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(Courtesy Koppers Co.. Inc.)

Figure 6.3. Freezer door liner.

Refrigerator and freezer applications account for the largest

volume of polystyrene in any single market. Because of the

volume of material used new production techniques have

been developed for handling it. Polystyrene pellets ordinarily

are sold in 50-pound paper bags or 200-pound drums. In the

refrigerator industry 1000-pound corrugated cardboard con-

tainers are now used. Some companies prefer even larger bulk

shipments, transported in hopper trucks or railroad cars and

air floated, after arrival, into storage silos having capacities

up to 100,000 pounds.

It is expected that the use of polystyrene in the refrigera-

tion industry will continue to grow as production of these

appliances increases.

Air Conditioners. Polystyrene has also been used in com-

ponent parts of air conditioners and coolers. Ease of clean-

ing, eye appeal, surface smoothness and lack of corrosion

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