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385 Life Prospering Philosophies

Ryan D. Neely
© 2014 by Ryan D. Neely
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any

form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,

without prior written permission of Ryan D. Neely.

Ebook cover background photo created by Mark Herpel via Flickr.


Life Philosophies

Financial Philosophies

Career Philosophies

Friendship Philosophies

About the Author


I have spoken to many groups of people in my lifetime. No matter who I spoke to, they all were

after something very important. They were after good and prospering thoughts.

This book consists of 385 philosophies to improve your life at home and when you are out and

about. I hope the contents of this book are a blessing to you and the people in your life.
Life Philosophies

1. When it comes to living a blessed life, it is all in the way you think. In order to get to a place

where life is better, you have to change the way you look at life. Your thoughts determine your

atmosphere. If you are negative, you will find yourself in down trodden places. If you are

positive, you will find yourself in vibrant places.

2. Whether you know it or not, what you need is readily available to you. A wise person will

take advantage of the resources at hand and use them to prosper their life. When you begin to

believe that you have you need, it will be revealed to you.

3. If you have your mind set on how to make life easier rather than take responsibility for your

dilemmas, you will suffer. You do not want to go through life and not be challenged. If you are

never challenged, you will never mature.

4. The first step in living right is to develop good habits. Some good habits we adapt from our

parents or friends. Others we have to learn. A habit is something that we do over and over.

Therefore, the first step in living right is to do good things and do them over and over.

5. When you begin to treat yourself in an A class manner, you will start to see A class results. If

you exercise, expect to look good. If you read, expect to be smart. If you rest, expect to feel


6. Usually, we experience our moments of greatness during tribulation. When things start

looking bad, we dig deep to fix them. We start to see just what we are made of. We realize the

importance for us to mature by taking responsibility, or be destroyed by the circumstance(s).

7. Chasing money will cause you to lose focus of your faith. Your faith is there to encourage

you. It helps you to believe that your dreams can and will come true. Your faith is what causes

money to appear to help you toward your dream.

8. If you ever fill empty, there is not anything natural that can fill the void in your heart. The

void in your heart can only be filled by hope. Hope will cause you to be honest about what you

want. When you have hope, you can get to where you want to be. When you have hope, you

can do what you have desired to do.

9. The best way to come out of debt is not believe you need debt. Some people believe they need

to be in debt (payment plan) to a company or business to establish good credit. However, you

will not need to use credit or be in debt if you have the money to pay for something in full.

10. Real prosperity is when your family and friends get multiplied. Many people believe that

prosperity is all about having more money. However, having more money does not make you

feel as good as having more people that love you in your life. There are many people with more

money than us who are not as happy as we are because they do not feel as loved. Also, there are

many happy people in the world who are not even thinking about people because they have

people to fellowship with.

11. People will see you as blessed based on the number of friends you have in your life, more

than they will by your income. Think about it; which is more appealing to you. Is it a person

who shows up to the movies with a group of friends? Or, is it a person who shows up to the

theater in a nice car? If you find the person who showed up to the theater in a nice car more

appealing, you may be on the road toward a life of loneliness.

12. Never love somebody because of what they do for you. If you do so, you are loving people

conditionally. Instead, love people unconditionally. When you love people unconditionally, you

will reap a great reward. They will love you in return.

13. The things that are good for you will always be there for you because they have a purpose in

your life. Therefore, if something is good for you, accept it. Do not try to find alternatives to see

if there is something better.

14. Your confidence will draw blessings into your life. Confidence is an example of faith.

When people see that you are confident, they start to believe in you. When people believe in

you, they support you. When people support you, they look for an opportunity to bless you.

15. Respect will always be honored. Therefore, respect somebody and receive their honor.

When you respect somebody and are honored by them, they will always remember you.

16. You hold the key to the door of your future. However, it is up to you to open it. Do not be

afraid to use the key to open the door to your future.

17. Stand out by standing up. Take a stand for a cause or for somebody and you will be noticed.

People who take a stand have a reason for life and therefore have a purpose in life.

18. Be humble by taking a bow. When you do not exalt yourself, you will be exalted. When you

allow somebody else to promote you, you will be promoted.

19. Never pay to advertise yourself. Only advertise yourself where advertising is free. If you are

good at what you do, others will pay to have you advertised.
20. Do not allow yourself to be controlled or manipulated. Instead, be in control of the situation

by doing what is right. People who allow themselves to be controlled do not respect their own

identity and authenticity.

21. If you know how to do something that will make your name great while helping others, do it.

It is more than likely your gift. Also, if it is your gift, you will not be satisfied until you perform


22. If you are good at something, allow it to bless others. If other people reject the service of

your skill, do not stop offering. There is somebody out there who needs your skill or skills.

23. It is one thing to be in the right place at the right time. However, it is another thing to be in

the right place at the right time but be unprepared to take advantage of the moment. Alwa ys be

prepared to seize the moment of opportunity.

24. Always follow through on what you say you will do. Others trust you according to what you

say and do. Be trusted and be loved.

25. Pay attention to your conscience when it is telling you to do something good. It will save

your life and bless you. It will make you a more confident person.

26. Not following your conscience when it is telling you to do something good will contaminate

your confidence for life. You will become more and more unwilling to do good things. You will

be seen as lazy. You will have to be reprogrammed into doing good at all times. Also, the

reprogramming may come in a harsh manner. Therefore, do good today and save yourself from

worrying about tomorrow.

27. Life is a show. Therefore, do not be afraid to get on stage. People who do not get on stage

cannot be recognized for their performance.

28. If you chase money, you will get tired. People who chase money are running a never ending

race. If you chase peace, you will have energy and money will chase you.

29. Never let money inspire you. Instead be an inspiration and money will follow you. People

who focus on how much somebody will pay them rather than treat them, will end up stressed.

People who focus on what they can do for others will be happy.

30. Do not love people because of what they do for you. Love people regardless of what they do

for you. When you love people regardless of what they do for you, people will do things for you

because of how much they appreciate you.

31. People are not your friend simply because you trust them. However, you trust the people

who are you are friends. In life, never look at things based on what somebody can do for you.

Always look at things based on what you can do for somebody.

32. When it comes to things in life, it will come down to picking the best option. A wise person

will be glad to pick the best option and move on with their life. An unwise person will try to

choose more than just one option and expect to be happy.

33. You cannot expect to go back to being a child and live as carefree as you did when you were

younger. This is because you have more responsibility as an adult. If you are an adult without

any responsibility, you may be living like a child, and people may not see you as an adult.
34. Taking on more responsibility is the key to promotion. When you take on more

responsibility, you show the world that you are ready to manage. When you show the world that

you are ready to manage, you will be seen as a leader.

35. When you take on more responsibility, you will have to give something or some things up. If

you get promoted from supervisor to manager (one level up in your company's hierarchy), you

must supervise supervisors rather than employees. If you were to try to supervise supervisors

and employees, you will be trying to supervise too much. Your new direct reports (supervisors)

will not get the proper attention needed. Also, you will not mature as much as a leader.

36. If you just focus on supervising your supervisors, you will build them up to guide their

employees. This will make life less stressful for you. Also, this will prepare you for another

promotion as you will see what it takes to be a manager as you supervise your supervisors.

37. If you are insecure about yourself, you will never commit to anything good. Why, because

you do not think high of yourself, and will be unattractive others. Your low self-esteem will

make it hard for others to esteem you highly.

38. If you are secure about who you are, you will only commit to good things. You will always

want what is best for you and others. This will make you very attractive.

You cannot market what is meant to be priceless. If you do so, you are a crook. Therefore, do

not sell your love.

39. You cannot be good at something without practicing it. You cannot get better at something

without practicing it continually. Therefore, practice, and continue to practice to be sharper.

40. Seize the opportunity to be great. Take home the trophy with pride. If you believe you are

the best, enter the competition and prove it. Results are everything. Numbers are real. What do

the numbers say about you?

41. Never talk bad about successful people. Instead, congratulate them on their success. If they

made a mistake that you know about, do not judge them, and others will not judge you.

42. Be an encourager. Let people know that life can be better.

Tell them that they shall have the type of life they believe they will have. Therefore, they should

believe in good things.

43. Do not spend your money on things that do not build you. Spend your money on things that

prosper you and empower you to prosper others. When you spend your money on things that

prosper you and others, more money for you to spend will show up.

44. Do not go after something because of how much money you can make. Go after something

because of how many people you can bless. Also, make sure that it is something you can see

yourself doing for a lifetime.

45. Always make people feel warm and welcome. Get rid of every awkward moment of silence.

Communication opens doors. Open doors lead to opportunities.

46. Listen to people when they talk to see if you can hear their heart. There is always something

more to what a person is saying. Therefore, pay attention to how and when people say things

and what they do while speaking.

47. Be a good judge and interpreter of body language. People say more with their body than they

do with their mouth. It is just like the saying goes, "Actions speak loude r than words."

48. Prospering takes time. Do not be in a rush to be greater than you are. Allow yourself time to

develop. This way, when you reach greatness, you can maintain it.

49. Be good enough to keep your audience entertained. They are there to see you for a reason.

Therefore, if you are good enough, they will promote you and want to come see you perform


50. Listen to your heart. Why, because it is your heart. Why again you may ask, because it is

your make up (what you are about).

51. Keep yourself energized and ready so that you can do good at all times and at a moment’s

notice. Never be too tired to please somebody. If you deny others help, help will be denied to


52. Do not accept bad things in your life. If something is bad, look forward to fixing. You will

be what you tolerate.

53. The things you value will determine the people you relate to. There will be people in life

who you instantly connect with. There will be people in life who you will become friends with

that you never thought you would know.

54. You will never know what your gift is until you start to freely give. When you freely give,

you will see what you are good at. People will want to have what you have to offer over and
over. They will not only what it because your gift is free. They will want it because your gift is


55. Allow yourself to be discovered. If you have a gift, expose it. Somebody needs your gift or

specialty to bless them.

56. You cannot give away what you do not have. However, if you do not give anything away,

you will never have anything more. Selfishness will never see you rewarded.

57. When you develop a heart to give, you develop a heart to live. When do you develop a heart

to take away, you develop a heart die. Stealing from somebody is just like committing suicide.

Why, because if you take away from somebody, they will take away from you.

58. Never miss an opportunity to give. When you give from your heart, you get the greatest

sense of enjoyment.

59. You probably treat your time like you treat your money. Honestly, if you waste time, you

probably will waste your money. If you do not spend time doing something valuable, you

probably will not spend your money on valuable items.

60. To be wealthy is first to be healthy. You can have a lot of things and be considered wealthy.

However, if your health disables you from enjoying it, you will not be concerned with your

wealth. Therefore, keep yourself in the best health possible.

61. Dream in order to find the person of your dreams and job of your dreams. If you do not

dream, somebody else will dream for you. Your dreams spring from your desires. Your desires

determine your identity as you give into them. Therefore, follow your good dreams and find the
person you have been dreaming about. Follow your good dreams and find the job you have been

dreaming about.

62. Do not be afraid to compete for a prize. Greatness is measured by victories. Victories are

measured by who best completes the challenge. Therefore, strive for the best in order to outdo

your competition.

63. Never pass up an opportunity to prove yourself. Do not live with an "I do not have to prove

myself" mentality. Instead, prove yourself so you can be rewarded.

64. Listen to the people giving you advice. Attend to the advice that registers with what you

believe. The right person will tell you the right thing at the right time.

65. Always be dedicated to your friends. Never turn your back on them for any reason. Loyalty is

an ingredient of trust. Trust is the root of friendship.

66. The best form of promotion or advertising is giving something away for free. People like

receiving things for free. When a person is given something for free, they view what is given to

them as a gift.

If you are looking to promote your product, give it away for free. If it is good, not only will

people want it, but they will tell others about it. Free giveaways equal free promotion and

potentially new customers.

67. Be a giver in order to be a receiver. I once heard somebody say that you cannot receive

something with a closed hand. The saying is true, for when you give, your hands open up. When

your hand is open, you can receive.

68. Do not be afraid to make something that is good better than it already is. Long term

prosperity is determined by your consistency to offer a good results. Therefore, go from good to


69. Appreciate the people in your life and you will be blessed with more. When people feel

appreciated by you, they promote you. When you are promoted, you become well known and

attractive to others.

70. Keep your area clean. Your area is a representation of you. Therefore, allow others to see

your goodness when they see your area.

71. Never give up. You are somebody special and you were created for a reason. Make a

decision in your heart to live and see your destiny fulfilled.

72. Get excited about your future and your future will be exciting. You will live the life you

expect to live. You will enjoy the things you expect to enjoy.

73. Get excited about your current situation. No matter what situation you are in, expect a good

outcome. Be happy and live happy.

74. Never let money determine your happiness. It is not how much money you have that

determines your happiness. It is what you do with the money you have that determines your


75. Do what you are supposed to do when you are supposed to do it. Putting things off causes

stress. Stress can lead to many more problems. Therefore, be on time with your responsibilities

and be happy.
76. Remember the people in your life who appreciate you. They all may have something in

common. The main thing is that they all appreciate you.

77. The best things in life are free. Do you know why? It is easy. They are free because the best

things in life are so valuable that money cannot buy them.

78. Give your friends something to look forward to. Never have a "We will see what happens"

attitude about how you look forward to spending your time together.

79. Make sure that you are around the right people in your life. Being around the right people is

all about purpose. When you have a purpose for doing the things that you do, you will have a

purpose for meeting the people that you meet.

80. Smart people read books. The wisdom that they gain enables them to read people. Once they

are able to read people, they are able to advance further in life. Why, because true advances

comes through who you know and how you treat them.

81. Never make an important decision without thinking about your family. You must consider

the welfare of your family in the choices you make. Other than you spouse and children, they

are the people who were placed in your life without your say so. Therefore, learn to appreciate

your family, and be blessed with a larger family.

82. Nothing is impossible to you when impossible means nothing to you. You have to believe

something in order to see something. If you do not believe you can have something, you will not

try to get it. If you do not try for something, you should not expect it to come to you.
83. Gossiping about somebody is a waste of time. Not only does it potentially make the person

you are talking about look bad, it makes you look bad too. Therefore, spend your time

encouraging people to be better. If you are going to talk about somebody, talk about how or

where you would like to help them improve.

84. When your eyes are open, you see what is around you. When you close your eyes, you can

see your thoughts. No matter if your eyes are opened or closed, you can see something.

85. Everybody is somebody and somebody can get you to everybody. Therefore, respect

somebody in your quest to respect everybody. Be good to those you know and expect to go far

in your life.

86. If everything went the way you wanted it to, you would never mature. Maturity is defined by

growth. Growing in maturity comes from accepting life and making the most out of it. What

makes a person mature is when they learn how to blossom in their situation(s).

87. You need to have structure in life. Good things happen to people who are ready for good

things to happen to them. Therefore, get organized and be rewarded for your readiness.

88. Dreams are like wings. They help you to get above the ground into the sky where the traffic

is much clearer. When you are dreaming, you can fly, and travel more freely. Therefore, allow

your dreams to take you up so that you can fly, move freely, and be at peace.

89. Dreams do not come true by simply dreaming. However, they come true by putting into

action what we see in our dreams. Therefore, pay attention to your dreams and take action.
90. Beware of what you allow in your heart. Your heart determines your footsteps. Your

footsteps determine your destination.

91. Do not be concerned with tomorrow. Instead, be concerned with today and today only.

When you seek to focus on today, you can be happy today. When you are happy today, there is a

good chance that you will be happy tomorrow. When you develop a pattern of being happy day

by day, you develop a pattern to live a happy life.

92. It is one thing to find great opportunities. However, a wise person finds a way to make the

opportunities other people find. Therefore, be wise, make a way for others, and be in charge.

93. Your desires are like a fire. If you disregard your desires, you will put out the fire. If you

put out the fire, you will be cold.

94. You become a better person by experiencing what it takes to win a prize before you even get

the prize. When you train, study, or compete, you are developing experience. After winning the

prize, the most memorable part of winning is what you went through or who you defeated to get


95. Greatness is not something you seek out to be. Greatness is something that comes to you.

The key to attaining greatness is to put people first. The more people you help, the greater you

will be.

96. As you seek to achieve a goal, there will be goals that you must achieve along the way to

achieving the goal itself. Therefore, before you can celebrate your big accomplishment, you

must learn how to celebrate the smaller accomplishments in between. Every step that you take

toward your destiny is important.

97. One of the keys to knowing what you can do is to know what you cannot do. Sometimes,

you run into roadblocks in life that make us turn around. However, when we get back to where

we left off, it is time to start a new adventure.

98. There was a man who chipped away at a stone bit by bit until he made a sculpture. There

was a man who said he would not chip away at a stone to make a sculpture because it wo uld take

too long. The man who chipped away at the stone made a beautiful sculpture that he sold for a

large amount of money. The man who said he would not chip away at the stone marveled at the

payoff for the man who did.

The man who said he would not chip away at the stone lacked the patience of the man who said

he would. Therefore, the man who lacked the patience of the man who did not lack patience

learned that patience can turn into prosperity. Therefore, from that day forward, he learned to be

patient in order to prosper.

99. You will never land on something if you do not first jump to it. Nothing just happens. Effort

comes before production. Production comes before results.

100. Before you can work on outside you must work on your inside. Yo u have to be willing to

nourish the seeds in your heart before you can have the garden of your life. Therefore, build

your inner being and enjoy your outer being.

101. You can labor to be noticed in hopes to be prospered. Or, you can prosper somebody and

they will labor to get you noticed and help you prosper.

102. People want to know if you have experience before they hire you. Therefore, train yourself

for the job you want.

103. There is a shortcut to the top. However, some people do not take it beca use they do not

believe in it. For the people who believe in the shortcut, they live in the shortcut. The shortcut I

am speaking about is servanthood.

In servanthood everybody is on top. They are great because they serve others. They are great

because rather than trying to gain attention, they give attention.

104. Revelations keep us motivated. The word revelation simply means for something or a truth

to be revealed to us. Whenever something true is revealed to us, we feel empowered. Why,

because not only were we created to be givers and lovers of people, we were created with a need

to learn the truth about life.

People who are always learning life's truths have a better chance at being happy in life. The way

for them to be happy is for them to put into practice what they learn. Therefore, if you want to

be happy, grow in your knowledge of true things. Then walk in the good truths you know.

105. Do not love the streets. The streets will not and cannot love you back. Instead, love people.

They can love you back.

106. Do not sow where you cannot reap. For example, a plant will not grow if you plant a seed

in rocks. A plant needs soil. Soil is able to provide the seed the nourishment that a rock cannot.

Why, because the soil has the nutrients needed for the seed.

The same is true in love. Do not give your time and care to someone who does not want to give

their time and care to you. Yes, you should respect them and love them as you should all people.

However, do not be mad if they do not respect or love you back.

Instead of wasting your time with someone who does not want to give you their time care, spend

your time with somebody who does. Just as you nourish others, you need to be nourished by

others. Therefore, sow where you can reap.

107. There is somebody special out there for you just as you are special for somebody. There is

somebody made specifically for you and your amazing personality. Therefore, be amazing, and

find the amazing person for you.

108. Nobody finds the right person for them in their own strength. It is the strength of love that

pulls people together. When people have love in their heart, they will have everything that they

need. Therefore, grow in love and live a fulfilling life with the right people in it.

109. Nobody finds their dream job. It is the strength of love that makes a person's dreams come

true. When a person has love in their heart, they are given the things they want. Therefore, grow

in love and live a fulfilling life.

110. Never pursue a person. Instead, pursue life. If you pursue a person, you will end up on

their path in life and off of your path. However, if you pursue life, your path and somebody

else's path will eventually join together.

111. Good things happen to people who stay focused on their assigned tasks. For example; when

a person works diligently on their homework assignment from school, they should expect a good

grade. When a person does a good job in finishing assignments at work, they should expect to be

praised and rewarded. Athletes who do what they are told to on the field should expect to be

favored by their coach and fans.

112. Do what it takes to reach your goals in the right way. Do not do anything halfway and

expect the best results. For example; if you are trying to lo se weight, you should exercise, eat

healthy, and get the proper amount of sleep. You should not expect to do two of the three steps

and get the best results.

113. Do not trust the world for happiness. Happiness comes from within your heart. Happiness

is a result of what you believe and how your beliefs inspire you. The reason why many people

are not happy is because they do not believe they are special. They do not believe they are

entitled to a blessed life.

114. You are entitled to a blessed life. When you wake up, make the decision to have a great

day. Always start your day off in a positive manner. If you can think of something good, talk

about it. If you can think of a song that motivates you, listen to it. If you can think of a fun

activity that you can do that brings you joy, go and do it.

115. When you feel inspired to do something, follow your inspiration. Go with the flow of your

motivation. Later on, you will be wiser for following your heart. You will either know why

something worked or why something did not work.

116. If you do something the right way, your excellence in completing your task will promote

your finished product. If you have to promote something you made in order to get somebody to

notice it, you probably did not go a good job making it. You should make things good to the

point where their excellence promotes itself. Here are some examples:

I. A nice looking pair of tennis shoes will be purchased because of their appearance.

II. A nice looking car will be purchased because of its appearance.

III. A good book will be purchased because of its title.

IV. A nice house will be purchased because of what it offers its buyers.

117. Credibility is better than potential. You can tell somebody that you can do something and

they may or may not believe you. Or, you can tell somebody you can do something because of

your previous experience, and give them a reason to believe you.

118. Keep yourself sharp. You never know when the moment will arrive for you to be used. For

example, if you like running, and a race for a prize appears, you want to be ready to compete in

the race. Therefore, you would need to have been running on a continual basis to keep yourself

in shape.

119. Respect beauty and it will come to you. When you see somebody with a nice car, respect

the fact that they have a nice. Then, one day you can have a nice car too.

120. Do not be afraid of a good thing. Good things come to us all of the time, but sometime we

feel as if we are not worthy to receive them. For example, many good guys get turned down by

women because they do not feel worthy to have a good guy. When they finally realize it is ok to

have a good guy, the good guy they turned down is already taken by another wiser woman.

121. Never be ashamed of your current situation. Instead, look for a way to make your current

situation better. Even if your current situation is good, look for a way to capitalize on it.

122. Always seek to be happy and in good spirits. If you wake up feeling down, change your

attitude and be happy. Think about good things until your mood changes. When your mood

improves, be sure to spread your joy around to others.

123. Be aggressive about being happy. Let nobody bring your attitude or day down. Instead,

combat bad attitudes by lifting others up as you lift up yourself.

124. Keep yourself sharp, in season and out of season. The more you practice and train at

something, the better you will be at it. People who are well known for what they do are also well

known for their training, studying, and practice.

125. Do not be angry about another person's success. Instead congratulate them so that one day

you can be just as successful as they are. Also, take things one step further. Ask the successful

person how they became successful?

126. Put yourself in a position or place where you can be noticed. If you are good at something,

do not hide it from the rest of the world. Instead, share your specialty with others.

127. Do not be afraid to spend some money on order to have a chance at making more money.

For example; you may be an artist that can draw really well. You may want to put your work in

an art contest where the winner gets a big prize and money. However, to enter the contest it may

cost money. Be willing to pay the money to enter the contest. You may just win the contest and

come out with more money than you put in.

128. Do not be in a rush to be great or get promoted. Instead take your time. Being great and

getting promoted will come your way as you are prepared to be great and get promoted.

129. Do not chase greatness. Instead, chase perfection. When you chase perfection, greatness

will chase you.

130. Great opportunities show up for people who are ready for them. If you do not believe you

are ready for the top position, you should not expect to be in the top position. However, if you

believe you should be in the top position, make sure you are ready for the top position. Why,

because your belief will carry you into the top position.

131. Keep yourself alive by keeping yourself busy. You can be alive but dead because you are

not doing anything useful. Therefore, do something useful, and live your life to the fullest.

132. There are two ways to be busy. You can be busy doing something useful and productive.

Or, you can be busy doing something un-useful and destructive.

An example of doing something useful would be reading a good book. An example of doing

something un-useful would be smoking tobacco.

Reading a good book will make you wiser while giving you a fee ling of relaxation. Smoking

tobacco will do damage to your lungs and can shorten your lifespan.

Therefore, make wise choices on what you plan to do when you are busy. Make sure that you

are always doing something useful and productive. Do something that will help others as well as

help you.

133. Get excited about increasing your education. The more you know, the more you can do.

The more you do the more you can earn.

134. Make sure that when you pursue your education, you seek to be educated by a credible

source. Your source should have some type of evidential experience to back up what they teach.

Their credit needs to be approved by someone other than themselves.

If it is a person who educates you, look at their credentials. Check to see where and from whom

they learned what they know. Also, check to see what they have accomplished with what they


If you seek to be educated by a school, check the school’s accreditations and affiliations. Make

sure they are licensed to teach with accreditations. Also, check their affiliations. Make sure that

their certificates, diplomas, or degrees are certified. Also, check to see what results have come

from their graduates.

135. When it comes to doing what you like to do, or in others words, your hobby, allow it to be

like exercising. Make sure that what you are doing is good for you. Just like in exercising, there

are certain activities that you should not do every day, or you will hurt your body. Therefore, be

wise about your hobby and wise about when you do it.

136. On the other hand, just like in exercising, you should work at different areas of your hobby,

just like you work different areas of your body. Not only do you want to enjoy your hobby, you

want to be good at your hobby. Also, the better you become at your hobby, the more you will

enjoy it.

137. There is a time and a place for everything we do. Our mission in life needs to be

deciphering when and where the right time is and place to do things. Doing things at the right

times and in the right places will keep life simple and enjoyable for us.

138. People who are happy are happy for a reason. I have learned that they are happy because of

what they believe. They believe that everything is going to be alright and that they will and do

have a blessed life.

139. A wise person will prepare for the by doing things for the future today. If they hear that the

weather will be hot, they will make sure that they are hydrated. If they hear that they may have

to work extra hours at work, they will make sure that they diet and rest right. If they believe

there is a special event coming up that they want to attend, they will pay for the event in advance

if possible.

140. Smart people are smart because of what they know. They know what they know beca use of

what they have studied. Therefore, if you want to be known as a smart person, study in order to

be smarter than you already are.

141. Strong people are considered strong because of what they are able to bear. They are not

considered strong because of how they appear. However, the stronger a person becomes, the

more their appearance will change.

People who are strong are able to bear or lift heavy weights. Therefore, if you want to be

considered strong, train your muscles to lift heavy weights. If you are already strong, train your

muscles to lift heavier weights and become stronger.

142. A good thing done at the wrong time is no longer a good thing. An example would be

shopping online from your company's computer for a new pair of clothes while you should be

doing reports. Shopping online for clothes is good. However, shopping online while you should

be helping your company has made your shopping a wrong thing.

143. The more time you spend doing something, the better you will become at knowing when

you are not doing it right. This is why you should always practice your craft. You not only want
to get better at it. You want to know when something is not right about the way you are

performing your craft.

144. Keep on pursuing your dream. It will come to pass. “How,” you might ask? Easy; by your

continual pursuit of it, for the more you pursue it, you will know what to do.

145. Never be in a rush for fame. Instead, take your time and be more than famous by building

your credibility. Your credibility will evolve into fame.

146. When it comes to building your credibility, allow it to be something you do your whole life.

Always seek to be better at what you do and allow your work to be rewarded and honored. Do

not be afraid to enter your work in contests to win awards.

147. Do special projects for others with your talent. If you are talented, the best way to be

noticed is by helping somebody. A talent that is only used to benefit yourself will not be seen as

a talent. It will be seen as a scam.

148. The more people you help with your talent, the more you will be known. Allow your talent

to make a great name for you. Allow your talent to not only be a talent to you, but also a gift to


149. The greater the task you complete, the greater you will be compensated. If you work hard,

you should expect to be paid well. If you do more in your service, you should expect more

respect, consideration, and referrals.

150. You should never have to look for a place to serve or use your talent. If you are willing to

serve or use your talent, opportunities will show up. Also, your willingness to serve or use your

talent will lead you into opportunities.

151. When you are in a leadership role, run your area. Do not try to be a co- leader with another

person. Your team or employees will favor one of you over the other.

Also, if you try to run your area with a co- leader, you will always have to get their agreement to

get something done. If you do something without their approval, they will have the right to be

offended. Also, you take the risk of them being told things about the area or your team and you

not being told the same information.

This is why it is not good for a workplace to have two or more supervisors managing the same

area. This is why a sports tram cannot have two head coaches. This is why a country cannot

have two presidents. Leaders are meant to lead and take responsibility. A leader who shares

responsibility for their area or team will not be as caring as one who is fully respo nsible for their


152. If you produce a high quality product, do not sell it for a cheap price. People sometime look

at the price of an item and assume it to be of low quality because its competitors’ prices are

higher. If you produce a high quality product and sell it for a low price, you are saying that you

lack confidence in your product.

153. If you produce a high quality product, do not make it too expensive. If you make your

product very expensive in comparison to competitor prices, people may think you are out to get

their money. Instead, price your product at a price that correlates with the product's quality.
154. Do one thing at a time when it comes to working on a project. This way each part of your

project gets ample attention. Also, when you do one thing at a time, you will develop good ideas

for the next part of your project.

155. Give praise where praise is due. People deserve and need to know when they are doing a

good job. In their heart, they really want to know if their deeds are special to somebody.

156. Pay attention to the things people talk about. When people talk, they are speaking from their

heart. Therefore, the things people say, actually say a lot about them.

157. At all times, try your best not to dress in a sloppy manner. If you dress sloppy when you go

out in public, you will feel very uncomfortable with your appearance. You will wonder if people

are looking at you in a negative way.

158. Know who you are in life. Knowing who you are consists of knowing what you can do and

what you like. When you know what you can do in life, your self-confidence and self-respect

will increase. When you know what you like in life, it will be easier for you to be happy.

159. Do not base your destiny off of somebody else’s thoughts about you if their thoughts do not

motivate you to do good deeds. People may tell you that you should be something in particular.

However, if you do not have the drive to be that particular thing, you will waste your time

pursuing it. Also, while pursuing it, you will lose your excitement about life. When you lose

your excitement about life, you will become less likely to do good deeds.

160. Learn to have fun. You cannot live your life always trying to be serious. When you are

having fun, you stress less. Also, when you are having fun, you forget about the things that do

not matter, and gain a better focus on the things that do matter.
161. If you want something that you have never had, you are going to have to do something that

you have never done. You cannot do the same thing and expect better results. For example, you

cannot keep dating the same type of person from your previous relationship and expect a better

relationship in your current relationship. You cannot keep performing a task the same way every

day at work and expect to be promoted. If you want a change in your life, change what you are


162. Make sure that you spend your free time in a valuable way. The things that you do with

your free time today, will determine how much free time you get tomorrow. People who spend

their free time wisely always seem to find more free time. Why, because time is like a currency.

If we spend it right it will prosper us, and we will be rewarded more of it. If we spend it

carelessly, it will hurt us and we will lose it.

163. Do what comes naturally to you. The thing that comes naturally to you is what you can do

at any time. It does not require much effort. All it requires is your participation.

164. Do not be afraid to prosper by doing what comes naturally to you. Some people are good at

certain things, but do not believe they can make a living off of their talent or skill. Instead, they

choose to go with the majority rather than with their heart. Little do they know that the majority

of people are not doing something they truly want to be doing.

165. Always better yourself at your talent. Do not forfeit or sacrifice performing your talent for

anything else in life. If you put your talent to the side, you will not be happy. There are people

who are always returning to the place where they can perform their talent because not

performing their talent made them miserable. Do not be one of these people. Instead, practice

and exercise your talent everyday so you can be great at what you do.
166. When you do what you are supposed to be doing, you will be happy. You will find an

unlimited amount of energy because of the feeling you get from doing what you are supposed to

do. Therefore, finish the tasks set before you, and the ones in your heart and be happy.

167. The things that you are supposed to do are the things you cannot get away from. There are

things that you have tried to put off but could not because you were responsible for them. You

knew that if you continued to put them off, you would get stressed. Therefore, pay attention to

the things you are supposed to do. You may forget about them, but they will not forget about


168. It is ok to prepare for the future, but not ok to try to predict the future. When you make a

prediction, you are simply making a guess. With you not knowing what the outcome of your

guess will be, you could either be right or wrong. Therefore, prepare for the future, but do not

try to predict it.

169. The first step in getting what you want is to believe that you can have it. A lot of people

study hard on the entire how to steps when it comes to getting what they want. What they fail to

realize is that the "how to" steps will not work if they do not believe they can have what they


170. The second step in getting what you want is to find out how to get it. Some people believe

they can have what they want, but lose confidence because they never find out how to get what

they want. You can have confidence to do something, but in order to do it you will need to know

what to do. Therefore, find out what you need to do to have what you want.
171. The final step in getting what you want is to do what it takes to get what you want. Many

people have the confidence and action plan to get what they want. However, they never put their

action plan into action. Do not be one of these people. Put your action plan into action by doing

what you know how to do. Then, receive the results you were looking for.

172. Do not live to impress people. Instead, do the right thing at all times and the right people

will be impressed. If your heart is in the right place, you will know when people are impressed

with what you do.

173. Sharpen your talent to be better at what you do no matter how you feel. There will be some

days when you do not feel like studying. There will be some days when you do not feel like

working out. However, the more you study, or the more you work out, the better off you will be

when you go against your competition. Therefore, stay skilled, sta y in shape, and stay I ahead by

sharpening your talent or working every day.

174. Be dedicated to your talent. Treat it like a precious jewel. Believe in it. Fine tune it. One

day it will make a way for you.

175. Every champion can tell you what it takes to be a champion. Therefore, if you want to be a

champion, learn from a champion. Find somebody who is a champion, and ask them how they

became a champion.

176. Never rush anything. What is supposed to happen will happen. Not only will it happen, but

it will happen at the right time.

177. It is always ok to give, just as it is never ok to steal. Stealing from somebody will hurt

them. Giving to somebody will help them. When you steal something from somebody, you put
yourself at risk of having something stolen from you. When you give something to somebody, it

is likely that somebody will give something to you. Why, because we reap what we sow.

178. You will never prosper in or at what you do until you learn how to give freely. Giving

freely opens the door for you to be happy. When you are happy, you will perform your best


179. If you are really passionate about what you can do for somebody, you will do it for them for

free. Eventually, somebody will notice the passion you have behind your service by how good

you do it. When that person or people notice how good your service is, they will want to pay

you for what you do. This is an example of how your passion can turn into your prosperity.

180. Let nothing hinder you from being the best you can be. Being the best you can be is

determined by everything you do. Therefore, be cautious about the things you do. Also, make

sure that everything you do is done with the purpose of making you a better person.

181. Do not disrespect your leader. If you do not agree with something they do, you should let

them know in a respectful manner. You may end up making a good point. However, if your

boss goes against your idea of what should be done, allow your boss to move on and yourself to

move on as well. You must remember to show respect but also use good judgment. If you know

what is right, but your leader says to do something wrong, make sure you do what is right.

182. People sometimes make decisions based on their feelings rather than what is best for them.

This is not healthy as a person's feelings can change. Therefore, make sure that you make

decisions based on what is best for you rather than how you feel.
183. When you help people out without charging them a price, you are performing a deed or

deeds from the heart. When you perform a deed from your heart, you will get a sense of pleasure

from the service you are giving. The sense of pleasure you get from the service is contagious. If

the person you are helping out is thankful for your service, the will want to help somebody, if not

you, out as well.

184. Do not use people. If they do something for you, you should pay them. Now, this does not

always mean you have to give them money. Though money is an option, you may give them

other things or even a compliment. Sometimes, a compliment is all somebody needs without any

other form of payment. However, whether you pay somebody for what they did for you with a

gift or without a gift, you should always give them a compliment for their service.

185. You will not be free to live the life you desire to live until you start giving. Giving is a

requirement to live. Either you will give out of your own will, or you will be forced to give

when you do not want to give.

186. Do not get attached to the things of this world. The things of this world are temporary.

Instead, be attached to the things of your heart. They are in your heart for a reason. They will be

with you all of your life no matter where you go.

187. Let everything you have be used in a way to bless others. This way your whole life and

lifestyle will be a blessing to others. Also, if you are a blessing to others, you will never feel

lonely or be without. Your giving will turn into you being rewarded. Your kindness toward

others will turn into wholeness for you.

188. Your brain naturally hungers for wisdom just like your body hungers for food. When you

wake up, the most important meal of the day is breakfast. It gets you going and your mind

flowing. The same is true about wisdom. You need a fresh dose of wisdom to start your day. It

encourages you to think positive and accomplish your tasks.

189. One of the best feelings in the world is to be at peace with yourself. Being at peace with

yourself allows you to feel important. Feeling important enables you to walk in your purpose as

you believe that you are somebody special.

190. Do not miss the opportunity to rejoice. Joy is like a tidal wave. You have to jump on it at

the right time if you wish to ride it. Therefore, when something good happens, get excited about

it and celebrate.

191. Always challenge yourself to be better than you are. There is always a new level for you to

reach in life. Plus, reaching new levels makes a way for you to receive bigger and better


192. When you are in need of something, do not be afraid to ask for help. Asking for help

enables us to remember that we are not perfect. When we understand that we are not perfect and

need help, we will treat people better because we will understand our need for them.

193. You can try to get things done fast on your time. Or, you can take your time and get things

done at the right time. There are many things that we want in life right now. However, right

now may not be the best time. Therefore, we must learn to have patience in what we do and get

the results we want at the right time.

194. Opportunities show up all of the time for us to be greater. In order for us to be greater, we

must capitalize on those opportunities. People will remember us for the opportunities we accept,

not the ones that come our way.

195. The size of the trial determines the size of the reward. The things we go through in life are

there to make us better if we overcome them. The trials give us a chance to think on a higher

level and become greater in life. They enable us to see the things we do and do not need in life.

196. Be mindful of the things you pay attention to. Everything starts with a thought. Thoughts

become real when we act them out.

197. If you do not make a move, you should not expect a change. Things in life do not just

happen. There is a way out of your situation. If your situation is good, there is still a way for it

to be better. Therefore, stay active in life and always look for improvement.

198. A smart person will seek to learn something every day of their life. People who learn will

advance in life. People who stop learning get jealous of the people who are advancing because

of their continued learning. Therefore, continue to learn and continue to advance in life to never

end up jealous of somebody else’s success.

199. When it comes to finding the right companion for you, it is not just about finding somebody

you like. It is about finding somebody you will continue to like. You want to be with so mebody

who you can grow together with and relate to. You want somebody who is after success just as

you are after success. You want somebody who will encourage you to be greater and not bring

you down.
200. Celebrate your successes. Remember all of your accomplishments. This will enable you to

always see how special of a person you are.

Financial Philosophies

201. Never depend on money to make you happy. Instead be happy, and buy things that will

allow you to stay happy and not be miserable.

Having more money never truly made anybody happy. Now, maybe having more money has

relieved someone’s stress because they were able to get more things done. However, when it

comes to happiness, it is dependent upon the person’s state of mind.

Therefore, the person who seeks to be happy must make sure that they are happy internally and

not just circumstantially. Why, because circumstances change, just like the amount of money

they have can change. However, their inner peace is something they can control.

202. Never be afraid to spend money on something you really want. If you really want it and can

afford it, buy it.

Many people are angry with themselves because they are holding themselves back. They know

they want something that they have the money for. However, they are afraid to buy it because of

what others may think. Or, they are too wrapped around the idea of saving money simply to

have more money. In that case, they are not being true to themselves. Rather they are slaves to

others’ thoughts and to their own money.

203. If there is a lesson to learn about why you should not buy something, you will know the

outcome before you buy the object of desire. If you are not sure about buying something, do not

buy it until you are sure. If you are patient, you will know what to buy and when to buy it.
There were many times in my life where I waited to buy something I really wanted. Sometimes

it was because I did not have enough money. Other times, it was because I was not sure.

However, by the time my waiting period was over, I knew if I really wanted or needed the item I


204. Do not disregard what you know about shopping for an item. If an item is over-priced, and

you know where you can get the same item cheaper, get it from the place where it is cheaper.

Why pay more for the same quality?

The only exception to paying a higher price for an item that you can get cheaper is if you are in a

desperate situation. An example would be purchasing medicine from a gas station because the

convenience store where it is cheaper is closed. In a time like this, you will clearly know that

paying the higher price is the best thing to do.

205. Do not spend your money on items with the thought of making yourself more attractive to

others. Beneath your outer garments and jewelry, people can still tell who you really are on the


Do not try to use money to transform yourself. Instead, use your money to keep yourself up to

par. If you buy higher priced clothing, jewelry, or body fragrances, all you did was spend more

money. You did not enhance your true self. You simply enhanced the materials you own, and

your friends will still be the same people who cared about you before your purchases.

206. Do not spend your money on anything that will not benefit you or somebody else. Though

this sounds elementary, it still needs to be said. Careless spending leads to sorrow and grief.
Spending your money on something simply because you felt like buying something will leave

you with a sense of loneliness. You will feel as if the money you have has no true value.

207. Having more money will not make you more attractive. It is not how much money you

have that determines who you are. It is what you do with money that displays who you are.

I remember when I was in the process to get promoted at work. I knew that I would be making

more money if I got the promotion. I told this girl who used to like me thinking it would make

me more attractive. Instead, it turned her more away from me as my mind was more focused on

money than our association.

What people really want to know is how much you care about them. That is what makes you

more attractive to them.

208. Never chase money. Money is something that should come to you because of what you do.

Also, with that, what you do is determined by who you are. Therefore, money comes to you

based on who you are and your capabilities.

If you desire a better lifestyle, do not look for a better paying job. Instead, grow as a person.

Grow in your love for people. Grow in your wisdom and knowledge. Before you know it, when

you put what you have learned into practice, your life will all of a sudden become better.

209. Money is something you are entrusted with, not something you get for yourself. Many

people like to say, "I make money." Instead, they should say, "I earned some money."
Money is made by a machine. We as people need to be careful about how we esteem money. If

we think we are so powerful that money is subject to us, we may be sadly mistaken. However, if

we esteem money as a blessing, we will not spend it carelessly.

210. Do not work for money. Instead, let money work for you.

Do not waste your time trying to find a job based on how much the job will pay you. Instead,

find a job that you really want to do, and the compensation will follow your passion.

There are many people who go to work and do not enjoy what they do. They took the job

because of the pay rate, and wish they could work somewhere else. It is not that the job has them

imprisoned. It is that they feel they cannot leave the job because they are afraid they will not find

another job and make the same amount of money.

On the other hand, there are people who go to work every day and enjoy what they do. They do

not worry about how much money they are going to make, for they get a feeling of satisfaction

from their service. Their satisfaction keeps them working hard. Their hard work keeps money

coming in to their pockets, wallets, and purses.

211. Always put people first and money will show up. When you are a giver, people will look for

ways to give you things back.

A giver is appreciated in any circle of friends. Also, a giver will never be without friends for they

will always be needed. Givers are also good at making a way for themselves to be remembered.

Money is never their issue. All they care about is giving rather than taking. They are good at

managing money because they do not waste it. Instead, they use their money to build up others
and fix lives. This is why money continues to be available for their use because of their motives

and actions.

212. Save money only for a purpose. Never save money just to save money.

Saving money just to save money is the same as coveting or loving money. Saving money for a

"rainy day" or "in case something happens" is the same as living in fear.

213. Do not try to have a relationship with money. It will not love you back because it has no

heart and soul. Instead, have a relationship with people, love them, and money will submit to

your purposes.

People who say they love money may be dangerous to be around. They may do whatever it takes

to get some money because of their passion for it. They will never be satisfied with life until they

change their mind and view about money.

214. Do not use money to try to buy love. Love is a free gift, and its true value is priceless.

You may have heard the phrase that money cannot buy you love. Well, being that this statement

is true, you should be excited. Why, because you can have love for free.

215. Try your best to live on a budget. Living on a budget gives you boundaries. It also helps you

to think about everything before you purchase it.

People who live on a budget have a better sense of their wants and needs. Needs are their

necessities. Their wants are the things they can wait to purchase. Their budget causes them to

think about which purchases are most important.

216. You do not have to be cheap with your money. However, you should be reasonable with

your money. Being reasonable means buying things based on their value, rather than their price.

People who are good money managers understand how important it is to be reasonable. My

mother was always reasonable with her money. When I was younger, there were certain items

she refused to spend big money on. On the other hand, there were items she refused to buy at a

cheap price because she wanted to ensure their value. Today, she is one of the richest people in

her family. She and her husband both have a lot of money, and they enjoy spending it on other

people. While, because they spend it reasonably rather than emotionally. And their reason for

spending it is to better other’s lives.

217. Money has its place in the world. However, it can only be used to buy things you can see.

We must always look at money as something we use here on earth. Money is not something we

can take with us when we go to our next place after our life here has ended. Therefore, enjoy

using the money you have while you have it. The only way it can help make your life better in

the future is by what you do with it today.

218. You can use money to get you to certain places. However, love can take you places that

money cannot.

Money can only get you so far in life. You will one day face a dilemma or many dilemmas

where the amount of money you have will not matter. Other things more important than money

will be what you turn to as you will need them.

One of those things is love. Love can take you places where money cannot. It can also take you

places you never knew existed.

219. You can use money to fund your education. However, the real cost of an education is

priceless. Therefore, when you spend money on matters of education, make sure you know

exactly what you are paying for.

Spending money on your education is not a bad investment at all. However, you want to make

sure you compare prices between schools. You may be paying for the same education at a higher


220. If you go to work and only make money and not friends, you are not making enough at your


Your job should be a place where you are able to flourish in all areas. When you are at work,

you should be abounding in friends and promotions rather than just an income. If this is not

happening for you, you may want to evaluate where you are working.

221. Wealth is determined by what is in your heart, not what is in your pocket. Therefore, if you

want to have nice things, do not depend on money to get it for you. Instead, began caring for

people more.

Many people, who have a lot of money because of good business ideas, had no idea how much

money they would come across. Instead, they simply saw a need in people and decided to meet

it. Now, all they are doing is making sure those needs are continuously met and they are

continuously prospering.

222. Time is like money. Therefore, be mindful of how you spend your time.
As we look at time like money, we will value it more. We will spend our time building up

ourselves so that we can build up others. In turn, we will be happier and so will the people

around us. Eventually, the way we spend our time may increase our level of responsibility and

amount of money we receive.

223. The things in life that cannot be purchased with money are all free. However, there is still

a requirement that needs to be met in order for them to be received.

Yes, the best things in life are priceless and free. However, they do not just happen as some

people would like to believe. They do require us to know something and be in the right place at

the right time.

Therefore, whether something it is or is not bought with money, everything in life requires us to

do something. The basic action is to believe we will get what we need.

224. The more money you have, the more you are expected to be responsible with it. Look at

money as a reward and be wise with it. This way you can be trusted with more.

When you get more money than you have had before, do not be quick to think of what more you

can acquire. However, think of how you can be more responsible.

Can you pay off bills faster? Can you purchase a better working appliance, rather than

continuing to put money into an old one? Can you give to a charity that helps people? These are

some examples of things to think about when you acquire more money.

225. Do not try to use money to make more money. Instead, allow the way you use your money

bring you into more friendships and relationships.

If your goal is to use money to make more money, you will never be satisfied. However, if your

goal is to use money to better people’s lives, you will spend your days in satisfaction. One of the

most satisfying feelings in the world comes from helping people.

226. Allow money to bring you into friendships, not buy yourself into friendships. A friendship

that requires money is not a friendship at all.

Just like money cannot buy you love, it cannot buy you friendship either. On the other hand, you

can use your money to buy a drink or snack for someone, and they may see it as a nice gesture.

In turn, they may see you as a caring person and want to be your friend.

227. Money can give you power if you use it right. However, power cannot always give you


Money can give you power to do many things. Based on what you do with your money, you

may even be given more power. Or, your power that you currently have can be taken away from

you if you make a bad decision with your money.

228. The best things in life are free. Sometimes, if you wait and believe deeply enough, the

thing that you were willing to pay for will be free to you as well.

I have seen over and over in my life how great things may simply appear in my life. This is why

it is good to be a giver. You never know when somebody will be ready to give you something


229. Money that is not being used is not good money. Why, anything that is not being used has

no purpose or value. Therefore, it cannot be good as all good things have a purpose.
If you have money that simply sits in a bank for no reason, the money is not good. However,

when you put it to use for a good purpose, it can now be good money. Think of it like a person

who has the ability to do well, but does nothing. How will you view that person?

230. When a person does not have a lot of money, they have a greater sense of humanity.

Therefore, do not seek to be rich and maintain your sense and touch for humanity.

Many people seek to be rich. Eventually, they find themselves in a world of hurt. On the other

hand, people who seek to make others’ lives better, eventually find themselves in a world of


231. Riches can block your vision for life. Not having a lot will cause you to develop a vision.

Therefore, do not seek to be rich in money but stay rich in vision. Being rich in vision will keep

you from being led astray by thoughts of money.

232. A large amount of money can be given to you or inherited, meaning it had nothing to do

with what you did. Therefore, be humble when it comes to the thought of money and how it may

come to you.

I can remember multiple occasions where somebody simply decided to give me some money. I

did not ask for it, they just gave it to me. Therefore, I do believe that money can just come to

you through somebody else’s thought of you alone.

233. Real prosperity is determined by how much you give, not how much you have.
Prosperity is the act of continually blooming. In order to continually bloom, a person must

continually give. This giving includes giving love, giving their best at school, and giving to


234. If somebody gave you a lot of money today, what you did with it would determine how

much money you will be given in the future.

Smart people know how to invest their money. No, it is not that they know what stock will make

money in the future. Instead, they invest to support or own a share of something they really like.

This in turn adds up to an increase in their stock ownership. If the company they really like gets

bigger or more prosperous, so does their investment. Their stock value increases, which in turn

increases their money.

Therefore, make an investment in something that you care about. Maybe one day your

investment will increase. Even if it does not, you will still feel good about helping a company

you care about.

235. Your hourly wage or salary does not determine your total income. The things you do for

other determines how much money you can receive in periods of time.

Our lifestyle determines our income. People get rewarded for various things in life. They also

get rewarded in various ways. Therefore, do not limit yourself to being rewarded with money


236. Credit is given to people that can be trusted. They are known to be trusted by examining

their track record with money. They are trusted with more credit by examining their track record

with lesser credit amounts.

Building credit is a good thing. However, you should not build credit with the thought of

depending on credit. However, having good credit is good, for then you can be trusted by more


237. A person with money who is not busy enough will spend their time thinking of ways they

can spend it. Why because they are trying to find something to do with what they have in order

to find a purpose.

Being bored and having money are not things that go good together. People who are bored

usually do not have a purpose. Therefore, before you try to spend your money to make yourself

happy, make sure you have a purpose.

238. A person who works a job they enjoy will not really be concerned with how much they get

paid. A person, who works a job they do not like, will want to quit even if they were being given

all of the money in the world.

Money does not determine happiness or satisfaction when it comes to a person’s career.

Therefore, do not let money keep you at a job you do not enjoy. Instead, find a job you enjoy,

and money will be a reward rather than an incentive.

239. Money does not make people. People make money.

I once heard a person say that people look like their money. However, that saying is not true.

There are many people who make a large sum of money, but you would not know so by looking

at them. Then, there are people who live expensively, but are living beyond their income means.

They are drowning in debt, but cannot see it because they are trying to impress people.
240. Be more careful about life's principles than you are about money.

Do not spend so much time trying to be frugal with your money, that you are not wise with your

life. Being frugal is good, but being wise is priceless. Seek to be wise and being frugal will

come naturally to you.

241. If you want to be successful as a business owner, do not try to make a lot of money off of

your customers. Instead, seek to make your customers happy and having enough money will

never be an issue.

Successful business people know how to keep their customers happy. They are not after more

money. There are after the hearts and minds of their customers and their customers’ welfare.

242. Do not trap yourself in a life of debt to creditors. You do not want to live a life where your

money is owed to somebody before you ever earn it.

Instead, live your life as a giver. This way, you will always be on the receiving end of money.

Why because, people who give are people who receive.

243. A smart person is one who can live with having to borrow money for a long period of time.

It is ok to borrow money for a short period. Sometime, a person may not have enough to take

care of a much needed matter.

However, somebody who has to always borrow money may need to evaluate their plans and

lifestyle. Their continuous need to borrow money may be a sign that they are trying to do too

much or live outside of their income range.

244. If you believe that you will always have to borrow money to have big things, you either

need to learn how to save, or reevaluate your wants. As said earlier, it is ok to borrow money for

a short period of time. However, if you are always borrowing money to have big things, you will

never experience peace. You will never know your true self. Therefore, you will never fulfill

your true purpose unless you change your hunger or wants.

245. I once heard a minister on the internet say, "Money is a terrible master, but a wonderful

servant." This was a powerful statement as he broke down how people view money. He went to

explain that money is not something we should be after. Instead, it should be something we

control as a good life is something we should be after.

246. Never invest in money into something with the thought of making more money for

yourself. If you do so, you may find yourself sad later on if your investment fails. Plus, who are

you to know which way a product or dream will go when it comes to the unpredictable market?

247. People who try to use money to make money end up losing money. Money was meant to

purchase things or help people. You cannot use money to purchase money, for money is only

worth its value.

248. The only way to sleep and make money is to produce something or employ somebody to

make money for you. Other than that, we all have to work in order to earn a living.

Never try to find a way to make money without working. That is the same thing as trying to live

a good life without doing well. Remember we reap what we sow. Therefore, work or serve and

be rewarded.
249. Sometimes, it takes not having any money to realize how rich you are. Being rich is not

just measured in how much extra money you have. Being rich is determined by how you are

prospering in all areas of your life.

250. People who depend on money have no value. People who depend on their potential have

value, and may find that money chases them. Therefore, believe in yourself and work or serve at

your full potential.

251. The best way to secure money is to earn it yourself through your abilities. It feels good to

get paid for what you can do. It encouraged you to do more in order to reach your full potential.

252. Money cannot save you. Only people can save money. Also, it can get you lost if you

believe in it. However, it can get you out of trouble if you spend it correctly.

253. Never trust money. Money has never helped anybody. People with money who spent it

right helped themselves and others.

254. Money does not open doors for people. However, you can spend some money on keys to

different doors. Then, if you purchase the right key or keys, you will be able to open many doors.

Altogether, it is not about having money, it is about having keys. Therefore, know what keys you

need in life and the money you need to purchase them will show up.

255. You can be rich with money but poor in your spirit. Or, you can be rich in spirit and money

will not matter for you will always have what you need when you are rich in spirit.

You can change your feelings faster than you can change the amount of money you have. When

you are happy, you rarely think of your financial situation. When you are strong in your spirit,
money will show up in various ways. Why, because your positive attitude will lead you into

places where you can prosper.

256. A true friend will be your friend regardless of how much money you have. A true friend

will help you to better manage your finances. A true friend will not only like you regardless of

your income, they will be willing to give you money.

257. Good inspiration will get you through times of not having money. However, money will not

get you through times of no inspiration, unless you spend it on something inspiring.

258. When you are able to see the things that you do not need, you begin to understand how rich

you already are. Why, because you begin to see what you already have.

259. Money is not a medicine. It is a currency. Therefore, do not depend on it to make you

better. Instead, allow it to depend on you.

260. Money is not everything. But, it does have its place in the world. Anybody who says that

you do not need money does not understand its value.

261. All of the money in the world cannot satisfy you. If you bought everything you wanted,

you still would not be ultimately happy. However, if you were always able to give and help, you

may find long term satisfaction.

262. Do not live off of somebody else's budget and be a debtor. Instead, live off of your own

budget and be a creditor. Seek to be the supplier rather than the borrower or buyer.
263. In order to find a purpose for having money, you have to find a purpose for living. When

you are ready to live for something, you are ready to earn something. When you are ready to earn

something, it will be easier for you to do something.

264. Do not hoard your money or keep it away from others. Instead, enjoy the feeling that

comes with giving it away freely, without having to be asked to do so. Also, when you give

without being asked, you get to choose where your money goes.

265. Spend your money while you are here on earth. When you pass away, your money will not

go to Heaven with you. Therefore, enjoy it while you have it with you.

266. Money does not talk, but you can use it to speak for you when you spend it or give it away.

The way you give or spend it, may say a lot or a little about you. What you spend it on may

determine what exactly is said about you.

267. Do not be an ignorant person when it comes to playing the lottery. The person who plays

the lottery is playing for a chance to win. However, the company receiving the money is

receiving a guaranteed incoming when you by the ticket. Therefore, when the person who

bought the ticket does not win, they are the ones being played, not the lottery.

268. If a person marries somebody for their money, they married them based on a material

foundation. Material foundations are not eternal. Never love somebody for anything other than


269. Do not consider a person good because they have a lot of money. However, do not consider

a person bad because they have a lot of money. Instead, let what they do with their money

display their character.

270. You may not remember what you did with every piece of money you had. However, you

should be able to show that you spent it in a wise manner. Money was meant to be wasted.

271. There is nothing wrong with asking for money. However, it is wrong to be unwilling to

give it away. Do not ask others to do for you what you are unwilling to do for them.

272. The means that you live within should not be determined by your money. It should be

determined by your heart. Your world is created within your heart. Therefore, allow your heart to

take you great places.

273. Deeds of kindness will get you things that money cannot buy. Deeds of kindness may lead

you to make a new friend or lover. Deeds of kindness may lead you into deeds of kindness in


274. Everything in life comes with a price. The greater things in life come with a price that

money cannot buy. Though these things are priceless, their value is worth the sacrifice.

275. The truth is we have everything that we need today. If we think about it, we can only think

of what we want for the future. However, knowing what we are looking forward to in the future

will help us to appreciate what we have today. Therefore, if you feel you may need more money

in the future, be wise with the money you have today.

276. If you get more excited about the thought of getting money, rather than managing what you

have, you may want to evaluate yourself. Not being grateful for your current finances shows that

you may never be happy. Why, because your focus is continuously on getting more. Therefore,

no matter what you have, you will never feel like you have e nough.
277. Do not be mad at somebody else for having more money than you have. Instead, be

excited for them and one day, maybe you will experience their financial rewarding.

Being excited for them may lead you to learn how they earned their earnings. They may invite

you to enjoy their finances with them through dinners, trips, or shopping. Also, you may learn

how to manage the amount of money they have by watching their spending, giving, and saving


278. Making a lot of money does not come by being financially smart. Making a lot of money

does not come by knowing a lot at all. However, it comes by making the right move. In other

words, it comes by knowing what to do for somebody. However, nobody should do anything for

somebody with the intention to make a lot of money.

279. A rich person may be blind to certain things if they believe their money has or will save

them. However, a person who hates a rich person for being rich is blinder. Why, because their

hatred blinds them from discovering how the rich person got rich. Also, their hate disables them

from being able to help the rich person who may be blind to see well.

280. Being rich with a lot of money is not fun when you have nobody to share it with. Why,

because being rich does not lead to instant happiness. However, you can meet somebody today,

have fun with them, and experience instant happiness.

281. The best way to receive money is to earn it. If you earn it honestly, you will be more likely

to earn it again in the same way and amount. Or, you may even earn more for doing a consistent

good job.
282. Let the way that you earn money be done what you do for others. Do not try to earn money

by trying to do something for yourself. Trying to earn money selfishly is just like stealing.

Earning money by doing something for somebody else includes an element of giving.

283. A dream job is not one where you are making a large sum of money. A dream job is when

you are able to do what you dream of doing and money does not matter. A dream job constitutes

you being able to work and dream at the same time.

284. Some people believe that you cannot do anything without money. However, you can have

money and not know what to do with it as well. Therefore, you can do things without money.

However, you cannot do anything with guidance.

285. Money cannot buy you happiness because happiness is determined within yourself. You

can buy things that can help you maintain your happiness. You can also buy things to help you

boost your happiness. However, you cannot buy happiness itself.

286. Do not spend your money to impress others. Instead, spend your money to help others and

everybody will see what you are doing. Not only will they see what you are doing, they may

find it impressive.

287. Do not let money motivate you to do something that goes against good principles. You will

not enjoy the money when it comes due to the sorrow you will experience from performing the

act to receive it. Plus, if you signed a contract to perform the act multiple times, you may have

signed a contract of sorrowfulness.

288. Never put money before your family and friends. You need your family and friends to

survive more than you need money. Plus, your family and friends may give you the money you


289. When money is your motivation, you will lose sleep. You will lose peace. You will lose

your vision.

When service is your purpose, you will sleep better. You will find peace. You will have a


290. Loving money is dangerous because it cannot satisfy your deepest need. Your deepest need

is to be loved by someone else. Money can help you show love to another person. However,

money itself cannot love you back.

291. There is a difference between needs and wants. Only buy what you need. Think about

what you want, and eventually you will know if you need it.

292. Be thankful for every amount of money you receive. This way you see money as a blessing

and stay humble to not chase it. Also, you will understand just how much you are being thought

of by somebody else.

Being thankful not only leads to happiness, it makes other people feel good about giving you

things. When people feel good about giving you things, they may want to continuously find

things to give you.

293. You do not realize how much money you do not need until you do not have much to spend.

You do not realize how much the thing you thought you needed was simply a want, until you
cannot afford it. You do not realize how much your life is being taken care of, until you begin to

appreciate what you already have. Sometimes, it takes being broke for us to realize how rich we

really are.

294. A wise man with little money is still richer than an ignorant man with a lot of money. The

wise man riches come from within and cannot be taken away. The ignorant many with a lot of

money depends on his riches which are perishable.

295. Being content with what you have will make you feel richer than you would if you had

more money than you currently do. The feeling of contentment is better than the feeling o f

receiving. Contentment, reminds you that you are blessed, special, and cared about.

296. Be like a professional athlete. Enjoy the game you are playing or your career, and the

money will follow. Also, when you are done with your career as an athlete, the money may

continue to follow as a coach or consultant. Therefore, enjoy your career and benefit from it for

a lifetime.

297. Keep money in places where it will be safe. However, do not let one of those places be

your heart. Your heart cannot hold money. Therefore, do not let your heart be attached to

money, or you may think you lost something if your money is spent.

298. I have heard of many people going from having hardly any money to having a lot of money

because of what they did. I as well have heard of people going from having a lot to having little

money because of what they did not do.

299. When people look at you, they should be able to see what is in your heart rather than how

much money you have. Just because you have on nice clothing, live in a nice house, and drive a
nice care, does not mean you are rich. However, you can drive a normal car, live in a regular

house, and wear ordinary clothing and be rich because of what is within you.

300. There are many people in the world who have a lot of money because they can manage it.

When compared to others, they do not make a lot of money. They just managed what they had

and it accumulated to more.

301. People who love money always feel like they need it. They have no self- worth for they

believe their wealth is found is money. They have no wealth, for the wealth they do have goes

unnoticed and is never revealed.

Career Philosophies

302. A dream career will never lead you to want to quit the job you are doing. Instead, you will

seek to retire from it after a long time of dedicated service.

303. A dream career will give you more than it will take from you. You will not feel used, but

instead grateful for the opportunities your career provides you.

304. A dream career will give you a purpose in life that you want to boast about. You will feel

significant and see a future where you are effective in what you do for a living.

305. A dream career will make you feel as if you are in the right place in life. You will want to

be all that you can be for your company.

306. A dream career will give you a unique title. You will be significant for what you do in the

position you hold.

307. A dream career will boost your confidence. You will be glad to tell others about how you

earn your income.

308. A dream career will present you with opportunities for promotion as soon as you are ready.

You will not become idle or stagnant.

309. A dream career will challenge you. You will be able to grow as a person as well as a

310. A dream career will inspire you inwardly and outwardly. You will feel like you are doing

more on the job and at home to be the best person you can be.

311. A dream career will provide you with a boss who appreciates you. You will not be seen as

just another employee.

312. A dream career will provide you with an honest boss. They will let you know what you are

doing well and where you can improve.

313. A dream career will provide you with encouraging coworkers. They will help you to reach

your goals.

314. A dream career will not keep you away from your family. A dream career will encourage

you to build your family so that you prosper in your tasks.

315. A dream career will give you benefits designed for family building purposes. You will have

access and discounts to places where you can make your family's lives better.

316. A dream career provides you with the benefits that are significant to you. It will allow you

to do things life increase your education, have good health care, and retirement plans on its tab.

It will also reward you for your time with the company by giving you extra vacation time based

on your time of service to the company.

317. A dream career will help you to be excited about getting out of the bed to go to work. You

will know that you are going to do something great every day.

318. A dream career will encourage you to be punctual. You will always want to be on time for

work, and not miss work for unnecessary reasons.

319. A dream career will encourage you to be successful. You will never want to give less than

100% of your effort.

320. A dream career will provide you with the opportunity to work with people you can relate to.

Your people skills will prosper as you build friendships in your workplace.

321. A dream career not only allows your life to become better, but your community as well. A

dream career gives you the opportunity to volunteer for special projects in the community on

behalf of the company.

322. A dream career will not let you settle in one position. It will encourage you to go for higher

responsibility positions.

323. A dream career will encourage you to stand out at work. It will encourage you to serve on

special committees.

324. A dream career will not put you in a position that causes you to compromise your morals. It

will not make you choose between what is right and what is wrong to stay employed.

325. A dream career will provide opportunities for you and your coworkers to grow as a team

outside of work. It will hold special events that require you and your coworkers to work as a

team outside of the office on personal levels.

326. A dream career will provide you with a strong company guidance policy. Rules will be in

place to ensure a safe and modest work environment.

327. A dream career will provide you with incentives for doing mo re. Whether it offers bonuses,

extra days off work, or prizes, you will want to go the extra distance for your employer.
328. A dream career will provide you with opportunities to show your talents. Your employer

will be able to see just how unique of an individual you are.

329. A dream career will not put more on you than you can handle. You will able to perform and

complete your job in a timely manner.

330. A dream career will cause you to be happy because of what you do, more than being happy

for what you are being paid. You will feel better about your accomplishments regardless of the

amount you receive in pay.

331. A dream career will allow you to work in an environment that is not hazardous to your

health. You will not have to spend your post career life in strife or sickness due to your previous

working conditions.

332. A dream career will provide you with breaks for the hours you work. You will not have to

work nonstop in a day without being able to step away for a brief moment or more.

333. A dream career will provide you with a boss who listens to you. When you have a good idea

or suggestion, your boss will allow your idea to be presented.

334. A dream career will provide you with raises for your service. Whether you get paid more

money every year or half year, you will be compensated for your dedication.

335. A dream career will encourage you to be creative. Your employer will encourage you to

"think outside of the box".

336. A dream career will present you with a clear vision for yourself and the co mpany. Also, the

company's vision will line up with your vision.

337. A dream career will encourage team work, rather than being competitive, you and your

peers will get promoted because of the things you all accomplish as a team.

338. A dream career will hold you accountable for all of your actions. When you do well, you

will be rewarded. When you fail, your failure will be acknowledged and administered to so that

you do not become careless.

339. A dream career will be one where you work with people who deal with reality and not

assumptions. Office politics will not have their place in your work environment.

340. A dream career will be one where nobody is out to fire somebody. Instead, instead wants to

help each other succeed.

341. A dream career will reward employees for the achievements they reach together. When the

team goes above and beyond, they will be rewarded in an above and beyond manner.

342. A dream career will not hold employees accountable for things they do not know. Instead,

employees will be well orientated to the expectations they are to meet before they are judged.

343. A dream career will provide employees the opportunity to be trained in other job functions

and work in higher responsibility positions. This way, when new job openings become available,

the employees will have the experience to move on or get promoted.

344. A dream career will see that all employees are treated equally. Everybody will be held to

the same standard and judged by the same standards.

345. A dream career will encourage employees to present new ideas on a consistent basis. Then,

if the new idea or ideas are accepted and make a difference, the employee(s) will be rewarded for

their contribution.

346. A dream career will allow employees to be off work on special holida ys and be paid. This

way people can cherish their beliefs, independence, and family more on special occasions.

347. A dream career will be working for a company that has partnerships with other companies

to provide its employees discounts and benefits.

348. A dream career will be one where the drive, walk, or ride to work is not far.

349. A dream career will be a working for a company that provides you with the opportunity to

travel while working for the company.

350. A dream career will be one in which the environment is flexible. If you need to run an

errand, or have an extended lunch for an appointment, your boss will understand and punish you

for it.

351. A dream career is one that rewards you well for your special skills, knowledge, and

passion. If you are working a job where you are not being rewarded, eventually you will feel

Friendship Philosophies

352. A good friend cares about people. They do not slander others when talking to you.

353. A good friend will not speak negative of you to others.

354. A good friend is a giver. They equally put effort in building the friendship.

355. A good friend accepts gifts from you. They do not see themselves as someone too good to

receive from others.

356. A good friend is loyal. They will not put you to the side for new friends.

357. A good friend can be trusted with secrets. You can share things with them that you would

not share with others.

358. A good friend can be depended on to get things done for you.

359. A good friend has your best interest in mind. They do things to help you even when you are

not around.

360. A good friend will tell you the truth. They will not lie to you to hide something from you or

make you feel good.

361. A good friend will correct you when you are "out of line". If they notice something wrong

with you or your life, they will tell you.

362. A good friend will actively listen to you. When you talk, they will be quiet and show you

that they are following what you are saying.

363. A good friend will be sensitive to how you feel. They will know when something is not

right with you. They will know what makes you uncomfortable.

364. A good friend will make time for you. They will never be too busy to attend to your needs

or listen to you.

365. A good friend will not give you unsolicited advice. They will not try to tell you how to live

your life as if they know everything.

366. A good friend will not forget about you when planning. You will be a priority in their life.

367. A good friend will not try to put you down. Instead, they will always try to find ways to lift

you up and keep you up.

368. A good friend will encourage you to be great. They will push you to always be better than

you currently are in life.

369. A good friend will congratulate you when you do well. They will acknowledge your

accomplishments with praise.

370. A good friend will have a sense of humor. They will not take life too seriously.

371. A good friend will not be competitive. They will not make it their goal to be better than you

in life.

372. A good friend will respect you and not judge you. If you make a mistake, they will try to

understand it and help you bounce back to success.

373. A good friend will respect your friends. They will not disrespect or slander them to you.
374. A good friend will respect your decisions. They will not always try to disagree with you or

have things their way.

375. A good friend will be there for you no matter what you are going through. They will not run

from you if times happen to be tough in your life.

376. A good friend will be flexible. They will not be hard to please, work with, or plan with.

377. A good friend will not hold grudges. If you make a mistake, or happen to offend them, they

will not try to break fellowship with you.

378. A good friend is positive. They are not always looking for or only acknowledging negative


379. A good friend will nourish the friendship you share with them. They will look to make the

friendship deeper.

380. A good friend will have similar goals in life. You will build your friendship with them as

both of you assist each other in your wishes and destinies.

381. A good friend will have values. They will not be careless.

382. A good friend will have integrity. They will want to do the right thing(s) and not cut


383. A good friend will want to see you in a relationship. Though being single is good when

trying to find yourself, they will understand the importance of passionate companionship.
384. A good friend will remember important events in your life. They will try to remember your

birthday, anniversary, and attend important events pertaining to you.

385. A good friend will not steal from you. They will not only want to spend time with you

because you buy them things. They will not ask you for things but never give you things in

About the Author

Ryan D. Neely is a self- improvement philosopher from Louisville, KY. He graduated from the

University of Louisville with a Bachelor of Science degree in Sport Administration.

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