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K acen a Co., secondary roads 138.


The Cedar Rapids Gazette: Tues., June 20, 1972 O R IG I N A L N O T I C E 92767
26 30 YEA R S AGO — Dispatches as a business district for this purpose on
appro val of the Lions Club at next m eet­ t/">. aRchI AaNmini p a 106.20
TO : M aa A NE ApRa MaIN
i n tl A
a NN A
U n n CSa q lvag e, secondary
G enera) Fund, second- roads
from New Delhi disclosed that ing. Resolution w as passed to a llo w the
C le rk and M ayo r to sign L ea se of the Y O U A R E H E R E B Y N O T I F I E D th a t a r y roads ............................. 199.98
Mohandas K. Gandhi favored P a r k to the Lion's Club for this c e le b ra ­ there is now on file in the O ffic e of the | M are sh Sheet M etal W o rks,
C lerk of Court of L in n County, C e d a r; secon dary roads . . . •• 992.44
PHONE 398-8234
Objections to Phone resistance to the Axis powers
find aid to China if India were
tion. The second and third reading of
Ord. No. 126 was dispensed w ith.
Cigarette permits w ere granted to L a z y Cause in E q u ity :
H T ap and G rill, V i's T ave rn , Sh ellsb urg
G ro ce ry , and Bob's Standard.
Rapids, Iowa, the Follow ing E n titled ; M otorola
The Incorporated C ity of C e d a r Rap id s, I Susan Nelson, secondary roads
Iowa, Plaintiff, vs. Sidn ey Ja m e s N an ce,: New M ethod Equip. Co., sec-
C & E Inc., secondary
.... ...... 408.00
27.00 I or 2 days ...........................................5 6 c per a ga te line per d ay
3-4 -5-6 d a y s (consecutive) .................... 4 4 c per a gate line per d a y
granted independence. Building permits w ere granted to F a r m ­ Sr., M arianne A rm in ta N an ce; and th e ] o n d a ry roads .......... 17.65
Spouses if any of the A forestated Persons, Olderoq T ire S e rv, secondary

Rate Increase Aired ers M ut. Tele, and Lloyd Cress. 76.02
Resolution to repeal the F is c a l Y e a r bill npfprvfAnts roads ................................. . •
8 to 29 d a ys (consecutive)..................... 37 c per aga te line per d ay
w a s passed. You are hereby notified that P la in tiff's P a ,° ^ ° a°dps T el . Assn \ sec 6.12
M onday, Ju ly 19th, M a y o r and C o u n cil­ petition in the above entitled ca use is now P o w er E qujP/ secondary roads 110.70
3 0 days (consecutive).............................35 c per agate line per day
m en a re to attend Regional P la n n in g on file in the office of the c le rk cf the p ra jfje b u rq , T el., secondary
By Gordon Hanson Touche Ross & Co., New York, LEGAL NOTICES m eeting.
Ron Brehm reported on his trip to
W ashington, D.C.
said Court claim ing in substance that you
___ .... _________ __
buildings ideated at 908 Ninth A ven u e S E ,
t p d P re cisio n B e a rin g Co., second­
a ry roads — .. — .........
D ES M OINES (A P) — The vvhich he described as “ an in- Riding m ower is to be sold for $150. 1Cedar Rapids, Iowa, upon re a l estate P recisio n Lu b rica n ts Co., sec- I DAY
A rt Gould is to locate leak and r e p a ir it described as the N E- lv 30' SW - ly 90' Lot 339.87 2 lines $ 1 .1 2 $ 2 .6 4 S 5 .2 P 6 DAYS
Iowa commerce commission |ernational CPA (certified pub- H IA W A T H A C I T Y C O U N C IL A G E N D A on College St. 5 , Blo ck 33, Carpenters Fourth Addition to Q u ality Auto Rebuilders Inc.,
o n d a ry roads
7.92 GET THE
Ju n e 21, 1972, 7:30 P .M . Letters are to be sent out on G a r b a g e ! C ed ar Rapids, Linn County, Iow a, 202.70 3 lines- 1.68 3.9 6
secon dary roads ........... •
continued hearings Tuesday into he accounting) firm. ’ Bidd in g on 1971-72 P a vin g P ro je c t, M u pick-up for bids on the perm it J u l y 10th. IT h , t caid dwellina and buildings are in Sieg-C.R. co ., secondary roads 715.29 4 lines 2 .2 4 5 .28 IO .$ 6 7th DAY
nicipal Code, ~ w C igarette perm its. South Slope Co-op Tel., second­
a Northwestern Bell Telephone The company was hired by DpJm hIS|ptt'pr far rsADtIVt a term in a tio n of a
S / Jo a n L Bied erm an C itv riprlc P e rm it letter for Sept. I.
dilapidated andd eteriorated condition
and contain ...............................
structural defects that ■■ ■ a—re a ry roads ........................ ••• 17.00 5 lines 2 .8 0 6 .6 0 13.20 FREE!
' Bie o e rm a n ' U T v C lark j Next regular m eeting w ill be held on open and accessible to the p u b lic and to Spahn 8. Rose Lb r., secondary
Co. request to increase con- as a consultant on .......... ................*— ! J u l y 10th. insect Infestation and rodent life and ad- ____ ____
roads . . . ---- ••• 126.89
M eeting adjourned. ' secondary
sumer rates by $20.8 million an- Northwestern Bell's proposed R E Q U E S T F O R B ID S
T he Linn-M ar Com m unity School D is ­
ditionally constitute a fire hazard and as \ T eam
J o e C lend enin such are dangerous to the p u b lic h e alth ; roads
Ele ctro n ics,
94.84 M IN IM UM size ad is 2 lines. For small size type want ads count four overage
trict is requesting bids for installin g new a .. . M a y o r and safety and m orals and a re therefore V a rn s & Hunter, secondary
nually. rate hlke- 3-mch asphalt concrete d rives and install­ A ttest: a public nuisance roads .70
words for the first line and five words each additional line. A blind box
ing 2-inch o v e rla y s on existing d rives, Georgena Coy W a w ro , secondary number in care of The G azette counts as four words. Add $1 service charge
Testimony in the hearings in- Loconto claimed the tele- Town Clerk Therefore, plaintiff, C ity of C ed ar Jo h n J.
76.91 if box number is used. ($ 1 .5 0 if replies are mailed to you).
using at least ^-inch aggregate m a te r ia l; Rapids, prays that said buildings and roads .......................................
dicated the rate change would phone company doesn’t war- and dust control oil work at the follow ing dw elling be declared a public nuisance S a la rie s see attached .................. 17.611.46

have an effect on 600,000 Iowa rant a $20.8 million annual

1. P a tch and seal d riv e w a y fro m M a in
R ,
and ordered abated by dem olition and de­ S a la rie s see attached ..................
struction by Plain tiff and the co st thereof L o c a l H ealth—
e lem en tary building to high school
telephone users. increase. “ I feel the company 2. 3-inch m at north of bus b a rn along
existing drive.
Probate No. 38105
be assessed against the real estate and A lfred M A h ern P etty Cash,
for such other and fu rth er eq uitab le relief qen hlth ....................... .— . . . . 15.74 10:30 A.M. for Same Day Publication
as m ay be just. F o r further p a rticu la rs, A b o rte r M ac h Co, landfill
John Marshall, president of needs something like $4.2 to 3. 2-inch o v e rla y between kitchen and
bus barn and east of kitchen.
In The District Court of T he Sta te Of see said petition.
Iow a in and for Linn County
dum p 28.86
4:30 P.M. Saturday for Sunday Publication
You are also notified to a p p e a r before C R P rin tin g Dept, gen hlth
Sound, Inc., of Cedar Rapids,: $5.5 million,” he said. 4. 2-inch m at at M ain elem en tary.
5. 3-inch m at at A d m in istra tio n build­
In The M a tte r of The E sta te of
V A C L A V W O L A K , Deceased.
said court at C ed ar
County, on or before W ed
R ap id s
n esd a y,
in L in n ' T y of C R P u b lic W" o rks, gen
Ju ly 26, hlth 357.94
Want Ad Office Open 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Mon. thru Sat.
told the commission Monday he The major ,ion of 6. D ust control high school p a rk in g lot.
To A ll Persons Interested in T he E s ta te 1972; and that unless you so a p p ea r, yo ur Curtin Scie n tific Co, gen hlth 146.01
spends about 90 percent of my ^ testi Mond inv0,ved 7. P a tch and seal at M ain e le m e n ta ry
of V a c la v Wolak, Deceased: default w ill be entered and
You a re hereby notified that on the 7th decree rendered against you fo r the relief F o rm u la b s Inc, gen hlth
judgment R ic h a rd E P P , qen hit* .........
building. r.- . . . . . . , d a y of Ju n e, 1972, the last w ill and tes- demanded in said petition. Iowa E le c L iq h t, a ir poll ........... 17.89
r- , e t , n tr° l d riv e w a ys a t Indian ! la m e n t of V aclav W olak, deceased, bear- 5.68 THE G A ZET T E will not be responsible for more than one incorrect
d a v i d f . M c G u i r e , K -M art, gen hlth .......................
,T- ^ 8 htmS ‘he inequities interrogation by Northwestern 0 . . lin g date of the 19th day of M a r c h , 1954, C ity A ttorney, K a cen a Co, a ir poll — 40.95 insertion and only for that portion of the od that m ay have been
of Northwestern Bel Telephone Bt,„ counsd Warrf,n Aus(in of . 9. 2-HKh m at at W ilk in s e le m e n ta ry j w a s admitted to probate in the above C ity H a ll, L a M o tte C hem ical Prod ucts rendered valueless b y such error. Each insertion is proof of publication,
1 v. , .. . . . _ : co urt and that Lib bie Vig w a s appointed Ced ar Rapids, Iow a 52401. Co, a ir poll .. . . . 6.07
rate design, primarily as it af- 0maha who challengcd Locon. IO 3-inch and 2-inch m at at Bo w m a n executor of said estate. J A M E S M . R E D M O N D , M e d ica l A rts Su rgical Supply,
and it is the responsibility o f the advertiser to check each insertion.
Wopds. . . . . .. . . .1 Notice is further given that a n y action Assistant C ity Attorney, qen hlth .. .. . . . . . .
fected our company but now en-,0.s v a M t as a nfied F iv e (5 0 ) of base bid price to be ac-; to set aside said w ill m ust be brought in City H a ll, Kenneth Moon, qen hlth . .. 400.00 Cash In Advance Classifications: 8-9-10-19-34-39A
com panied by certified check. . the district court of said county w ith in Cedar Rapids, Iow a 52401. New Pro cess Lau nd ry, gen hlth 6.22
compassing the area of the gen- w j t n e s s Sealed bids w ill be accepted in the of­ one ye a r from the date of the second Published Ju n e 13, 20 and 27, 1972. Olderoq T ire Serv, landfill Out-of-Town Want Ads Ara Payable In Advance
fice of the D istrict S e creta ry , Lin n- M ar publication of this notice, o r th e rea fte r be dum p .. ......... .................... 55.77 The One-Time Rate Applies Ta Out of Stat# Advertising
eral consumer of telephone ser- C om m unity School D istrict, M a r io n , Iow a, fo reve r barred.
until 12 p.m., Ju n e 22, 1972, and th e ex te r­
P io n e er Litho, qen hlth ... 15.78
vice. Building, Inflation Notice is further given that all persons
ior of the envelope m ust state "A s p h a lt indebted to said estate are requested to N O T IC E O F P U B L I C H E A R I N G
Renu B a tte ry 8. Hvd, qen hlth
Sta r P rin tin g Co, gen hlth ... 2.60
D riv e B id s ". m ake im m ediate paym ent to the un der­ TO W H O M IT M A Y C O N C E R N : W a lto n 's Stand ard Serv, landfill
In Competition In earlier hearings, Northwes- b id s w ill be considered bv the Bo ard o f signed,
Ed u catio n and bidders w ill be n o tifie d .o f against said estate shall file them w ith
and creditors having c la im s
Y ou are hereby notified th a t there
dum p .. ..
Jo sep h H Y o u k ey, gen hlth . . . . .
••• •* ......... 2.00
4B H appy Ads 3 Mortuaries— Monum ents
, „ tern Bell witnesses claimed the the results as soon as possible. A ll bids the m c clerk uofi the m c aabove
w v c nnam
c i m ed
cu adi bistrict
T riC T I U
t ” on; file with
----- the C ity C le rk of _the Bob Z im m e rm an Ford, gen hlth 1.16 NOVAK MONUMENT CO.
Marshall s firm sells commu- fu„ m g mi,]ion jncr{,ase js are to rem ain firm for 30 da ys and the court, as provided by law, duly authenti- >C ity of M ario n, Iow a, at the M a rio n C ity Susan F itz p a trick , sa la ry .........
Bo ard reserves the right to re je c t any cated, for allow ance; and unless so filecf I H a ll, a proposed o rd inance am ending M a r jo rie H irle m a n , sa la ry .......
112.50 | 203 14th A ve. S E D ia l 364-4439
and all bids. w ithin six months from the second C hapter 32 Zoning of the M u n icip a l Code
nications systems with major needed to pay for about $80 E . S. T H O M P S O N publication of this notice (unless other- the C ity of M a rio n and
P o o r—
that the M rs Ja m e s Anderson, f c a r * .. 110.00 3A Cemetery Lots
S e c re ta ry w ise allowed or paid) such c la im shall highlights of the proposed ordinance Leslie A nthony, rent ....................
e m p h a s i s on interconnected mj]]jon jn proposed construction Bo ard of E d u ca tio n . thereafter be forever barred. am endm ents a re as follow s: R a y G Atkins, rent .....................
30.00 C E D A R M em o ria l 4 plot b u ria l lot.
telephone systems in competi- year jn jowa an{j meet Dated this 7th day of Ju n e , 1972. 1. Sec. 32.01 Definitions. C o m m un ity Baxter- D vorak , repairs
building to be redefined to include a n y
............ 5.25 1 G arden of Cross a re a . 365-6832.
L I B B I E V IG , M rs F ritz Blockhus, t c a re . . . . 24.30
C O U N C IL P R O C E E D IN G S Ex ecu to r of said E sta te , building or structure w hich is owned by a Boston Store, m isc ....................... C E D A R M E M O R I A L , 2-plot burial
tion with Northwestern Bell in anticipated inflation costs. TOW N OF S H E L L S B U R G governm ent agency.
lot, Chapel G a rd e n a re a . 363-1207.
R e g u la r m eeting Ju n e 12, 1972, 1^30 Kubicek, Novak and Kubicek.
. Cedar R ap id s, Iow a. B G B re ck e , rep airs
R edefine home occupation definition to A lfred Bre n d el, med aid .. . . . .
............. 162.60 \\ C O D A Y JI
Iowa,” he said. « Northwestern Bell had its last P.m ., Town H a ll. Councilm en Bre h m , Attorneys for said Executor# exclude auto repair, auto w a shing or auto W J B rin e y , rent ...— ....... 50.00
C E D A R M em o ria l law n c r y p t In the
'•Garden of E te rn a l L o v e " . 377-6783.
M ontgom ery, Robertson and V o g t w ere painting business occupation o r a ctiv ity .
He said “ there have been as genera) rate increase approved present. M a y o r Clendenin presided. M in - 1 D a le 'o f seconcf’publication:
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
2. Sec. 32.02(a) Zoning D istric t
B ro ok field P est Control, m isc ..
by L e ste r Bru n , ren t .........................
many as five companies active in 19- 7 Last December it asked utes w ere read and approved. T h e follow- 20th day of June, 1972.
ing bills w e re allow ed:
changing C-3 C o m m ercial C la ssifica tio n R obert Bu rns, ren t .......................
for M obile Home P a rk s to R-6 R esid en tial B u tte rfly Cafe, prov ..................
45.00 4 Lost & Found
20.00 M A K E SO M EO N E H A P P Y
in interconnect rn Iowa, but to for an adcjitionai $15.7 million T h u rle y M u llin ex ................................. $530.00
Jo h n (Moberly ........................................ 125.00 N O T IC E O F P R O B A T E O F W I L L , O F
for M obile Home P a rk s . C atho lic C ha rities, f ca re ............
3. Revise Sec. 32.02(g) w ith respect to C ity W a te r Dept, util ................
150.00 L O ST :
W hite, Iona
R ew ard .
h a ired ,
V ic in ity
m ale
48.81 . . . O R D E R A H A P P Y AD!
his knowledge only Sound, Inc., a n n u a ] ] y on a temporary basis, G eorgena Coy ...................................... 125.00
R uth Paterso n ...................................... 75.00
A P P O IN T M E N T O F E X E C U T O R , A N D
off street parking space req uirem ents to Claxton P h cy , m ed aid ..............
include a requirem ent fo r co ncrete s u rfa c­ W illia m Cook, rent
3.50 Sw isher. Dead or a live. 857-2972.

“ is still active in the field. The ^ en f0 u0Wed in March with the C lei I Moon 10.00 Probate No. 38108 ing any residential o r co m m e rcia l, but M rs R o b e rt Cooper, rent .............
.................. 60.00
DIAL 398-8234 LO ST fem ale all black L a b ra d o r,
Shellsburg W elding ............................. 3.00 not industrial, off street p a rk in g spaces, J e r r y Cox, rent ............................ M a y 20th, Sw ish er, la . H w y. 149.
B e l l competition is rather reqUest for $5 7 million more, L e e C raw fo rd Q u arry ........................ 179.63 In the district court of the state of access drives and se rv ic e d rive s.
Iowa in and for Lin n county J a y D ains, ren t .......................... 57.50 I $100 rew ard. 857-3565.
M a tt P a rro tt and Sons 4 . Sec. 32.11 to change designation of C- M rs S y lve ste r Deke, f c a re — 37.80 [ LO ST large cat, long h a ir, orange-
' 21 OO ln M atter of the E sta te of
lightening.” Under the temporary in- M cK esson Chem ical
U tility Eq u ip ..............
3 C o m m ercial to R-6 R esid en tia l as men- Be ssie Diaz, ren t .......................... 20.00 M JK
— another y e a r older, B U T . brown, m ale. N am e Copper. Re-
m any pounds do w n ? T h a t's ; ward. Cedar H ills a rea . 364-7295.
229.28 ' M j o ^ n R 0ersons in te re ste d ’ i n ^ e * e s t a t e 1tio ned' hereinabove and to p e rm it agricuj- C liff Doe, rent .............................. 60.00
Bell originally requested a crease, monthly bills for one- Shellsburg H dw ......... . 12.73 ^ 1 1S schSlte Deceased- tu ra l, single-family and tw o-fam ily re si- E d w a rd Don 8> Co, m isc ......... 152.80
! LO ST Saturd ay P re s c rip tio n eve-
R ic h a rd Thom pson . . . 26.00
$15.7 million annual rate in- and t w 0 . p a r t y service were J i m 's G u lf ....................
• #0 ? ?
f?* 1.
You a re hereby notified that on the I dentlal use In an R-6 m obile home p a rk E 8, N Food M k t, prov .........
8th day of June, 1972, the last w ill and single fa m ily residential a re a but not E a q le s , prov .................................. 4.60
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY" : qlasses. Gold w ire rim s in black
County A udito r ........... __ 34.91 case. Rew ard. 393-5544.
1 0 -JC testam ent of M arg a ret M . Schulte, de- m ultiple fa m ily use, co m m e rc ia l or indus- E a g le s , prov ................................
crease, then last March sought _________
raised $1.30 a month. | D ew ey Bonesteel ............................... 151.75 ceased bearing date of the 13th d a y of tria l use. E a q le s , prov .. • ....................... 519.42 HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA F O U N D reddish m other c a t w ho has
5. Sec. 32.21 to delete no tificaion sign, E rb s O ffice Se rvices, st m isc .. 35.05 i had her litter. 364-3253.
an additional $5.1 million rate j n testimony offered Monday w a te r iccoupons ....................................... 63 2.50 Vs D ecem ber, 1971, w as adm itted to probate
in the above court and that Peoples B a n k posting requirem ent w ith resp ect to rezon­ L o m a F isch e r, st misc .............. 3.65
J J B a c h M otors .......................................... 3859 and Trust Company w as appointed e x ecu ­ ing procedures by P la n Com m ission and M rs W a lla c e G a ll, rent .............. 35.00 J E R R Y , IC K O U N T A N , O ur Hap­ L O S T : W oven T a n C olored Pu rse.
boost. The two increases are j^ep Sonja Egenes (R-Story and’ Shellsburg0^
"" " " * ' Lb ■r 351.47 tor of said estate. C ity Council, but retaining notification M rs M E G a rm o e, rent .............. 50.00 piness w ill n e ve r end. Layou ny : Return to 1007 l i t h St. N E .
33.33 Notice is further given th a t a n y action sign, posting requirem ents fo r Board of H erm a n G insberq, rent .............. 47.50
currently in effect under bond one 0f the interveners, AMenGprfnt?ng°' / ' L !! L L 55.00 to set aside said w ill must be brought in A djustm ent proceedings. Hugh Gordon, ren t ....................... 30.00
the district court of said county w ith in 6. Sec. 32.09 by excluding residential or Hach Bros, m isc ....................... 154.55
and anyportion not approved ^ cjajmed “ the long-distance ver"neH BoiicnedeSruppl.::;:::::::::;:; 50:00 one y e a r from the date of the recond industrial uses in a n y co m m e rc ia l d istrict. H elen A H a ll, ren t ................ .. 35.00
by theICC must bereturned to ratestructure established by commandeering 2592 publication
be fo rever barred.
of this notice, or th e re a fte r

Notice is further given th a t a ll per­

7. Sec. 32.12 by prohibiting a n y residen­ M rs Sandra K H alliburton,
tia l use in any industrial d istrict. c a re
8. Sec. 32.21(b) increasin g application M rs C h a rles H a lse y, f c a re —
........................................... 65.00
customers. ' Beil affects the toil charges W W cPeardd^ V :::::::::::: n i l . sons indebted to said estate a re re­ filing fee to $25.00. . . . .. _ .. M rs L e a v itt Hanson, f c a re .. 110.00
Marshall told the Associated made by our local company, kn o sI’ni* : I : A S ?hueest? n d ;°r ^ T h a t a public hearing b efo re the C ity R obert H ardin, rent ....................
Council of M arion, Iow a, h as been set Haw thorne H ills, rent ____________
Call an Advertiser Now!
Press that despite the tele- General Telephone.” ShellsburgV H’o'using>ef: .10 0 .0 0 with the^cierk of the above nam ed1 dis- t h e ^ th ^ d a ^ ^ f6 J u ^ ^ l ^ ^ a V ^ ^ ^ . m . ^ n T o . m ^ ^ n ^ e n f ^ 36.00
iJ im M atheny .. ................................ 19 20 court# asprovided b y law# duly,|.i-p Council C ham bers at the C ity H all at H illc re st S e rvices, f ca re — 119.20
phone company’s proposed in Alleging there is a “dis- ,A riSn^u^eue.k.s..a,ld.J(' pre- .p a n e ls ^ ^ ^ a t e d . ^ f o r ^ o ^ n c e ,^ a n d j jm e s s n o o gth
Avenue, M ario n ,, Iowa W a lte r Hoqan, rent .............. 65.00 B Business Services |I Business Services
. . . . • # . # . # j rented the house numbering th e com m it- /h£n,iS+irfJ 0!h m iIc f A l I '’persons'^interested for o r against the W en cil Hornick, rent .............. 30.00
creases to customers, it has panty between interstate and tee had w orked on and it w a s approved S r D ^ d l such ab° ve proposed am endm ents to Chapter R ic h a rd H rvol, rent ............. 75.00
decreased its charges for ser­ .V . J . .
intrastate rates, Mrs. Egenes
.J , , , ,,

j ,
.b y the Council.
bv the Co,,nr"
Com plaints of parking In d r iv e w a y s
w h ile ball gam es and other school activi-
shalM hereaaf t e ^ f o r e v ^ b a r m d
Dated this 8th day ofJu n e , 1972.
M rs J e r r y H ru b y , rent ...........
C m 32 Zoning of the M u n icip a l Code should H y V e e , prov . .....................
IA 'e l(h e ir ^ l ^ o ^ ^ p p r o v a l in w ritin g H y V e e , prov ...........................
vices and equipment in areas Said would concede that
She ties a re on w ere m ade and Council w ill
Peoples Bank and T ru st C o m p an y w ith the C ity Clerk of M a rio n , Iowa, at
Executo r of said E s ta te or before said public hearing or m ay ap- H y V ee, prov ...........................
30.00 18 Y e a rs of E x p e rie n ce , $10 An Hour
Pian o M oving. D ia l 365-5739.
"R E S U M E S A S P E C IA L T Y "
H y V e e , prov ........................... 20.00 Letters, m anuscripts, thesis, bulle­
where the utility competes Northwestern Bell has made PULion'sSIC l5 b 0represeenta,ti'velsn m o u lt e d 6' a R obert C. Nelson
Ced ar R ap id s, Iow a* P e a r in Person at said h earing to m ak e la E le c L t 8. Pow er, util . . . .
statem ents for or a gainst a ll o r a n y of
591.81 tins, rports, n ew sletter and 24 hour
with Sound, Inc. A ttorney for said Ex ecu to r I the proposed am endm ents.
la E le c L t 8, Pow er, util — 41.46
141.34 DICK'S TREE SERVICE autom atic dictating.
some effort in this filing for BirD^rmiVbmh0^el!nhebepYrkdjury9i me 5 Cedar Rapids, Iowa ; Dated this 15th day of Ju n e , 1972.
la-111 G a s 8, E le c , util ..
59.20 E S T IM A T E S G IV E N IN S U R E D
T em p o ra ry O ffice H elp
P ickup and D e liv e ry
D ate of second publication 20th d a y of w E
M cRnWw Ec Nii L u . TI A« Y. L. V
O AR ,, , H w r v B " P * 1: *
“ A decrease in rates where an increase to rectify the dis- passed an ordinance to designate the parjc Ju n e , 1972. 1 C
c itv
it y Clprlc
c le r k cif
or AA^rinn
M a r io n , lo w
iow s
a. 1 M rs ^ DA alb ert
vi(J Ktimpmsn/
Karr> f care T C9T6 72.85
G U A R A N T E E D W O R K — 365-8937 404 G u a ra n ty B u ild in g
Sound is competitive,” Marshall parity.” M rs C harles Kaufm an, sr, f
GOOD BLACK DIRT D O U B L E the life of yo u r asphalt
c a re .. ....... ..................... with a little ex tra c a re and little
argued, “ means higher costs to she added, “ The very slight M rs R o b e rt K ircho ff, f c a re . . . 220.00 QUALITY SOD
Northwestern Bell telephone reduction they have proposed n • n I*
I re*
K lin g e r Office Supply, m isc —
G ilb e rt R Knott, rent .............
50.00 Landscaping. Y a r d w o rk . 895-8550
expense. W e seal coat d rive w a ys,
parking lots, patios, ten nis courts,
etc. No job too big. A lso, hot and

users elsewhere. It’s a small an- for some of the longer distances board of supervisors Proceedings Koch Bro s, m isc .........................
K u b ias H a rd w a re , misc ..............
G eorq e K urth, rent ..............
fix it. F re e es­
Y O U N A M E IT , w e
cold patchings.
P H O N E D A Y O R N IG H T , 3934060
ti-trust thing we’re faced with.” and evening rates looks more D r Donald L a k e , f care .............
Leased Housing, rent ................
tim ates. D ial 365-1669. j
The hearings are scheduled Uke propaganda than actuality T uesday, M a y 9, 19721 the li t h day of M a y , 1972, a t C o unty ex- t ? r perm ission to cross the road w ith ! 0 rvjM e L e w ii s r r'e n t
R E Leidiqh, D D S, med aid
through June 28, but it will be to someone in Story City, IO A M (C D S T i I pense. I " plastic w a ter pipe at th e following i Lirm r a n d v Co m jSC ........... .. 131.16 CALL MAX D U M KE, 365-3088 AAA CONSTRUCTION
R .,rH U iM flitn r t J i I A ll m em bers voting " A Y E " thereon, location: "A p ro x . 300' S of th e North lin e f t ™ c o S o O i L u t i l . 31.94
months before the commission
T he
fn im t v io w a .Sot i n ^ n i / , • L in n ; On the motion of Su p erviso r E m m o n s , NW '/xSW ’A Section 14-82-5." 'M--rs. ^D°a-lep Lu ec k , f ----...............
Rural Areas
n u rd l A re a s the
he Court in t h f r f t v o#S,r n^ a ! seconded by Supervisor
c l u r ! H o u s e Iin the C ity of C e d a r lowing applicant w as granted a R e ta il M a rtin , the fol- Now, Therefore, B e It R eso lved by the j Lu th e ran Social Serv. of la ., f FU LLY Insured. Q u a lity w o rk­ D R IV E W A Y S , p a rkin g a re a s , asphalt
hands down a decision. . R a P |ds> Iow a, at IO A .M .
Dard of Supervisors, Lin n County, Iow a,
■C igaret Perm it, effective M a y 9, 1972, that the said M r. M a rtin e c, be, and he is M cK esso n 8, Robbins, m ed aid c a re .............. ........... 455.37
m anship, free estim ate. 377-7128. patching and seal co ating.
free estim ates c a ll 363-6072.
. . . The gross injustice L J be IS m eeting w as called to o rd er b y ! until Ju n e 30, 1972, on a p plication filed hereby granted the right to place the Drs. M cL au g h lin , Skangstar, DIRT, ROCK, SOD E X T E R IO R H O U S E P A IN T I N G
Oppose Increase I °
that our people are now paying
J . C h a irm a n G eorq e Clifford, and th e re w e re w ith tender of required bond and fees:
present Su pervisors W illia m M a r tin and . G e r a l d R. E d le m a n and . R
above described w a te r pipe across the Ja n s s e n , f c a re .................... 13.00
Hauling, G ra d in g , E x c a v a tin g C O N T R A C T house P a in tin g , reason­
. .o b eurt. rnW
. n. above designated county road under the M ed ica l A rts, m ed aid ................ 3.00
j , , ■___ ____ • . ii , x S u p erviso r F lo y d Em m ons. A bsen t none. E d lem an , Plaza M otors, Inc., M t. V ern o n , term s and conditions provided by C hapter M erch an ts N at. Bank, ren t ....... 42.50 393-4199 able, experienced, and referen ce*
Monday s hearing consisted of increases on tolls that are not o n the m otion of sup erviso r E m m o n s, Iowa. 320, of the 1962 Code of Iowa, M e rc y H ospital, med aid ......... 107.50 furnished. Fre e estim a tes given.
t • * ______
testimony from interveners who
. , ,U a - i i
even paid by persons
i i seconded by Su p ervisor M a r tin , the min-
l u c k y pies of the m eeting held M a y 2, 1972,
A ll m em bers voting A Y E " thereon.
On the motion of Su u p erviso
ervisorr M a r tin , Adopted this the 9th d a y of M a y , 1972. M etropolitan Supply, m isc ......... 69.40 BLUE GRASS SOD C all 362-2881 evenings o r 364-9098
B e rn ice M ettler, rent .. ---- 22.50 d u r in g working hours.
■I • _ _ j I , , 1• x x j j w e re approved as printed. s econded bv Supervisor E m m o n s, th e fol- A ll m em bers voting " A Y E " thereon. D elivered o r L a id
M id w est Food Distributors,
Oppose the increase and cross- enough to live where extended Ken M ille r, 393-6436

On the m otion of Su p erviso r M a r tin , owing applicant w as granted a " R e t a i l On the motion of Su p e rviso r M a rtin , 1,279.92
secpnded by Su pervisor E m m o n s, the fo l- 1C iqaret Perm it, effective W a y 9, 1972, seconded by Su pervisor E m m o n s, the M illh is e r Sm ith Agency, m is c ’ "
o rov
examination of witnesses by area service exists. low ing reports w ere received and ordered until Ju n e 30, 1972, on applica tio n filed B o a rd approved an A g re em en t w ith t h e L a r r v M o o r e ? f c a re . 330.00
D R I V E W A Y S , w alk s, stoops, steps, R O O F IN G , G U T T E R I N G , S ID IN G ,
placed on file : w ith tender of required bond and fees: c i t y of Cedar R ap id s, for w o rk on the R alp h L aNrailor, r y m oore, . 45.00
Northwestern Bell counsel. She said she protested any ■ Stephen B . W est, J . p ., M o n ro e Town- -----
Jo seph 'S. Collins
" ----1 “ “ " T h e M a in A c t " , “Edgewood........................................
d-b-a road, subject to th e approval N ards R e p a ir S e rv, rep airs .......
patios, basem ents, g a ra g e floors.
Fre e estim ates. L . G e p h a rt 364-8341.
N E W C O N S T R U C T IO N , R E P A I R ,
• 1 ii v ll L-11 it I LU UiiiY/ io w a. I5 i v J U a r T e r I l OUI
The telephone company is ex­ i n c r e a s e i n t o l l C h a r g e s o n c a l l s rep ort ending M arch 31, 1972. F in e s to th e Iowa. ; A ll m em bers voting " A Y E " thereon
M rs. Sa m N assif, rent ....... 50.00 364-8731 A N Y T I M E .
m a rl# * u / it h in *1^ m i l n o n f t h e i r ^ i 0? 1 — *?31. A ll m em bers voting " A Y E " thereon. o n the motion of S u p erviso r Em m ons,
North A m erica n P h a rm a c a l, IMPERIAL D U N N R IT E H O M E R E P A I R
pected to file its writen rebuttal m a c le W l i n i n OD m ile s O I m e ir P e te Todd, Soldiers R elie f C o m m ission , i On the motion of Su p erviso r E m m o n s, seconded by Su pervisor M a r tin , the tol- M rs. R obert Northrup, f c a re .
m ed aid .. .. ........... 9.25
110.00 R E M O D E L IN G 365-7187,! C A R P E N T R Y ,
E x p e rts . cem ent, plastering,
Lrnn County, Iowa. A p ril ex penditures — seconded by Su pervisor M a rtin , th e fol-, lowing resolution w as adopted: 264-7037. painting, tile floors, roofing eaves,
June 30 to all testimony other origin. $23,398.61. lowing application for one y e a r C la ss " C " R E S O L U T IO N 1972-5-94 N. W . B e ll, st
N ovak E quip., repairs
m isc ...............
foundations, tree re m o va l, light
F R E E E S T I M A T E on a n y sound or hauling, buildings torn down.
rent ............ 70.00
thanthatsubmitted by Sound, She argued itis “ incongruousshiD?rum*co!!Stv:
[ Annua” S S# an"!” "i™QhU!w*mnat(in
r S S ' i w n h t t w i f « Brer a u ir M di» n a ? T e8s road
,u a « 'fo r* ' I f ca re ....... 110.00 background m usic needs. C a rter F re e estim ates, reasonable prices.
Sound Se rvice, 618 1st A v e . N .W . I 15 years' experien ce— 362-9141
Inc. Afinal rebuttal hearing isand blatantly unjust” that t h e r e «J g! r Si | Sr i 8? S S ' I S r a M S S r T . ^ 162.00
D ial 364-5919.___________________________
set for Ju ly 24. is toll-free telephone service;L°'$3Si5i£9o.emeterv Fund E x p e n d itu re s ; Departm ent:
Jo seph S. Collins d-b-a "T h e M a in A c t " , I
yygct Past Rd- S W . C e d a r R ap id s, i
hereof as if set out in full h erein, and r pn*
W H E R E A S , after the co nstruction of o d ik e r d a le H om e f ca re
u ». » I nome#
However, Ralph Brown, a over relatively long distances in u™ <S„>V J; £SSf r m n .’ ui IS S j* " 1 P°sl Pd' !8 S *S rK T 81.99
30 Y E A R S ' E X P E R I E N C E Special 6 " W ells- $ 4 .5 0 P e r F t.
J E R R Y V O S D IN G H , 364-7017 Pum p Sa le s and S e rv ic e
Davenport attorney represent- metropolitan areas while “ at1 F%Wis Pp.. W wok
eb er,,. MMaayor, w.iker.
y o r, W a lk e r , u™
L in n i On SS'SS’ the motion w K M A Z JL .fiS 'f® - -,!;" W
M a r tin W H B
E R*E A! *S ?, .an* *o ffer
to p u rchase said »e™
S s ^ .otb b m f V e n t 1 1 ... 40.00
M ila n Free se, 365-4705, 393-8374
~ “ ‘ . . El
ing six Northwestern Bell cus- the same time we in rural Iowa ;^ ,v' lowa‘ ,s1 Quar,er report- No ^ vdedd ApriiU25,rvi972, \ ? pSbii'c'ieuwiq '
mr Tut been received fro m R ic h a rd ^
sum of three hundred ijs-* ’fwa r-r v;i"* Russell f c a re
" 'john T e a r . 110.00 CONCRETE WORK C & J HOME REPAIR
102.50 G arag e, C arpo rt, A dditions. 393-6533
tomers who object to the rate are paying - -
20-cent toll charges

|* r ^ s t
c e
» s » V t « r ^ —A ll . .m. n. .m. k. .n — T
am ount
0 ' i d M *h . . ^
W H E R E A S , the L in n C o unty B o a rd of e l- v in S in t V H o rn . f c a re
219.13 R O O F IN G , P A IN T I N G , GU TTERS,
625.00 C E M E N T , D R IV E W A Y S , S T E P S ; C E M E N T w ork, ca rp e n try , ch im ­
hike, said “ first briefs will be to 3 town five miles awav ISu pervisors deems that a sa le of said c l'n ita ru F a rm DairiesFin nnrovmed
* *' * * * ** " ■“* r c »# /-vt I Cl ^ A
A ll' ^ *• i A ll m em bers voting A Y E thereon. 1,133.67 neys, foundations, room additions,
a w w ii liv e lin ie r dW dVf A ll m em bers voting " A Y E " thereon. i On the motion of Su p ervisor E m m o n s, property should be entered Into to R i c h - , ^ P A T IO S , G A R A G E S L A B S
20 Y e a rs ' E x p e rie n ce . 365-2590 garages. 366-6554, 366-1035.
filed in September and rebuttal sometimes literally t o ra On the motion of Su pervisor E m m o n s ,, seconded bv Supervisor M a rtin , the B o a rd ard Com ried for the sum of three • Schueier, stiles, F inn, meg
' " a u seconded by. Su pervisor M a r tin , the fol- approved a "p r iv a te c o n tra c t" fo r B rid q e hundred dollars due to the fa c t that the ^ i d , w c rn u _, ......... 26.00 P A T IO S and stone retaining w alls. ' PAINTING-REASONABLE
briefs in October,” with the across the road.” low inq P u b lic Official Bonds w ere
proved and ordered placed on file in th e Construction
ap- P ro je ct L -923 to be
Com pany
aw arded
to Hansen
W ashing to n,
p roperty js no longer needed
bv L in n ! L p „ r r p\t
Fo rre st
ch ark rtfn rd
t Fre e estim ates. P e c k 's Green Interio r-Exterior-Free E s tim a te s
95.00 Thum b, 5008 C en ter P f. Rd. N .E .
three-member commission m a k - ----------- P u b lic O fficial Bond reg ister: Iowa, on the basis of
Jo h n M ich a el Hey, Deputy C o u n ty Trea- i of $167,122.38, and such am ount beinq less H E R E B Y
a negotiated am ount N 0 W T H E R E
F O R E , B E
L in n
I S ; AJ : f re
s ,
n n , nt
h « . '' ' Chpnph»rn
4 r D. J . H I N K E R 377-6277
55.00 H A U L IN G , cheap, anything , any-,
ing its ruling sometime thereaf- [ ) a r r e || Hayes 33 su re r, Linn County, Iowa, in the am ount than the low bid received fo r the p ro je ct County Bo ard of Su p erviso rs, this date . renT » ...................... 80 OO tim e. Basem ent, g arag e, yards. BEST RENTALS
of S5.000, fro m M a y I , 1972, to D e ce m b e r at the public letting. The C h a irm a n of the m et in lawful session, the C h a irm a n of ^ ..................... 366-4666.
tg r ^ 31(x, . 9k74. ux . Bo ard is authorized to sign said co n tra ct, the Linn County B o a rd of S u p erviso rs be Labs, HAULING - 365-2327
W ilb e rt R ln derkn ech t, A tk in s, Io w a , A ll members voting " A Y E " thereon. and he is hereby directed to siqn a Quit Sm itb - KHne, French S A V E T I M E — M O N E Y ! L e t our ex­
., . .. x Iniured in M ishap T ru stee and Se cre ta ry „of Benton-Linn ---- ----- On On the the motion
motion of of S u pServiso
u p ervisor Mr a rMt in a r,tin
; c la
, imc la imDeed Deedto to RRic ichhaaird C o m ried for the TeT s jth r e n t ..............
* 0.00
perts clean your ca rp e ts to new
beauty for only 5 ' s a . ft. 362 9214.
Brown said, This is the first TOLEDO — Darrell Hayes, 33, F ir e D istric t No. 5 fo r 3 y e a r s in
am ount of $2,000.
th e Seconded bv Su pervisor E m m o n s, a p p ro v-1pro perty described in E x h ib it A attached
al w as given to the p e rfo rm ance bond of hereto and m ade a part hereof as lf set M rs. Don Solynties, f c a re ......... 80.00 9 W ork W an te d — M en
203.01 I G U A RA N TEED rug — upholstery —
hearing in nine years in which Toledo, Iowa conservation of- A ll m em bers voting " A Y E " thereon. Hansen Construction Com pany on B rid q e out in full herein. T h a t in sa id Quit C la im Sora P h cy ., med aid carpet cleaning, by o w n er—o pera­
On the m otion of Su p erviso r M a r tin , project L-923. Deed, R ich ard Com ried re ceives no S o ’ hn 8 Rose Lum ber, repairs 51 PO
tor. Cflrpet R e v iv e rs , 362 3068. HAULING
consumers have intervened f i r p r ic in f a i r rm n r fitin n a t T nu/a ?« c ? nded by Su pervisor E m m o n s, the fol-A ll members voting " A Y E " thereon. g rea ter title than L in n County has to said S ta r F ix tu re Co., rep airs
M rs. A rth u r Steinke, f c a re
....... 7.35
PO.OO W E haul most anything , anytim e,
I i c e r , I S IM I d a c o n a i l i o n d l i o w a low inq request w as g ranted: On the motion of Su p ervisor E m m o n s, property C E N T R A L a ir - conditioners, 2 - ton
in a utility rate increase re also tree service . R easo n a b le rates.
M e t h n H i c t h n c n it a l in Hoc W Johnson, Bu ild in g O ffic ia l, seconded by Supervisor M a rtin , the fol- Dated at Cedar R ap id s, L in n County, L u m ir Stolba, rent ....................... 36.00 :
less lines, labor . . . . $385 362-1680. ______
iv i c i l l u U I a I H o s p i t a l i n i a c s and Robert M . Huey, Building Inspecto r, lowing resolution w as adopted: Iow a, this 9th day of M ay, 1972 T a ft Hotel, rent ................ . 23 OO’
H O M E H E A T I N G CO ., 362-9907
quest. M n in p c w it h
m o llie s v u in
a f r n r t n r p r i s n i n p t ° attend th® ! ° wa C hapter m eeting of the
a ir a c iu r e u s p i n e Intern atio nal Conference of B u ild in g Of-
R E S O L U T IO N 1972-5-93
M r. C arl M artin ec, having filed w ith the
, A ll m em bers votinq " A Y E " thereon.
The report of sealed bids on rem odeling U n iv e r s ity H ospital, med aid
L u th e r T rent, rent .................. 75.00
3 1 7 .4 0
L E A D g uitarist w ants to join good
G U T T E R S — R O O F IN G — R E P A I R S country and w estern band, w eek­
T h e lm a W eh b y, rent .............. 37.50
“ Usually you have only the he suffered Monday night in a Molnes*
1,da,t t0 * he ld ln P>* I buffing E„ l0w8, 00 Bo ard of Supervisors a w ritten request th® at 1223 G A ve. N. is on J T. W eiia n d . D D S., f c a re . . . . 24.00
Rem odeling, G a ra g es, Cem ent work.
L. D. (Don) C ra ft. 364-6061, 364-7262
ends only ca ll 472-4833.
M a r y W iesm a n , rent ............ 46.50 CO LLEG E M EN N E E D W O RK:
applicant and ICC staff—and one-car accident. ---------------------------- ---— --------------------------------------------- M rs. P e n n v W ieland. f ca re 77. sn Q U A L IT Y painting— interio rs and ex­ P A IN T IN G , L A W N , C E M E N T .
. . • j- - j 1 rvrr- • 1 j u i ~ . v „ 10:30 a m (C .D .S .T .) in room 103 In the I M rs. Don W lse h a rt, f c a re .. . 200 00 teriors. F re e estim a tes ch eerfully F R E E E S T I M A T E S . 3639564
sometimes in d iv id u a l C ities Officials
s a id he was tr a v e lin g sealed bids on rem odeling the B u ild in g at 1223 " G Ave. N .E . the follow ing bids w ere opened: E a c h bid w as accom panied M rs ja m e s W oolridge, f ca re 87.00 given. B & J D eco rato rs, 366-3806.
by the appropriate certified check, Y M C A , rent ........................... 84.00 ROOF REPAIRS-
have intervened—but the con- west on the Dupanda black top Y M C A Bo ys Home of la ., f E X C A V A T IN G basem ents, w a ter­ Chim neys, g u tte r s ____________ 362-2848
G E N E R A L CONTRACTORS Base B id A lt. No. I Alt. No. 2 A lt. No. 3 ca re ........................................ 287.09 proofing, cem ent work.
sumer viewpoint has never been when his car went off the road E x t. P a in t Ex t. Sism R m s 1,2,3,6,7 P a lm e r, Debbie, sal ............ 60.83 John H. Field s, 362-7538 R E M O D E L I N G — C a rp e n try — Cabinets
E l V ie w Const. Co. $14,788.00 $ 768.00 $508.00 $2,420.00 Knopo, I. Jo y , salaries ...... 80.00 Pain ting — Roofing— M as o n ry
formally presented to the IC C .” on a curve and rolled over in Jaco bso n Const. Co. 14.950.00 1.070.00 472.00 2.508.00 6 'h w ie d e r, S y lv ia , salaries 1P0.OO P A IN T IN G , interior-exterior. Fre e F re e E stim a te s 366-1967 , 393-2816
P aulson Const. Co. 17.944.00 1.045.00 705.00 2.189.00 H olub, F m il, salaries ............. 295 20 actimatPG
es limo i cs AAPPW IKI
'viers v i n I
LM ” jv n IL

Brown claimed Northwestern the ditch. R ln d erkn ech t Const. Co. 14,531 OO 685.00 487.00 3.192.00 ^ aflev, F m m a , salaries ............. 120 on SON, 364-1322. C A RPEN TRY, concrete,
A/or V g
Zobac Const. Co. 14.627.00 829.00 458.00
nnW rooting,
ana t-s'Vkfinn Vvvoiin u a r a metro, rf—
nnarAntMiH iTP
c ep
3.716.00 Donda, Je r r y , salaries .................
Bell’s proposed increase “ would He was originally taken to the 84.92 B L A C K D IR T , B Y L O A D , Vt O R %
F ill Dirt, Sand and Crushed Rock
estim ates. 895-8708.
B a se B id MI M2 M3 Cond M 4 Cond M5 E x h Fan M 6 Exh M 7 M ech M 8 Cont County Dum p—
affect almost every citizen of Marshalltown hospital before MECHANICAL C0NTRACT0RS Base Bld Unit I U n it 8 1,2,3-AHU 2 Hoods I,2,3,6,7 Zone-C.D: ” enischek. M a r v in , sa laries — 75.00 PETERSEN 364-4347 E X P E R IE N C E D .
w ants ex terio r
G ra d u a te student
p ainting , qu ality
$13,136.00 $1,563.70 $7,000 $4,793 $3,950 $5,499 $1,873 $3,265 $1,042 D raho s, A lbin, salaries .. ......... 55.00
Iowa because the company being transferred to the Des j C lia rip a r_ Plum bing, (ne. . 12,686.00 1,932.00 8,027 5,675 4,922 5,057 1,864 2,823 1,004 j D o m estic A nim als— CONCRETE WORK ~ work. 362-6658._________________________
G e rb e r Plum bing & Heating 14,178.00 1,730.00 8.622 6,033 5,064 4,961 1,988 2,543 P i l l l e i s Batcheld er, dam ages 140.00 G araqe, C arports, Additions. 393-6533 R O O F IN G , house painting, and odd
serves 600,000 customers.” Moines hospital. I M odern P ip in g Co. 11,993 OO 1,528.00 8,135 4,636 3,689 5,290 1,853 2,423 9’ 8 K irkw oo d Com m . Coll., dam- lobs. References. 362-7555.
| Sim anek & Zazza Plbg. Co. 19,728 CO 1,711 OO 6,830 451 419 3,033 5,371 2,C21 995 I anes .............. 200.00 C E M E N T - M a s o n w ork. D rive s, w alks,
He said there are also “ 180 in­ Tom Bo w ker 8, Son, Inc. .. 10,690 OO 1,830.00 8.850 5,370 4,240 5,163 810 2,720 875 F le c tio n Fxp ense—
patios, planters New, rep air. F re e P A IN T IN G , In terio r and E x te rio r.
(C lim a te Eng in eers .............. $11,130.00 1,921.00 9,369 5,506 4,516 5,123 775 2,857 916' estim ates. A. W ise, 363-6401. Reasonable. C all evenings. 846-2514.
dependent telephone companies Boy, 15, Missing Sta n d ard B lu e P rin t, supp .........
V a r n e r P rin tin g Co., suoo .......
68 25 j JE E P T renching, backhoe work,
E2 E 3 Connect E4 E x h Fans E5 E le c . F o r E6 F ix t L A W N M O W IN G A N D L A W N C A R E
in Iowa and the long-distance IN D EPEN D EN C E -
[E L E C T R IC A L CO NTRACTO RS B a s e B id El
Cond U n it 2 1.2.3-AHU2 1,2,3,6,7
C a rp en ter, Jo h n .......................... 267.20 i
septic tank and w a te r installation
_and repair. S T A R K 'S , 362-5827. 363-5360
I A 1 E le c tric , In c....................... $7,388 00 $175 $415 $415 $213 $4.7 $957 K an t, T hom as .......................... 373.22 I M O O N L IG H T IN G P R O F E S S IO N A L
A cm e E le c tr ic Co 7,820.00 320 920 920 220 620 600 " M E Y E R S S O D D IN G & G R A D IN G seeks sm all house to paint. 393-4358.
K u la , F u g en e ............................ 324.40 I
F in e Textured Sod. 846-2840 (no toll)
C ed ar Rap id s E le c tr ic Co. 6,369.00 123 361 361 143 <89 1,093 O'Connor, Louis .................... 261 40 I
F a n d e l Inc 7,949 OO 424 789 789 598 1,328 1,489 16 Y E A R - O L D w ants la w n mowing
Pflu g h au p t, R onald .................... 302.20 N U R S E R Y sod. F ie ld sod $3.75 sa!
451 112 448 and odd jobs. 363-7642.
rate increases.” Mrs. Orm Coonrad of Indepen- I Ju s tic e E le c tr ic Co.
A ll bids w ere taken under a d visem en t.
. 6,363.00 128 No Change 1,255 P o w ers. S y lve ste r .................. 287.80 C L A R K & SO N 393 2987.
7 im m erm an , Ronald .................. 267.20 I
E L E C T R I C w irin g R easonable. F re e L E O 'S p a ir'in g and hom e rep air.
Also testifying Monday was dence. He was reported missing Fo rd J . R. ?SO .37
estim ate Keough E le c tr ic , 362-5978. 1 m and out. R easonable. 366-1031.
F o r cla im s allowed, referen ce Is m ade ------- P eden, M a r v in ........................... 263.86
Pat Loconto, a representative of Saturday night. to claim s No. 5606 through 5949, also j X ero x Corp, cent copy ....... 1,030.25 Corner Drug Store, st instil . . . 25 85 R a n d a ll, P h ilip ....................... 242.40 | 24 H O U R R O O F R E P A I R E x p e ri­ P A IN T IN G . R E A S O N A B L E
I on file in the Claim s R e g iste r under I Thompson, P a m e la , sal . . . . 60.04 Des Moines-Polk Co. Com m on I A ndrew s, C h a rles ....................... 295.20 1 enced. H auling, painting — 362-2698
this date. Booth, Joyce, sal ........... 63.20 Alcoholism , state instit .......... 120 OOI cd m u n d s R obert ....................... 310.60 P A IN T IN G , q u a lity w o rk , reason­
G & L W a ll P a p e rin g and Cleaning
j C h a irm an Clifford adjourned the m eet­ 1M cD erm o tt, Je a n , sal 13.36! O akd ale Hosp., st instit 290 80 I G r im m , R onald ................ .......... 280.80
Experienced. 365-1987 , 363-6846 able price. C ecil B o n n e r, 365-0737.
ing until Tuesday, M a y 16, 1972, at 134.40. M rs. W illia m J . Sm ith, st instit 150 00 H e a d m a n . Jo h n ....................... 263.P6
i Ja s a , B e rta ,sal ..............
10:00 A .M . (C D S T ). ; W inslow, Lucille, sal ......... 146.401M rs. F re d Thiel, st instit 90 00 K a d le c, C h a rles .......................... 301.80 CO N CRETE W O RK Light Hauling, 366-0692
I Shotwell, E laine, sal .........
; M onroney, Judith, sal . . . .
164.00 O rvil Thornton, Sr., st instit . . .
120.96 M ental H e a lth -
I IO OO C auter, M andus .........................
i M in o r, A lfred R .........................
I 'f ille r s H a r r v C ............................
375 81
204.po I
D rivew ays, Sidew alks, P a tio s. 393-7157
24 H O U R R O O F R E P A I R . E x p e ri­ P A IN T IN G . E x p e rie n ce d co llege stu­
C H A IR M A N Peck, Ellen , sal ....... 12096 M rs Ja m e s Anderson, m en ta l enced. H auling, painting — 367-2698 dent. Call 377-2077.
'A T T E S T ; A rth u r L. W illia m s Biom e, Dennis H., sal 218.40 hlth ........................................ 155.00 I W e is, Flo vd H ................................ 303.60 !
! Lin n County Auditor 65.60 M rs Robert B e ar, m ental hlth 12a OO h e w e rs, G a y lo rd ...................... 300 70 P R O F E S S IO N A L C a rp et Cleaning. T R E E Trim m in-i and Y a r d W ork
! Broxey, Delores, sal ...........
F c e e t . C o u n ty — 59.52 Benion Custodial Hom e, m ental H ead v, J. L e R o v ..................... 2P7.80 | Install-Repair. 364-1034, 364-7374. W e have own equipm ent. 365-3628
__ G ladw in, Glenn, sal ............. 704 PO J
I U .S. Postm aster, m isc ....... 32.00 Hach. Ken, sal .............. 21.84 hlth ............................. 450 O O H in rh iiffe . c h a r l e s .....................
I Jo e C. A insw orth Agency, off 63.20 D e la w a re Co H om e, m en ta l j S e in e r, L a v e rn e ......................... 309 20 H O U S E painting, all kinds. Colle e
& K U y / ~ av, Urud il, Barb, sal ................
260 no students, free estim ates. 362-4989. IO W ork W an te d — W o rn **
! bonds .................... JS ™ Ziem er, Bernice I , sal . . . 114.80 hlth ........................................... 540 00 De trirk , Thom as ........... ...
1,470 33 i Rodm an, D a vid R ......................... 2*7.80
/JErtT A llie d Glass Products, ian supp
B a k e r P a p e r Co., ian SUPP
Glade, Leland A., sal 82.00 F lo y d Co Aud, m ental hlth
82.00 G ran d vie w Nursing C e n te r, isn h m id t, R ap h a el ............. 200.PO e x t e r io r -i n t l r i o r p a i n t i n g D O LL H O U SE N U R S E R Y
ix o 'vt Hofferber, Alex, sal F E A K E R B R O S . 364-7843 Long Establish ed— Sta te Licensed
i B . G. B re ck e, m isc ............... ....... Hughes, W illard J . , sal . . . . 82.00 m ental hlth ........... ..... 325.00 Sim onds, Iv a n L ........................... 294.PO
2 L O C A T IO N S - C a ll 366-130?
A s e M ttV I Bu rroug hs Corp., equip ............. 3,901.39 82.00 Jo n e s Co Home, m ental hlth 860.00 r onornd, Donald ......................... o a t 20
L IG H T H A U L IN G 3516 Cen ter P o in t R o a d N E
I C ity W a te r Dept., util ... .. 2/2.96 KMin g ' Jo hn
ontgom ery,T -W salayn e, sal 98.40 la-lll G as, m ental hlth .. 36.97 H a ll. Ja m e s .. ............................ 287.20 R E A S O N A B L E — 366-0519 2601 F ir s t A ve n u e S W
I Com m un icatio ns Eng, radio 189.60 L a k e v ie w M an or, m ental hlth 924.90 H ovt, L e P o v ........................... 260 S2
. . . . . H errm ann, Pa m ..............
and ra d a r ........................... Hiu-hes, P iiss e tf ....................... 287.RO P A P E R I N G , painting, ex terio r, inter­
j G e org e W . C lifford, m il ........... 20 OO AAar,in' M ary, sal ................ 189.60 L in n Co Assn
C hildren, m ental hlth —
fo r R e ta rd e d
1,611.37 (oxfords, W a v n e .......................... 2P7 RO ior _________ M . L . H a le , 363-4362 CUSTOM DRAPERIES
83.00; C o u r t- #)/« AQAa
j C red it Bu re a u of C .R ., m isc M an chester P h cv, m ental hlth .. 18.80 K nigh t. F lm e r ........................... 288.20 362-0BOO
I E r b s Office S e r v ., m isc ............. 173 66 Ja c k Bates, mil .. . . . . . . . 220.00 K u la P o n a'd ........................... 207 RO C A R P E N T E R R E P A I R and cement
24.50 M e rc y Hosp, m ental hlth ......... work. F re e estim ate. 364-7374 L IG H T housekeeping for eld e rly
F eiere isen , supp ................. 73.80 Jo h n M . Bickel, atty fees . 127.50 N W Bell Tel, m ental hlth ___ 15.50 M a y fie ld , C h a rles ....................... 316.20
i H a ch Bros, cent supp ................ 36 94 Be n jam in W. Blackstock, d iv Doss, F ra n k W ........... 2A7 PO couple or single. M ust live In.
„ , M rs Donald E Olson, m en ta l P A IN T IN G , A-l, referen ce, interior, References exchanged. 488-2589.
I I B M , m isc ............ ....... . 17.50 coons . 271.10 hlth 110.00 Ross, W illia m A ............................ 267.20 exterior, fre e e stim a te. 366-3111.
{ la. III. G a s & E le c , util 58.89 Donald M . Booton, w itness fees 49.00 M rs F re d Pow ers, m ental hlth 33.03 T a v io r, G e ra ld .................. 267 on B A B Y S I T T I N G , d a y or night, m y
: K a re n s Ja c k & J i l l , diet and I C ity of C R,-Aud., salaries 35,247.42 M r s Donald Stonebraker, men- A nnis, H arold .............................. 314.74 K IT C H E N . R e c Room , Additions home, SW . Ex p e rie n ce d . 365-1050.
; c a re pris .. ........... .......... 205.65 F ra n k Cooley, witness fees . . . 103.231 tai hlth .......... . 110.00 R eit7. P ob ert ........................... 204.RO R-K 's Hom e Im p rovem en t. 377-6431.
I K lin q e r O ffice Supply, supp . . . 497.73 F id la r & Cham bers, bks 8. Sto ry Co Auditor, m ental hlth .. 1,647.55 Cam eron , J e r r y ........................... 2P7.R0 H O U S E W O R K , sew ing, alterations.
R O O F IN G , light hauling , painting, JO I 5’ v B A ve. N W 365-5676
K och Bros, supp 469.46 bnds ............. 779.81 I T am a Co Home, m ental hlth 320.00 F is h e r. M a rtin ......................... 712 7 3 reasonable. 365-4816.
I K u b ia s H a rd w a re , supp — . 13.34 G e ra rd J . Glaza, atty fees — 66.00 W a tkin s P h cy , m ental hlth 37.50 Im h off, E lm e r ............................ 298.33 U P H O L S T E R Y and slip co ve rs pick­
| L a w y e r s C o o p Publishing, m is c 38 80 H. Nick Gloe, atty fees ........ 52.50 w ilkenson R exall D rug, m en ta l • arso n, M a rry ............................ 200 PO M A K E A N O T E of the new W a n t Ac up and d e live ry . 436-2215.
J L in n Co. R eco rder, m isc ....... . 4.50 IB M , misc ........ 205.16; hlth ......................... ................ 25.99 ! Nelson. A llen ........................... 294.PO Num ber 398-8234.
L in n Co., Sh eriff, m il ... .. 140.10 H enry M Keyes, atty fees ......... 82.05 Secondary Roads— ] D„Tjnoi<, c h a rle s .. . .............. 307 20 j M E N 'S A N D L A D I E S ' T A I L O R I N G
L in n Litho, supp ........... 116.65 Don Kiesewetter, auto exp 20.36 C ed ar Rapids P a in t, secon d ary Srh an tz, P a u l ......................... 242 40 Booth Tree Service, 363-0539 I A N D A L T E R A T IO N S , 364-1674.
M a rio n Sentinel, brd proc 306.75 Paul H. Kinion, atty fees .... 285.00 roads ........................................ 50.00 W h ite n ?'"1' Donald ................ 200 77
| M e d ica l A rts Surgical Supply, , „ Klinger Office Supply, supp . . . 84.00 C ity of C R . T ra ffic E n g ., sec- R ovse, K eith ........................... 301.80 L IG H T H A U L IN G A N D C L E A N - U P . Y O U N G lady for ho usew o rk, baby
(u rn and fix ! 193.20 Kocn Bros., bks 8 bndgs 357.00 ondary roads .......................... 20.70 D rashears • e P n y 2P7 PO Any kind, any tim e— 365-2477 sitting, ironings, etc. 366-3027
M e r c y H ospital, med care p ris 20.00 Kodak A C 200, m isc 47.70 Don's Standard S e rv ., second- R n a h n it H e rm a n .................. 2RO.RO 2 W O M E N TO D O H O U S E .
I M illh is e r Sm ith Agency, ins 2,606.00 ji m Leidigh, m il ........... 46.801 a ry roads .. ............. 19.00' Hoi,th R obert .................... 004 RO S P E C IA L IZ IN G IN P A T C H IN G AND
P L A S T E R IN G . E D S IM O N , 362-7774 C L E A N IN G . 364-3255, 365-6163
M ochnick T yp e w rite r Co., m isc 2 00 Linn Co. Gen. Fund, m isc 680 94 P h i l l i p D vorak, secon d ary • /wkwood. R obert ....................... 2R7.RO
M onroe Township Trustees, Lin n Co. Sheriff, crim invest 667.75 roads .................... 3.50 o ilie r * . H ilh a m L ....................... T IO OO CO N CRETE U P H O L S T E R Y and slip co ve rs pick-
trustees, clerk 16 00 I. A. Lowell, m il 7.20 Town of E ly , secondary roads 6.75 Shelton, D o yle ....................... 302 20 , Saturd ay d e liv e ry 393 7157. 1 u p and d e liv e ry . 436-2215.
M f. Vernon H aw keye R ecord, W m . J . M afias, atty f e e s ......... 62.50 Dan R. Fessler, secon dary ,rnew R irb a rd non on I
201 27 SO D I O R 2 ladies w ill cle a n fo r you. 363-
board proc 410.77 M e rcy Hosp, crim invest 10.00 roads ............ . . . . 620.89 R u ellin o , B u rn e ll ......................... 9301 or 857-2394.
N W Be ll Telephone, tele .. .. 5,408.39 M idw est Ja n ito rial Serv., m isc 165.00 Donald Fishell, secondary roads 350.00 P «*# « a n . G e r i M .................... 007 OO I D elivered and L a id 393-7157
O ffice Equipm ent Co., cent M att P a rro tt 8 Sons, bk and G eneral Tel Co., secon dary DoeHrm ann, H a rla n ........... 2 4 7 40 I C E M E N T D R IV E S — S ID E W A L K S W A N T E D B A B Y S I T T I N G IN M Y'
I S U P P .......................................... 37.66 bndgs ..................... 52.20 roads — . .. .. 59.83 R ’ ui 2 7 7 7« ^ P A T IO S . 364-0520. H O M E . D IA L 365-2149
R obert E . Pahus, m isc 24.00 Lynd a Pitts, mil ......................... 26.80 H a a I a n d P a ris h , secon d ary A snhhrenoer, Ronald ................ 242 40
M a tt P a rro tt & Sons, SUPP . . . . 87.96 Jo hn C. Platt, atty fees 195.00 r o a d s ..................... ...................... 5,050 00 w e«ce|, F d w a r d J. 171 7 0 TREE T R I M M I N G and R E M O V A L IRONING, 363-0014
P u tn a m Twsp Trustees, mfg 16.00 Stenographic m achines, supp 40.78 w G H arrington, secon dary i T 0ta| ....................... 17,611 46 F re e E s tim a te s 365-0763
St Lu k e 's Hospital, med ex am Superior Press, bar dockets . 205.25 j roads ..................... .. ....... 3.50 A n rire v ", H a ro ld .............. .. 716 70 S O D D IN G and G R A D IN G . Sod deliv W I L L babysit, m y hom e. Day or
1 fe e . . #«, ## 19.50 3M Business Products, m isc . . . 150.00 llten 8 Taege, secondary roads 2,750.00 1C ress, H ow ard ........... ....... 370.00 ered, e x ca va tin g . 364-0520, 364 2757 night. N E side. 363-6885.
© 1971* by CfiiMpo Tribune ti. T. News 5yndL Ine. Se cu rity L ab , med ca re 20.00 Audrey Taylor, m isc 10.80 Intern atio nal H a rvester Co., ; riim m in o s , R obert .................... 207 PO
Se rv ic e P ress, s u p p . .. ........ 110.50 W rig h t Co. Sheriff, crim Invest 3 95 secondary roads 15,500.00 Donets, S ta n le y A ......................... 317.40 C H IM N E Y and foundation repair IR O N IN G S W A N T E D
World Rights Reserved Tuck pointing. 377-3469. ________________ 385-8276
V an M e te r Co., rep airs ............. 46.71 Xerox Corp., misc .. ................ 580.96] Iowa G lass Depot, seco n d a ry lr alnus Glenn ..................... 322 PO
W M T M usic, m isc ....... 75.00 M arsh a l Daniel, sal .................... 33.97 roads .................................. 128.93 i ca n tic o , C ert ....... ................ ? M 40 C A R PEN T R Y . C E M E N T W O RK. B A B Y S IT T IN G , MY HOME
I W ashington T w s p Trustees, m fg 16 00 State Institutions— ; Ju s tic e E le c ., secondary roads 230.921 stan fo rd , Ste ven ....... ........ 240 OO
“ What summer jobs do you have for an alert teenager? I W e s t Pub. Co., m isc ....... ......... 166.00 M rs. Ja m e s Anderson, st Inst 110 00 K-M art, secondary roads .... 28.68 Total .................... .............. 2,076 60
E X P E R I E N C E D . 3W-1553. D A Y S 393-4169

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