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who i am?

You will find as you go through life that those who give advice most freely are
precisely the individuals who are least qualified to do so. Busy, successful people
don�t have an interest in telling you how to live your life. They are busy living
their own. Failures or mediocre people have all the time in the world. They also
delight in seeing you fail, and are quick to say �I told you so� when you
experience a temporary setback. If someone tells you that what you are attempting
to achieve is impossible or not worth the effort, take a close look at them and
what they have accomplished with their lives. The chances are good that you will
find they haven�t done much. Successful people are optimistic people. They have the
habit of success because they learned long ago to listen to themselves and not to
those who would like to see them fail.

How could you say you love me
- 1st verse
2nd verse

2. Itanong mo sa puso mo - carol banawa

-All lyrics

3. dadalhin by regine
verse 1

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