pattern of this (the only) universe.
Let's give an example of such religious explanations- in most, if not all religions of
the world people describe the images of their deities and the afterlife with bright
light (near death experiences also claim such things). The Christian faith
(following an earlier Roman paradigm) shows saints, angels and their god with
halos and bright light surrounding them. Most of the Odinic deities have names
which correspond to bright light: Balder: "The Bright", Falr- "The White Browed",
Herebeald- "The Bright Warrior"; Freyja: Mardoll- "The One Diffusing a
Glimmering in the Sea"; Ullr: "The Glorious"; Odin: Jolnir- "The Bright One",
Lodur: "The Fire-Producer"; Heimdallr: Glenr- "The Shining One", Lysir- "The
Bright One", Gullintani- "The One With Golden Teeth"; Nat: Ostara-Eostre-
"Goddess of the Dawn"; Bleik: "The Shining Maid"; Bjort: "The Bright Maiden";
Svipdag: "He Whose Countenance Shines Like the Day", Svedal: "The Shining
Swine", Silfverdal- "The One Who Shines Like Silver"; Idun: Ljomanda
Handleggurkona- "The Maiden With Shining Limbs"; Sunna/Sol: "Sun Goddess";
Groa: Sygrutha- "The Bright Maiden Who Grants Victory"; Delling: "Day Spring
(Dawn)"; Dagr: "Day".
The reason such descriptions and names are given is because the bioradiations
of higher evolved beings are much brighter than ours and so their energy can
actually be seen in the form of bright light. Regenerated life (our ancestors in the
next life) also has this bright radiation.
Of course, we cannot overlook those times in ancient lore when deities were said
top have actually visited our world. All religions mention some form of divine
visitation, and such does not contradict the Nyall model. Odin, Hoenir, Lodur,
Freyja, Frigga and most notably Heimdall have all visited earth as we know from
our lore. It is doubtful that they walked as flesh in Midgard, and turning religion
into history (euhemerism) is a foolish and fruitless effort. Religion, just like
science, is an attempt to explain universal realities. Religious theories should be
no less logical than the scientific. Perhaps the only way a deity could travel on
the earth as flesh would be through what I call telepathic auto suggestion (t.a.s.),
which is commonly referred to as "possession" but is entirely different.
Before I go into the next aspect of Nyall there is one more aspect of Astrobiology
to discuss- that being the evolutionary lines of planets. Most people agree that it
is very unlikely that we are alone in the universe, Nyallsinnar ("Believers in the
Nyall Philosophy") actually believe that the universe is quite full of intelligent life
(and that the universe itself is alive!). Millions upon millions of planets exist with
life forms similar to our own. In fact, with the life processes mentioned above it is
quite possible that we are in some way related to those on the other planets. The
Odinic lore mentions several worlds- Gladheimr, Jormungrundr, Mannheimr, etc.
so we can see that there are many godworlds as well, though we Nordics
primarily connect to Gladheimr and Jormungrundr because the deities that gave
us life originate from them. There are three "lines" or "paths" of evolution that
worlds can be on: The aforementioned Helstefna - the lowest, where life is at its
most chaotic and dysfunctional, being only a mere caricature of life. Primigene-
"First Birth" plants where human life is born (but will move on to regenerate on
other worlds after death). This line is constantly struggling between the lower and
higher lines. The Lifstefna line is the line of the gods, of the higher life, of
ancestors worthy of its glory. It is the path of immense effort and greater reward.
The divine endeavor, on the cosmic scale, is to cure Midgard (Which from our
lore is "The Middle Realm", corresponding to "Primigene"; Utgard corresponds to
Helstefna, and Asgard to Lifstefna. In Nyall reckoning Nifelheimr, Jotunheimr,
Alfheimr, Mannheimr, Gladheimr, etc. are names of particular plants on these
evolutionary lines, even if the ancient cosmology does not necessarily reflect
this.) worlds completely from Helstefna infestation, so that even here, all life can
be beautifully wise, victorious, and will enter the Asgard level. We have to strive
for the Lifstefna, to reach for ubermensch, so that we may move on to Lifstefna
worlds after we die, and so that one day our descendants will be able to live on a
Lifstefna earth. Our primary task is to work for the gods and goddesses to
improve access for them to our planet, which means a greater glory for them in
the intergalactic community of gods. If our gods win over this planet, for the
Lifstefna, from the Helstefna, means that millions of mankinds will appreciate it:
"They did it, the Nordic gods!" they will say. Such is the competition between
godkinds. In human life, more than previously, the real excesses of Helstefna
have come to light, and continue to increase. 'Homo homini lupus'- man is like a
wolf to his fellow man. Unfortunately, it goes even further beyond that. Human
misfortune shows that, if it was bad in the beginning, it got worse and worse, until
it is now approaching crisis levels- which may end with a total collapse. Such an
end has come over a great number of primigene mankinds in the universe, as
they had ignored the truth and were totally extinguished as their suns exploded
(present astronomical theories on the nature of supernovas are incomplete). In
the present situation, the course of earthly events is being watched closely, both
from the glorious Lifstefna realms and Helstefna horror nests. In some cases- we
still don't know how frequent- primigene mankinds, longtime Helstefna
dependent, find, in spite of all, their way out of the darkness and enter the grand
union. On the other hand our earth is on the brink of collapse now. We are being
led towards a new World War. People and nations are being brought,
successively, into 'compulsive' situations, where they are 'compelled' to increase
hostilities and astrocities. The way out of this is through recogniztion and
responsibility: recognition of our cosmic contacts (through dreams, see below)
and the responsibility to be prepared to argue one's understanding. It has been
prophesied that in the last instance the Lifstefna will win.
There are "afterlife" planets for humans as well, which are to be classified as
Lifstefna vs. Helstefna planets. Lifstefna is the true, beautiful, always improving
evolution of life; Helstefna the contrast to everything that is good and helpful. The
primigene planets, many of them severely affected with the Helstefna, are to be
divided into two categories: those which collapse and those which enter the
Lifstefna line for continuous progress. You can easily realize that our planet is
seriously affected with Helstefna. Every new war means an 'invitation' to
Helstefna effects. On the other hand, planets that take up contact with other solar
systems, survive; those which persist in Helstefna collapse. The Lifstefna is the
path of higher men, regenerated higher life and deities of all kinds. Remember
that Lifstefna, though a powerful line, does not hold a monopoly on power or
strength; the Helstefna and primigene lines can be quite powerful as well. I say
this because it is important for people to understand that Lifstefna is more than
just strength. I personally have known people who believed they were working on
a "higher path" because they worked hard, studied hard, kept themselves in good
health, etc. but were hateful and bitter. The higher man/woman is detached to
Helstefna influences, like the eagle who chases away the snake in her nest- not
out of hate, but out of love for her children. He/She is compassionate rather than
hateful, proactive rather than reactive, kind and noble, but hard when necessary.
Life will evolve; in a person's life their will determines whether they will move
down the Helstefna of Lifstefna. Study the life of Loki to understand this better.
When a person makes the turn-around from Helstefna to Lifstefna it not only
affects them, but also their future generations of offspring. Their children will
elevate more and more towards the Asgard level as the generations pass, and
their course will be easier with each generation, for they will have had a heart
start ("regeneration, returning to the path of creation after a period of
degeneration, is the most difficult path of all" said McCulloch).
To understand more clearly the concepts of the three lines of evolution let us look
at the origins of the cosmic order- the story of Ginungagap, which is quite
possible from a scientific perspective. Once the universe (or part of it) was an
infinite mass of chaos (Helstefna) which knew nothing of order until eventually,
through a great amount of effort, a "hole" broke through the chaos and thus the
Lifstefna was born. Evolution began. It was crude at first, but evolved more and
more and expanded further and further out, as it continues to do today. Within it,
the Ginungagap, there is a constant struggle between the evolving Lifstefna and
the preceding Helstefna forces for the dominance of planets, just as there is
between Ginungagap and the Utgard chaos for the dominance of the universe.
Ginungagap will continue to expand, and the Lifstefna forces, when destroyed
can evolve into higher forms, possibly eventually reaching the Lifstefna, for
nature always seeks perfection. This is not always the case. This intergalactic
struggle takes place within individual humans, within Midgard communities,
nations, continents, planets, solar systems, galaxies, clusters, and so on.

Section 2 - Metabiology

Just as Astrobiology explains the processes of life and anthropology,

Metabiology explains the processes of death and eschatology. To begin we must
look at the most basic principle of this theory- that individuals are made up of two
different types of memory collection - the personal memory collection or
"oeviminni" and the genetic or racial memory collection or "settminni". Genetic
memory can be further divided into two classes- family memory and racial
memory, but it isn't absolutely necessary to do this for your race is, genetically
speaking, an extended part of your family. "Past life experiences" are best
explained as manifestations of the genetic memory, since they are 'flahes' of
memories handed down to us by our ancestors. When these flashes arise in our
mind, one feels as though they are experiencing a past life. Your whole life
consists of memory-collection; every momnent is preserved and at the end of our
first life, the 'collection', which is our own bioradiation, requires a new organism to
control (the individual biofield continues to be, because it is part of the whole, of
the general vital field of the cosmos). Let's look at exactly how this happens -
once the body has died the memory-collection/personal biofield, which is always
in a living state that will not decompose like the body (it is called "soul" by the
Eastern cults, but Asatruar call it litr goda, önd, hamr, hugr, minne, etc.) moves
on to a more advances vital field. Earth has its vital field as well for it is a factor
throughout all of the universe, but is it not as strong (though is significantly
stronger than the lifeless worlds) as it is on more advanced planets (compare,
but do not confuse with electromagnetic fields which are stronger and weaker on
different planets- take our moon for example, a lifeless ball orbiting our world
which exists solely to serve the purposes of our earth. Our planet is obviously
much more advanced than it. Its vital and magnetic fields are virtually non-
existent. All energies related, but still, do not confusde the two). We see the vital
field at work around us in many ways- when cuts heal into scar tissue, when
animals can regrow limbs, when scientists can grow body parts out of human
DNA or even clone species, etc. We can even see how the memory-collection is
effected by our earth's vital field. When people see 'ghosts', as they call them
(Aftergöngur- "Backwards Walkers" in Icelandic, the deceased are called
Framlidinn- "Forward Movers" because they have moved on to the next world),
they are actually witnessing the materialization of a memory-collection in the
earthly vital field. Just as with the mistake made upon seeing deities materialize
or ancestors greeting them during near death experiences, people have taken
these entities to be 'ethereal' or 'supernatural'. Nothing is supernatural, i.e. above
nature for nature is all, our human minds need only to find a natural, logical
explanation for the unseen realities of the universe. As we are doing now.
Usually these 'ghosts' have, by force of their own will, caused themselves to stay
here out of fear or a connection to something, the latter explaining the belief that
most of the dead attend their own funerals. Some of these 'ghosts' are good,
others are not, depending on how they were in their first life.
Thus we see that everything you do in your first life influences your conditions in
the next. Those whose conduct, habits and endeavor are similar in the first life,
will come together in an afterlife society and will then be known as regenerate
life. Those whose disposition has been to plague and torment others, have
integrated such conduct into their minds so thoroughly thaty they cannot get
away from it, except by suffering no less, probably worse than their previous
prey. The "punishment" comes from the having been loaded with memories of
harmful actions in primigene life; "reward" from having laid the foundations for an
ever progressing life. True ethics is to be based on an inquiry into afterlife
conditions. The concept of similar bioradiations being pulled to one another, both
in this life (consider the "birds of a feather" idea) and the next, is called
Biodynamic Attraction.
After death the memory-collection travels through the cosmos by the bioinduction
process to a "like minded" planet by way of biodynamic attraction, which is when
the bioinduction process attracts others to the energy transfer and can thus direct
the transfer itself to a society of people with similar mentalities and genetics.
Once the collection enters the atmosphere of the advanced world it begins to
organize cells in the same manner as was shown before (in the initial creation of
life) in order to create an exact replica of the person who died. Only this time,
because of the knowledge acquired through the primigene life and death
processes and the advanced conditions of the cells and environment on the next
world, the person will regenerate into a higher evolved being and will continue to
do so for as long as evolution will carry them. Thus we are immortal, we only
come to recognize this immortality after we have died, when we realize that
death is only a step which must be taken in order to reach the next stage of
evolution. Just as there are millions of primigene planets, there are even more
regenerate ("second birth") worlds which continue to accomodate the genetic
lines of the former.
In any case we build, in the afterlife, upon the same genetic outfit we had for our
primary life. But while we in the primigene life built exclusively on what our fore-
fathers and mothers had acquired in a long period of evolution, the regenerative
life rests of memories and habits from the first life as well as the evolutionary
heritage. Life span memories (the aeviminni) are added to our racial memory
(aettminni)- that is the essence of biology. In the second life, we remain the same
persons as we were, but, on the good line, the possibilities for developing one's
abilities are infinite. I guess, and would prefer, that people of approximately the
same racial origin would form their special advancing societies; but never forget:
the main characteristic of the advancing universe is harmony and communication
in a sound and healthy manner.
So, what about other forms of life (lower animals and plants)? Well, the eggs
from a single female cod are counted in tens of millions, and even though the
universe is large- infinite indeed!- all space and all matter would soon be filled up
by young cods, if there were no limitations. Now, we know that all life has its
difficulties to struggle with, animals, plants and humans. I have no doubt that
animals and polants have survival possibilities in them, but how the restrictions
act, I cannot say so far (possibly by survival of the fittest?). It is known here on
earth that when 'the quotas' are filled, for certain species, the trend to multiply
becomes reduced. It is quite natural that we begin acquiring information about
our own co-humans (onj other worlds), then later we extend the systematic quest
to our animal friends.

Now you can see the importance of the struggle along the Lifstefna line as
opposed to the lazy and disfunctional way of the Helstefna. Your objective is
clear- to fill your mind with as many positive and purposeful memories you can so
that you will live ijn an afterlife society of like-minded people who are as
asdvanced as you are. This in itself is a wisdom taught by many religions, and
reflects how people should live. If you live honorable and by ethical standards
your destination to the higher worlds will be paved out for you. If mankind
continues on current trends, and does not take a drastic step from the Helstefna
to the Lifstefna, this planet is doomed.

Most of what is explained in Metabiology comes through collections of data on

experiences with ghosts, out of body experiences, near death experiences
(N.D.E.s) and known scientific data. For instance, a recurring theme in N.D.E.s is
the seeing of a "bright light" and often times beings of light. The light may
sometimes be the sunshine of the new surroundings, but when it is a singular
light of limited extension it is a bioradiative light, which is intended for the person.
The beings of light have bright bioradiations, just as all deities have, which is why
we see tem with such illuminated forms. Like a radio receiver we "tune in" to
these beings and connect to them and are thus energized. We can also be
energized by people on our world. Whenever we are positively supported and
understood our biofield is energized because those people are emanating their
bioinductive energies in our direction. In the same sense negative energies can
repel us and/or drain us, unless one is on a strong Helstefna path of existence.
They can feed upon such negativity like a vampire of a draugr.

The mere understanding of the Nyall philosophy gives us an edge in the afterlife
because when we get to where we are going and regenerate we will know what
is happening and where we will go. Thus when you know of life after death you
are better off. When you think of the universe- instead of a stupid explosion out
there (big bang)- your mind is both calmed and raised. Your deceased relatives
get better access to you, if you realize that our Asatru forefathers kept the dead
in honor and allowed communication from them to come through. I am reminded
of a tradition in our lore which states that when we go before the gods in
judgement at the Helthing after death we stand mute unless we know MálrÚnar
(speech runes) and our hamingja represents us. The hamingja knows about life
after death. It is up to us to be aware of the true phenomena of the afterlife so we
will overcome all fear and stand before the gods with true wisdom and
understanding. Just as when we dream, in oprder to become lucid we must
become aware that we are dreaming, what is taking place around us, then we
are in control. From the above stated we learn two things about our dealings with
the deceased: (1) That we should see funerals as joyous events because we
know that our friends haver moved into higher existences. Few will mourn the
wicked on the Helstefna line anyway, and rightly so, but their case is sad indeed
for they will move towards realms of horrible situations- where nightmares come
from (literally, see below). (2) That communication with the dead, and an open,
positive attitude toward such things is important for life here and the worlds we
communicate with. The more we communicate with them, the more channels
open up between the worlds, as is the case with gods. The reason we do not see
much psychic (biodynamic) activity on this world is because of the coming of
monotheism and its subsequent domination on the world scene, which closed off
such communication.

Lets look a bit into the question of psychic abilities. Whenever we use psychic
powers to see probabilities we are engaging in a bioinductive process to seek
information, like searching on an interplanetary internet. The "Web of Wyrd" is
quite scientific at its corte, if you look past the poetic imagery, and it can be
applied here. Searching for answers to questions in the infinite universal oracle
about yet-to-be situations requires finding someone, through telepathic
bioinduction, who has been through something similar and knows the end result
if certain actions are taken. The same process is used when we communicate
with the gods and goddesses and regenerated life forms (the dead). Biodynamic
attraction leads us to our destinations, where we need to go to find what we are
looking for. Divinity knows best, which is why we generally look to gods and
goddesses for answers, but the regenerate life-forms and sometimes even other
primigene beings can and will answer as well. Scientists have proven that
telepathy exists through a rigorous study of those known to have a higher than
average (for we are all telepathic beings) ability. Here are the results of one such
study from Stephen LaBerge shown in his book Lucid Dreaming :

"...(one) phenomenon whose existence is widely attested to is the mysterious

mode of information transfer called extrasensory perception (ESP). A wealth of
antecdotal evidence supports the idea that ESP occurs, working across both
space and time. If it is indeed possible to perceive, in some fashion, events that
are happening at a distance, or even those that have not yet happened, space
and time must be other than what they seem, and the same goes for subjective
and objective realities!"

And another study from Dr. Montague Ullman and Dr. Stanley Krippner, also
mentioned in lucid Dreaming, focused on dream telepathy, which, as we shall
see, is extremely important to the Nyall philosophy. In their experiments they had
one person sleeping in one room and another person in a different room who
was known as a powerful telepathic (indeed, we realize that some of us have to
consult through divinational mediums and rituals to do what others do naturally),
sending the sleeping person images they (the telepathic) focused on when the
former reached the R.E.M. stage of sleep (when dreams are believed to occur).
When the person awoke they discussed their dream and compared it with the
image. When the study concluded it was noted that the accuracy of the
recollections was too high to be mere chance. From this we can see the
bioinduction process at work, taking place in a close range.

Section 3 - The Dream Theory

The Dream Theory

From out of the Nyall concepts discussed already there arises its most profound
theoretical ideal; the cornerstone of which is the distinction between memory
(Minne, cp. Odin’s raven Munnin) and perception (thought- Hugr, cp. Odin’s
raven Huginn). There is a difference between reality and thought. All of our
perceptions are simply the recognition that new memories have originated
through an interplay with the events. They always arise by reactions to stimuli
and are never a part of an ‘imaginary’ process. As we have stated, bioinduction is
telepathy and when we dream we are taking place in the bioinduction process
with a being somewhere else. That person can be anywhere in the universe,
even, in some special cases (such as the one shown above), here on earth. Our
dream experiences are the real experiences of the person we exchange energies
with (it is interesting to note the word ‘exchange’ because the phrase “vixla
litum” [exchanging of the litr, the inner essence of the gods placed within
humans] was considered a shamanistic practice among our ancestors). Such
‘faring forth’ is in actuality lucid dreaming. The concept of ‘exchange’ implies
interaction with two people, as is shown here). Thus the person who is actually
experiencing these events is ‘giving’ us our experience and is therefore called a
dreamgiver. When a dreamer does not understand what the dreamgiver is doing
this can cause erroneous interpretation (memory substitution). This is why so
many see the “symbols” of their own life when they record a dream. People tend
to cover the real life instances of the dreamgiver with images from their own life
when they record the dream. Once you dispose of this type of dream
consideration the dreams themselves become clearer to you and the loss of
anxiety over figuring out dream symbology with confusing psychoanalytical terms
can strengthen your biofield.

It is important to understand the nature of dreams because that in itself

strengthens your dream energy. Strong dream energy will allow you to have lucid
dreams, positive dreams, and will allow you to easily remember them. Sleep, the
immediate corollary of dreams, is a state of receiving an energy vital to man, in
which dream energy is included as a factor. Other factors which build up dream
energy are: a positive attitude, a healthy diet with plenty of dark green vegetables
and water, fresh air, listening to classical music (which stimulates the mind) and
an unstressful environment. Meditation will definitely help as well, for it allows
one to gain the focus needed to perform the procedures required for obtaining
lucid dreams, which builds up dream energy.

Stephen LaBerge concluded in his expose on Lucid Dreaming that the idea of the
dream world being real is a good possibility, though he does not quite go as far
as we do:

“If early humans believed they had discovered in the dream a second “real world”
what might they have meant? Did they merely mean that the dream world had a
subjectively verifiable existence? That dreams were only real while they lasted?
Or that dreams existed actually and objectively in some subtle plane(t) of
existence every bit as real as the physical world?”

“Is there any evidence suggesting that dreams can be objectively real? Several
enigmatic phenomena seem to raise the possibility that, in some circumstances,
the dream world may be at least partially objective. One of these enigmas is the
uncanny experience in which a person feels he or she has somehow temporarily
left his or her body (or the feeling of falling one gets when drifting between
consciousness and sleep, which is catching the bioinduction process while it is
happening –ed.). Survey data indicate that a number of people have had such
out-of-body experiences (O.B.E.s) at least once in their lives. Very frequently,
those who have this experience becomes unshakably convinced that they, or at
least some part of themselves, are capable of an existence independent of their

On the latter note we have to say rightly so because the process which deals
with energy exchanges that cause dreams are the same that deal with life force
(bioradiation and memory-collection) moving forward after death, that is, the
bioinduction process. In fact, we can attribute any exchange of bio-energies
across space with this concept. When we strengthen our own personal biofields
the bioinduction process builds up and a clearer channel of communication can
take place between you and your dreamgivern

Lucid dreaming is induced once you become aware that you are dreaming while
you are asleep – in the dream process. This means that you have become aware
of the dream-dreamgiver relationship, as does the dreamgivern. You feel like you
are in total control of yourself, but only because the dreamgiver’s telepathic
energies have united more closely with yours through your awareness. Once you
have experienced this, if you have not, you will realize just how powerful
awareness is, for the dream will then seem more real than reality itself.
Sometimes you may even wake up and wonder if you are still dreaming, and
indeed there will be times when you actually will be.
There are guidelines one can use to help them achieve the lucid dream state.
Follow them carefully and with a strong intent. They come from LaBerge’s book
Lucid Dreaming:

1. Each night tell yourself a considerable amount of times that you are dreaming
so as to get it into your memory before sleep.

2. Each night tell yourself that you want to remember your dream when you wake

3. When you wake up your first thought should be, ‘what was I dreaming?’ Then
recall your dream and write it down in a dream log. If you can’t remember the
dream, think of what you are feeling at the present moment. This should help you

4. During the day continuously tell yourself that your waking life effects your
dreaming life (for the memory-collection is always conscious).

5. Before going to sleep you must invoke your mental energies to allow yourself
to fully understand the dream state. We must intend on becoming lucid in order
to actually do so. Remember – “I am”.

6. Always ask yourself- “Am I dreaming or not?” at least 5-10 times at bedtime
and while falling asleep is also favorable.

a. Allow yourself to passively enter the dream scenery. Forcing will cause the
dream to fade.
b. While going to sleep, imagine that your body is somewhere else, doing
something other than lying in bed, though do not forget that you are entering the
dream state.
c. Concentrate on the idea, while you are falling asleep, that you will no longer
perceive your body.

As soon as you have fallen asleep it is possible to float freely, as a point of

awareness, in a space which seems to be identical with the place in which you
went to sleep.

8. Another method is to count to yourself (“One, I am dreaming; two, I am

dreaming; three, I am dreaming…”) while drifting off to sleep. The result is that at
say “fourty-eight, I am dreaming” you actually will be.

9. You can also simply tell yourself before going to sleep “tonight, I will have a
lucid dream.” But you must truly intend to have one.

10. M.I.L.D. (Method of Inducing Lucid Dreams):

1. During the early morning, when you have awakened spontaneously from a
dream, go over the dream several times until you have memorized it.
2. Then while lying in bed and returning to sleep, say to yourself, “Next time I am
dreaming, I want to remember to recognize I am dreaming.”
3. Visualize yourself as being back in the dream just rehearsed, only this time,
see yourself realizing that you are in fact, dreaming.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until your intention is truly fixed or you fall asleep.

11. You can make a recording set to go off at a certain time that will tell you in
your own voice that you’re dreaming. There are devices that aid in this, such as
one that flashes red lights as soon as the eyes go into R.E.M. stage.

Lucid dreams can definitely make a positive impact in your life and put you on a
new course of thinking. You may want to watch out for some tricks the mind may
play on you, such as false awakenings, which can be stopped by causing
yourself to spin around in your dream. That’s right, when you are lucid you
seemingly have control of your dreams, for your awareness of the dream state
raises your dream energy to such a level that both you and the dreamgiver are
aware of what is going on and both minds become one.

There is an instance, thought it is very rare, when the dreamgiver can be

controlled by the dreamer, or vice-versa. This is caused by what I call Telepathic
Auto Suggestion (T.A.S.). It is the act of using the bioinduction process to
“hypnotize” the receiver of the energies ina sort of way. When shamans or
mediums allow “spirits” to “enter” them and speak through them this is actually
what is happening. The medium has become the dreamgiver on a lucid level and
has allowed the dreamer (or one who has sent their bioradiation in one way or
another) to “take over” through T.A.S. This type of situation can be dangerous,
especially if there is a Helstefna being who may wish to use T.A.S. by force,
which we would call “possession”, but usually this only happens to very
vulnerable people with extremely weak energy who cannot fend off such attacks.

Dream telepathy extends throughout the universe, through all three planetary
lines- Helstefna, Primigene, and Liftefna. When nightmares occur they are almost
always from a Helstefna world, except for those cases when one is reaching out
for help from a bad situation on a primigene world or something similar to that.
Most ordinary dreams come from primigene worlds where things can be
pleasant, boring, dangerous, or even sometimes scary- like our world. Most
pleasant dreams, where all is beautiful and alluring, occur on Lifstefna worlds
where gods and regenerates live. Use nightmares to build yourself up, trying to
figure out what is causing your mind to connect to such a horrible place until the
nightmares stop. A comparison of dreams from various observers might lead to a
kind of “cartography” of several planets, which might further facilitate
communication, for more and more people.
Here are four major forms of observing dreams:

1. Try to learn, from the context, if the dreamgiver is on a primigene planet or a

regenerate (“afterlife”) planet.
2. Observe if you find valid reasons for some mind contents proper to you, the
dreamer, entering the dreamgiver’s mind during the dream. This is a ver delicate
kind of observation, for you are he and he is you. If this is the case, you may
even try to help the dreamgiver, if he is in a troublesome situation.
3. Astronomical dreams, from people either having good or just elementary
knowledge about the stellar system, could help us in localizing in space in the
planets we communicate with most frequently, at least if there are some nearby
solar systems involved.
4. In your waking hours, maybe you are sometimes a dreamgiver yourself. This
would be difficult to discover, but is nevertheless worth remembering this

For many years scientists, historians and philosophers have believed that the
origins of metaphysics rests in the world(s) of dreams. Even though they were
intending them to be something imaginary their overall conclusion was exactly
right. The lore of our gods and goddesses comes from a saga that represents
events that actually occurred in the divine realm, but is retold here using ancient
forms of interpretation and poetic imagery. The skalds were certainly inspired by
dreams, visions, materializations, and even possibly actual visitations by deities
such as Rig-Heimdall. When you believe that such things are possible your mind
becomes susceptible to the other bioradiations and you will experience such
phenomena. When people believe that they will see a U.F.O. they give
themselves the mental state that does not oppose other life in the universe and
so unconsciously they support an advancing field, thereby boosting the
biodynamic process.

Section 4 - The Purpose of the Nyall Philosophy

The Purpose of the Nyall Philosophy

Next to understanding and teaching the above shown dream theory we

Nyallsinnar hope to get our mankind to enter a direct, “psych” (bioradiative)
relationship with:

1. Dwellers on regenerate planets of the right tendency, who know our mental
state and submit theirs to ours.
2. Dwellers on primigene (first-birth) planets, where evolution proceeded along
similar lines as here, while some of them recently found a more fortunate line,
others not so far.
3. Far-advanced or godlike dwellers on Lifstefna planets, capable of biodynamic
intervention. The Northern gods of old are represented in this.

A station for interstellar communication is required for making the above

effective. When contact has been established, star-dwellers may succeed in
making their presence felt, which means that possibilities for applying biodynamic
methods will be realized, and that is more urgently needed now than ever before
in human history.

Peace Power is a prime characteristic of stations for interstellar communication.

This power, establishing itself as charity in everyone, invites visits from more
advanced humanities in the cosmos and heralds a new age in the history of

With these means, subject to the Law of Determinants, every kind of unrest or
violence, anywhere, could be brought to rest. So long as all races of the world
respect each other and maintain this respect through cultural acceptance, and at
the same time a desire for cultural and racial preservation for all, so that each
may evolve on their own line. The receiving station will even act as a kind of
antenna for Lifstefna influence to the vital field of our planet.

For Nordics, we can strengthen our relationship with our gods and goddeses by:
1- Spreading the knowledge about the real nature of sleep and dreams; 2- by
realization of the physical nature of the afterlife; 3- Taking up conscious
communication with the departed in this sense. But be cautious. All kinds of traps
exist, in a mad world like ours. Yet without courage of some kind nothing can be

Here are some things that can be done to help out our people and eventually all
of mankind:

1. Our theoretical approach is quite safe. If you feel strong enough, after making
yourself acquainted with it represent it in your area, you should (as with all of our
ideals), try to teach but not preach.
2. The prospect of physical life after death tells us to extend survival here as long
as possible. The new body is a continuation of this one, and we should not ‘jump
off’ the planet, since we are the ‘crew of the vessel’ that must sail its course.
3. The purpose of life is to extend, by the energies lent to us, the Asgard realm-
the realm of harmony and sympathy- as far out into the Midgards as possible.
When we have entered the Asgard realm, that is, when our bodies have
regenerated on afterlife (regenerate) planets, we discover that we are no longer
in the position to build up the divine realm out here. We then have to seek others-
preferably younger ones, to continue our task, and they are not always easily
What is most needed for making this planet accessible to Odin-kin is that we
understand the necessity of a physical afterlife: life in other solar systems. The
gods despise bleak spirit life, they will have it tangible. Let’s look to Viktor
Rydberg in his Researches in Teutonic Mythology (tr. Rasmus Anderson):

“The account now given of the myths concerning the lower world shows that the
hierologists and skalds of our heathendom had developed the doctrine in a
perspicuous manner even down to the minutest details. The lower world and its
kingdom of death were the chief subjects with which their fancy was occupied.
The many sagas and traditions which flowed from heathen sources and which
described Svipdag’s, Hadding’s, Gorm’s, Thorkil’s and other journeys down there
are proof of this, and the complete agreement of statements from totally different
sources in regard to the topography of the lower world and the life there below
shows that ideas were reduced to a systemized and perspicuous whole.
Svipdag’s and Hadding’s journeys in the lower world have been incorporated as
episodes in the great epic concerning the Teutonic patriarchs, the chief outlines
of which I have presented in the preceding pages. This is done in the same
manner as the visits of Ulysses and Aeneas in the lower world have become a
part of the great Greek and Roman epic poems.

“Under such circumstances it may seem surprising that Icelandic records from
the Middle Ages concerning the heathen belief in regard to the abodes after
death should give us statements which seem utterly irreconcilable with one
another. For there are many proofs that the dead were believed to live in hills and
rocks, or in grave mounds where their bodies were buried. How can this be
reconciled with the doctrine that the dead descended to the lower world, and
were there judged either to receive abodes in Asgard or in the realms of bliss in
Hades, or in the world of torture?

“The question has been answered too hastily to the effect that the statements
cannot be harmonized, and that consequently the heathen-Teutonic views in
regard to the day of judgement were in this most important part of the religious
doctrine unsupported.

“The reason for the obscurity is not, however, in the matter itself, which has
never been thoroughly studied, but in the false premises from which the
conclusions have been drawn. Mythologists have simply assumed that the
popular view of the Christian church in regard to terrestrial man, conceiving him
to consist of two factors, the imperishable body and the imperishable soul, was
the necessary condition for every belief in a life hereafter, and that the heathen
Teutons accordingly also cherished this idea.

“But this duality did not enter into the belief of our heathen fathers. Nor is it of
such a kind that a man, having conceived a life hereafter, in this connection
necessarily must conceive the soul as the simple, indissoluble spiritual factor of
human nature. The divisions into two parts, lif ok sála , líkamr ok sàla, body and
soul, came with Christianity, and there is every reason for assuming, so far as
the Scandinavian peoples are concerned, that the very word soul, sàla, is, like
the idea it represents, an imported word. In Old Norse literature the word occurs
for the first time in Olaf Trygveson’s contemporary Halfred, after he has been
converted to Christianity. Still the word is of Teutonic root. Ulfilas translates the
New Testament psyche with saiwala, but this he does with his mind on the
Platonic New Testament view of man as consisting of three factors: spirit
(pneuma), soul (psyche), and body (soma). Spirit (pneuma) Ulfilas translates with

“Another assumption, likewise incorrect in estimating the anthropological-

eschatological belief of the Teutons, is that they are supposed to have
distinguished between matter and mind, which is a result reached by the
philosophers of the Occident in their abstract studies. It is, on the contrary,
certain that such a distinction never entered the system of heathen Teutonic
views. In it all things were material, an efni of course or fine grain, tangible or
intangible, visible or invisible. The imperishable factors of man were, like the
perishable, material, and a force could not be conceived which was not bound to
matter, or expressed itself in matter, or was matter.

“The heathen Teutonic conception of human nature, and of the factors

composing it, is most like the Aryan-Asiatic as we find the latter preserved in the
traditions of Buddhism, which assume more than three factors in a human being,
and deny the existence of a soul, if this is to mean that all that is not corporal in
man consists of a single simple, and therefore indissoluble element, the soul.”

There are two alternatives: Odinism could proceed towards a tragic end, which
means the devastation of the planet from hate (ending with a nuclear planet-wide
cataclysm). The other is awakening to Balder and Nanna, the divine discoverers
of the nature of dreams. This means that Asatru practitioners should learn to
understand interstellar communications and so become channels for divine
energy and wisdom, from Asgard.

Other planets are experiencing movements like ours and these movements are
gaining more strength as well as prudence. Through dreams these evolutionary
channels, in different solar systems could be informed of each other and
integrated to each other. This would be extremely important for the Asgard-
universe, billions of solar systems where they aim at developing Midgard life in
more accordance with the Asgard model. This model always stood behind and
supported our life, but incompletely, as long as man did not know.

In closing I would like to say that in our modern world there are several models
used to explicate the mysterious concepts of faith, most especially pagan faith.
These religious viewpoints or interpretations range from nature symbology to
spiritualism to Jungian archetypes. Nyall, to me, seems to be the most valid
method of exploring the sacred ancient traditions because it not only uses
scientific theory the elucidate religious beliefs, it also uses the religion itself to
explain phenomena within our universe usually left unexplained or passed off as
“imaginary”. It is this idea in itself that formed the original purpose for religion,
since to the ancients religion and science were one. In fact, it can be said without
hesitation that religion, in the pagan sense of the term, was the first science, the
first system of theory used to enlighten our people about the world(s) around
them. As astrology developed into astronomy, herbalism into medicine,
philosophy into psychology, etc. the world of science parted company with its
heathen origins. This separation was due to the introduction of Dark Age
religions that disdained education and enlightenment, be it not of their
nonsensical “message”. With Nyall we truly return to the ancient ways, using our
beloved lore to make sense of many of the wonders of the universe, spanning
our search for understanding and awareness from the microcosm to the
macrocosm – to the far reaches of the living cosmos.

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