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THE Some Teleconnect workers al­

MARKETS ready have moved to the com­

pany’s new headquarters at 185
50th Ave. SW, and the rest are
scheduled to move this weekend
Wall Street won't dance from the former headquarters
NEW YORK (AP) — The 95.70 million the week before. building at 2037 North Towne
conomic news has been making If there is a single cause for Lane NE. Here in the computer
c lot of sweet music lately, but Wall Street’s refusal to join the room of the new headquarters
Vail Street is declining to dance. party, most analysts agree, it is workers were continuing to
Rarely in recent memory have the federal budget deficit — a
he various measures of eco- string wires above the ceiling
problem that seems to grow ever
romic activity looked better than more in tra n sig e n t as tim e last week while Denise Mitchell
hey do right now. Growth is passes. of Cedar Rapids, right, operated
frisk, unemployment dropping Nothing significant has been a computer terminal. This room
fast, inflation almost negligible done this year to deal with it. also will contain the company's
— and the Christmas selling And it appear^ increasingly
season is living up to high own telephone system.
likely to many financial analysts
txpectations at retail stores that "nothing significant” is
«cross the country. again on the agenda for 1984.
When the Labor Department Wall Streeters point out that
•eported Friday that producer the deficit troubles investors for
jrices of finished goods posted several reasons — the upward
in unexpected 0.2 percent drop pressure many people believe it
n November, there was under­ exerts on interest rates, the
standable glee in the Reagan inhibiting impact it has on the
idministration. Larry Speakes,
tie White House spokesman,
tailed it "remarkable news that
indicates that we are well on
Federal Reserve’s credit policy,
and the general drain it creates
on economic resources.
With government fiscal policy
Teleconnect gets
target for sustaining economic
growth with lower inflation.”
In the stock market, however,
the report stirred little enthusi­
pumping billions of borrowed
dollars into the economy, the
Federal Reserve, in setting mon­
etary policy, is very wary of
new, larger home
asm. Stock prices went nowhere, doing anything to stimulate busi­ By Bruce Fishwild 000 customers for its long distance
just as they have been doing ness activity further. Gazette financial editor service and is adding about 6,000
most of the time for the last six The Fed’s chief concern at the As 1983 draws to a close, Telecon­ customers and about $350,000 in
months. moment, almost all analysts nect Co. of Cedar Rapids has more additional revenue each month. The
Over the last week the Dow agree, is that expansion might than 12 times as many employees as company now ranks in the top 10
Jones industrial average dropped overheat, leading to a resurgence it had when the year started. companies in the country in resale
17.89 points to 1,242.17, for its of inflation and interest rates. Not only that, but the company’s of long distance telephone service,
third consecutive weekly de­ Thus, every bit of "good news” sales during the year were nearly and is the only one in Iowa. Long
cline. lately on unemployment, retail five times as high as those in 1982 distance calls placed with it are
The New York Stock Ex­ sales or industrial production — and nearing $20 million. expected to represent about 10
change composite index fell 1.54 has been taken on Wall Street as In its first year — 1980 — sales percent of the state’s total next year.
to 93.86, and the American Stock a potential harbinger of credit- totaled about $1 million. Last year • In the coming year, the telemar­
Exchange market value index tightening by the central bank. they were $4 million. Next year the keting staff, which has so far been
was down 2.52 at 219.62. To many analysts, the scene company has budgeted $65 million. concentrating mostly on getting new
Volume on the New York appears set for credit-tightening Clearly, Teleconnect, a four-year- customers for Teleconnect, will start
Exchange averaged 85.12 million by the Fed in the early months of old service company with a decid­ doing telemarketing for other busi­
shares a day, against a volume of the new year. edly high-tech operation, was in the nesses, providing "a tremendous
right business at the right time and amount of growth” for the company.
was ready when opportunity A training center that is a part of
presented itself. State officials de­ the new headquarters building will
Gazette photos by Duane Crock
scribe it as one of Iowa’s fastest be used to train both Teleconnect
Bond pace will fall growing companies.
Consider this evidence:
employees and employees of other
companies with telemarketing jobs.
Carol Simmons of Marion, office systems manager for Teleconnect,
was pictured at one of the work stations provided in the new building.
NEW YORK (AP) — An percent last week compared with • Teleconnect was organized in • A part of that division also will At its former headquarters, several people occupied offices designed
influential Wall Street invest­ 9.48 percent at the start of the late 1979 with four employees. At have a national "response center,” for one.
ment firm, Salomon Brothers year — but the flood of new the end of the first year it had 12. At using "800” telephone numbers to
Inc., says it expects the volume municipal bonds continued. the end of last year it had 30 and it take orders for other large firms.
of new municipal debt will fall Salmon Brothers said it ex­ now has about 370. It expects to
off in 1984 from its record-
setting pace of the last two
pects a record new bond volume
of $79.2 billion for 1983 while
double the number next year.
• Its first office included 1,000
• Teleconnect’s own long distance
bill is more than $100,000 a month. High Current Interest Rate
years. the volume of municipal notes square feet of space formerly occu­ • A test is planned next year of an TAX DEFERRED ANNUITY
But the impact on interest pied by a doctor’s office. It is "electronic mail box” concept which
rates is expected to be minimal,
the firm says, because demand
falls to $38.3 billion.
The report predicts the vol­
ume of new municipal bond
moving this weekend into a south­ will serve as a sort of message
west-side building containing 40,000 center for the company’s customers.
for the issues from institutional issues will fall to $69.5 billion in square feet and beginning already to • All of this has been done with IN A NO LOAD ANNUITY
investors such as insurance com­ 1984 while the volume of munici­ plan for an addition. Cedar Rapids money. Sometime MINIMUM GUARANTEED INTEREST RATE
IS 5.5%
panies and mutual bond funds pal notes dips to $37.4 billion. • At first it operated only in next year, the need for additional
also will be down. Featuring
Subtracting those bonds and Cedar Rapids, but it now has branch funds is expected to lead to the first Built-in Annuity Income Privileges
States, local governments and notes that have matured or have offices in Des Moines, Omaha, public offering of the company’s Transfer Services
agencies such as housing author­ been refunded early, the decline Waterloo, Dubuque and Davenport. stock. The stock now is held by a Prompt Payment of Benefits
ities have turned to the credit is even more pronounced. • Sales of telephone systems, small number of people, mostly No Market Value Adjustment
markets with increasing fre­ ‘A’ Excellent Best’s Rating
The net increase in bonds and Teleconnect’s original business, still active in the company.
quency in the last two years as notes outstanding had been are growing but amounted to about Teleconnect was organized in late ▲ I / 1 irst V<iri< il >k -1 jf c GARY D. SPEICHER. CLU
the recession hurt their cash­ /j li is t ir< u i r e (;< r r i| r< i\ 1113 2nd Ave. SE, Suite 4
$63.6 billion in 1982, fell to an 35 percent of its business in 1983, 1979 by Clark McLeod, still the ik w
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
flow and interest rates fell. estimated $52.6 billion in 1983 while 65 percent of the business was president; John Marshall, now semi­ ’ Plaza W es! Building
319-366 2436
Little Rock. Arkansas 72 20 5 (501) 6 6 1 1 5 0 0
The bonds and notes they and will fall to $43.9 billion in in long distance telephone calls. retired; and T.L. Van Zante, a vice TH E S E R ATES A R E A V A IL A B L E O N LY AS LONG AS THIS SERIES IS B EIN G O F F E R E D (6500-20)
issue provide income that is free 1984, Salomon Brothers said. • Teleconnect now has about 70,- • Please turn to page IOC: Phones CO NTRACT FO RM 6500 9/82 7/18/83
of federal taxation to investors. The decline reflects "reduced
This tax-free feature allows is­ demand for funds by governmen­ See us for the LARGEST SELECTION OF
suers to pay a lower interest rate
on their debt than they would
tal issuers rather than a major
reduction in investors’ appetite
have to pay if the income were “ • Special Commercial Prices .
for tax-exempt securities,” the
subject to taxation. • Professional Service
report said.
As local governments saw One reason for the decline is ASK DAVE BOWER
their tax revenue shrink in the that Congress failed to act on A
1981-82 recession, they issued a
record $77.2 billion in bonds and
legislation this year that would OIRPET KING
have renewed a program allow­ Locally owned and operated
$43.4 billion in shorter-term ing state and municipal agencies last Idge of Marion on 151 Phone 377-6311
notes in 1982. The combined to issue tax-exempt bonds and
total was more than twice as use the proceeds to make loans
much as in any of the previous for single-family housing loans.
It is expected that the program
MorAmerica Financial Corporation
A decline of nearly four per­ will be extended by Congress in
centage points in interest rates January but the Dec. 31 cutoff
on municipal issues also at­
tracted some issuers to the
date will have passed.
Rising interest rates have also
is now offering:
credit markets. Some of them reduced the incentive to issue T h ree Y ear C ertific a tes 11%
sold bonds at the lower rates to bonds to refund earlier, more (E ffe c tiv e 1 2 /1 2 /8 3 )
replace older bonds carrying costly offerings, the report said.
higher interest costs. Individual investors will pick Effective A n n u a l Y ield 11 . 62 %
According to the Bond Buyer, up about $20.1 billion in munici­
a newspaper covering the credit pal offerings next year, up from In v e s t $ 1 ,0 0 0 .0 0 o r m u ltip le s th e re o f. Y our in te r e s t
markets, its 20-bond municipal an estimated $19.7 billion this
index fell to 9.56 percent at the year.
w ill be co m p o u n d ed d aily a n d p a id s e m i-a n n u a lly o n
end of 1982 from 13.30 percent But Salomon Brothers said J u n e 3 0 a n d D ecem ber 31 o r c o m p o u n d ed to m a tu r ity for
at the start of the year. both short- and long-term inter­ a GREATER RETURN of $ 390.43 FOR EACH $ 1 ,0 0 0 .0 0
Rates have risen slightly in est rates should rise by 1 to 1% CHARLIE KRIZEK INVESTED. R ate s u b je c t to c h a n g e w ith o u t n o tic e . A
1983 — the 20-bond index percentage points in 1984, and Lease Mgr.
reached a 1983 high of 10.04 probably more in 1985. $ 5 ,0 0 0 m in im u m in v e s tm e n t q u alifies y o u to re c eiv e a n
Thinking of Leasing a Car or Truck? in te r e s t c h ec k m o n th ly .
Then, think a bit about who you lease
from. In leasing, you want the kind of
We’re th e F in a n c ia l P la n n e rs . O ur p r o g r a m s p ro v id e
special attention and service that’s y o u w ith a v a rie ty of in v e s tm e n ts w h ic h w ill m e e t y o u r
Grain prices mixed become a specialty at Jim Arenson
Chevrolet. W e view leasing as an on­
p e rs o n a l needs.
CHICAGO (AP) — Grains December settled Friday at 66.85 going relationship . . . one that The se c u ritie s a re offered by P ro sp e ctu s only to bona-fide re s id e n ts of Iow a w ho p u rc h a s e for in v e stm e n t and
were mixed and livestock and cents a pound, compared to deserves the personal touch. So, n o t for resale. This is n e ith e r an offer to sell n o r a s o lic ita tio n of a n offer to buy.
meat prices higher last week on 65.32 cents a pound the previous before you decide, give our leasing
T h is Is n o t an obligation of a b an k an d Is n o t In su red by th e Federal D eposit In s u ra n c e C orp o ratio n
commodities markets. week; January feeder cattle ad­ manager, Charlie Krizek, a call. Let ? o w a ° 6 2 4 0 ? 18 m ade by The U o rrls P lan S ecu rities Company, 100 A m erican Building. Cedar Haplds.
Wheat for delivery in Decem­ vanced from 68.35 to 68.55 cents Charlie tailor-make a lease plan that’s
ber settled Friday at $3.46*4 a a pound; December live hogs best for you.
bushel on the Chicago Board of settled at 48.10 compared to 46
Trade, compared to $3.40*4 the cents a pound; and February We Lease All Makes and Models
previous Friday; December com frozen pork bellies settled at
was $3.27 Vis a bushel, compared 63.95 compared to 62.57. HIGHWAY 150 . . . CENTER POINT
Precious metals futures were
to $3.30%; December oats were
$1.86% a bushel, compared to lower for the week.
PHONE 849-1233 MorAmerka/Morrb Plan
$1.80%; and January soybeans Gold for delivery in December 100 American Building, 363-0261
settled at $7.81 a bushel, com­ finished the week at $372.60 a 665 Marion Boulevard, 373-1371
pared to $7.82%. troy ounce, down from $388.40 a 1211 Edgewood Road, SW, 366-2441
Livestock and meat prices week earlier and $398.70 on Dec. Call free anywhere in Iowa, 1-800-772-2051
were higher at the Chicago 2. Silver fell to $8.60 from $9,377
Mercantile Exchange. a week earlier and $9.52 two ^ e^ '? , C5da. r Raplds’ Davenport, Waterloo, Iowa City, Des Moines, Burlington, Dubuque, Clinton, Sioux City and coming
soon to Muscatine.
Live cattle for delivery in weeks earlier.

10c T he C e d ar R ap ids Gazette: Sun., Dec. 18, 1983

From pogo BC
C.R. hiring prospects
president now working in the Des
Moines office.
dim for three months
Just a year later the company Employers in the Cedar Rapids figure was the highest for the
moved to 2037 North Towne Lane area see hiring prospects as dim for quarter in five years.
NE, which it occupied until this the next three months, according to Twelve percent of employers na­
weekend. The space has been so the quarterly employment outlook tionwide said they expect to reduce
cramped, says President McLeod, survey conducted by Manpower Inc., their work force in the first quarter
that the building actually has stym­ the tem porary service firm. — the lowest first quarter figure in
ied the company’s growth. John Gavin, owner of Manpower’s the survey’s eight-year history.
The new headquarters, at 185 Cedar Rapids office, said that "over­ For the Midwest, 19 percent of
50th Ave. SW, formerly housed the all, only three percent of area employers reported hiring plans tor
Coors beer distributorship. Remod­ employers polled plan to hire addi­ the quarter, up from l l percent a
eling has included splitting a high- tional workers during the first year ago, and 14 percent planned
ceiling warehouse area into two q uarter of 1984.” reductions, down from 19 percen: a
floors. In addition, 23 percent expect year ago.
While the new building has four staff reductions, and 74 percent plan
tim es as much space as the north­ no change in staff levels.
east-side building, the company’s
plans for 1984 will fill the building
In a similar survey conducted a
year ago at this time, he noted,
and plans will be started to add
20,000 square feet on footings
seven percent of employers reported
intentions to hire and 13 percent THEY HOW1
already in place, McLeod said last expected reductions. Before the last
week. quarter of 1983, 23 percent of
John R. Cornwall, son of Mr. aid
As noted before, the company’s employers expected to add workers
Mrs. John Cornwall Jr., 2324 D Are.
original business was selling tele­ and three percent expected reduc­
NE, has been named president aid
phone systems — originally for tions.
chief operating officer and a m tn-
businesses and more recently for Gavin said staff reductions are
G azette photo by Jo h n M clvo r ber of the board of directors of
homes. Some of the larger custom­ expected by durable goods manufac­
Linda Shepard, above, is operations manager of the computerized switching center Teleconnect will MetLife Capital Corp., a new ftll-
ers in this area are Quaker Oats; turers, wholesale and retail m er­
continue to operate at 526 Second Ave. SE in downtown Cedar Rapids. service leasing company in Seatle,
Norand Corp.; Coe, Cornell, Mount chants, the finance, insurance and
Wash. MetLife was formed by ;he
Mercy colleges and Kirkwood Com­ real estate sector and public adm in­
"resale” business, with Telconnect increase its penetration in the Iowa He says no one can be sure acquisition of Seafirst Leasing Do.
m unity College; the cities of Cedar istration.
leasing lines from AT&T and North­ m arket — while perhaps also pro­ exactly what the changes will be, by Metropolitan Life Insurance Do.
Rapids and Waterloo; and Linn and Nationwide, the survey found 22
Black Hawk counties. western Bell and selling long dis­ viding the service in towns across but that there are always going to be percent of 11,000 employers expect­ Cornwall had been president of
W ith a lot of systems in its tance service to its customers at a the border from Iowa. volume discounts for companies like ing to hire additional workers dur­ Seafirst Leasing since 1979. He fe a
discount. The telephone business will un­ his. former employee of LeaseAmeica
market area aging, Teleconnect ex­ ing the quarter, compared w ith 14
pects its telephone system business Switching centers in Cedar Rap­ dergo a great deal of change on Jan. In addition to McLeod, top m an­ percent a year ago. The 22 percent in Cedar Rapids.
ids, Des Moines and the Quad-Cities I when AT&T is split up into a total agement of the company in Cedar Jean R. Oliphant, a former Cedar
to double during 1984. Also on the Rapids resident now living in ‘Au­
schedule for next year is introduc­ handle the calls, and a fourth is to of eight companies. But McLeod is Rapids includes Frank Yanda, vice
be added in Council Bluffs in the confident there will remain a place p re sid e n t of m a rk etin g ; Ja m e s rora, IU., has been awarded a U.S.
tion of a new line of residential
first quarter of next year. That will for his type of company. Cram, vice president of finance; C E D A R RAPIDS — M A R I O N patent and a Rockwell Intem atiaial
telephone equipment that will pro­ Switching System s Division cash
vide such things as intercom, speak­ give the company the opportunity to Bruce Thayer, vice president of FIRE • P O L I C E • R E S C U E
set up a microwave network of its "You have to picture us as a network engineering; Lavem Busse, award for software engineering de­
erphone and speed dialing — things AMBULANCE
own across the state at some future superm arket w ith an opportunity to Cedar Rapids branch manager; and velopment work. His patent is for a
which have been largely restricted
to business phone systems. date. buy from a large number of carriers. Al Beach, corporate public relations EMERGENCY O N L Y method of switching telephone calls
We select the right service for the director. from an autom atic call distributor
In conjunction with selling tele­
phone systems, McLeod said last
While it is not alone in the
business in Iowa, it is the only one
customer, and do it in a quality McLeod and Busse are the two dial 911 system with an overflow to another
week, Teleconnect found itself giv­ fashion.” largest shareholders.
concentrating on Iowa and is by far
ing advice on how to save on long the largest here, McLeod said.
distance service and it saw "a big An indication of the size of this 10 years ag o
hole” in that m arketplace which the INSURANCE PROFESSIONALS
company decided to fill.
In June of last year the company
began offering long distance service
operation is that the company logs a
half-million minutes of long distance
calls a day.
The company’s business strategy
N elson R ockefeller
resigned as governor of
New York and was
succeeded by Lt. Gov.
cKeller-cHull Co.
to its commercial customers. It is a for the immediate future is to Malcolm Wilson. IN CEDAR RAPIDS
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Just s ta rts th is dem and passbook account
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a c c o u n ts T h r if t c e r t if i c a t e s a r e p r o te c te d u p to a m a x im u m o f t e n t h o u s a n d d o l la r s by t h e I n d u s t r ia l L o an
T h r if t G u a r a n ty C o r p o r a tio n o f Io w a , a p r iv a t e c o r p o r a tio n , r e g u la te d by t h e s t a t e o f Io w a h o w e v e r, t h r i f t
Sales Contest ends December 31 st.
c e r t if i c a t e s a r e n o t g u a r a n te e d by t h e s t a t e o f Io w a
That means selling every possible new
Cadillac we can at whatever the price.
Com e see us. Help us win and
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MocAmerka/Morris Plan
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Call free anywhere in Iowa, 1-800-772-2051

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